The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 14, 1906, Image 3

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For Thin,
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
tested 00 yearn I Sixty years
of experience, think of that I
Gxpcrlcncc with Aycr's Sar
saparllla; the ordinal Sarsn
parllla; thcstroncstSarsnpa
rllla; the Sarsaparllla the doc
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, central debility,
lint en IhU (Mint nM mltrti. rmnnt no
III tinHwritk II lli ll. I. Iii.rllr 4 tlm
luiwalt nilillll Ixl, fr IM lll fntalMo rn
iulll,iiuilmu. Him Uitllia ..., ..( Ayrt't
hlUwtill.WalMK il.h.irifillU T liter
will iUllllf mmud, (tat m will D,. InnrtU.
Mtd.bvJ.O AM'O. .I-nv.ll.Mu.
aim nutiMitnn r
7 lutinioov.
AlllC cumi.
cnxm cirroRAU
Tlir Urlulu ( Kullniin.
The name milmon lit iilven In Knir
land nml nil ueateru ntntm tu it InrRt
trout llki flab wldcu Uvea In 'I ho sen,
chiefly ntxuit ttwi mouttiNof rivers, nml
whirl enters the atrcitm to spawn,
runnlnic for n cuiilderitMe dlitanre tip
the stream nnd rcturnlne to tho urn
ftrr the art of spiwiilni: la nmini
pllahil, anj-a a writer In thn Pacific
Monthly, The old umlni te-vm ome
vrhat distorted, rHi'lally tliroiuili III
Irtigtlwiilne of tho Juwa, but tin
ftiaiijrra with nge nml sentou arc not
inuru greater tlmn In any I unco trout.
The true aatmon, kr thn true trout,
! Mark spotted. It In nil led In arlrurv
Knlmo unlar, nmt nluiiic with the trm
trout It belong to tho genu Halmo.
There la inljr one specie of Atlnntlc
aluMin: It la found on both side ol
tbn KTfln, nml on l)th aldra It be
come sometime Innd ockiI nnd
1rartU)i -when It la abut up In A lake
nd wlidi It cannot or ilw not so
to the am,
) &&&&&&& if.tftftufj.01
A Wondertul Restoration Cauiod a
8ontlon In Pennsylvania Town
Mrs. Charles M. Preston of F.lklaml,
I'a., says: "Throe years sro 1 found
that my houMwork was becoming a
burdan, I tired rail
ly, had no ambition
and was fading, fait.
My complexion got
yellow, and I loit
over 60 poundt. M
tblrnt was terrlbia,
and there was sugar
In the kidney irere
tlona, Jly doctor kept
ine on a atrict diet, but as lilt medicine
was not helping me I Ijegsn using
Doau'i Kidney I'lllt. They helped inu
at once, and eoon all trarea of sugar
disappeared, I have regained my
former weight and am perfectly well."
Hold by all dealera. A0 cent a box
Foater-Mllburn Co., lluffalo, N. Y.
"fa this car perfectly safer queried
tbe old Indy.
Perfectly, replied tbo conductor,
reaching to assist her on.
"You are sure they won't no acci
dent happen to It)"
"Absolutely aurr, uin'nm."
"Well. I'll rlak It; yo see (confiden
tlnllvl Pie cot a hole In one of m
Mocking an' I'd hate dreadful foruny
tbltiK to hupiH'ii."- IImimoii Poat.
CITO ' VIIhV lr ana all Nervcxie Il'
lllO friuananlly mml hr lr. Klin.'a (ir
J.rv f Irtimrr. Honil fi.r yHKK 3liUt hnltlx mul
lrll. Dr. ll.ll.Kllai,ll..4IArliMl.,riill.,l'&
Vrrr MUm It.
".Mr. Upp," aald tho merchant, Morn
ly, to Admn Upp, bU bookkiiH-r, "I
aw you at tbo bnaelmll uumo jester
day. When you aaktil too to let you
off for tho afternoon you aald you wore
lolnir to n funeral."
