The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 17, 1906, Image 7

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    "H'j nnu mif v 'S "'
,lW" W.'r"K".fl,'' WT,!W.'
Wysf,rpp -jsgr;
9 .
aaasiHHmtL aBii
lion. W. II. Keluauih.
A Colli Hi Any Tlmn of tlm Year, Ka-ix-clully
In Hot wcnlliiT, i Wry Do
JTilli lo llir Ht in I'c-ril-nrt Ii
nil ICiUHiiiutml Tonic for Kuril Conn,
Head U lint IVoiiIu Hny Alnnit It
Hon W. II Ki'llaituli.l'fMriiilxT
V. Vn. legislature, '.0I Dili tluH,
N. K., WHulilnuton, D. (.'., writes
"You tan ut. my name and word at
aQ lime for Prruna at a mcdltine and
tonic unequalled. I have tried It for a
stubborn told and badly run down ,
I Irm. I Irird all or It of ollirr mrdiclnrt
S and paid irvrrnl rspcmlve dotlor bill.
I'rruna turril mr, strengthened me
morr than orr, and ata me money.
Mr. ( Inm l.ttttret. N-ullthl. IikI ,
tnys! "jat full I took n, aptt-ro ioil I
link IV rutin Im-imii to Improve unit kept
on ro until I mh nlile to (In my work "
If lli Mississippi valley were a dense
ly KiuiUlrd a Massachusetts, It would
have :u"0,(KHI.(H0 Inhabitants.
Melbtnwlll Hn4 M". Wtntlow't Hoothtnr.
fiyruplhelMil remedy tout (or tbalr ehlldrtn
during tht it rltilui rerluJ.
Admirable Arransjemanf.
"Where are you tiAnt to tpend your
tsrstlon this summer, Crottway?"
"We are coins out lo my brother's fann
In thr country."
"You're not afrnlil to learr your houa
enocruplel during your absence?"
"It won't l unoccupied. .My brolbtr
and bU family nre coming In thr city for
their vacation, nail tbry'll uw tb bout
wbllt v. arr away."
riTO HI. V lu.' Haae and all Nrrvnut Dtl-iwt
II I o yrmnaaally ruml nr Dr. Klin' Orral
N.r hamlfi.r KIlKKIllrlal lM.1ll.an4
uaii.,lir IL II. Kim ,1.1. lAirliM.,riiil..l'k
llr Samuel Smiles, nuthnr of "Self
Help" nnil other works, left an hU'i vci
urd nt l.'lW.Klt).
Young MEN, Old MEN, Mlddle.Aged MEN
bend lor free uiiulitut in nhilii cowr.
Tells nUml mi apiilinnco Hint Insure
liiipliii'M. Iii-nllli unit Micros in life.
l;ri' send lodav,
P, O. Uos. 25 Portland, Ore.
Is an Ecomomical
Aid to the Household
Clean wlltintit Injury llienmat d'llcala lahrlie,
Hi-Ilk. kl, Mil it ufK.lhrr, chin.
(, linen, Llaiikeie. Mutilans, al ka. II I t
tlivlililiMI vlulnlli lollrl, tut It miJ nunery,
ami I. lmlliil. lmluil ili.liilnUliL
Al ilrnlrtiv. Kill ! iwrkaa lliim it lloriti
Kmpi K put Imiiklrl mul totitanlr l'lurv7ilt III.
lanoliir.rt'r fur hiI iImiIi' lim. VA
t'll'R'fOAMI 1UIIIAXIU.,I).I.ihUI,
Portland Trade Ok-ectory
Names and Addresses In Portland ! lit prt
stnttllvt lluslntts rirmt.
CIIKAM HKrAIIAlOim-Wn umiiulli. U.K.
xrrslor lo l. Hi tiral. Writ, lor ft., catalog".
Haiti wood fa, i mil and Oak.
