The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 14, 1906, Image 5

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R. A. I'uctt of Tutimln wan in
Iluiiri Tlinrmlay.
0. H. Wiiulell of Silver Lake
wn u Baud viiilor last Pi May.
Strictly fruNli rancli ukkh at 35c
a doen, at Bend Mercantile Co.
J. 1', Talari was In Ilcnd dur
ing tilts weulc from III hotnostoml
near KoMliiud.
Joint Steldl returned to Hand
from a trip to Silver hake Hie latter
Mtt of lunt week.
Micliaul Morrinon has recently
improvcdjilrt house on Garden Row
by having It aided.
Mmci NNwouger of IW'ell
Unites wan m htuiluctw culler in
Ilciid yesterday and today.
Mr. and Mm. Ralph Sheldon and
V. J. MeGlllvary will leave for
Silvur Lake Saturday morning.
The Redmond fair management
have made the Ilend baud a liberal
offur to play ul the fair mid It will
probably be accepted.
Miss l'oarl Higlitowcr, aistcr of
Mr. lr. F. Smith, and Miw Vera
Mackcy are Mtayiug with Mrti.
Smith and attending school.
V. I'. Vandevcrt and family arc
moving to Ilend this week from
thtdr ranch at Lava, They come
that the children may attend school
.Mr. and Mro. Tom Jolly of Mos
cow, Idaho, pawed through Bond
last week on their way to Ro.ilnnd,
where Mr. Jolly's mother has a
The new bcliool house for the
Arnold- Ferguson district is expect
ed to be finished m that school can
be begun next Monday morning.
W. J. McCillvray is doing the
work on the building.
A. II. Grant is in roceiptof the
yearbook for 1905, compiled by the
V. S, department of agriculture. It
Ik an exhaustive treatise of the dc
pnrtmeiit's work for last year and
contains much valuable and inter
eating information.
I,. N. Kal.iay and wife of Shauiko
Were in Heuit Tuesday, Mrs. Kcl
ay wan on the way to Lakcvicw to
viit her parents and Mr. Kelsay
whs accompanying her oh far as
Koslnnd. Mr. Kcliiny w editor of
the Shauiko Republican
Mi.HH Harriet Grill'm, superinten
dent of Pencil Mission at Portland,
will preach iu the Haul church
Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock. It
will bdrcmembercd that Miss Griffin
assisted by Miss Sweeter, conducted
campiucctiugs iu Heud two years
J. II. Roberts and R. I,. Wcath
orford of Albany passed through
Rend Sunday 011 their way to
Hums. Mr. Wcatherlord is a sou
of J. K. Wcatherford, vice-president
of the Corvallis & Eastern,
nnd Mr. Roberts holds a position in
a railroad office iu Albany.
TiTe Central Ore
gon Banking (Bk
Trust Company lyM.
Cnpltnl 525,000.00
Transacts n Ocueral Bank'
Actfi us Administrator, Ex
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
IssiW Drafts uuU Bank
Money' Orders 011 nil Foreign
Infcrct 011 Time Deposits. )
Safe Deposit Boxes,
Fire Insurance.
A. M. Drake, A. h. iooilwlllic,
Prcoldciit. Vicu l'res.
J. M. rcuiT, Secretary.
P. 0. Minor, Cashier.
fHl(NI,i v: . .OHBOOfT ;
New potatoes at the Jicud Mer
cantile Co. at 2c per pound.
Mrs. I II. McCaiiti left lor Sil
ver Lake Thursday morning.
Percy went to his home
stead Month of town Wednesday.
W. P. Myers of I,aidlaw was at
tending to biisiuesM matters Iu JJcnd
Mrs. W. R. WilkiriHon left
Wednesday for Liikuviciv to look
after timber claim interests.
I,, L, Welch and wife returned
to Redmond last Tuesday from the
valley with a load ol fruit.
1 1. J. Overturns having n kitchen
10x10 feet built onto the house
occupied by II. J. P. McDonald.
C. A. Chapman will soon build
a residence and turn 011 his ranch
east of town and will move thereon.
Mr. and Mrs Nick Weider have
moved into one of the Millard
Triplett houses on the Lytic town
site. Ora Poindcxer returned to Heud
this week from Prineville,'' where
he has been working for hcvcral
Miss Nellie James, who taudit iu
the Hcnd schools last year, will
tench iu the new Ferguson-McCillvray
district this fall.
