The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 17, 1906, Image 3

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resident and Cashier Arc Doing
Sought by Officers.
Was Largely Patronlzod by Forol;n-
en and Worklfig Pooplo Two
Men Die From 8hock.
Chicago, Aug. 7. Tlia Milwaukee
Avenue State bank, a concern with
more than (4,000,000 In deposits, was
closed yeiterday by the tato hank ex
aminer. Out ol the tiemsndoua excite
ment which followed there are urate
chargea that the Initltntlon hai been
systematically looted ilnce 11)01 and
there are hlnti that tome of the itate
ofticer knew of the shaky condition of
the Initllutlon two inonthi ago, hut
permitted It to continue, presumably
In the hope that it would straighten
out III dlillculllea and avoid a craih.
. The hank, which waa largely patron
lied by foreigner! of moderate tneani
and working people, had 22,000 depo
itori, mainly with email account rep
rrientlug the savings of yean of toll,
aad the rxcltement among them li In
tense. All of yeiterday and lait night
they Itealeged the closed hank, hoping
for a word of cheer. One man, who
was the treasurer of a eoclety and had
deported the fundi of the toclety In
the bank, dropped dead when he heard
of the failure. Another depositor, be
lieving that hit lavlngi of years had
been awallorred up, committed sulcldo.
It la said the bank was closed Itecsuse
of the dltcovery of gruii malfeasance
on the part of at leatt two of III olll
cra. President Paul O. Btensland and
Caihler W. II. Herring are being
ought to explain their there In the
attain. It li said that the bank hai
been looted of $700,000 to 11,000.000.
Flctlltons note to thla amount have
been found. Numerous note lilted aa
aueti, It li asserted, have been found
to have been taken up, but not canceled
by their maken.
Judge Hum Pronouncei Sentence on
Charlei Nlckell.
Portland, Aug. 7. Charlei Nlchell,
of Medford, Or., publliher of the
Houthern Oreognlan, a triweekly iews
paper, and formerly a United fiUtei
commissioner there, who wai found
guilty July 27 by a jury in the United
States Dlitrlct court of having coniplr
d with Henry W. Miller, Frank K.
Klncart and Martin O. Hoge to defraud
the government of portloni of Iti landi,
wai yeiterday afternoon sentenced to
19 moritln' Imprisonment on McNeill'
iiland by Judge Hunt.
Judge O'Day, couuiel for Nlckell,
Miked for a itay of eentence until he
could prepare, a bill of exceptions and
obtain a writ of error. It li Nlckell'a
Intention to take an anneal.
Judge A. 8. llennett, attorney (or
Hamilton H. Hendricks, who wai con
victed Btaurday night of tubornatlon of
perjury, announced yeiterday that he
would take immediate itepi to appeal
that caao alio, Hendrlcki li to appear
4or lenience next Saturday morning.
Spanish Coast Strewn With Corpses
From 8teamer Slrlo,
Cartagena, Hpaln, Aug. 7. Numer
ous liodlra of poisons drowned in the
wreck of tho steamer SIrlo oft Hernii
grit lilnuds were thrown upon tho shore
during the day, Most of them aro per
sons of tho better class. Boveral small
ilfhlng smack havo arrived, bringing
survivor ol the Hlrlo who wero found
floating nt son long distance from tho
scene ol tho disaster.
Tim first reports of tho disaster do
dared' without qualification that tho
captain of the Blrlo had committed sul
, cldo. Later information, however,
shows that ho was on board the-steamer
when she sank, and expressed tho de
termination to go down with hi voisel.
He waa afterwards rescued, In iplto of
his reluial to bo laved.
Tho latest figures on the disaster
how that 276 passenger were lost.
Who Watche tho Offlcera?
London, Aug. 7. According to on
Odessa dispatch to a local news agency,
steamer advices from Hovaatopol say
that fully 20,000 persona have lett the
city, and the oxodua ia still in pro
gress. Admiral Bkrydloff, commander
of tho Black sea fleet, la In an awkward
dilemma. He la nlrlad to remove the
breeck blocka from the fortress guns
in case tho crowa of tho warships mu
tiny, and nt tho same time ho distrusts
tho fortress artillerymen. At tho fort
ress and on tho warships double aiaffa
of ofllcor keep watch with revolver.
No Wholesale Execution.
Rt. Petersburg, Aug. 7. Tho state
raent that 000 of tho Cronitadt mutln
em have been executed U seml-offlolal-ly
Intcroit High In Coming Sonlon of
Irrigation Congress.
