; - Tinni- i i M-trr1" WlW H EM Oi the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook County, Oregon. Center of the new Irrigation Development covering 250,000 ACRES OF RICH LAND The Townsite if Ft R I of BEND aft l A Z V t v W 7 A 7 'A- If I -MT XV V" i ss Jim c1oSn.. " r w ". -v. i m. . .t nar -. " m r ii. t i . Ll . V . j7 . VX v . XX XS X r w V j: i ' I x5 :ui-jj,Jsajatiut;:,3:77JTissgairs Timber Land, Act June 3, iSjS, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.S. VktA Office, The IHllet. Oregon. June iHh, 1906. Votlce U licrthy lmi that lu cesiptUaee with ' -proTiionoftbeActofCoBKTe rt Ju t ' entitled "An art for the ale of Umber Uwf. i thr alatea of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Waihinjton Territory," at exlinded to alj the public land ttalo by act of AugwK 4. . ISdmund 1'. Bttn cfDend County of Crook, Mate of Oregoa, haa tt-tadar filed in thiaoflice hia aworn Matemeut '.; m forthepurcbaacoftbCMK ofaec it, tp ji rite w m And will offer proof to how thai the land sought 1 more valuable for tta timber or atone thin for agricultural punxwea. and to etabUh h.f claim to Mid land before If C. KUia, V. h C smintMioner, at hia onVc in Bend, Oregon, o he nth day of October, io. le namea aa witneaaea: Michael J. Morriaoa, iMeph V. Hunter. John SteWI, P. teif h Tomp Vm, Clara 1. Ilatteii, all of Mead, Oregon. Any and all 'peraoua claiming adveraety the aVivcdtacribcd landa arc reoueated to file their r'alme In thia office on or before uhl iMh day of ijctober, loo5, :oci MIC1IAHL T. NOLAN. KegUter. Timber Land, Act June J. lM NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V 8 Land Office, The DaUea, Oregon, June lath, iya. Notice 1 hereby glrca that in compliance with 1 -c prori.iona ofthe act of CoHgr of June ). 4 -( cntllted "An act lor the aaleoftimber landa 11 the hUtea of California, Oregon, Netada, and Usahtngton Territory." aa extended to alt the 1'ublic Land HUtea by act of Atgu.t 4, ii, Clara L. Ilatten -fDend county of Crook, atatc of Oregon, hat 1 diy filed in thia office her aworn aMIcmeut ii49 for the purchaae of the aHaw, wX c eci-'aiidncKnw aecao, Ip n i, r ij c, w a And will oBcr proof to akotv that the laud ought li more valuable for lta timber or atone Mian for agricultural purpotee, and to t.taUUh her claim to aald land before XI. C. Wll, IT. h omniiMioner.at hia office in Ileud, Oregon, on the nth day of October, 1906, hhe namea a wltucviea. Michael J. Morrlton. JaephN Hunter, John Steldl, V Leigh Tomp- . -j j'.omuua v uaticu.aiiot uena, uregon. Any and all peraont claiming adreraely the cboveleaeribed landa are reaueateU to file their rlaima in this office ou or before aaid rjth day of ucioucr, 1900. aio-03 MICHAI'.L T. NOLAN, KegUter. Timber Land, Act June 3, S;8. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S, Land Office, The Uallea, Oregon. June jj, 1906. Notice la hereby given that in compliance with the provision! ofthe Act of Congreu of June j, 11(78, entitled, "An act for the tale of timber Una lu theitatcaof California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waihlngton Territory," aa extended to all the public land atatea by Art of August 4, 1893, Irving J. Kced oflleud, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. )073i fof III purchase of the swJi of ate No M, tp 19 a, r 10 c, r in. And will offer proof to show that the land ought 1 more valuable for ita timber or atone thau for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aald land before 11. C. Kills, U. H. Commissioner, at his office In Ilend, Orrgou, on the 14th day of November, 1906, He namea as witnesses! lfenrv W. Urnl James 1. Keed and William H. ) frock, all of ji iiu, ureguui junu muss 01 msura, urtgou. Any aud all persons claiming advcrKly the obove-descrlbtd lands arc rcqursted to file their claims In this office on or before the sU 14th day of November, 190&, (l4.a MICIIAUL. TNOLAN, Register. Read The Bulletlu's new Irriga ilba depastaMHt Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Ofuce.The Iallea, Oregon, June 