The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 21, 1906, Image 6

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. jJipaiLBBgpPg"
The Trail of
(Copvrbtht. 1905, by
I wa not favorably Impressed with
till breeder of pig. He was an elderly
limn, full bodied, with white hair, thai
tuck out stltlly from under hit fur cap.
n red. bulbous no, and shifty, eitspl
clou eye. He saluted us with a touch
of hl wp In military fashion.
"And what is your business, gentle
men?" he asked.
"It li less business than gratitude,
raid Graden courteously. "We dave
made IhU little pilgrimage to thank the
producer of the LcmsJorf hams."
"You are not dealer, then?"
"No, but I "
Then take yourself off!"
Herr Drobln!"
"Go! clear out! to I net make mysell
plain?" ho cried, his limned face nod
ding In time to his violent gesticulations.
"I will have no spies about the place!"
Graden sprang out of the sleigh and
Mrede up to the angry farmer. For a
moment 1 thought there would be a
scrimmage; but the huge bulk of his an
lagonlst was not without It effect upoii
the German. I bow often noticed that
-reat Mature ha. a curiously soothing in
tliienec on the bad temper of au oppo-
"Why did you call me a spy?" demand
ed my cousin.
"The peple auHt here gossip of wai
Mcret I !. he answered sulkily.
"iVhlps'they speak true: perhaps false
Who can axy? At least. I nc uo longer
ei fool: my eyes hare been opened. 'You
hare a good thing here. Herr Drobln.
There Is a great future before you, If
only you keep yonr knowledge to your
self.' said the Englishman to me. 'If
stranger come asking questions, they
will be spies: tnd them away.' It was
line advice he gave me; anyone can ee
that So bo off with you!"
"I am an Englishman myself. Herr
Drobln. May I ask my compatriot
"I do not rtmember."
"What. then, was be like?"
"I cantmt describe Mm."
"You are discreet, lierr Drobln. Come,
tinw, let us strike a bargain. I will
make a guess at your secret; If I am
right, you will tell me what you know
of this Knglishman."
The German started hack, staring at
Graden with little, bloodshot eyes. In
which surprise ami fury were oddly min
gled. Then, aide by side, they stepped
Into the shadow of the plues, whispering
"They are all liars. the Germans,"
Mid our driver confidentially, turning to
ine. "For myself, I am a VtAe."
"Yon beard what was Mid. Do you
know anything of thU English visitor to
Herr Drwblnr
"Most certainly, wine Herr. He was
of the name of Waketietd. He ha stay-
cd several night at the 'Golden Adler.'
For the rest, he ha been the guest of
111 hi who lived out there," and he made
a gesture down the road that we had
A nameless fear took me by the throat
a fear of unknown possibilities. I
would have questioned thj- man more, but
nt that moment Groden and the farmer
emerged from the shadow of the pines.
The latter had abandoned lib truculent
manner. luderi, he seemed oddly ab
serv.eut A Graden teperi Into the
delicti, the man bowed low a curtsy,
which my cousin answered with a eurt
nod of dlsmkvsal.
"Drive oh!" he cried, and once more
we were ploughing oHr way back to the
l.enisdorf road.
"Did you ever study the properties of
the rout called madder, commonly known
a u dye?" asked my cousin suddenly.
"Then I must explaiu from the ttegin
ulne. It hi right that you should hear."
He pulled the flaps his deerstalker
cap aver hi oars Indeed, it was bitter
cwkl and settled himself amongst the
rng. I enugbt the outline of bis faee
a jaw net. the cheek drawn, the eye
bard ami keen, the whole purposemi ami
"When I was slicing the ham to-day,"
lie continued, "au odd thing happened
My knife struck the boue ami pa!
through It a If It had been putty. At
n second glance I noticed that the inte
rior of the sectlou so divided wn of a
hrounUh red. It set me thinking. I
began to remember certain facts. The
talk of the old servant concerning a
teoret held by the owner of the pig farm
nt Gran concentrated my suspicion, the
proximity of the dye-work confirmed
them. I wa almost certain of Herr
Drobln's secret before he charged me
with coming to steal It.