"Thnt'a ao," replied the bookkeeper,
"nnd I'm pretty near a prophet, ulu't It
Did you ever nee n alower game In your
life?" The Catholic Htnudnrd aud
Timet. 4
You Can Oct Allen'i PootCaat TRCa
Wrllo Allan H. Olmitrd. I Itnr.K. Y.. lor m
free itnijle ol Allen'i root Kie. It curea
iweatlnv, hoti wnlle n, arhlnf feel. H inaksi
new or light ehoei rttr- A reilaln rure lor
corntilnirowlngnallianil bunloui. AUdruie
gtiiiiellll. Vic. Don't accept any auUriltuta
Ilia Ulltvlal Title,
A little Klrl wna naked, Who la tbe
bend of our uovcrunient?
"Mr. Ilooserelt," alio rcpllod, prompt
"Thnt It rlKht," mid the teacher;
"but whnt la hla odlclnl title?"
Toddy 1" rcsionded tho little mlsa,
Mow' TblaT
w nffer One Hundred Dollara Reward for
nv cue ol Catarrh liut cannot be cured hr
ilail'a Catarrh Cure. . , .
y. J, uiiknkx A i;u.,rropa., ioieao,u.
Cheuer for the lull&yeari, and tiellere hlw
perfectly honorable In all builncu trnio
llom and Onanclally able to carry out any ot
lliatlona made by their nnn.
Win TaOAX, Wholeialo Diur gliti.Toleito.O.
Waloinu, Kiuhaw Uauvih, Wiioleiale Utug
iltte, Toledo, O. ...... .
Ilail'a Catarrh Cured taken Internally, act
log directly upon the blood and raucom iar
iacei ol the iritein. l'rlce 7to.,ier bottle,
lold by a.) Urugalili. TeitlmonUUitM.
JHaU'e Jfunlly h are lb Nil.
A Little Lesson
In Patriotism
? isent to Ihla Conntrj' 'to tnke the life
of tho I'rfxIdi'nU 'Ilif currency of thn
(wintry la Kunrd'I liidilmit counterfeit.
erH ii ml In n thiiiiNiniil wnya the aevret
acrvleo provcN Itn yhIiiii uvcry tiny.
"tict our object m our country, our
wlmlt country, mid nothlns but our
country." Hiinlt'l Wrbatur.
With thn uniim of Wllllnm Lloyd
QiirrUon nod John liroivn mutt he re-
cnllttl the iiaine of Jrrlt Hinltli, lit
mmmmmmmmmmmmt. tuio of the liioitt
" . ardent aiipMirliTH
tif thn Aiitl-Hluvery
Society, not only
wrltliiK Mr the
tiiui mul itmtrlb
lilliiK time mid
iiuiney. but tiiklm;
port In nil IU con
veiitloua mid )Hr-
KOIIIllly IIKNlatllll'
the fuclllviHi. Ho
wna tcnipcnttM In
nil the iIIhcumIoiin,
boldliiK thnt the
uwintT huitii. N(lr,h wnn , ,wrt.
iter In the k'lillt of the crime of alnvery
nml thnt III the etent of fliliiliilpiltloil
without wir th North ahouM'bcAr u
iMirllou of the ixHue.
The ntfi'iiii't to font alnvery on Knn
ana coiivluci-il him, howcicr, thnt the
tiny for iimalderlnit N-nrful eiunncl
pntlon una pnat. Hit then ntlrocntitl
whatever iiniiaiiru of fonv might b'
Ilo giire InrRt) auma of money to free,
anil aetllera to Kutwna. lie wna cburK
ed with Im-Iiik mi flitvaaory to the nf
fnlr nt llnrHr'r. IVrry, but It wna
abiiwu that he hnd Klven money to
ItniMii only, n lie did to acorca of
other men In the cnue, nod thnt na
fur na he knew Ilniwu'a aeheme trletl
to illHourHKe him from It.
It la chnrHi'tcrUtlf of Hinltli tlwt he
alHillltl lime Imi-ii one of tin thnt1 kIkii
era of tho Imll-hoiid of JefTeraon Dnvla.
