MISS LEOPOLD, SECRETARY LIEDERKRANZ Wrllrit "l'liton Yfiwi Ako My HjraUiui Wm In n Hun-Down Condition. I Own to IV-ru-tm My Itonorlntluu to llcnltli mill Htraiitttli." ICKA EOPOL I null r-TlT JZz2' Mini Itlckn I.oolil, 173 Main tit Mrtiasha, Wli.i HWy UcMlotkratu, wrltss: "Three yrars pro hit systpm was In n terrlbln tun-dawn condition iul I mm broken out nil ovet my body. 1 bean to Im worrlnl kImiiiI my condition unit I wm k'lnd to tty anything which would rrllrtvrt inn, "I'rruna net. rr-tommrmlru" to mr m flue blnotl rvmnly Mid touie, mid I toon found that It wm worthy of iirnlsn. "A (nw Imttlos diungrd my condition molrrlnlly and In ihurt time I wm all omr my troubln. "I own to IVruna my trituration to lipalth mid itrmiKtb, 1 mu intuit to en dona It." Vr-ru-na Itrtlorrt Strength. Mrs. Ilpttlii Omen, U. It. 0, IiiVn, III., wflln: "I Imd catarrh mid (alt miserable. 1 brirnn tba mo ol lVrunn nd brKtu to Iiuiiioto In ovary way. My hrd ilorVnot hurt mo so much, my ljctl!o li k'kxI mid 1 mu KlnlnK In flrsli mid strength," A liiinrri Two crntlriiicn dlnlnc In n Nrtv York rrttnurnnt wrra urprUtl to find on ttir bill of fnrr, tba t trtii, "crrcn blil. llsh." "Wnltcr," one nsknl, "what sort of blurllsti oro unfit blllPilaliV "I'nth rlKli( from the water," sr.li) the wnltrr, offlinud. "Nonar-uso!" mild tlio ninii. "You know well mulish tlicjr do not tukit bluoflah nt thin ciii." Tlia wnllpr nmiii up mid lookrnl at the dlKitrd linn. "Oh, tlmt, Mr!" ha snlil. with nil nlr of PiillElitmiuipnt. "Tlmt'a hotliouso blurlUu. lr Wbjr li lllln' fthv. "Unit tlmt new frlcud of your an tiuslnras nbllllyr "Oh. yea." "Wall, It doesn't ahotr on tha tur fncc." ".No, up'u nn ofllolrtl of thr under ground railway." Cluvrlnnd I'luln Uralcr. Wnpa n r Ikn lliinati llnnlrr. "Mrs. Nrwrwmr-, Imrn jou shot ths cliutr ulare )nil csroe lo loivnT" ".Nut yol. l're put In all mr tiros flat Out tl ilals." Uriloaeo Tribune. A Danlah colony of frOO families la arrklne a location In Mexico. If (tip col ony proa-ier, It will reoelvit tare norcs sluus later. COULD NOT KEEP UP. Broken Down, Like Many Another Woman, With Exhausting Kidney Trouulas. Mm. A. Taylor, o( Wharton, N. aaya: "I had kidney trouble In moat painful and severe form, and J., He tha torluro I went through now leonia to hava been nlmool unbrara ble, I had backache, palm In thu aldo and lolna, dliiy spoils and hot, fevuriih head achoi, Theio were henrlng down palna, and the kidney aucro tlona paused too fre quently, and with n burning eenaation. They allowed aodlment. I becamo din couraged, weak, lanquld and deproaaed, ao sick and woak that I could not keep up. Aa dnctora did not euro me I do elded to try Doan'a Kidney IMUa, and with audi success that my troublea were nil Kono altor using eight boxes, and my etrength, ambition and general health la lino." Hold by all doalora. 50 conta n box. Foater-Milbitrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. aBBBBBBBBW WlT k rf I " laV aafaak aBBBBaSA. THE AHM0IIED fwnjiwmmmimiemkm iwtyrwiwaijigwawgt-? wtfflsto w yrz- , Tjmm dtUttffrr' ' rsf aaaViZ; ".f ' - ' ,' .1? V M Jt-94.r TdA.H''4aUUi'U All lnitrtniit iri.nn of ctinr,iiii t- in lui-Hii-i uiid pn-ucurr, the Miituuiu hlli Iihk iiImi ijiki-ti lt pl;ui' ii h mi iiiljiimt to the lipid of curiiNgi The (icnnnii Kill tr Iiiim lutnului'c I it Into IiIh iirmim nud la Hell ili-ni-l with tin- mhmi bllltli'-i In tin- IiiihIi mid In tin- iiinuiiliilu pHaufi, of ciuri. Hit- hurwh! (jirrlttco would Ih iim-Ioh. but In tint otu ami K,,lny wliprc rxmI rondt pruill iin tln-y ilu tliriti),iut u Kn-ntcr pnrt of Kuroj.f the iiiitoinolillc In to tnki tin pliici- of horrifi In coiim-jIiik ollUcrM from mu pnrt of the Hold to nnotlii-r Mh n will i-iiHhh1 u i-tiiiinmndlliir kpihthI nud hla nldc-a to rover a much U'ldi-p territory thmi would Im poallilo with horMxi. In nil (Icnnnn iinny inniii-iivcrx tln niitntiiolillo tliidn n priiinlnciit plmv. 