North Ynklma, Wash, Aug. 7.
During the flnt week of Koptumber tho
National Irrlgitlon congress will In
onion at llolso Idaho, with an attend
anco of several thotirittid delegates.
Kxhllilti of fruit and honey are being
propared by dlftoront localities and
itatei. Tho premlumi aro liberal. It
If expected that the governor of Wash
ington will appoint 26 delegatei, that
each commercial club will appoint ten,
and that each board of county commit
iloneri will appoint five. It li bellev
ml that If a full delegation attendi the
convention It will be ahlo to aecuro the
next national congren at lotnn point in
this itate. It la hoped that the vari
oui fruitgrower' aiioclatlom and the
State Beekeeper' aisoclatlon will have
on exhibition products of the orchard
and apiary which will take silver etips
and other premiums. The Yakima
County Horticultural union Is arrang
ing to send elegant exhibits ol trail"
and honev. The delegation from that
county will ask the convention to pass
a resolution memorialising congress to
appropriate $!l00,000,000 for reclama
tion of arid lands In tlie West.
The State Ileekeepen' association lias
secured a Illgelow observatory hive,
stocked with pure bred Italian be, for
the purjxise of giving object lessons in
the apiary. It will be used at the
monthly meetings ol the association to
teach the farmers and high school class
es. It will be one ol trie interesting
feature of the display at the Washing
Ion HUto fair. The secretary of the
fair has agreed to set apart one of the
prominent conrnen In the main pavil
ion for the apiary exhibit, and $200
has been appropriated for premiums in
that division.
The three days' midwinter conven
tion of the BUte ileekeepen' associa
tion will be held at the Agricultural
college at Pullman next January, and
the observatory hive will be in full
operation to instruct the students of
that college. The student of the Ida
ho Agricultural college, which is only
nlno mile from Pullman, are also In
vited to be present at that meeting.
The business of beekeeping is an ad
junct of the orchard, bes being the
best friend of the fruitgrower, for the
reason that these insects croes pollenlie
the blossoms and luciease the yield.
These two Industries go hand in hand,
and are rapidly becoming valuable
source of Income.
As an example of what organisation
doe, a few years ago the Yakima Coun
ty Horticultural union incorporated and
sold Its shares of stock at $10; the past
year the dividends were 70 per cent, a
warehouse 60x180 feet ha Just been
completed, tne material being slont
and the structure two stories and full
basement, one front being on the
Northern Pacific railroad and the other
on the North Coast road. The shares
are now selling at $20. and it I antici
pated that tho capital stock will have
to be Increased In order to accommodate
th demand.
Fruit Inspector Drown, of Yakima
county, says that in Ova years from now
he calculate that 12,000 can per year
will be shipped from the warehouse at
North Yakima.
Calls for Texas Rangers.
Cold Springs, Tex., Aug. 7. A a
result o( yesterday' election tragedy,
In which K. I). Adams, a candidate for
tax assessor, and his brother, 8am Ad
ams, wero killed and several others
wounded, the sheriff ha asked that
ranger be sent hero to prevent further
bloodshed. O. L Williamson, one of
the participants, heard that a brother
of Hoblnson waa looking for him. Alt
dimes slopped Into tho door of a rnloon
whero Williamson wa and was shot
and seriously wounded by mlslakn for
Americans Caused Trouble.
Mexico City, Aug. 7. Tho Impar
clnl charges that the recently circulated
handbills, warning foreigners to leavo
tho country by Hoptember 10, wero put
out by an unknown American, who
went from station to station distribut
ing and posting the pretended proclam
ation. Tho Imparclat also assorts that
certain railway camps in Texas and
California have taken part in promot
ing tho circulation ol false and sensa
tional 'reports,
Raise tho Prlco of Droad.
Ban Francisco, Aug. 7. A a result
of the demands mado by the union
bakera for an incroaso of $3 a week In
their wages, whioh has been granted by
tho master bakera, tho latter will raise
tho prlco of bread in this city. The
manner In which it will be done has
not yet been agreed upon, but it ia said
that moat of the bakors favor a loaf
Just a trifle larger than one-half the
site of the present loaf.
Commorco Outstrip Population.
