The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 21, 1906, Image 7

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    vram iliirallnii ftnlv-fi,
Tin two alMrra linil r-intiigfil t orv
nnt ulrl, Him fnlltil to meet their --.
itilriiiH'iils, Thny mt( IkiIiIIiik ii whin.
pl'll'll nillnllllflllllll III till) lllllllIU riMtlll.
"How mIimII wit gut rlil of liurV" whls
pnri'il one.
At Hint innim-nt tln girl nr-nrcI nt
tint ilimr. Kim rnrrli'il tier -"rip. Hlio
worn her lint, lit thu otliwr Imuil wni
Iter iiiuhritllii,
"If you pirns-," alio anlil, politely,
"I'm going now. Tim plni'it ilotmii't
Milt mi."- Ni'w VorU (lloliu unil Com.
iiiiTilnl Ailwrtlier.
lllnmr for III- IJrt"-r.
"I want to romplnln of tlm Hour you
rut mi' the other ilny," Mfilit Mrs. New.
llwetl, Hi'MTcly. 'I'lm croi'i'r nwiuiniil
mi nnxloii ixpri'Miloii, nnil Impilriil
wlmt vtim tlm iimMiT with It. "It mis
tough," n'plliil tin' liiHiM'tici'piT niTiM
tliKly. ".My lillMmtnl aliuply could not
ul tlm IiInpiiIIh I iniiilo with It."
Ilr-praf l.nhe mi ttnrlti.
The ilreprnt htltit In tlm world In bt
lint til to Iip l.iil ll.ilkHl, In Hllmrlit.
Nine tlMMi'Miut Npinn tulles lu area, or
nearly n large tin l.ukw Krle. It In -l.(00
to fi.MM) flit lt(Tl, nt Hint It llllllHllll
nifirly n iiiui'li woitr n Lake Ktipo
rlur. TITO " v '""' ''"' awl all Irf-mte Wa-at
rllu liiiaMiilly mia.1 lir Hr. Klina'a
"! llrrr. tomfr.r I'ltltn (Jlrlal l..llHd
ella,l'r .1.1. Ml AfliM.,lH.,l,
Clrr-nlral l'rlll-- l CHUrnahlp.
TIik right to liiiiinwti'iiil on the putt
Hi ilomnlu l tin- grtHitwd privilege of
Ainerliiiii I'ltlrotiolilp, aay Panning.
Tin- right to Immrxtenil la eitexlalutit
with I'ltlwiialilp. ICtery rltlaeti over "I
jenrs of mkc eterj- limnlitrnlit who has
declared hi or her Intention of t
(online n rltl'ii, etery of n fam
ily, ninli- or female, e'en t ttotiv: tt under
I'l, limy hutUe n tritrt nut to Mctisl
HSO niTi-a and after the )enr' real.
iIimii'u will revel tt ulrtoliiti' tlilu tilers
A i nrliilia J.IIL,
Hlilly supplies) n rlirlona Milk which
U rpmi by I'm pillnn, a Mediterranean
ahcll IWh whli'h linn a lltlln tulm nt
tlm fiul of lla tntigue. Out of thli
lube, apliliTfnulilon, or ullkwnrm-fniih-Ion,
It spins ii nllk ttirivitt, with whtrb
It fnnti-u Itself on nuy ruck It fnn
ce. WhiMi tlm piiltm mor Iti
llki'ii rntiln rnnnliin Ix-hlnil, Thli rnio,
wlilrli I cnlliil tiynu, tlii Ktrlllnn flatf
rrnmti Kntlu-r. Itya'iia wrnwa Into tlm
mflift nml nlilnlfHt of fnlirlct, but It
It wry rare nml rxvnhc.
Mow'i This?
We nfftr Onn llumliatt INillart Ilswatil (nt
dtlt rol (alalth Ibil CallUUl be CUrl by
limn a
Infill ( lira.
J. L'llhNKt
We, lti UiHlffilftiiMt, liatre
llom ami nnanelallr Mi tocarijr out aur ol
r. J. CIIKNKV A CO , l'r0.,Tfttlo,O.
the UIHlaiilitiiMt. Iiae kiinwii V. J.
