The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 05, 1906, Image 2

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Tfeey Fear Uncle Sam May GIre
Jobs to Liberals.
Rebel and Govtmmwit WW Tret
With Each Other Marine
Needed Anyway.
Havana, Sept. 27. The government
party last cisbt abtndcstd it bask
contention that it it impossible to trat
lor peace with armed rebels, and pro-poee-d
to negotiate directly with cosa
suttee of it opponent. It agreed to
14X4 all point spaa which under
standing it not roached to the final ar
bitration of Secretaries Tail and Baton.
The government firrt regretted that it '
would treat with the Liberal it thT I
Minions of DoKars Damage Done and
Probable Lota of Life.
Loutivills, Ky., Sept. S3. The trop
ical hurricane which for the past 24
boars hat been churning the water of
the Gnlt ot Mexico and doing much
damage en the coatt and tar inland, 1
whipping throcgh North Alabama in
northeasterly direction at a velocity
but slightly Imi than that ot 45 to GO
mile an boar, recurdoi in New Or
leans daring the day. Report re
ceived by the Associated Pre? do net
indicate any low f life, bat the dam
age to prepenty over the tetrttary
reached by the (torn U cm thing
All wire communication it serioaslv
disarranged and in some instance ha
resulted in catting o9 cities complete-
It, Mobile not having bene heard from
in nearly 24 hoars.
Numeroat wasboats hare occurred,
the interrootiea from this casse ineac
case extruding for S$ miles.
Pensscola, where the maximum ve
locity of wind was probably felt early
Annual Meeting at Hood River Octo-
ber II and 12 Promt WeH.
The fourth a&naal meeting ot tbe
Oregon Irrigatloa association will be
held at Hood Rirer In connection with
the Hood River Valley Frail fair. Oc
tober 11 and IS, 1905, and all who are
interested in farthering the irrigation
movement which at thli tissc Beast so
tancn to tbe development of tbe ttate.
ate invited to be pretest and parttoi
pate in the work of this organization.
The appointment of delegates will be
a loltows: All ttate eSctalt, indad
iag member ot the legttlaUve assess
Mr. senators and membett et congress,
including members ot coatr elect
and senator nominated, the mayor of
all aura, tbe presidents
tU t-.t-,1-,- .M.. . 1-. i i CTura, lae riwwciu iae state
(W.Cin'thedtyaWandsend,!"'7',' l1! ""
., f ! Ui. -vj.k i. j. . " " wwshbu tcawii, scan ce cea-
weald lav down th.jr -,. tb.f.tM. swered ex-ocw meabert I the asso-
American coaabtioner raled that The damare to rallraaJ. 3. M delates shall t sppoiat
I To B Found in No Other Section
of United State.
Salem According to the tlatittlca)
information famished Labor Oamxis
toaer lleS, by tbe UntteJ State geo
logical sarvey bareaa, at Washington,
P. C, there are 2,173 mine ot dlfler-
eat kind is the state ot Oregon, ander
development, the gtratet naaber of
hlch are cold and copper, while in
same portions of the ttate deposit ol
rose kind of mineral are tesnd which
Will Thu Force Intervention by Ihe
United State.
Havana, Sept. 16. The Cuban re
public itamli on tb verge ot a lecond
period of American Inletvenllon. The
Moderate party, which tlx week. sgo
wat in control ol every office In the It
land, national, provincial and munici
pal, it determined to abdlcaU sveiy
thing and cocapel tlis United Htstr to
intemae. In fact, every government
eOdal from rresldeat Palma down It
tincerely anxkrat to force tuch Inter
vention rather than yield to ny one ol
the tersst offered by the Liberal party
and those in armt agalnit the govern
ment. The Liberal Iradert chtracterlie the
conduct ef the governmental trenon lo
Cuban Congress Gives Up and
He Assumes Control,
the renablic. while Secretary ol
i...ri.k.u i .v. i- i. , aaii regarat it at an unwarranieu nu
5LE sLlM. fw'i h" dttbaJrabl. attempt to force th. hand
StclLh K ? ttW!! the United Kutei Inlo intervention.
