The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 12, 1906, Image 2

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    Pacification of Cuba Proceeds
Without a Hitch.
Guerrero's Troops Being Sent Home
by Tralnloads Fighting Was
Mostly by Gamecocks.
Havnnn, Oct. 4. Tho alacrity with
which tho rebels are laying down their
arms to the commission appointed to
superintend that Important phaso of
tho termination of tho revolution la
tho greatest surprlso tho provisional
has yet encountered In tho smoothly
working program. This operation Is
now well under way In tho vicinity of
Havnna. 700 of Guorra's men with
their horses having nlready been en
trained for Plnar del Rio, while ono
brlgndo marched to Guanajay today
without n sign of disorder.
Hundreds of persons from Havana
went out to Santiago dc las Vegas nnd
Itlncon today to view tho disarma
ment They wcro disappointed at not
seeing the rebels actually surrender
their guns, but nevertheless they wit
nessed an interesting sight. As a con
cession to tho men General Funston
and Major Ladd permitted them to
toko their arms to Plnar del Rio, whore
most of the men Joined tho Insurgent
army. Tho tIIIos, however, wore first
counted by officers of marines under
the direction of Major Lndd and the
men will bo required to aurrendor
them before leaving tho train at Plnar
del Rio.
It Is reported that some of Del Cas
tillo's followers wcro reluctant to dis
arm, but all the brigade commanders
have Informed Major Ladd that all
their men will disarm and disband
when ordered to do so by General Del
Castillo. Wednesday afternoon Gen
eral Castillo gave Major Lndd an or
der directed to all his subordinate com
manders and telling them to comply
with every request made by tho Amer
ican officers. Major Ladd will work to
night to carry out the disbanding ar
According to the testimony of an
American named Harvoy, a former
Roosevelt Rough rider, who has been
with tho Insurgents, the amount of
actual fighting during this revolution
was really very small. Harvey Bays
that most of tho fighting ho had seen
was between game cocks. About 10
per cent of Guerra's men carried
fighting cocks tied to tholr saddles.
Virginia Coal Mine Still Holds Many
Moro Victims.
Pocahontas, Vn., Oct. 5. Nineteen
known dead nnd from 30 to 40 moro
men entombed, nnd doubtless all itouil.
Is tho situation up to a Into hour to
day at tho West Fork mines of tho
Pocahontas Collerles Company, where
an explosion occurred lato Wednesday
The bodies of these men wore recov
ered from tho mines as the result of
heroic work of a band of 35 men con
stituting a rescue party that worked
Incessantly through tho hours of the
night and day.
It was not until :30 ociock msi
evening that tho rescuers reached a
point near Paul entry, whero the ex
plosion occurred. Toward tho middle
of the evening tho hopo was expressed
that all the bodies would bo recovered
by midnight.
Tho authorities anticipated tho
fearful extent of tho casualties by or
dering a carload of coffins nnd burial
supplies, which are now on tho way.
The order Is being Tushed at Blue
field nnd tho burinl supplies, which
Include 60 cofflns, nro expected to
reach Pocahontas early tomorrow
The West mine has ovor 700 acres
of "worked out" or abandoned work
Oregon Mlllmen Not Worrying Over
Price of Logs on Sound.
Portland Dosplto tho shortage In
tho log supply for tho Columbia river
mills nnd tho exhnustton of tho sun
plus that Is stored each summer for
tho winter's tun, Portland mlllmen nro
not npprchonslvo of n raise In tho
prlco of logs. Tho schedule has soared
to such heights already, they sny, that
there Is no likelihood of a further nd
vanco for weeks to como anyway. That
the mills have already cut tho URiial
surplus is admitted, but It Is sald'Hint
nowadays tho enmps along tho river
nro equipped to put logs Into tho water
at any season, nnd tho Inck of rafts
on hnnd for future uso docs not trouble
tho mill-owners.
Tho announcement that logs will bo
higher on tho S uind nfter tho II rat of
the month does not concern locnl saw
mill men. They sny that prices aro al
ready higher on tho Columbia river
than on tho Sound. After the now
prlco scnlo goes Into effect, tho Co-
This fact alono made It difficult lumbla river logger will still bo got-
for the men to get to tho part of tho I ting moro for his product than tho log-
mlno whoro tho explosion occurred
All tho brattices In these old worl-
ings had been blown out. The scone
of the disaster Is ovr two miles from
the drift mouth.