"Let mo explain. Madder Is a dye,
ag you know. Hut administered to man
.or benBt, It ha the curlou effect of
coloring aud pulping the bone to a grl
tie. It Is used sparingly on a few South
German pig farm, that the ham may
appear attractive when carved. lUrr
Drobln Introduced It into German IV
laud. He obtained tho root a he requir
ed It by arrangement with the dyo works.
'Perhaps their presenco suggested the
Idea to him.
"Whether or no Marnuc knew of tho
use of madder before be camo to Leras
dorf, I cannot tell. From my talk with
Drobln it would seem that hi visit to his
farm" was inoro or less of an accident.
Uut.welther way, the visit gave him the
weapon by which, ho 'might make a toad'
of bli enemy. That bitter criticism, you
jrtmfha sure, was for ever running In
the Dead:
Joseph D. Bowie)
lis diseased brain. The- practical details
'ie learned at the farm would help him In
what ho had undertaken. Ills advice
to that old German was it sound move,
leslgucd to cover his visits to the farm
And tho suspicions they might afterward
hive excited.
"HI method of getting Into touch with
Ms victim was simple. He Introduced
himself as an Knglishman by a letter
which be himself wrote In his capacity
of Heidelberg professor, well knowing
that the police had not made public their
suspicions of him. He assumed the name
of Wakefield the first that suggested
tself to him and the nationality of an
Kugllshman, for. as we know, he spoke
the language to perfection. He adminis
tered madder In some form until Mecher
sky grew 111; after which, In his position
.if medical attendant, the rest was easy.
He fled when he knew that the end of
the tragedy was at hand, thut every Inine
.if uls victim was fragile as thin glass.
Probably he caught n momentary gllmi"e
of us In the 'Gohlner Adler'; and his
midnight visit was to assure himself of
jour Identity. You were In great peril
that night. tVusIn ItoWct; I shudder to
think how" great.
"He has probably escaped lo-uay;
there Is a fast train to the west at 12
o'clock he could catch. Hut I vow In
fore heaven. I vow before you as my
witness, that I will pursue this fiend uh
til I have run him down. Heaven knows
I hnve no hatred towards him. I feel to
hint as a man might feel towards a mad
dog which Is a danger to the peaceful
men. women and children uf his village.
It Is the duty or the cttixen to run nis
life In Its capture."
"Where do we go now?' I asked.
"To the railway. We must gather
what news we can."
The winter night was falling drear
and eoM when our tired horses staggered
up to the station door. I scrambled out.
hHHgry, cramped, exhausted In body ami
mind, and followed my cousin within.
The station was empty at the moment
save for a distant corner where a man
Mt huddled en a traveling valise. We
advanced nt once upon him. When we
were a doxen feet away, he started up
ami faced ns.
It was Mossel. the lieutenant of the
HeideHurs police.
"Any luck, meln Herr?" M he to
"What In the worhl are yon doing
here?" wa the atoUbl answer.
"Well, meln Herr. I thought you
knew something, and followed you. WhH
1 arrived this morning, I said to myself:
Tho great white English ferret will be
at work to-day searching for the rai.
will wait at the station like tt-nt Into
which Mr. Ferret may turn the rat.
Gradn skipped up to him and shook
him warmly by the bum!.
"Capital, Mossel. capital! Ami you
had tho net any luck?"
"The net was sitting upon the rat
luggage when you arrived this moment
The net ha 1ku here for five hours, ami
is cold ami hungry. The net I of opin
ion that the rat must have seen him and
abandoned bis luggage. U has not left
by train."
"Hut he can escape In no other way.
We have Mm. Mos-wri, w have him."
