i . The Trail of the Dead: $ THE STRANGE EXPERIENCE , . OF DR. ROBERT HARLAND $ By D. FLETCHER ROBINSON (Copirllht. 1903, by ClIAPTKIt III. In two stride my cousm wan on the steep nml narrow stairs. For a man of his ago nml size tin mounted them with a surprising acttrttr. Indeed, when 1 Rain oil the landing he was already standing at the door of tho room. Ho held up his hand with n warning ges ture. I stepped up to hint softly ami peeped oyer his shouUlor. Hy the nltlo of an old sofa placed ngalnst the wall of a room, half bed chamber, half study, Professor Marnac crouched on hla hand and knees. A lamp stood on the tloor at his rlbow. Ite rji working with feverih haste, yet with a certain method, moving the lamp ouwaril at his examination of the section lit by Its immediate ray was completed. It was an odd Ight, this silver-haired ligure that crept about, peeping and peering, like some species of elderly ape. So absorbed wan' he that it was nigh on a minute before, with a swift sideways turn of the head, he caught sight of our faces In the doorway and ros to his feet. "I can find no trace of It." said he. moothlng back his hair with a sigh, "it is excessively annoying." "Of what, may I ask. air?" I queried. "Of my signet ring. Mr. Harland. A Tallied possession which I would not lose for fifty pound." "Pray let me assist you." said I. step ping forward and raislug tho lamp, which the professor had replaced ou the table. "No, no, Mr. Harland. Enough has leen done; In the preenee of death we must forget such trivialities, ltesides. although It was on my finger when I entered the house. It may have been dropped In the hall or on the stair. 1 do not doubt that Hans will find It." The professor spoko In ao reolute a fashion that politeness did not .demand that I should press the matter. My cousin had already passed behind a great wreen of stamped leather that cut off tho bed from the rest of the apartment Marnac had stepped after him. and I, though at a slower pace, followed them. To be honest, the CTcnts of the evening liad disturbed me not a little. I had grown suspicious, uneasy; and this an noyed me in that I was without reason able cause for such a frame of mind, (.'ranted that the profeor had dis played oddities of demeanor, yet he wa notoriously an eccentric. And If my cousin bau become taciturn, If his po 1 teness rang insincerely, the death of his old friend "Stand back, 1 1 err professor! stand back, I say!" It was Graden' volee, stern and de cisive. I sprang to the corner of the screen and peered Into the darkened alcove beyond. Upon his death-bed pillows the calm and simple face of poor Von Stoekmar gleamed like a mask carved la white marble. Hut neither of the two men who confronted each other across the body looked upon It. Graden, a grim and resolute figure, stood holding a common wooden match-box In bis huge bands. He had opened it carelessly, for cheap sul phur matches were scattered on the sheet before him. Marnae's face I could not see, but In the pose of his back and shoulders there was something feline something suggestive of an animal about to sprlug. For a second or two the three of us stood In silence. . .y cousin was the first to break It. 'Tray do not let us detain you, Pro fessor Marnac," said he. "Should we chance upon your ring, believe me, it will be safe." The professor straightened himself with a little gesture of submission and stepped back into the lamplight. Hi band was on the latch, when be turned upon us for we hud followed him with a face deformed with the most ma Ilguaut fury. "Au revoir, my friends." he cried. "I wish you a pleasant evening." And then a fit of laughter took him smothered, diabolical merriment that broke out In oily chueklea like water gurgling from a bottle. The door closed upon It. Wo stood listening as it grew fainter, fainter, uutil It died away lu alienee on the lower stairs. "Turn the key, Cousin Robert. But no; after bim, lad, and bolt him out of the bouse. He'll be burning It down, eU." Graden was Inexplicable; but I ran to obey. As I reached the ball, I heard the clang of the street door and the squeak ing of the bolts as nans shot them be bind the departing visitor. When I re-entered the room I found the screen pushed back against the wall aud my cousin, lu his shirt-sleeves, lean ing over the bed. He barked at me over his shoulder to alt down and keep