In tho operation of the telophono
system of the mine a number of boys
nro employed, and tho greater number
of theso nro said to have mot death
In the explosion or wcro caught by
the afterdamp. It is said that shortly
after the explosion one of tho boys
called up the offico outside, but was
overcome before ho gave his message.
The boy probably died at the tele
The cause of tho explosion cannot
bo doflnltoly ascertained as yet, but It
Is thought to be due to a gas explosion
followed by nftordamp. Tho mlnos
were considered tho safest and best
ventilated In this section and tho com
pany has beon at enormous oxponso In
equipping and ventilating thorn.
Details Concealed and Health
Officers Working Hard.
Key West, Fla., Oct. 4. An opposi
tion many times more serious than tho
Insurrection In Cuba Is awaiting Undo
Sam's army of Intervention, according
to a wireless message rocoived hero
late tonight from Havana. Tho new
enemy Is yellow fever.
According to tho dispatch ton now
cases wero reported today and dozens
of suspicious cases are bolng closely
watched. The first roports sont out.
tending to minimize tho extent of the
epidemic, are now acknowledged to
have been purposely toned down.
It Is said that the Amorlcan forces
will find Havana in a much different
sanitary condition from that which ob
tained under Goneral Wood's rule.
There is said to have beon a decided
lapse toward tho old, inefficient condi
tion under Spanish rule. Major Jef
fcrson R. Kcene, who loft hero tonight
for Havana, expressod no surprise at
the report of the serious condition of
affairs, but declared that tho sanitary
department of tho army of occupation
is ready to meet the situation and will
doubtless bo doubly reinforced as soon
as Washington can bo acquainted with
tho real gravity of tho situation.
Palma's Early Request for Interven
tion Surprises Them.
Havana, Oct. 5. That ox-Prostdont
Palma early in Soptombor asked for
American interference in tho Intcrost
of foreign lives nnd proporty Is not
consldorod surprising hore, In view of
his subsequent request to Mr. Sleeper,
the American Charge, and Commandor
John C. Colwoll, of the cruiser Denver.
Dut that he suggested calling Congross
to ask for American Intervention as
early as September 8 Is considered
surprising and that on September 13
he officially asked for Intervention
and had then Irrevocably decided to
resign causes amasomont.
The correspondence botweon the
Stato Department and Consul-General
Stolnhart In connection with Cuban
Intervention reveals tho truth of the
rumors curront hore at tho time, which
wero porslstontly donlod at tho palace,
Palma declining to speak for Interven
tion. On Soptombor 13 Mr. Dacon rocoived
a dispatch which told of the Irre
vocable Intention of President Palma
to roslgn and to turn over the govern
ment to an appointee of President
Roosevelt In ordor to prevent complete
anarchy. It is added that It may be
necosBary to land a forco to protect
American proporty.
This message was sont upon tho day
that American marines first landed In
Cuba, but were ordered back to tho
vessels by Socrotary Uonaparto. On
tho day following It was announcod
that Secretary Taft, and Dacon would
bo sent to Cuba, and upon that same
day a message was rocoived saying
that tho Cuban Congross could not
meet for lack of a loador, nolthor tho
Prosldont nor Vlco President being
willing to rotaln tholr offico.
gcr who operates on tho Sound.
Tho price of logs on the Columbln
river has advanced remarkably during
tho season. In tho Bprlng logs of tho
best class could bo had for $7 and $8.
Now theso snme logs cost $11 and $12
per 1,000. Tho remarkable demand for
lumber Is responslblo for the Increase,
together with tho somowhnt rostrlcted
supply. With every mill cutting to Its
fullest capacity, logs nro bound to ad
vance. Soma say the situation Is such that
loggers could got what they might
chooso to ask for tholr product, on
account of the small amount of saw
mill timber available, but It Is given
out by mlllmon that if the prices aro
raised any moro tho mills will close
down, as prlcos nro already up to the
limit. That tho prlco of lumbor could
bo advanced again Is scouted. It Is
argued that If a booBt woro given the
prlco on Oregon fir, It could not com
poto with Southern plno In tho Knot-
em markets. This Is tho fact that
keopg the price of tho Orogon product
whero it is.
What the State Library Commission
Is Doing for Oregon Towns,
Salem Frequent requests for tun
torlal on subjects to ho dolmted In the
schools of Orogon convinced tho com
mission of tho doslrnblllty of supply
ing somu "debato libraries."
