The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 21, 1906, Image 8

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    m rfl
m)n in
FMHlBlP!ff'ilMlf1Tn''TTr"'" aii-mmamrtal'
Oft the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
Fl R
mmMmmmmiM'llllMptlii' JI1W1IMWIM
BBBBBBBBBBBBB- Hi Bmmummmm aaaa mm- aaV. IH"TH1 iBBeY"" Bbbbbbi bbb Baavmm bbb.
1116 lUWIIollB II DL..U
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S fwoy xN?CxyoyCv FFF
I VOxy xoy A w Tx s
I X SoxNy vWhx
1 XxXy' sa, XPxy , t "v A
I , x
ttmbn Ia4. Act Jmm i. itA
C. S. Lad Oflkr. Th lMBet, Orvgtm
Joat ittk. 190.
Xodcttabnrtnr rtmi thit in roiaplUacc with
thr rt ( Coairi
tnL t
Aa rt lor the m'.r oftinbrr Ul
is lb MMca i( OiliRrai.
rcgtrti, Nrrwu, and
Waahiaata Trrriiurr.' ritrwded to all til
public Uad autea hy art "f VugvtX 4. is4.
KdBMtad r B (tea
irBea4,CoaarOTok suie of Oragoa. bw
lalicaqrUcdiB thMoAc hts rwora alaHanal
No. aA Car Uw aurcbu f Um acU of ace ii. p
Amd. wa aMar araof at tkow that the Uad
MttaMataUrnkkfar iw UatWr or (too
Si ililililimlaiii 1 1 aad la catakMaa
htoeaUaiaMMhaAacfarc H. c. XUto. T. S
tkkaal 1. Martkaa.
ktat, MjRSw,
.JakaWndL f. Vtk TaWtp
ctatMlaw advandv the
Uad art rraucawd to ilc their
oaor bctorcMM llta.4ar of
Tlartiil Uwd, Act Jaac 3. ij
P.. Uad Oakc. Ttt Qallas. Orcaxm.
Jut iMfc. ia.
VaHac to barrbv tlrm that ia caatpHaacc with
aaarbact ol Coaartat of Ian 3
b act ol Coagnat of Jan
act tat Uk talc of Maibcr Uad
inlacMatatafCanfaraU Orcfoa, Nvsd. aad
Waaaiaalaa Tcrrilorjr." it rxtadd to all tk
rabltcLaadStaUtby act of Au(Ut. isaj.
CU U. Batlca
of Moat, eaaatly af Craoi. tutc of Orcaea, )u
thai dajr llMja that atux brr avom aSuciaat
d ja) far ttat parchav of the a'tawK- ""It
cj, ate 1? aad acti") arc as. tp 19 a, r 1 j r
Aad oAcr proof to aaow that the Uad
nnaht n mare vstaaMc far 1U
iKaa for auicaUaral aaraoata. aad to rauUlah
.KTrtalMjatatd Uad Wlbrall.C. lOUa. V a
caiaaMaaacr, at trlaoCaor la Read, Oregon, oa
the utk daf of (KKiaVrr, iA
itaa aaaaw aa wttaanta Michael J. Morrlaoa.
toaayfcff. Baatrr, Joha Mchfl. P. Leiak Toaip
Liaa. Miaiaad f BatUa.aU of Bead. Oragoa.
Aajraad an paraaaa daiaUag adrcrty ta
ahnrr Jaarrlt afjaaitt roaataud to at their
clnian ia thia ataoc oa or before Hid ialk day of
una it, lyw.
MiKiiAHi. i. iivijH. Kaguicr.
TiatUT IJttU. Act Juat j. ivfC.
U. S. Uad ), The paliw, Orcgoa.
June js. it.
Ketfec tl bcrrb' gircn that In ccoipMaurc witb
the prQsjIen oftbe Act of Centre of June j,
iE entitled, "Aaact for the aaltof timborUub
hi tbcUtcof CallfoniU, Urecen, Nevada, and
WMblngton Territory," m catewlrd te all the
pabUc Mail ttatai by Art of Aagtut . lj,
Irring J Keed
f Meail,fMiHt)'ofCrouV. klale of Oregon, baa
ttiiadav'nlotliHlbw offitr hi attorn atAteiacut
S. yfi- for the tHirriiaat of tlic w of uc
No , tp 19 bfnir.wui
And will offer proof to aboir that tbc land
ought i more valuable for ita timber or atone
than for agricultural purpoac, and to eaUUUb
hU claim Ao aaid land before If. C. Kilt, V a
CommUtlonrr. at bis office in Ilcnd, Orrgoo, ou
the 141b day of Noemler, 1900.