MKN'Ht'I.QTIIINO lluffuin A r.ndl.lon, aolt
aarait Alnttd lltniiln Ca's rrrrcl rlolli.a
l.virjrlWnc In intn's furiiUlilnca. siarrlaou an J
Hliili airttls. 0imit iKnioiik-a.
l'lAMIrt . Oll(IATH-Mniiy ftn. In.'rnm.nla ro-M-rl
tsiiaartHiiiiil s ikmaaor rtmntal oflmyrr
Writs fr drarr itlini uf ) aiiot now nu lianit,
Irrina, rt. Wills Isday. llllln-rl tkt, l'orllanj
p.n. a
Na. 32 -
XIKN -wrttlns; to sWtTartlaara plaasa
tnsniluu (in papar.
KYvn I'rramn fats I'nrr,
I'lid'bo wna tlio i-yotir-old ilntiRlttpr
of n iiilsitlnMiiry to 1'urnln, liorn In t tin t
Intiil of Orlciilitt twino mul liospltnllty;
mul Iht llllln iiilnil wits Imliuml with
aiich III ran of tittitiiiil coiiiilluiiMit mul
IliT II tt lo toilKtlit so ulvi'll to Kritci' of
ii'fcli Hint Imt Now I'nulnnil Kmint
iiiotliiT hnil tunny it aliock.
'i'lio innrnliiK nfti-r Hut II tt lo lrl nr
rlvtil nt tlm KrniuliiKitlicr's home tlm
old Inily ttni lirtiAhltij? out I'lm-lie'a
curls, KlontliiK ovit hvr nftvr the fnsli
Ion of Krmiiluiothi'ra.
"My llttln iilKi'twhlrill' alio mid over
mul orcr nunln,
'iNVIiy do you mil mo phnlwIilnlV"
niilcnl tlm child nt Inst.
"Hrrn In Aincrlrn wb hn- it Wnl
Hint ny 'I'li'i'lirl (ihicbor" vxplnlnrd
lir crniuliiiotlipr,
Tlm child sinlln, and her mother,
atiiiidltiK hy, know tvhnt wna pnssltiR
In rhipl'' mlnil. Not ao the Rrntiil.
innthiT, who fliilshcit lir-r tusk roltio
tniitty nt liihl, unit Hh-ii ntooirl down
for n kiss.
"In IVraln," anhl I'hiflw, In tier most
rnrcsslliK tone, "wi Un onn old cut,
who any 'Druiimnl ilrmimnt' "
I.Kmr (nr lis Ae.
Old Jncoli U'yckotT, n fnnimr whose
plnro was Just outside of town, hnd
tunilo n prcseiit of his Inrcifit yellow
pumpkin to the -editor of tint vlllnce
paper, rind the 'editor wrote mi Item
nrkimwIedKliiK the lft. Hut uufortti
nnlely tlm olllce hoy who put It In type
got It mixed with nu Item nuiimiuclfiK
the birth of n hnhy In tlm fnmlly of
aiiolhur suliscrltxr. This la tho wny It
ppenred In print:
Out old friend, flnrry Townsend, la
relehrntliu; the nrrlvul of n flue hoy nt
hla louse. The newcomer Is the rcry
Imnxe of Ita fnthvr. It Is one uf tho
larxe corn Held rnrlety, with Initio
humps nil over It mul weighs flfty-alx
pounds. There Isn't n flnw In It niiy
w lii-re, exii-pt n dent tunilo hy our fool
ortlre Iwiy; mid Hint doesn't mutter, na
we nre koImk to cut It up nt once.
You Can (let Allen's l'oott!ast FRflO.
Wrltn Atltn H. Olmilrd, Itey.N. Y., lor a
frw .amU ol Allmi'a Kiwi l.att, It cure
wrallnr. Int awi-lltn srhlnj Irrl. It insist
rswiirllaht tliiwa ra.y A reilsln cur lor
coin., Insrnnlnfiisllt and Irtinlom. Aildruc
littsslllu V. Iun'tarcptsiiy luMlluta.