Chatter ur tlie tut 14 trait, cnit latllatre him
l-atloctlr liuflutaUe III all t.U'llini ItaHtaO-
llalluHa made tir ttialr nrw
IIU1I, tin
(lata, loltalo, U
W almmm, KmaiH A MiHVIN, Wliuleialo tiruc
lata, ioimo, ii.
Ilalk'a laiairll (tlta It taken lutarHallr. art.
iNfrilirclW Un lb UI'mmI and wueuua iui
lacei ut the ijilaw. 1'ilee 7jc r belli,
lt try all IrnKliU. lcnlmuulali jc.
Jlall'a raiallx nili ere Ibe Utl.
Vlinlranle t'ulllnai,
"Vp, w iimm! to lt out on tlm old
porch In tlm Imtuitlful moonlight.
KtrmiRp to ity, J nek nrVer bvlloviil ho
((ImoiI mo tie ofti'ti nt 1 nix-uacd blm of
"Ah, how did you convlnnt him,
"Why, tlm next nUht 1 told htm to
rut ii notch In tlio (torch each time ha
took n Ulan,"
"How did tho Holmnm work?"
"Vttry utill for n whlli. but rr by
Hut I'lid of tho wtok thoro wnmi't nuy
twrch left.''
Wlml Hr Toitk.
A rortnlu thrifty Individual, In tlm
hitpo of Ketllm; ii i;rtultoiu uitHllcal
opinion, rttuuirkod cniuully otio dny to
hht doctor:
"I any, doctor, what do you do when
Jllll'lit Kwt n cold)"
"1 coiikIi," replied tho M. I)., briefly.
"Ah I Quito mi," Ktnmmorcd tliooth
r; "but wlmt do you tukc)"
"I tnko ml vice," mmpped tho ion of
!:ciilnilu; nml tlm thrifty mail took
hU lenu. Modem Koclctv.
For Coughs
and Colds
Hllteron kIiihh iiilrruin lime been
Ioiik fiimllliir. lu it mnv pruietw, nu
KiikIIhIi eliM'tt'li'liiu iIcmm.I(h eiipiKT
from the hlnrk oxide by cIihIiiiI)Ic
meniiH, it ml prniliu'en ier brlllhtnt uur
rorN of it thin llltn of topper on kIhkn,
A illiimoml ImruliiK lu the eleilrir
tin wiih hitely exhlblleil on h h ii ;i
hyHIr WIIIImiii ( "itMiliet.. 'I lie ntuliei Kill I
be fii to Nprotit nml mwcII nml lil.u ken
lllliler the lutetlae bent until uothlllK
retmiliied but it Hwolleu lump of Kr.iph
ItiH-eiit iiirrit'tlniiN of Mine) m xlmw
(lint IiiiIIh In plmetl mi tint world'N
iiihw l.x humlreil feel norlliMnid mil
'J'4 lilllett talHHld of ltd tme -1
Hon. AlllluihM me (hit lo thill) lite
feet or morn In error. Ml. Kterent'
tiirteeteil helKht betliK 'itl.lll fe-t III
ftend of 'JM.Utt n iimiiiII) tcieit.
t'Hii'fully miihiiIii1 theiuiuiiifti rt
lnte mIhiwu ii (Innmtu ebeuilt er)
ii in t (-In 1 dlfferem-i In Him liMiiHritturit
of nu onlliiMry nlr oten, whether bent
I'd by k'HN or oleclrlelty, with ine.iilll
or Hiri'lelu wiilbi, wild nlr leiillhilor
km' or ahut. The lein'rnture In two
of Hie itiruerN In ii'imlly iiiueh hluher
-of it'll mh niiii'h hn I" detfreet I'
HlHIl It In III llle oilier two i-ortlOTN or
An ehvirleHl dh lulus rod, iliilnnil
to oH'rMti tiHire eerlHluly mid wlen
lllli-Hlly limn the h Helen I mid illliMiiif
itl IwIk, Iihh lell ileletl by Adolpll
Sehmlil. h SwlM etiKluecr. It Mt'liM to
1-tMH'lati'MMtillnll; of h t,'ll -'entl m
emliwlni; u itll of Initilntitl wire lu
which H allKhlly mHKtielli'ol lleiille In
free to rittMte titer H kTMitllittnl illnl.
