The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 21, 1906, Image 5

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    .. . (ftAiMm
'"-nty mgsts&r.
, Mm. Fnttik Stroud left for
Priueville Wmlni'sdny inorniiu;.
8. Siilllvnu of St. I'atil, Minn., !m
in lleud tit (h week vlnitliiK friends.
All tlic Octohcr iiui;nliiuM cim
now lis hnd at tins poatofllce new
Mori 111 has oiue iMirxuins for
you mill ciiii mhvb you money. Keitd
I lit lid. ulnewheie
Theodoie Tweet Iiiih ithotit re
covered' from hin lucent IIIiiwih and
Ik able to be iibout hkiiIii.
School coiifiueuced lnt Moudny
in the Arnold dl li'li district with no
ctirolluiaiit of nine scholar.
Mnnon fm It jut Hi lleud Meicitn
tile Co. clienp for audi: (iiiurt.M,
ti oo rdoAt.Mii half BHllonn, $i .o.
M. A. McCoy, T. G. Meeker
mid Percy Wither lelt Stiudiiy for
n caiupliiK mid hunting (tip in the
Crane Prairie country.
Cointuiwiinuer Jvllia ha been do
iiiK liig biislnet this week'. He
hns taken h ninny fllluj; on timber
cluiuiH during two day of tliw week
an he UHitnlly doea duting the whole
IJ. lf. 1 kit ten was exhibition
omc fine Urge Green .Mountain
KtAtoes ImI Saturday, grown by
him thin yenr. NiHe of them
weighed Mrott pouudrt Hiid two
Frank Stroud and Albert Seal,
Hmttimuied by Utucry ami Kualey
Sen la, Mat tad for the valley the find
of the weak with ft bunch of hora,
wilkh they will wll to valley pur
chasery. WiIIm Sheldon left Tuesday
uiRht for the Redmond fair with h
large load of exhibits ftojti Ir. C.
Kowlee's rnticli cunt of Heud. lie
nlho had on the loftd r few exhibits
from other teople hereabout.
Mr. and .Mrs. J. Frank Stroud
.tio planning to move to Nw lit lleud
n Cook Hay and take up their rest
deuce there. This is done to bene
lit Mrs. Stroud's health, the altitude
at lleud being too hijt for her.
K. A. Slither is having a build
tug 20x50 feet with to foot noU
erected on th rear of bis lot on
Wall Street. It will be a combina
tiou stable and storage toow. Hants
J oh 11011 has charge of the work.
Not to b outdone by the agricul
tural exhibits ftom lleud, exhibited
by the men at the Kediuoiyl fair,
acmal Bend ladies have scut until
cious pretty and tasty articles of
fancy work to couijcie for the pre-
Thomas Tweet is mow hauling to
Jlcnd from an up-river meadow 40
ton of hay for winter feeding. Mr.
Tweet says lie has an Noo-acre
trn t of fine meadow laud about 30
unlet south of I tend for sale, mid
anybody desiring laud in large
traits should call 011 hint.
liTo Centra! Ore
gon Banking (b
Trust Company
Cnpltnl 52fl.000.00 -
Trnnsncts i General Buiik
liiKjliislitess. ActH as Administrator, I:x
ccutor or Trustee of HBlutcs
Issues Drafts nttd Hank
Money Orders on nil Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits.
Safe Deposit Boxes.
Fire Insurance.
) I It R C T O R St
A. M. Drake, A. I.. Cioodttillie',
President. Vice" rros,
J. M. I.itwrciicr, Rccictn'ry.
V. O. Minor, Cashier.
1!'iNI),- 1 1 v" - u:W
New potatoes 2c per pound nl
lleud Mercantile: Co.
Jistcn for wcddiitK bclln in Bend
during the next week.
Mlm Ethel F.dwnrdfl of SistcrM
was visitiiif in Bond Inst t'riduy
nuil Saturday,
MIsh fvn West left Tuesday for
another year's study nt the Wil
lamette university at Salem.
Miss Jithcl Chapman left Thurs
day morning for. Kcdmoud to be
there present during the fair.
S. C. Caldwell is this week put
ting in the necuHsary plumbing to
supply the new school house with
city water.
I)r. Scofiuld left Wcxliie.sdtiy
evening for Silver Lake and will be
Kouc about two weeks, returning
about Oct. 1.
Dr. U. C. Coe was culled to
I.aidlaw Monday mid Tuesday by
the quite fterious illness of Mrs.
Fred Wnllace.
Fred Iluuucll is in the Silver
UiUu country ruiiniiiK litteti for
Elmer Niswoiiger, who is criiisini:
timber in tltat region.
Topic for Christian Endeavor!
services next Sunday evQiifiigff ''t
strong willHow to K&f$aud.usc
it for teiiiiierNiicc rTtyctf 1 Tutor
t 111. Lander; Mrs. if, PVWvMer.
Tludnitet: given. Vy Uie band
boys last Saturday evening was n
very successful affair socially, and
the loys cleared quite it little sum
Irom the receipts. Much favorable
comment was heard regarding the
loys' pUiying on that occasion.