Mill M.irr llllllrull.
"Old you rtrr uollre Ikiht awkward lbs
atrrraxo wnmaii la In driving a lioracj"
"Yrt. Htrance, tio, for a tot of llirm
are prrlty rrsrrful at msnaclnx a siule-of-a-bmhand."
Dflrult Tree 1'rrt.
Illslury ltpallnsr llsir.
Tb partnt robin had cauebt a con
stttnpllrs IwikltiK, Inalpilflcsnt anclcmirm
by tb tail and was trying to pull It out
of the (round.
"Irt tt (O," squawked tb Jay. "It
Un't worth the trouble."
"(lot to hare It." said the robin. "We're
absolutely rut of mrat, and I'tre no eon
flutnr in the canned (oods any more."
Catarrh Cannot b Cured
with IXICAt, AlTUrATIOSH. at they rannot
reach th teat ol lb dlMtae. lalarrh It a
t,lwl nr oiiiilltullmial ill.. ar. ami In unterlo
euro It rim muil lain Internal rrintdlea.
Hall. I'alarrh ( nt It taken Internally, ami
aria rlli. 1 1 y until blood anilmuniuaturlarvt,
llad'at atarrh I ute I. not a quack, mr-JIrlii.
it waa pre.crlUd by nneol tte toil I'hy.lilan.
In tblt country lor yrsis. and It a regular pre
teilptloil. It It ruini-otett ol th eH Ionic,
known, combined with tho bc.l blood t.url
rrt. acttriK itlrrrtljr on tho mucous tiiriac.
Th perfect ctunMns lim of tho Iwoliigrrdleiits
It what proliirca ttirh wninttrlol retullt In
curltiirl'stsrrh, Kemllor Iclliiintilal. free.
V J (IIKNKV A Id. l'rot., Toledo, 0.
Hold by, price 7V.
Ilall't raiitlly I'lllt ate lb belt,
tllieyeil Inairiirtliina,
Man of tb House Ve'inn, I told you
to call me at 7 sharp this inorii'iic
Domestic I called ye aa tbnlrp as I
could, sorr, hut I couldn't wake ye.
"Come, come, old hoy, hrnce up I You
know llinl faint heart ne'er won fair
lady." "Hut sbe'a u bruiwttc." Cleve
land Plain Dealer,
Mmnll Nallatnrtliiit.
The mnn front West Pullman was mk
Insr a complaint nt tho water olllce.
"Tlte wny e are I rented lu our sub
itrli," he snld, "Is outrageous ami abomln
nblel Water, sir, Is one of tb prim
r.itvrssnrlcs of lift? I"
"Not nt all," resiMindcd (be lmirturb'
nbt man at the desk, "If It were, u)
dear sir, It would all be In the possession
of aoiu trutt." Chicago Tribune.
A ('iilnclUence.
"MUs Heile," attld tho lonelier, "I
not Ico oito HiIuk pccullitr iihout your
work. Your botnulcui Hpcclmciia nre
exactly llku thoxo of Mr. llrowtt. Did
you K'Hhur tltetii, or did ho do tho
work for youi"
"Why. cr,' IwRiin .tho girl, "you eo
wo Just happened to to ulwnya near
tho iniuu tlowera nt thu anitio time."
Dvtrolt FriH) 1'rcin.
Overlooking tt nt.
"Tom's n fool I"
"Wliy, Mnrticry I i thought you liked
"Woll, wo wcro alttliiR on tho aofn
Innt nlh'ht mitt ho hot uio that 1 couldn't,
whlntlu. Ami J turned to'hliu nntl puck
ortnl up my lips to ntnrt mid "
"Woll, ho Jot wo wlilatlor'CioT
Innd T.ciulot
Only- War Kaeape.