Washington, Ang. 7. Tho foreign
commerce ol tho United Btatea has
grown more rapidly during the last do
cado than ita population. Completed
figures for the fiscal year 1000 Just pre
eented show that while tho population
ha grown slnco 1800 bnt 20 per cent,
import have grown 67 Pr cent and
xporU 100 psr csnt.
In a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Retumo of tho Lota Important but
Not Leas Interesting Events
of tho Past Week.
Tho sultan of Turkey Is seriously ill.
The shah of Perala has called a na
tional aasembly.
A new revolution In Veneioela I
being organised against Castro.
John I). Rockefeller Is said to have
financed a railroad project in Africa.
The paying teller of tb Milwaukee
Avenue Htate bank, of Chicago, has
committed suicide.
Indictment havo been returned sin
New York against six railroad for re
bating to the UKr trust.
Tho ringleader In a North Carolina
lynching has been .found guilty by a
court lury. the first convlctiod of a
lyncher In tho state.
Evidence now poluU to Cashier Hei
Ing a being an accomplice in the loot
ing of the Milwaukee Avenue bank, of
Chicago. Inijulrlea have shown the
wrecked bank to bo in worse condition
than at first believed.
Tho Federal grand Jury at James
town, N Y., has reported indictments
against the Standard Oil company, the
Pennsylvania railroad and the Vacuum
Oil company. There are 22 count.
Ileballng is the charge. If the defend
ants are convicted on each of the counts
a tine of $1,400,000 would lollow.
It Is again runtored that Benator
Piatt and Oepow are to resign.
Moderate of Itussla may unite tor
peaceful reforms by a new parliament.
The exclusion of reporters ha raised
a storm of protest at the Pan-American
Tutklth troops and BulgarlaDjbandlts
have clashed. Tho trcopt hope to do
stroy the entire band.
Harriman has been successful in bis
dgbt to remain In control of the Wells
Fargo Express company.
Medals aro being given the Russian
troops who remained loyal and sup
pressed the mutiny at Cronitadt.
tit. Petersburg papers report that 700
persons have been killed or wounded
during fighting between Tartan and
Armenian in Caucasia.
According to the census bureau the
population of the canal cone is about
30,000, and including the cities of Pan
ama Colon and Cristobal, 67,000.
The stockholders of the California
Insurance company have voted to pay
Ban Francisco losses dollar for dollar.
The loatr aggrrgato $1,326,000.
The Russian general strike baa prov
en a complete failure.
Iowa Democrats have selected Claude
R. Porter aa their candidate for gover
nor. The government want 600 skilled
mechanics for work on tho Panama
Five Japanese fishermen have leen
killed by Americana for poaching in
Unemployed negroes at Cane Town,
South Africa, have been rioting and
loitlng atoros.
Tho enlisted men of the navy have
started a movement to do away with
tattoo marking.
The Russian government will hurry
ita land reform policy to win the tup
port of tho peasants.
Tiiere seems a possibility that Roose
velt may be nominated for a third
term despite his refusal.
Facta gathered b- tho census bureau
show that the per capita cost of run
ning New York Is groater than that ol
any other American city.
A Philadelphia broker, supposed to
have been a millionaire, proves to have
boon a more bluffer. Ilia estate will
not appraiae over $2,000.
Russian Radicals havo Issued a new
strike manifesto.
The Iowa Democratic convention will
declare for Dryan.
Many deaths from heat acre reported
on the Atlantic coast.
Three negroes havo been lynohed by
a mob at Salisbury, N, C,
An outbreak of Pulajanes and Igor-
rotes has occurred in tho Philippines.
The Pan-American congreis, In ses
sion at Rio do Janeiro, voted (or uni
versal arbitration,
Tho crew ol a Russian training ship
baa mutinied. Tho trouble has been
suppressed and 30 mutlnoen dellverod
to the authorities.
To fan Cherrlea.
Get tli- large, dark ox henrt If you
mil, hut If not, tin? white one Mill do,
or tlw mnnll dark red ones, Tho lighter
colored they are the more sugar they
take, Stone them, mid let them Mm ml
nil night. In the morning Kur off tho
lull-)-, ndil sugar to taste, and water, If
thru In not Juice enough, and boll mid
skim It till It Is n rich syrup; If the
cherries nrw sweet a pint of Juice nnd
three-quarter of n pint of sugnr will
be about right. Ifcnt your enn and
put In the uncooked cherries till they
are nrnrly full, and then pour orcr
them tho syrup nnd put on the cover;
set Uf enn In the wash holler nnd All
It with very liot water and let It stand
nil night. TIh bent of the syrup nnd
that of th- water will cook the fruit,
but the flavor nnd color will be those of
the fresh nnd uncooked chcrrlc. This
Is the way lined for nil small fruit
except straw berries, nnd one who trie
It will never, never go hack to the old
A .Murnlnar Stimulant.