'I'lu- iiinclilncn iimiI nru lii'iivlly iiriiiunil, i-nrry ijulck-llrliiK rlllcfi to bit dlM-hnrRi-d throimh looplinli-i, nud nro jirovldcd with rne of rrvoliiTN for nt cIom- ipiartora. Iti iictunl wnrfnri' i-vi-n tlu whnda would bo protective! by nrinornl cmdugK, Our IIIiih t rat Ion. from tli lindou Nrwa, r,rM-utN n Kroup of oIIIhtm trnvcllnic from out (Miliit to iinotln-r nud protH-ttiiK tlii-inin-Ivi- In n hut nttiick. RAVAGES OF ROBE QEETLE. A Ilrnrllr Inappf Ihnl Atlnrh Hilar nnil (lrira, Durlnir the Inat few yinim t-ninplnlnta lmi- lufii Hindi- In IiiitikIiik nuinlM-ra by fruit grow urn niul nardi-ntTa of the rnrncpN cnuil uy tin- niao Ik-pIIp. ThU dcatructlve luwt la (illicit tile roar liii-tlt-. from ItH nt t.ul.n uMin thu bud mid full blown llow- nt of nui-M, w hlch It burrow a Into and d oura, but It by AvAfutil $ti "J ,"',n,, naM AfWjTjW ,,H nttPiitb'" l" la .III- IIIOIIUIH Ol Witt nrHn-, iiiu which It cluatcra In Rrwit iiuiiiImth, nud aooti di-atniya nil ponl blllly of fruit, nud Tiir. Hoar. nti.-rix. t nttnika tho bloa Mima of fruit IrwH, InrKi nud Mimll, orniiiiii'titiil ahrulia, now era, mid, lufnct. Hltnoat ti'iy 1.1ml of wwlnhle Kruwth. It himmpm In huuii'tiao nuuilicra, nnil puvvra the plum) that an nttiu-kisl with a aprHwIliiK iiihmi of Net lea, full of ula nil to thu careful Kardciier mid nuxliHia grower. Th l.-tle la pale brown or drab In iiiVor. alaiut a iiuarter of an lueli In iHimth, ind with very Iiiiir, i-plny Icrm. Tint t-arly tHKa of the Inaeel nre paaaed uiuterKrouiid In anudy meadow hind, whero n u unit' It feeda uuu the roota of KriiKxifi nnil other plant. The rcK nre Inld by the ftsnnle lavtlea In tint ground durliii; June mid July, nud the :;rutw liMine rult-Kniwu ln-foro winter; la tho aprltu; they turn Into tho pupa (or ehryanlla) atute, nud conic out a h wliiiceil txi-tlca In June. For nbout five weeka In June nud July they iihoiiud, mid then suddenly dhwptienr, IiiivIiik .MinpletiHl their life eon nut, not to be a col i nKiilu (III tho following nuin- iiier. llnpilly tlioro la only one brood Hi thu ear. It In it remarkable fact that the ordi nary lliat-ctlclde-1 have little or li etTeet ukiii (hit Ht, and It will eat IiIihuhhiu hprtijiil with wrla Kreu mid tlirlvo Ukiu (hum. Many exHrlineiita have been tr liil. and It In found that, whuro tint work In to be doutt ou:i larKescalo, tho CoiiKri'KHted lliaeela limy le rejwlletl by n wnah mnile by nddhiK alniut three i'ka of frctdily-hlnkoit lime to n quart of crude curtMillc ucld In fifty pillou of water. ThU tloouiot kill tlio liiHecta, but thu rmull of thu citrbolle driven them iiwiiy. Another inethml la to nirny the innHst'H of beetlea with half n kiuiu1 of IIhIioII Houp In n K'tUoit of witter. It In claimed tlmt thin will kill ulHiut 1T per cvnt of tho JiiHoeta. It nctH by cloaliiK up their breutlilnt; nppitriitua nud cnuidtiK. denth by HufftH-iitlon, On n numll ccnlu much limy be done by bentltiK tho Im-ectH, In the early morn luu wlicii they uro hIiikkIhIi, Into piuia coutnliiliiK