I5!B r iWW ' Bai I B THI it i - o a? H4 BEND BULLETIN d'l'or ccry man n xiptnrc denl, no less and no more." 3U1I3CHUTION KATltS tint year. Mi month - rtitto mouth (IiiretlabJr In atlrntirc) fi.je .fa HOW TO KKMIT. Kontll by Ixtnk draft, oMnl money rinlar on lwnd, expices money order, or iwjjlstered leter. Make nil remittance payable to The )tiil nutletht. Stage nut mall Schedule. ' AKRIVM AT HKNIi. mmti StienUi via Ittaevftie . . rp m dally fmm UiUenUw h4 Mrr lkt . ... .... , mm iWttf rf Twe Ftntti Twtttale TWs , Tli' ami Ail.. 1 15 1 m Vfwn tMUrr d4jr eaevpt mnd) .. a m t,KAK NKMM Vm HwhIV via lltaevtrte ... fi . m dall) Jot Labeekw ii ml Sitrrr Kale -.. . ftoeiaki Ttwe . Ttinn and l a lMhn dell) (inpl HmMW) .. m IK lMt Omen llovaa-Week day,- m loSp. mmm)4, nwm ii a n i u m , aan nau alter ai rival of all mail IttMH latltoad j. Vuty. from 1 1 a MaaraAer ai rival ol i Hutthteg Petto before r mi , TNtwiKNi:Orrtr llovfca WwW Juvk, fx Twa. m la eso p m SaMat ami MNOay. mat taw a m la It imhw, ami feato ym . m to !. to. FRIDAY, SI'l'THMIIltKai, 1906. WIIURIi I.IUS lllll SII.VMir?" The l'riueville Review, in speak ing of "the shame ol Oregon" due to the laud fraud exiKxiuea, says: "TlIK rVMLK WW Ml NRVKK MAX K known it wm injured b) liny of the dt fewiaHU evrept luter IumI it Hot beeu for Hitchcock awl the OregonlaM." "The puhik would never have known!" Does the Review mean to imply that the shame of a rascal iy deed consists only in being caught in the act? Is it honorable to ileal as long a yon arc not found out and as Ioiir as the public does uoc know that it is being robbed? Wherein lies the real shame and dishonor of unlawful deeds in the deed itself or in being caught and exposed? Which would runct ultimately more to a state's shame and dishonor: To have n horde ot thicxes. holding Iter high oflfces and corrupting her cittsen ship, or to have the offlceholding thieves and their accomplices ex posed and punished? This silly ranting by sod of Or egon's papers against the govern MMtitVktid fraud ttfoeeetttious is disgusting and in itself k a cause tor shame. It must be evident to an) owe who followed tb evidence in the recent trials in Portland that the (Mutuants were guilty, guilty of an elaborately laid cOHSpitaoy t rob the government hi other words to steal- Just ordinary, every-day, 'rafmibwn" stealing It would be much more to Oregon's honor for fcer ciliwfi to unite in condemning linch rank rascality, rather than to defend the accused and attack the government's policy of proxcutkw. Tltl! Dl!IH WUUORILU time of labor nml discb in forts there was nn exluuistlcss supply of pure, cold wiitcr only 350 feet beneath him What hfrt been douc nt Madras cnu be done In other jvnts of thfe upper Delclmtc valtey. In the tuouutaius to the south mid west of Bend there arc hundreds of lnkcs and flowing streams. There are but fciv of these that do not lose n huge amount of their water through seepage into the open, porous luvn rock. This must How underground in some direction or settle in gteut subterranean lakes or reservoirs. Is it not then rcnkounblc to stiposc that the whole of Ihis upper Des chutes valley, and Ccntml Oregon as well, is underlaid with tin ox lmufctles supply of water? If the supposition is correct, water in abundance will be found in the liond country by sinking deep wells. Government geological surveyors, after investigations in Oregon, an nounced their belief that water could be found hereabouts nt a reasonable depth, with n possibility of striking an artesian flow. This matter is to be tested by individuals connected with the D. I. & 1 Co. They hnve ordered a