r MMMMMMI r.A ' jn. . . . : The Song of the Hair There arc four verses. Verse 1. Aycr's Ilnir Vluor ninkes ilichnlrRrow. Versc2. Aycr's Hair Vigor slops falling linlr. Verse 3. Aycr's Hnlr Vigor B cures dandruff. Verse 4. Aycr's Hnlr Vigor nlwnys re stores color (o gray hair. The chorus is sung by millions. " n.fnt mlnir Aer' ll.tr Vlif I hmt rr Ihlii and eiy iN.r ti.lr llul I ranlliiiiiMt In llm Vliar utilll Hit lialr kiII, liiii.n,.! In nifty ar I liajo nfl II off utii) mi f"f III ii iii (iri, i IIM, 1 llltVM UMMIIKU, N..lk N J. IJL MadehrJ U Jrt'l , Low. II, Ms,,. ya Alto laanufaelurere of ,C JLtCo ciiuaiv rrcroRAU U Jh ! ll inmii i r , Wli .if n Klun'a I'nill. Qnreii Mmnl lin tln rcput itlon of being tlm wit of King IMtviird's family. On unn iRTflnliiii ti uhh with Iter Kin tern nt n tmlilli' function mill noticed n curious prrMiinu garlng nt tlirlr ev ery mot cmc lit, Hiiyn lint (.ornliiu Tatter. Aimhllngly, lie wrote MUncHiIng mi n piece of impor nnit, iiinWIhk h rtlii of handing It to om of litr Mater, dropped It. The reporter, of course, In great glee picked It tip. cxc'tlug to Krt n great wimp fur liU twper. tin nglim III iliNxrln when ln found writ ten on It thofnmmoiiplace remark: "My new IhhjIh pinch iin Imrrllily." riTA Hi V !' li.nr (Ml rH Nhtmi IK'- lllu rmh.illr mrrd by llr. Kliha tli.at .Sft. Iw.i.M.r. rwadrVr rtiltlCfllrtallmtlliMi lr..ll. If II II. Kiln ,M. l AKhm..l'bH.,la, AllrmpllllK tlir lliluillilr, Hlit My lieauty tliK-tur want to glte nin some IitMwiii In tin proHr way to Opell (Hill Xllllt Hi IIHIIItll. Ill' fHJH It ha a great lHNrliiK on n woman' look, lie- Why. my iir. joii ifHi your gracefully cmitush. ami h for abutting It, what' tlii IIM uf throwing away good money? Detroit Free Pre. To II re ilk In Mew Miors. Alwsy, tisi In Allen's I'imH-Ksm-, trr. Ilcurra hill, wralhiK, 'htnit. wolli Irrl. Ctirreeurn,, IhiiiwIii null .tut Umioin At II itruitiliu sml hiin flMirt, Wo Iiiih'i aw-rt tiriulnlltulo fmmHe ttinllnl KIIKK. Addreae Allen ft. OluitUd, l liny, V. ilvrrli h I'm.ihm I xnrr, Dritnls I'whst's nil llu fuse thr-y'M ma kin' nlMHit die wnrkrr? I.rrjr A lot ti' crunk I 'nr-rtln' a fill f'r clana milr. -Chlrgo Tribune. KrrplnK II In llir llnlly. Toiifoiinil It nil," Mlil tin I'Mcrly Ki-ntlriiiHii ulio wiu illnlMk "Iih n ctio run Inily, "the -omii;ter with Hint no trow nt tlin corner tnlilr In my crmid on, The ynuiiit piiiiy!" "Oh, It'n nil rlKht," relorteil the fair dniimitl. "Ile'n with my crauilmoth r." I'lttnliurK I'ot. Mow'iThliT Me offer One, llumlnJ l)tltr Itewunt fat (nr CMmili nmtli ttitl cauuui tio oureJ bj llUt'lrrli I iir. . . V J, IIIK.NKY A CO,l,fi)..ToIe.lo,a We, Ihe. umtaritgnrHl. Iintu known K, J, Chennr lor llio lut Ibjreari, ntnl tolleto hit lrloc(lr linnornlilo In nil bti.lnm Ut.iut.o llum mitt niianrln.Ur utile loearrjrout tir uU IIKIIuiiiiiiiIo tir Ihrlrnrin. w Kir A I nui. wliiili.lo Druif liti.Tolftls.O. Wil.MNil. KlhHAM ,V UnVIN, Wlulctlo IIIUJ' 111, 'I ,llMlfl II ll.ll'.i irtli'iirelilkon Internnllr. 