J. Vaughn started for the Rogue
River valley the first of the week,
nfttir another load of fruit. His
family will return with hint.
Mrs. Christina Welder went to
the Ileising much on the Ttimalo
to look after it while Mf. and Mrs.
Ileising are absent iu the valley.
W. O. Hocgli was iu Bend Tues
day from the Cove with n loadof70
boxes of tomatoes. In a week or 10
days he will rcttfrn with fruit,
prunes, jwars, etc., etc.
Dr. W. S. Nlchol and J. H. Mil
ler left Wednesday morning for
lfood River crtn business trip con
nected with Hood 'River land.
They will bt gone about 10 days.
Frank Biitterworth has moved
bin shoe shop into the Ilciid Livery
it Transfer Go's stable and will
hereafter do harness as well as shoe
rcparing. Read his ad. elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carman, of
Rcdmfoud, while driving over the
mountains to the valley, had the
sad misfortune to lose their baby,
the little otic taking sick and
The Christian Endeavor topic
for Sunday, Sept. 16, is "Christ's
Life: How Christ met his enemies,
and how wc should meet ours."
Text, Luke 4: 28.30. Leader, Miss
Marion Wiest.
Tablets, slates and composition
books at the pohtofficc store. Some
of these books have a fine poem on
the back, Riley, Longfellow, Field
nnd others being ' represented.
Others have artistic views of cities
and natural wonders. 26-tf
Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Ketchum
departed Tuesday morning for
North Yakima, Washington, where
they will spend n mouth with the
doctor's parents. They then ex
pect to return to Portland where
the doctor will continue his dental
work. Madras Pioneer.
Several fine samples were
brought iu this week from the G.
I). Pullmm ranch, five miles west
of Bend. They consisted of an
eight pound rutabaga, red and
.. . . . . -. .
yeuow Aiangci wurtzel beets, sugar
beets and a sunflower ntf asing id
inches in diameter. They make a.
fine showing. '
The band bovs will eivo a daiite
Saturday cvenlnc In the H. M.
hall. Ihey desire and deserve n
large attendance. The boys are
workiucr hard and nractichur often
hi order to make the baud n success,
uiu wicy uugiu 10 nave me support
of tluf people. Give 'cm a boost
next Saturday night.
Boy tftMod.
IlrlRlit. industrious tW ''toViftrn
Wc rtfiluers' trade. Apply at Bul
Lemons 40c a doictl al Bend
Mercantile Co,
It is learned through tile Ore
gouiaii that J. M. Lawrctic'c has
purchased an Apollo Interior player
piano, which is a comblnatidu of
piano and player, all in one case
nnd is the only instrument made
which plays the entire keyboard of
the piano or 88 notes, so says the
nd. The Lawrence home will ndw
undoubtedly have music gulore.
Dr. W. S. Nichol has this week
installed a Que new system of gas
lights in his store, known as the
Radium Gas light. Gasoline is
held under air pressure in an
ordinary little "cannon," the pres
sure being secured by means of a
foot bic)de pump. The gas is
conducted to the burner through u
hollow wire. The light burns with
a steady, brilliant flame, nnd is
very economical.
R. J. McCanu, who has been
working with B. W. Lakin's crew
of timber crutcrs hereabouts, was
taken ill the latter part of last week
and it was necessary for him to stop
work. Wednesday Elmer Merrill
brought him to town. W. R. Wil
kinson has taken his place in the
crew and Wednesday W. B. Sellers
drove with him to the camp,
which is .now located a mile from
the stage station between Rostand
and Silver Lake.
Another Turley-McCallistef con
test was heard before Cotnmifl
sioitcr Ellis this week Martin V.
Turlcy vs. Julia E. McCallister,
the contest being brought acaltist
title to a desert land claim hi the
Sisters country. The complaint
nllcges failure to irrigate arid re
claim the land according to law,
ami also alleges fraud in making
proof. Attorney Wickham of
Bend appeared for Mrs. McCnllistcr
and Attorucv Myers of La id law for
Dr. Turlcy. A large urfmbcf of
witnesses were in attendance arid a
liberal amount of testimony was
taken. It is rcjxrtcd to' have been
one of the longest drawrr-otit con
tests ever heard in fiend.
