The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 05, 1906, Image 8

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    1 f tfc latM
t- - r -
The Townsite
; : t If "si
B tUte )K . a? x y
On the Deschutes lUver in Western Part of Crook
County,' Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
'I J 4 S i 7
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V A 4 J i
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'S Uz H ? hr
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H ii i 9 $ 7
t r
I 1
t r
At Gateway to
the Great
o o e e 9
The Town has Grown
slmot eiititcly in the v year, lltr mnt
ofllceUatinK only from April 8, 1904.
Ikuil lias excellent public tchooU
ntwl couiplcte puhlic water wotka.
: The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
Timber Land, Act June J. )8r,
V. 8. LdJ Offl. Tbe lMll, Orcgoa.
June iMh, 19U6.
U hereby cirrit that In cmapltaaee nlth
. Hoiafihr Act ofCoaarrM ol laHe t.
in tint ' ct lor the ulc of timber land.
it.- ill lalAi4ia AtaMui -
ni;i(.nTrr,tnrT.,, oitradcd to ad
r Aajrwrt 4, tX.
1 1 nil Maw v uof
11 Lundf H'tlra
' C uniy ' 1 .- k Mate of Orcaon. haa
1 iv Sled in tl Rk hit awora ilateinent
j- tui the 1 r !ue of the acK rfec l, tp
- '1 . w ta
v . I will oOrr ) - ( to how that the laad
'in m'irr ta .i.l. fur ita liajbrr or aUiwe
' t agncultiiKl j,ur;Kae and to eataMiah
- urn ioid '..:ii before H C. KUta, V. B
Honcr ti 1 1. udict in Hcim, Oregon, on
ill) day ol (h ' r 1906.
MmnuiHiKiti Michael J Morrtaon,
1 '. N liuimr .1.11 Stetdl, P. Leih Toniu
- I'amL hti 11 allofea4,Oreeoo.
v .xlall p-v 1, .Ulndna; adveraely the
.k-tKxibed li... arc fncaedto itc their
m-. in thu oftcr u or UHore aatd 1Mb day of
' r. 'SO.
. o -cj MICHAKLT.XOI.AN. HerlHer.
T imbcr Laad. Art Jihk J. iy
V s ul ofnoe, The Datta, Oregon.
Jane afth, io6.
'iw.hrrcby, . 1 that la eaaapltaacr with
iMoMiuiiof 1! . 1 of Congteaa of Jaa j
. u.iilnl A 1 !-r the aale of timber laada
-.uuofl, f'.ri.u Oregon, Nevada, and1
li nut n Trrruon a extended to all the
u I,hnd Blait. b act of AtguM 4, ,
Ci..ia r, liatlta
I tpy county f trnok, atate of Oregon, haa
- tljy Alcd in i"i oftcc her twora statemeni
j f.r th. .r ii.r of the a'.awX, tw
" 1 ."" . 15) iv a, r I t
n wil' ,f!ri ) . to bow tbtt (he Ijii
'' ' ' '"t U iU timber or aton.
m I r ayncjlt ir ! i urpueea, and U)
. 1 in . mi.i I .. fure H C Kl!i. I
11 .1 v. ner,..t m oifitcin Bend, Orr.on, ou
.1)1 '.y rfd.u I- 1 f
"'i'1 Uicc Michael J Morriwjn
. Ham. luiSiridl Y Uih Tumi.
'i 1,1) i ii u. II of Bend iitcf h.
- m cUuniug adversely the
it, it rrour.teJ to ale then
l on ..r iieforc aaid 'Jtb da of
Timber Land, Act June j. 187s.
V. S. Land OSfct.Thc Dalles, Oregon,
Juae 7. 190$.
Notice U hereby given that in compliance with
the prortaMMM of tbe Actof Congee of Jnac 1.
1S7, entitled, "Aa act for the aaleof timberlanda
in the atateaof Caliloraia, Oregon. Nevada, and
Waeaiagloa Territory." at emended to atl the
public laad aiatea by Act of Augnet 4. iBi.
