The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 17, 1906, Image 5

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LocA. bits.
'I ho I.I It of n l.miKh.
"I'M1 tolled Willi till IIIVil till- world llHH
Ami I've tolled with the men who fnllril;
l'u tolled with the mull who fit live with
Ami I've tolled with the nitiii who
And tills U the tide my miii) would tell
An It'drlfls o'er the IwrUir Imr:
I'lie sound of n ttih don't curry well,
tut the lilt of n IiihkIi rliiK" fur."
Jo TiiKKert of RohIiiinI vn a
Jleml viitltor Tluirsduy.
)r. Onll Ncwkom of Kodmonil
vrtfn culler in Henri Stuiriuy.
C. W. Kliurt hihI family of Red
motttl woro Henri vlnltoM Tnesdpy.
K. 11. Mtttig is planning on
building a house in the near future.
J. R. Wood, of Rutluu)iil, wait a
builiicHH caller in Huml lout Tues
day. Cat liaton was in Ilumt Thursday
from the llaldwiti ranch cant of
Cliartcs It. Koed and wife were
in llund Tuesday from the John
moil ranch.
All tlie uuiRtir.iue and thu Snttir-
lay livening lot a flic postoflice
ncwM'Stund. to-lf.
I'. T. HiKKiil!) passed through
Jfaml thin week pu It Is way to
K'lamath Kalis.
Mr. and Mrs. Appre Ilotcs were
la town Thursday from their ranch
at The Meadows.
C. M. Red field of Redmond was
n btuinciK cnller in Haul WmlncM
lay apil TlntrwlMy.
John Stcidl and family left fora
rvlwihure and lusin5S trip to Port
Ikiid Tuesday nnon.
K. A. Smith enmc up from Red
mond Thursday and will k to his
homestead near !eud.
II. A. Foster nuri C. A. Crooks
of l'rineville came to Rend Thurs
day to, attend to business matter.
John KdwanUaiid his sister, Mrs.
Hurt, and her sou cttmc over from
Sinters Thursday to do some hhop-
Miwi Maud Vnurievtrt come
down from hor home at The Mead
ows Tuesday for a 'visit with Miss
Iva Wtrt.
J. Frank Stroud and wife left for
.Silver Lkc Thursday morning to
attend to iiiutUrs connt-ctcri with
Mrs. Stroud's timber claim.
Mi Htninn C. Troy arrived in
tend the llrst of the week from
Miuucaiolis. She came to make
liual proof on a timber claim.
Mrs. I. J. Wilkinson and Miss
Ihmle Wilkinson came down from
the hitter's homestead in 19-12
Wtrriuesriny, 1 turning Thursday.
Temperatures at Henri for the
past week arc as follows: Saturday,
Auir. n, 95, Sunday 90, Monday
78, Tuesday 86, Wednesday 89,
Thursday 81.
liTo Central Ore
gon Banking (Sb
Trust Company
Capital 525,000.00
Transacts n (leiicnil llmik Acts as Administrator, lix
cctitor or Trustee of l-states
Issues Drafts and Hank
Money Orders 011 all Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits.
Safe Deposit Hoxes.
Fire Insurance.
A. M, Drake, A. I.. Ooodwlllle,
President. Vice Proa.
J. M. I.ivwiciicc, Secretary.
1, O. Minor, Cniihlqr. .
""W I"' ?
A, F Velmicr, foriu'crly fit liic
employ of the Columbia Southern
Irrigation Co., is now working for
the 1). I, &. V. Co. as rider on the
Pilot Htitte canal.
Topic for the Christian Kudcavor
service Sunday evening, August,
19, Is "What is the Sin of Pharisee
ism?" Text, I.ttkc 11: .ja-.!.. lead
er Miss Iva Wtst.
Sam Hlakely, who is cruising
timber liercnlxMits for the Scaulon
Oipson I.umlwr Company, has
buon kept from his work the jmst
week by topiporary illness.
The Htilietin family acknowl
edges the receipt of a flue m,cs of
rousting ears front I,. I, Wiest's
garden. Who said we couldn't
grow corn in the Head country?