C. B. Allen was in Bend Tues
day from his fine ranch at The
Meadows. Mr. Allen has just
finished haying, having Mi tii 40
days at that ork. He 'said it was
impossible to get help and it neces
sarily took him a long time to
harvest the crop. Mr. Allen has
been growing pontt: sigar beets
this year on some f black piije land
on his rancli and fcpb'rts that they
have done real well without irri
gation. He will probably send a
sample to the statt6n aj Corvallis to
be tested as to their sugar produc
iug qualities. Later rn the season
Mr. and Mrs. Allen will Wobably
move to Bend so that their daughter
moy attend school here.
Thfilnioncy ordor rcvortts have
been again broken at the Bend post
office. Up to 11:30 o'clock this
mbruing 65 orders had been issued
amounting to $5,066.85, with fees
of $15.94.
Dr. C. W. Merrill shot and kilkd
a very latgc hawk on his ranch
near Bend this week. The bird
swooped down after some- chickens
iu the yurd, they skidooed, "23,"
and the doctor siczed his- shotgun
and quickly dispatched tine marau
der. The hawk inessurcd 42
inches from tip to tip of its out
stretched wings.
The new horns for the band
arrived last evening and they arc
fine instruments, They arc a cor
net, trombone and bass, and arc
silver plated, the cornet a.nd trom
bone having gold belli. Creed
Triplett bought the cornet and H
J. P. McDonald the trombone. The
boys are more than pleased with
their purchases.
Owing to the exploiting thit has
been recently given the Campbell
system of dry farming by the psipcrs
of Central Oregon, several fanners
near Madras will give the system a
trial next season. The Madras
Pioneer says that John WagenblaM,
William Hnnnon and George Rod
man have signified their intention
to' try the system and that others
arc becoming interested.
A party of Portland business men,
out on a camping and hunting ex
pedition, arrived in Bend this morn
ing and stopped at the Pilot Butte
Inn. The party consisted of L. H.
Adam?, lid. Schiller, F. L. Bene
dict, W. C. Puffer and K. Edwards.
They were dri piug four handsome
horses, hitched to a heavy moun
tain wagon, nnd had come through
Santiam Pasu. They will tempt
the trout in the Deschutes river and
will drive on to Silver Lake, Clear
Lake aud Klamath Falls. It will
make about a 1 100 mile hunting
trip for these gentlemen. Mr.
Adams is representative in the
state legislature from Multnomah
Plymouth Kocks for Sale.
Full blooci white Plymouth Rock
cockerels, your choice, $i.too each.
26-29 Ii- F. Battkk, Bend, Or.
If you wa at to keep in touch with
the devcloDtuent of this crcat Des
chutes valley, READ the Bulletin.
Harness and Sftoi
n..-.? I have OTKiu'd n re-
iwpamug trfB
Co.'a bar a nnd will carry fall Hup of
nam cm n tonus; Aito whips, ctttry cotnbs,
brushes, blanket, etc. llrliig In your
Will also continue to repair nUocs.
. f
For Future Developments.
"Sbinetlii'ngWill Be Doing."
Suoi' and
U.vrus in
Hotel Bend
CORNKH .v,'.
,. t HUOrf O'KAtftfj Prop, , , N , N
, MOT'GKNTKAMA KOCTlUJ Jl0.f$fclN iy$ft.
New House, VW FurnituYe", RcasbiiabVka&s. Good Rob'Uls1
- P HHwavs Re&fIW
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
TablcsuppHed with all the delicacies of the sci&fti
, Ti.
First-class Huiptncnt Fine Rooms andrBcds
Ail 'stages stop at the hotel door
Commission and forwarding
Urge, 'Commodious Warehouse. Consipaents SeKciied
Prompt attention paid to those who
favor me with their patronage
Leave Shaniko rG p. m. Leave Bend 6:00 a. m.-
Arrive Prineville... 7 'h. 'm. , Arrive Prineville 12:00 m,
Leave Prineville t2:30p.'tn.
Arrive Bend 5r:oo p.'in.
tcate -Prineville 1 p. m.
Arrive Shaniko t a. m.
Bend Livery & Transfer 6
First-Class, jLivery Rigs for -Rent. 'Pboae Ko. 15
Oonditrttt.bctwetn MlnncaoU tnd Orffon,
Bead, Oregon.
- . .
- RedmdAd Fafc-
Sept 20-22, 1906
Over $600 in Premiums.
Ovf $500 in Pulses.
Bring M hibit and Have
& Good Time.
Sefid for Premium List.
a - ascretary
ii Illliii imU
letin office",
A.V " . . v. ,. .'I" ' . . .
' -1 -nil 1
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