Charlaaa Hdwarda,
of Prinerilte, county of Crook, atatr of Oregon
haethia day nled in thia oHice Ma orn ttalc
meat No. 7t, lor the nnrclaaMr of Um awW of
tec i, tp 19 a, r 10 c, w m.
And will oaVr proof to ahow that the laad
ought i more valuable far ita timber or how
than for agricultural purpoaaa. and to eaiabUah
hU claim to mid land betare II. C. M11U n .
CommiaaloneT. at hi oflaor at Mend. Oregon, on
the 6th day of November, law.
He name aa witaeaaee I N" Umirr. Rm.
W. Triplett. John L. Kcvcr, Michael MorrUoo.
01 eaa, oregoa
Aay and all
CUIUM in tula oWei on or before aaid th day
aiiat X ICII A KL T. MOLAX. XagUier.
"jr5LSMJ W datoOag adreroely the
.eeacrlbed laada are ruqaeelort to file their
m in that offiet on or before aaid th day
1. oil
Mli-ll Y.t. T. NOIWUf. HegiaUr.
Timber Land, Act Juae 1, ij.
U Lai 1 fli - The Dalle, Oregon.
June 5, lyu6.
.oiive hereb, ,i,.u that ia ccmpUanor with
proviMona oHIie Act of Coiigrcaa of Jane
mt tltd, An a -t foi the Mleef Umber Uabi
a i m .! I Ci.hi 11 u, Oreaoa, Nevada, and rrrr 1 .1 aa extended to atl the
I ' . d .tJlta 1.) t of Auguat 4, i8uj.
lixg J. Head
1 ll 1 .1 county 01 (.'rook, Mate of Oregon, haa
1 is d ,v t ltd tii totf office bU worn atatcnieut
So 1 -' fr thr purchase of the wW of aec
n . . t, iv, r .oe, v hi
nd w 11 offer proof to ahow that the land
.uifiit more valuable for it timber or atoue
1' nut. 1 akiicultural purpoiea, and to eaUbUeh
ti a iliim to luiiU befwcll. C. J!lli, v B
lommnnoiier 1.1 hi office in llcnd, Oreeon, ou
mt 14th .lay of November, 1908
lie name aa rilneea: Henry v. Keed
I.unc I! Kee.1 and William II. Jirock, alt of
Hind Orrcon, John liloaa of Hitter, Oregon,
Any and all peraona claiming adverxly the
e oc icKiibtdUudaare requeued to file their
.mm 111 thin office ou or before the .Li mi,
day of November, lyofi.
i4 U9 MIC1IA1IL. T. NOLAN, Kcgl.tcr.
Timber Land, At June J.i
V. . Ijind OfSce. The Ihtllca. Otaasii.
July i, tfM.
.JJi uteeWjf" "mpltaac with
f&f S- Omcreaa of Jhm j.
iliTiseartJSea. "Ajj actr the mfiof timbeV laiuC
--- --w l . s- mm ami 1 vnaai iTaMW u)aual
Waaatiagtoa Terrttoey." aa eaUaded to all the
public laad atate by act of Auguat 4, ioi, .
Charte H. McNie
of Bend, count v of Crook. Mate oflli.... h
thia day tied in thia offtce hi awora atatrmcai
No 3oj, furtae purcaaaeofthe irXawKof aaci
and aHacK of aac 1, tp a, r tj e, r m ,
And will offer nroof to show that the laad
.ought ia more valuable for iu timber or atone
titan for agricultural tmrfMaea. aad to ntabliah
lii cUlmlo aaid land before H. C. KUia, U.
a Commiaatoaer at hi oMe at Hand, Oregon,
on the 14th day of Kovcmber. iruaT
He name a wtlaaaiea Charte Jtrocl., lam
uel A aUkley. WUIiam Brack, John ateidi, all ol
Mend, Oregon
Any nd U peraoaa claiming adveraoty the
aboveacribad Uada are rar,tMtarto U their
claim ia thw oaSca en or before aaid 14th
day of November, k4.