Id wna n mull to whom the welfare of
tin wholti country wna tlenr mid who
did hla I M- t to aid the chui of bumnu
Ity. iMirliiK bit lifetime be irue nwny
to ililliiiillinil(' iiml IniiimnltiirlHii en
terirlea f,S,WK),a), ChlcnKo Jouninl.
MMrbr.l llri rliipmrnl of Thia
llratiol. nf ll,, rrnmrul,
There la prolmbly no ayatem of jk
ll(f In the world that la ipilte like the
t'liltwt Htntea Hiwt Hervliv, of which
John K. Wllkle la tho chief. Mr. Wll
Ue la proarly claaatil mnoiiu the men
uho tlo thlnca from tint fact that be
bna Im'lt thla little brnmh of the t 'ill
4-Mllriinnljr llrjcnnr Would Ttr
I'm.Ii, l,ul HrfiiM-tJ li l.
Apimrt'iilly bu wnn hi nwl "f tine
olio to extend n belilmc hand, or n hiiml
! out, to him, but be had the limtlnct of
n Kt'iitlemnn, altluUKb hla rlothta were
aevernl ahnilea the worre forwenr, anya
the New York Tribune.
"I Im'jc your pnriliui," nld ho to n
!,Iedctrliiu who wna iclvliiic n llfe-alxe
I tleinoiwlrntlou of n New Yorker who
hail nil ciiKiiKi'incfit to meet nml J lint
hair time ciioiiku to meet It; i fion i
wnnt you to Klvn me nny money, but
ciiiiM you tiiKe me In rKtinewbere nnd
Ki't me n bite to witY"
"t'ortnlnly," wna Uic reply. Then be
milled, Hympnthiitlenlly, "you iaveu't
hud nnytliliiif to 'fit In two tlnya, hnvc
you? (V)ine nlon mid I'll fix you out."
The victim of heurllcaa cnpltnl wna
aomewhnt autrrltetl nt the cordlnllty of
hla rett'ptlou, but nduilttcd that he hnd
been fimtliu for the leiiKth of time riniti
el. He follouetl eagerly for half n
MM'k mid then beKiiu to Iiiiiik buck. The
would-Jx phllauthnpUt obaervetl thla
deflection nnt' naaumed thnt tbe poor
fellow wna wenkeuctl by atnrrntlnu, na
It muat Iw e(actnlly dllllnilt for n
atnrvlmt mrtii to chrry hla 180 pound
nt n rnplil pace.
"I doij't wnnt to Inconvenience you
nny, air." enld the mendicant, noting
the aympntbettc look, "nnd If you're In
n hurry nml don't wnnt to atop you
could let me have n quarter nml I "
"Oh, 1 don't mind nt nil nbout the
time; I'm not particularly bitty Juat
now nnd na I hnvc the IndlgcutUm my
aelf I hate n mil Ion lo mc how n bun
dry limn cnta Jut for old-tlme'a aake."
They went m for miother hnlf-lilK'k.
but thla time tbe fnlllui; ofT In the huu
ury niHn'a Haitl wna too noticeable to
Ik? nvrthcl to mere iihyalcnl wiMikneaa,
nnd when the tK'iiefnctor tunied nualn
the uufortuunti one anld:
"You're n cenllemnii nnd can under
atnud how I fn-1. Don't you think It
would In. more conaldcratt not to humil
iate n jMr fellow by ndvertlaliiR hU
(Niverty In n retniirunt Jut livniie
lie'a down nml out? If you could let
mi have tin money I could wnlk Into
the rtitntirmit like n until nnd retain
my aelf-rtilMVt."
TIh man nddrcaxed could not aee It
thnt wny, Jiowcver, nnd when he turned
nrouml n moment Inter he wna p.tliuil
to obtervi that hla bum;ry frleud had
Ih-coiiio loat In the crowd.
BIV .v ifiKwnsHBHIal
IPI njav SVMr9Bl
inur joiin r. wiikie.
ttsl HtitttM Kovcrumeut up to a atnudnrd
M'hlch plncea It on a par with thu beat
jmllco fnrivn In tbo country.
