The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 28, 1906, Image 5

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Yhc timid uoy will jrjvc ft xltincc
'in the II. M. Imll Saturday iiilit.
, Origuutt Luciur returned from
'tflic valley Monday with n load of
, All the October iiin,;ii.inut can
now be hud Hi thtt 'wslofiicc iiovvm
dtund. J. W. I'tirilHli and II. A. Kontcr
of I'rincvillu were lleud visitors
The sound of hummer, mv and
plane it heard In Hum) thwc clayH
and it sound well, Indued.
M. M. Orlswold, In company
.with Prank GIiim of Redmond, ar
rived in lleud Inyl evening.
. Mr. and Mr. Tom Kyau aic
upending the week in town ftotu
,the ranch on the river south of
A. M. Drake returned Tuesday
ttveniiiK' from a trip of iiIxhii two
wcek.H at HoImj, Portland, Siilom and
Mm A. M. Drake, while on her
recent trip to Portland, wuut down
to ItoftcbutK for n vlnit with Mr.s. J.
M. ItMwreucc.
A party of Mix men from J,nke
view are iu lleud looking vcr tin
country with the view of inventing
iu ditch Uud.
C. V. M ottwii, II. II. DhvIm mid
J I. Spiiiitifj of Wilbur, Wrtsh., wre
iu lleud lust Saturday investing iu
laud heimboutN.
1 Mr. mid Mm. J. U Rymt re
turned to Ikiwl WetltHrtdny after
lcudinK a uiwk or to days on
their up-river ranch.
CharUa Winter ww iu lUtid
Tuesday and ptirchuaWil a diic
harrow for um on the Wittier &J
Sous ranch at Tumolo.
The Catholic Ladka' Altar So
ciety will meet with Mrs. H.J. P.
McDonald next WudtioMlHy after
noon Everyone invited.
Mr. and Mr. W. T. Cfltey ami
mill have move! to Hettd irottt their
Powell Unite raHch iu order that
the Mil may attend acliool.
Pour new poftottictw have been
ctab)ihed iu Crook county tluriuic
the awwmer. That ahowei that
Crook county to growing iu reputa
tion. Topic for ChrUUan Ilmfcavor
service next Sunday evening ,
"John Gilntour and MUstons in
'iChiua." I.ader, Mr. H. Itadle
The Head Social Club to iw cor
respondence with an entertainment
bureau and it ia planned to present
some gowl attraction iu their hall
about Oct. 15.
Dr. W. S. N'ichol can a 10 raise
turnip. He exhjbited one thi
week grown in his garden in the
rear of the atom that tueamtred a.
incite iu diameter.
liTo Central Ore
gon Banking (Sb
Trust Company
Capital 525,000.00
Transncts n (Icnerul Hank
Acts ns Administrator, Ii.v
cctltor or TrilHtce of Hstntcs
Issues Drafts nml Hank
Aloncy Orders 011 oil Foreign
Interest 011 Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Uoxes.
l-lru Insurance.
I) lit IJ C T 0 R S: '
. M. Wrnke, A. I,. Goodwill!,
Ijrimlilunt. Vice Troi,
y 'il, I.iiwruncej Secretary.
1'. 0, Minor, Cmliler.
IV. ::'. ' -QH-FOW.
' T- a.
Sheriff Klklitfl wan fit 'the John
Htou ranch yesterday scrVur; riltb
'pot'riuh on 'the difTc'rt'nt then who
hurried to the Y.c ranch soon after
the murder of Sell.
J. A. Atchixou and son of Grays
Harbor arc lit lleud this week
looking over the titnler proposition
hereabouts. They are old ac
quaintance of Duncan McMillan.
W. A. Gould of Minneapolis and
It. II . Miiucy arrived in lleud
Weilncsday evening. Mr. Could
Ik iuterestcd with . W. Lnkln in
limber hureabouts and came to
look over his interest here.
That advertising iu The Jiulletlil
jwys has been demonstrated by I,.
I). Wieat. He recently put a &ix
line reader iu The Uulletin calling
nttentiou to the strawberry plant
he has for wile, since which he lias
received numerous orders through
the mail for the plants.
I.. II. McCauii found a hill of
potatoes in his garden this week
that had made a peculiar growth.