Timber Mad. Act of June j. ir,
V Mad OrBce Lakeview, Oregon,
Jnly if, 19ns
Notice I hereby given that in compliance with
tbe proviaiona of the Ad of Longrr of June 1
i-. rniuien ah an ior ine wie 01 limner laada
ia me nair 01 uniornta. Oregon, Nevada aad
Waahiagton Territory,'1 aa nteaded to all the
pubtar land aUlea by act of Anguat 4. . the
following peraoaa have thia day lied ia lata oeWc
their aworn aUtemenU. kt-wH.
Herman Kaiaer
ofPhllipaburg, elate of Montana, eworu Ule
ment no ji u. for the purchase of the awlfneU,
aKueK. arc 10, aad nwKawbj arc 11, tp it; r 15
e w m
Kdward IMlmer
ofMiilipaburg. autcof Montana, aworn Utc-
meat No ji ij, for the pniclntoe of awwaw u, n H
awU aad aebJawK wc , tp n a. r i c w m
That they wilt oOer proot to ahow that the
lanoa Muni are more vainaoie nt we limber or
atone thereon than for agricultural purpoaea,
and to ratabliah their claim to aaid laada before
II. C. Kill. V H Comralationer, at hU orao in
Bead. Oregon, ou Saturday, the i.)lh day of Octo
ber, i4.
They name aa witueatea: PrancU l( Marion,
of Midlaw, (Heaon, Mmcr Nyawonger aad
vnane nova, both or Bend. Oregon. Kdward
rainier, nerntau KaMer, aad Frederick W
Kroger, all ol Philtpaburi-. Montana
Any and all peraoaa dalmlna advenalv uv o.
the aMvreeacilbcd Und arc requeated to ale
ineir ciaima in tni oascc oh or before lb aaid
ijth day of October, 190a.
aio-011 j n WATBON. Kegiater.
Read Tbe Bulletin's
tion depaftmeat.
uew irriga-
Timber Mad, Act June j, 07.
U. 8. Laud Omct, The Imtlaa, Oregon
Auguat le, 1906.
Notice i hereby glvcu that In coHttllanc with
lblovilouoflbe Act of Congre of June j,
17. vntitlad, "An act for the aaliof Umber JaiiJ
Ui 1 the 1 Mate of Callioriila, Oregon, Nevada, and
WwjblugiojiTcrriUtry," a exteuded lo all the
public Und atatea by act of Augutt 4, lb?,
Thomw 1'armlnter
of Bend, county of Crook, tate of Oregon,
ha tin day filed iu till office hi aworn tatr
ineiit So. 301, for the purcliaae ofllioMuwJf
of aec 14, tp 19 a, r lo,e, w m.
And will offer "p'oof" lo liow that the
Und aought i more valuable for It timber or
atone than for agricultural mirponce, and to
MabUih hi claim to aaid land Ixfore II.
U 'JU. U. h. CommlHlouer, at til office in
.,0, uicjuu, uu ovemueri4, v.
HenameaaawitiieMc Michael J. Morrlaon,
Joaepli N. Hunter. William H. btaat, Chaunccy
It. Jlarnev. all nf Ittul nr.cmn .,,! ii... mn..
of Sitter, Oregon.
Any and all ptrtont claiming advenely
the above decrlbed Und are requetted to file
their claim in thia office on or before tbe aaid 14th
day of November, 1906.
;-o9 M1CUA1U.T.N0I.AN, ftcUt.
Timber Laad, Act June j, 171.
V. S. Lend Omce, The Ualws. Oregcw,
July ji, itot.
Notice i hereby given that la compliance with
the p-ovtatou of the Act of Congten of Jnne 3
1 T. ealltled " An act for lae aale of Umber land
i2",u,, Sf California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Waahiagton Territory," a eaieaded to all th
pabllc Und autea by act of Auguat 4, 19,
K1U M. Calllnau.
i.-V4'5OM"y,'c,ook' Orago), baa
thia day filed iu thl oAce her aworn aUtement
N-.o4, forthepurehaMiof the HwneK ofaec
at. In tp i , r ue, w m
iad wUI oaVr proof to ahow that the land
aoughU more valuable for iu timber or atone
thau for agricultural purpoaea. aud to eatabllah
bar cUimloaabl Und before II C. KUIe, 17. H
Commiaaioner. at bU ofnee iu Hand, nmui
on the 14th day of November, 190.