When tlm HIimnilllN l phteetl titer
MiliterrNUfitn WHler, with the mxIn of
the coll In the utMictHiHe inerldliili, the
lieeille. It la Hacrtett, ihh'IIImIi" more or
It rapidly for two to leu .ind eteti
up to liny deterec.
A iiiiiiluiiiiiiN ehmise In Hlllltnle In
ninuulHlmiiiN recloiiN, t-iMflnll) In the
HwIm mid Atiktrlmt Alpn, lien Ihhi
iiolttl by M. de VitrlKuy. a Hwl ceolo
kInI. .Mmiy tllliiKe In Hie Clinton
VnlitU mid lu the llcruone. OImtIiiiiiI
lnii In-cii rnbetl or loweretl from
twelve to thirty feet III tint lilat hlx
)isin, mid the aiiininll of iinniutiilni
lime undercoue t'llitUKen ipille II n u'riiit.
The uumcrnuN nIIkIii iwirthiUHkeN ttro
MlNiNH-titl of belli); the chief eHIIe of
the pheuuiiieiiou, or Ht lerict they ne
itiniiwii) , while tlm) prodtico hhI
Hlichert lu IllimtH'l' IHiw Illi-rmalitK.
A corroNpoudotit of Nittnre letimrkN
HiHt the iuw ktHiwit fuelH heel 1 1 to rt
quire h iihmIIIIoiHou of the atitteliielit
finiinl In wmie text-tNMrljN that "It In
ltllpiHaltr lit aety wlmtlter M Itatath of
IlKhtnltiK iihiii from it ckntil to Hw
en rlh or lit tlm onHe illrti'tkHi."
.Mmii) plmtiwniplM of Hk'IiIiiIiik tMketi
In tlm TntUNtriitl hlmw tlmt. In mII
chm, the illM'Imrroa wtre from cloud
to chiuil, or fnnu the clomU to the
enrlli. Quito fretpivully, the corra
hMiinIeut mi)n, he Inu obaerteil llhl
iilui; llithheN liNithik' it cloud for Hut
en r th. but fmlllif; itwny befnre renehliiK
It. The opiMtilte plmnomeiiou tutu not
been nliMTtttl.
A recent pniMim In iiittatrilet h tele
phone Hue between New York mid Situ
1'rnuclwii Iiiin enlled forth an lutererit
lut crltlclam, which nIiown mrlkliiKly
Imiw iiHHleru iiii'IImmU of prMctu-Hlly
liiMlMiitMnetiiiH (tiiiiiniinlcMtlnii hU iiiiiiuI
Hm Krobe make tho mm, In IiIk ditlly
proKren, ntitMr Hit nu extremely low
cohcIi. 'I'lm crltlelNiu wan Hml, etni If
Hm tCfliulcMl illltlcllllliH HlTeclluK mi
Ioiik n Hue weie oertome, the pro
lutMil telcplmue Hue would ery
nlluht liiiMirlMine, Uvhuno tlm huehioft
hoiim of Hon rroiu'lfcci) mid New York
would colueldo for only a hIiikIo hutir
uticli tiny. It In one o'clock afternoon
In New Ynilc when It Is ton o'clock
forenoon In Sun I'miu'lsco.
u I laving uied Ftruna for catarrh and
hayevtr, I can recommend it to all who
art suffering with the above rfiteasei. I
tm happy to tit M to lay it hat helped
me wonderfully."
Mayme Ii. Smith.
i ' 'V' :, ' r"' r'
. aaeKew ailaaaaaaw
. ' yiKtv -K"c . BA ,
m The Ingredients that enter into S. S. S. and the method of com
bining and preparing them so that they build up and strengthen
every part of the body, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is nature's
remedy PURELY VEGETABLE and while it is restoring the lost anoc-
titc, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which
warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste
matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it
in perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow.