He name a triturate Hrury V Kred
' iwje 1. Kk.i au-t William II llrock. all of
ii j1. Orcgou, Jolui Uloaa of kilter, Orrgou.
AajraaiaB a
Any aud atl peraons ctalmlog adrcrKly the
above-deacribed land are requealrd to file their
claim in thl office on or before tbe U 14th
day of November, 190S.
ai4-a MICHAIX. T. NOLAN, Krrlrttr,
Read The Bulletin's new irrlga-
. a- .
uqh otfuaeac. I
Timber Land, Act Jane 3. 17.
V S Uad nflke.Thr lialle oregoa.
June - 190s.
Notice ia hereby gia that iu compliance with
inr proTtatonaufthc Act of Curiam of June 3
.7 eatMted. "An act for the aale of timber laah
ia the Matea of California, tHrgoa, Nevada, aiui
Waahiagum Temtory.' aa civ-aded to all the
public Uad aaatea r Art at Aagaat 4. itpt,
Caarleaa Kdwarda,
of rtiaeeUle. coaaty of Crook. tt of Oragoa.
haatbi da 6ld In thl orace hU awora aut
aurvt No. tj. for tbe pareaaac of tbe m ol
arc 13. ip I , r ia r,
Aad will oaer proof ta ahow that the Uad
toagat ia more Tuuanae aw u limner or ana
thaa for agitcahaial parpoaea. aad to laiaallaa
bto cUim to aid Uad before M C KUU, C. X
Oommiattoaer. at hi ofacc at Bead Oregoa, oa
tbe ath day of Nwatei, 1906
He name aa wttaeaaea J N Haator. Oeorge
w. naton, jobb b. Jvarer, jtacaaan jtorrwaa
an 01
cUiat ta thia oaaee oa or More aaid ath 4a
of November, toaa
aji-ar MICHAKt T. SfOtAK. MagMer.
Tlaikir luaad. Act Jaae j.ityt
U. Uad OaSee. The Oattea, Oregoa.
Jaly ji. umL
Kotica U hereby aieoa that ia comptiaace with
the proeiaioa ofthe Act of Coagrea of Jaae 3
-, rnUtled. "Aa act fur the Mb of timber Uad
la Owautaaof CaUbrala. Oregoa, Nevada, aad
Waaatagtoa Territory," aa encoded to all lb.
public Uad Matea by act of Aagaat 4. turn.
Charm H. McMie
of head, coaaty of Croak, atate of Oregoa, ha
ibie day Uad ta thi aface hi awora HaUmeat
N aj. forth pareaaac ofthe w(awK of oc 1
aadahaK of acci, tp aa. r itc, w at.
And will aaar proof to ahow that the Uad
ought 1 more wiiiiaato far K timber or atoaw
thaa fur agraadlnaal parpona. aad to mabUah
hi. rUim to aaid Uad before H C aOlw. V
K Commmipaer at hi aface at head, Oregoa,
oa tbe itth day of Noeember, taat.
He name) a wttaeaaoa Caattet aroah, aom
Ml A Wahley, WillUm Broci.. Joha ateidi, aU ol
head. Otegaa.
Aay aad all laraoa eUluiiue adrerwdy the
abore-dccribd Utttta arc iajaw(d to fik their
Uiau ia thi oHee oa or before aaid 14th
day of Noeember, jaa.
Timber Mad, A at Juae j, lejt.
U. S. Uad Oflkc. Tbc Dattei, Oregon
Augutt ia, V&.
Notice i hereby given that In compliance with
tbe prerUien ofthe Aft of Coagteaa of June A,
aVfe, entitled, "An act for tbc tateortimberUud
Iu the Uteaof CalitornU, Oregon. Nevada, and
WasbliigUm Territory, ' a eatcmled to all tbc
public UiKlitalet by art of Augutt 4, iSj,
Tbotna l'arminter
of Ilcnd, county of Crook, Mate of Orrgou,
baa thl day filed In thl office hit aworn atate
rocntXo. oi. for the purcbaac ofthe aHnwlf
of arc 14, tp 19 a, r 10 e, w in,
And will offer proof to ahow that the
Uud aought 1 wore valuable for it timber or
tone thau for agricultural purpo, and to
ntdblUh lilt cUiui to ald Uud before II
C l.lllt, V H. CiuumluMMMr, at hh) office la
Ilcnd, Oregon, ou Ngeu.bcr 14, 1406.