LT,B2,Tk? y S Thit. It ha. been ...ted. ... prec.t.l,
this rUpalatlca was aatair and the
Moderate repreeextativn hold thi
It u beycod eestioa that both par
tita wre hrosght to a more tractable
trtsie cl zaind by the verbal altiaa
tarn irsaed by Messrs. Taft and Bscoa
yesrday in the same of Presideat
Roneve)t, that, salees tbey cesseat to
a fair arbitration, the United State
saast compel the name by a tecaporary
xatMuiy occspatioa. Saoh cccatat$a,
it to declare!, wosM not meaa Aaer-
caa eovereicxty. It wesid continue
only cstil sew election had bees held,
the coveramtat raly estahliahed aad
order restored.
Whatrrer the eatceme of the aerotj
atioas between h Liberal and Mod
erate may b, it is f eh here that there
will be need for all the American ma
rines within reach, as there i litue
emSJeac ia the ability of the rebel
leaders to control their ata whea or
dered to gtve ap their arm aad retsra
to their homes.
It i tactitxy aaderstOAi by the com
alceesof the two parties that, sales
a agrrerxast is raaehod thi week.
armed American iatervtatioa will en
sne, Tbe Moiecax deelare that the
appoistmest of a caaminee to acgatj
ate with the liberal doe not meaa
tbe cooeeding of sew elections. The
jTeaeral irpliehiaB to get together it
i aauon, and delegate shall b
j . . -,, .- ...
hoaw. Rerrt. tn tfc. ofi.w.1. t tfc. I " ",owf "" D.T a gereraor
Loai'iUe A Xashvilie road from the !f T f'l!? A'
saperiatoadeat ot the Mobiile aai I il' ??.?
Montgomery divisiest indicate that the '" L J Z T v
loss apprarimate ll,0N,tt. The I C T ? ? .
tora ap by falliag trees.
At PeaaacoU. the Leainille A Nash
ville gra:a elevator ha bees destroyed
and the ettire trackage to Escasahta
bay it rained. The railroad wharf at
Pessscola it reported te be a ttl kes
aad S9 car of coal f the cwspaay was
washed iato the hay.
Biioxt Mies- and Mors Point. Mm
have not bees heard troso for 24 hoars,
henicaltaral or esgiaeerinc sooietv
witata tie state.
It it rerpectialiy arged that ia the
appointment of deiegate, petrsoat shall
, t seiecUti who are sincerely interested
, ia the rahfect and who are likely to at
! teed the ooaveatiem, aad that sppatat
meat shall be saaie at early as porssMe.
I The .ppatsg powers will please
save lite tall suuae aad MxtoSee ad-
Moss Point reprted the water five feet
deep ia the streets of the HtUe town at
areas of thetr appoiatees mailed to the
secretary, A. ag TTilsm, at hit Sce
16 o'clock Wednesiav sighu
There wat a heavy rain and high
wind at Moatgamery, Abu, daring the
day, bst ne eerioas daasrs was done,
A gale it blowter. at Birmingham to
night after a day of steady rain, which
has been continuous lor SS bear.
Poaaants Resist Armr Enrollment, KW
and Disarm Police.
a the Chamber of Oosamerce baiMtag,
rruas4, tmmeauteiy span apposat
mett being made.
Iniermatioa ef every character rela
tive to thit meeting will be f araiahed
by the secretary.
Jl partial program ha already been
arranged at follow
'Irrigstiea Tader the Cairy Act ia
the Deechnt Valley." Jess Stearns,
attorney for D, I. A P. Co.; "Need ef
Legislation ia Orecoa ea the f abfKt ef
ser," oaa H . Lwia. rute engineer;
"Xmgatioa Jor Hamsd Kegioaa, ' (Oct.