In n country where men vote nnd
have n voice. In tho choice of their rill
era, there la leaa of political crime
nealiiHt tho Main than In Kuropeau
rountrlen, whero men are tlrnKKcil from
homo mul flreatdo nml ntnllned to dun-
K'coiih for yettra to expiate Crimea thnt
nrv conaldertil na Jiotlilui; on thla aide
of the wntcr, For luatnuco, n (Iviiunn
pnMr lliat nitim to tho iunvinHr of
tlccM on thla alilo lesa than n mouth
n Ko coutnlnetl a lout; account nbout n
Oermnii who wnn aetiti'iimt ' to alx
months In n military prlxon bocmito ho
drew n picture, of hla Mnipcnir lyhiK In
hod Htiurlni;. Under tho picture was tho
caption, "Wnko up to thu need of your
people, oh, alcepy bend."
Thin picture wna found panted on n
dead wnll In n amiill city nml tho net-rot
nervhti bureiui apent nome time lu
trncliiK tho crlmo to tho Hrx.'trator.
Happily tho nocrot service lit thin coun
try la not call oil upon to trace the nu
thornhlp of enrtooun nxaluHt tho Presi
dent. If It wero, Itn force would hnvo
little time to tlo nu.vthlm; ele,
Tho secret aorvko ithrough Its chip
kccM In touch wltu tho niif pollco syg.
tenia of other countries and lu that wny
la nblo to follow tbo movement of so.
culled dungeroun Auordilata wlio may
Imiiruwil Hip NbtMlnar Hour.
"SometlmeH," anlil Mm. Mnrchinont,
ruefully, "I wlah inarple wouldn't iiail
K!xt for their chlhlren'a mlmliials tuit
would mihhhI the time Ktllkln; the chll
tlri'n "
"You ajank with fit'llnc" n'turned
the K'hmI wouinu'H hutbalid. "Wlmt'a
the trouble?"
"Why," returned Mra. Marvhuiont,
"rlcht nfter brenkfuat thla mornluj;
Mm. SiilfTeu came lu with one of my
wry U-at tulip lu her band. Ah near
ly na I can remember, thla la whut alio
"'() Mr. Mnri'luiKMit! I'm no nalrnm
itl or my little Ktlwunl thnt I don't
know whnt to do. He enme rlKht Into
your ynrd nnd plckitl thla Krfectly
lovely tulip, and I left him on your
borM'block nml came rlcht In to iiol
ok'lze, I've toltl hint time ami npiln
thnt bo mtiau't pick flower out of oth
er Hople'n pinions, but he'n nlwnya do
Iuk It. I don't know whnt you'll think
of him. Ho lau't n had child, but be
tloe. lovo to pick lloorn. Aud your
tullp-bcd la alwaj'H ao pretty that It
Hcvina JiiKt it nliiiiue to pick even u aln
Kle blosMim. I know how much you
think of It nnd how much tlmo nml
money It tnkea to have n pretty gur
den.' That'll the wny alio talked."
"I don't ee," returned Mr. March
mout. "thnt there wna nuythliiK out of
the wny nlanit thnt."
Tliero wuau't," returned the OAvner
of the tullplHtl, nndly. "Hut while hla
mother wna noloi;lxtnK for that one
bloMoui Kdwnrd plckitl nil the rest."
f'orn I'Milillnar.
Vlrulnln Ilwljie.-Tnke alx InrKe earn
of corn; with a abnrp knife cut encli
row of Knilna In the center nnd nluve
In very thin Alice. Add thla to the
yolkn of three wcll-heutcu txii, half
n tcacuprul of melled butter, u table
aKanful of rice flour, two tnhlpapogit
fula of aiiKnr, otio of unit, nnd n pint
of im'w milk. Mix well, nnd rntlunlly
atlr In tbo atlMy-lxfitcu white of tbo
i-kkk. Turn Into a buttenil puddlm; dlah,
K't III hot oven; when the piiddliiK in
net, cover tho lop with n Krotiwd Micr,
mid let bake until a licht brown. Crulo
browned crackern over the top ami
Ilnaplirrrr Trrnm.
Half Ikjx Kelatliie, half cupful cold
water, luilf cupful IwIIIiik wnter, one.
cupful miKiir, one pint of cream,
whipped, one pint of mplcrry Juice.