H. W. I.ukin and W. IJ. Sellers
have rigged up a tenuis cqiirj. in
the tear of Mr. f.akiu's ofliee and
they and their friends arc ijow en
joying the pleasures of that most
fancinatiug game.
A. II. Grant discount) all stories
so far told regarding the marvelous
growth of fruit trees this year at
Heutl. He hay plum trees that
have made a new growth of sij feet
and a car tree a growth of Ave.
A. W. DcIJolt of Coulee City,
Washington, who was in Heud the
first of the week to make final
proof on his timber claim, returned
to his Washington, home Thursday.
lie expects to return to Henri later
in the fall.
Mrs. Frank Hasl, who liven about
three and a half miles from Heud
on the Lairilnw road, is having
greAt results with her garden thi
hhimiu. A prize turnip from her
garden mensucs 18 inches in cir
cumference and was firm and solid
and had n fine color.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mutzig, who
have seut the summer with their
sou, R. II. Mutn'g, will leave about
September 1 for their New York
home. They will drive to Albany
and will take the train from there.
Their daughter, who has also
visited here during the summer,
will return with them.
Miss Iva llooth, daughter of
Judge Uootli of l'rineville, came to
Rend last Saturday with Miss
Marion Wlest for a visit of several
dttys. Later in the day Miss Weist,
Miss llooth and Miss Iva West
went to The Meadows for n visit
at the W. P. Vandcvcrt home.
They rclurdcd to Heud Tuesday,
Miss Hooth returning home that
Quite a party of Heud people re
turned Monday evening from a trip
to thu Ulue mountains, where they
had gone to inspect timber claims.
The party included S. C. Caldwell,
Homer Hoggcss, Arnt Attue and
daughter Caroline, II. Satchwcll
and Francis Marion of I,aidlaw and
F. A. Shouqucst and wife of The
Meadows. A. W. Pope and son
are still . cruising through the
Mop Pickers.
Register now fpr the "Holmes
Yard," one of the largest and best
yards in the state. Rest camping
ground in Oregon. Fine water,
wood, etc., and every modern con
venience. Address.
T. A. Livhsi.hy & Co.,
Salem, Oregon.
P. S. Will meet pickers coming
in on trains, Salem. Yard is
located . miles S. W. on river road
liadiug to Independence.
00 YEAR8'
' TnADC Marks
Anrona landing a akatch and daacrlnlloti war
qufoklr atoartalti our opinion fra rhtur au 4 iiMh.k . naiuiitkhlA. i)tuinutllra.
iKiainouc. wunouiciiartv, iuido
$rfH.1ffr HH.triiM.1
nauuiunisif muiirttivu wiy iniptu
.Utloii of ny loUntldOijpurDal. Ttrtui. ! a
mrt'frtuf Tuonlhi.lU ttoiabrll hwdUrj, lll.4Aa , JuLla V aaafr l.
ilon itrlqtirfontJdiit(l. HANDBOOK oil I'aUMt
lnt frUMait aiiauor (ifiauuilua-Mtauii.
I'altnta taken tbrouvb ilium X Co, rlT
rf flat nolle, without chano, la tba
Title to Vnlunblo Water Power Site Is
lit Controversy.
A contest Involving title to a val
uable tract of Inud about eight miles
south of Heud is being heard before
If. S. Commisiioncr Kills today,
the land involved adjoining Dillon
falls on the D.jschutes river. The
value of the land consults in the ex
cellent power possibilities furnished
by the falls. The case is that of
Miss Carrii- Olson vs. .The Northern
Pacific Railway Company.
In January, 1005, Mis Olson
established residence on this land,
which, is ttnsurveyed government
land. In May she went to The
Dalles land office and made appli
cation to file on it for a homestead
This was refused o: the grounds
that it was unsu.'vcyed land. Later
the Northern Pacific company
placed scrip on this laud and it was
Another feature has been brought
into the contest by Leander Dillon,
who also claims the coveted laud.