12) Prnf F. L Kent, dairy iastractoi.
u. JU U; "Imcatsaa OoTxatient ia
MalLesr Ooanty, Oregaa.' F. W. Met-
thli valaa
We mineral to have been foaad In the
conn try.
Cobalt it ased rxteailvelr and It of
great value for colonng parpoeet and In
the artt. It it fsasd ia combination
with osppei, carryiac a large per erat
of icold. Ia hit forthcamiag Meaaial
report. Labor Oaammiesrr HoS will
comment apoa thit tUtittical data at
"Jt large number ef the mints elvea
ia the table are not operated, eesa
having been abaadoaed, and tea ay are
ia the rt stare ef deveetmaeat. ea
acceaat ef Us lark ef cspttal to earrr
em the work. Oeatiderahle harm ha
beta deae the mtatag iaiereett ef the
ttate by aassrapaleat promoter who,
by 'wiidcattisg. have, reeeeoded to
twiadling many aasatfytiag iavettort
and are rrTeati4e for rrtardiag tee
drveeepmeat el the tadattsy geeerally
"The prieespal saiaiag oeaeties ia
the order ef the aambe-r ef saiorrt re
pleyed are Baker. Joseehiae, Jark-
ron. Grant, Lane. IVowHat 44 Com.
Oteer cewaUt have ezieanre sat&ier
what President Iloosevsllhailieen ruoit
aasioni te avoid.
Seaer Palma hat called a tpeclal ret
ttea of congrrs for Friday, wlien lis
will preeeat tbe resignation of himself
a&d Vic President Meodrt Capote.
The Moderate, however, will not at
tend that eteslon ol coogreM, lor In
ibttr harrledly called National Mod
erate assembly yetterday alternoon
they decided unanimously timply to
ait forthwith. Terr will not even at
tend the approaching testion or have
aaythiag more to do with the govern
ment ef Caha, aiding that they have
been as)attly treated by Mr. Koose
vefc't eemmisiioaers.
Majority or All Partis RsfuMd to At-
tend ths Special Ssttlon ol
Cuban Congress,
HearaJ for Democrat and Hucbes for
ReruABcan WW Load Pietit.
Sew York, Sept. 27. Sy semsaat-
Jg Csarles E. Barhe, ef New Ter
St. Petersbsrg, Sept. 2S. Grave
agrarian disorder have broken eat ia
the province ef Viatks, the center ef
LJ1 tnT;T-rTlfe TMUrr Ve uarSttt w a . .
" - -. -... -; Mi4Vtt.Wi ' AaX. TTt.7i TtlTTtawTl lea eet
. . . - . . , .. ' " "r' a-ws Au,
omnci jaaimaisa, w a pspau-, Frsst Grawiag an Irrigated Lands,"
tioa of ever 10&.OM, where the inhab- Jndd Ger, ef OevN Orerra "Seme
fcanu ef more ar lees vtlUges have j LceU &&,& Inim,,' oha H.
joined in the apmiag have disarmed I La wrey, attorney, Peaatetea; "Impi.
and expna the pehce and are yallag-1 ea te tfce Willameste ValUy Orasrt
iagsdesttorsagtheressdesoeeefttielS. Isimiek. eosatv ind. CS.k:ak.
Mood)' Opinion on Meat Inspection
New Ru4 for Eiports.
Wathiagtee, Sept. 5w.A dedtlon
ha beea msehed Wy the department of
Jatee that the meat iatpection Iw
receetly enacted by eoogrr dort nor
!. 1 1 t. tM . I I II IhNkJiuta .l(.h.J Im.m
arrstN and the aartry. aleredy ef u,, Thi. opiaioa wa. pre
some magartde, will ceatanee to grsw. ' ...j , -. 1 j. ' mTU, .,, '.
At preeet there are abaat t.XT mtn- to au.,t r.:i fwl, II. ..