Knch library contnlns a few of the
host books nnd pamphlets on tho sub
Ject, nnd usually the brief frum "Hi lets
for debato" or "Briefs on public ques
tion." Periodical articles, .to supple
ment tho llbrnry, may bo rented from
tho II. W. Wilson Co. of Minneapolis
for n few cents. A Hat of desirable
articles Is oncloscd with onch llbrnry.
Tho library will bo sent without charge
except for transportation to any de
bating society In Oregon upon applica
tion from the officers of tho noddy and
tho principal of tho school. The
hooks may bo kept for one month
Knch package Is small nnd the expresi
will vary -from fifty cents to one dol
lar, less than tho cost of a single book
It will now bo moro possible to nnvo
llvo debating societies and to do thor
ough work.
Application should bo mndo soon ns
thoro Is but ono library on ench sub
ject, and loans will bo mndo In order
of applications,
Soctotlos planning for several de
bates should fllo request at one lime
for all libraries wanted during the
year, stating dato of debate on each
Libraries on tho following subjects
nro now ready nnd moro will be sup
plied soon: Industrial arbitration. Chi
neso exclusion, Immigration, tnrlff.
trusts, right-hour day. child labor, cap
ital punishment, open shop, spelling re
form, trades unions, popular election
of United States senators, nominating
systems, proportlonnl representation.
railroads, roads, taxation, Insurance,
forestry, Irrigation nnd prisons.
Fearing Divorce Quit Qlves His Wonlth
to His Sons.
Now York, Oct. 3. Femrlng a Hull
for divorce and In order to proven! his
wife from nlitnlnlni: n large settlement.
Senator Thomas C. Plntt, In tin Inst
few months. It Is declared, has given
nwny nonrly nil his fortune, so Hint his
nnnncln! resources nro no greater than
those, of n man of modernto menus
From nuthorllntlvo quarters tho fur
ther statement conies thnt Mrs. Plntt
has been acquainted with her hus
band's procedure for some tlmo and Is
striving to ward off the possible loss
of n lltinnclnl adjustment In her favor.
At Tioga Lodge, the Piatt villa at
lllKlilnnt Mills, tho former Mrs. Jane
wny said sho was tin vlrtlm of a con
spiracy and one of the most abused
women of tho times. "There nro other
Mno Woods In this ciiho." sho said;
"dozens of thorn." Miss Wood Is tin
viiiine woman who recently threatened
to biio Mr. Plntt on a chnrgo of breach
of promise, to marry. Mrs. Plntt also
snld It was only her Intervention thnt
prevented the wife of another Henntor
prominent In Washington from Heine
In tho pnrty on tho much talked of
trip to Hon Francisco.
"Senntor Piatt wanted n beautiful
wife nnd ho got ono. Now ho must
pay for mo." she declared nngrlly.
Sweenlnij Tlironyli New Orleans
and Vicinity.
Freight Steamers Tied Up.
Port Arthur, Ontario, Oct. 4. A
dozen bis freight steamers are tioil up
nt Fort William and entrances to the
freight sheds and docks of the Canadian
Pnciflo railway are guarded by police
and members cf the Ninety-sixth regi
ment. Six hundred Infuriated strikers
mostly Greeks and Italians, surround
the district, where 300 imported strike
breakers worked all the afternoon un
loading vessels. All tho strikers are
heavily armed and more than 100 shots
lisve been fired, but no eerloua injury
Loss by the Gulf Storm.
Mobile, Oct. 4. Prominent Insur
ance men estimate the storm Iobs here
at 1, 000,000. The total loss of life
-will not exceed 100,
Pronounce Dreadnaught a Success.
London, Oct. 5. The battleship
DreadnaiiKht today started a 30-hour
consecutive steam trial. In several
preliminary short trials she is said to
have proved a distinct success from the
point ol view of hsndiness in maneu
verlng. This in spite of the weather
conditions, which were far from favor
able, As the Dreadnaught Is tho first
example of the use of turbine engines
In a warship, her success is regarded
with great satisfaction in naval circles,
nd Is attributed entirely to her double
Citizens Guarantee Right of Way and
Work Will Start Soon.