"On jttrymnn brought nil th rest ol
you around to his way of thinking? H
must lioro prsentea som pretty streni
"He did. He wouldn't eat anything but
.arlln and llniburrer rliftet and ha had
'cm urouirU in At tlm a jdajr." ObJ
eai Txibvina,
fT m i?y-- J.Jvfc2&
I'rolrrlr.l Milk full.
Thnt iiiitiiy of tlm odora mid tnucli of
tlm dirt which Keta Into milk In ditrlinc
tlm priK-ess of mllkliii;. uioHt of uaknow,
lienw every priTiiiitlou to overcome
this ahould he litken, One of tlm lwt
iiii'IIiimIh of prolectltit; tho milk In the
pull In to nrrmiKe n cover of tin nnil
rhcrw cloth. Hnve n Hu cover imiiln to
Ko ovit the pull loosely na to illloW
forthi'cpittTtiikeii hy the cloth etrnlncr.
Tho till cover should m IiIkImt lu the
(viiIit thiiii nt llm slilen m smnll cut
to rlKht) "Mil it hole nboiit four IiicIiom
In dlituieter mnde lu the front center
thmiiKh which the milk la directed.
Then hnve plenty of clni-ce cloth cov
era Inrge ciioiikIi to reneh tlvn or nix
lilt Ilea over tlm side of tlm mll. when
It nwy In stviirett hy it tnie or hy slip
plnK it hoop of sheet Iron of procr
sire over It. nnd puh1iii; It down Intnl.
Put i hi one of these cm era, then tlm tin
enter, mul )oti nre reudy for milking
The cheifi chdh will prevent mty tilth
KottlliC to the milk, mul If Hho cover
nre wnsIiiiI lit IndlliiK witter ml nuii
drltil they may tm uiil n iuumIht of
tlmcH. The llluntnttloit shown the Idea
philuly, the cut to the lower left tdiow-
Ini; the mil coitiplele with tlm stritlner
mul the litrirer cut showing how the
cloth Is slnshed nt lutervnln mi It will
lit nnniuil the pall without trouble
liidlnunNila Ncivh.
Ilriinumr llurar Manser,
This Is Intended for ttfoot atnll nnil
enn lie miy width. Ktnll jsrsta nre set
up In front of trough nlso, two feet
buck, with cross piece mortised Into
oitcli. two feet from floor, for trough to
rent on. Trough two feet wide, 7-Inch
breast plnuk, (Much front. Ktitlre
tmiiKh iniide of 'J Inch onk plank, liny
tsMiril two feet wide, one Intii thick,
lilugeit to tilge of trough. It rnco on
outer edge of iMiurd to IkiHoiii of
trough. 1 U"o nu old huggy top Joint.
lUittrtl chii he droiHtl down nut of wny
when not lu use. Hack llta sptictt !'
twtTii stall (Mista, hlngetl nt top mi na
to swing tmck when plnclng grnlii fccil
In trough. Itnck U ninile of -x-liuii
hemlock, corner smnothiMl off. Hop(h
will not chew hemlock'. Ilnck enn !m
innile of I foil or mty kind of wood. 'o
IttlMIUIt'At. 1 1 tilth i:
iiuluiiil can to-sa huy front thin uiiinger
or wttHtu miy groin. C. 1 1. Scrogps, lu
1'iirm I'ntgrcHM.
Thirsty l.nnila,
AittirilliiL- tu mi exnert In the em
ploy of tho Interior Department, the
enormous basin drained hy tlm Mis
sonii ltlver nhsorlw no leas than SS per
cent of nil the rnltt Hint fullx upon It,
whorcita tho huslii of the Ohio ltlver
iihiurliH only 70 per tvut. Tim iimoutit
of rainfall lu tho course, of u vcar la
proportloniitely greater In tlm Ohio
than lu tho Missouri basin, nnd mi the
former river, although uuch tlm short
er of tho two, contribute mon water
to tho Mississippi Hum does Ita gigan
tic rival from tlm went.
Hustles Itond Teal.