quiet, and I humbly obeyed him. Once or twice he turned to the lamp which he had at Ills elbow, and I caught a glimpse of a magnifying glass. Presently he rose, and, carrying the lamp In his hand, commenced a circuit of the room, lin gering now and again to examine aome object. At tho dressing-table be paused for several minutes, using the magnify luff glass repeatedly. Hut shortly after wards he threw himself into a chair be side me with the air of a man whose work L done. "It' no unrespect to our little Her mann that I mean said be, pulling out big briar, "but smoke I must." ile Mt theft pufflnc tot ..minute or and J. MALCOLM FIMSER Josrpli U. DomIo) two, hi head sunk forward, hi eye ou the tloor. 1 watched him expectantly, "It's a great gift, I observation," he began. "It make Jut the difference between mediocrity andtucce In game huntcr and novel-writer, in painter of picture aud explorer of the unknown laud, where n man has uever a map to help htm. Aud till same trick of ob servation ha given me some very re markable results this evening; aud how remarkable you will realize when I sot them out In proper order. You've a logical head, Cousin Hubert, and I want you to give me your fullest attention. Contradict me If I overstate the case. "Fact the firt: That a certain cele brated scientist, Hudolf Marnac, had an III feeling a very III and evil feeling towards a certain brother-professor, one Hermann Von oturkmar. Fact the sev ond: That Vun Stockuur died sudden ly." "Of a natural caue, as certified by a competent physician," I added quickly. "Exactly. Fact the thirds Marnac, who considers you a deserter to the Stoekmar camp as. Indeed. I Rather Irom your own story appear In your rooms to Inform you of the sudden death of his enemy. Now, why should he do that?" "He Is an eccentric. A sudden whim, perhaps. We were very lutlmate once, you must remember." "Though hardly so now, from bis man ner of regarding you when he first an nounced himself this evening." "He might have caught what we were saying. Listener hear no good of themselves, but that does not tend to im prove their tempers." "Well, let that pa. It bring us to fact number four: He tells a deliberate lie." "A lie! Hut when?" "The man was worth studying. When I first saw him this evening, I ran my eye over him. I especially noticed hH bands their supplene, their delicate color, their long prehensile fingers. I do not doubt that he I very proud of them. He wore no ring It I not the custom of those who deal with germs to so adorn themselves. What was he looking for m anxiously in this room, if it were not a ring? ny did he leave u lu the hall that he might conduct this search before our presence disturbed himr "I cannot suggest an explanation; but really. Cousin lira den, you seem to be I Uu..lni a Ulna- .1 n .. u..La.. mm l.n.l. 1 I V. V H hj M ,,V" fc UI4U W I T I J a MhIC' eannpt imagine what result you expect to obtain." "A coavktlon for murder." CHAITEIt IV. I stared at bim in the most pro found amazement. "Yes, murder. Cousin Itobert; as de liberate and cold-blooded a doing to death of au Innocent man as has ever befouled a corner 01 Cod's fair world." He rose from - -s chair and plowed heavily up aud down the room. The veins started In his forehead; his huge baud knotted themselves tensely, "Listen. This afternoon a man lay asleep on that couch In the corner. We know the manner of man a keen In vestigator, an indefatigable worker, an honest fighter; but one who bad never done In all bis life a mean or Ignoble action. There comes a creak upon the stairs, the door is opened softly, a bead peers In. He the murderer enters the room. He knew the custom of the house in this warm September weather: the doors open, the old servant asleep, the master taking his regular siesta. How far is be a criminal, how far a luna tic? Is this act premeditated, or the sudden tempting of opportunity? Who can say? It i enough that In bis dis eased Imagination he has come to regard the sleepor as an enemy who maliciously set himself to destroy bis theories and to bring ridicule ou the laborious work of years. Ills desire for revenge Is con centrated on the man before bim. "How the 'tiling' came Into bis pot sessiou I cannot guess, though thitt should to a point easily discovered. He himself may have obtained It from Af rica, or it may bare como Into his hands uy chance, as the chief of