Tillamook At a mooting of the bus
iness mon It was decided to guarantee
a freo right-of-way to E. K. Lytic, of
tho Pacific Railway & Navigation
Company, with terminal grounds, from
Tillamook City to the Nelmlem river,
and from the Nehalem to the county
line In Washington county. It Is not
to cost the cltlzons of this county moro
than $10,000, and In consideration of
this Mr. Lytlo hns agreed to commonco
work noxt year In Tillamook City and
grado and build 15 miles of road, going
north from this city, and have tho en
tiro lino botweon Tillamook City and
Hlllsboro completed by Docombor 31,
It Is oxpocted that the freo right-of-way
will cost tho cltlzons botweon
$20,000 and $30,000, and tho business
mon and fnrmors havo thus far llbor
ally subscribed towards It, although It
Is somowhat of a largo amount of
money for so small a community to
Some little disappointment was folt
hoTo that tho effort fell through In got
ting somo financial help from tho
Portland business mon, ns the building
of Mr. Lytlo's road will bo of groat
benefit to Portland commercially.
Weird Evidence of Slaughter,
Now York, Oct. 6. A special cable
to the Times from St. Petersburg ray
hat nine orpees, with sscka over their
leads and hu'let holes in their breasts
nave floated ashore near the palaus of
Peterhof, They are presumably those
if sailors recently executed at Krpn-itadt.
Oregon's Mill Statistics.
Salom Thoro nro 379 mills In tho
Stato of Oregon, according to statisti
cal data collated by Labor Commis
sioner Hoff, to bo embodied In his
forthcoming report, Including saw
mills, combined saw and planing mills,
comblnod saw and shingle mills, 7
shlnglo mills nnd 37 planing mills,
which cover 90 por cont of tho indus
tries of tho state.
Tho total annual output of thoso
mills, ns reported, cmbracos 1.097.4G0,-
300 feet of lumbor and 37.030.000
shlnglos. Tho reported valuo of tho
planing mills aggregates $309,500 ;
and that of tho 300 mills remaining
$0,304,200. Tho total number of mon
omployod by 313 mills reporting Is
11,790, and womon, 311. Tho total
amount of wages paid for labor In 313
of theso mills In 1905 was $0,048,
093.90, and 9G mills report an Increase
of 12 por cent in wngos over 1904; none
reports a decrease
Rainfall at Astoria.
Astoria Tho rainfall at Astoria In
Soptombor was tho honvlest during
any corresponding month slnco tho
records havo beon kopt horo. Tho pre
cipitation was 8.C0 Inches. Tho nonr
est approach to this was during Sep
tember, 1905, when 7.38 Inches of rain
Wheat Club, O60CCc; blustem, CS
0C9c; Valley, C70G8c; red, G2flC3c.
Oats No. 1, white, $23.60021; gray.
$22022.50 por ton.
Harlcy Feed, $20.50 per ton; brow
ing, $21.50; rolled, $23.
Ryo $1.35 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $20027; cracked, $2S
por ton.
Mlllstuffs Ilran, city, $14.50; coun
try, $15.50 per ton; middlings, $21;
shorts, city. $1G; country. $17 por ton.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $10711
per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $12
014; clover. $6.6007; cheat, V9
7.60; grain hny, $7; nlfnlfa, $10; votch
hny, $707.60.
Fruits Apples, common to choice.
257tc per box; cholco to fnncy, 76c
01.25; grapes, Orogon, 60075c per
crnto; California, Ulnck Prince, $1,160
1.25; muscat, $1.26; Tokny, $1.25jlT
1.50; Concords, 27'Jc per hnsket;
poachos, 9Oc0$l.lO; pears, 75c01.25;
crabapplos, $101.25 per box; prunes,
2650c box; huckleherrlos, 8010c por
pound; crnnborrlos, $9 por barrel;
qulncos, $101.25 por box.
Vogotnblos Honns, 60714c; cnb-
bago, lft 02c por pound; cnullllowor,
$101.25 per dozon; eclory, 60090c por
dozen; corn, 1214c por dozen, cucum
bors, 15c por dozon; egg plant, 10c per
pound; lettuce, head, 20c per dozen;
onions, 1001214c por dozon; pons, -l
05c; boll poppers, 5c; pumpkins, l',ir
por pound; spinach, 405c per pound;
tomatoos, -(0050c por box; parsley, 10
015c; sprouts, 7'4c per pound;
squash, lUc per pound; hothouso let
tuce, $101.26; turnips, 9Oc0$l por
sack; carrots, $101.25 por sack; beets.
$1.2601.60 por sack; garlic, 714010c
por pound; horseradish, 10c por pound.
Potatoes Oregon Ilurhnnks, dollv
orod, 80085c; In cnrlotB f. o, b. coun
try, 75080c; sweet potatoes, 202Vic
por pound.