Honk the Kclntlim 0no hour In the cold
wnter, then put It with the Mignr aud
(oIllriK water In n tlouble luller over
the fire, nod atlr until tboiouicbly tlia
aolved. Add the rnnpliery Julci. atriiln
mid M-t In it cool place. When It hns
Im-kuii to form, Mir In the whipped
cream, turn Into n mold und ct oil
tbe Ice to harden.
(lota VmUr.
Crenm one nip of butter, ndd two
cupn of auxnr mid beat until creamy.
Add one cup of milk nnd thu wcll-boat-i'ii
yolka of eight egg nud bent them
lu one cup of milk alternately with
four cui of flour alftetl with two
nllKhtly rounding tcM-oou of creim
of tartar and one level teKjonfiil of
noiIh, or the level teHaiKMina of baking
IKJwder, threo times. Flavor with n
tii.poon of vanilla nnd bake In two
HnKlUh I'lirrrr I'Ip.
One cup Inrd nud butter mixed, two
cupa flour, one teun-Kwu milt. Work
tbe abortenlnjc Into tbe flour with n
knife, mix with nutllcleut let? water to
hold totcether, baudlliij; na little na io.
alble. Line the altlea of n deep earthen
bilking dlah, fill two-thirds full with
atoned eberrlea, mid two cup augur,
nnd place oue nmnll cup (Itm-rtetl) la
tbe center of tbe Cover with n
thick top emit, no bottom cruxt belus
Ilotr lo Hayti lna Illlla.
A city merchant who ban a passion
for reading out-of-town uewspniwra nnd
iiIko for niiHwerlng many of thu ndver
tlaemeutn he Iludn In them tolls this on
hluiHolf :
Tho other tiny ho nnawerett nn ntl
vertlwment In one of tho New York
pa pern Htntlng thnt for one dollnr n
method for Having gm hills would bo
aent. In two idaya ho recelvetl n .print
ed slip by iiihII which rend, "Pas to
them lu n ncrnpbook."
i'lirrrr Drf-tirallon for Tnlilr.
Itctl nud while cherrliti tied together
In big cluatera nml arranged lu a glnw
tllnh iimkc nttractlve ivntoriilivos for
n Miminer illuner tnhle. If the color of
the fruit la reflected In n glaha mat un
der tho dlah nud the mat la edged with
green leave or fern fronds, thu effect
la enhanced. Currantn umy be ukh! lu
thu tuiuie wny.
(louavbrrr-r llr.
If jiosalble, ue only the hairy kind;
line it dlah with (mate nud lay In tho
fruit; cover thickly with Mignr, nnd
put on n top crutit; place In a moderate
oven; at the entl of nn hour It Mill bo
done; but It Is nu excellent Idea to
open the oven door and let It remain
until cool; by doing m the berries will
turn rwL
Cuokliiir Uriel Trull.
Dried frulta aboutd be wiudicd scrti
pulomdy clemi, then NHiked oier night
lu dour, cold wuter, lu which they
should bo Mowed with Mignr the next
morning. Kuuugli water nbotiltl be al
lowed to make a large quantity of Julee,
na that Is what imtktw dried fruits up-
Drllt-loua llnali.
Good hash la mado by indug nlmut
thr.H-fourth8 jiotntoeii nud inoMonlns
tbo uilxttiru with boup Mmk. A ilnely
cboppetl onion flavor hash ns nothing
elao will. Very cheap cuts of meat
will niake good haah If tailed until
tender nud nil gristle removed.
M 1 M I ! I B g 1 8WI J Iv'-M.VVAa L Sil B T3E1 S VtfJ?IW?!M MB ai
itf.K. t a hi
Tho Kind You Ilavo A 1 ways IJounht linn borno tho hIkiih
turo or Churl II. Fletcher, nnd lm been mado under Ills
pcrKonnl Huncrvinlon for over IJO years. Allow no ono
to deceive yott in tliln. Coiinterfcltn, Jiiiltutloni nnd
JiiHt-nn-frooil " nro but Experiments, nntl endanger tbo
health of Children Experience nffninnt Experiment.