There were four large potatoes,
measuring front six to seven inches
long and about seven inches iu cir
cumference. Hut there was not n
fclgn of a small potato iu the hill,
alttolutcly nothing but the four
large ones.
C. A. Spainhour has a hawk
story that discounts the one recent
ly told hv Dr. Merrill. The doctor
shot a hawk uieaauriug 42 inches
front tip to tip of outstretched
wings. Mr. Suliihour says that
l has shot 10 hawks within the
laat few months and that of these
two measured 49 inches from tip to
tip of wings and otic 50 inches.
Geo. II. Prince, vicc-presidaut of
the Merchants' National Dank of,
St. Paul, Minn., and If. M. Prince,
cashier iu otic of the leading lmuks
of Minneapolis, arrived iu lleud
last evening to look after btuinu
matters These men arc two of the
leading stockholders iu the Des
chutes I.ttmtwr Co., which has
large timler holdings iu this region.
The baud bows ruort a very
pleasant time at the Sisters, where
they furnished the music ior a
dance last Hriday. Sisters jxwple
have a flue hall iu their new one
opened for wm the first time last
Friday, and the opening was vary
successful. The baud lwys were
treated royally, feasted on lost of
good things, and speak in glowing
terms of Sisters hospitality.
MM ii-.. .1 e : I-M..I. !. -i ....
1 iic ircim oui-mi v-iuu i.s plan
ning improvements iu their hall.
The stage will be changed into a
movable one so that it can readily Ik
taken down and stored iu n corner.
This will give much more room for
dancing. The floor will be scraped
and oiled with 11 special preparation,
and the inside of the hall will be
repainted. The club expects to
begin its regular Saturday night
dances iu the near future.
T. W. Zimtnerniann was at the
Redmond fair with an exhibit from
the Mayflower gold mine at
Howard. He had samples of ore
1 running aoo to the ton, photo-
graphs showing different views of
the mine, and ore crushed into n
coarse irawdcr ready for tliesmdters.
It was an interesting exhibit. Mr.
.itumcrtuauu nays they are now
making a "clean up" at the mine
and will soon have a gold brick to
show for their hibors-uot the bo
gus article rcfened to so' frequently
but the genuine thing.
J. II. Miller anil family will
leave Saturday for Hood Uiver,
where Mr. Aiiller has the' contract
to clear, pldw,' level atfd fenpe the
laud recently bought ncttr there by
Dr. Nichoi: After linislling,1 that
work he will move to' PorfJahd,
where he has a 'cduaijt to ' clear
,joo acreslu the-Hazehvood addition
to Portland. He lnV bought 3,0
acres hi thtV ndhitiovi and Dr.
fliclib'l 16 ijetety The 'pric'A-of the
laud ranges from ioo" t!a' $135 per
acre. The land lies iu an Ideal
location for an addition to the City,
(olccfTid tfglrtii hfid 5)frt!dl tiff's rirc
within about n mile of it, and the
investors feel confident that they
have. a good piece- of property.
Charles KIdredgc will leave with
Mr. Miller.
RoMnnd Items.
" Mr. Ilewctt'nmde ft Imi!iicwi trip to
Konlnml one duy Irint week,
Chester IIolliimliHd, who linn been
drivliiK from Kolnml to rrlneville, U
driving the Silver ,Jnkc tnc,
Mr. Clnwwu and Mr. Powell made n
Innliuiw trip to Head n fev i!ay ngo.
Mr. Allen ami Mr. mid Mm. Joliu
Taylor returned from Lakevlcw. Tltey
rxrt liuvtiiK ft K,M"' time.
A freight tenia Mn tlirotilt IIo1hik1
n few dyn ngo, cnroiitu for Silver Lake.
J. TaKtfrt tuwle a flying trip to Hol
land one day lat week.
Mike Morrikun, the locator, jwwu-d
throng! Kmlsml a few day njjo with a
jwrty of tlinhfr eekcr.
MIm JomIc Aiidrown is cxH!CtI back
to tfocli the winter term of mIiooI, on
the DuAcliatea river.
Arthur Tnylor didn't drive utajje loan.
He retired or Kot tirwl.
