The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 10, 1906, Image 8

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    ..., .-.-- J
luaiHBBHBnBBaaBiMBMnHi jremiiii j w.u....i
On the Deschutes River in Western Part, of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
a M 5V7
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At Gateway to
the Great
o o o
F TiTo Town has Grown
itlitiMt entirely In the pat yenr. tin- jxt
office (tatiitg (Milyfroiit April M, .
1 knt I Itiu excellent public luhouls
mid complete public wnter work.
A V .
I 1
T r
The Pilot Butte
r Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
Timber Land, Act June 3 J7.
U.S. Lml Office, TbcDJle, Oregon.
Jane lUb. A.
Votice ! hereby zlren that in coaptUtiee with
tile proritlonioflHe Act ofConirrM ot Jane t.
i. rntltltJ "Anaet lortheMtt ofUnltrUwH
ni the lt of California. Of ec".i. Nevada, and
Wathltictaa Territory." a cjUikM to all the
IHiMic liBd itate. by act of Angutt 4, )i.
KJmund I'. BMUn
ofBeiid. CMratyofCrBok. MiU of Oreeoa. Uai
tliitday filed in thUeflicc bi tvntrn Mateneat
No 391I, for the purchMc of tbe m of mc it, lp"
w, r ije, wra
And witl alter preT to (ho- that the land
jifbl U more ealuaMe tut it timber or Moor
thiu fcr(r vltural puriMMC. mid to MablUh
hdatmrMkliaiHl Uferc 11 C. JOIH, I'.
; bl4 office la Bcod, Ofrawi, 00
'ie i2tdy of October, loot.
.!tiiuiHUKiKtH. Michael J. MorriMM.
ltt(4N. llHttter.Jobnmeidl, I'. Lfich Tomp
Sunt, ara 1, Batten, ail ofUeaVI, Orceos.
ayawlaU mtmm daimlar adrrely the
llove-Icribd UBdre itqa- AMI to it. their
claim lu thte office on or Ufert nM iMh day of
October, 1901.
aioHxs MjaiAKLT. NO-LAN. KegUter.
Tiinl-r Land, Act June 1 ll-.
U. S. UBd Office. The Dalle. Oregon.
April , 190C.
Notkc I hereby giecn that incompliance with
the proeMotM ol the act of Congm Of June y
i7. entitled ' An act for the Mlc of llm. er Unda
ia the atote of Caluornia. (Hexoa, Nevada, and
Wavbtngton Territory,' a extended to all the
IHibik land Mate by act of Augn4, itot.
Albert W. I Holt,
of Con lee City, county of OonalM, Hate of Waah
mgUM. naiii
atatemet No
w if and n
And will ofcr proof to ahow that the land
ought ia ap ire valoabtr for ita limber or Hon
than for agricultural purtxwc and to eatabliah
MdatntOaaidUad before H. C. K1IU. V. n
CommiMtoner. at hi oeSc in Mend, Oregon, on
the 1510 Bay of Abgvtf, 90.
He name a . Charic J. Cottor.
Kichard Kloe , Albert Gate and George Oale.
all of Bend, Orcfan.
Aayand all peraooa claining adveraely the
alr-dAcribed land arc requeMrd to M their
flaiin in thia of re on or before aatd 15th day of
ngn4. jou4
4-aio MICIfAKLT. XOLAN. K.Hltr.
I thia day tied in tat otter hi a-orn
No aMr, for the parch of the H
eifewKi e ' IP ra. r II r, w m.
Timber Land, Act Juimj j. l7
0. R. Land Office, The ;iUe. Oregon.
JuneiWi, lc.
Notice i hereby given that in. complianc with
u-r provMMw ofthc art of Coagre of June t.