machine and will have experts Milk wells at Redmond and on the Johnston and Baldwin ranches. In the northern Mississippi val ley wells 300 to Soo feet deep are a common thing on farms, while cit ies think nothing of going f-om 1,200 to 1,500 feet to get their wat er .supply. There are ample cvi deuces to show that the same effort will produce similar favorable re sults hercHbouts. The result of further tests with the.se deep drilling machines will be watched with interest. Problems That Confront The Irrigator. I'itxk now announces that he will write a book while in jail, tell ing miuutoly the story of the land frauds in which he has played an important part for the last 25 years. Such n book will be interesting reading. When a rogue docs final ly confess, liow anxious he often is to tell all he knows. The Fertility of the Soil. (Continued from lt week ) We now come to an explanation of that peculiar provision in the corking over of the root that is, we know that plants do emit organic substances which are dele terious to themselves, and we know this, that as soon as the absorbing portion of the root ceases to be ab sorbent the plant covers itself with that impenetrable cork, apparently so as to prevent the absorption of its own cluuvin. I should say that the soil ought to take care of the excrement of plants. It is its business to do so. It is its proper function. Whether it does tins through the agencies ol baclerin, whether it is due to the abnormal absorptive power of the soil or to direct oxidation, we do not know. It is probable due in jhirt to each. Take a natural soil, a prnriesoil; the sanitary conditions in that soil are almost perfect. In our oidinary soils if we grow the same crop in succession we know that we do accumulate in the soil organic mutters that are not humus. It is our experience that black soils are generally more productive than the light colored soils, as you see in your well-drained black bot toms. uiacK prairie sous are gen erally very productive. We say this because they have more organic matter. Ordinarily a soil to which or ganic matter has been added should, if its condition is favorable to plant growth, convert the most of that organic matter into humus. It is Iresrved. The humus formation is the natural method of the proper sanitation of the soil. As soon as the organic matter is converted in to humus it is harmless to the plant; it is in e fleet, although not in iact, removed from the soil. While it is in the form of humus it is not harmful, it is not imhsouoiis, but plant food according to the old Men. It ought to be possible to supply suflicietit food for the next crop, for our hiboiatorics have sufficient phosphoric acid, nitrates, etc , so thutwu can furnish furtiticrs for the pound of soil. It is possible to put in all the food the plant needs; but when we. have introduced all the plant food that nitty bo required by the second crop, and a great deal more, we do not iuciease in that soil, which I have in this pot, the growth of the second crop alter another crop of thu same kind has just been removed. Now, what cnu wo do? We will take that same soil and mix It with cowpeas If we have irrowu one crop of wheat, mix the soil with green cow peas finely eliopiK-d up and thoroughly incororutcd, at about the rnte at which you make appli cations 111 thu fluid, and you will get dottblo the crop in the "ex hausted sou so treated that you will from the fresh soil as it came from the field; and then after jour application of cowH!fl you can grow three crops of wheat 011 the same soil before the yield will go down to what it was in its original