7, iys. Notice is hereby given that in comMlancv witl he provMotM of the Act of Congrea of June 1 isrS. entitled, ' An act for the sale of timber laii( in the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." aa extended to all th public land state by Act of August 4, . Chart . Kdwards, of frinevllte, county of Crook, state of Oregon, basthi. day fttrd iti thM offtcc hia awotH Ute ment No 17. for the purchase of the swK of sec aj, tp iv a, r 10 , w m. And will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purpo, and to establish hi claim to said land before 11. C. Kill, U. Commissioner, at hi ofnee at Hend, Oregon, on the 6th day of November, 10116. lie names as witnesses J.N. Hunter, George W. Tripled, John L. Kever. Michael Morrison, all of HeBd, Oregon. Any and all person dalmlsg adversely thr bu-4eaeribd lands are reauesttd to file their daliHS in this office on or before sW 6th day of November, 1906. ajl-BJ MICIIAKLT. NOLAN, Keglsler. Timber Land, Act June j.iT NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, The Italic, Oregon, July Jl, 1906. Notice is hereby given that In oomplianec with le wovlloa ofthe Act of Congress of June 1 i7. entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands iu the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extruded to all the public land state by act of August 4. !, CharieU. McNic of Hend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has this day tied in this oftkc lu aworn statement No yi.forthcpurchacoflhcswKnwjofsci and sMnc of sec 7, tp a, r 11 e, w m , And will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish hi claim to said laud before II. C. Hills, U S. Commissioner at his ofucc at Ilend, Oiegou, on the 14th tlay of November, I'iS. He names as witnesses: Charles lirock, Bam uet A. HUkley, William liricV., John nteldl, all ol Jieud, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the obove-descrlbtd lands are requested to file thcli claims in this office 00 or before said 14th day of November, A. 7-n9 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. KegUter. Timber Iaud, Act June 3, 1S78, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Mud Office, The Dallti, Oregon . August 10, 1906. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of tile Act of Congress of June J, 1678, entitled, "An art for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Orrgou, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to alt the public luud atatc by set of August 4, 1891, Thomas 1'anulnter of Ilend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this ofucc his sworn state ment No. joSi,,for the purchase oflhcsHuw! of ace 14, ip 19 a, r lo e, w m, And will offer proof to show that the land sought I .mute valuable for Its limber or stone than fof agricultural purposes, aud to establish III cisfm , to said laud before If. C. Kills, V. n. CUfflmlMiuiicri at his office lu licud, Orcgou, oil November M, lyc6. He namea aawltnesseai Michael J. Morrison, Joseph N. Hunter, William II. Blasts. Chauucey K. litrncy, alt of Bead, Oregon, and John Dioss of Ulsters, Oregon, . Any and all persona dslsMlag adversely the above described lands arc requested lo file thcirclalmi In this office on or before the aald 14th day of Novembrl9oi, 2-iUI .WClJlKLT.(0LAM,.Xcllf. , Timber Land, Act of June 3, 1&7, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Office Lakevicw, Oregon, July l, loot Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provtsieus of the Act of CongreM uf Juue i. 17. entitled "All act for the sale of timber land in the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land state by act of AuguM 4, loot, the following persons have this day Tiled In tbtsottc their sworn statements. to-wH Herman Kaiser of rhilipsburg, state of Montana, sworn state metit no jiji, for the purchase of the sw Knelt-, nKueX, sec 10, and Hw(nwK sec 11, tp ts, r 13 e wm lid want Palmer of ltsilipskarg, stale of Montana, sworn Hsle wtin Nojiu, for thcpnichMof KK. V isK and Kf,wK ec 9, tp a s, r 16 c w m That they will oflcr