the Entomo logical Museum. Hut he has it safe enough shut up in the tin box which fell from bis pocket in your rooms. The spring of tho lid was defective, you may remember; it Is that same defective spring that will bang him. "He stands over there, listening and watching. There Is no sound; the sleeper will not wake. He opens the case upon the dressing-table and lift the 'thing' with tweezers for wary hair of it has Its poison. With scissors be cuts off some score of hairs, catching them In the crease of 8 folded sheet of note paper. He replaces it In the case and closes the lid. Like an ugly shadow he Hits across to the couch, kneel by It aide, and one, two, tbreo times blows the hairs from tho creased paper across the intake of the sleeper's breath. Ho turns, snatches up the case from tho table, and is gone. In five hours Profes sor Von Stoekmar is dead of Inflamma tion of the lungs. There is not a doc tor In all Germany who would chal lenge that diagnosis. In nine hours Pro fessor Hudolf Marnac Is accused by me, Henry Graden, of murder." "Hut this deadly 'thing'" I cried, with a linking horror at my heart. , "This beast, reptile, insect what 1 it? Where U It now?" . For answer ho thrust Ms linger Into hi pocket nud drew out the same wooden match-box that I had soon him with by the bedside of thv dead lunu. He slid It hnlf open nud tapped It sideways ou the table under tho lamp. A round, fluffy ball rolled out and lay mutlunle. Suddenly n little black head protruded, a sore of tiny feet puddled Into motion, and aero the tnblo there crept n hairy caterpillar n loathsome, disreputable. object, for new It back lay a ragged scar, whore tho hulr. had been shorn away. "Do you recognise the specie?" In a fatut-heurtod way I leaned ncross to grnp It, but with n sudden motion ho ' brushed my baud aside. I "I see you do not," said he grimly "It I common enough lu South Africa." I With the end of a match he carefully pushed the lueet back Into the box, ami replaced It lu his pocket. "The luck wa ngalut Marnac." he continued. "Not for one moment do I sugget that otherwise I should have sus peeled the truth. To begin with, the de fective sprlug of the case allowed the caterpillar to ecapo while he wa bend ing 'over poor Hermann. After he had done hi awful work he slipped It back hastily into hi pocket. He never real ized what had occurred until, upon acci dentally pulling It out with hi hand kerchief in your lodging, he found It empty. It wa for that reason he searched so anxiously. What became of It did not matter so long a It wa not found lu thl roam; though, a a matter of fact, there was very small danger even then of It affording a clue. "And now we come to a stroke of abominable luck, of which Maniac ha every right to complain. I found the caterpillar on the sheet of the lied, where It had crawled lu It wandering. Hut that was not the worst of It. for I happened to be tho one man In all Heidelberg who knew of It peculiar properties; who knew that It hair are slightly poisoned, sutllclent Indeed to raise a nasty rash on (he hand; who knew that the old-time Hottentot em ployed it for removing their enemies by blowing the hairs Into their lung. I took out a match-box, emptied it, and collected the caterpillar. I wa chxlug the box when I looked up and saw Mar nac watching me with a shocking ex pression, which could hardly have dis torted the face of a perfectly sane man, however provoked. Nearly every mur derer has a screw looe somewhere; but, lu my opinion, Maniac Is In an unusually bad way. It may turn out more of an asylum than a gallows buslue, after all." "Hut tho detail of the ccne you pic ture; how- did you obtain them?" "I am a quick thiuker. aud the event of the evening began to arrange them solve In a sort of sequence, crowned by the discovery of the caterpillar. Tho inference to lie gathered from them wa obvious. I examined the nostril of the dead man, ami found four of the eater pillar hairs caught therein. On the dre-lug-table lay an ordinary pair of nail scissors. Two balr were Jammed where the blade met. On the creased shret of paper, which I found behind the eoueh, thero wa no sign; but the ue to which it hail been put was plain. From -Hans I knew the custom of the houe: the sleep after the midday meal, the open doors, the opportunity. Is the matter plain to you?" "What are you going to de7T It was all that I