-f t rtl,,'k " " JereJ, t it aaderstood, ia tJie opinion
wag ef ft per dy. BtUaattac that U. w- v. a .L. r
lUr n.V . . . . .u.l. ' ' " f""-
k. . wbi a rj ai a-w a wwa, a. m 1 aa -
of the time, the ameaat rd thtsi
armsally ia wares it 2.t22,tWI.'
a. ew a k4.acm. wata ei j anav 1
Hy. for rsre, tbe Ipaicttoto! !"" ,??? " l! . Xrrigartea te hc Boca Etver
vmvmtitm ti.. A . j i a i J- lrp at t Jk-
scvestsoa tamed down tbe eM leader
-ia4 recognized the sew ones- bead
. we vaiiev "j. w. p-fcte. - mi
aimsnistfattve jxdwt ohscU te te ' lecislatara, Jakas ceeaty.
by Herbert Parsans, cbawman oJ tb. 1 VH?B mFsva- t eJtbesrj
coxnty commits ef New York cesatv. I ref l'ffl - Wornc Old Hammoraler W.Sne.
It also bowed to the Judgment af Pros- 1 if pteaber M, Grau Pass The eld Hamaersly
iiiost RoaeTest a to the stranrest cs i1 eYcr T eteJtovt 'T atee, te the Jm02-Joe iitanot, it
Sflate to sominate, and accepted the I ?T "IS" " m- , agate the iwae oi active miniag epera-Tirrfurrn.-
tt RrTr.M. tk. ts- ' xl tk "Ce o. Malnami a body ot , tn htnr -Jt tar . moUr u
" -- aak.UUk aJV -i .. " i 'rf - - - mzm
-eisctteg Timothy L.Wooara2 for state 'trrK "r em .
baitma it fiaallv Mind . I f ' "P8" x roral po-
' I n... B.. MM .ill mm . m. m . .. ....
.Mvw&uwitMn wvbwtjndi wir Bjart-
ant poiice chief ef the dirtriet and de-
streyed the hst ef T&txvt men.
OdeH, placated Senator Pita and at
tbe same tame reencaized the ahsJsty ef
man who i a strong poisoeal Jerce
irrespective of hit afBhatsea with tny
the W bosses.
The control ef new leader" was Jnrtb
r emphasised by te absesce ef Sena
tors Plait and XVtfew, who have et
wa a siate cosvsaoes te many
OMs. Titt old leaders, hosrever. were
paoaSed by the 7enemnatsea ef all the
state f5oert except that Lewi was
named Jor oontroiler m place ef Otto
BnSalo, Sept. 27, Wittiam H.
Hearst, backed by "Sou" Mcrj.hy, of
Tammjy HaH, ha ben aomisatod
tor governor by the Democratic state
coevaatinn. The. platform extend Je
3dtat3on to WiBiam Jeaning Bryan
withotr: saying aayahteg about the
prawdeacy. vTsth Hearst two of tbe
other candidate of the Indepenflence
Intra nominated for state office eat-
4ier in this month tbobe of lieutenant
governor .and wcretary of state were
xtrmnated by she Kemacrats.
year. JUG. Smith, ef thit eny, hat
a Jerce ef men at wart, and the rtampc
ef the eld mill are araan drepraag en
good ere. The eld pile ef tailing, ef
vblflih ill .?. in i -ViMtni&Kn.l.r.. mj
The Vibarg maaJerto it thought to I SB teas, is ing raa titwmph a cyan
ide plant wtnoh iiat in-ea erected. The
taiisfirb, aesersnng to asssy a, carry 111
te geld, ad as t.e expmise ef wcerrnr
them i nmaQ, a hanissat St wUl
be mere surectly reeptmeihle for the
dssarders than anyxhiac else. It had a
wide otrcalatsen a Viatka prevsnee,
and Mc exhertatsea to the 7eanaats to
rof nee to do zoirstary service was ncead
by the member ef the eatiawed parzta
meat Jrem Vjatka.