,; entitled "Ac act for the anlc of liabrr land
mihr fttatof California, Oregon, Xevjftla. and
f aibington Territory " a eximded to all the
'ublic LandlMatwby act o( A-tguat 4, ij,
Clara L. Natten
i lleual. ccunly of Crook, ttaar of .Oregon, ha
th'a day filed in thl einec iter aworn atatement
aM for the pnrcbaa. of the HwX, V
1 mk 17 and ncWnwlCoecrio. tt 19 a, r 13 c.
m j
AudwUlofler uroor to tltow that the land
ugbt i more valuable Utr it timber or atone
tlwu for agricultural Hir;iot, nd to eMabliah
tr ilaim to aaid land U.-fot-e . C. Mliv, t' H
( blaofiicr in Maud, Oregon, on
ivr ih day f October, iyuv
-he tuiueailHe-: Ifichael J. Mornaon,
J ikeph N. Hunter John M H II, P. tigh Tomp, Kdiaiwui I' IMU.n.allof Kend, Oregon.
Any and nil peraonr diminc ndvcraely the
.'jo.edeCTibtd lauilaaie MHieild to Me I heir
'a'iiHthiufncou or.lxfbre Mid lath da) of
tiCluDCT, 1900. r
41-os MICH.IIU; T. VOIJiV. JUgUtw.
Timber LfiJ- , At June 3, llrnj.
0. S. Laud Office, The Dalle, OreRon,
May rt, iff.
S'oticc if herbv t Am that in comttiiance with
tlr proviaionaoftli cXft of Cougreaa of June 1,
- entitled. "All irRortheaaleoftinilerlaiiua
in the atate of Ca' ,fijriia, Oregon, Nevada, and
y mhlncton Tern (ory.V aa extended to alt the
public laud ktatc by AU of Augutt 4, l)i,
I iallle . . Whittcd
n. IlcuJ, coiiii' .y of Cbxifc, atate of Oretjou,
liuf thladay fil' .J lu tliif office her aworn Hute
meiit No jyw, ir the piarcbaae of the ef the
iieWofecj4, p 17 a, r irle, w m.
And will iffer proof Ito ahow that the land
(ought I mr ne valuable for Ita timber or atone
thou fbragri cultural purptiaei, and to eatabliah
Iwr claim to aald lauiA before II. C lillla,
L' . H. Com luluiouer, at jhla office In IlcuJ,
Oregon, on the ntliday oPBeptcmber, 190.
she nam ra aa wltneaaea: I William II Staata
of Dechu x, Oregon; Th(maa W. Triplctt of
ucna, un ;goui Fran- Olaaa.01 Kcaiuoua, uicgon;
aud Kob rrt A. I'aett of Turublo, Oregon.
Anvil ul all nrraana clalmiu? adveraelv the
abovc-d facribed lauda are Jcqutaled to file their
claim ' ,u tula office ou or before the utn uay
01 hpi ember. looO'
i 11K 7, Wiaf AKL T. aiOLAN. Xcgiatcr
!-' -s' ""!
new irriga-
Timber Land, Act of June J, l7,
U. S. Land OOee, MVeview, Oregon,
llaya. if4.
Notkc ! hereby givwt that In compUance wiib-
iBepro Htoaaor tneactoi vongieaa 01 June 1,
la-rt. entitled "An act for the i-l of timber la-d
in the atatra of California, Oregon. Nevada and
waaniagton territory," a rxlrmMd to ail the
Kbtic baud fctato by act of AugnM 4, lj, the
lowing paraoan have tfod in thia oMc their
kworu atalemanl, to wtt.
George W. Couch,
of Latvia w, county of Crook, atate of Oregon.
aworn Matctneut No. itui, for the purchase of
the w! 'eH. arc $, tp n a, r 10 e. w m.
Oattorn Xdwardt,
of Mend, county of Crook, Mate of Oregon, aworn
Matem at No. jioj, for the purchaa of the tK
41( tcJl.;iu ac u, tp at a, r
1 w . ' '
That they will after proof to ahow that the laud
aought i more vainaM. for it limber or tonr
than for agricultural puriioj, and to cUbUh
their dalm to aald lewd before II. C iOIU. V. fc.
Cooimfaxioner, at hi oMciat pUce of bninM at
Rend, Crook county, Oregon, on Wednesday,
Auguat IS, 1906.