't" lliiUiectlr illiili Uio I4imI alul wueuM uf Uret ll llin )Hlclil. I'llrr. TW ,r bultlO. tolil Iir all liriiniiliit. IcilliiiiiHUU Irco. llalt'i family I'llli ie llio beet. Jlllllirr IIimikp , Hlr-llilril. 'Hie row liml JifrtiMHl nter Uw moon, "Th.it'11 u little tlt lilntuwt," ie ml.!. "Ibnt beef bn kh iiinc lb tnul wa crdmilwil." At tbU p'llnl the llllle ilng wept. In linnn, "U'hnt'n the wy?" anketl Ilia pronpect Ire hlriil innn. "Well," nimwernl the farmer, "ye kin linre ((I n ilny mi' three of my Jnrter'n kl, nr $11 n ilay npil il( klimM. Hull juurx'lf. An fer an I'm ooiuvrneil ye kin take It nil out In klHM If yu've a in I ml to." llounlnil Clironlrle. FADED TO A SHADOW. ' Worn Down by Flvo Yonrt of Suffer Ing fro Pi Kidney Complalntr Mra. Itetnotliti Myore, of 180 Houth Tenth Ht., honton, ()., nnya: "I lmvn workoil lmrd.tn my tlino nnil linvu been oxpoaoil RKaln anil ntinln to clmnuoa ot wvnthur, It la no wonder mv kldnova 'Q'tuw .i- kiivo out mid I went nil to pieces nt Inat. For flvo yonra I wna ifadliiKaway nnd DiiaN It bo weak tlint for alx montliB I could not get ont of tho house. I wne noivoua, roatleaa nnd aleepleea at nlK.it, nnd lame and eoro In the morn ing. Hometimra -evorytliliiK would whirl nnd blur before mo. I bloated bo badly I could not wear tight cloth ing, nnd bad to put on aboea two bIbob largor than uaual. Tho urine waa dlaordored nnd pnaangea vero dreadful ly irequent. I got help from the flrat box of Doau'a Kidney I'llle, howover, nnd by tho tluio I had takon tfour boxea the pain nnd bloating waa gone. I have boon in good lioalth over Blnco.' Bold by all dealora. 60 cental box. Foalir-Milboru Co, JluOalo. N. X. o II T Tj 'A-Y .lit fte?2s. Gfc. s&fGL'i mjasyiiL yfm am GXiiiff JfP err m ,o .TA:.itJw yiiiiZzZtZAP "' 'i' 7jLimia&v r . ti'i itf -& rV-V'rrr 'I'lic llrnt phut' III l-iilliloil whli-li I lit Aincrlciill tlnltH In nliiiifit liivnrlnlil) t lie timer of l,iiiiiloii. Thin Mriictiiri' In thn urrin of tlio iiioiIitii city. Tim Imllillnu In hliii'li, with ii lilni' iloimi mil ii kIi'IiiiiIiix Kolil IhiII thut rrowim IIm ImiiIitii. A ntirrow, ulmllni; Hlnlri'i" IiikIh to thi room when tin lltllo prlnei'M illi'il ni pitifully. Here 1m tli hKit whero Amu' lloloyn, wlfo of Ku KlumrN "hliinhiiiril." wn I'Xin'iiliil, mill Kiitlicrlni' Ilimmil IlkoHhui, hnr niial l iinfiirliiiiiili' tiiniitiMir, nml Mlmrc thn luu'ly Mini lm iiMc Jhiu (Irny won Imi Ininlnl, ii miirtyr to imiIHIchI IntrlKne nml in) ill Jiiiloimy. Ilcri' In llm trnlt I'l'n (,'nli'. nml ihe Itttlti pfiiuatirry wlil.li Mlliilllh'y iIih-IhiihI tn ii (Iki Milikt kMlt Oil I'lirlll. Next In jxiliit of Interim! iiiiiiim thu (iilliiilriil of Kt. I'kiiI, wild m iimhi.i IIH'lltM Of lMTH, H llllll' llollll' HUT ImiiiI, win-re iirifiui toiion .roll nuiiily, Willi' Hlnlm from HhiMi' llltlto Willi Crlmrfl'n tulii'iiil Ihhiiiiti. pwk of Klory. Thiiri- In, lioui'ver, no iiioiiti ini'iit In lniul(in whli-li Ami-rlcHiiH mi ilcHrly Ion' mm tho lutiiitlfiil nhley I'liuri'h of WmtiiiliintiT. All who lnnt of KliKllnh IiIuinI fii'l tllit till" Vul- IihIIh of OrnMt IIHInIii In n nirlHl In lii'rltniMT. Alt In' tin' Mhlity In IiohuII fill, With M lllHlll) llrtlM'I'rHteif IkiIIi hy llll' lrolllllM Of lUHIl'n IllKll fnltil Hllll ll Ihi' iM'MH'fiil, ihiIiIi'. riiiuielllm; tmu'li of llllll'. Ill pll of till', IllMliy toilllei, Wnnliiilimtfr'n NtliHHiphnri' In Hot iU prtMt)lnx. An nlr of i e erron- hut not llllr of MiillHMI mrtrlinrtK "IIh MlHlt iiifrtliiK ilmi' of clKht ilvnil mttuiitw." TIwih hi" lewH.iM tnuiclit by thin nrwit Mtilptiirml tmiili uf Mn Hint iMtuiv'n iihIiIimuii. 