Will I'luic 'llic "Mot Air" Well.
l'rauk IiVflniHl proiuiMf to fill audi
real me ixtle wincli lie Mime time nuo
drilled oil the M.iitli ide of toun, witlilH
the next few day, or an wwhi a lie cohi
plete a mimll iili of drilling lie Iiw4 for
tin Milr MillitiK Cohiwiiv. WliMr
IrilliiiK the hole l Die iwittli lle of
tonti, the drill broke into a crtrviec,
liortlv after wliicli work hm dicoti
tlniHrI. A M-veral wellt ttUtw and in
line of till Itol liave tweii dry at tinteit
iIuHmk lit MtMttimer, it i ltdevl
by HWMy poiiiO that tlw water Mpply
for tliOM wIU ha rtett wnatiiiK lliroueh
the hole wlilali Mr. Ixvclnnd drilleil,
and it U for tilt rwtfOii that he will plttK
It ahov the erevtce Until a plug wu
Ir'ven tWH wmh little dMnnce into
the hole, it w.w jKwIlik at any tline to
hanr water runnine. into It. Madnw
On account of changing rcsid ctuce
'thfjiropriftj.css oftlle New York Cash
s'to're, Laidlaw, hereby announces
n closing out sale, commencing
Sept. 24 and lasting Until about t he
1 oth of October. In the bargains
arc the latest style of gents' links.
Indies', gents', boyB, girls' shoes
and dry goods just nrrived in the
stock. House and lot will also le
for sale at price.
Miaw Ii. II. STKNnHK(5, Prop.
Milliner Coming.
Miss Jessie McCallistcr, a milHne.r
of Princvjlle, will lw in IJcnd from
the 1st to the 15th of October, with
a hue of milliner goods such as
caps, street hats and a few trimmed
hats. 27tf
Hood River Stawberry Plants for Sale
The ClarJi Seedling variety that
has nindc Hood Uiver famous; 75c
a hundred, $5 a thousand. Well
rooted plants.
25-28 I,. D. Wikst, licnd, Or.
. -IiiKiOATiti)
Land I have a few
choice tracts from 40 to 160 acres
each that can be bought at a bar
gain. P. t4, Tomi'Kins, Hank
Iittllditig. 43tf
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied -With all the delicacies of the season
First-class Kquipmciit Fine Rooms and Beds
All stages stop at the hotel door
Chickens for Sale.
I have for salt some pure-bred
liar-red Plymouth Rock hens; alM
me spring chickens, fine for table
use. unit deliver at ltend n de-;
sired. Mhh. C. I). Ar.i.KN,
37tf ltDiid. Oreiron. I
Tlmlr XtA, Att June j, iSfJ.
V. A. Mud Olfie,The Uatlct, Ottgoa,
July '7. iy5.
'tk t Iwrtliy girrn that in cmillne with
Iter (wrWiiM allht act of Congrt of June i
ft. HtUlci "AiiHt for tlifMlof Itmln-r lmf
Ih tbemlif.f Cll(rnl. OrrKOf), Nrrl, and
Vhin(tcni TetHtory." ralrndnt to all th
ruWic Mn4 MtM by att trf AtHcmH 4, lift.
iluitiKrA. MeCaNH
offend. conNty ufCfwik, aUte of OrtKon. Ita
tkU day Rlrd la thfe ofTwc hrr aworn tutemrnt
Mo w. forlh itttviKornic nK of ace u,
Iplya, r lie, w m,
And wilt offrr woof Ut ahow that th land
KHHiht i more nlM for H timber or Hour
than for aRftcottiual tmtt"- ,wl lo WIh
hrr dalm ! mM Und brforr II C KIIK. V H.
CnmmiliMrr, at hta office in Hf nd, trgo. on
Norrmbtr IJ. ty
Mr aiMH M itMhhH' !,tNrtB If McCaaH,
KofarH J McCann. nrn4t A. (irtffin. Willi m II
Morrill alt of Hmd, Orm.
Any and att twrwma etolminc adrtrwtljr thr
abitiw doactibwl Unda arc raooratMl to file lkir
(Mm In IM orftre on or before aald iMh day of
amaatt, iy
T no MICIf AIU. T. NOI.AN, KrgMer.
Timber 1n4. Art Jane 3. iM.
U. S. Mmt Offx. The IMMco. Orrcou
JHy la, ty5.