could say. "Nothing to-night. To appear at a German police-station at this hour with such an extraordinary story would be for two foreigners, at least the bright of absurdity, ltesides, there Is no hurry; Marnac win't budge. He'll sit it out, uever fear." One o'clock clanged out from the steeples as I bade good-night to Graden at the door of my lodgings. He had al ready secured a room in a neighboring hotel, "Have you a lock on your bedroom door said he. "I believe so." "Well, use It to-night. We've nn ugly customer to deal with; and the worst of it Is that, unless I am much mistaken, ho know how much we know." I watched him as he rolled away, a gigantic figure in the moonlight, waving the thick stick he carried. Never had my stairs seemed so uncomfortably dark, never had they creaked behind me so mysteriously. It was with a sigh of re lief that I gained my room Htid by a quick glance assured myseii that I was alone. It so mod that I had ouly Ju-t dropped off into ilrMtlilland for, Indeed, sleep had been hard to woo that night when a knocking at my door brought me from my bed. I unlocked and opened It. Cousin Graden filled the foreground. "I didn't ..think ho'd throw up the sponge," said lie. "Hut be has, uoue the less. Marnac ha bolted!" "And your "I shall follow," Ho commenced those strange wander ings which I shall entitle "The Trail of the Dead." (To be continued.) Xarrotv Kscnpe, "I can euro you, I believe," snid tho young doctor, "but you must drink uo coffee " "I nuver do drink coffee," interrupt ed tho patient. "E-r, don't interrupt me. Ah I wa anylng, you uiuat drink no coffco but purest Moclin. You must drink n lit tlo of that uvery luornliig." Plilladol. (ihiii Pros.. A Ileop One, "Senator Slyo udvlso all young men to bo honest." "Well?" "Hut Iio'h an old grafter." "Just eo. And ho wnntu to reduce competition In bis line." Philadelphia Dulletlu. SFi0 ja. ii m .rvR-Hir .rJ-' j-nr Lc3--&v lml Mn.l.rr, l,rvrl-r miiiI llrriic. This clod timher, leu'ler and drug out ulso be used for mushing down cornstalk nml weed. Cut off n lug about twelie Indie in diameter that will split stmlght through the middle nicely, take off the burk from lUi piece, that will leave one tlat side uiul one rounding side to each piece; get Mime old li.lir Inch rod iron, six piece about fifteen linhe lung, have tap on one end ami hook aUiut two lncho long, bent ou the other end; bore two auger hole In each phv n foot from each end; put the hook with tajw through bole. (Jet two tbsi of old log elmln. with three link eaeli, wlilcli will fasten the two plive of timber to gether. Hore two wore hole In otie-of the piece nlniut two feet from well end. ami take one long truce elmln ami fasten to douhletnv. Letter A slum Iun of the roU. If you want to WXW riKIH tfK'STRIVA.ICC. make It heavier, ilnqi a Ie on Uie chain between the log. This will make as flue n drug. d crusher, bind leveler, stalk Mild weml knocker n you would wish to u. rhrnp I'url Alrol.til. DciiaturliuM alcohol will pnibuhly be come another great product of the southern state. It I claimed that cot-toli-ctti oil machinery Is jKirfeetly adapted to making Industrial alcohol from the potato. If till Is successfully proven, the many cottt)ncd oil mills of the south, which ure Idlu each sum mer season for lack of material, will te able to operate all the time and keep their employe together. Furthermore, lclng already cqulpcd with the ma chinery, they will, no doubt, be able to manufacture the alcohol wry cheaply. Fanners would also le benefited by the Immense demand for ixitatoc that would rexult. In Cuba nlcubol Is pro duced and sold from twelve to tlfteen cents a gallon, and It Is mild to make an excellent fuel for running engines. It produces uo iwxit or disagreeable odora. When the law recently passed by congrcrut to denalurlze alcohol In tho United States liecoiiie oenitlr! It is expected greatly to Increase I lie use of the article both for fuel and other punseM. 