1 1 mil pMrMMm Mini lilxh ri' Milte Kiirniiiuil Hh iiiImiI, nml Uwi'h In III VMIllKll llll't of I III Mini) M)HI- i'Iht. Moplil mi plMiillfully with luil mHuim, I rut Ihi of tiff Mini lwt hMrnil iiKirc Khmly In'th Irtia), touvl) ntrHt uiiUltlc. Tin' tuurlnt win i wUIn- to tnkc In nt n kIhihv Imiw Mk nml how lniKirtnnt In Iximlmi, hIwiiIiI ku h ml MhniI oii Iiii' lion hrlilKi', wlmri' i"Hll he miii the coll tluunin thniuic crMliu (hi rhur, I In Krint irt of thn Tlmim rruwilnl n'n fur im tlii'iyi imii nmrli ulth iliwkn mnl rlor cm ft. mnl tin hrlntlluu fornti of umntH. Iluru iiiiIi'hIIkim thn thoiieht of the wmt ri'lHlloii of IiiiiIimi to tin ret of thn orhl. It In not merely tin' hlKKiwl 'lty It U by nil iiimiuir uf lllfMlui tilt' KrtHttM. It In IniHi tin tiilll Itii'irlnl nml the llnniwtrtl router of if fulls. Hit Mirt. Hit) lnri;i-.t lit the world, oxttiiiln way down tin Tliaintn on ImiIIi Iwukn an far an the Mil, VINDICATION OF DREYFUS. ('.ilirl'a Verttlvl Clixea n I.ouk I'limi Irr of Injiiatlre. Vheti the niipreimi ouirt of Frnnee niniiiiliuvd Itn ilet'lnlun miuiilllui: the iimli'iiiiiHtloii of Dreyfim without n re- trial. It completely vludlCMlitl Dreyfim, reWtorliiK him to bin rank In the nrmy an though he Imd never been nivunyd nml iiirililiiK him n chief or Hpunlroii of artillery. TuKether with niiu Pleiunrt wnn hIko ruliiHtHteil mid made u hrlKU iller Keneral Thin cliei n iiuik chap ter of liijtmtlci wliu-li, iN'rliiim. linn no HII:IT TIIKN 4SU JVOW. piiriillcT III the nineteenth century. The Drejfu exetnplllles two cxtriMuen of liuimiu conduct-iiiithtukiihlc lummy nml the luflleitt wiinc of Jutlce. The crliuluiil e.NiietllenU cinplo)cd In IJio orlKlunl conviction of the uuhiippy tuil- cer; the hiivhko torluren to which no vviiH Hiihjccteil, eniecliilly during his life in Hint ciigo oil DcvII'h Inland, mid the entire drift of conduct of thu bu reiiucrntM thut were opposed to him, iijiirk thb outeruioht limit of hntreil mid cowiudltv, Hut DreyfitH now vindi cated. Hullt Iiiih been brought hniiu; ij the guilty nml tliu liinocvnt luu Ihhmi ro hiilillltntcd In thu gnriiicutx of Inno cence, The highest court In the French republic Iiiih declared Hint the necuaii Hon, thu farcical trial, the Inhuman hcntence, the henrt-hrcnklng public. dcgrinhiHou of an olllcor of thu army, whoso honor wnn dearer than life, thu hreaklug up of a tender family relation, thu Buffering that wim laid upon u do. Voted wlfo and adoring children becailau -" iLssss&rasstmzTj im r 'M& wnuat& i"rrVTnf imflfinirTK; Hint It forum ii Imrlmr thut In rij mllifi Ioiii,'. All ik'iiiii ti'lcKruiilii nin utkii hero. Ami pi-oplt) from ovi-ry ipiiirter of tliu mirth iiuuu to Ignition, I'lther