Buy Hair at Auction? At any rale, you seem to be KcttliiK rid of it on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-cl" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hnlr Vigor. It checks falling hair, and always restores color Co gray hair. A splendid dressing also. Sold for over sixty years, " Mi hair esmaout . i1lr I neatly lo.lll II. I had heard i murli annul it.i'i Vl"f I Ihuaihi I would (It II trial. I did tii lid II puiiipleulj ilupced tli tallln, ml iimtemr lilrn t.i.Mii .. Mini II. VliUi.fluillifUlil, M.i., A KwUtir J.O. Ayer Co., '.swell, Meee. wm n lifers so nuuutaelurere ef JUalUWBllLA. I'll 1 1. CIIURV ITCTOBAL Illllll UJJ ,, i'Mi if iifttirtuiilly Mla (luodnii Think of llnni poor, tiegiectrd ciilbln-n of Mra, OfTrnwreildi How run you Mprct llirm to m wrll trained? Miss Tartun O. I ilon'i know. Tliry bire liail fire or all different stepfather. Mini of tbem quilt respectable sail will snianluf mil. How They llon'l Nprnk, Cinrn Don't In surprised If Wllllo Haplrlgtl prnKar to you tonight. Mnudr Jrclouil I)u )uu think h will? Clri Hiiro I do. When t refused Mm Inst night he said he didn't care what bevulin of liltll. How's This? We offer On lliind'eil Pollen Itewarri fot any eeieuM ataflh Dial caunol to cured bj Hall's CaUMli me Y. ). HIKNKY A CO. Props., Toledo, O. Wt, thr UHdenlfiied, heia Vnuwu K. J, Cheney lur the leet lejeari, ami iiuto him i-efleelly honorable In all txitinr.t iramao (lull, ml financially able locally out any u IIisIIoms made by Ihelr nrui . . A Tan. i. Wholesale lf uriliti, Toledo. O. Wiurtxa. Mama kMiariM, Mhuliiale Diuf ., lulede, li Haifa t'aiarrli Cut Ii taken InUrnatly, act Inf dliectly U"in the bluud and mucous tut Iif.i ol lha ijitin. I'llra 7Jr per buttle, tutil tir all Pruiflili, leillmoulals lee. llaU'i; f IIU art ihe toil. l)HBr,ua, Otinner 'Sbt Don't whittle on till a trretl (Juyer Wtut'i the matter? Borne mo lrk? fltiimrr No, Hut I'm afraid tho rl bralton hIII knock the. city hall down. Chicago New. Plnrrriit, Tom The luat time I enY you you were look'ng for n iwalthiti where you could keep dressed up nil lh time Did you get It? Dlrk No. The only Job I could find wo" one where they kiei nil the time dressing me down Di'trnlt l-'reu Press. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Olguaturo or Wtf6 Pruprrlr llrarntlnir II, "Your husband," aald Mra. IIIlumi, 'graciously, "la decidedly Interesllnc and cultinal, even If he dura sometimes blow hi own horn n little to - " "It lin't ao!" Indignantly exclaimed Mra. (tsewell. "My husband always ttsvi Ida handkerchief!" Chicago Tribune, I'revlnna Trnliilnor All lor Nnthlnar, Dealer llow doea your wife like tb aewlim marhlne ynu bought (or her? Young lluabnnd Hhe liaan't Irnmed how to operate It yet. She had an Idra It worked aoniMIiln like a typewriter. HI. Vllua Ilaara ana all Ntnrmia I)lM prmiaiiaully rurxl br Hr. Kllna'a lualortr. Kami fur VllV.l: llttUI IhiIIU and f llu rrfniaiiaullx rurxi br Hr. Kllna'a n,ir. if aiorvr. nanu rur r itrvi. Minai iMiuii,im ll.Kllnr,jl..tlArrlihl.ll'blla.,l'a. Nnlhlnar Arrnutiillahetl, Tho fiocli'ty pnora upenU of her na a youiiK wouinii o( iimuy accomplUh tnenta.' la ho renllV" "Oh, yea, HIio'h n aort of feutnlo Jack of nil trade; not much Rood nt nv one of tlicm." I'hllndolphln Vrvan. ! DAOKAOHE IS KIDNEYACHE. ......