They name a wttneaacs Hranci If. Marion,"
Prank It. Uayton, and Otorce w. 1'lcUe. of
Iidlaw, Oregon ; fokni N. ItuuUr, Alfred T.
Yualunt and llugn O'KaNc, all of Itcntl, Oregon.
Any and all peraon cUlming adveraeiy any of
the above Und are rincl-l to file their daim
in thia office ou or before the ukl 13th day ol
Auguat, 1906.
jio J N WATSON, Kegfater
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187.
U. 6, Mud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
March 6, 1906.
Notjcc l( hereby given that In compliance willf
the proviaiona of the act of Votigrea of June y,
178, entltlol "An act for the aale of timber land
In the State of California, Oregon, Nevada aud
Watliiiigton Territory," aa extended- to, all the
public laud tale by act of Auguat lip,
Arthur W, Coating; tV, ",
of The Oallca, county ol Waaco, aUle of Oregon,
haa thia day filed iu thl office hlatcrn itaic
ment No. 3919, for the purcluac of the awK "I
ace 14, tp.19 r 10 c, w m.
And will oiler proof to ahow that'thc laud
ought U more valuable for ita tfmbert'oratoiie
mail ior agricultural purpoaea, ana toenubiiaii
hla claim to aald laud before theiiegllcr
BuaKccciterat inr uaura, uregon,ot me 1741
He name aa witneaace frank ("KllSillag
wiiuam u.rAlaaoii, Michael U'Connoc.'Mia I,
O. UcWolf. allof The Dalle. OftroiiVIK-
Any and ftt peraoni claiming auy;rely the
aboie-deacrlbed Unda arc rcquealcd.Untle their
claintf iu thlaofQcr on or before aald l.thdavol
Auguat, i4. k
J(-te MIClf-Kf. T. WOLAW, aUlkOcr. I
Tlmler Ijind. Act June J. i-.
V. H. Laml Office, The Ilallea. Oregon,
June it, 10.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance with
the pruvtatona of the Act of Congre of June 1
t7. entitled "An act for the aale of timber land
tn the atate of California Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory." a ralrnded to all the
public land atate by act of Angnat 4, I,
Call TnccaJor Johanaon
of North Yakima, county of Yakima, atate o
Waabiugton. ha thia dify -led In thl otter hi
wrn auiement No aajf, for the purchaa of the
awli of an t 33. lp i a. r ne. w m.
And will Oder woof tn ahow that the land
aought U more vahtabt for iu limber or atone
than for agricultural purpo r. and to ntabitah
bia daimioeald Und before If C. Kill, r. n
Commiaatoner, at hi oMee In Mend, Oregon,
on the itth day of Hcptcmber, lent.
He name a witntaaei Arnt Anne. Theodore
Ann. Anton Anne and John Hhnmot. all of
cna, uregon.
Any and all peraoaa claiming adverwly llm
abovaxleacribeaf land are rei Had to (tie their
claim in Ihi oMee on or heme aald ith day of
September, iu.'
Timber Iind, Act June 3, 17.
U. 8. Land OMcr, The Oall. Orenoai.
June 4, in6.
Notice l hereby trfvfn that In ccmpliauce with
the provtekMM oflhc Act of Cougrck of June v
itjn. entitled. "An act for the aale of limber lan-a
in the atate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Watblogton Twrilory," aa dtewded to all the
pnbik land utale by Act of Augnat 4, itf,
Oalewood T. Callihatt
of Mead, county of Crook, a4alc of Oregon, baa
thl day filed in Ink office hi aworn aialcnumt
No. suu. for the purchaa of the awX of the w(
of ace No .i. tp it a, r 11 e, w m
And will ottrr proof lo ahow that the land
aought i raor valuaM' for it limber or atone
than for agricultural tHirpoae. and to eatabliah
bia claim lo aaid Und before II. C Kill. V. a.