Spring is the season when most every
needs a tonic. It is nature's time for
renewing and changing ; and as everything i hat ued s. s. s. quito oxtennireiy and unhrudttuinsij
Tint on new life the s-in rises in vocrotitioii Je0O,nu,8nH..,t, MJho b?- w.ood Parifler and tonlo made.
ptUS OU 11CW lUC, UIC S4p rises in -vegetation, I am a maohtnUt by trade aad at ono ttmo my nygtem was
tlio earth thaws out from its Winter freeze. o ma down that by 10 o'olook overy day X would bo cora-
mwl nil rr.enntw1 in nriit f,'c rn11 in niirrrr. P1'8 oxhauated, and It wa with tho greatest effort that
ailU all respond to toprilIgS Call to purge 1 could pull throagh tho balance of the day. Slnoe takln
d. o d., nowever, attimsnasuisappeareu. I am a strong,
vigorous man, abundantly able to do rrfy day's work, my
appetite ha3 been whetted cp so that I can eat anything,
my sleop Is sweet and refreshing, and I know further ttoat
It has purified my blood and pat It In good condition. X
onnnot speak too highly of yonr great remedy, 8. 8. 8.
817 W. Broad St., Columbus, O. A. B. MONTGOMERY.
it mil it A YMK Kit ITU,
III Kail MourilHItccKolumb'ii Ohio
HAY FKVKU Is endemic catarrh.
It Is tanned by lome Irritating tab
ttarice In the stmottihero during the
lute Vmnmrr inonthi, It Ii KcimMlly j
litntitfiit Umt tlio pollen of certain needr
and llowers la the cause of it.
CliotiKo ol locality acetni lo tho be
only latlonsl euro. The tueof Poruna,
however, atlmulatea the uorvous aya
t tn to refill the etTfcts ol the poison
oua emiMiallona and lometltnea carrlra
the victim tlirotig)i the hay (ever tea
ion tvltliout an attack of tho direate.
A larxo number ol peoplo rely upon
I'eruna for thla pnrporo. Thoie who
do not And it convenient to change
their location to avoid Hay Fever would
do well to give I'eruna a trial. It haa
proven of prlcclen value to many people.
Ilr Knrtt,
"I wnnt to get some bird lecd," said
the euMomcr.
"Don't try to plauo me. amartyl"
cried tlm new clerk from tho country.
"Illnl row from vcc. not eed."
Tho Catholic Stnudnrd and Tltuoi.
ConfHlfntlnl Friend Olil" mn. If you
hid )mir II ff to lit o utrr icaln, would you
make It different?
I)tfated Politician Yea, In two jmr1
treulari. Flntly, I'd l a blicrr eon
drel. SeftMHtly, 1 wonkln't tak any tkvi
man lalo my eoa A4 iter. Cb If : Trie
t'nttrr I'rotrat.
Noah Weltalcr Mai eoutplllnt hit dic
tionary. "To a certain ritenl," he aald. "I havi
to take lh lancuage ai I find It."
Thereupon, with a pant of rrcret, he
added thi word "awfully" to hla collec
tion. He foreaaw that It would b aw
fully oterworkrd.
"Haven't I iren jou before aome-
where)" aiktd the cutlotner at th lunch
"You probably aaw me at oni Icorrnta
vlllase," aald the duky nailer, "I wai
one of the IcormtM, auh."
Ilnlilt iillh Hint,
"That man looked at tlm bill I lmnil-
cd him for fully throo mluute," said
tho clerk. "I woudor If ho thinks I
tried to client him."