-.. ..... .in..M, ... , ,.., Lclttle L:eor2 in potplotim ' . j , Jniiiea Jitikaoii, h Imtlvit of Devon ahlri', KiikIiuhI, oiimn to tho Anicrii'nii fohiulcM In 1772 unit fiiKHKcd In the dimly of Inw In Knviiiiuiili. Wlii'ii the wnr of I In ri'W'lu (lull Im'KMII, IiihIi'IhI of liMiualll till) KiikIImIi cm line, um mo ninny of tin itilou lata did, Jitckaou tiMik aldi'M with Ihu tmtrlola who wort; HiriitliiK for liberty ii ml freedom front 11 ri J It M t oppri'KHlou. Hi wiim ncilvii lii ro pellliik' I lie J.MMM JAI KWIfl. fllllll tin city of Miiwiniitili in Miin-li, I77U. mid iinu iiiniidiil it eotiipiiiiy until tin Klorldu exeiidltlon of (ieii. Iloui. .tnekMili una lliude lillk'Mile KelMTIil of tin li-orilii uilllllii In I77H mid wna severely woiiudnl In tin aklrmlah it Mldwny. (,n. IIIn purl In tin ilefi'iiai of Kuvmiiiiih una n unbli om. mid wnen tin i'lty wna iftptiirnl In lied to Hoiltli I'lirnllmt, when In JoIikiI (Jell. Moultrie. Ilia tipM'iirililtv wna ni wrelelml while III Ida IIIkIiI tlmt hi wna nrri'alnl by a party of wlilua mid iiilldeliilii'd to Ih ahut na n py. Hi wna iiIhiiiI to be exiiitci! wlli-u n nputnble eltlr.eil of (liiiruln Idelilllleil liltll mid anviil Ida life. Jiiekaou wna brlKadi irenenil to Celt. I'li'kcna, mid nt tin battle of Oiw niin aharnl In I h ulorlotla deeibt of hrmery. After tin aliiii of Attuiiitii In iiMiiitimidnl n li'Klonnr' "rp willed did ilellilld MTVlec for tin t.'eork'laiH. Tin Htnii of UiHinclH mi well Hppn I'lntiM hla aerib-iM that It prwentixl him with a houM hihI property In SmhuiihIi. MADAM DU DARHY. A rlinriuliiK I'airlrnll nun It, l,r llrrn In l.niiitnii. Mnrli Jifliin (Joinnnl di Yniiheriiter CouitiHM dn Hurry ri' to Knmt eint neiiei front n very bnv Ihi;iiiiIii;. Horn In 17 id nt Yntieouli'iira "lie wna the ilitUKhter of n drewiuiiiker. mid na Mile, l.nuiii Mnrtiil lift In I'nrla na a mllll iter She wna lntnliniil to Uiula XV, then alxty, hy Je.ui Cotnte du Hurry, aLLLLLr" m TftaHaMaSJ I upon it xpiirrow; In rtmlicd to tlit rca rut, iIIhuIiIi'iI tho cut with it blow from hla rllli mid took the ilyliiK hint from I In inuiith. Tin triiule eti'iit wna rccirl'd to tin Kciicnil couiiiuiiiilliii,' tho KiiiuIkIi forci", who iiromplly kiim order Hint tin cut aht'tihl be court niiirtliileil mill Hint tin apnrrow Hhoiild In lnlerred with mill titry honora. All tin prluclpnl olllehila mid realdi'itta of Culm wen Invited to the fiineriil, which tin hlahop of Kolnur. wna onleriil to conduct. A bier wiih prepiiriil mid tin riiiul bird wiih plnccd oil ii bed of llllea mill rohiti, the aorrow fill tribute or the olllrcra' whe, mid to the hound of uitillbil ilrttma mid the trump of il.Urt) following aoldlcra tin Ioiik proi'caMloii wound Ha wity to the outNklrta of I In vii tut , when the p:ir row wna liild to real with full mllltitry houora. To tliid it iHinilh'l to thla aluiculHr bo llliiKi' pol'l I" ' Idrd om Inia to k'O buck nenrly 'J.tH'O ) en ik to Hie ilnya or C'biu dlua I., fourth Hoiiihii Hiiporor. when tbo tleHtll of h crow plunceil nil Home Into iiiournliiK. I'or iiimiy n yenr Ui bird IihiI Imimi n enntt fHVorlti of the I'ltlU'lia mill Ha tMleuta nlid trleka were It cotiatmit topic of nilivelTiltloll. One dny, to tin micer mid Krlef of thou hitiida, the hint wna killed n crime which coat th culprit hla life- mid It wna dii-liliil to irhi the crow n "alnti" fiinernt. Tb ilcnd bird wna burnt. to Ha jcritvi by it couplt of aliivc. priiiilcl by it inllltnry bund phiylUK mournful iiiuhIc, mid behind the corp" followed thotiMinda of mourner, lucludlin: the moat Illicitly pliteiit and the wiHtlthlcat of Hommi cltlzeiia. Now York Tribune. PRINCE SAVED THE GOAT. Vlra llraruril Ilia l.llllr Anlmnl from Tlirrf I, Inn I'lilta, A cltMrncterlalli atory Ik InIiii; tohl hImmU the I'rlitci of VhIim diirhn,' hi atHy In Indlii. aHya tin IiihIhii World. It lmpMneil ilurlin: Ida mhmuiI lait to (Iwallor