"Wreck Police Chiefs House.
Helsbigiars, Ralana, Sept. 27, A
aecnnd bomb was thrown daring the
mght against the residence of Captain
JUbrecht, eommanoer of the yiblice, fol
lowing the tinsnooeBslnl attempt mad
early yesterday morning to Wow Tip the
police wserve toarracka. The captain's
5wnse vu wrecked, hnt there wu no
JossotiUle. It is tiioncht thai r.
perpetrators of tbe outrage were actnat
& by a spirit of revenge for the recent
arrests of the Finnish refugees te
Stockholm, in urbica the Finnish police
Make Final Effort.
Havana, Sept. 2S. The Moderate
party last night aeraded to make a final
eSart to perpetuate the antharsty of
the Palma administration by deter
mining to Ttsect the resignation of the
president when presented to congreat
today. When this deoirans was reach
ed. Secretary of War Taft and .Assist
ant Secretary of State Bacon, the Amer
ican commisEinnera, had aiready eon.
eluded to intervene, but they agreed to
await today's drvelopmenta, as they
are anxious 10 uuma tne dntians rvwj
opportunttj to work out their own eal-vataon.
O. A. C Stan WelL
Oarvalh la njitte ef tie fact that
the O. JL. C opened early tin year,
the ttnet two days sltewed the largect
enreUment Jor a esmilar time ia the
history ef the msokntton, P6 lng en
rolled and many are still coming. This
enrollment it an increase ot 56 over
last year. jLt this rate aa enrollment
of more than POO will be reached thu
! year. With an expectation of this four
! new proJesoor and assistant professors
1 have been added to tbe f aenky. Very
, noticeable among the new atndenu 3
I the increase te the number tl JjIcL
aahool fltndents, several cosnngirom
us J'ortlana high school.
Farmer Catch Salmon.
AriiBrtoa The.'ehn Day river, a
few mile west ef Artsertoa. it rsmniv
alive wsth fine big stimen. and farmer
ae catohtec them there eaeh day by
the wacaa load. It it nrpttrl taai at
leatt ia.008ef these h will 1 cap.
tared in that stream within the next
two weeks.
Wheat Ossh. Mtsr. hieefesa, CJ
!; valley. 6tSc: re. filMSc
Oat Ne. 1 whste, f 3i94 M, gray.
Itiitt j: tes.
Bariry Feed, tSMtn per tea; Wrw
teg. ri 2:. rwllrc. 122.
Eyt H.Sb jr cwt.
C3ffn WheSe, 127; Bracked, 2f per
Hay Valley tsmethy. N. L. I1G
11 vt tea; Eastern Oregon stmetby.
Iirttli, elerer, t;7J.C; eheat, t7
7.f.; grain hy. 17; astasia, 8;
vetoh hay, 7jr7M.
Frasti AjHef, eernmen to eheice.
27fc pts- itts; eheke to fancy, 7fc
SllJi; grape. Orrrea, f7f.r ;w
orate; jieashes, 7fctl. jea, 7I.r:
U.S6; erab apples, $1 1J ir hex.
jrauw, SeerMtc pe lx
M elans OantasMip SlstliK jks
orate; wateraieiea m 1c per peand,
easalias, t-M orate,
VecetabW IWians, hx7t, eaUiegN
lts-Scper jieund; caaiifiewer. fie:
'J'tn oman. ceiery, mTH0c tier
The acting secretary ef com roe res and
labor today preaalrtted certain rules
regard mg the expsrution ol meat and
aei pmsactt, preecriMng in manner
e' insprcting carcasse and the Ittuance
of crrtincatr. label, etc.