"So it wouM oei," said the liouteunnt
I have endeavored to give the fact of
my trunge story without omission or ex
aggeration. If I have failed. It I not
from forgrtfulnoiw; for I do not think
there Is n lng!e detail thut U not per
......unitr fliu.1 in mv memory. Kveu now
I have but to shut my eyo to the
face of Murnac peer Into my ohl room
at Heidelberg, to stand once more trem
bllng with terror In the desolate court
yard of Cattle Oster, to drive through the
Miudlug imow to where the body
Hut enough. 1 do not forget.
I have already told you ot me miiruy
of Prof, von Stoekmnr by hU rival, Prof.
Mamac of Heidelberg, aud of the dis
covery of the crime by my cousin, Sir
Henry Graden, tho well-known scientist
and explorer, who wa then my guent nt
that uuiverslty. I have described the
steps that led to our following the mur
derer to Lemsdorf, In German Poland,
ami the mean by which he compassed
the death of the unfortunate Mechersky.
I have, nmreover, laid before you the evi
dence that led my cousin to neneve iimv
Maniac wa suffering from delusion,
ami that his extraordinary crime were
In revenge for certalu narsu criticism
of h book on which he had spent many
year of labor. In my last tntement I
traced the pursuit down to the tatlou
f i.iiidon. where the murderer, flying
from the scene of hi revenge upon the
Husslau profesor, hail ueeu turneu one
from the railway by Mossel, the Heuten
unt of tho Heidelberg police, w hJ
followed tl to render usslsluuce. Mossel,
indeed, had waited by Manioc's luggage
for six hours, but the man himself had
failed to appear.
Tho winter's sun, chilled to a dusky
ball, was dipping buhiud the snow-clad
ridges to the eastward whou wo scrum
bled back Into the sleigh. As our tired
horses stumbled through the outskirts of
the straggling wooden town, me suauows
rushed across the sky as If flying tho pur
suit of the galo that shrieked amongst
the houses. Night had fallen.
Surely we bad him In our bands.
II had not fled by rail. Somewhere
' In the town he must Ho lurklnt, this
groy-lmlred figure with tho heart of n
buttled wolf. The thought of It drove
nway tho mhos mid crump of exhaus
tion, ami I sat bolt upright lit my sent
tiiriiiir Into the gloom tihend, half ex
pert in to see Mm move ncros the snow
before us like n slinking beast or prey '
We hrtd decided to drive straight to our
own Inn. the "Goldner Adler." where,,
as we had discovered, .Maniac, miner wo
name of Wakefield, au Kngllsh traveler,
bnd alo passed the previous evening.
Little had we thought that the being we
pursued, fresh from the murder of thn
mitu we had come to save, was sharing
the same roof-tree. Perhaps there might
be news of him nt the "Goldner Adler.
HesKi, the tall, handsome Pole, who had
about him mow of the feudal knight than
n country Inn-keeper, met us In the
porch, bowing n stately welcome.
"You have had a bad drive, gentle
men." said he. "The wind has been
fierce, and the snow, I fear, was heavy.
Supper will be ready In half nn hour.
"I believe n Mr. George Wakefield
slept here tst night." ild Graden. dust
lug the clinging Hakes from his otitei
wraps. "It is niwny pieasnm i .......
a compatriot. If he is still In the house,
perhaps be will Join us at our meal.
"llcrr Wakefield! No. meln Herr. be
has tint yet returned."
So, he has gone out?"
Tho Innkeeper hesitated, glancing un
easily at bis questioner. Ho was evi
dently In some uncertainty of mltid.
"He I n strange man, the Herr wake,
field; though, perhaps, for au Knglish
man" . .
"He Is not more mad than usual, en,
Mr. Landlord?" laughed Graden.
"Me.ii Herr, It was not my Intention
i.. .iujI ibus of vnur
M of your great people, npoi-
ogtsed the man. "If be lias surprises u,
It h dteb- because we, being ignorant
countryfolk, do noj understand his cus
toms." "Why. what ha he been nbout?