IIenamras witneasca; Michael J, Morriaou,
Joupb N. Hunter, William II. bUl. Cbauncey
K. Barney, all of Und, Orcgou, aud John Illoa
01 outer, urrgon.
Any and all pcraoua cUlmlng adveraety
the above deacribed Uud arc requeued to file
their rialma in thi office ou or before the aaid 14th
day of November, 1906.
Timber Uad. Art of Juae 3, il?C.
V a Uad OaWe Uhe.iew. Oregoa,
July ti iu
Niittce la berrby givm that ia lOiaptUac with
the proviatoa. .dib Art of Congree of June t
if?, rntitlrd 'An act for the ml of tlmbrr UxU
ia tkr autraof CaUaurau, a-rgea, Nevada aud
Whiugtoa Temtory a eateadad to ail the
public Uad atate by act of Aagaat 4. . th
fullowiag perauaa have thi day tied ia tbiaotac
their aarara ataiimiat. tvwtl
Henaaa Kaiarr
of r'hitlpatmrg. tuuof MoaUaa. awora atate
area! a jij, for the paretawe of the awlfaclf,
aUaetf. arc 10, aad awfc'awfc' ace 11, tp r, r is
w m
Mdward rvlaarr
of Phlllpaharg. aut of Moataaa. awora attt
meat N031U, for the paicba of awlfewh', ai
mV aad eifawh' me . t p , r 1 w m
That they wilt edkr proof to ahow that lb
Uad aoaght are more valuable far tk timber or
atoae taereaa thaa far agrtcultaral piiramm.
aad to eaubtiaa their cUima to aaid Uad) before
H. C XHu. V. a. Cammtiaoaer. at Ma affce ia
cad, Oragoa. oa aat urday, the 13th day of Octo
ber, MOB.
They aame a irjtamm. fraacui II Martea.
of lwUaw, Oragoa; Ktater Nyawaaraer aad
Chart awyd. koth of head. Oreaaa: davard
Palmer, rfermaa Kaiaee, aad Frederick W
Kroger, all of Pklllaabarg. Moataaa
Any aad aU pcraooa cUuaiag adveraety aay o.
IhaaiiuM in 1 ei ibid Uada are r que lad ta ilr
thatr cUiaw ia thia oaVc oa or before tb aaid
ijtk day of October, lurt.
Timber Uad, Act of Jaae j, ir,
f. . Uad 0ce. The Dattea, origaa,
Jaaaary . loai.
Notice I hereby givca that ia maiphaiiro wMh
IB" pruiaaiaai 01 ac An or vaaarvwj o jmmc
itpl, aatitWd "Aa act far ta aU of timber Uad
mtW efCaliforuU. oregoa, Nevada aad
1 of California, oregoa. Nevada aad
1 TerriUiry," aa eaieaoed to all the
aula by act of Aagaat 4. .
pabllr laad atataa
CkartMll KreLM.
of Bead, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, aa
tar oay am in tau eraa aia wora iiairiaeai
No mi. for the parr-hair of lb awtf ofi,
tp 19 s, r I c, w m.
Aad will offer proof to ahow that the
Uad aoaght hi mot valuable far tta timber er
toa thaa for riellurl parpo, aad ta
tutabtMi hi daim ta aaid Uad heroic the
Cauatr Clerk at PrtncvtHe. Oregon, on the tih
day of October, I9A.
lieaaiaaaa wuneuM' HetlW Iirleks. of
Head. Oregoa. aad Robert I. MeMMflray, of
Prinevttle, Oregon.
Aay and all fierMna oUlmlug ailvrly lh
abovedaterlbed Iimi aic rwtuntad lo flic their
cUiuta in thit oftiee on or before thr aaid 4h
day of October too
aj-t JlicTlAHr. T NOLAN. KegUtrr.
The Deschutes Telephone
Tclefjram I'orwanleil to Any Part
ofthe World.
Telephone Communication
with Portland, l'rineville ami all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Dank IluldiiiK t Ilcnd, at I.aiil
law and Powell Duttc.
Messenger service to aiiy part of
Crook County south of Crooked
I t, J 4 S 4 7
L-L-i i J. I i ii
X J J i 7
h 1 . 1 Uol 1 1 .