HuttoT City cronmorlos: Kxtrn
croamory? 30o per pound. Btnto cream
orlos; Fnncy creamery, 25030c; Htore
butter, 16017c.
Eggs Orogon ranch, 30c por dozon j
best Eastern, 2G027c; ordinary East
ern, 24026c.
Poultry A vorngo old hons, 13 140
1414c; mixed chickens, 1314014c;
spring, 1314014 14c; old roostero, 90
10c; dressed chlckons, 1401614c; tur
keys, llvo, 10021c; turkoys, dressed,
cholco, 2102214c; gcoHo, llvo, per
pound, 9010c; ducks, 14016c; pig
eons, $101.50; squabs, $203.
Voal Dressed, 51408c.
Ueof Dressed bulls, 3c por pound;
cows, 445V4c; country stcors, 50Gc.
Mutton Dressed funcy, 708o por
pound; ordinary, 50Cc; lambs, fanoy
Pork Dressed, G08c.
Hops 1900, 15017c por pound;
1905, nominal; 1004, nominal.
Wool Enstorn Orogon nvorago best,
15019c por pound, according to shrink-
ago; Vnlloy, 20022c, according to fineness.
Mohair .Cholco, 28030c per pound,
Attorney Oeneral Moody and Secre
tary Shaw Will Resign.
Washington. Oct. 3. Two retire
ments from the President's Cabinet
are slated fur the coming winter. Thy
nre thoso of Attorney (leuornl Moody,
whose resignation will tmcomo effec
tive about December 1. nnd Secretary
of the Treasury 8haw, who, according
to present Intentions, wilt retire In
February. For eme of the vacancies
tho President will nominate George
Von L. Meyer, American Ambassador
to Itussln, but for the other hn Is not
yet ready to announce n snccesor.
Mr. Roosevelt has sought to prevail
on Mr. Moody to remain In the Cnb
Inst, but tho Intter, because of bind,
ness nrrnngemrnts, has found It tin
K)sslh1o to do so. Ifr would also like
to have Secretary Uonaparto take Mr.
Moody's place when tho Intte-r retire,
hut tho fornw-r prefers tho position at
tin bond nf the Navy Department.
Snmn suggestions hnvo been made
that Secretary Melralf. of tho Depart
ment of Commerce nnd Labor, tako ono
of tho positions, but he also Iihhv ex
pressed n preference to remain whero
he Is.
Elevator Men Say Rallrsads Drove
Them Out of Dullness,
Chicago, Oct. 3. William II. fiuf
ferns, of Docntur, III., was tho first
witness at today's sosslon nf tho Inter
state Commorco Commission which Is
Investigating the alleged rutiato cases.
8uffams eintorcd the grnln exporting
buslnosfl ovor nlno yoars ngo. Three
yenrs ngo, ho discovered that Harris,
Hcoten & Co., grnlnmun of Chicago,
and Itosonbnum & Co. were receiving
nn elevator allowance nt Now Orlenns
of 2 cents por hundred peiunds from
tho Illinois Central railroad.
"Tho rnto on grain for export vln
Now Orlenns wns 12 cents par hun
dred," said tho wltnoss. "Two cents
of thnt went to the export elevator In
terest, nnd tho Tomnlndor to tho rail
road, Tho rohato allowed thoso firms
prevontod in ft from competelng with
them in tho European rnnrkot. I dis
covered thoy woro offering grnln In
Kuroponn markets nt what It cost horo.
Thoy had an aotunl ndvnntngn of Hi
"I quit tho export business Inst win
ter, becniiHo I could not llvo, lot nlone
mnko anything."
It. J. Ilnrr, of Now Orleans, told n
slrnllur story.
Total Damns,o Is Over $1,000,000
Crops Hulnod anil Hundreds of
Oulldlngs Destroyed.
New Orleans, Oct. 0. This region
was the center of cyultmlo disturb-
anew, nt lirnst tnrtm or wlilcli were
tornadoes and mused the It of six
lives, with nine persons fnlnlly Injured.
Tho first tornado struck wont Union
Rouge Parish nbout li o'clock, killing
Mrs T Forel nnd Iut daughter. Mrs
White Mrs. Ford's body was found
In n field near her demolished house.
Two children In Mrs. Forol's house
wero futility Injured and five more
wen Injured hi the collapse of a sugar
In St. James Parish ono woman wan
killed and Mrs. IT. Itehlmr mid daugh
ter. Mrs John Meyi r. and a negro
wero fatally Injure!. Fifteen build
ings were blown completely down In
this pflrUli.