Cnntorln In a hnrmlcs nubntlttito for Cantor Oil, Pnrrw
Rorlc, DropH and Hoothintr Syrup. It in I'lcnnnnt. It
contaftiH neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Ifnrcotio
fiiibHtnticc. ItH nrxo In U guarantee. It dcstroyH Worm
nnd alluyH FeverlxlincaH. It cures DIarrlitca nnd AVIncl
Colic. It relieves Tecthinir Troubles, cures Constipation,
nnd Flatulency. It nrmlmllatcs tho Food, regulates tho
Htoinuch nud llowela, glvln? healthy nnd natural alccp.
Tho Children's I'nnacca Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho Signaturo of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
THCCiTraun oMint, TV muniut aTucrr. Mcwvofticrrr.
Cueumlirra In Salt.
Tour quarts of wilt, two tpinrts of
wnter, ono quart of vinegar. Cover
tho ciicumbcra with this, placing n
weight on top so ns to keep nil cov.
ercd with the brine, nnd they will keep
nn long ns tliero Is milt undissolved lu
tbo bottom of the tub.
Th "40O" n.flnril.
Top," aald Tommy, "what do the
newapnpern mean when they any 'a
member of tbe 400T
They refer. Tommy, to certain ao
clety men and women who tblnk tbey
are better than anybody elte, and tbat'a
about all the thinking they do."
"Did you ever ace one of 'cm, pop"
"I don't know, Tommy; but you can
enally tell one If you happen to run
acro.i It."
"If It 'a In n street car It talk
loudly thnt you cau't bear the roar of
tbe wheeln.
"If It'i In church, tbe plumes on Ua
bat bide tbe preacher.
"If lt'a at a party, the moat of Its
clothes are In tbe dreaalng room.
"If It's In nn automobile, dodge It, If
you are quick enough, and come home
to mamma nllve.
"If It's walking on the aldewnlk. It
usually stride along aa If It was tak
ing tbe atreet borne with It.
"If It's In a theater, you can tell by
tbe atony stare In Its face that tbe act
or are doing good nnd Intelligent work.
"If It's In n railroad station, In full
drea, you'll wonder why tbe locomo
tive doesn't Jump tbe track and take to
tbe woods.
"Ion can't mlsa It. Tommy."
The Prtllh of lb nor.
The four-year-old on of a certain
western fonator bad a very high opin
ion of tbo importance of bis father.
The latter tells bow, on one occasion
In their western home, tbe tod came
scroff a mngaalne In which, by some
chalice, there were engraved aide by
Idc portraits of tbe President and
tbe Senator mentioned.
When the lad caught sight of his
father's features lie broke Into a broad
smile. "Thnt'a good ulcture of you.
daddy," said ha.
"Very good, my on."
"Who'a the man next to you, daddy?"
aked the youngster.
"Why, my son!" exclaimed tbo Sen
ator, "don't you know? 4That In oue of
tbe greatest men of the world, a man
more admirable nnd more powerful
than nny king. That, my con, Is Presi
dent Iloosevolt."
The Ind ngaln looked nt the picture
of the President. Then, after a thought
ful pause, he observed:
"Say, daddy, tbe people In the enst
will be awful proud when tbey see the
Presidents picture next to yours, won't
tbey?" Amerlcnn Spectntor.
Portland Trade Directory
Nama a4 Addtttttt U Portland ( Rxt
tntatKc BmliMta firm.
CHKAH. hKrjtKATOlM W (earaiUctbirU.1.
(itor lobtht. Wrli iw tn
Uunwuwl to, U1ti awl o
itrjcavvorrntxa nuitnm a rodi.i.
u.att Alfrnl li.nmia .'. rorrrct cioltw.
.vrrlhmc ' mn' Mrnhlilai. Msrrttoa ao4
MUib trtii. Oppiil Miomc
lIAUt A OIltlANB Mair fln to fam.nU f
v.r. loot acrouok orkiMOC rvmoval oflHijcr
Wrt t for dn ption ol p do iu no IikiI, Wrltiol oiiurtio. I'or wl
heave cumcpt tss'U'SA
troacM. carta Bism,
Cwtat, hititant aaf
lailfntlta, Vtterlurt.