mid Hfler tin uufortuiiHle HlwlHloutiietit of tin Ni'imul ahlknr. The HiHhnrflJnll of liwallor hail catnh llibcil Ninie Hon cuIh In mi lueloaiirc with the IiIcm of H'rp'liiatliiK the breed ninl one moruliiK the prlmv "trolled out with MJinu memtH'ra of Ida atutT to mi tliiiii fed, Ik found them Italtlnc mi tiufortuunti llvi K"t, which they were plnyltiK with na cnta with u iiioiim. nud It wna not nt nil n plcoamtt alicht for mi Kuicllali aMirtaumu'a eye. Uy tin wity, IHi iiulinnla tin given to them with the object of tenchliiK them to fend for themM'lvia In their tlcntiucd ruttin Uvea of friiilom. After wnlchliiR tho perforninnec for n while the prince aiidilculy exclaimed ' I ciili't otiind thla miy louirer Ilea it I Jolly plucky putt Mint wo mutt Kct him out Minieliow," The itii"tlou wna how to nimiHKi the re-ue. for It wna not nt nil mi intay tnak to p't the pmt out of , mi lucloatire In which aoiiu tliniHiimr- tcr Krowit llotia were nt lar-jrc. llow- ever, the fertile brain of Wen. Stunrt . lli.-tt hi thought of h htiwoo Hiid the Hulk of nah a ice wna iomtuiHictd. . They had Juat ot lite no.i over the mid were itlmttt to holat him up, when h lloneM went for him In ittrn- cat mid It Imiked to hi nil up with him. U'l'li the oitirHKc of ib"Hilr In chnrKcil her mid aeut her II) lug mid bufun alu could pick heraelf up mid return to tho itttitck the roa wna over him mill lit" wna hnlatctl up to aafcty. On cxniuliiiitbiii he wna found to hnvc cai-niKil without Injury, Imrrlun u alluht tut on inn lee, mid he now ronuia ithiitit, it pensioner for lire, Hilorned with ii iiiuaalvi allvcr colhtr with ait liiKcrlpthm explaining how the iiiuiv rilMCll Ills lift. Get at the Cauio Cure the Kidneys. Dont neglect bUche. It warm you ol trouble In the' 'kldneyi. Avert tho dnnger by earing the kldneyi with Doan'i Kidney rills. J. A. HaywooJ, a well known resident ol Luf. kin, Tex,, layat "I wrenched my bark working In a eawtnlll, wai laid up ilx weeks and from that time had patn In my back whenever I stooped or lifted. Theurlnowas badly disordered and for a long time I had attacks ol gravel, After I began using Dobu's Kldnoy Pills the gravel passed out, and my back got well, I haven't had backache or bladder trou ble since." Bold by all dealers. BO cents a box JTostsr-MUburn Go., Buffalo, N. V, H AHA XI IK IIAIIHV, wiioao brother, llllmii, na worthleaa na hlmacir, marrleil her lit 17(10. She hnd n great hhII of imwer until the ihaith of Lntila live year Inter. She, however, wna nllowed to live on nt her houae. In l.micituc-i, In 171 '- ahe cnttio to Iindoit to nell her Jewel, hut on returning to I'nrla next year wna guillotined na nn enemy of the Mate. Him la aald to have ciiHt Franco no leaa than franca, Thla purlieu Inr Hirlralt, algned nud tlateil Dniunla, 17(11), wna painted by 1'raiicoU Hubert DrotiaU In 17(K), nud wua exhibited In Pari tlmt year. The picture la now being exhibited nt Duveeu'ri (allcrlca, Iindon, on behnlf of the fund of the Artlata' Oetteral Henevoleut Institu tion, HOMAQE PAID TO A BIRD. Hparrnvr (llvrn n Slllllnrr Kuiirrl li- Npnnlnrila In tfuhn, Ileiunrknhlo wna thn funernl of n npnrrowln Culm which wna attended hy no fewer than 0,000 wildlera. The atory of thla altigiilar event la both eurloua and dramatic. At tho commencement of the ten yearn' war tho Rpanlarda choao tho uparrow nn their emhlem, typifying tho courago and iwrtlnatity with which thoy lutendwl to proaeouto tho war, whllo they contemptuously apoko of tlio enemy tho natives as "cats," Ono day In March, 1800, bo runs tko atory, a Spanish soldier saw a cat pounce Urn, Miinnrr'a