Some 20 or 35 years ago he filed on
80 acres adjoining hc disputed
tract. When he made final proof,
lie attempted to obtain patent tq
the north 80 acres now claimed by
Miss Olson, but it was denied on
the same pica that the laud was tin-
surveyed. He, however, claims
right to the north 80 on tlc ground
of occupation.
J. O'H. Scobcy, ol the firm of
Moulton & Scobcy of Portland, and
W. K. Guerin, Jr., qf Cleveland,
Ohio, who has property interests in
Head and who is spending the sum
mer here, appear as attorneys for
the Northern Pacific, and W. P.
Myers of I.aidlaw for Miss Olson.
Mr. Scobcy wys that the scrip they
placed on this laud is Mount Rainier
scrip. The right determining the
location of all scrip is created by
the act of congress authorizing the
scrip, and it was decreed that
Mount Hauler scrip could be placed
on unsurvcyed land.
The point involved is whether
Miss Olson's right as a squatter
takes precedence over the railway
company's scrip. And also wheth
er Mr. Dillon has a prior right over
the other two.
Rosland Items
People nrouml Koalnnd arc haying in
cluneal. Roy llert ami Will l'ordhatn
arc putting up Mm. Hcckc' liny. Mr.
HoiMtrd ami Mr. Hewitt nturted cutting
their hay Monday. J. S. Ilogue mid mii
will atari liayiug next week.
Mr, Powell, Mr. Itdwtuds nud Mr. Sly
were Ilend viiitors lat l'riday.
Arthur Taylor will drive the tac
from KmUuiiI tq Kilvar Lake. He will
take Mr. Howrd'ft place, and Mr.
How-Hrd will driyn to l'rineville.
fleo. Sly returnwl from Walla Walla
laat Sunday, aceoinpauietl, liy hi
datiKhter, Mm. Daioy ltcwl, who will
vUit a week with her iwrcnta.
Mr. Taggart's "one hotw luy" wa
keen in town Sumfuy, while oil cam
syrup and fruits lined the inside nud
partly thu out aide of the "one hovt
ahay." He it laying in a supply for his
hay hnnda we hear.
(Jcorgc Sly'a father in driving the
stage from Holaiid to Odoll now.
Mr. Cook, Mr. Cliuisou and P. Itogue
went flailing Suuilny a fuw miloa IkiIow
town and drought home n many full as
they could carry.
Qitlte n crowd of jxmple gathered ut
the home of Mr. Kdiuouda rereutly, and
lwd their picturea taken hy Mm. HelkOiu,
the Rostand photographer,
Mclvlu llow;anl returnml from the
valley last Sunday on a visit to his pir-
uuttt. He will return to the valley in
the courM) of 11 week.
The surveyor who were camped op-
HHite Mr. Sly'a homectuad have utovid
OHiup 10 milM alove. Mr. l'owell, Mr.
Howard nuil sou and Mr, HdwnrtltJ
movwl them to tlioir new enmp.
Tiiiualo Items.
TiiM.t,o, Aug. 13. Cooler weather is
with m once more.
George lullinm made n liUHiuetM trip
to Heud today,
T, A. Junscn lost .1 wluahle ninre last
week, which is a big Iom to him,
Charles Kricksou of Hear Creek pamed
through here today with n hunch of
horses on his way to the valley. He
wus accompanied by Mrs. Kricksoii and
their sou and his wife.
V. V, Ground nud family ami V, V.
Swisher expect to leave for the valley
next week to pick hops and get fruit,
Most of the farmers nre nlout through
hnying and all report n satisfactory yield
considering the extreme dry weather,
A party composed of Mr. and Mrs.
Hlghtowcr, Mm. V. V, Smith ami child
ren, Mrs, l, G, Boou, MIm l'carl lligU-
tower mid Vurn Mnckey, Authcr Illgh
towcr and Ciiilid Smith itiCi cnmplng and
gntlicrfrig'hiackfrtirriciioii the McKcnVlL'
river at present.