. Mwn aa wiiuihm. lanu trrHuAii. imaoMt
Keruuaon. William I IterSillvruv ul laiu.nH
. tT-,tit .; - . . .- - -".. wp. .,
1 vaiiinan, an 01 nenu, orcaoii.
Any and all iieraou cUlming adveraely the
awnre-oeacriuoi laud arc reuueaied Iu flte their
cUlm in thia olfice oil or before aid 14th day ol
November, 1906
Timber Land Act June j, iM.
IT. a tjiad oface, Mkeview, Oregon,
Julv r, ylt.
Notice la hereby given that In romplUnce with
the provision of the Act of Cougreaa of June J
171 entitled. "An art futk. mu at Huh., i.f.
ia tbe autea of California. Oregon, Nevada, aad
Waahiagton Territory," aa extended to all the
pusuc iaaa ataim ay act of Auguat 4, inm,
f.eorge W aNodertv
of Prinevllle, county of Ctnok. atate of Oregon
ha Ihiaday tied ia IbU oface hi awora iatr
meat No. Jl. for tbe purchaae of the nSnwV
awlfuwli and KI cv 1. tp ia i.njrw m
And wUI uawi proof lo ahow that Ibe Und
ought U more valuable for IU timber or atone
eatabUah hU tUim to aaid Und before II C
Kill. IT n. commiaaioner, al hla omre at Mend.
regou, on Balurday, the 13th day of October.
lie name a wllneoava I'raacta II Marlon
?LU,M,.U'' V. Kobert l. Ifarrmaion of
l-riaeville, oreaoa. John K. Hughe and lame
X Whlpley, boOTof Vedmond, Oregon. '
Anv and all tria etallu mAmMn
the 4bovMjknvtbd land are requeatad to
IU riwircUiaM Ih iM olf tm or before the aaid
131a uay m uetoaer, 19
a 10-01 j J. x. WATBON. KcitMar
TlieDescImtes Telephone
Telegrams I'orwardcil to Any Part
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with Portland, I'rlnevllle and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Dank IhildliiK at Demi, at Laid
law and Powell lluttes.
Messenger service to any part of
Crook County south of Crooked
Timber Mad, Act June j, itrt,
V. a. und Omce, The Imlle. (HeaoH,
June ti, lnf
Notice la berebv arivcu that in mmolUMn, ulib
Ik Moviaioua of the act ofcongreea of Juae j. i7t
entRled "An act for Ihe aale of limber land in
mcNim 01 waniornia, Oregon, Nevada and
Waahlngton Territory," aa extended lo all Ibe
pulilk Uad autea by act of Anguat 4. ikyt.
ThomaaW Triplett
of Bend, County ofCrooh. BUte of Oregon, haa
thU day tied iu thU omce hla anoen atateiwent
No y 1, for the put chaac uf the eMnwIf arc n,
ip 19 , r 10 c, wm
Aud will offer uroaf to abow Ibal tlu uul
ought U wore valuable for it timber or atone
than lot agricultural naruim, and to etiablUh
hia culm to aabl Uad before II. C KIIU, V. .
Commiaaioner. at hU omce In Mend, Oregon, an
the ijth day of October, low " '
Mloaa, Addle M. Trifdett, all of llend, Oregon.
cUimlug adveraely Ibe
AHvawl all tM.Mo.1
abovc-deacribeil Utida arc requcatail
their cUima li Ibi cfNce m or lc fete
day ol October, !.(
anwiij MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Kegltter.