M Sharon 1 1 1 II. Pa., automoblltsts
nml horeineu aro deeply IntcrcHtcd lu
it inllo of duHtlcas nml waterproof road-
wny thnt In bolus constructed hy tho
Darby Chester Turnplko Company an
nu experiment Tho cost of tho tulle
Is to ho ?l."0(l Tho now substuueo,
which la known na Westernlte, la u
(icrinnu Invention, It Is snld, nntl hna
1....... I..i,ui,.iki1 milt Mlitir triUWa ft !
(llfVril tllj-t M.rf .a-- .. . .. Q
mixed and aprend llko cement. A Gcr
mnn xieri hna chargo of tho work.
I Tho eijMjrlmeutui inl) Is bcluj; luld ut
Wreil In Corn
Tho corn plant In n groan feeder nnd
ncceptH miy kind of manure Hint uiiiy
Ihi applied, hut It will not thrive In
partnership with any other plants, for
which reason It must Ik kept frnt from
grass ilm! weeds, lu order to Iiiivh It
mature In-forc frost come lu the fall,
which Iiecr-Ksltatea the freuent ttso of
tlm cultivator. Tlm elemi preparation
of the laud before planting and the
stirring of the surface soil after every
rain destroys wtsila nnd grass, which
permits the fanner to accomplish such
tnsk nt tlm least cost, nn ho hcneflta
the corn crojt while preparing thu land
for miother tlm following sensoti. For
this reason, where largo Ilelda nrn cul
tivated, tlM-re can In no substitute for
corn, and whether prlcn rlso or fall
tlm com crop la n necessary ndjunct to
farming In this country. On Hie fitrnf
Ita value la not confined to Ita grain
alone, hut the entire plant can ho tittt
I wd for some purisiae. It l, therefore,
the most liicxiM-mdve preparatory crop
known. Kvery farmer nluia to aectiro a
crop of turn, and Into planting Is re
sorted to rather than Incur total fail
ure. Rucccss with a Inteplaitttil crop
dc-M-nds upon the condition of tlm will,
the variety mul the mode of cultiva
tion, hut the main drnwhnck la the np
jM'.'irnncc of frost early In tlm season,
which, however, does not frcciuently
I'eaelie. IVrlril trltli I, jr.
The method of the California Fruit
Cannem' Association nt Kan Joso of
using lye for eating off pencil skins ns
a substitute for ptirlng wns lnretlgntcd
by a member of tlm California Htntc
Hoard of Health. Ily this process the
fruit la Imiuerseil In the hot lye nnd
ttlckly passed Into pure cold wnter,
which Is constantly changing nnd
quickly, wnsht-i nwny tho nlknll. The
prtHrsa Is Ik-IIcviiI to lie entirely clenn
ly nntl the fruit healthful, tho ihucIics
not U-ltig hainllcil na they iniit he
when hi-Iii hy hand. Two cant of
la-HclifM thus premril were nnalyil
with reference to add content. In both
prHctlcHlly the iHirmal mnount of mid
wan found. It Is stated that the Mine
pHHi'sa Ik iied with prune.
llety Marker.
The liny derrick shown here la for
stacking hay In the field. Tlm skids
Hre Klxlli Inches, HI fti't long. The
Jwo cross pliifs are 8x10 Inches, (j fei-t
long, each set tu 'J Inches. The upright
(smt la 8x8, nml II fti-t high. Tho thn-c
hracea nro -lx, or rountl jtolcn. The
boom ote la !2 fti-t long, 4 Inches nt
top nntl 8 or 10 ut butt. Tho chain can
bo shortened to raise tho boom or
lengthened to lower. Tho boom Is
swung by n awing rot,-, na can l mwh.