In Hijuiini for h wlillt' or merely to iiiiMt throtiKh tho city en roulo for hiiiiii plni'it i'Im1. Ami IIiwm' illmcy i'xh liiK iliH-k wflrehounen Im'Iow ixiiitaln un told wiiillli, the Krcntiiit tniinuri' pruli Hbly that i'er Imn Imtii itillis-iisl In oim plnt'o In nil tlin uorhl, lYoplu nrHk with Jtinth't) of "I'lither 'I'limiii','' for tho rhcr In imiliily rcniMinnlhlt) for Im iliiu'n j;riHtiii.i. WhltHlMll In ntiperh. On both nlilon of lliu roMil lire iHtlntlitl mnn of it (lillHciuri. Near hy U KiitlMinl Yard nml tlw ndmlrnlty, mid ihlii Hh llnr ilUNnU,lht linniliiinrters uf tht ItritUh Hiiny. Tho iimiM' In taken from the iHiuiM'holil tnniHi hIwiijm oii duty luvt Tho hltf of thv phlri' In Hint of tin- nn eliiit tilt janl of Vitiiilunter, wlilrli wnn hi rimowmil fu.r Itn Jnuntn ilurliiK tint Tudor nHicii. .Sir I'lilllp .Sidney IImiI to tilt liero. the lint I of Uliintir, tito, nnd Hint hrnie old Kir U'Miry l" who In i-i'lehrHleil In Ilrl t Ixli hlntory for IiiivIiik HhhI t'lKhty jtnra mid ncried Ihu KliKllnh inoliHrrli". OplMinlti' to tho Horn' Oimrdn In the Whitehall bmiipiftlui; hull, out of tie window or wbli-h Cluirli-H I. MepHi in tho M-Mffold. ToiIh)- It In In the imm iMitiU uf tilt' rolled Ituyal .Serin iiininlelon, rmtlnic lvn Klven titer to It hy Uiih'ii Wiuria. Any one wlw wtfirn a RMllor'a him Jacket or a ml illif'a uniform la adinlt:td free to itn lniMirlat imvnl and niltltarv library hihI inii'H'um. ItlclniHUiil terrnci' U llwitl with Ita-id mime edlnVei, ami tht) lIUir arMi li.v tlH Kolernnielit olttefM throllich what N known an the irlnHMl avenue In I-oli lion, ami eottiiti to nil liitert-eelhiu of four nun). wjih-h formn the renter of a KnHip of lliiMirlant tHllltllimn, He mnl are Wi-i'iiiliifler ball ami the hoti'tw of parliament. In tht former hulldlui;. whleh In now the eut mili'it of the hitter, tho tint Ku kIMi I'nrllament wit. It linn Ihh, Ik nldiit, tin Kiiie of nplemlld niynl f tlvltlen, of tlei!' iiiruimtloli lmnUetn t olden time wIh'H the chmiiiIojiH of Kn Khiud rode Into the hall uml threw down tho (.Ime In t'hnllcuet ii.llnt nil iMiiiern. t'liiirlen I wnn trletl uml -tin dfiuut'd here, nnd Cromwell. iuhkiiIH tviitly nttlml In ermine and In purple. whm prtK-lalmeil bird pruteetor. It auk only it few year! later Hut hW lHttd wan e.iotil at thin Mime plutv on the lilt of ii pike. of the MUllid'ii and lathern wofnl pIlHht. ami all tke dlrevi ami eollaterul Horntra of the Kaferhaxy Infamy, had mi rtwitwit for Ik'Iiik. Out of thin dark iiljelit rlxtn thi Uautlful pletiire of a wlff'ii uutlrliiK ili'Mitluii to her hiinlmud, and .Mm. Dreyfim' nmuv In now lauded throuchout tho world. Wli Up Wiia .tMuT" Ont of the WaHhliiKtoii wirrenpond entn ban worn u fiuv of deep crlof fr everal tlayn, hut Imn lufmcd all ofTera to Miur bin w"n on friendly Im.miiih until to tiny, lit unlniit ibU afterutKHi nml naltl: "Wtrtl. If you iniixt kiiow. It'n thin. When th prenlilent convnt etl to tb Alllaou anieuiliueiit I wan Hllett with deep itrlef. f.ir at henrl I M n pntrlot ami am with the common ptatple. I wrote a dlapali-h mi hut t'lwt It