A. C. I.uca of llcnd paed through
Tumalooneday last week. Mr. J.ucn
wa looking happy.
Mr, Root report llwt hi potato crojt
will lc n liumpcr. He ha nlout four
acre which nre looking exceedingly
well. Who wo the knocker who said
potnloc and tender vegetable could
not Ik.- rnUcd here?
Rugcuc I.ucier, the clever agent for
The Dalle nursery, wa in Tumalo lat
week taking on lent.
I). R. Ro1erU, who represents the
Wooillrtirn uiimery wa In tli vicinity
lat week in tlte intcretof hUeompruy.
Many ortler have Ihjcii placed with Ixitli
McMtr. Roliert and I.ucier for nursery
stock and a hig acreage of orchards wilt
lie Met oiit on the desert next spring and
hy tlte time the railroad get here v
will hare fruit to dp.
Dinner at Hotel Bend.
Sunday, A,ug. io, 1906, 13 to 3 p. in.
Oyster a la 1'rctich style
Chow chow
Pried river trout with lemon
plank of beef with spinach sauce
Mutton curry with rico
Minced ham on toast
I'rim of beef auju
Mutton with jolly
Mashed potatocf
Crcameil Carrots Seyed eoni
Peach ice cream with pooled
Tea Coffee Milk
You want
the new? Then read The
YOU should read Tint Bt'LuiTiN'
It gives the news all of it.
Buy on Credit!
this $60 Machine for $25
iuico. aouLio ifa, ten.
thrcadlnc itiuttU: baa
automatic bobtln winder
and other Utritlmprors.
menu. Tiili ItlbaANTI
tba lama machlo tftnu
araaiilncrou60for. All
machine. Hold lor only
H raih and n montblr.
Writ TOD IT for lrr riHITVK CiTUOCOl ihowlof
tlfint boutthold (oodi wawllt ship (Freight
f repaid) on latr fsimtstl-onr new Clftll plan,
Oovurtx Furnlluro Company
173.179 First SU rUKILAJip. UM.
The undersigned will
pay $10.00 for the
detection and convic
tion of any person
who in any way will
fully injures or de
stroys its Hues iu
Crook County.
and union Pacific
Salt Lake
Kansas City
St. Louis
New York
Ocean Steamers between Portland
and San Francisco every iiye days.
Tickets to and from nil parts of
the United States, Canada and
For particulars, call on or address
The Dalles, Or.
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season
First-class Equipment Fine Rooms and Beds
All stages stop at the hotel door
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing
XW Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church.
Z. F.
omaiission an( forwarding
(.argc, Commodious Warehouse. CoosignmenU Solicited
Prompt attention paid to those who
favor inc with their patronage
t ... r.
m r 1 av-a r m ia a wr'-iaaa
south nopKp
Leave Shaniko p. m.
Arrive Prinevillc 7 a. m.
Leave Prinevillc...... 12:30 p. m.
Arrive Bend 7:00 p. in.
V '
Bend Livery & Transfer Co.
j i
Horshs Boarded bv tub Day, Wekk or Month
First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. Time No. 15
Bond strett, bctwetn MlnncaoU and Oregon,
WAIT. STRHKT. Oppoille B. M. Co.
THE finest stock of FRESH
MEATS in Crook County.
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a FirstClass
Market. Everything new and
of the best. WHITE & HILL.
No matter how big the bird, no matter how heavy Its plumaga or
awift its flight, you can bring it to bag1 wth long, atj-jng
straight ahooting Winchester Repeating Shotgiln, Ueoulta aro w.ia
count. They always give the best rdsuuaf Id Acid, fowl or irap
shooting, and are sold within reach of- everybody's pocketbook.
MtEEt Stni nam and tiiutt on a pattal card Ur fir Ut(t lUmtmttJ calalogu
.& -4
..,.., . " ., ,
a -- ( aiivii a i v a i ia a i ia v
Leave Hend 6:00 a. m.
Arrive Prinevillc 12:00 m.
Leave Prineville : p. m.
Arrive Shauiko 1 a. m.
Bead, Oregon.