'Ilm War l MhU Mens .Moult. Otie of tho flchleiMiiPiiU of modern jwultry keeping is that of forcing a hen to iloff her old coat, ami grow a new one before tho titan when alio would do naturally, Many hens Hhod their feathers so late lu the Mwson, natural ly, that cold weather overtakes them !ofore they get now siiIIm, consequently they seldom begin laying before spring. If the moult can be hastened no that a new coat of feathers Is grown and tiio laying can ho atarted before cold weather, the prospect Is good for n xuppiy of egg during fall and winter. The result Is usually iiccouipllHhcd by cutting off nil meat and iiuihIi foods, putting tlio hens ou short rations of grain for a week or ao to atop tho lay ing, then allow moro liberty nnd feeI n full ration high In protein. Thin loosena the old feathera, which drop off quickly anil starts a rapid growth or the new, A liberal nllowaneo of beef wrap la essential, and linseed meal Is nil advan tage. Sunflower needs ure also Rood during the moult llmlilrr Alfalfa's linemy, Tbo worst enemy to alfalfa Is dod der, a yellow twining paraalta that liven ou alfalfa and clover and rapidly destroy a them. Tho needs are mnall and yellow and most of tho alfalfa Keexla from tho West nro infeated with dod der. Tho New York Motion ayo that tho dodder need a can Ik removed by Rifting tho ccd through a slovo having twenty mealies to tho Inch. Careful seedHmen will sift the seeds, but farm ers should be on their guard u gainst common seeds that may be on the market w lliiiiucmii (urn IV(. The cornstalk liorer lia lfcsled vn rUui part of (he count) 'or many 'year, but bus not dune great diiliuigo , In most purts of the corn belt. It lime H'gtiii to uieur III low n nun iwnimis in (lie lust two or three yourx. It Is u large, white, brown spotted caterpillar which (Mires Into it stalk of young corn. When fully grown It bur row down lulu tlu taproot, and lu tin spring IrniisfKius to n pupa, from which the adult soon emerges and lays Its eggs on (he young corn near the ax il. The young larvae hatching from them I mi re Into the stalk nud upward through the pith. When fully grown they Uire outward to (he surface, making a hole, front which (he moth eenv and trans forms in pupa lu (he burrow. Tills III sect Is two-brooded, Hie second linn! feeding ou the old stalks, generally be twi-oii the second Joint nud the ground. and becoming -full grown n'mut harvest lime, when they go into winter quar ters. When corn wo seriously Infested Inst year nml the stalks left standing a second Infestation"' may lm cxinvlnl this year iiuUxi the fanner bus rnkisl and burned, n method which we lme always suggested when the cornstalk wen known lnharttor any kind of In sect Nt. Corn Is too good to be w lib out Is full supply of enemies, which at tituk It from the wry time It Is planted lu the ground until It Is lu the full ur. Vnlnx nf Unlrr I'rmlurl, Then were IS.I I'h'VMhViO jHUind of milk and rSN,N!,l7l lmud of cream ued lu l.U lu the manufacture of s.m.'.ts.iii Hiiind of biitt.tr. :ti:...w.v J".) pounds of cheese and .'tdH.ISI.IHU tHiiind of eomlensisl milk. These fig ure n wrl of the cetiu ef manufac ture for ll.. The total eet of Ihe material ul lu (he Industry was $1 r.MCiU'T". wlille the value of the pro duct was liw.v.',7ss, an Increase oi the for r of at.,1 mt cent, and of tlio latter of lis.il .er cent. The number of establishment ilnipjHsl from l."l to VCti. while the capital luereasisl SO r relit to (17,'JA.VmU. 'I here were .I...O, salaried oillclnl ami clerk nud I7.AA7 engaged In the iimiiufaetiire of thes, article. Those received salaries and wages amounting to ?l.7Mi,fKtil. Arrnniclnic l.nrtli Kelilr, This Illustration given a plan to s up a kettle In butchering lime which U much better than Ihe old way with Pm,U and pole Take one and one half. ro HOW TO HtT TUB KfTTIC Inch old wagon tire to the blackmail!! shoo nud get a ring made tho size of your kettle, wlUi three legs welded to u, ami you can move your Kettin nnj place where wanted, and iiothtmt Is li your way to go around It. Tniie Worm In TurUwj-a, Tho presence of the tapeworm may be recognized through tho Indolent, drowsy splrlta of turkeys Infested by It; a careful examination of voiding will rveal Its presence, na those In fostisl will hsn small (tortious of the worm. Powdered male fern la nn ef fective remedy, and mny be adminis tered In doses of from thirty grain to ouo dram of the powder; or of the liquid extract, fifteen to thirty drops. This should be administered morning and evening bo f nro feeding; tho mini mum dono to the younger, Increasing tho doso as they grow older, -Oil of turpentine I an excellent remedy against worms of all kind which In habit the dlgestlvo organ of poultry. A common remedy for the removal of worms from fowls Is one drop of kero