state. This instance in which fer tilizers do not improve the soil after wheat has lecu grown is not n general case, but is used as an illustration only for this twrticular sample that I have in the pot. In other soils fertilizers may act as beneficially as the coweas. In other soils still cowpeas uiuy not net beneficially. There is no doubt that- .'ertiliwrs do act as plant food in many cases, that stable manure and green crop, through the salts they contain, may act as plant food, but we have proof that a large art of the favor able action of cowicms and of ma nure H due to the organic matter itsell and the changes it causes iu the soil. The organic matter of manure (WHAT SUUTIIIIKN IS COMINtl Intension Will bo Completed t Hem! Next Year. 8iirveorwllllirll) roiniiit,tt.-t'i-it Mretloullig the piuMed piitciifttflii of tin (Ii rat Southern wlrim! fiom Dnfiir t.. TkIi, h ilUtnnev ol in milt. The lux- 1 In iixMllii from The Italic to Duliit ,V nulea, liut the mii Ik to mli h ilitnuxli to lleml. The olflrUU of the line expect to h the esteiMloh CAiuphited next year. Thrx irjMiil tlmt eter) wmrlMMia mi the imid ia filled to oveillowhiK wilh sraln, Mint itimh of it la lirltiH piled In the oien, in die (ai'illtiet are InadeqiiMte. A ptopoat Holt Iota Ix-eti Hindi-. that til Oiegmt I'oilHue railway I rxlendml (rout the lllg Kikly to a eonoettion nith the (ileal Southern, a dUtamr nf aUmt a mile, and thla Mould uiw the I'lirtMue iHila a hue into The lallra, hi height eon Id lie loaded dlieetly aJxMrd aieauteia ImhuuI (or I'nttlHitt! In return tile P. real Mouth mi h mill I lie n'eii the ftdt-NHhw "' eouueetiiie nith the inning. Thaipira lion liaa arieli aa to tlw tonality of aocli operation In view o( Die fact that llir lale own the Mitan, and thla matter Mill have to be dlapoaail of helur Menu llaliolia ran m entered iuto. lortlan.l TrlrKruni. Old I'lrm DU.nlvcil. The old established firm of Wurr weiler it Thomson has been dis solved. The interests of A. Thom son and Arthur Hedges have Ihii bought by Wurxweiler A Co , who will continue the biwlntaa at the old stand. It was on August 27, to7. when Wwtwciler & Thom son bought out M Slchel & Co , and three years later, on July 1, louo, Arthur Hodges mirchMaed an interest hi the firm. The husitHtw is one of the largest in the country and has been very pruviterou.- I'riueville Journal. Ttmhat tfc4, Aft Jatw J. ). XOTICB I'Olt IMJMM0ATI0N. V a. Uad 0K, TW tatfca. Ortfln. )ala n. Natke ia atW air ikal tn naialll'n Uk mm afikf a.- at I urn tar laav i i ralUIl "Utrtlta Ik m! ml IImIm l4 Rcsotutlens Paxar Ifxperlment Station Iu the resolutions adopted by the National Irrigation Congress at liotsc, u a paragraph that should interest settlers in Central Oregon. It 1 a paragraph expressing the congress' favor toward establish ing government experiment stations in the arid West. A. M. Drake, present at the congress, wrote this paragraph and has instrumental iu having it adopted. It is iu line with Mr. Drake's ttrcvious en deavors to secure the establistnent nt an experiment station in Central Oregon, where farmers, who are unacquainted with irrigation, could for knowledge white the organic matter is in any I other form it may be or may not 'mid green manure, being easily coii-J tccome narmrui to tne piunt. 