u llttlu coul oil nud then burnliiB them j or they may bo knocked off Into nu open umbrella nud then do atroyed. I'holiv Kmppa or plants may bo protected with netting. FIR8T pTREET IN AMERICA. Iltuliwnr In l'lriuoulli, Mitaa., la NhiiipiI After VntvrraK)' 'I'unn, I.oyden htrect, l'lynuuith, Mans., tho flrat atrcct lu America mimed after tho famous Holland university cly, from which tho pllgiliiM I'liiue, was Mirveywl on Dec. US, Hl'JI, aaya the Municipal Journal unit lCiiKlncur. Tho records atnto tlmt "no many an could went to work on tho hill, whero wo purposed to build our platform for our ordnance, and which doth connmuul all tho plain mvrl Tx 5faV AUTOMOBILE, mid the bay, nud from whence we may ii- far Into the nil. nnd inlnlit Im etialcr Impaleil, hnvlritf two row a of hoiiM-N mid n fair r4reot. So In the afternoon we went to inoumre out the Kroutida; mid II rut we took mitln how man) fmnllli-N were there, willing all almele men that had no witea to Join with aoiiie family, aa they tlKiiifht lit, N) that we mlttht build fewer lMiuit! which waa done, nud we reduced tlltHn to nineteen famlllea. To Krenter faitil Ilea we allottiHl larger pkita; to efr' eraon lialf a a.le In lirentltli aial three In leiik'th, and mi h were cat wh.'re Hery man MmmiIiI Im-; whleh waa done and ataked out." ami thta waa the Ihj IniC imt of l-yilen t-treet. An uiitlnlah-il plant of tlila atreet la to le H-eu on the old record of the courtlHilIK'. The ibtrwt waa laid out In reference to the water aupply, for "tliere la very awrete brouke ruuiiea tinder the hlll alde mid many delicate prlnui of iin Ktioil wnter na run Ik drunk." lunar le Itur-lerea, lltor fnun New Nethcrlnnda, nlvea thla nccoiint of tin architecture: "The houaea nre eon- atructed of hewn plunka, with KMnU'iia also Incloxil behind nnd nt the Klik-t with hewn phuika, mi that their huo mid rtiiirtynnU are arranged In very KimiiI order, with n atookade ncalnat auddeu attack; mid nt the emla of the Htrcet are llmv wooden Katea. In the renter, on tlte rroa atrrrta, ataial the wowrnor'a Imiiim. Inifore which la n Mpiare liH-loure. uniii whirl, for ate rlora (ateen atueken) are mounted, ao aa to (lank alon the atreeta. I'-ion the hill they hae a lance aunre houmt with a flat rmif, made of thick sawn plnnka, atnyed with nnk tv-fima, Uan the top of which they have alx cannon, which hoot Iron bulla of four nnd live louiul, and ixmimniid the aurroundlug Mimtry, Now Plymouth la n town of 10,000 InlmbltnntK. Main Mrcct, the prlncl IMllbualneattatreet, below where It uieta Ityden atrwl. la now a well-mncndaiu-lr.ed atret, with granite curbltu: nnd nmerete aldewalk and aiibatantlnl bulldhiKN on each aide. The town la provided with n public waterworks aewer ayalwu. xaa, elertrle plant fur Unlit and xiver and an elertrle rail way, Thniiifjbout Hrt of Ita hltorv, notable aa u llahlm: vlllmte. thrlvlni; miinufnctiirlw now provide prnfltnble oceuiwtloii for the townaiHtoplo. W'Uy lee I'limt-j In Wnlrr, Water a the aole eAceptlon to the otherwise uuheraal law that all cool liiK lodlea contract mid thorefore In cjeM lu density. Water contracts na Ita temperature falla, nud thereforu become licaMer mid filnka until It risicluM thirty-nine degreea. At thla temperature wnter Is tlio lumvh-at. Thla In tho hiut of Ita maximum deualty, Knuu tills point It beglua to expand. Thereforo lu winter, iilthough the aurface may bo frivzlug nt a temperature of thlyty-two degrcea, tho water at the