! I I f-fl"- I
M 'i to t 8
' ill I I
x j y f t 7
l. y j a f f
i i y JJ1""!
t r
iztRosaiaKitiaiaBSEEssaiBMSigzwgaagJutu: mtrxzzznsm
Timber Uad. Art Jaae 3. ?.
I' I.anOfllc, Ukeirw iitegou,
J11W , lyA
VoUr ia hrrrby givrn that In rvrnpluiK with
the proviaiua ,l the imigreM "I June 1
i7l,vutitled. Aaait for III aabr ol timber Uad
la the atate of CIlfornui. oregua, Nevada and
Waahiagtoa Tevrttory ' a ratcadod to all the
public Uad Mate by art of Aagaat 4. ,
Uaorgi W Haoderrtr
of Priartillc, couatyf Crouk. aUte of orvgou.
haa thl day ibnl ia thi oaVe hw awora atate.
meat No. ji far the purcaaa of the n',uwbi
lilt aad nwlfawtf; arc t. tp n r 1 w m
And wot oaVi proof 10 ahaw that the Uad
ought I aaore valuable for Iu timber or atao
thaa for agriruliural para am. aad lo
MtaMUb hi cUim to aid Uad before II f
KMU. t' a commiMiuaxr. at hi uaV at Bead,
Oregoa. oa aatarday. the ith day of October,
He aame aa witaeaaa Vraact II Marioa
cf UidUw, Oregoa, aobert P. Harrlagtoa of
Priaevitle. Oregoa. joha K Hughe aad Jaaae
M Whlpley. both ofltrdmoad, Oregoa
Aay aad all petiaax cUtmlag adveraety
the bove-derlhe4 laad art 1 iiiaaajad ta
13th day afOatober, it.
aioou J. N. WATaON. Karri. I vr
Timber Uad, Act Jaae j. i7,
V. . Uad OaVc, The DaD,
Juae h, toad.
Notice ta hctebv atvea that iu aeautillaa walk
the provUtoaa ofthe act ufcoagraat of jaae 1, itrt
eatiUcd "Aa art far the aaU of limtor taaoa iu
ta atate or caiiaarata, orrgoo, Nevada aad
Waahtagtaa Territory," a rauadrd to all the
public laad Mala by act of Aagaat 4. iSy.
TbouaaeW Triptett
of head. Coaaty of Crook, MaU of Oregoa, ha
thl day tied la thi ogtea hi awora aTatemcat
No ij,ferlamrmrchaeafth iSaK c rr
tp 19 , r 10 e, wm
Aad wiU oaer proof to ahaw that the Uad
ought i store valuable (or iu timber or toae
thaa rot agricultural purmtea, aad lo eoubUaa
hb culm to Mid Uad before H. C Kllla, V. h
Commiaakiaer. at hU orace ia Bead, Oilhoa, on
the 15th day of October, 19m.
Ilc aame a wltuw.n. lunk a. m..i
Michael I WorrltOH.C.rtyt t. fritant. loha
.w . , rvruvit, mn vi junta.
AHyaadaU per cUiwlii 4vrely the
aliedcrthil Uada arc reiuM4m i,
their cUIhm la thi efliee oh or before Mid ijlh
day al October, vA.
NOLAN. KrgUttr.
Timlwr Und, Act ol June 3, iftpS,
V7. . Und Office, The Dalle. Otegoii,
Augutt 7. i94
Notkc I lietcby given that Iu cohii4Ihc with
tbcprovtMtthc Act of Cougrn of June 3,
ly. rntlllril "An act for tbe ac of tlmUer Uud
lulbettaletofCalifaiiiia.Ofagvu, Nerad.-., ami
Wathingtoii Trrritory," a extern!.! to all the
imblk Uud Hate by art of Augutt 4. ibjt.
Kid M. Nkhol
oflieud, County of Crook, atate of Oregon, ha
mi. wr uieo 111 luisoince ni worn ltctnrnl
No J. for the purchc of the lie! ec r, tp 19
, r u c, win
And will offer prool to how that thr Uud
ought I more valuable for it limb, or
.tout thau for agricultural puriio, and to
ttblith hi cUiui Iu uUI Uud before II C
lilll. V ti Cummluonrr. at hi office iu li.u.l
Orrgou, ou tbe lith dy of NovnuUr, 1900.
lie name a nltncaar Walter 8. Nlcbol,
HlCbald Jl. V'lUrhan. lohil Mzembrr Vmt
Hutlerwoith, all of Vend, Oregon.