CommiaaioHcr, at hi office in Heud, Oregon, ou
the 12th day of Beptembrr, 1906
II name aa witue Jvhn Pcrguton, Jame
fergiiMMi. William I. McOUIvray and William
Arnold, all of Bend, Oregon
Any and all ueraon claiming adveraeiy the
alve-dCTioed land are renucatcd to file their
cbiima In thl office on or before the !! 1Mb
day of Keptember, 1906.
JuhV7 M1CHAICL. T. NOLAN, KujUter.
Timber Iitd, Act June 3, l7i.
U. H. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
May , i',.
Notice I hereliy given thai iu compliance with
ic movieiou oflhc Act of Connre of lune 1.
i7, cntilled, "An act for the Ale of timber land
the provieioua ofthc Act of Congre of June
Matt ..,J,I.I ..A.. ... f.,.lk.l.t.,J,lH,t.l.H
v, .nMi.i, , mi tut iv iwt ((,,. ,,,
III the atate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahliigton Territory," a extended to all the
public laud atate by Act of Augutt 4, !.
thr followlng-iiamtd (icroiia have filevl til Ihi
office their aworn atalciucnta lo-wlt.
ldward Murphy,
of The Dalle, county of Waaco, atate of Oregon,
worn atatement No. 1904, filed in thia office May
12. vA, for Hit vurthaac of the c!nw', ucjfaw
, M 1 aud 3, act 39, tp Ij , r loe, w in.
Tcrreuoe C. Murphy,
of The Dall'caicoiinly of Waaco. atate of Oregon,
aworn atalcmciit J'o 391 1, filol May 17, 1'M, for
tnc purcnaac 01 10c i), kc jo, ip 13 a, r 10 c,
w m, , ,
That Ihev will Mtfer croofa io ahow that the
laude aought nre,,inorv 'valuable for the tlmltt
or atone Oiereou Ihftnl-fditaerlcultural inirnoae.
aiM 40 cataMUi'ttWic-inuito aald iaud bo
yore'iheKeglatcrViid'reciveratthelaudofuccjn Theilullca, Oregon, on Angihjt 3iat, 1906; ,
1 Thernaniethe folHwiiiv vrllneu: Michael
11 woimor,t.T),A. aici'onaior luiwaro aiurpny,
frerreileeCVMtrphy, I OtfJoWolfand William
. Maaon.ofThe Dalle, Oregon,
AnyandUfl'P.raon claiming advcraelr a
or the alioyc aHWMillaGdlkl reiie.tcd io f
their cialrai.ui thl office ou or before. al3 J
J wi.AUEIfl, iw.
jijai; ICAI,T,H0r,Af,i
Timtrtind, Alt June 3. ir
V 8. Uwl Office, Theltatlea. Oregon.
Maya 190a
Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with
the provtaten of the act of CoarM of June 1.
i7t. entitled "An act for the aR of timber laud
Inlhcatat-i ofCaltfernhi. Oregon, Nevada and
Waiingtoa Territory." a ealeitd 1 lo all the
public land atate by act of Augnat 4,
Kmma C. Troy,
of St Paul, county of Kauwey. atate of Minn
esota, haa Ihi day filed in thia ottce her aworn
atatement No 3. for the purchoM of the aw(
nw. ax u, aHnct( and neJ(aX aec 14, lpi.
r 10 e. wm
And will oMer proof lo ahow thai the land
aought I more valuable for it limber or atone
than for agricultural purpoaea. and lo eatabliah
her claim to -id land before II. C. lUII. l. It.
CommiMttMter, at hi ottce In Mend, Oregon, on
the 13th day of Augnat, !.
he nam, a witni, Joaeph N. Hunter and
William II Htaala. ot Mend, Oregon. John Mom.
of HUter, (HegoH, and Nellie K. Dwyer of
MintMaptajia, Mlnnaaala.
Any and all per arw cUlming ad-rrariy Ih
aboxl.crlbil lama are 1 taiMtad lo file their
daim In thia a Hate on or before hM 13th day atf
Augnat, H.
l aio MICIIAKI. T. NOLAX. KegMer.