The Bulletin docM not intend to
utisM recording any of the additions
to Hood's population, but Mich was
the case recently when it failed to
note the birth of a flue, bouncing
94 pound boy, txiru to Mr. and
Mrs. Millard Ttiplctt, on Saturday,
Sept. M.
J. 11. Winter brought in to The
Mnlktin office Wednesday from the
Winter & Sons ranch nt Tumalo, a
very large turnip and some good
sixed onions. The turnip measured
21 inches in circumference and
weighed five ouuds. The largest
onion measured 13X inches in cir
cumference. S. C. Caldwell will leave Tues
day or WwlueMlay of next week
for the valley to get Mrs. Caldwell
and the children, 'who went to
Salem the latter part of August.
Misti Ilazcl is nicely located for her
year's Mudy nt Willamette univer
sity at Salrtit, and Mrs. Cnldwcll
will return to lleud
Following is a list of new phones
with the cnll numbers: lleud Wat
er Ught & Power Co., pumping
station, 32; W. S. Nichol, store, 6;
A. II. Grant, postoffice, a, retd
deuce, 17; Dr. I. I.. Scoiield, tesi
deuce, id-, A. II. HMebeuet, resi
dence, &', C. W. Merrill, store, 31;
Nick Welder, residence, 33.
The books and magazines oi the
rending room were moved Thurs
day into the new quartets in The
Hullcliii building. That the move
was n wise one is proven by the
fact that eight jxoplc patrptuVcd
the toom the first afternoon it was
open, while in the old location
there was practically no patronage
Among lleud people going to
Silver I.ake and I.nkevicw the past
week called there by the timber
lands recently obned' to entry,
wctc the followlYiK'. Klnicr Nis
wongcr, Wed Ilduuell mid M. J.
Morrison, wh6 art locating people;
Frank Uulterworlh, Miss Steele,
Mnf., W. It. Wilkinson and Mrs.
fa If. McCantt,
f,, II. McCnntt, when he went to
Ins homestead the first of the week,
Chickens for Safe.
, I have for sale sows ftr)e-brcd
jiarrcci riymomn iock ueps; niso
some spring chiekeni ftje for table
use. Carr Tivcr tu( ftctu)' if, de-
found n 'tnli that had some vftttr in
it and in the tub were 46 drowned
chipmunks. He emptied the tub
and refilled it with water. During
the next day he was nbstonl from
the ranch but 011 returning that
evening he found 36 more chip
munks drowned in the tub,
Dr. C. W. Merrill hns purchased
the C, A. Cliopinmi stock of titer
chandisc and will hereafter conduct
that busiticssi As soon us the doc
tor cntt get someone 011 the much,
lie will move to town with his fam
ily. Mi. Chapman is having a res
idence and burn built on his home-
stund east of lleud and he mid Mrs.
Chapman and Miss Klhcl will soon
move onto the ranch,
On account of having promised
to play for n dance nt Sisters to
night, the lleud IhiikI was unable
to accept the offer of the Redmond
fair management to piny nt the
fair. They attempted to make
arrangements whereby they could
fill both engagements but the fair
people refused to allow them to be
absent long enough to go to and
return from Sisters. There" would
have been a uunt little sum for the
boyft.nTthc Kedtuond engagement
While tlicrtTit nothing bnt'oxponws
paid' Jit the Sisters one, but -the
beys considered it better to keep
Redmond offer.
Closing Out Sole.
On account of changing residence
thcproprietessoftheNcw York Cash
store, I.aidlaw, hereby announces
a closing out sale, commencing
Sept. 2 1 and lasting until about the
loth of October. In the bargains
are the latest style of gents' hats.
Ladies', gents', hoys', girls' shoes
sod dry goods just arrived in the
stock. House and lot will also be
for wile nt price.
Mists K. II. Stkniiuko, Prop.
Ttosland Items.
Wc have Iftcri having a Ivv. tlsy ol
wurni wenthcr. ,
J(vcrylxly U through hnyfng. '
Mr mill Mm. John Tnylorarr iiMkltfk'V
tHwiiiMtti trip 10 Htlvcr Lake thin week.
Coorge Uoffiic and William Ilifcrtdl
have gone to the valley to hmI a feto
wek, Jt fa MiXHod that they iWll
bring tbetn n cuok.
Arthur Taylor la drlviiiR the stage
from KohIaihI to Silver Mice at recnt.
lr. lluwanl of l)itg I'ruirle mwle a
Imttjiwa trip to Hcwil thin week.
Mr hihI Mm. Utratta are maklnK a
ImmUicm triti to Klamath 1N1U liy the
way of SiHfr Jtke.
T. Itoae i on hi way to flhanlko for
ChrintmH' Mk freight team mmc
throuKht KoelatMl a fuw la)si uro.
Mr. Ilow-snl, tlic Ukl- drir, has
retired for a few wcoka.
J. TKKrt t'l a flyitiK trip to Ileml
n few ly ago for Mppllea (ol tlic
Get), IltHltt. who ha hii working
for Mr, l'lndley througli Imrvust, has
returneil to hia liomuatead, ihI I mi nho
iimde a jmrcliaM of a new wagon.