sene oil night and morning, This should not be administered to tho very young, but may lie used with Impuni ty after they are a few weeks old. NllnKit' for Href Animal, Tho Virginia Experiment Station has Just Issued a bulletin ou feeding silage to beef animals. It conclude that sllago after nil will enable tho feeders to maintain their uulmabt at a lower cost nud to secure greater gains than they havo heretofore obtulned ; that animals to bo fed for Immediate (daughter can safely receive sllngo as tho solo rough, neaa. Animals so fed will kill out a high per cent of dressed jnoat, will help ship well, and will show a superior finish to animals fed on dry, goafm roughness. 'r ti m i s '1 i; '" .li JP aivuN lcqion cnooa. tleriiliitnll Deeornleil tllti Much I'rlsed Uoihleio nl I'reueli (Inter. Harnli llornlmiilt has been decorated wllli Hie Cross of the Legion of Honor lu Paris, after yearn of agitation iner ihe question whether that distinction could be conferred ou her. Mine. Ileriihardl Is one of (ho few women who limn been ndnilllcd Into the famous order founded by N'itoleou, although of II living member she I by fur the most widely known mid inott fatuous. Merit lu military or civil llfo being the picrcqulltii fur Ihe decora llou. (ho Held of artistic endeavor Is tho ouly one In which a woman can hope to achieve Ihe renown that will lirlng her I ln coveted emblem. Eton then slm must Ix a llosn llouheitr or a Horn- hanll lu order to win recognition. For many years ilm cimdiil decora tion was denied to Mute. Ileruhardt, al though nuollier actress, Mine. Hartet, reccltist It more than a year ngo. Tim first woman to ho honored with this distinction was Mine llonheiir who raucMMaLaV iV 8AKAII HUl.NIUWrr. was decorated in INK. Twenty yenrt later the list of women legionaries In cluded es than a score. The Order uf the legion of Honor was established lu 1W. w hcti Nnkiloui was at the height of his glory. It be came a prize for which the olthvrs and men In Ihe NhkiIcoiiIc armies went ready In lake the mot di-sperato chance on the field of battle, and tho man uu whose brast the order was pinned by the iHiiMror himself, after some bant won victory, felt that no gnsiter honor could be I- to wed ukhi him. The decoration was not limited, how eter. In the heroe of war. Distin guished service In Ihe state r III" Hlb He hi eli II life also was rewarded by Ihe cross, which muie In be so dear lo Hie heart of the Fnmeh cople that the onier was maintained after tho fall of the Napoleonic regime. ...i ill Am. The oblest youngster In Ihe Henstn of tho United State is I'ettll of Ala bama. Tim Koiitbenier say that it man who does not gmw old n rapidly a do hi friend I at a certain dis advantage In tliMr presence. Tho Sen ator I moved to thl reflection by an Incident (xvurrlng nt the recent certs moult attending the laying of tho corner-stone of I lie new Senate office build ing. A venerable old fellow, much letit aud broken, approached the Alabaman, whom bo took by the hand, affection ately Inquiring a to his health, "I am In excellent health." briskly rcsismdM Mr. I'etliw, not recognizing; the old gentleman, "Why, don't you know me, Pettu?" came in mirprls"d lono from the other, wlio gave such clear evidence of tho flight of years, "we were ol a sain a tea." VhercuH)ii Mr. Pettu remembered; and tint two hud a friendly chat. When tho old chap had departed, Mr. Pettu turned to n colleague, oh serving: "I knew tiiat gentleman was Just my age, but God hie mo, I didn't dream lliat I wa hU!" American Spectator. Pessimistic. "Good news!" cried tho lawyer, war. Ing u paper above Ida head. "I've so cured a reprieve for you." "A reprieve?" replied tho eonvlet.M murderer, Indifferently, "Why, yea; don't you sec, you ought to lai happy " "Ah I" replied Ilm prisoner, gloomily, "that simply means a delay, nud Pro nlways been taught that delays are dan Kerou." CatlKille Slandanl nnd Time. Verve, "Mr, Fnrayto went tno over to nk you If you'd lend him your uinbrellor?" said tho hoy, "Certainly," replied Hubiibba; "but wluit does lie want with it? It Isn't raining." "No, sir; but ho aald It was pretty) sure to lw rnliilii' aomo day noon, ami ho'd need it thou." Cuthullo Standnni und Times. Cut In Telepliouo Ilntes, To meet tho tolcphono competition It Is proiiosed In England to reduce the cost of a sis-word toloernm. ImoIh.ii.h. the address, to 0 cents.