Timber Lml, Act of June 3, 171,
V. i. Land Ottce Labview,(Hgn,
July l, n)o
Notice i hereby given that in compliance with
the provMwua oflhc Act of CongreM of June 3.
1I7. entitled "An act for the aale of limber lamb
In IheataUMofCidifornia, Oregon. Nevada and
Waabiugton Territory," a eaUmhM to all Ih
public laml aiate by act of Augwrt 4, il, the
following peraowa have Ihi day nld In Ihi otftt
their aworn atnlvmenU, lo-wlt:
H&imn Kaiaer
of I'hilipaburg.auteof MomUu. aworn atale
menl Mo 3131, for the imrchaae of the aw)Hif.
nHuey, aec lb, and Hw)liwj MC II, Ip 7e, r 13
w ttl
Kdward Painter
of I'hlllpoiiurg. ataleof Montana, aworn atate
meut Nu 3131, for the pnirii eof w)nwK, hM
X and aetaw)( aec 9, tp a, r I e w m
That they will iflrr proof to abow that ib
land aought are more valuable for the timber nr
atoiie thereon than for agricultural Hirtoe,
and tn eataWUh their cUlma lo aahl lamia before
II C lillit. I' H. Commlwdoiier, at hla office III
ileud, Oregon, 011 Halurday, the nth day of Octo
ber, 1906.
They nnmcaa wltucatea: I'rauHa II. Marlon,
of fjiidlaw, Oregon, rtluier Nyawoiiger bihI
Charlea lluyd, ltli of Ilcnd, Oirgoti; Itilward
IStlmer, llernwu Kaiaer, nud l'rctlerick W.
Kroger, all of I'hlllpaburg. Moutaiin.
Any ami alt perwnl claiming adveraeiy any o,
lhcaoovewlecrilvl lamia are miueatnl lo file
their claim In thia ollkc on or before the aald
13th day ol October, lyA
aiMJIJ J N WATHON, Ktglatcr
lcpartmcnt oflhc Interior,
Laud Office al The Dalle, Oregon,
r July 9, 1A
Nctlrelaherebv vlven lhul Robert i, Hkcllou
ol ( lhin.i'alla. Orrumi. Iiaa filed notice of hla ill-
Ibiinou to iii,(. final comiaiiltatloii proof 1 11 up-
luri'oi ni Claim, viiHoinoicau j.iiii, fio,
1 J iiiadvnept, H. 190A, for,thc uciicM, aec 3.1,
w4,'nwir andaetfiiwlMHi'ii. In 14 , r lie w m,
and that aald proof wilt I be made Ik fore the
county clerk, al I'riucvilfefOrcgiiii, 011 Augual 11,
:7Xf J
He naiufa the fnllowtiia- wlliiraaca lo nrove hi
coutiuuoulrcaldencc upon ami cultivailou oflhc
land, vln
' Jvarl Mclaughlin of 1'rliievlUc, Orcgo.ii, J'r
T.Tcthcrow, John Tetkcfownavd 'John K. Kan.
lieta alofCllue'Il)orgofi., . - .
Jll3 aio UICUAiIt T. KULAN, ftcgUtcr.
Timber Laud Ail June 3. !
V. 8. Land OfSce. Ikeoew Orrguu,
JnlY . Iv
Notice I hereby given that In mmptlanr with
Ihe-pruvialouaoflhe Act of Cuugrr. ul uue J,
17 minted. "An act for Ihe aale of tlmlwr lamia
In lb atalea of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Terrllory, ' a Mtemled l all the
public Und atate by art of Aoguat t. inui,
Oeorge W Mnoderlv
of princvdk county of Craok. aaal of Oregon,
ha Ihi day filed in IhU ollic. hi aworn atate
ment No jio. fortbe purvlwa ol then nli
awnwM ntt hmK! MCLlaiiinii w m
And will uVi proof lo ahow that the land
aonghl 1 mote valuable for it limber or atone
than fur agricultural purpuars, ami to
nubliah hU rlalm lo ld laud Mure 11 f
Kill. I' H commlaeloner. at hla ottr al Mend.