"No," oxplnlned tho floor walker,
"he's a bitvlorlolocUt uud wus looklui:
for Ecrma."
and purify themselves, tlicrc is a great
change also takes place in our bodies. The
blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and
accumulations which have formed in the
system, and been absorbed by it, from the
inactive winter life, and calls upon every
member to assist in the elimination. The
System is oftCll Unequal to tllC Struggle, the n tw occasions I have nsed S. 8. 8. In the spring with
J ... r 1 i .1 . Cn' results. I can heartily recommend It as a tonio and
appetite grows fickle, tllC energies glVC Way, blood pnrlfler. I was troubled with headache. Indigestion
the Spirits arc depressed, and a general rUU- "ndJlvr tfjnbles, whloh all disappeared under the nso of
i a... ' -t la. 8. 8. 8. My appetite, whloh was poor, was greatly
dOWIl condition IS tllC rCSUlt. helped. I can eat anything I want now without fer 0t ln-
TllCU tllC body must have assistance digestion, and my blood has been thoroughly oleansed of
.. it it i i-iii. i all impnrltles and made rloh and strong again. As a tonlo
it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, ftnd blood purser it is an you claim forit.
and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made 771E. Main St., Springfield, o. mrs. g. wiegel.
entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does
not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on the market,
which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and
digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S. S. tones up
the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that
always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re
establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms
the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S.
gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else docs, and by its use we can find our
selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite m Spring as at any other season.
It acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedj',
and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili
tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification o
the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well as
for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do iot
experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one
endorsed by the best people all over the country S, S. S., THE GREATEST OF ALL
TONIOS, It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every
point, that the right remedy be used one that is especially adapted to the condition, and
S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign
of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of
the season will not be felt as warmer weather conies on.
Jnatlr Apprrltrnalte.
r.Asr.1 rrsiF FMr.iNF; . .. . .......
TJm vWllor frarn beyond Ike lutrurb i ,, ,, H,rr.tca ,i Ml ! aut
rl rial 1.1 aahAian J .ut.i fm, .1 a.!..!.. ' . . . -
hid paid a cabman SO cent for driving j it, in at timet! prk. Wrltt torraulof.
mm iimr omeaa. anu tne artlat in tlm ' RFirRSON MAC IIINTRV COMPANY
baieraent, te whom he had aulwiltted hU I KCIU(:ON MAU,INtR J;P"PNY
.i ,.. f. !..... ... lj . .. Portland. Orcfon.
... ..Ml ,W. 1-M,.IA. in. HITA, Itll 1,1, 1,- J
utea In liie proreii and charted blm 7.1
"Doea ret any warae, oiinK feller,"
he aaked, "the fnrder I co downtown:"
leV T.I J L v hSKa. -st 3 m T a Y
i p i :aaai c a. ra n.i. jd a.
HOWAItn K. 1IUIITON -Aiiartr ami ChrmlM.
lailTllla, t'olnraitik hwt1iirn prtra llol.l.
Hit rr. Ia, f I i I low. Wlvcr.iv : (laitt. t-i Zliwiir
loitfrr, t. i') ankta Iraia. lalilBirnTUtpi'aan4
full ertrwttit ar-atuu amlk.tloft. ComralaiHlL'm.
iluual liauk.
TIIK ll.MtV TI.V 1CI1.I.KU llror. alllb.
Rlra anu aniirua
There Is a remedy over sixty
years old -Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Of course you have
heard of Improbably have used
It. Once In the family, It slays;
the one household remedy for
couclis and hard colds on the
chest. Askyour doctoraboutlt.
"I tiara had pnoumonta thira tlmai, and
Ayar't Cherrr I'actoral liat bromlit itiaiatolr
tlimuuli each time. I tiara lint lacovirrj
trout hit Utt attack, avail alur laran No
woiiitar I pralio It," 15. V. Hiuuimi, tltatrctii
I'olnt, Wli,
Ud br J.O. Aytr Co., Lontll, Ui,
.no -LUAQuuoiurtra or
turn viqor.
V ii iii iii I ii u t't tin- I'ltrt,
"Sir. wlmt Is thin mum" liiitulrcd
tho ImIi- .Sciiittnt' Vttit nf u llnnlfitci',
"CulTi'i'," ini'i'kly ti'iillml tlio pruirlu
tor, Hoineuliut tiikt'it ithiii'lt.