Timber Laud Act Jun j. t"
17. It. Mifd Omce, Mkrvlew Oregon.
July . iv"A
Notice U hereby given lhal In compliance with
the pruviaionaoflhe Ail of tongrraa of ;une 1
i7. entilhrd "An art lor Ihe aale of llaihrr land
in the utea of California, nrrgon. Nevada ami
Washington Territory," aa catenated In aU In
public Und Male bv act ol Auauat 1. iaaa. th.
following-named peranna have Btad la IhU omce
their aworn atalemeau, to-wlt
II Taylor Hilt
of OreenvllU Waahlngton o.unly.Hale of Oregon
wru aUUment No iije, for Ihe purchaae uf
IheawKncX, nSnwkf, KnwK aec 4. Ip M ,
r ije. w m
Zaenariah Mroud
of ITIuevilU, county of Crook. ataU of Oregon,
aworn Malemeal No jia), for the narrbaa oftbe
eHeX twlfaetf , ec 19, Ip ui,rrtrw m.
John C Mile
of MldUw, Croak county, MUto of Oregon, aworn
aUlcateal No 3137. for the puuhaee of the H
ueK.awKneK.aeKnw);. ec 4. tptt.ri6ewm
triiul l II lit
of rifeenville, county of Waahlngton. ataU of
-awwL"ww,w w..i..rin f.u jin. nw ine nar-
v- ! ,n .uu) , aK ec j. ip n , r 13 ,
w m
That they will offer proof lo ahow Inat the
Unda aought are more valuabU f tr tbe timber or
tone IhereoN Iban for agrlcullural puruoiea.aad
to eatabttah their cUlm. lo aaid laada before II
c Kilt., ir h Commiaaioner, al hUofflcUl ptarr
of bualne al Head. Crook Cminty Oregoa. aa
Balurday, Ihe 11th day of October, loot.
They name aa wllneaara II. Taylor Hill of
i.rccuvtiie, Oregon, aacnruh at rood of Prta
vill nr.mi I..I.I. f .UII-.-I M-I w u u-..-.
both of MldUw, Oregon, ami Albeit B. Heale of
neiia irregon
Any and all twraon cUlming adveraely any of
Ine abave-daacetbad lauda i-..d- in ai.
their cUhaa In IhU olSce oh or before the aaid
13th day of October, 190.
aie-ou J N WATBON, Meglatae.
Vl.r I'frvMrnl
nr.Ury of ntate
tetrriary uf Trraoury
rcrrlary of later lor.
tecretary of War . . .
UecreUry of Navy
Urrretary of Commerce
Allorney Oeneral
artrru.y of Agriculture
Theodnrr Kcmmirlt
-harlra W I'eiriatnk
W I. hunt
1-ealU tt ati.w
- . - K. A NltdHttrh
W II Tall
C.J. Bonapaile
- Vtelor H hbHrtlf
O, Coetely-Mi
ti m.aiy
tUcvetary af BtaUc..
Attorney (Uiaeral .... ...
MMfttUk litalrnmlan..
riaUr...,.- .....
V. B. BmmtaWi,,.
Max, at. Ctmaihrrala
.- H. I. thanfaar
: Moarr
........ A. M Crawfotd
i Ii- Ariermaa
-J-B. Whitney
- J. W. Bailey
John ht. Oeatia
C. W. Knllon
Blatger llermaa
N. Wttltamaa)
e. B. Wafvertoat
Timber Mud, Act ol June 3, i7i,
17. H. Mud Omce. Tlie Dalle, Oregon,
Attgutt 7, 190$
Notice it hereby given llutt Iu compliance with
Ihe provision til the Act of CuugrcM uf June 3,
1S7II, enlltldl "An act for tilt aale of limber Und
In the tate of Cnlirorula, Oregon. Nevodr, anil
Wathlugiou Territory," a extended to all Ihe
puuuc 11111U aiaicauv a.t ol Augutt 4, layr,
HldM Nlcliol
ofllctul. County of Ctook, atale of Oregon, ha
thixluv filnl In Ihi office hi tworn lalciiicut
No 30M. for llii'tiiirchatc of Ihe iielf tec n. In 10
, r 11 c. win
And will offer prool to tliow tliat lite land
ought I more valuable for Ita Umber or
tone than for agricultural puri-one. and to
eatabllali hi claim to aaid laud before II. C.