"Well, meln Herr, It N this way. After
you had stnrted tr your drive to the
i....... .Lf ili.. Prof. Mevhcrsky, Herr
Wakefield came mulling down from hU
riMitu with many questions concerning
you. He seemed sorry that you nau gone
without seeing him. He then pah! his
bill with the liberality of the Kngllsh.
who are Indeed a great and generous na
tion, and commanded that hi luggage
sloMild be carried to the station for the
midday train. At 11 he hlmsetf set out
for the station ummi foot. We were
sorry to lose so good a guest. What,
then, meln Herr, wa our surprise wheti
a little after 12 he reappeared, having
ridden Uek upon the sUHgh that had
taken his baggage to tho station! The
man who drove It toM me that Herr
U'lL.titflil had left his baggage tllwn the
platform unregistered, ami that he had
mhmi a stranger stamimg oy n '
Graden glanced at Moel, who grin
ned luminously.
"Proceed, Mr. landlord," In mM.
"He had only peeped Into the station
ami left at once, the man said. He
demanded of me a sloigh u..o Kd
horses, but the lt I bad ere with
you, and It was necessary to send for
others from a neighbor. He wa very
Impatient of delay, using angry words.
At last he drove away, ami he has not
"Who went with him?"
"Ivan, my eldest son."
"Did be say wbre he wa going?"
- "No, meln Herr; only I heard him ery
to Ivan to follow the eastern road which
Is towards the IIumhih frontier."
"And while he walled for the horses,
what did he do
""A I have said, at first he abused me
roundly for the delay. Indeed, meln
Herr, I was surprised at bis knowledge,
of Geriimu. for before he had wkrn
it very Iwdly. For the n-st. he sat by
himself, reading, In the best room."
"Please to show us there."
We trampl In single tile nfter the
landlord through the Ill-lit passages to
the "best room." a arbir rt nsble for
important guests. It w-iine.1 a pwullarly
Inartistic apartment, wilh green wall
paper and nngular chairs eoveivd with
purple aiitlmaiars. On the central
table stood a lamp, and beside It lay a
number of llio.e dingy IxHiks that seem
common to inn of all nations. Graded
made for them at once, and as he sorted
through the pile of time tables, cata
logue, ami trade Wers, we stood watch
ing blm In siirtu-iso. Suddenly he stoppml
In hi search with a little grunt of satis
faction, and drawing a chair to the table,
sat down. I looked over hi shoulder.
He wa actually reading a German
"DoubilwH yon are planning n picnic
rfMirty?" I imgKeMod, with s muel sar
casm a I con si put Into the question.
"I know you are tired and hungry, my
good Hubert," he answered; "but please
Iiiwii unlet."
He had roachwl "Leuisdorf" I oould
see the name nt the top of the page
ami now was turning the leaves very
slowly. Suddenly he held up the Hue
deker to me.
"Do yoii see that?" he nsked sharply.
A laired Hue of paper run along the
Inner crease of the guide book. The
map of the district bad been torn away!
Mossel thrust me gently aside nlid,
bending over, examined tho under pago
thus left exposed. He took the book
from Graden' baud and, carrying It
to the lump, continued hi -scrutiny.
"You are quite right. Mossel," said
my cousin. "Hi pencil had a sharp
l'01"1'" . .. .......
"You have n Keen eye, Jicrr wmm.ii,
grinned tho policeman. "In our bul
ueis you would have made some reputa
tion." "This I n new edition. How long
have you had It?" -
lint n fw da vs. mclii Herr.
"Aud have you been vlslxd by any
tourists In that time?"
"No, meln Herr."
"Then this should make It a certainty,
for I have a Hacdeker of my own up
stairs. One moment, while I fetch It
(To be continued.).
- - i"''-
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lly Rev. William A. Klrkwood.
Whosoever 1111111 compel lhw to K
one mile, go with him two. Matthew
Wlmt u Hlruiigo irwvpt! I It possi
ble? Wlmt would lntiHii If we tried
to priuilco It? Let's mv,
The word tnuislntod "comixd" Is of
IVrslitu origin. It I equivalent to
"lmpnss" mid sttggiwts the mieleitt
Persian custom of Mixing u mini mid
tiiimiellliiK hint to serve the king, how
ever liiconxcnli'iit It might lime been
to the num. The inmi seised may lmu
personal ImisIiiohs or plcusutv In the
Hint, but now, without bis choosing to
do so, he must go Wtt. lie must olv
ur suiTor ir he reftt-o.