J. Tuggart U tliinkiug of irrigating
liia ranch from hi well, which la 30 feet
Mr ItdmomU it doing quite a lot of
tatproviug tm M ttoweataftd.
JeYerljJIjI; U lnul' arjM 1
11 1 1 it n li 1 1 f m
6. W. mer.-lntfc !. Vmcr ami
their "prtitilsoil word and CtCW . Wlwer were Mend Ntor yester-
queutly decided not to'aecopt the'T
Mr. KobiiiMU of Rend toped over
liiglit at Tuntaki Tuesday. He waa on
bis way hom from the valley and re
port itiMcli rain there lately and the
road cry muddy and hard trawling
over the mountain.
A Mr. Samuel Smith, wlto own mme
ditch land near Tumalo, wa over from
Wabingtoti to took after his K!dings
here. Mr. Smith hought thl land tome
two year ago Iwt IuhI never Men the
land until yesterday. He expresed
imclf well pWed with the country.
Mr. Smith I an old friend of our county
cotnmhwioner Hayley.
There i much travel on tite road
lately, puoplc coming and going to and
'I ho Crook County Fair.
The premium list for the second from tlie valley
annual exhibition of the Central ti KoWU Mro. of the SUter were
Oregon Livestock mid Agricultural , TuHiato Ne.tenlv. The uv are
Association are now being distribttt
cd. '1 hey show a goodly number
of premiums offered for prize stock
and agricultural products. The
exhibition will he held nt I'rittevtlle
beginning Oct. 10 mid continuing
four days.
A large new pavilion has been
built, the track put in shape, and
ample prearntioiis made for n suc
cessful fair.
Subscribe for THK UULLUTIN
nttd study its irrigation department.
Harness and Shoe
I have oiMtucl n re-
n 1 1 1 1 U' Iir tiio 1 in tne iwim
UU1"6 Liverv Tranifer
Co' W11 ami will carry a full line of
harnt'M ri'iiair. alo hlt. curry cuiiiIm,
liriudie hlaukcta, etc. tiring in your
ill alsn continue to repair hoe
uuihling up a flne farm out near SiMcrs.
We bear that the state engineer who
arc working in the interests of the set
tler 011 the Columbia Southern laud
have made a suney for a new canal
which if bMilt will take the water out of
the TminaIa somewhere near the Tawalo
bridge which w'll make a great sating
in distance ami will enable the cowpauy
to carry water on the land the year
round, which U very much needed A
it it now they cmt only have water in the
summer ami fell.
George Winter & Son are Row
cutting their second crop of clover,
which I ry good for a ecoud crop.
Hightower & Smith 1m been sawing
shingle lately.
IXorranc Hro, are Mwing lutnlter this
week. They lune coHtmctetl to deliver
quite a lot of luuiUr to Priueville people.
It gives the news nil of it.
Slaughter Sale!
Having purchased the Chapman stock of dry
goods, etc., the same will be sold at greatly
reduced prices. This stock must be sold at once
to make room for a fine line of winter goods.
We haye some fine bargains in
Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings,
. Crockery, Tinware, Etc., Etc.
llATltS IN
Hot,el Bend
XTam TTaiica "tVTa M?cefiA T Ah u Attnltta UnfAM finSfl DnntUC
b ?& &w8$B&ttM -
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with nil the delicacies of the season
iMrst-class Equipment I?irte Rooms and 6cds
All stages stop at the hotel door
Commission and forwarding
Urge, Commodious Warehouse, Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention imhI to thoc who
favor mc with their patronage,,
Icave Shanikd 6 p. tn. Leave Bend 6:00 a. m.
Arrive Priueville... 7 a. m. I Arrive Princvilic 12:00 ni.
Leave rriucviile 12:30 p. in. Icave rrmcvillc : p.
Arrive Bend 7:00 p. ni. Arrive Shaniko
1 a. ni.
Bend Livery & Transfer Co.
W. J. RODISON, Proprietor.
Horsbs Boarded by thk Day, Wekk or Month
First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Phone No. 15
lMMlrtfct,btwfa MtBoUimlOtsoo,
Bend, Oregon.
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing
Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church.
WALt. STRKHT. Opposite D. M Co.
THE finest stock of FRESH
MEATS in Crook County
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a First-CIass
Market. Everything new and
of the best. WHITE & HILL.
No matter hov ?ig ihe bird, no matter now neavy us piumage or
swift Its fliglit,' volt can nrln ' to bag with a lonp, atrong,
straight shooting Wlncheser Repeatlnj Shotgun. Results are what
count. They, always glvo tho be?t results In field, fowl or trap
1 snooting, ana arc buiu wuu jF-f sbmvj' a jwwKtwvuk.
WVA.SmJ jwy MaJJrsts w af&lM (ft M Urtt Wri.wi?yg..
R?aTvREPAtli5a arms cp.tNew havb.conn-.
siren, iuns. wu. jii.mvm,
37tf Ueud, Oregon,
r rv -. - -