An egg beaten In a nip unit the cup
filled with coffee should be given to onu
with n Jni'eil npjietlte for breakfast.
Stir the egg rapidly while ourliig the
coffee over It to prevent ltd curdling.
('renin or milk nud sugnr should then
be added as usual. Io not wnlt until
the Hnon become really III Itefnre
using strvngthctier. They nre for the
nnemle ierson, those, who nre recover
ing from nn Illness nud those who nre
In condition which. If long continued,
will remit In serious Illness.
Veal I.oaf.
Chop two (Ntuudfl of cold cooked venl
tcry Due nnd work Into It wilt. Mpicr
anil onion Juice to tnste, ii doxen
clioptcd oPte nnd n doreu chpcd
entitled nii'shroom. Add eiiongh venl
atock to make It very moist, then puck
Into n grense mold. Set thin In the oven
In nn outer pan of tailing wnter nnd
cook for two hours. When cold, set In
the Ice to get thoroughly chilled Ik-fore
turning on'.
Hakrt Ithnharh.
Take one pound of rhubnrh. the red
kind, cut In smnll ple"en; ndd one sennt
cup of sugnr; put In nn enrthern or
granite baking dixit; rarer nnd put In
the oven. Ilnke In a slow oten until
tender, the time vnrylng with the varie
ty of the rhubarb. When cooked In
this way the taste Is much more deli
cate nnd rich than the old-fnahloned
way of stewing.
IlrollrtI Tomalofi,
Cut tho tomatoes In halve without
peeling. Dust the cut side with tery
tine bread crumb, unit nnd iiepiier. Set
the halve In n wire broiler ami cook
with the skin side next to the bent.
When done set on n ,liot plate and
brow u tit the oven. The tomntoes niny
be linked In n very liot oven nfter pre
paring for broiling nud be nearly ns
good nud It In n much eavler tvny to
cook them.
I'nlalo Kin arm.
( J rate hIx medlum-nlxcd cold lollcd
potiitocH; add Milt to taste; lient two
egg light with ii llttli! milk, ndd to the
imtiitoc. then mlr In enough Hour to
uiiike n dough Hint cnii he rolled out on
a wclt-tUmrcd hoard, with the palm of
the hand, Into roll the thlckucxx of the
linger. Cut Into tliiger-lcngtlix, lay
these Klde by hide on n llourcd pan until
nil nre romly, then fry In deep fut.
Fried llnnaiiaa.
Peel eight good-sired baimnns nnd cut
each Into three piece. Heat two eggs
light, with one-half cup of milk nnd
otic-half cup of flour sifted with one
level tciiMtoon of baking powder nud it
pinch of salt. Dip tho Imnaims In tho
batter nud fry hi deep, liot fnt until a
light brown; drain nud dust with tow
dered si'
Street I'lpUled I'enehea.
Roll two pound brown augur, ono
pint vinegar and ouo ounce stick eluim
inun twenty minutes. Dip half n peck
of peaches quickly In hot wnter, nnd
then rub off the fur with n towel. Stick
each poich four doves, put Into
tho syrup ami cook until soft, using one
half tho peichea nt u time.
Put two tnblceHoiiful of xotla In n
small tub of cold water, put the dish
cloth In nud allow to soak about ouo
hour. Stir them with a tdlck. Then
lift them Into a pan of tviirm water,
wash tho cloth with tump nnd rinse In
cohl wnter. They need no lulling.
Mint Sauee.
Mlneo thrco tab!esKoufuls of mint,
ndd u tublctipoouful of sugar, four ta
hlcsiiooufuU of vinegar nud u dash of
pepper. Stir over tho tiro Just long
enough to dlssolto tho sugar, than sell
aside until cold.
Women Are I'ronn lo Collrcl I.lllle
lllla or Itifnrmntlnn.
For centuries women Imve put wny
nil noli of odd nnd cud been tne
"they will come hnndy Homo time."
riila practice no doubt began with the
rlrnt good housekeeper of n primitive
trllK. and tins gone on through the
ngcn, until It Is now one of tho peculi
ar! tic of women' education. A man
lenrns what make for the particular
end ho has la view. A woman tuck
away In her memory any Interesting
hit of Information, and some day pro-
diu-en It, to the surprlao of her mascu
line rival.