W are not living III miiient Persia,
but who doos not know wlmt It Is to
he nwnM'lliit to go out or Ills wit)? I
It not n fart Unit every Iiiiiiihii Is sub
ject to many various mid burdensome
compulsion? Who li free to do ni
wny exnctfy us he plenseH? Wlmt limit
.Ims not U-eli behl buck fnuu hi own
thoseii ivh)' mid IxtHi eoiiiKdbtl to iM
In otlr dlniilons? Who known Hint
to-tuorniw limy not cull upon htm to
cImiwc nbsoluliiy his own curvftilly
chosen ttiuru' and to go inuity n mile
out or tils way nrhaM never ngalii
to rcgiitii It?
The schoolboy would rnther piny, but
the Nil rings mid he Is under eiuupiil
rdoii to leave his pleasure mid hi com
pulsion Is it Iioh)' uiie. For wlmt Ihi
wottld not pniVr to go iMillig or In
play hull rnther than to Mrc oer an
eleiit history or the sailing Ismk or
inntloHUHttt? Ami whim the ly 1h
ismies n limn full often woiihl he go
Hsvwlno than to tin- Held ir tlte slnp
or the ollbv or the study to go on hi
daily run ml of profe-nhiim! Ilfi. 'Hut
oHiipuMi.n I tipeu him. Ills iicvl
tlt-s or hi IniiHir eimipel him to p
nmiiy it mile nwny frHii wliere he
thinks Ids ideHsiire lies.
We t-hoJSf to ) well ami strong, but
sk'kuo4 ss-Ikm us ami nmrvhes us off
to tho mnqdul. We plmi to the for
mnii) m )enr. Imt Hie king of terror
claliot us for his ronlui. KreniHtre
nth we all Mttbjtt't to be siiililnl to
go tin mile agnlust our will.
AiluilttlHjrtbbi fact of tsmipulsluu In
(riir lives, lw u si-1 hoik nt the other
fnil Implied In our toxl, whMi, llw
.Master wowhl lme ih kmtw, bus Hwr
In extract tlie llllerw fnmi tho for
iiwf "go with him two." We may le
iiniM'lliil to go on mils : we may vol
tititecr to go that mile mid still mi
nt her.
We nrv under eiMiiptilsleii to do many
thliiBs. but we are free tu elioo-ie l go
the way In whhii we must go. In
short, lieeHtiso we nro men mid lint
iiipeta we nre not victims of ml
vr elreiiiiistnucoM mile we ehmtso
to Ih siirh mid thoretiy entnll tipuii tmr
mlve the misery thut ever nwulu the
Milieu mid relM'llloiis iitptlvo.
We t hi i nil iiiulersimid Hint If n mmi
Is willing to do or to suffer, the sling
thereby Is iIthwii from tin duty or Hie
loss ImiMi'od, Hut who would volun
teer to t'lHtuiiiter limdshlt or wlu or
Iomi of life? We miswer the hero. I or
love of God or for love of country, the
mnrlyr mid the imtrlot often Imve gone
willingly mid glmt tlmt second iiillc.
And. In doing so, they Imvo erowned
themsehoH with everlasting Joy mid
IiiiiiioiimI glury. In luiiubler spheren
of duty whenever, like heroes, we shall
volunteer to do the hunt, lltit!iful
thing, tho linrdiioM mid the lilHornc-
will often illwipMr. Nny, n new mid
higher Joy will bo found to He In the
very imiIIi thut Ihrentmied to duio u
of delight.
By Henry V, Cope,
He kiiovvetd Hid wuy Hint I tnke;
when lie hath tried me I sluill como
forth ns gold. Job xxlllMO.