t'roniiillon, A atory Ih being told Httioug the friend of (ieuentl Hiuuiiel s. Sumner, t H. A., retired, who waa until tecuntly the couimaiiillug olllccr of the l'acllle illvlaloii. (icuerul Sumner, who wua In Oakland for n atuy, left the city after the Mtrthipiako and went to San Ha fuel. There he waa liiforiuml by one of the guiding aplrlta or the village that he iniiHt aid In patnilllng and guarding ngaliiat lire and unruly refugee. Some thing In (iiMioral Sumucr'a bearing evi dently ImprcKMil tho man, for after a ituimeiit'H thought he aald: "I think I'll make you a hccottd -Nontenant." "Thank you," niihWerwl tleneral Sum ner, "I don't think any rank ever con ferred tiiKiu me ever pleaaod mo more uuleaa It waa when I was inado a major general In the regular uriny," Miliums Ulty Star. I.oiika .u Coiialilrralton, 'Hie Spencer Courier makes an Inter eating offer: "An Interesting old bachelor dropped Into tho Courier oftlco one day thla week and wanted to advertise, for a wife. Ho aald all that waa uccewuiry waa that alio have a good hank account. lie cared not her age or accompHali tnenta, nud when naked If ho wanted her to Ih) a good cook, ho aald "ho waa not particular," Juat eo her bank ac count wna all right. Any lady with matrimonial pinna will please call nt tho Courier ollleo and wo will glvo you tho uamo aud tuldresa of this ambitious bachelor," SKIN DISEASES ACNE, TETTER, ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, l'cople who agrco to everything you sny nre almost as cutcrtalnlug as a, phonograph. There is nothing more distressing than an itching, burn ing skin disease, and upon the return of warm weather those who arc afflicted with skin troubles find the symptoms appear- C A j T RHFUM ing and know that they will be tormented through the hot n u " " u u m ' summer months. The blood is heated with humors and acrid matter, and as they arc forced to the surface the skin seems to be on fire. The treatment of skin diseases with exter nal applications is j!11 wrong, because they do not reach the trouble which is in the blood. The most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning and cover up the trouble for awhile, but as soon as it is left off the disease returns. All food taken into the body contains, in some form, the elements necessary to sustain the different parts. One portion is used for the- making of blood, another for muscle, THE 1TCUINO WAS ALMOST v. one for bone, still another for fat, and so on. WK "i VJXhi.Vt" After tllCSC different properties arc CX- The itching, especially at night, was simply terrible, It . ..1 r-... ii.,. r, ,1 it.,n -:il ..,,.,,:,,.. - would almoat disappear at timed, only to return worse traded from the food there still remains a thon ovor , hnd trftd tnany h,Khly r(SOommoatled prepa. portion that is USeleSS, or Waste matter, rations without benefit, and hearlnK of U. 8. H. determined which is intended to be disposed of through ?hJf. fc '&?AS jrJJKIT"l-l!S-5 the natural channels of bodily waste, the blemish and pimple from my body. I shall not fall to reo r :..- Tr;j i t)..,1 Ai itn'nnfnn aminnd 8. 