Tills habit make women especially
valuable ns librarians. Here I nn ex
ample of tho actual north of a scrap
of knowledge.
A few year ago n shabby old book
was sent from n pariah library In Ktig
land to be sold by auction In !ndon.
It was seven Inches long and live wide.
It consisted of thirty-eight leaves of
vellum, on which were Inscribed the
four gospels. It had four Illuminated
Illustrations, representing the evangel
ists, each seated on a stool, holding his
gospel, and each having a circular gold
The book wo bought by the Hodle
lnn Library for six pounds. Month af
terward, when It came to be cata
logued, a em was found written on
the fly-leaf, containing a reference to
the rescue of tho book from the bed of
n strenm, where It had been dropped
by n cureless servant, nnd where It lay
until discovered by a passing knight.
Of coune the poet attributed the re
covery of the sacred volume to a mir
acle. The rente casually referred to the
fact that when the book was loat It
wns being "conveyed to the king and
"What king and queen, I wonder?"
mused the librarian.
"Why. a story like that was told of
the gospels tielonglng to Margaret of
Scotland," said hi woman assistant.
Sure enough, a little research showed
that there was scarcely a doubt that
the book had belonged to Margaret.
Queen of Scotland, who died In T003.
This book wns fully described by her
confessor more than eight hundred
years ago. He related Its being loat
In the brook, recorered and conreyed
to Its royal owner, and used by her for
many years.
So the worn old book which the
Ilodlclan bought for a song Is now one
of the great library's priceless treas
ures Identified by a girl's knowledge
of a queer story In tho life of a queen
who was also n saint.
fllark "Finite" AVaa One
Lnnnhlna" Stork of Miners.
Under the title "A Itllllon-Dollar
Mining Camp." the city of Ilutte, Mont,
which Is built on what Is probably the
richest hill In the world. Is described In
"My Huslne-t Friend." It Is Interesting
to note how long tho big black butte
was the laughing stock of miners who
wandered that way In search of gold,
nnd nlwnya failed to And It, until at
Ust some man, wiser than the rest,
selxed ti-tou the possibilities of the In
exhaustible supply of copper and the
result was the development of the
wealthy community which makes merry
Industry In the fissured bills and vol
leys to-dny.
It Is only during the last twenty
years thnt Hutte took Its stand with
the copiter enmps of the world, and dur
ing thnt time It has produced one
fourth of the entire supply. So largely
doe the world depend upon Hutte thnt,
should Its copper mines shut down for
n terlod of three months, n copper fam
ine would be exterlenecd nnd every In
dustry depending on copper would bo
paralyxed until Rutto could catch up
again. At the three Montnnn towns of
Anncondn, Itnsln nnd Croat Fulls, the
Intter snld to Imve the greatest power
next to Niagara, great nnelters nre
busy day nnd night, thus taking from
Hutte n small ercentngo of the smoke
which has umdo It n strangling town
for the unnrcllinnted. In Ilutte there
hits lately been completed n stock 3M
feet high, which will carry off tho
smoke from tho Rutto reduction works
to Midi nn elevation thnt It will not
full again, n black cloud, on the town.
Rutto inny yet havo n smoke law which
will compel these, high stacks to tie
erected nt nil of the mines, nnd while
It will not mnko tho surrounding coun
try more esthetic, still It will bo pos
sible to breathe there and to havo the
pleasing sight of trees, shrubs, flowei
gardens nnd gross plots.
Alfonso Hands In a Petltlou.
Tho King of Spain not long ago went
ou strike, Accordlug to tho Paris Fi
garo, his majesty handed his prima
minister a sealed petition, with tho re
quest thnt It bo granted uncondition
ally. When It wns opened It was found to
be In tho king's own hand. Ho was
often obliged, ho stated, to work
twelve hours or mora a day. Ho there
fore demanded for himself an eight
hour day, and no work on Sundays and
Better a crylug woman, than a
j icratcfey on
kittle keon
in patriotism
Thirty-four years' servlco In tho Ben
ate nnd Mouse of Representative of
the United States, years of prompt, in-
tclllgenr, efficient
public service,
marked by execu
tive ability of n
high character, Is
the record of Han
nibal Hamlin In
the annal of hi
II a m 1 1 n's flnt
election to the Sen
ate of the United
State took pUco
In 1KJ& Ho re
mained a member
of that body until
1WT T Ji
1MX), at which time he was nominated
lor vice-president upon the Republican
ticket with Abraham Lincoln. During
the four yenr of tho vice presidency
be was by virtue of bis office president
of the Senate, so In the time of the
Civil War It naturally hardened that be
had more of duties than usually falls
to the lot of the second on the ticket.