Job wiih too well learned In the
M'hool of pulu to iidopt thu modern
ilmllow philosophy of Providence which
Hiiys the Aliulghly loves men ho iinnii
Hint he will fi-cd them all through life
with (i spoon, mid carry them lu Ills
nnus lost they Ktiimhlo lu IU rough
wuy, Ho did not even stoi (o consider
tho possibility of God piiltlui; Hm
hriikes on nutiiro In onlcoto avoid run
ning over moiiio one In the road.
Ho wo In tho world mi order so wIhu
mid benelb-unt It does not Inivo to bo
cliiinged In onler to secure tho KrenttMt
b'lKid of nny. Tho wisdom that sola the
Bturo In tholr Qoursea plnuiitd all for
tho production of tho best In mail.
Providence. Ih not mi Interference with
nature; It I- tho plan of uiittiro Itself.
Man Is uot lu this world ucliHiuf
ngiilnst the order of things. If he Is
wis,, he Is looming their luwa mid lit
ling Into tlieiu.
Provldeuiv I seen not III the oxecp
Hniiiit, hut In the imriunli nt In n
hmid (hut lulerveiiea, but In I he iiilglil)
love Hint ordered Jill Uilnu fnmi the
beginning, so Hint they nr working,
mlglillly. inysteiioiisl). togelher for
good. The litirH, omim, great sorrows,
Incomprehensible ciiliiMtiophlox, nil
pniMt the wisdom iiud hue Unit He
buck of nil.
Nor I this nttlHitle u mere blind ub
mission lu unreasoning furv. The In
Unite piognun for the nrfc'tlou of
splilt wn horn of mi Infinite spirit,
(hot- nil Is the life lu willed we iiloue
tlnil re-d, Ihe life to which our Inner
life miswer so Hint we sny, I 'nl her.
Not u God who enu eome from wild-
Hill Into this world mid Inlerefere on
our lu'lnilf, but he who knows the wny
we bine o take bHihe It Is port of his
In this n limn eon rest, living his
life. siekliig tin heel, lenrulng his hs.
sou, MiuVrliig Ihe lire mid the blast
for Ihe tmke of the product lit the end.
Full It I this ooiilldciiro In the love
thut Is out nil rnther than some
elnl effort to prmoke the Inter eiilbui
or n hto that only Is Inteniiltlenl.
Prayer I not hHHoii In n king. It l
mmiiIiik to n Father of wIhwo life our
live nre put jwrt. Sued n Fnlher of
teit hides 111 hand that the honrt ol
hi children may Is stnitl tl b)
iinelliig niherllsllle mid sorrows. Ill
opportunity iloea not Mpear until our
oxtremlly Is reachnl. It may lie tiiat
he Is loost Indifferent when he imt III
oxeiisably niiii nbseiit. It take grout
or hue mid courage to hMte the child
to light hi own Utiles tlmu It does to
rush weakly to his Hid.
l'altli lu GinI helps a limn to tlchl
a though lu were nhuie; he iuor
worries n lo whether he will revel U
dlvlne nld imr allows hi own arm to
wen ken In depeliilcnce on It. God hil
its UHst by not holplng tl nt nil. He
ah.iw Ids honrt of hue by williboldltig
w IwihI of help. The ihlhl grows
by the lesion In wif rellume. 'I'Imp
html alw-H) Is nearer than he knows.
The workman I groHler limn hi
In is, mid of men value tlisu his work.
We wrrti lHenue our IhiI are broken,
or our priHluets but or hliatlered. Hut
the Master Workman la wntclilng; ho
sism what we do mil. the growing skill.
Ho HtenilllnoM if nerve, the Judgment.
Ihe ItktHH to hluoMif growing In the
worker; In know that many tool
must le ontworn en the maMer Ih dw
vebqel, I bat the fruits of our crude
efforts which we mm esteem n ma
lerhi'"s must Ih slmtteretl hwt we re
main enlllent with llMMuleuey.