"orfi'i'!" ii'iiisitt'il Vtst, In Hihi
Hi'nrii , "my fi-lund, I itnild liucit a
t'oiTt'i' I ion u In my mouth, dive Into thu
MlHMiurl ltlwr, Kwlm to tho town of
Alton, III., uud I'll K'Uiirniiti'O Unit ono
could ball up much hottor t'nrtYo thitii
thin, alrjivi-r tho ontlru routo !" Tho
'I'liren Aura n( .tin it,
Tho Drat nt,'o of mini Ih when ho
thlnkH about nil tho vrltd thliiKH ho
Ih koIiik to do. TliU U cnllitl "Iiiuo
t'onco." Tho Hccoiut iko Is whou ho
tloi'N nil tho wlcki'd tilings ho liau
tliotiKlit of hi childhood. TIiIh U calh'il
"Tho l'rlnio of I.lfu." Tho third uo U
when hit rt'piits of all tho wlfkod tlitiiKH
ho Iihh doiio, Thin Is culled "Dotngo,"
- Now Yotk I'rt'ss.
Aur aiiii i. t .i.ii..
th liver, and thuii aid rooovim I ""P" or ,llB iwverty.
It Ih it tiiitt family who run go nwny
on a vltdt without, tho nulKliljyi' hoyu
lliulliih' It out.
lloiu'Hty Ih tlio'wccuso of iiuiuy. a
.Smnll nml l,mr,
"Or. Slocuut I. u hutuooimth, Isn't
"Not altogether."
"lint ho nlwnya prescribes homeo
pathic donca."
"Yen, but hla fees aro nllopnthlc,"
.'bllndolplilu rrraa.
Constant Backache, Dropsy, and Se
vere Bladder Trouble
Fred W. Harris, ot Cheenut St., Jef
ferson, Ohio, SAya: "For over ten
years I aufJered from kidney disease.
-no nurd year my and hands would
swell and remain
puffed up for days at
n time. I icemcnl to
have a constant back
ache. Finally I got
so bad that I was laid
up In bed with several
doctors In attendance.
I thought suroly I
would die.. I c')anKed modlciuo and
began using Doan's Kidney Pills when
I waB still in bed. Tho relief I found
was so groat that I kept on until I bad
taken alout ton boxes. The kidnoy ba
crotlone becamo natural and after years
of misery I was cured. I ltavo increas
ed in weight, and show no symptoms of
my former trouble."
Bold by all dealers. 60 cents a box
Foster-Mllbarn Co,, Buffalo, N. Y,
A aaam
K V 'Jllla-'
i'i utt hrra
in aarairoubir-
m. 1 Iran.
. at attil mil
urn 10 I i In
' ira anvtliln.
In thrill onea
ai it unulirtrrl u uttlirtn
iti-a rr ar it tr J I r .u- ItHrulil houirra,
ll HcKalljatr , lliv.-jrii. N
Egan Dramatic and
Operatic School
Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15
Prepares for Dramatic and Operatic
Stapn ami pliicfti Ci militates in mx
inoiitlis- Tarty lirnduatos nmv with
triit'linu oomMiuius. Send for lata-loKtie.
S"i5"'3Es Dramatic and Op-ralic School
. r'.'i"' a." Si Kill, Arc-ie Bulliinf, Sc-tf.
ilttiiraocal Culwoata '-
HEAVES CUR2.0J -r-7f-t--r,
thnua a.lL.1 ailal
troablra. Cam tllltrl,
Caalha.. Dllim,r u4
u..a....vis. i.Hn w
aaa um aixf rccct-mcM
DnirrlrU 1U rat tbrtx.
Is -aKtealdralrr, Uc t-
bij. att tor itt Lota.
CttAS. Ih LILLY CO., SciUle isJ IVtliri. WlwJe-dt Aiti
FRANK 0 EGAN. rrlsclpiL
Pi SL '. nf
My - '
, S"
no mo.tter how
bail the weather
You cannot
afford to bo
without a
When you buy
looK for tho
1 Tor washing blankets, woolens, lace cur
tains, ribbons, embroideries, silk gloves
and all delicate fabrics, as well as for clean
ing and shining Dishes, China, Paint, Mar
ble, Cooking Utensils end Silver, 20-Mutc-Tcam
Dorax Is unsurpassed.