"A" shown the fork on which l-oom pol
Is swung. The hole In the post la lined
with a piece of gas pljm with t-olid
plug lu Itottom. A (It I no gmpplo fork
can Ihi ut-cd.
llanillliiMT (J n turn Povtla,
Young gulueii fowls nre quite tender
and mill feeding frequently, say every
two hours, for n week or two. They
can 1h ralwil nuctvssfully If fed hIiiiI
lar to turkeys or young chicks with n
variety of feed, Including small seeds,
etc. They must have pure water and
shade nnd mine animal feed. Hitch n
wortna, grubs, or green lame, Mrs. Tate
wrote to Farm ami Homo that her
chicks are fed equal parts of hrau, corn-
-monl, crtisluil rice, nml n little bone-
meal, and Home ground raw i Kiln Iocs
each day nfter tho first week. Chicks
lire fed all dry food lu hoppers, mi none
la winded or soiled. They nro fed nil
they can eat of the dry corn, meal,
hrau mid crushed rice, (travel and fresh
water nre kept before them all timet).
Water must Ik- In tin mid galvanized
drinking fountains mi chicks can Just
get their heads lu, hut nut their feet.
.Nrtv Nynlem of Cheese Mnklrtlr.
A largo cheeso factory la project ril
lu tho province of Ontario, Canada, by
New York priMluco tuerchnnts, reports
Consul Van Sunt from Kingston. The
factory U to Im oHratil on mi entirely
new system of cheeMMunklng, White
cheese Is now In great demand nt Liv
erpool, being -18 cents higher tunu col
ored. Cnlt Keetllnir,
In 112 days calves fed whole milk
In a feeding test lu Kngltind gained 1.5
jHHinds per head jier tiny m cotnpnrwl
with 1.07 iHiunds wlth-thoso fed separ
ator sklmmllk and ctnl liver oil. About
four ounces wna found to bo tho maxi
mum amount of oil which could bo fed.
A feed relished by calves was mnUo
up of oatmeal, ground Unseed meal,
Unseed coke, mid lentils 8:5;3M,
cooked over night with u small qunutlty
of salt and molasses, mul fed warm in
tho proportion of three, pouuda of weal
to five quarts of water,
Too Moeh of flood Thlnsr.
"Eren nistimlng thnt humor Is the
nit of life, wo don't want to ent nlt
with a spoon. Hut hero In America
everything seem to be sacrificed to
humor. Your politic- hnve to be made
humorou. Your court of Justice hnve
to nmuse. Ilcfore n great time lint
gone by you will be having funny ser
mons. Wo shnll hear Hint Iter. Mr.
Ho-nnd-Ho'n Hundny morning sermon
wns n renl screamer thnt It was re
ceived with roars of laughter. Then the
church service will be considered a bit
too alow, nnd will havo to be rewrit
ten by some bright young humorist
from a newspaper otrice. Your very
murder cnsei will hnre to be mnd
bright.' It Is n foregone conclusion
that domestic trngr-dle shnll be side
splitting. I renlly nm not sure Hint In
time Amerlcn will not get a comical
funernl service, with n low-comedy
undertaker." Jerome K. Jerome In th
Where He .xcrllrl.
Church What degree did your son
get nt college?
(Jothntn 8. 8.
"Never heard of such n degree."
"Oh. yea you have. Short stop."
Tonkers Stntesmnn.
Calif r Don't you consider Prof. Jonts
by a man of much practical wisdom
not at nil conceited or opinionated, you
know, but full of accurate knowledge and
plain common sente?
Mrs. Ijipsllnx Yes, Indeed; I think
he's one of tbe most saponacloui men I
ever met.
Thu Kind You Htivo Aiwnys Hought has borne tlio Klj;iin
ttiro of Clms. II. Fletcher, nntl Iihh been mntlo uiitlcr Ills
pcrsonnl Hiipcrvlslon for over HO ymns. Allow no ono
to tlccclvo yon in tltix. CountcrfcitH, IniltntlotH nml
JtiHt-ax-pool" nro butKxporiinents. nntl cntlniiK-'r tho
health of Children Kxporlcnco nalnst llx crlincnt.