alMltnl. I uowih1 w herein the prttl- iltnt(liHtl fallen from Hint liluli plmie whereon ho hail been iimlirlintl. nnd tin it cllumx I wound up with, a iwrNKrdnli In which I hmIiI with hitter Irony; 'Ilia Hethiii Iiiih ichen meat Mtldfactlou to nil the consplro'iir mid iMrruptloiilnta llCTl'.' "The ne.t dny I pIcktMl yp my pper, nml wluit do you think It rend? Iloro It la. lHiea nut thin account for my cnreworii luow?" And he (minted to bin own dls-putWi which' i-oncliidctl In Hion wottln: "Ilia nctlon Iiiih k'Im'ii uront Hiitlnfactlon to nil the coiihilnitiirs nnd coriosiKiudontH hern.' XWialilnctoii Conwpundeiit, New York TIiiich. Nn .tli'ilt Sfiiiulula In I'lirla, Parlit, with her genius for organisa tion, probably IuiiiIh thu world In her tfclcutlllcMlly conducted slaughter hmiMW, Hiiyn Public Opinion, Almost perfect privautloiw Tor public safety aro taken by moans of the rigorous lu HiKvtloii of the meat by thu police. There are two Iniiucmte timiilclpal abut lolro, and thu charge for slaughtering, known as the "aluughter Iidilso tax," U - franco per hundred kilograms, or nlwut ?l.-- per ton, which the city nets iiNldi) to defray tho txist of inalntnlnlng and repairing thu abattoirs, lu round numlvra thu city receives ?7tto,000 u year. New Orleans Picayune. It's u draw between tha man who parades his vices tuul tho ouo who boustK hi vlrtucD. It'n n wlw dentUt who U nblo to drmhls own conclusions. What is Castoria. 1 ASTORIA Is a harmloss outstituto for Oastor Oil, Paregorio, Dropo and Soothing Syrups, It is pleasant, It contains noither Opium, Morphino nor othor Narcotic substanco, Its ago is its guarantee, It destroys Worms and allays Fovorishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rcliovcs Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency, It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowols, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and -which has been in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of Ohas, H. Fletcher, and has beon mado nndor his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to decoivo you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. -iivr:)" rr-T-n CASTOR T,.imiTrT'ir..n.iir.;ii'::,ri iii1:.".:: AVcficlable?rcparalionrorAs t, slmllntlngtticroodarulKcciiin ting the stomachs onu uowcis oi wmssFsmmnmmm Promotes Ditjcslion.Cheerful ncss and Ilcsf.Contalns neither Otnum.Morphinc nor 0ncraL Not NAitc otic. xmarou nrswvnnraia Jhv tmmt m CUnAtJJufV Ancrfcct nemedy forConsIlrva- lion. Sour Stonuch.Dinrrlwca, Worms .Convulsions.Fevcnsh ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. taaaaaaaaaaa. aaaaaaiaaaaaaa raeSlcrule Signature of ST.W YORK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. wx.: PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more toodi blighter and fatter color, than any othrr dr. One 10c package color, ail, wool and cotton (Quail? well and I. Suarantcrd lo glte perfect mull. Ak dealer, or we will tend pott paid al 10c a package. Write for free booklet how to drc. leach and ml color. MOMIOt DKUG CO., UnlsmUle, Mluouri. ltr." I.nrrr