The rale rreeir that both Ih orig
inal and di4eal certificate ihall b
deltvrred to the exporter, who shall
file the erigita witb the cuitomi offl
en and the eeplieate with the coo
stroee, to be eed by the Utter in Iden
tsryteg t thipmeat at the point el
deetteatsen by eemparisss with the
Ctearance it to be dealed te any ves-
sei carryii'g meat preeaet for experts
tiea sifft trralatieat havs set l.n
rsrisUy esdted with. Th rale will
(e sete Seot mi Oetot-er 1.
Rafrroaa Recuse Car and Boost tha
Price to Consumers.
Salt Lake, Wpt S6 That th rail
roadt are to Masse Jer the bitb nrkw
and jKirtosMaU ehertage et real in Salt
Lake wat the cewJattea te b drawn
ssesn the leettmeny prtseeted before
Oharle X. Preety, ef the Interstate
Ocratmerre eeesmtiirsea todtv. The ia
eairywa aitoeraed aaul Tharsdav
SBeraiegat 1 o'clock whea it il be
rewtsted to De,vr. Mark Hopkins,
whe opened t real asiaet at Oasahef.
land, Wye wat swera a aa nnwi
tossy. He ratd that eeai eeaM W
piaeed in car at Wyoming and Utah
artner Jer II a ton and allow a mum..
aWe profit. The preeeat trie ea hoard
Havana, Hopt. 2Q Arasrlcan later,
vention in Cubs will I n sceempllilj.
ed (act
rreslilsut Koosevslt's pac cemwli.
tlonert, altliotixh clothed with the fall
est authority from him to lake such if
tlon whenever It became obvious tint
the terurlng ot pear by hartttonlttag
the waning Cubans wa lniMtibl,
patiently wlllilisld their hands (torn
thus telling atlds Calian sotrrelgntty
until th list hup dltsppesrrU, Thi
stsge wsi irschril at a late b.or latt
night, whn a mJrlty et all partita
rtiatej lo attend the - ioo of reagrei
called to upon th rrelgsatiesi ol
member ol the govrnmeat aad declar
ed detlnltely that they wosM havs
nothing mors to do with the govern
mint ol Cuba.
At wat rlptcied, there hat iwfi
math rakW deeaeeiatioa ef the eosrt.
pQttnnl by tha Attrrwun eeteesUtion
en, whe, tt has been allrgvd, have act.
ed unfairly towards the geieraaseai,
but th great tests et th retsdeatt ol
Cuba, Cahant, rjpsordt, Asseneaaa
ami all stair (oreigsert, weleoin. liter
veatlos at sotacthisg for whkh thtr
have loeged throegheat sis wevki of
unrrst, disorder and lll-frltag
Tbe proclassattee will Isteed to
day. It will hvtlsrrd by Ml.Talt, by
virtu 0.' ths adthertly vestel ta bMn
by I'eaWtn' Itorevlt. It will rrraU
Mr. Talt previsieBal military geveraer
ol Cobs aatil b dres th esaalry
tamcisniiy padflMl lor civil gevrra
rarnt, wbrrtspea b will sail Kkhasa
Wlnthrsp, gsverner et Porta Rlee, to
set a civil governor.
Urgently Needid at CUnfutgot. Noes
Ar Avatiabl.
Waiblsgton, Pept. 29. An apl
tar mer men to atWt la prelectiag
property at Cirnferra. t ba. was re
ceived today by Actleg Secretary New.
berry, et it Nvy departsaeet, trass
Ccmaandrr Smith et thseraiter Cleve
land, which I asw statsseed at Chi
(ego, together with th gaabeat Ma
rietta. Ia addition te th regelar svsspie
meat el martaet aed hletjaskeU ea the
wartblp. 25 ether martae were seel
to Ciealaegos to a'tt te loakieg aHre
foriiga laterett there, and at t.rrt
the Nave drpartmsat ha ae aaiiai
ratn. rracttesliy all the ssaria weo
caa b tpared fresa barracks ta th
Called Bute and (rem waishipt are
preparing to ge to Havana. It is ot
se4Jeve4 by the Navy deftartoseet thst
say et the teen new at Havana er ea
ibeir way there caa be s,rrj to aeeiK
at Cieafaego.
doaen, rocnmlnffa, Jbc 7er dezen. egg 1 fVr'i2 Sl,t Lk "J'r PJ
plant, J Dc jmr pound; lestnre. ba , 7 the ooal laid down and the
box . parsley, sOglfr; sprouta, ec V. WJa,ni mines, admitted that
pound; squash, 3 c wr ponnd; l" r8t coald b increased to pre-
Satt Trust Raises Price.