Ill the nature of the ae It forever
must remain luisssbb to deniuiistrnte
Hie guldmico of n divine hmul. If we
were sun or that hIvvhjh nil tnltlntlve
would Ih dislro)ist. Hut one imiy have
siiiltdeiMe that be who mIHcHi In the
liimvcus nn ally mid not mi enemy,
that n lienrt rute there a here, mid
ImHvvii'ii the Iird or nil mid the lenst
or its nil there may In grow Ink' eoiill
ilenee mid hive, mid hU lire limy re
joice In the thutight tlmt love rub lh
By Ilev. William Fdllllps.
Are ye able to drink the cup thai I
shnll drink of mid to be hniHc! with
Hie haptlHiu Hint I mil baptized with?
Josih lived for H HirHOM. lie lived
lo give men u larger mid it truer con
ception of (Jed mid of trfe nml of I m -imiiii
diMtluy. Hut In onler to do tlmt
he had lo Miy n price. He hud u cup
to drink or mid n baptism to be Imp
Hood with. Ill other words, Jesus,
lu order to mvomplleh his tusk, poured
out III life's blood III service for tho
world. He gave himself up to u life or
toll for moil lu spttii of the hIiiiiiio mid
the agony mid the disappointments
which he met.
As Jchu lived his life of service nml
self-sacrlllce so till Christians If they
would makt) this world n better place
to live lu likewise must like u life ol
service, mid self-suerlllce. They must
lu u measure become Ghrlsts. The
principle of selfsnerlllco Ih not con-
lined to one event In tho history or Hut
Whether or not we nre nlilo to meet
Hint claim iIcim'iiiIh upon tho iiionmiro
or our love. Do you remember the
story of Ulyssea? When It wiih told
'lyase that If ho would reach his
homo mid meet his wife ami child ho
must K'i through the dark regions of
llio underworld his reply wiih: "I'll go
through hell If hell leads home,"
Love vvllf dare and endure all things.
It was lovo that wiih duck of Joans'
life of wirvico mid Holf-Hucrllloo. it
was lovo that sent Florence NlgliHn
giilo from bur homo of refinement to
tiurso tho wounded soldiers of tho Cri
mean war mid John Howard to work
for prison reform.
Home Are I'nr I'elebeil mid Slosl of
'tlieiu Are Aneleiil,
There I hiirill)' M hiliKtlue vvhb-li
lias mil been culled Upon lo provide nt
lenst one uf Ihe curlou wit term
willed me In constant iim mill wd
iliglll U wi iilewlire.
Por Inslmice. the word "niluilrnl" is
ml or CiirIIsIi origin, bill I rrom th-
Arnble "eiull el biigb." or lord of Hm
son. t'Mplrtln iiimes from the lHllt
apuC but iimte I from leelniiille mid
mean it coiupiinlon or eqintl. Cox
wnlit I n wont whoso iierivntioii
would never bo gues-isl. The coxswain
was orlgliirtlly the mmi wImi pulled Hm
after oar In Hie enplHlu'a IhmI. whhii
whs known n Ihe wh-UIhuH. This lu
turn Is it tiirrtipHuii of the word corn
Ie. n small round boi,t Used on thu
W)e mill Fsk river. So ioxwiilit
come lo us from Ihe Ve!h.
(oiiiiiiiHlore I not so illitlciilt lo Iruce
to II begliiiilug. It I simply Hi" It'Ulnii
iMiiiiiHiiiUtore. iiieitnlug ouiiiuiiiuler
No such person ns D.tvy Jones ever
existed, though we ofleii hear of him
mil his locker. One should M-enk ',f
liuiTy Jonah' locker." for that wu
Hie original. Huffy the West Indian
name for spirit or ghost, while Joimd
refers, of miirso. lo Ihe prophet
Another curious ease or a lerni grmt
uall) eorrtiptiil out or ll orUliml form
Is the dog watch. It was originally Hm
dmlue waled." lHiHe It lasted only
two hour lieteml of four nml Ihu
makes It Hlbb that tin aiue men
shall nut 1m on tint) every day ilurliu
the aame lurs.