Proofs to show that the laud sought are more valuable for the timber or stone thereon thau for agricultural purpose, and to establish their claims to said lands before II. C. KUis. r. H. CommlMfoner, at hi office in Mend, Oregon, on naturday, the Sjth day of Octo ber. Ia6. They name as witnesses. I'rsucis If. Marion, of Laidlaw, Oregon, Idmer Nywvonger and Charle llovd, both of Hend, Oiegon, Xdward Palmer, Herman Kaiser, ami Frederick W Kroger, all ol rhlllpshurK. Montana Ally and all person claiming adversely any o. ihcaBove-descfibcd land are rcsMestea to flic their claim In this office on or before the Mid ijth day ol October, VfA. auoia J X. WATnON. Kegtster. Timber Land, Act of June J, 17, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Laud Office, The IMlle, Oregon, January 1, 1906. Notice I hereby given that in complMiHcc with tb- provision of the Act of Cogr of June 3, 1(76. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lamls in the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." aa extended to all the public land state by act of August 4. i9, Charles If Krkksou, of Ilend, couiify of Crook, state of Oregon, lias thlsday filed In this office his sworn statement No. 1771. for the purchase of the mvjf of sees', Ip 19 s, r 10 e, w 111 And will offer proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable fur it timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk at l'rincville, Oregon, oil the 4II day ofOctober, 1906, He names aa witnesses: lltltle Krkksou, of Ilend, Oregon, and Hubert L, McMurtrey, of rri'icviue, uregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the anove-ucscrioeu lamis arc requested to nie incir claims In this office 011 or before thr aald 4II1 day of October, 1906, aj-sjl MICIIAKL T, NOLAN, Keglster. The Deschutes Telephone Company I'elgxjroiiis I'orwank-d to Any Tart of the World. 1 , Direct Telephone Communication with Portland, Priiievllle and all Pacific Coast citicat. Public Pay Stations in Bank Iltlldlue at Ilend, at I.ald law and Powell JlUttef, Messenger service to any part of Crook County touth of Crooked River., s' sf ( i 23 I rT GREENWOOD t 3 -f- S i 7 r I I I. Unl ' L (0 fi U it fo t S I ill I I I f w 14 3 I. o AWT HORN I X J 4 S 4 7 zttttt: t is H h to t 2 i 13 x IRONWOOD AVE. ! ! ' I I I i z J s i H a n h io f i W ii I, i iii 14 13 ' KAf JU IPER 7& t s 7 MH" KOA TT I 1 Timber Land, Act June j. 174. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. rt. Land Office, Lakc-tcw, Oregon, Julv , lyW Notice Is hereby given thai In rvmpliaucc with the provisions ol the Act or Congress of Juue 1, itT. entitled, "An act for the sale ol limber lamis III the states or California, Oregon, nevsxl, end Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land stale by act of August 4. l9, (Seorgc W Hnaletlv of Pfrnrville, ownty of Crook, stale of IHrgou, ha thls.Uy Died In this onVe hi sworn Hate meat No jiso. for the purchase of tbcnSnwK swhw) and nwKswk see 1, tptis rise w m And will uAVi proof to show that Ihe land sought K more valuable for It timber or atone tbaH for agricultural purpose, and to stablish his eUlm to hU Uml before II. C Itllts. V H. coMWlsstoncr. at Ms oMsc at Hend. Oregon, on halurday. the ijth day uf October, name a witness' I'rancts II Marlnu of Laidlaw, Oregon, Habett P. llsirtHL-loti of rrlnevilie. oregmi John K. Hugh a It Whlptcy, Iwtll of Kedmond, Oregon. Any ami alt ersns eUlmlHg adversely the ahvdcfibil UjhU are retHetMl to file their claims In this office ou or before the said I Jill day of Ottober, 1946. aio-oia J. N. WATSON. Keglster Timber Land, Act June J, 171, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.'S. Land Office. ThelMlt, Oregon, June if, 190$. Notice I hereby given that in couiulnucc with Ihe provisions ofthe act uf congrea of June j, l?1 entllleil "An ad for the sale of limber lauds In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territor," a extended to all the public laud states by act of August 4, layi, ThouiasW Tripled of Ilend, County of Crook, Hlaie of Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi sworn statement No. v$, for Ihe purchase of the cMnwjf sec 77, ip iy s, r lue, win And will offer proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone thau foi agricultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to aald laud before II. C. Kills, V. K. Commissioner, at his office In Ilend, Oregon, mi the lith day of October, 1906. lie names as witnesses: Joseph N. Hunter, Michael I. Morrison, Carlyle C. Triplet!, John llloss, Addle M. Triplet!, all of llcud, Oregon. Any and ail person claiming adversely Ihe abovc-dcscrlbcd lands are requested iu rile their claims In this office su or before said Ijth day ol October, 1006, aio-011 MICIIAUI.T. NOLAN. KegUter. Timber Land, Act ol June j, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August 7, lyj, Notice la hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ol the Act of Congress of June , 87, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands lu the states of California, Oregon. Ncvadr, ami Washington Territory," as extended to all the public laud stales by act of August 4, 1691, Sid M. Nlchol of Ilend, County of Crook, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his aworn sUitemcnt No jojS, for Ihe purchase of the neji; ate IJ, tp 19 s, r ij e, wm And will offer prool to ibnw that the laud sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to eslubllsh his claim to aald laud before II, C. Kills. U. 8. Conimlssniier. at his office lu nn,l. Orrgou, on the l)th day id November, 1906, t He name ai witnessed waller H. Nlchol, Klchatd II. Vaughan, John Miemurc, I'rauk Bbtlcrwortb. all of Head. Orcion. Any and all persons rllmlag adversely the tbore-descrlbcd lands arc rcqursted tb file their claim In this office on or before said iitlt day of iuTcinucr, 17JO- SXI'H amatajtls , MWMkMt sVssSt4T, . -Jfc 4' AVE. ' I J S i if it if io t t 7 AV E i j v s i sA !. it i t t ' , J 4 S i 't II A f t 7 h AVE. r" " ' r AVE. i I ,' Timber Land, Act Juncj. iv NOTICE FOR ITULICATION. V H, Land Office. IjiVrview Orrgim July i 'r4 N.itlcc Is hetelty glrrii that In rwmplianre wiih thr provision of I he Art "( I ngre f 'uue 1 i"-s. rnlltb-d ' Au art for Ihr Mhr of inula 1 iau.i. lu the state of California. Iirrgou. Neda simI WashlMglosi Territory, ' as esleudrd to all Ihr uuMic land stale by art l Auinsst 4. . the following named person have (tied in this oaV Ihetr sworn s4ImhhIs. lo-wit II Taylor Hill of nrecHvlllc, Washington county, state of Oregosi wwh staumeut No itas, for the Mtrehow of thcNwKHK. Mttnw, swiHw see 14. tp jj s, r ijr. w m Zachartah Mismd of frinevtUe, csmuly of Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn statemctit No 11 sj. for the purchaii ofthe KsK. swsK. mc i. tp ni.riXcH m. John C. rwifos of IjiWUw, Crsstk county, Ml of Oregon, swotu sialesuem No 1117, for Its pHtchsw of Ihe e4 nK.wKw'f.seJfHw, sec 4. Ipus.r i&eum Jsunlel- Hill of r.reeiiviUe, ccuuty of Washington, Malt of trregmt, sworn siaiement 10 jiu, roe I He pur ciieufthesVHeX,sHnwK ev j, Ip jis. r is, w m That they will offer proof to show that Ihe lands sought are mote valuable fir the limber or stone I hereon than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before II C KM. I' t Commissioner, at his offtctal place oflMsslnsMal Hend. Crook County, Oregon, on HalUfday. Ihe ijlh day of October, They name a wliiiees 11. Taylor Hill of O'fenville, Oregon, achfiah Mroud of I'rlne vitUr, Oreg.111, John C Wile and 1 II Marion both of IXiIIdw, Oregon, and Albeit II. ftcatci of lleml, Oregon AnyaiHrall iiersons dalmlHg adversely any of Ihe aljove-ilescrlbed land are retiuested to Ale Heir eUlms In this office on or before the said lllhilayuf October, lyuo. ai-Aii J k WATrHiX. Keglsler. America's Orcnlcsi Weekly THE TOLEDO BLADE TOLEDO, OHIO. The Best Known Newspaper in the United States Circulation 186,000 Popular In Every State In many respect the Tiukiiii III.ud: is the most remarkable weekly newspaper i.ul liihed In Ihe I'ullcd Males. Ills IheU'ly ,;" I .'