bottom of tho pool Ih alx or aeven degrtvs warmer. Suppose that water, like everything elae, Imd gimo on contracting na It cooled until It reached tho freezing point. Tho heaviest water would have Niink to the lowest place mid tliere be como Ice, Had tho water when nt the taittom turned Into Ice, tho stone would have locked It In their Inter fltlcea nud held It there, nnd In-fore the winter waa over tho wholo hm1 would Im entombed In clear, beautiful crystal, I, Idle NittUfiietluu. "More, you!" growioi tho fat man lu the cornor feat of tho crowded cur, "my foot nrcnnt there to atniul onl" "I'hnt'a w," rcplk'd tho (pilot of fender; "aluco you'ro alttlng down you don't need Vm for that puriwso, do yuu?"--OatlH)llu Standard anil Tlmiui. Tlir Pnllle Ilarmrtn. In the cltlea of Utirmn, whrro the nn tlvea Imro been long In contact with Kuropenna, anya the author of "Iltirmn, I'alnlcd and Deacrlbpil," they have loal aoinn of their tnidltloiinl pollteinaa; but lu the country dlatrb-ta old-achool cour ti-ay la Mill tho cuatom. An Kngllah gcntlemnn who had bought n new pony wna trying him out on n Murmnn road, when tlio animal bolted, mid ran at top ipced down a narrow road. In tho way abend wai n nntlvc enrt, lu which wna a family party out boll day making. The pony daahed Into the bnck of the rart, threw Ida rider Into the rnldat of the merrymaker, and -t-rcrely Injured the Ilurmmi who wna driving. Hi-fore the nngllabman bad nn oppor tunity to explain hla unexpected on aliugbt the Ilurman picked tilmaelf up and bowed low. ".My lord, my lord." he Mid. apolo getically, 'the cart hoiil-d not hove been there." I'm ll ml llf Wna n rnnnllinl. A new arrival lu the town entered n reataurant and ordered hla dinner. Ho had Juat boon aerved when a large, ro :iiml poraou enturtil and aeated hlmaelf at tlio aauio table, ami Ilnalljr reached over and helped hlmaelf to Ida nolgh bor'a broad ; aoelng that tho other man's boiled potnto had not been touchrU ho took that nnd ate It without removing the skin. A piece of chicken followed. Ily thla time the wnltcr reappeared and handed tho bill of fare to tho newcomer. "Itonat beef; ronat pork. Which ahnll I Inker .old he. "Well. I gue you can bring mo roast beef, a double or der." "Thank heaven," said tho man oppo site, "Kli? What did you say. air?" "I aald Thank Heaven!' I waa afraid you wore n cannibal," I'Jttaburg I'reaa. riTO '" v ' """ M all Kn IAin rllO J-'rmatianUr fwrral prtlr. KHlia'a Orral S-l ItiMar, KmhI rir rfntltftlrM t-Dll-anl lrtaUMklir.ILII.Kllu .IjL.kM Ariht.,l1,U.,V.. Mel oriPti. "Why nro you bowing to tliat man) Do you know hlmV" aaked Madgo, lu aurprlae. "Yea," said her chum. "He walked over mo so many time getting out be tween acta at the theater last night that wo got real woll acquainted." Detroit 1'ri-e I'reaa. Ilrrlprurllr. "I itrclare," complained Mrs. Duzzlt, "I ahull certainly have to punish the children!" anya a writer In Life. "What have they beeu up to now?" Inquired her husband. "They have simply upset my aewlng room. Nothing la whero It should tie. Need lea, spools of thread, sclKbors, darn ing balls, everything I hnve haa been poked away Into the moat unexpected corner. It la perfectly oxasiieratlng." Mr. P limit surveyed hla wife with a benignant air. That wasn't tho chlldron, dear." he said. "I did that" "What posseiwod you?" "It waa kindness of heart. After you straightened up tho patters and books on my desk ro beautifully, I thought It was no moro than right that I should return the compliment by putting your sewing room In order. Bo I did." ANtficlablc PrcparallonrorAs slmllnllnS iheKoodnndRcdiiln tirtij ihc Slomaclts oqd Uawcls of irrrttw Tfrawi Tromolcs Digcslion.CliecrTuI nessnmiHesl.Conlains ncilher Opkim.Mort'Uinc norIlncral. Not Nahcoxic. ttwaroujrswwjmmi yi7aalin iW" Apcrfccl llcmcily rorConsllpa. lion. SourSlonmch.Diarrhoca andLossorSLKEi. facSimilo Signature of new vonic. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. -41 fllnnar Tint All Ampiicnn. la "fired out" an Amorlcnnlsra7 This (iieatlon la put by n London paper In dlacti'aliig tho u'e of the expression by the Vienna correctwiideiit of tho Tlmoa In connection with the dlamlasnl of the American embassador to Austria-Hungary. Anything that scorns slangy U generally stamped aa an Americanism, but In this case, na In ro many others of ,t similar nature, It la shown that the phrase can be found Imbedded In tlw 'lasalca of tho Kngllsh language. "Klred out" an Americanism? Well, In ono of Mlinksponre'a amncta, na one of tho Imdnn papers aaya, you may read : Yet thla ahnll I ne'er know, but llvo In doubt. Till my bad angel flre my good ono out An American stiiool teacher nud thla Is another Illustration tlmt come to mind decided that Ida pupils should drop the word "my" became It was In elegant. The tendency to begin a re mark of a rpieatlon with "say" may cer tainly Iki overdone, but, na n bright tiimlt rwilntml ntit. If MavH la rutf-nr i i - ' - ' -! how ahnuld we regard the of It In the first line or "The Htar-Hpangled Ilanner" "Oh, aay, can you see?" To nrtak In New Shoes. Always ahake In All-n' Foot-Kaie, a powiS'r. Itrtirea but, w-allnr. ublnr:. awollrn tent. Cum corn. Imrruwlnc nalli and hanintu At all ilrHKirl'ti ami a hut lorri,3tr llnn't srrppt I anTPumiiiuin riinm tnaiiKi rittt. Auarraa Alleu U. OlmiWd, a lloy, N. Y. Dlarournicril. Sbprloe'c Holmes had announced his In tention of abandoning dtttctlre work. "My dear Holrnps." said Dr. Watson, "you don't rnesn It!" "Quite o, my dear doctor," he said. "Tho; I'hlladlplila detectives bsve made me look like a hunjllnj amateur." Hbootlnx another chsrjt- of dope Into bis arm, be as-aimed a William (aillettc j,0Je and stared moodily Into the fire. MetbersTTlll find Mr. WInilow's Boothlns; Sjrrap the teit remedy touie lot lLir children iluriuj the Itetblnr rrlod. In CotiflUencr. "I knew," be iWlnred, "that we were meant for each other from the very mo ment 1 first saw you." "I knew- It," she replted, "long before that." "You did?" "Yes. 1 may tell yo now In confi dence, since we're enjwred nnd It's all ettled, tbst mamma had been mapping out our accidental mectinj for tire months." JuJie. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL AITLirATIONg, as they rannot reach tbo ai-at of Ibe illxsae. t'atarrb la a UockI or eonstltutlonal dlxafe, and la onlerlo cure it you mutt lake Internal runeJIai. Hall's Catarrh Cure li taken Internally, and aeuatrarily on the blood andmuoouisurfacvs. Hail's Catarrh Cure It cot a quack mrdldne. It waa prracrlbed by one of tba Uit pbyalclans In thla country for years, and Is rtirular pre icrlptlon. It la composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purl Hera, acting-dlrertly on the mucous surface. The perfect combine Ion of the twolnsrrollenU is what producea auch wonderful results In curiua Catarrh. Kend for leitlmonlsla free. , P. J I'HKKEY A CO . Props., Toledo, O. Hold by drurgltta, price 