Oregou. on nalnrday, the Ijlh day of October,
He name a witnraae fiahci II Marion
ef lidlaa. Oregim. Hotter I I1. Hairldgtuai tf
PriHevtlle, Oregon John K, Hugh uniT Jam
K Whiptev. buth or Midmond, (Hon
Any and all ptH cUlming adveraeiy
Ibe jbovelfcrlbed land air rru,ueld lo
file Iheir cbtlHM In Ihi ofhe. on or before Ihe aabi
13th day of October, ipao.
mioij J. X. WAT-OK. HeirUiar
Timber Land, Act June 3, ttjt,
V. 8. Und Ottce, The Halt, Oregon,
June s, ivo.
Notice la hereby given thai In rompltamr with
Ihe provlatonorinv act ofcoHgteaaof June , itT
enlltled "AN act for the wto of timber Umia in
Iheatale of California, Oteuon, Nevada and
Wellington 1'errilory," a extended to all Ihe
public Und aiate by act of Auguat 4, livi.
ThonwaW Triplet!
of Rend, County of Crook, Wat of Oregon, ha
this day filed in thl ottce hi aworn etatemtM
No Ay for lb pnrch-Moflhe c',nwK aec r
lp 19 , r 10 e, wm
And will uffer proof to ahow that the Und
aought 1 more taluabU lor II limber or atone
than foi agricultural purptH, ami In eatabliah
hla claim to aald land before 1 1 . C. Kill, f. 8.
.....l.... ...u.. ut 1., ,-d.. 1 .. IL.....J ,x....u ..
vvmn, wn,Mv , m iwf n mm, nvfwn, vn
the i.tth -Uy -f October, 1014.
He name a wUneuiea: loaenh N Huuur.
Michael) Morrlaon.Carlyhi C. frlpU-lt. John
le M. Triplet t, all of Rend, Oregon,
Any and all pcraun cimmlng adveraeiy the
aliwe-dcecrt-td Und ar rulml ,w die
llieir da I id a In IhU office on ut bewfc aaitl I3lh
Uy of October, iox.
aiiHiu MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN. llfuiHar.
Timber Land, Act ol June 3, 1I7J,
V. 8. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
May ft, iuu6.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance, with
the provialonaol the Act of Cuiigir of June 1,
ih?, entitled "An act for Ihe aalr nf tliulter laml
in Ihe atate of California, Orrgou. Nevad", and
Watlilngtiiii Territory," a rxlriiifrd In all the
public land atatea by act or Auguat 4, IH9J,
Oeorgc A. Ilnwaon,
of lleml, Couuly of Crook, atate of Oregon, ha
thl day filed in tlilaolficc hi aworn atatrmriit
No 3';, fur the purchmc ofthc Lot j, aelf uw)i
and cHawY,ofaec 1, lp 19 a, r ll r, w 111.
And wilt offer proof lo hnw that the land
aought la more valuable fur Ita limber or
alone than for agricultural tmrpotra, nlid to
Mtabliah hla claim lo auid land Iwfure II. C.
Hill, V, H. Committoiicr, at hla office In ileud,
Oregon, oil the litli day of Augual, I96.
He iiamean wtuee: . N. Hiinlrr. and
A.C. Luca. oflleml, OrrKoii; J. H, rliiilih, of
rrlnevlllc, Oregou, aud W. II, Hlaat of Do
chute, Oregon,
Any ami all pcraou claiming nilvrrxVir the
alwyc-dcacribcdlaml ae rciiuuted tq.flle llirir
clallru iu IhU vtflcfoll or bcflrcaild'Wth day of
Aucutt. It. r .,..,
Itvvuo wcuiua x, jioulii, juauur, I
Timber Lanl. Art June j p-
I a Land onVe, l,ar irvt iii.gun
Jul . ft-
Votire la hereby glirn that In .inplMli. ,il
thr priniaionaoflhr Al ol t i,uir ,.r r
!" rntitlnl tu ait for tlir mU ..( i,,mi Ij.i.i
Inlhr ataira ol Calirmuta. inr..n N, . .l. ,i
Waahlngto. Trttllir. aa m.wN I., all llr
KUu laud atatea art ..I Auauat 4 1 ll..