..." ' or.naiiouai circiliailun, I has had (he largest clrciilatimi fur more year I urthermore. It Is (he cheapest newspaper , Hi r world, as will becxiilainrd lu any person Wll.l Mflll .I.J. fn 1..... 'l. ' r .. ' ii. ii "" ", " ". inr ni'wsoi the World so arranged Dial Uisy people can more eally comprehend, .than by reading comber, wuje volumes i of da Ilea. All current topic made Plain In each Issue by special editorial matter wrllten from lucrptlou down to date The ouly f 1-. .""' ciiiyior prome who in or du not read dilyewstiars,audytl thirst for plain fact, ThaflhUkliid of iiewswr la HipiilarUnrpveiiliylhefacI that Ihe Weekly Made now iiaauver'l.ooo yearly subscribers, fi,d i,iS?irc"",ro,n " ', " ' he fnlltd H I,,. In addition to fife iicwa, Ihe Made publishes short and aerial slollc. and many department! zwwy&v u,,h,Urof xi f" Write forfrcj Iprclmcu coy, Aildrru , THfe BLAUB, Toledo, Ohio. THe Toleda hfade mJ nrif nuun ........ ., J.J.S . -' - "' UVi,l,ti- n w yuf, At Gateway to the Great DESCHUTES PINE Timber Belt - The Town has Grown almost entirely in the imxt yenr. the MMt office (iNtitiK only from April 8, iyo.. Ik'iul lmn excellent public sckooU ami complete public water works. - FOR INF0RA1AT10N INQUIRE OF ' The Pilot Butte : Development Co. Proprietor Townsite I HIllM-t I.SM.I Ait llllK 1 - . 'JTICK Foil ITMLICATION. I Ijllld OlfUr The lll'S .Mgull Jul) II lf V.li. is lieiel.) gien lhat ini.imi lusir wiiu h' i,iSH,M..f Ihr An,,ll ,.r l l.ir i rulillfl All l.,i lh mU 111 IiimI.. I Uii.u in Hi. slslrs of '.lir,.rla Oregon .rv.,4 su.l washinglosiTettUuty a rait nurd t.. alt the publlt land stairs by act of August 4, it Mary K Caldwell ..frwod. count r of Cr.n.l. stale M Oregon, has this day tlr.1 In this .iflie h t orn Malrnirnt Ni i. f-K Ihr purtkase i.rthe seUseti and ', K of art 14, Ip i s, r ior, m. And will otter proof to show thai Ihe land SMSght U more valuable fur IU limber a st.,ur lhaa ifor agttcsillaral mims. awl lo establish bet cialw to said Uud before II. C Kills. V h Cammsssionet.alhlsofeeeia head. Oregon. uu Novrmber .j. iu " Mhr names a siisrMi. kt. oaw.k. .... JJ?. Ifi ,lZ?1".: '" I Xuerlaoti and haniurl v iwwii, an 01 mrun. irrrgoa. 1allsMiNlhirflsotosiarhrfersablisits O.. ..( November, lyt. ' ; MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Keglster Timber Land, AcTjmm j 17. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I. H Und (MsWr. The Italles. ctregoi,. July ji, 1 . Jf?te.!S wn9'M'-' lbt m spliaiH with Use pruvlaion ofthe Act of Congrrs of lunr i .,o'!'ur!.",.MJi,.".i -l"ofllmb. Unds w.,.hw.!U.,"Sf C2,Tfo"w- ("P""i Nevada, .ml PUHk laud stale by Act of August 4. it, the ti,V?,VeT."-5d - have on July y iv". I in (Ru oroc heir sworn stalrnVeuU lo it, Alma J Ireuiuev ollNirtlaud rouuly of Multnomah. Mat of lie. gou sworn statement No syiu, for Ihe pun base ofthe wtsswff sec I aud e 'HH Wv lu h ., v w m, fidna M Jarus Of I'UCllsU.l. nuullf ..I U..l,u...t. ..- r .. gmi 1 sworn .temenl No . for' lb pui.h.i ? 10 J 'ZHwHrtt mUK I, tp .. Ilta.1 Ikast. toill e.ff. s.f. a.. t . " v ,"""" fvt iu mow ihai hr !SSSi.'.V. ' !''!' fcf '" MHr . '""' :?.""" iot agriruiiurai purpose, sml c m ?-W hih1.r " M UiuKXfot 1 Hend, Oregon, on the 1 1II1 day uf irctoUr.oT 1 ney name Ihe following wilHf KiIim M got. IMtilel llrlslng, JhIiii Wensndy. A.C ,wm aiidlrewu I'eUrake of Mend, Oregon. Any and all arsons claiming advrrsely the rf-ir.f."'!T"f."il'"U"U rr T"J"l"l l file their of oitVur: T " " w ,"": ",c MM "'" uy "" licIAIII, T. NOLAN, Kegl.lcr Timber Laud, Ail June j, i7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. H, Land Office, The linllrs, Oregon, KfjllC-41 la llavrolsu nlu... II..I I.. .. ... it.. . . iT ',J'.,'" ' " WHUliHtilire ullh ii 11 -""-" iiiuriim, irrrguii, ncvuila, and JuS 1 ,J'i",'i" Tr'"'."ry'" caltiiAed Ui a I to public laud stales by act or August 4, ib., "' Klla M. Caltlhau, W.jy'.yrw .s: uf ,,,e "&""' Alllltsjltl tlfTssr ..... a.. - . .. &$WMW:Z Hr'aune her'c. r,''. V ", . V '.. toRlaWlsIl MlZLK'W" tersely i), te unbroilVdaro-i ItlVM ol IT It a VS. r. oIOLAil. M .sassw .- mi