What is CASTOR I A
Cnstorla is a linrrr.lcss ntibstltttto for Cnstor Oil, Pnro
Rorlc, Drops nnd Soothintr Syrups. It in Plcotmnt. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other 2inrcotlo
Htibstnncc. Its npo Is Its puiruntec It destroys AVorms
nnd nllnys Fcverlslincss. It cures Dliirrltociv nml "Wind
Colic. It relieves Tccthinff Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd JJowcIm, glvinc healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Pnuncca Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
How to Exercise the
Your Intestines are lined Inside with
millions of little suckers, that draw the
Nutrition out ol food as It passes them.
But, if the food passes too slowly, It
decays before It Eels through. Then tho
little suckers draw Poison from It Instead
of Nutrition.
This Poison makes a Gas that injures
your system more than the food should
have nourished tj.
You see, trio food Is Nourishment or
Poison, Just according to how long It stays
In transit.
Tho usual remedy for
this delayed passage (called
Constipation) Is to lake a
big dose of Castor Oil.
This merely make slippery tho passage
for unloading the current cargo.
It does not help tho Cause of delay a
1 1 does slacken the Bowel-Muscles more
than ever, and thus weakens them for
their next task.
Another remedy Is to take a strong
Cathartic, like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phos
phato of Sodium, Aperient Water, or any
of these mixed.
What does the Cathartic, do?
It merely flushes-out the Bowels with a
waste of Digestive Juice, set flowing into
tho Intestines through tho tiny suckers.
But, the Digestive Juice we waste In
doing this today Is needed for tomorrow's
natural Digestion. We cannot aftord to
lose it.
, That's why Cascarets are the only safe
medicine for the boweU.
Tl Wj
X. V si f A
77rVi IJ lTViir
My Hair is
Do you like It? Then why
be contented with It? Have
to be? Oh, no I Just put on
Aycr's Hair Vigor and have
long, thick hair; soft, even
hair; beautiful hair, without a
single gray line in it. Have a
little pride. Keep young Just
as long as you can.
tin flflrrrta yesrt old, so4 trnUl re
cently my hair w.t eery rray. Bsl In a few
watkt A jer". Hair Vlror restored th natsral
color to ror hair to now Intra la not a rray
hair tu bo iiu"-J W. lUssos, llonldtr
Ufk, Cat.
trr J- O- A 9 O- LewlL 11am
- -sj l - - .r -
mt9 ntatiMuirvri i
The Speculator's I'rocreas,
Ornbnll 8o you sent your boy
nround tbe globe for a little trip, eh?
I heard he was dnbbling some hi
Hltchle Dabbling? He probably
wna nt first, but when I discovered bis
predicament be was fiouudnrlnc In
them. Puck.
Signature of
They do not vaste any precious fluid of
the Bowels, as Cathartics do.
They do not relax tho Intestines by
greasing them inside like Castor Oil or
They simply stimulate the Bowel
Muscles to do their work naturally, com
fortably, and nutritiously.
And, the Exercise these Bowel Muscles
are thus forced to take, makes them
stronger for the future, Just as Excrciso
makes your aim stronger.
Cascarets are as sale to
use constantly as they aro
pleasant to take.
They are purposely put up like candy,
so you must eat them slowly and let them
go down gradually with the saliva, which
Is in Itself, a fine, natural Digestive.
They are put up purposely In thin, flat,
round-cornered Enamel boxes, so they
can be carried In a man's vest pocket, or
In a woman's purse, all the time, without
bulk or trouble, -
Price lOo a box at all druggists.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet
stamped "CCC."
Wt want to send to ear friend a beautiful
'rencb-deilned. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX-
Jurd-enimtTtd la rotors. It Is a beauty for t
drtulsc table. Ten cents u stamps ii aiked aa a
neaiartef rood filth and to cow cottQlCacvtf,
with whldrDWaatety tt lake! I lea. . Tts
Send t6-dir. meaUoaiac tkl mttt. AaW
StaUea- Keoelf Uaacaay, Caaeaf K w 1