Any and all tieraon rlalmln ftitr.rtw 11..
abcnccacribedlandaarcrrquertedto file their
claim in thi office ou or before ald Dili day of
siwr.HltAli IVW,
i I i I I
t J y t
w J" I I j I I
i t 7
A V C .
i 2 J 4 S i
H t 7
i ' i ' .1.1.
F TiTo
h AVE..
' i j f e
'; f
A V tt .
Timber l.anit H Juu. j
1 H Uud llHW l.ahrlrw i.r.,,.1,
JuU I !
Notice berrby rn thai la rimplinr. llh
thr .ro,i.ii.fih. A.I 1 1 i,na,c. f ', ,
i1--. mtulr.l Aa art for Ihr ul. nflllah., Ii..i.
In thr Mate of latifotma. i.irgua, N,.,ia and
wa.hlugton Trrrilury 'a ralradetl t all lb
tiuMli Uad mu by art ol Augutt 4. IV the
fnllowiug named pnaoaaaav alrd la thia ofac
air vworu wauBWBI. w-vu
N Taylor Hill
of OirvnrilU. Waahiagtoa rouuty.auiraf Or gua
aworn talmeat No 11m. for ih purcaaa of
tl'uwV.K.HawM. ttaK mM tp mi
r 13 r, w m
Xarharuh atroad
of Prlaevflle. coaaty of Croak, tt of Oregoa
awora alalratcat No njS. far the porch ofthe
'hK. aWK. ate 19, tp 0 . r 1 m.
JofcaC Mile
af UMUwjrraafc eaaaly. atat of orrgoa, nw.
aUtruwat Nn ji37, far Ihr parrhaa of the e4
., -. 4. lpti.iiv.m.
Jeaalep IIIU
afOreeavm. coaaty of Waahiagtoa. atat of
Oregoa. awora Ulemal No 3140. for ih anw.
cfcuae of the HaV, HBW)f an- rj, tp t. , Iji.
That lhT will aaVr praof la aaow that the
Uad. aoogat are mo valuable f the Umber or
atoae therroa thaa far agricultural purpoara.aad
i?5J.,:b,,.,iV" "! " i before H
C WIU, V. B Cemmumvaaer. al hi ofrki.l pUrt
ofbuaiareaat BrBd. Crook Coauty. rieraoaVo
aalurday. tar 13th day of October. Va "'
They aame aa wMacaat II Taylor If III ol
f.reeavilU. oregoa. Zarhruh atroaa of prlae
vilto. Orrgoa, Joha C Nllleaaad V It Marioa,
both of Uidlaw. oregoa. Albert a lVoJ
gtvn1, OrrsHi
Any mmfmU torrw. timhrnUtM arfvvmlv ol
etr cUima
13th day
America's flrcnlcsl Weekly
Tho Best Known Nawspnpei
in the United States
Circulation 185,000
Popular in Every Stnte
III HMuy retpect the Tniiiu. n, ... i.
at iiwiitiu, u..i.iu ....:. :..."":p..t ."".
In ih. raitrt iuit uW i."oT.y J. '2
cully e.lltr.1 for National circulation J
bat had flic large.1 clicul.llou for n or ,.,.
iHgrU aallV HrWfolUI t aftf fil..lul 1.. . ""
I'ailherinorr. It lTl,, cbi, n,w.,V w, Iu
lb-wut.kT.aa.wlll l,i,la.uV. to ai KLS
wnn. wm write ut for arm 'iiieN..'..rii..
.tt,,'?.!i?-.',ih7il "l'y lr win .lo or
v .... .- iimiinimilnl of it UrwtlHIlier U
pupiiUr I. proven by ih. fcl that tb. ' Xni,
horl and Hfla totlri, ami many tlepaili ri.u
s-iWaSuV ""mbcr of ,,,e a"
Write for free ixcimcu copy. Adiltr
Trife BLADn, Toledo, Ohio.
The Toledo made aud Tint nirvn ...,...
eatily cmp,e,l, "tbin llj ,S ..Tomb.,'
MiHin auarrantiaui , i... .
: j.,".""'; '.r' -i'..i viiiuii4i mail
,.. I, IIUIII lllCItllflll llftU,,, ,.. jfal
iXIN calf 1,44 !,,
At Gateway to
the Great
JL-d L
Town has Grown
alnuMt entirely in tk mt year, the jt
office (Utttig oHifrout April . i.
IVetid hm vxceMcitt public kIiooIh
mid complete public watvr work.