KIIU, U B. Commiatoiicr, at III office Iu Jltiid,
Oregon, 011 the lath day ofNovcmlicri 1 906.
He name aa wlltictnc. Walter B. Nlcliol,
Kichaid II. Vaugliau, John Bltemorc, l'rauk
Ituttcrworth, all of llend, Oregon.
Any and all tieraoiii claiming adveraely the
abovc-dMcrlbcd laud are rcitueated to file their
claim In thl office ou or before tald nth day of
Nbvcmber, 1906.
Bjl-u? AUCUAiO, T. NOLAN. lUgUttr, .
Timber Mad, Act June 1 171,
17. B Mud Olfice, The Hallea, Oregon,
July ti, 190
Notice la hereby given that in compliance with
Iba pTuvMoua urine Act of Congteaa uf June 3,
lr7t,cutllled "An act for the enU of timber Uada
iBltWalaleaofCalifornU, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahtngtou Territory," at e fended lo all Ihe
nubile Und alalea by Act of Auguat 4, tlua. the
following named peraona have on July 3, lent,
Bled In IhU ofBce their aworn etaumcHU, UwM;
Alma J. lieUuey
ftl I'orlUud, owiiilyof MnltiuMHah, ail uf Ore
gon, aworn etaUmeut No tyao, for Ihr uureiwae
of the wHawb; aec 10 and Hte) aec 9 Ip i( a,
' I Ulna M. Jactic
of ItMlUml, county ol MuIOiohihIi, atate of Or
goti, aworn Hiiniii no 1979 tor 1 lie purchAae
of thea'iiiw); arc jaiid !,n a arc 1, Ip it a,
no aw iu.
Tliat they will oder prouf lo allow that (he
bun! ouglittirc morr valitalile fur Ihe Umber or
Motif iiiereou mail loragrh.'UlliiriiliHirioaca, and
to eaUbllili their ctaitii In ali land before II.
C.lllllt, V H Com.11lMlon.rr, at hi ufflee In
licinl, Oregon, on I lie ijlh day uf October, 1906.
They uanie the following wllttea Itdtia M.
Jaanuca and Alma J. Iielaiity or I'urllaiiil, Ore
von. Daniel lieUIni. fohn vC'i-iniinlu a . i.IMUU
ami Leoau l'clartke of llend, Oregon.
Any ami all iierton claiming adversely the
tljovcileacrlbeil land are rriiie(l to file their
claim Iu thl ofiice 011 or before the U utli day
of October, 1906.
aicwju MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Kegltter.
r. A. Moot
,W. L. aratjahaw
-.Fratk Mntefet)
J. A
..... j RA'atm'l
. N. Wheal
ItomfQ&t . ae aaeeeaa . i,la
WSfjwiy in.!! !!BTtV"II!.B ."!!!'!' ,.'.
MMal itapt.
mtTTWJWT .,..,
f Vl M nil Iftl I BaTm
m9 Taaamtmajmj,t,i
. . . W.
frank 1
.. . w n
J. U. UH
X. B. tltewiadie
.tlkltB. tfcvMuui
it. II. Balt
B. B. Bteuru
uXtoyWltoZLZ "" M8Wtalr ,M ' """'
raiBMTB VUtiaT-Ktrat tltHli
"f" i-miun!
Ih January
and Novetal
:utmT-Vlrt MtHiiUy In each Mouth
. mart, J, jMTr atpteuiber
Ikhigatj.j) Land I have a few
choice tracts from 40 to 160 acres
each that can be bought at a bar
gain. P. L. Tompkins, Bank
BiWIB. 43tf
It gives the iie,V3 all of it.
UKIVWIM ...M.M.-......M,.
hwii Hiirviar ....-.0vlt4
......... .11. c., in
" .''ioM l.olxtrll
Ulley BCIltMi, DibThit Nil. I.
I. ...Hat.., .,,,
t W. K. Nlcliol
'" C. B. Ileitnon
I i.l" ..' ' nmun
liiitoii Wlc.l
tillV OF IlUJtll.
m.t.1 .:.?"" h-
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