6e. Hall's Family lilts are the beit. Able to Ilelallale-. llyron waa writing bis "Knflisb nards and Scotch Reviewers." They'll find I'm no Keats!" he ex claimed. "I'm a ba-ad man from the . liMliltratwra of Tllrtp cw.V. and f -an bit back larn 'em 1" Itetrettlng that bis lame foot was not a real club, so be could use It on them, be dipped bis pen In ths rltrlol again and confided some more of his burning thoughts to the sheet of paper before him. Tlio Klud You Ilnvo Always iu uso for over 30 years, nnd has ??? J1 Bonnl supervision slneo Its infancy. 4CA4t Allow no nun in ilrfnlvn von In thla. All Oounterfelts, Imitations nnd" JiiHt-ns-jood"nrp but liriierlmcnts that trifle -with nnd cndniit;cr tho hcnlth of lufiinta nnd Children -Experience ugnlust lixporhuent. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nud Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ub8tnnco. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Foverlshness. It cures Dlarrhtua nnd Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Courtlimtlou nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates tho y Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tho The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years -th couauacauaANt, tt uuaatr a-acrr. Nswvoaaerrv - A Hair D ressing Nearly every one likes a fine 3 hair dressing. Something to I make the hair more managc- nlile? fo keen It frnm helnrr "wl - wf -- ------ ----a.ra too rough, or from splitting g a at the ends. Something, too, a that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Wcll-fcdhair will bcstrong.and will remain where it belongs on the head, not on the comb I Th best fclnd of a testimonial "Sold lor ovpr a Lit 7 yoara." p - p.i aa an ii waaaaa-aaaaaaaMaaaB UadakrJ O . r ' c . Lnwall, Kaaa. Alao toauufaatura ra or f SlEiAPAKILLA. yers ,? HLIS. encsay vtcroui. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Season J906 and 1907 Opens Sept. S Prepares for Dramatic and Operatic Stage and p'sc-s Graduates. Ik-cognized by leading theatrical manager. Fend for Catalogue and Hat of gradu ates and their aucceia. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Erin ILtll Aiuit Bai;-"nr. SutUc FRANK C IGKV. Ttledfil "20-MULE-TEAM" BORAX SOAP Saves Its Cost in Time Labor and Starch. Is Absolutely Uninjurlous to the finest fabrics, never causes discoloration., makes the clothes snovy white, and by gienically clean, unlike ordinary laundry soaps, keeps the hands soft and white. Frre famp'e fr lop from rou-id cartoon SiMnle 7 aim II rax and daw er'a Name, jmair name anil a.t-drraaaiMllK-Inaittmpa Inr'udtrja I'rra- a. P.ur-Alr IVin-7illnebnliilSr. .on. Aildma I'AC'Il'lO COA-iT 1IOHAX CO., Oakland, Cal. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names aed Addresses la Portland of Rcpre f cntallvc Business firms. CKKAM HVI-AIIAIUItK U auaranlaa Iba U.N. r-aparaloe labatbahaat, XVrtl lor trt cala-o UainMooJCou Unhand Oat MK.N'HIIXITHINO - niillom A randlaton, ant M-na Airrad llalmln A t'o.'a ratm ctolli-a. Mar Ihloi In mtn-a rufiil-Mncv Merrlaoaand blllh Mraata. Oppoaila ualak. l'IAMO-4 A OllOANH-Manr Rna Ins ramanU ra v. r I to oa atroant a ckrfaa or ramoval or buaar Wrt a for dr.rr pi Ion of p anoa now on band. Irrnta, eie. Wrltatoda). impart C'a, i"ortlnd P. N. U. No. 34 -OS WHEN wrltlnrr tot-dTertlsarspleaae I uenilon tula paper. I Bouglit, nnil -which lias been lias homo tlio Blgnaturo of beca mndo under his per- Signature of I -.J