Notice U hcrrby gtrcn that In cmllrKe with
Mk fHorlnmria ofthe art of cHigra of Janry
Itlo. anrMlwt "An art for the Ml of tlioUrr
bMHM In the Xal or California, Orrgou. Nevada
ant Wteaataglawi Territory," a eatrndRl to all
tin MafcMemad atatra by art of Auua 4. ifc
Arthur (i. Kly
aIHHnt.mnty o-ICtooW, Utc of Orrgnn. haa
tbhday Mod In thla offer hrt awom MaUmrnt
M.iy9, for the porchaar ft thr nHHwK, w(
nwt and nwifawofarcli,tiia. r ur. w m,
And w4U oflrr proof to abow that the
land aowfnt (a more valuable for the timber
or Moor thereon than for afrtctdtnral prruc.
nd to eaUbUah hia rlatm to aal.1 land beforr
H C KUW. V. S. Commtavfonrr, at hi office la
Kmd, Ote(ro, oh November l, Iy6-
He name at wUneaeea. Klenard Klae, 1'ied
Mnatnetl, Ijiverne Keed, and Jamet It Keed,
ail of Mend. Oregon.
Any and all pcttott cUlmlnK adeeraety
the above deacribed land arc requeued to Afar
taelr claima In thU onVe on or beforr the aakt
1 ah day of November, iyc6.
a7-o MIOIAI.f. T NOAN KmlMrr
Harness and Shoe
I)nn'.'-!.. . I hnve aiciictl a re-
C. 'a harn ami will crrv a full line of I
IwrneA retMira; nlau hi. curry ctitnlm,
liruahea. biaukvK etc. Ilrinj; 111 youri
work. . I
Will alMiVuntinuc to rejwir sliocn.
Buy on Gk'editfF
this $60 Machine for $25
fHocH, ruYiio. ht. J' Hsss: fev
titcb. doubla (red, aelf.
Ihreaillng irinttltt haa
aulomallo bobbin wittier
and oljier tatait Improve,
tnenti. Thtt lube ANTI
TUlSTMAt'lllNK. It la
lb lame machine agenta
amgamTrJ altarhmentrgowlthcach
Blj machine. Bold for only
j rmn anu w ooniniy.
Write TOStI tor Ire rvilinilE UlUOSJt ibowlng
elegant houichr-ld goodi we will thlp (Freight
frrpildloo tilt raimeaU-our new CIUH plat.
Covuftz Furnlturo Oompvny
Slaughter Sale?
Having pttrchascd the Chaplnan stock of dry
goods, etc., the same will be sold at greatly
reduced prices. This atdck must be sold at once
to make room for a fine line of winter goods.
We have some fine bargains in
Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings,
Crockery Tinware, Etc., Etc.
.Si 101'
r Hotel Bend
110N AND
llUQH O'JvANO, Prop.
J(dV Hoitse, NeW'lUftfittUre, Rgdiiab'le ilritcs. Ooo'd Rooms
-n-Z. E. MOODY
Conimission and forwarding
SIIANIKO, - bRtfabN ."
Large, Commodieas Warehouse. Consigotaerits Solicited
I'rompt nttentidn paid to iloc Who
favor me with thcrr patroiiflge
" V
b Leave Shi itiilco 6 p. m. i Leave Bend 6:oon. m. a
S Arrive Prineville 7 a. m. I AVrivc Prinevllle 12:00 m
Leave Prineville 12:30 p. ra. ' Ltmvc PrineviHe 1 p. m.
Arrive Ik nd 7:00 p.m. Arrive Shaniko x a. m.
1 I
Bend Livery & Transfer Co.
W. J. R0BIS0N, Proprietor.
Pirst-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Phone . 15
HoaUatrtct.txt ween Mlaanols and Oregon,
Bend, Oregon.
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing
Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church.
WAtt STRHItT, Oppoaite D. M. Co.
THE finest stock of FRESH
MEATS in Crook County.
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a First-Class
Market. Everything: new and
of the best. WHITE & HILL.
afw'friT-SSiINrO N '-:luaVayaii4l lVAAfifi
No matter how biff th6 bird, no matter how heavy lu T"luraaee or
swift its flicrit, you can bring it to bag with a 'lone, strong,
Btraight ahooting Wine hester Repeating Shotgun Rcaultoro vhat
count. They always give tho beat reoulta In lield. foWl or trap
ahooting, and iro sold wltSiin reach of everybody's pocketbook.
fREEt Stti hm an4 aMntt on'hllal card tat our Urgt lllc$tralcj catatotui. '