XewYmk, Sept. . The Interna
tional Salt company yesterday raised
its prices on all grades of salt approxi
mately flB cents per ton. This is said
to he tbe third raise within a period ol
three months. The reasons given are
that the shutting down of two of the
larreet producing plants in the TJtiea
district has caused a shortare in the
soppy, that tbe demand 3s nnpreos
dentodiy large and that much difbcnlty
has been experienced recently an se
ctaring cars in which to transport the
Teach Spanish in University,
Eugene Th CniverBUy of Oregon
hat established a new department, that
I ot romance language, wbiub will he
1 ander the charge of Dr. Timothy Clo-
ran, who hat jnitt returned irnm a
year's travel in Prance and Spain.
Hertvtrilore the university lias offered
course in Fronch, with the instrnctor
under the direction of Professor F, G. J
G . hchmidt, praleeaor of modern Ju-
Honors for Japanese Heroes.
2-rjndon, Sept. 3S7. Telegnsjibing
iromTokin, the correrniondent jJ .
UsJh Tttlcgram aayt that, te crarosction I
5wT?' Jtoonis Ito and! at Hongkong, September IE. JMDaJ
PjeTdliBrshals YamacaU and Ovama J and the Ooss .of the nahlnr ieet said the 1
nTcoioTcnia. Jto tJO.OOa.OOo. pries tikad is $75 ai acre.
Estimates f Loss at Hongkong.
hlbSfla, tf)i, ifi. Ohiness newsna
Van raeelved here today eesimate the
Joss of .Hie resulting irom the j'nhnon
gnagee and UterKtsres. lint with the
coming of Dr. Oloran Spanish will he
added to the mur era jty currirulum,
and there wiB 1 opportnulty Jor broad
er work in the department ol Germanic
language and literature nnder Prnlessar
Offers Big Ranch for Sale,
Athena J. 2. JUtuunmie has 7luBwJ
ais large ranch on the market. He hut
1.J0D acres ot the -very beet wheat land j
3s.umatxnacounrT, jias larmad 3t3or
a uc jicr aeaen ; nmons. UHSisH-c !
draen, 7e. a&c, bell pepriera, he.
pampkina, l5tc jmr pnnnd; eiiinanh.
(ebc per pound; tomatoes, 0 (a f.Dc
tnrnipa, HDr(?li per sack, carrota. ft
gl!5 per sack; beeto, 16ftl.f.D ver
sack; hurseradish, JOr j ponnd.
Oniont Oregon, 1 1 6 1 .26 imr hun
dred. pHtetrmc Oregon Buriianks, dtv-
HrrJL, KftH0c. in carlnts L o. b cean-
iry, jb(ginuc; rweta potatoes, sc pur
Buster Fancy creamery, 274jfelJ(ic
per pound,
gg Oregon ranch, 26c per doaen.
Poultry Average old liens. 3
3 rc jmr pound; xolxed chickens, 38
(?lr; Piinnn. jor, old rrinntenL Pft
30c; dressed chickens, 34 (S 16 U,c; tur
keys, live. 3f.ft2Jc; turkey, dreesefl.
cuoioa, za (tc.zz S.-C, gsese, Jive, f M)c;
oonsamer pay liJSb a ton.