1 tie vurtable into humus, seem to humus, apart from the physical 1 purify the soil, scour it out. clean great weed of this regiou is water. The soil is fertile; the climate is de lightful; natural resource arc val uable and varied in kind. Itut Nature is very stingy with her rain fall and water is king. Thus the work of these machines that can drill holes into the earth 1,200 to 1,500 feet deep iu ipiest of water is of much practical interest to settlors 111 the nrid West. Never before has this country boctt given a thorough test as to the possibility of getting water by deep drilling. The machine were lack- tug, nonce the well?, rerv uot drilled. Dave Harnett It is ranch eight miles south of Mud it seems to remove or change the toxic organic substances left by the jHccedmg crop. The fact that the soil is uot exhausted of tdaut food i shown by the fact that if you re iace all the plant food of this par ticular soil I am speaking of, you cannot get a second crop equal to the first crop; but ifjouputin organic matter, such as you have iu cowpeas and such as we have in a chemical, pyrogallol which pos sibly you all know, contains no plant food, but which will ap parently act precisely as the cow pea you can grow three success ful crops of wheat 011 the soil before it will again return to its former stale Do not understand iu as recotnmcndiug pxrogallot us a sub stitute for cowpeas. It is an ex pensive chemical used merely in our scientific experiments. What the soil ueds is something to remove or change these toxic substance. The substances are alt more or less easily chauged, easily broken down, easily destroyed, and it 1 our belief that fertiliser appli cations in tuauy cases act in much the saute way that manure and cowpeas do in changing these toxic substances, namely, in affecting them iu some way so as to purify the soil. Theaeamouuts of fertil isers wc add to ilia soil have their effect upon these deleterious toxic substances and render the sou sweet and more healthful for grow ing wants, we believe It is eipnMui tuticMM ami model farm I We have here a small pot hold-1 through this means that our ferttl in the aelv ilcvelouiuc Uiatncla of the ! ui a nouiid of soil, of which 1 1 izrs net rather th-in rlimnul. tl. BO tor kbawMiw ailri rrf Itrml Tlte coming of deep well drilling , demonstrations. The mrayrauli is machines into Central Oregon is a s follows. matter of no little significance, j "WhrM, Th intelligent rouaenm- i'L.. ...:n .... ..Uiii.. .a... : tioB f oh" atoiaiare will prumcte an 1 hey will undoubtedly play an in-! eae,! ,-ty ,, ,, p, portaut tasrt iu the development of ' -"'ready derelopad and iU estenaoe to ,il . .... j n,,. idtitioal hmds adMrent tbrrrto. mI IM.V.K ....am. enpue. ineooe, uiwrea. The awne nrineinW. Willi uaiMe iiiccmim ewiivauon be dry larmittg of IMMNMU area, the tillage of utueh u mow preearUMM or itnpracubkr. 'Therefore, We heartily cmlorai the iiiveatieatkata alutur thear luira bt the v. anu iTCOtit o( tnfortnatioa a to better method of toil ajfrievlure. aupplettMnlefl by the eUblihmtit ot ilepartHMtat of asncttltare. and uwnd the dUMctaiHattoo effect it has iu lootciiing up the soil ami the absorbing effect it has 111 holding water, which may greatly increase the yield of cro, appears to be the form of sewage disposal for the crops. Through the aid of bactetia or by direct oxidation the excreta thrown off by the plant are j ust as effectually disposed of, so far as any toxic effect they may have 011 the plant is concerned, as j if they had been thrown into the bay, aud a soil that would produce humus is a fertile soil, because it is a well-drained soil so far as sanita tion is concerned. Ih the disposal of the subataccs thrown off by the plants the ab sorptive power of the soil phtys a very great part. The soil itself is capable of holding on with great teuacity to organic substances. m that it is impoaoiblc to leach them out with water. For example, if ou take a soluble