3.50&$3.00 Shoes
W.LDougta $4 Gilt Edga Ins.
J Slut firalm
. W. I. !Vu.U' Job.
nu lliNiM la lb luol
ipina in mis roitnlry
Alil.alrrs ul alia iaraca norax t Horax
H"-!', l'i book rtuiiUKHitaiilr pttituraTall Iil
Ivr Ut fr" for 10 -ant ami dralar'a uuiur. 1'A
".It'll CIMfel,l)
Portland Trade Directory
Namtt and Atl-rcttci lit I'oillanJ ol lt(pr
tnlalltc Uutlncti rirma.
CltKAU HKI'AllAlUltH V .uarautra ilia U.S.
briaralor lo tw Hi hrat, Wrlla 101 Irva lalaoi
llairlttuoJCo., Unii auj Oak.
Mr.h''tlt'I.OTIIIKU llurtunt , 1'riiJUIon. aola
afirnia Alltrii llaulamln A IVi wim'l ilullir.
r.vrrjiiniiK mvu a iiiriiirinnL iprriauu auu
bUiti airraia. Uioalta laiaiuilU.
1'IANUH -. IMUlAa-Maiiy Una
wrU arrount aT-nruor rauiDval uftuyrr
Wrlla tor drier itlon ot p ano uoiv on liaiiil,
lariua, tlo. Writ tovlay, Ulluarl Co., I'oJilauU
Dr. G. Gee Wo
Tti'a wnnarrrul Chi.
li Dkioi U callrd
irrat btcauta tia cum
Mopla without opara
lion lU.l ata (Han up
lo ill. 11 rurn mill
Iboaa tvondrtful Cm
nit. Iirrba, loola, biiita,
bar.a and vtcaiablra
thai aia anilraly uit
known to umllcat aci-
cuca In Ittlaoonutcy Tlirouglt tba uh o? Iho.t
harmtna rtmrdl. a ibtt turnout tlo i if kno.vt
luaaonou ofotrrfcil aitlaraol ramadla. wlilru
litauccmanilljr u.r In diarrrot UUrataa. II
Hiamun-at loiurr catarrh, utlima, lung, Ur ,
Ihruina Uut, nrrrnu.ur.t, aloinatli, Mvrr. - !
n), trie, i liai liuudrota ot tralimonlitit,
ili.raatiiodrrata. I all and lilin. l'atl nil
out nrttta city wrlla tor blankr amlcroulau,
btudilaatp, CU.NbULTATiON 'IIKK.
. -ij6J rlr-t St.. S. f. Cor. Morrliort
Mantlou .apr. POHTIAND, OnCGOM.
M w
lff TrV fatlttala"H5' L
rf-j .Au . y-fr. tyr A V5
M.n'a Bliooa, IB to St. BO. jUoya Brtoaa. S3
to 91.80. Woinaa. Bnoaa. $4 00toSt.BO.
MI.M-a' l cmlirau'a Bttoaa. 1! BO to Sl.OO.
Try V. I. lloii.lua Wuintn'a, Mlaaca Hint
Chllilreit'a altunat fur atjle, lit aud ttcar
tlivy mcvl other itinVea.
If 1 could take you Into my largo
factories at Brockton, Mass., and show
youfiowcarclully W.L. Douglas shoes
are made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater valuo
than any other make.
Wherever you live, you can obtain W, L.
Douglas shoe-, tils name and price U stamped
on the bottom, which protects you against high
prices aud Intel lor shoes. Take no subitl
tut-. Ask your dealer lor V, C Douglas shoe
and upon having them.
fait Qatar iutlttt WW, ty will not ivear (rassik
Write tor Illustrated Catalog ol Fall Styles.
W. U UOUULAS, Uept. I J, Urockton, Alas.
P. N. U.
No. 3I-Q9
1 1 III. -I
UKN trrltlnr to nil vertlsera pleas
wvution iui vmiHir.