Drartl'U HI at tbtn.
lY1r Me at ditWr, M kr
Bull. Scad lor rn lnt.
PRUSSIAN RTiMnOY CO.. ST. PAUL. AUNN. CO., StalUe and Portland
KTLheaves jl
rt. W
One floutl 'I'uru llraertra Another.
Olllco Hoy (to, employer) Please, air,
will you give mo n rnJao tit iny xigea?
Kmploycr Yes, my bpy. la there
anything duo J enn do .for you?
"You might mnko ivy boura nlmrter,
no I'll hnvo tlmo to niond my raise."
Trnrutlated for Tnlea from I'aiullleo
What bna become of tbe old-fnsbloned
woman wlio told oxtuuca ly fofXoi
Olrtlle Xroura.
Mix one-half iouud flour, oue ten
Ioonful cream of tnrtnr, oiie-hnlf tea
loonful cnrtKinato of nodn, oue den
Bertioonful sugnr, ono egg, pinch of
nnlt nnd milk, pour Into buttered rings,
nnd bnko In n moderately hot glrdlo
until brown.
Cbrrrlra nml Wntitula.
A delicious nnlatl wns receutly served
nt a country house luncheon. Cherries
were utonetl nnd tbo cavities tilled with
'English walnut meat. Then they wero
covered with lYeucli drebsliig and left
an the leo for three hours. Just before
serving .the fruit wns drniued, filled
Juto tiests formed -with lettuoo leaves
nua dxishEcd ligWy wltu vll uud vlue-
Egan Dramatic and
Operatic School
Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15
Prepares for Dramatic and Operatic
Stage and places Graduates in six
months- Forty Graduates now with
traveling comnanles. bend (or Cata
Egan Dramatic and Operatic School
Erin Hill, Arcade Bullilnr. Suttk.
FRANK C EGAN, rrlnclpiL
Will Sterilize Ail Articles of Clothing,
Acting as an Antiseptic and Preventhi
Odor from Prespiration.
All d.altrt Kr.t t-amplo llorai and Torai H
Iwoklna. i! huur.uir lie urt ' .t..i, lurlO til
and ! rr" nan . l'ACIHC IOA81' liUHAX
CO., O.kUnd. t. J.
$3.50&3.00 Shoes
W.LDougia $4 Gilt Edge line.
carmoiDaequaiiedatanjprica .
"When you buy
you want
and long
These and marry
other good points
ore combined In
vz... .jr-i j
to buy Jy other A
narrt, Tr.,....
Sj1JuII m
" i JL'
V, XKuU' Job. I Wf GN wi
Ufl llOUM U 1-4 UM)I If V ll
ivinplrtclnttiUcouittry II fe LV T 1
8en4fr C'uJufty Ui I
tr' Sj vSCJJF tTv I
V3TT p jT ftVU V l0Pvtk. m
if AJij VJPHk iKf k r
lA l jail
M.n'a Uho... S3 to Sl.BO. Soya' BUM, S3 Wom.n'l BtioM. MOO to S1.0O.
Miu CMldnm'a 6ho. sa.HO to f l.OO.
Trr W. t, lou(lu Wuiuvn'a, Mluci and
Chllilrcu'a bu for atyle, lit aifl wear
ther excel other uiakea. t
l( I could take you Into my hrgo
factories at Brockton, Mass. .and afeow
you how carefully NV.L. Douglas shoes
re made, you would then umkrstan
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value
than any other make,
Whtravtr you live, you can obtala W. L,
Douglas abocs. Ilia name ana prlca U stamped
on the bottom, which protect! youajalnit high
price and Interior ahoca. Talta no u6jI.
rue . Aak your dealer lor W, L. Douglas tboca
and Intltt upon havlnz them.
fatt Coor tviltf unit laey will not wear brant.
Writ lor flluitraled Catalog ol Pall Stylas.
W. U DOUULAS, Dept. 3, Urocklon, Ma.
P, N. U.
(No. 36-0
HEW writing to -uUertUor ?
MVUMUU ,U. ppr B