dyestuff and shake up 111 the solution some soil the soil will take ou the dye and allow the water to filter through, al though dye is exceedingly soluble iu water when the soil is not pres ent. The soil holds onto these organic compounds given off by the plant iu the same way that it retains the dye, and, as the root corks over immediately rafter throwing them out aud the movement of water in moderately moist soil is excodiugly slow and almost negli gible, the root paiaves safely its own excreta. We have here a small pot hold- is irniu a ralMlMl - to StolM W lalifcw au raHklMMi oei waaniaataa TrtrM.M r at tali Mtm b m uf Aaa4 ,, laat GaTStl. lb. arid and mi-rid ragWM. Tried 10 Pass Worthless Check. Dick Garrett was arrested at Madras on Thursday of last week ou a warrant out of Judge lirooki crurt, charging him with trying to pass a worthless check. Garrett bought some goods of Robinson & Co. of Madras and gave them in payment a check for 375.65 on the ball explain the use later, iu which supplying of food to the plant we grew plants for a short time, In seeking an explanation But the iccout success of n . T H75 I "- , filing wheat plants, if utu me icceut success 01 Crook County IJank of Prlfieville. measure its fertility tvith a nctt it. getting water on signed "O. T. Stage,' and foT-ttattanedi.tetyfoitwi!!1 ' eight miles south of Mud-1 which he wanted the balance in' rr Walker it orvx m . rus by the use of one of these deep 1 fflS', ; "ODinson phc , , . .. .... -t 1 .... I bank and found that the and if we grow six wheat plants iu the soil for three weeks, and im mediately grow six other wheat plants iu the same soil we get about half the yield or half the size of the first plants. Iu other words, that amount of soil is exhausted in three weeks by the growth of six we crop Mr. Walker. It cqs to show of some of the principles of soil fertility, we found that the soil nmi.tlir. rf fl(l lafT.a-.., a!I.. . uiuniuK ui uui uiiiciEiii aviia, wneuier tuey were icrtiic or whether they were poor, had essen tially the same amount of phos phoric acid, jwtash, and nitrates. It was an anxious time when we reached these conclusions, because we ourselves did not sec how it ..... .-:i.i ,ir- i- 1 .. . . . which he mnml Hie tafamce in ' ; -.Tt.7 ' u T. .. .1 ""1""- "', ..'"' '" ,"V." s.j2ft.er--:fiitvi5i -uTissu-sBi,!sa,,iSBtaS: tss drillers promises that old conditions ,, " "V i...... iV- Jtl "? ! ief lu .thal wepwete ' attempted to show you the way I be- Kwnii uwtwu iA11 sat. jivuic uiiL .k iipai..-ab iiri..t...... m'i. rri..s f . 1. . will be douc awav wth and tlint ..;, .1.- A, r n ".. 1 ..; bj. is ic neve teriiiizersct und the reason toxic substances thrown olV by plants which thu soil is tint in a condition to ivmovc or change at once, we try to lutntutt it by culti vation, by aeration, by oxidization. Iu many uf our .systems of rotation, especially iu Hut ope, the need of fallowing or renting the soil Is recog nized. When the soil is allowed to lie fallow almost invariably Ikmil fical results ate seen. The lciieflts tuny not be siilliciently great, as we believe iu this country, to jtiNtlfy loss of ci op, hut fallowing is gen et ally beneficial to the soil. There is another way iu which thefertilit of the soil cnu be maintained, namely, by arranging a svstciu of totatiou and growing each vear a crop that is not injured by the excreta of the preceding crop; when the time comes around fur the first crop to lc planted again the soil has had ample time to dispoH' of the sewage resulting from the giowth of the plant two or three years Iwfme. This, I think, is the basts or teasou