uninirrBrltl. Tht HroadwHV friend of tarry Sum nierlleld, the wlreh"n wire tnpicr, were .greatly plwinetl yentrrilay to learn that their old aMWte had lieen M'liH-ted nn orgmilxt in the chap) at Sing Slug prlniii'. As there are several ts of cor view each Sunday, tm new Job will enable iJirr.v to be away from bis cell the greater art of the day. Of all day. Hh moat dnaidetl by the Sing Sing prisoners Is Suuday. They have no work to dothfii and must re inalu lu the cells except whuii attend ing chapel sorvlcos. There are two chapels Protentaut and ChHioIIo. The prltonora usually attend both, fo as to get nwny from the cloo coutluement ' on Sunday. As organist, Sumiuerflcld will not only eacupo the coll eontlneiuent on Sun-1 day, but will also have u few "evenings j out," as there are services several times a week In tho evening. According to tho friends of Suiumerlleld, the wire-1 ir SnlfiJ'Sf ' h S?.?" In his home. It Is said that be has been after the Job of organist for some time- ew York sun, itfrai Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15 Prepares for I)ramatlc and Operatic Stage and places Graduates in alx montliB Forty UruduateH now with t ravel riig coinpauioa. Send for Cata logue. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School ran lhil, Arcade Bulldlnf, Seattle, l FRANK C'EGANPrficlpil. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher. Dr. F. Ccrald Dlattncr, of Buffalo, N. Y., rays: "Your Caatorta la goo4 for children and I frequently prescribe It, always obtaining tho dcalrcd results." Dr. Gustavo A- ElsongTncbor, of St. Paul, Minn., rays: "I havo used your Castoria repeatedly in my practice with good results, and can recom mend It as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children." Dr. E. 3. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I havo used and prescribed your Castoria in my sanitarium nnd outside practice for a number of years, and find it to lie nn excellent remedy for children." Dr. S. A. Buchannn, of Philadelphia, To., soys: "I hare used your Cas toria In tho cato of my own baby and find it plcaxant to take, and havo obtained excellent results from Its use." Dr. J. 13. Simpson, ot Chicago, HL, rays: "I have used your Castoria la cases of colic in children and havo found It tho beat medicine of its kind on tho market" Dr. R. B. Esklldson, of Omaha, Neb., says: "I find your Castoria to bo a standard family remedy. It Is the boat thins for Infants and children I havo ever known and I recommend It" Dr. Ik It Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo cays: 'Your Castoria certainly has merit Ib not Its age. Its continued use by mothers through all thesa years, and tho many attempts to imitato it, sufficient recommendation? What can a physician add? Lcavo it to tho mothers." Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New York City, says: "For screra! years I hava recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as it baa Invariably produced beneficial rcaulta." Dr. N. D. Slier, of Brooklyn. 