P. 3, Qseaiy, mtaater ef the Ke.
merer, Wyoming, coal company, and
rhomat Sneddon. ssneristendtiBt j
ducks, 3(sir.c
Hops 3HDR, 3r.17c jwr pound;
10U6, nominal; 3 HOC, nominal.
Wool Eastern Crregnn average hent,
3 6 d.1 be per ponnrl. acsnrding to uhrink
nee; -valley, !02ic. accurdlnc to
ModUr Ohnice, 2(2s!l0c jmr ponnd.
Teal DresBtid, 6 (aikr. jta jiound,
liweT Dressed hufls, iic wr pound;
cows, H-ifsHhid country trteers. mafic
iUuttun Dressed fancy, 7 fee iter
pnunfl; nrdlnarj, fjCc; lamba, Jancv,
B3vC j
Pork Dressed, J&B.c per jvjund, '
Work et the Himfcan.
Meeile. Ala., Sept. 29 sMweee J
aad Its live tost, tally t-w ere ves-
eelt dnvea athere er w reeled ia vast-
eat part et the (ialf et Mexsea. -
sge amoeetiag to ti.MM MM to tk. mt
et Mobile, and two asillteet mere at
eaitMe peieu, t tb, trmr4 el th
itorm which twept Mehil We4ersi
sad WeJaeel.y night. Ne aerarate e
timfct et U casaalliie ran U made
m yet, and It it deahUa! it exact figare
will b knosn for a week er snare,
Pensacela tattered at ranch at Ms-
wie. Tb low of Ml i known to b
heavy and damage to property will
reach IS.OOI.OM, The ttaaller town.
snd ceastry throughout the dirtrlot feH
the hurricane eaally at math at th
two oiUet.
vent the annaal wiater ahorUre, bst
said that the railroad did ast fnrniah
cars to carry a larger product.
An attempt w at made to shew that
th Union Pacific rail ay catrie top.
plie Jut it mines at a lower rate than
that oooted to independent operators,
tint thi wa nst sabtuntlatod bv M.
reel tostimeey.
Armr H Readr
Oyster Bay, St pu 26. Plan for the
transier ot trom.i irom th n.iM
State to Cuba in event of th tailor
nf Secretary Taft't misnion to bring
aliout a jieaculnl oolrrtirm of th troable
te the island republic hsve tieea com
pluted. The final stop wat taken to-
uy, acrawaing to an annonr...
mue nure tonigtji, wben the tranrport
Sumner, now lying at the New York
navy yard, wa put in commission.
ONegntietinn are already under way for
the acquisition ot merchant steamer to
be used as transports.
Adds lo Montana Renervea,
Waabiiigum, St-it, 2B Th s,t
tary cl the interior today withdrew
1mm entry BUD HOD aorua af larwl !, ...
ajiiiKIen, juont land district, which
are to be added to the Lewii aA nu.Z ":r,".. ","V?er or n? !'
ia sbvs inninna. a ea- wva .
ana Xontimsl Jorsat reaurvee, ! v .v , n"'PPte 4TP-
Intured br Penny Paper,
New York Sept. 24. A special eaMe
dlrpatoh to the Time from Loaeea
rute that the heir et ea ef tb vic-
umi of the Gratthan dint. 1..-. .
' red 11,000 iniaraace, which wa
fleeted at a cost ol 1 penny. The in
jured wat a regular tahscriber tea
noon penny weekly which immrr
It reader agalnit arooidenU and
th. lit bag, containing a current
copyotths paper, duly .Umpvl, wa
t tb hotel at Retlard. wttnin a few
ined, allowed and tuM,
Unci Sam Own Palma Island.
Washington, Sept, -It i, ajd at
in Mat department that nodscbl
xiit. at to th American t.nershlp
d cwtrolot Palm'. itUnd, on et
lb tmall ItUndi cm th soalhtattoni
.ot lfc Philippine.. About 18
month, aro the War j......
??, lv rtntt Sut tod.
tonaln whether or not Palma'
J owned by th United tiutoi.