When the second election of Lincoln
took place It was decided that a South
ern man wa necessary for the vice?
presidency and Andrew Johnson wast
K-lected. Mr. Hamlin wa appointed In
18H.1 collector of tho port of Boston.
In 18.H liowever, when Johnson had
become President, after the death of
Lincoln, Hamlin reilgned his position
because of his opposition to Johnson on
the policy of reconstruction In tho
In 1800 his State, Maine, again elect
ed him to the Senate, where be served
until 1875, when, honored by men of
every party, he left the public service.
War Veaaela Built and Rnlldlasr br
Lead In a- Maritime Povrera.
A return showing the fleets of Great
Rrltaln. France, Russia, Germany.
Italy, the United 8tates of America and
Japan, on Ms nil 1, 1000. distinguishing
battle ships built and building, was Is
sued as a parliamentary white paper,
says the Loudon Chronicle.
The number of battle ships of these
countries ts as follows: Great Rrltaln,
01; France, 29; Russia. 12; Germany,
31; Italy, 10; United States, IS;
Japan, 11.
Coast defense 'vessels armored:
France, 0; Russia. 0; Germany, 11;
United States, 11; Japan, 3.
Cruiser of all classes: Great Brit
ain. 114; France. 57: Russia. 13; Ger
many. -17; Italy, 25; United States, 85;
Japan, 30.
Torpedo vessels, torpedo boat destroy
en and torpedo boats: Great Britain,
251; France. 301; Russia, 247; Ger
many, 123; Italy, 152; United State.
54; Japan, 111.
Submarines: Great Britain, 23;
France, 80; Russia. 13; Germany, 1;
Italy, 2; United States, 8; Japan, 5.
Great Rrltaln Is the only country re
turning scouts, the number entered be
ing eight.
Under tho building return. It Is
shown thnt Great Britain Is building a
flnt-elass battle ships, 10 armored
cruisers, 18 torpedo boat destroyere anil
15 submarines. France: Six flnt-clnss
battle ship. 23 torcdo bont destroyers,
52 torpedo boats nnd 32 submarine.
Russia : Four flrst-clnss battle shlim,
1 armored cruisers, 1 flrat-clnss protect
ed cruiser, 29 torpedo bont destroyer
nnd 13 submarines. Germany; Sit
flnt-class bnttle ships, 2 armored cruis
ers, li second-class protected cruisers, 0
torpedo boat destroyers, nnd 1 subma
rine, "experimental." ltnly: Four
nrst-ia battle ships, 2 nrmorcd cruis
ers, 4 torjelo bont destroyer, 80 tor
)kh1o lxnt nml 4 submarines.
United States : Klcvcn tlrst-clnss bat
tlo ships, 8 nrmorcd cruisers, 3 scouts
nnd 4 submarines. Jnpnn: Four first
class battle ships, 3 armored cruisers, 1
seoond-clnss protected cruiser. 2. torpjj
do bont destroyers nnd 2 submarine- '
Taklnir No Chance,
Aii old Pennsylvania farmer, while on
a visit to Philadelphia, snvi n tvrltejr'fu
the IM'tlle Ledger wnflaken with' a
vloleu tootlixrl, .' I colling on a den
tist, v.v tof.nuey Mint tho tooth must
bo ejected, una thnt he had bettor
take gun fojr tb fperatlon.
Thf paileut Oifjfedto this, nnd then
started to couiutfs money.
The ilu-.itls'Ytmnrk'cd. "Oh, you need
not pay fnbvMi.fl! I fmvo finished."
"I TOkoi-vi-ft. replied tho farmer,
"but It you ura golu; to mako mo un
conscious I, toought I'd Jest like to sea
how I stand.''
., A ....... .
Sum at Her Power.
puruloy-jHn sure If you accepted
mo I'd m.tko you Osgood husband.
Ma Brightly That's out of the
question, but Pin sure I'd mako you tt
good husband it I accepted you. Phil
adelphlS' Press,'
It take as much to kp a boy nov
ax it rormriy'iooK to Keep a man.