At Point Clintnuht. Oleorge 11
and son and daughter were klllml by
the colla of their limine), ami an
other child eif the family wns fatally
Injured. A negro wms aim fatally In
jured there, besides Injur! to n down
other jwrsonn.
Tint third tornado struck New Or
lenns about 8 o'clock. AttliiHiKh nn
lives were lent, property dsm
readied $(00,000 slid about fifty per
son were Injured, one fatally. Fully
8O0 buildings were damaned. about 7ft
being blown flat MiMt nf the itemol
Ulied buildings were negni cabins and
It Mas here that nearly nil the Injuries,
The path of the tornado through the.
city was nlxmt night mile long.
Tin tornado here appeared at a dis
tance ns n cloud sweeping the surfnrn
of the earth. Its ootirs wns undulat
ing. Nil ne buildings hettiiK sklppwl en
tirely as It bounded skyward. Fre
quently It demolished veranda ami
fence nn one side nf the street,
while not nn object on the either a!d
was disturbed. The e-lond omipled
several minutes In rrmstug the city
and hundred of persons who saw nnd
heard It nppreMrhlng hail time to run
out of Its tmthway.
One exciting race was made by n
street rar, which wan load! with
paaaanaeirN on tbalr way to work. At
Marengo street the mot or man threw
on full iwer. The flying ear wns Imn
thnu half a block twist the roller skat
Ing rink when that structure went
down. Another street car wns derailed,
Fifteen Men Entombed Dy Qas Cxplod
Ing In New Mexico,
Win Raco Against Tariff.
Vokohnmn, Oct. 3. Tho ocean race
ngnlnst tho now nnd heavily luoronsod
ciiHtomH tariff which wont Into offset
nt midnight, September 30, wns easily
won by tho Amorlcan, from Snn Fran
cisco, Soptombor 14, for this port, mid
tho Denbighshire, from Mlddlusbor-
ough, England, July 14, but tho So
quoin hroko down nt Singapore nnd Is
belated. The henvlout udrancoH In
duties aro chiefly on wines, liquors,
watches nnd metal manufactures,
Denver, Colo., Oct. . According to
a special to the News. IK men are be
lieved to hnvo bean entombed In the
Dutchman mine nt Illosahiirg. N M ,
nt 2-30 o'clock this morning, by an
explosion which wrecked the walls
and roof of tho tunnel In which they
wore working. Only six men are ikhiI
lively known to have been In tha
tunned nt the tlmo of the oxploalou,
hut the iiMtint night shift niimlmr 16.
nnd none of them have been loonted
outside of tho mine.
Rescuing pnrtle havo taken out
four dead bodies, ono of which has
boon Identified as Jau Jenskl, 40
years old. All but ono of the night
shift wore Austrlnns, tho exception bo
lng nn Amorlcan.
Firedamp has sottled In tho tunnol,
milking rescue work dlllloult. It la
not thought thnt any of tho entombed
men can llvo with this condition pre
vailing. As yet no lire has been ro-portod.
Kills Judge Advocate.
Asknlmd, Russia ,Oct. 3. During tho
trlnl yostordny of tho socond suction
of tho troops who mutinied horo In
Juno, nn unknown man ontorod the
courtroom nnd lclllod tho Judgo-Advo-cate,
Ooncral Illnkovitch, nnd nttompt
od to shoot tho prosldont of tho court,
aeneral Ushakoffskl, nnd wounding throo others who woro
Tho assassin was shot down by nn In chnrgo of tho mall tho robbers do-
officer. camped with $125,000.
Palma Enriches a Rough Rider.
Wlchltn, Kan., Oct. 0. C. A. Mosh
or, of Wlchltn, rocelvod n commission
an u nonornl In tho Cuban Army nnd
tho noxt day ho was nsked to resign.
Ills commission cuino directly from
President Palinu. Ho hnd In mind to
uIho n regiment of Rough IlldorH, Mr.
alum sont him n commission iih a
gunornl, dating tho commission haclc
throo months.
Whon Socrotary Tnft nrrlvod In Hn
vnnn, Moshor was nsked to resign and
n draft wns sont to him for his salary
slnco tho ditto of his commission.
Rebels Capture $125,000,
Ufa, Russia, Oct, 0. An iirmod hnnd
numbering 40 mon hold ip n mull
train nonr tho hrldgo ovor tho Iljolu
rlvor Inst night. Aftor killing n snhllur