1S Y says: "I object to what are called patent medicines, whero maker alono knows what Ingredients aro put la them, but I know tho formula of your Castoria and advlso Its use." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS rf Beara tho Signatnro of immgw Eoara tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Fop VMI CCNTAUR etIT TT STAND FIRM "When you buy an OILED SUIT or SLICKER demand OVEft 7SHML1& Its the cosiest and only way to get inc ocsx Sold over.ywhere This Book Is FREE COSTAISINO I " V Kitchen, Nuf SCry and SICK KOOm. "How to Have a Clear Complexion." ''Articles on the Hair and Hands." "Borax as a Preservative, Etc." It gives invaluable Information on the 1000 uses of 20-MULE-TEAM BORAX in the Home, Farm nnd Dairy. All dealers Kre. Sam pi llorai and llorai Hoap. I llookiH a d Souvtiilr'l'io.uialii rulnra, rorlOraiita and lea r"a name, 1'AUIUU IOAHI' JlOltAX IU, OaWlauJ, Cal, CLASS1FIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Name, and Addrctsea In Portland of Rcpra .cnt.llv. Dutlneas rirm. CHS: AM Hh:i'AUATOUH-.V guarauteal baU.H. Sf liaralor lo ba Ilia li.il. Wilia lur tin catalog. llattlwoud Co., t inu auj Oak. alKNat'I.OTIIINO lluflum .t renjltloo, aola agrais Alfred lleuiaiulo A Co.'a rorreel clotliaa .yrjllilng lu raea'a fUrnUhlnga. Wertlaou aaj Ulilb tireaia. Uppoalle iwaiorlU-e, 1'IANOS A OIKIANS Many fine laitruraant, ra. v.rtto accouni iknifiior remuval of buyer Write, for drier ptloii vt ano now on band. Uriuh etc Write today, UUbert Co., l-exiland KTft5'a. wis ?u;a g , w H (ifffj i BL 'a 'j mm - 4ft O Over 30 Years. MUMMAT TT, NCW Vt CITF HE A VES CURED I dr t m.r, . throat aad wlibi irooMra. Carta Out,,, lea(. Dlittaiw ia lailttillja. Vlrlnrt. aat ium ana rccnunna PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDERS rnie'ie will ctltbem. 1 rUts Mk atdaWr M I salt BtiKl Cor frt bo. PBISCIAN RFMinV CO. ST PAUL, MINN. ' QtlS. U. UWC CO Sultk izl VkUibI. Wsckuli AtU L. DOUGLAS $3.50&s3.00 Shoes OCST IN THE WORLD W.LDouglas $4 Gilt Edga Itna . cannoloaequauedaianjpr 7 )ae Mtr W. I. DvmiU- Job Mix IIoiim la III iimj.I vuil4l lu l6Hro.il. irr 3tnJtr Call4 SHOES FOB EVERYBODY AX ALL PHICE3, M.a'a Shoa. ko to SI.SO. PoTa- Sboaa, S3 toai.ao. wouimi onmi, cxi to ai.oo. Miaaa' Cnlldraa'a Bboae. 3.80 to Jl.OO. Try V. L. lluuslaa Vtiineu'a, Sllaaea nnt Clilldreii'a alioeat fur atyle, rlt and wear tiicy txri oilier inaKea. It I could take you Into my largo factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carelully W.L.Douglas aboea are made, you would then understand why thoy hold their shape, tit better, wear longer, and are of greater valuo than any other make. Wherever you live, you can obtain W. L. Douglaa shoes, tile name and price U stamped on the bottom, which protects you against hlgb prices and Interior shoes. Tak no furxfl. tut: Aik yourdealer lor W. L. Douglas shoos and Insist upon having them, fa ( Color iutlita uied (,(! will not wtar enuju. Writ, lor Illustrated Catalog ol Pall Styles. W. L. OOUULAS, Uept. U, Urockton, Mast, V. N. u, rioTaiKM " n niSK writing- to advortUar. -CS .;- civ-ff f vTllr I Rt5 TSi vStfif AsjJSm. I plana. I a, -n I lu.niioa suia pnp.r.