iu many cases for our crop rotation, namely that tlicM.1 excreted substances ate not toxic alike for all plants, and the soil has time to recover its tone and cleanse itself. I have told you that bailey will follow potatoes In the Kothamsted cxerimeiits after the potatoes have grown so long that the soil will not produce potatoes. The barley grows unaffected by the excieta of the Htatoes. another crop follows tint but ley, aud the soil is then iu condition to grow IKitntoes ngtiiu. Iu other experiments of tawc aud Gilbert they have maintained for fifty years a yield of almut 30 bushels of wheat continuously on the same soil where h complete If r tilizcr bus liecu used. They haw seen their Hfld go down where wheat followed wlteat without fer tilisers for 50 years iu succession from ya bushels to i bushels which is what they are now get ting from their unfeitilixcd wheat plot With n rotation of croM without fenilicers tbey have also maintained their yield for n yearn at 30 bushels so that the effect of rotation has in such cum been 1 J"' ideutiail with that of fertilisation r llcalvm- What u lhlWOT" . ., ' Mk a aa arMnram tathrao M. MCaea rotation' Mm , MrCaa araaat A ru1C.mtaii H Professor Whitney. t was a m'S ZLZZl four ear rotation of wheat, roots barley, clover or beans or fallow, with wheat every four years. AN IMWKI'ANT C0NTIIS1'. (Coutinued from page 1.) Attorney Myera ia the attempt lo ahow that IHIloo waa pfMrariiig a a blimt and that he waa aeting ia the inlereala of the Northern I'acilie. Part of hit etideuee lo urow ihia waa aiveu he Mr H. C. Klha. ho uatmclthat Um aAdaut in traduced be Hilkm aettlng forth hia claikM hail mil dicUted by Attorner Seohey. he IsSeiiig trpewrittea the at ailaeit for iHllon. NumenMu eshltita were uiiroflared by the attorney for Miaa Olaua, among them beina: aever at pbotographa ol Dtllno'a fence. At torney Myera claimiug that the fenec did not eomplv with the require ments of law. CommiaaUmer Ktlia aUtea that thla waa probably the fongvat eon teat, with more evidence introthaccd, of any ver heard in the county. The failure that make. thi land eapeeiUty WruW ia the (alia in the iWanjte rlter at that point, known aa Iiilloa Mia. A power aite of grcavt capacity u there avaflaMe. and alau what ia puruortetl to be aa ex cellent fog pund ami aite for a aaw mill. Ta holding will nnduabtettly aome day be ery valual4e final heaHng at The Uatlea ia art for Oct. $. The Caw bay Preacher. Hev. It. V. 1'le.oor, (he 'owbov preacher," lua been ia mmd thU week nouiinii acnleea caataiainH for a inarriage ceHiAcate the uenral r. uuall n !.. u..u-i ! t'liilcl Hrethreu ihurcb, belonging la the handily. Ohio, conference. Iu I hi early waMhoml. he waa a cowboy and rle the range Uom Himmxi lo Teaaa. I Helng eoueerteil to Chriatianily, Ik be gae to ieeaeh ami haa now ln wch ' tag aome j., j tnr. Re . Pkwnor, in hi aertnona, get far ' ah a from the eatablUhcd cualontca of Kloin.r A MeOaaa nf thra4. al af nok alaia af Ikla Sav Sl4 la Ihu oaV Iwr wt No na SjrUVai(baaiafUraK if iti.riir.n ai, iad OI uStr aruof aaafcl M Mt valwUi Qiegae). k. m ataaHneni K afi -a 11 W4 Ik kual kat aa mm Ikaa S aartraMafal aatraaaaM, a4 h mNMtia kri HalM U mM land kjfara II. C MkX. f a ciaiiawaaw ai kM uSV t nnM. onaaa. m MuvaiWt it. ifa. eFT HatpWvV WHge'VtSW vm I MeCaaa araaal oenii aii a aa Aar aa4 aH aiiaaaa d laartikaajaajSa are alau to UM artea a r I tlai Noaeaiktr t-m cUiawag aSeowSi ike kaawata 11U Say MKUAM.T lOUK. Tuaker Ua4. Art Jeaw j, ua. NOTICI! POH PUULICATION. V a Ua4 oaUr, Tk uaUva Onaaa. Noh ta WfS mm Ikat la a alia UN w(i Ik MwtMkriM orika art mt I liaa af laa