8. S. whenever an opportunity occurs to do so. Liver, Kidneys and Jiowcls. At tins season i:BCondido, Cat l. mahno. of the year, however, these organs become torpid, dull and sluggish, and fail to perform this duty, and these accumulations remain in the system and arc absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and acrid humors. The blood cannot properly nourish the system while in this impure condition, and begins to throw off these acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Acne, Eczema, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin diseases of every description. EOZEMA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs aud face, though other parts of the body may be afflicted. In TETTER the skin dries, cracks and bleeds, aud is often very painful. The acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, feverish, hardened condition and giving it a leathery appearance. AONE makes its appearance on the face in the form of pimples aud black-heads, and is particularly disagreeable because of its unsightly appear ance, while PSORIASIS, a scaly disease, comes in patches on different parts of the body. One of the worst forms of skin disease is SALT RHEUM It discharges a watery fluid, form ing sores and producing intense itching. The head and face arc the parts usually affected, and sometimes the hair falls out aud a mass of sores forms on the scalp. These and all skin diseases arc due to the same cause burning acids and humors in the blood, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and made pure they will continue. The best treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en tirely from roots, herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing effect. It neutralizes the acids and purifies the blood so that the skin, instead of being blistered aud burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy blood. It goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of waste or foreign matter, builds up the blood and cures all skin diseases promptly LLWik a"d permanently. S. S. S. docs not leave the least par- B ii cc the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids kbaw B tnc blood or the cause for all skin diseases. Mk ik S. S. S. tones up the system and regulates the jjV jsaaaV Liver, Kid ii cys and Bowels so that they will carry off Qr UKr the natural waste and refuse matter through the proper channels, instead of leaving it to be absorbed by the blood. Nothing equals S. S. S. in the treatment of these troubles and for building up the general health. Write for our treatise on skin diseases and any medical advice you wish. We make no charge for cither. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. lLa KnoTrlrilnc of Wrrili, At i. Mibtirnnn realdenre near l'hlln lolpb'v there recently appeared nn uu-kempt-looklng Individual who asked for employment. It chanced that his up pllcntla.i wna mnde to the lady of th boue heraelf, who was auKrlntendIng the transplanting of plants lu the gar den. "Are you a gardener?" aikcd the lady. "Ain't had much experience at gar deiiln'," was the reply. "Can you plant theae buhes?" "I'd hate to rlik i'ollln' 'em. mum." Tlwn what can you do?" "Well, mum," rcRnded the unkempt-looking Individual, "If you was to hand mo one of your hiiKbaud's cl ears I might kit In the greeuhouie nn' imoko out them Insects that's catln' the leaves of them roie-bushes." Hur per's Weekly, HOLD UP! Lixd con&ide2 t I THE fAl J OHM 1, 'V "A FWSw-.J ?.-SaSP IVrfrclly WIIIIiik. n. Hanga Dzalr May I aw hare the next value? I.etta Sloan 1 haven't the allchteat ob jection. That's the one I doo't aw daw nee. arMLTKjrirr r3H U-Viflitii? 1DJLXViJbK, 11 KC ALL TOWfft WATERfROOf CLOTHING. lin-adrotthrtat m'JmithI&kornlicw MflwrtrtimiMU fy irliiSt dtvJer evorahtrc "T JTICKT0THE , - jiwii vr intiun rrtJtMtlVl TlHfl timauaiaiMri a iawS r , "! nU TTM0XT0.CA Mli BiUUlAj CLASSIFIEDADVERTIS1NG Portland Trade Directory Names and Addrcutt In Portland at Rcpra f cntatlva Dullness firms. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15 Prepares for Dramatic and Opcratia Stage and places Graduates. Kei-og nlted by leading thvatr.cul managers. ' Send for Catalogue and list of gradu- i ates aud their succets. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School I Erin Hill Arude EulUlnr. Seattle FRANK C EGAN. Madf L H OWAltD K. nCKTOM. Aayr and Ctiem1t. I...liii11. l-nlnn,.! Kna-liitMi nrli-.., Ilitt.l . -. a at.,iA,.. UIIb. .1., ,!". JUl. VI.ij n nil wr, lad, II i iiold. rlltrcr, TSci (lola, Wo j Zluo or l'oiirr,l. Canlila Irala. Malllnsrnalopraand full prim Hit a ut ou apellcatloit. Lunlrot and Urn- hl,.Wn,lf MlJlrllflvt. lloual llaak. llar.raacal Caibooala Kar GASOLENE ENGINES s i. a bo,..- powtr lulljr warranted, 1120, Alt iliei anil it; lei at loweil prlcai. Write for ratalor. REItRSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland, Oreien. THK HAIHY KI.T KII.I.KK ilMtroya all the ui.i Kim tnurut cumiirlloaver lioma lu dlnug riHim, ilreplne room and all ftlaces wliera Clean, and will hoi toll ur In lure auyttitns. Trr them once and you ltl never bewliUoutlliem, Ifuotkepibr deaers.eenl prepaid for HOC. Harold Uoiuere, Its UeKal ava., Uiuoklyu, M, Y. C'llhAM HKt'AltATUHo Wr tiara lira Ike U.S. hrparalor lobelbebnt, Wrll ivr free cala.v. ll.i.lwood C&, rinh aud Oak. M KN'B l'1-OTIIINO llulTum A I'endleloa, aote aaeuli Alfred lleularala A i'a'a rorrrci rlotbra. Kverrthlnc lu mtu'i furulililafa. ilorrtaoa aud Hlub ilreeti. Opposite poaioOlc. CIANUS Oltti AM Many Sne loa rum'nU re rrt Ions arrouni arkiirtaor reniuval of buyer Write for dtr piluii of p anos now nu band terms, etc Write today. (Ill berl (.'u, Portland "P. N. U. No.35-06 WUEN yrrltlna; to adTortlsers please tuentlun this pnpar. Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Tli woodtrful till l',H lHlor l cailid irral becuuse be cur4 lo4e wilboul oiiera imu ibat are Hi up lo dl. He eurea wtib tbt wonderful Cm uts. bertia, icois, bud barks aud vegetable lliat are entirely . known 10 mntlcal sci ence lu Ibis couutry Tbroufb ibe use of tbose baruileM rvmrdlra tills famous doctor knowa Ibe acllou of over Ml 0 fler.el remedies wblch he successfully inn lu dlfftreai diseases lie urauiraalocurecaiairu.aslbaia,lun(, ibruat, rbruwalUni, nervousuess, stomacb, llvrr. kid neys, etc. i bas hundreds of IrstlmoaUla, (.'bamee moderate. Call and see bluu PaU.nU out of me city write lor biankr and eircuUrs. bend sump. CONSULTATION ltKU. utnn THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO I62S first SI., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention, paper. PORUAND. OREGON. v Every reader of this paper can get a package of "20-MuIe-Team" Borax and a bar of "20-Mule-Team" Borax Soap, with a Beautiful Souvenir Picture 7x14 inches in 10 colors; Absolutely Free. For n limited lime only, on receipt or 10 cents In t tamps or illver (to pay postage and packing) yiur name and address and your dealer's name, we will send you a full size package of that universally until lloiu-ehold Ne.-o slty, ,,20MULE-TKAM,, HOKAXj alio a bar 'SO-MULK-'niAM" 110KAX BOA I', to-. and I- elude a Iwautlful nuvrulr picture 7xU In 10 color-, called the '01,0 DltlVKU'd ItKVKItlK'itl h aSU page booklet giving 1000 valuable uses for Ilnrax in the ltonn", Kami, Garden and Dairy; Horax in tho Laundry, Nursery, Sick Itoom and Kitchen; Preservattv uses if llontx, and hints on "llow to lluve u Clear Complexion" and artel s on the "Hair and Hands." WHITK NOW I encloie a dime with your name and addr s and dealer's name, and rer elv-H by return mall this fr e oui r and antivenlr Addicts, l'aclllo L'o'aa't IliruX Co., Oaklaud, t'allfoinia. ! ..". t St :