lowlag-iMme.1 perua have gin iu thia oil..
their awont tmoi. to-wlt.
of Ornvin.Wa-M-fMomaMy, tal. of orrg.M,
aavern atatomenl No 11 ju. foe thr purchaac ..(
ihruwWnry.uHnw. a-Knoj, aer ,, ip .
r lie, m m - -
a-chanah Mrood
of PrinnilW. count) of t'lonh. atair of Oregon
"'"?.'U'.mn'1 " " Bc iwiehaae of Hi.
HaK. Mvli'atK. It, tp IK.IIMa m.
JohnC Stile
,.'.'U?"t,C,, TmI- MtU "'
ta.lm"! " lwcliae .H Ihe r ,
Jennie c inn
ofllreenvlUe. couuly of Waahlaglon, .lalt ..1
Oregon, aworn auiamral No nu. , u,r Pll
chaaeofihaaneM.aHuwtt ae. .3 lp.... ri,
Thai Ihev will ottrr proofa to ahow thai Ih.
Und aonghl are mora valuable for the timber .1
?!" i5rft".t,, irtrullural purpoan an I
-r a-J. !! y":,,irr;.-' - '! U"
0 imnM at Send. 1 rick County. Oregon 011
Halurda-.tbeinhdayrfOrtohr,. ,,, "' "
..' Rmmt "'' II Trloe Hill !
Orye-ville, Oregon -..hrUh MrimVf " Inr
l.i'n'.SVK.T Jol!i m"4 f Mai...
kyJdloMSol UTC,U"' " ,D,n " ' "'
.hi -i,i!! JS'"?"? '"l advrraely m, 01
' i WATSON Hegiater
Timber Und. Act June 1 i;h
U.S. Und (Mice, The Hallra. Oregon. "
July i, ijft.
the rulJ!.,',(?i",".l!5,.,,, ""H'-c. with
riST.'-r? V0.y Cong-jaTiafjune 1
.j..r .7. .7;' "7 'neaaieor iimucrMn.l
WlTi2S,!!T """"' Oregon. Nevada, awl
r,m?!i'TI,'v esCinW 10 al Ih.
following named iwraona have on July y
filed in RU office Uivlr aworn idaleineule, lo wit
Alma J HeUney
oiPoftUud, county uf Multnomah, atate of 01.
?! ' otw.Mt 3o aua. Am Ihe purchaa.
Kiln 31. Jeiuea
of lH,rllaj.d. .uly uf Mullnomah, alutr of rr
"u;Vwo tUwctil No ,, for u pH7chai
1 IS, T K m l "'", '' " "
Thai Ihev will oiler pioofa in ahow that ihi
UmU aougfil are more vahmble for Ihe limber ..'
"" '"j '' for agittultural 1 .hiihmm 1
Vt,l,,":,' " CoiitiHlaoner. .1 lit, offlcJ 1.
Ikiid. Oregon, ou n,e , ,11, ,iy of CHMnUr ,J
They name thr following neaea lul.n m
JacnuwaiMl a 111a 1 n-u?.... '. ., tr... "iii.iM.
! ttanlrl IIH.I..V. julu 'if.-:. i.T."i"l''. .
I.ridll I' liira.L . rtl II A iii.ilSi
.,.... ....-.. W lrim, (J.Vgl,
ami i
jLH L'", KM"1 ' dur.cly ihe
im.inlhlaomci'o,",;. ! Pi ?,"!?. "l
of October, 1900. v -"" "iV
r -if
To contract to .
lect Of logs, to commence Mnv ist
Hawkins Hko.h.,
, Princvillc.
, Subscribe for T.HE HULLHtIN'
ana Study iW irrJgatlomlcpatUiicutt