t itA aaiuiad Aa mn M Ik aal at lhakn Ua4a to lk alalea aCamwMa. Megua Na4a aaS Waaktoatm. rruii-iy a iiliaM la all Ike Bvkurlae4 alalia b ael af Aaeaat 4. Anhw i. Mr Bd.MalrJii. um l OtaaHa. ka UtaayStoatolMfl kM Mrara JaKaaaai aa. Ike avttkaa af Mm aHawU. aw. tiKKm x.lan a. rue, . at Vfd m oaVf mw S hmht iimm ih, taaat HMki M aw. r.tMkM- tor lb Itaila-i ",lta?i"W!"S"" I rteeJInnrt aMaa a4 ta fatoktUS S dalaa la aW laaS kefcrr II O KtlU, V a. Ci ataoanoai. al klaafMa la Sra4, wtagua. am hu.cmaar I, taak. ..'"W" aaaaa klrkarS Kuaa. rr4 iiaaani ivrrat !, aa aiiot aaa, oraa Aa aa llwakae itoStrlali laaaay nat srtuv 4 aU petto dMatoe aaWtarlr law m ikla oeWe as ar kafkee Ihe aatd MKMAKI. T NOAW IN Tlaikw UaS. Ael jaae j. M NOTICI! 1MK PUBMfT h a urns osw. The Jaly i. ibV ata Ikal la iallaaaa wliS . .. -- . - i "Aa act M ikt alTTTtotltf laaaa fCaliktuw oraeoM. Ifeeaoa awl TION. noura ia artaaap aw. ik. iM - : . -TW 9 "I - laaaranaaaaafta art of C rtrl taiatoi tolkaalatoa t WMtolaatoa Taetlioc rawaaaS laaUik Miblfc ImmI atam u, mi f AaaSl7S. Maearya i WVkkaai in the church ami i,"lfi- ?' & X VSE, "family reaUter and uuauai K. m V a, MnSaZt "1 r " Rev. Hlceuor i. ' aaS.HjToT . la'STTrTi T.v. m, Aaa will emu br.r u akar ItoM Iks ' J at n M ana aatoahl wacntHUMl to Ml kl tlafaa U f Mil. X7V7.rZT7. ??! Tw "to". " -w 9mj w. laaaauSak v. a preaeni nay preaching To many hi ' imruuxu are unique ami aUrtliug. but I he uudoulittMlly doa bire m HX o( t goo.1 lie u out on a pro4wtuiK tour I through the eat looking up a route 1 ulierc he am u Ih:h,-i ran do the moat kjmmI in a Kneauf tent iiiertuiua to lie held later 1 vntcr IiatilitiB tif the iwst. For 33 long, will soon be n thing Garrett's home is on Trout Creek, I near Cross Keys. this weaty years man has hauled till the water used on tits raucu., vuai ataK what au expense' Aud all Plymouth Rocks for Sale. Pull blood white Plvmontli Kock and . cockerels: vour choice. t3.oo each. thnt a6-39 lu 1?. avTTHX, Uend, Or. oil aea- ow let me tell you the we use them They are in a great new idea. After I hayje grown six I many cases a rclay'trRfans of puri plauts, suppose Ve tdkb'thcsU out fviuir the soil. IilirnfeHat U iho and put in six more seedlings and way stable manure as& greeu grow beside them another se2i;with I manures act. , ' ' fresh soil." I wfll get twlctf aa, Tbds&Mptatipfes .1 n,ae Ulh much id the fresh as' in tlte' other dowrj'gfvU t. phihsible IrdiSwft for soil. Wc have exhausted the the rotation of crops. If there are Buy on GksihtF this $60 Machine for $25 fUlCBT Wnit , ' ' klfh , .hop t., ii mtrmf lor, illiafc. double ltJ, .l. Ihirt.lliif iliuilla hai automalla bobbin winder and oibrr UUtlliaprot . wan TMilMhaASTt. rillSTMAllllNkft'(j Iht tarn machlD itnu natblDfyourAlor All alllrbutbiiroallhrark Miebtna. ioi4 tnr only Hle ratr lor Irw mtlM UlUKyi ibowtBg IiimUJHi fair hiaMlJour a.w tln i.a; 172-173 fll&l, POBTLIXQ, OB. I a. LajaapalaBBBaa-J" J Mtotol'tofaVeTi. al k. oaV la km MewratlNtr, Ha. e " MKIUHL T. KOIK. H.. NOTibK KOH PUHLI0ATI0N. V S Utot oct Tke Ijalka otu. Jaty aa, laaa. ibi Si!!.!!!.'!!? o'7!l "VM mtoinaJHte (MiMIr laad autr v ad af AaatMt 4. Uht, HawiKtA Makltr of Hra4 Soi'iifS otCrouV Male U Oiriu. ka ""Jan, liy tHUthatr f llw hImh( aS !( .rMcT,,,,,.;. "" Mhl Hill Otfr lirikLkT 1...!.. .l.i at., a. .a wuiw iaV.,,r- ' :7-,r"?..", r " "1 aijaiMa lor llal lltiilj! .iv kJoua JNrt i.,,'t".Mt?.ww,,ira'Kelifil Mhiiu.UIuiU alllV ftMlJ I VkelJaUk j -J-L.w.. a . ...1 -Ufie-deaj.1 ,T U .,MiTKi"B flftKVjJii ot UftAe tlul'Mlailil CtalDK Iu IM.-V tof NortiuUr i. MIC1IALV puI'Mlaid MtCUAUt. T. N0J.AM, tustrttr. aikSBaBBiimai