- The Pilot Butte
; Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
TlmtH I a u.l til ;mii. 1 n
t'l'U'i: K11R IMitLKATIoN.
r n,m.- Tli. ill ..,,.,,.
fulr 11
,"11' I hr., (I..H I U.l IU , HUB)..
. r 1.
"" l""v ol IN Al..f longltM u ;ui
ralltlnt Am af iu, ih. . nliiMil. 1
'''"'CalifMtaU .vo Ntvada 1
""""to" raertuey, a I., all 1
pJMk Uud tUlt by ad of Aug uat I. ifc,r
alary M. Cablavtl
Oil. day tlod ia IhU orar h.r tuoen aiotrui '
N; . fwtl,. purthaavuf IN wbwV ami .
-it ulmx 14. lpraa.r hi, w m,
Aad will aaVr pronf ahw ih.t the U.l
" w avwt taiaaaat for IU tlaaan 1 -
..-. pwunarai jatrt. r t. aad to
her cUim to mul Uadflifci M 1' Mi
etb ih
MIU. r
tummlmmaer. at Mtofbre la Bead. Oteaou
-tmemarr it iw,
wllmmar tharw Brwh. J .
W Cahtareli i31i. Oregua.
t !: ' f"" etatmiag advrty 11
'"' ' r 1 rTifUiaai an faanaalad Iu ! li.r
.November, rpai.
Timber Uad, Act Ju 3 rtrf .
I' Uad Otlce. The Dallea, Oregv 1
July i. rati.
Nolle t hcirby atvea that la comdMnre M
J'TJ. utlllod --Aa art far tb ml? of limber l. I.
J, Oclaaey
oiPortlaad.cimatyeah1a1lamh.l of
?',JV'aadHitiB,v iT ,
Kdaalf lacnue
of PortUiul, coaaty ol MultuuuMh. atate of o,.
vr1l,7w" miemat No ma fur the porih.i
r Jti m,H "' a- I. tp i
JHik,f "'" oaVr proof m hw that ti .""' ' man araalde for Ih lliati ..
r'jywtia than for agricultural purtwac. ii.l
o tatabliah their aUlauV, ia .JZ W.. u
u-SfrJ' " hhtoloarr, at aU orace
Bead. UreguM. on lb ijUl day of October, iu
irfilrtal!.' .jf" m m '" "tt,, ' v
low aflCIIAIII. T. NOLAN. Beglatei
TlmVeV U ml, Act Juhc j, ity.
I1. . Mhit limcc, Tb lUllea, Oregeii
Jul)' H, l
n.?V?ifA eak BhwH Ihat Ih cmaplUHc hIHi
'!w1n'-ClM Atl Oi CoHuira of Jime
u-J.Tf...ta.,w'!l,,ilii. MgoH. Nevail, ami
iu.ut'tf.VV,7t,"ilr''" 'tow.l l i H
imbllc Uud laH ky act of Augutt t. !.
KIU M. Ualllliaii.
rUliii XT'i"! $&"&' u, ' reii. '"
i. 2. I1"' !" ",u "m lir aworn UIhicui
m .".f" 6" "l,l'l'lvh"tCoftlie liwkll,? ofrr
. inti ik. ,r uc, wm
tlllluill llffrr ta,u,r I,. .1.,.. il... .1.. i... ,.i
twiKhl u ,Mt,,c valuable fur It limber or tlou
' !. ill "K,lcM lll'l"iirKi, and lo
i;;,....,.i. i '""' wii'iiHiura ii c. huh, r. a
Ui iniljt tinrr, 1 III ofllce in iicud. tirfKmi.
i he itlli day of Nuicmber, vtA.
Mil till ttlaid a .. Ii. .-... ....
i...;.-.r.. .r7.. """ "v" ;mni irruutvui jhiii
T A ifi," Wl !!IV Mrtinivray ami (lalenoo'l
r. Cdlllhau, all grilrml. Oregon.
.ti.' ?'"' , ' ) claiming ailverely Ibv
liXl:' "f.,1,,,t'lJ,l rciilr.lril lo file llitir
r,L.i,.,r, IPiTii " "r "ca-joint rrrgiiwiii jiuikj
CTir"."" !5 QyfatBU. Orgoa, N..U.U, I
!Lwof7lm wrVtarjt," aa r.rniiied t.. all 11,.
" " ' ! nefr mraen
November iS 0r u,orc Ml'' ''"' ""r" ul
Ki-aa aalOtUaX.NOlUf.JUUUl-i