Itwu He-re I the "liefl anchor." Hi"
name given to the lanht aelor enr
rl by n vel. It I really -shot"
incdor" and Is o i-allesl Ihs-hiix of It
treat weight, whlrb makes It easy to
shoot out In ease of emergency.
Inslend or Ho term "sirt" and
starboard." which are useil nowaday.
they tisesl lo talk or iarlioard !
"stHriswril." Htarlsmrvl ha naming in
eiHiinmii with star. IhiI Is nally tlm
AitgioHaxoH "stiH- leMnl" for "l-r
side." Ifaic In all galley vvhl. h
wrre sleeresl by an oar Ihe oar wa
fixed somowliat lo Hie right hand sld
of Ho stern ami the helmsman heel Hm
Inboard sirtbui In his rlghl daml "
iNmrd" wa iirobaldy n eorruplhm of
hwer Uarit, tb larboard Me Mng
Inferior to the otlor.
The "Jury maF' ha nothing In emi
umn with m Jury exreid Its derivation
from Ihe ame wonl. "Jmir." He
Fritted vwnl meaning day-
Willi nilek ii r I'unilf Maoier
sriirril Triumph.
In his early years, when Hariri He
aeo wa stage manager and play
wright of a theater In San IVnm-l"'.
ho wa a eager for realism In hi ef
fect mi be I to-day. He wa explain
lug tie othsir night to some friend
how h msv HMMttori the "Imhy net."
A ehlhl In arm was needed for a
play, met tbl being mnmne.1, HeUi
sitfipMesI hlmsdf Willi H stock of M
nulnt enndy. Ito.'an It wn time
the Infant lo be mrrleil on he hehl up
a ntkk of tin sweetmeat la-fore It oy-,
let It mx'k on It for an lustnnl. so n to
get the lte, nml then withdn'tv the
HU next move wn to w the ewnriy
to the man who had mot to do with the
ehlhl In the piece. The imiment of en
Ira i mi arrived, Ihe baby wns errhl on,
the nmu, according to instructions, Md
up Hm stick of canity, mid the Infant.
II Ml smeared wild the Muff, instant
ly stretched out its ami Mr more
"What a clever Imby !" the women lu
the audleiu-e woiihl vvhbNr to one nn
otlter. "It aetually Knows eandy by
Ami n round of nimratiso waa thu
tae mauastor'a rewarri for hi trick.
It was during Ho smiiio Cnliroruhi
orhd that one of llio player In the
isnmwny Imndisl ItelHstsi, ns he stipH
ed, a "Isit one," to tih tho vermiciihir
or the Hlnlto. I luring rclesirsiiM of u
new ploei) tliU neior Imd to sHnik n lino
eolitiiliiliig HHilleul phrnseotogy. H"
had trouble with It, mm tie-gnu to kick
nt the author.
"Who wroto this thing aiiyhow?" he
"Whq, Diivid, of course," ho vvna lold.
"Hou't you know "
"That explain, I lien," he hurst out.
"I nlwaya said Duve llelnuro wita
punk author,"
('mo rraiilloiuil Meelles.
The nsiulreinent of milllo coiiverKii-
Hon mvaslonally piu.zlo thu student of
the Kngllsh language, says Hm author
or "A Levmitliie ligllook," Imt nun
who Iiiih a KovcriiosH will boon iicipilru
them alt.
Thus ii young Frenchwoman who win
learning Kngllsh while on tour with
an Anglican attendant exclaimed, "0
my, I am all of n sweat !"
"Miss MoiTuau!" exclaimed her nt
tendmit, "never use that word ngalnl
Horses sweat. Men perspire. Ladle
merely glow."
Any misguided inmi who live for
himself aluiio Iiiih our permission to
ciawi off nml die mid tho quicker tho
Kvury mini knows n lot of fool tlilnffi
ho would Uo If ho had tho uiouoy.