The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 10, 1906, Image 7

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    wmiiimiiliMnmBi !
lis It Your
Qwn Hair ?
Do you pin your lint to your
own hair? Can't do It?
Haven't enough hair? It must
be you do not know Aycr's
Hair Vlcorl Merc's an Intro
duction! May the acquaint
ancc result In a heavy growth
of rich, thick, ulossylmlrl And
wcknow you'll never he gray.
"I think trial Aiet'e Itilr VlrnrUtli. mml
wkihWiIhI halnma.r Ih4l etar mail. I
bate UI..I It fur aiilne Hill tint I ran llutll
tlllli Hill I ant araelly Ifai.rt Mll II I
e r f ! r '"IxiikikI II a iilmli li.
lttu -- Mim V Unix a, Wetland, Midi,
B Zl
Made be J V lir(li, I.nw.ll, klaaa,
i.w auuiaviurer a or
cm buy vtauaM.
llMril l ( urn,
"I'm (lad li bear lint I'Uttnnu tin
liiht-rrlrd n fortune nnl hmigbt a kimI
farm wllli M. Ilotv ilnr hi Ilka living
In lli ctmiitryr"
"H1tl.11JI.ll7. Hut !,, i),. flr,t ,,y
lt May cam tin for.t hlmae-lf and wmt
unmml abwtil wlinllly Iim.Uius for n new
farm, iimlir lb IiiiiumIuii Hut be bail
cot tu mote."
Catarrh Cannot he Cured "
with 1MA. AlTUrATlON. M tr rniMt
rreeli Ittn eeal til lbs dlMi aUrrh It a
litevt or eaitieiltullonal itta ,. anj h iMr In
tt"S. ". T"u."u, ' Inl'Mml rrWMllfi.
IUII ii Until ma it u.rH ltntnaiir. ami
MidliorilruMlb hlumt nlmur.utiuf'api
lied et'aterrM I icale hut a quark mnlli-lne
ItMat rwilWi l,r uneol the lat IitUmi
llilklar.juntrr lur )eete. and la a urn far ie
eerltitiou. II Ii n.mi. . i, ihn Ixtt tnt.lra
knK, tmeablneH mIiIi Km beet Muwtl .iir.
ra, atHUKilllrrllr un IM rnuonue iiirlimi.
Ilta twrrart Mm. Mai a lrt ! tlx lwolnrfe.Ur4la
Ii kl r"'"l'n h MNiUrful r.aulta h
cutta lalarrh, and for leaiim-nlale ftM.
-.AJ J t A . !., Tteleeto.O.
i)e)M brrlruaeleta. t.iinjTv.
llatt'iVaikllr lllla M tU trtt.
OptMiarit l Ilia I'rtirree.
"Centre, Tommy ; If a three for yew to
tali J "Mr Utb"
"I don't want t I" watbed mammal
flier m a dry rleaniii;, Ulei lly Ju
.a.ia'e wblla Kill!"
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You llavo Always Bought
Dear tho
An tnaiireeelnH,
"I'm klnit n' illioiMimK'M lHut that
new boarder," aaltl Mr. Corntl.
"Chow up," anew wed tlir farmer
Tkrrr Ain't no u o' tryln' ti ult
htm. Il'' 0110 n tkotr toiler that
write jwdltlral article for the maun-Hhm."-WarrtlnKlnn
HI. V lava' l'fta M ail Marvaaii IHl
iarmaaHr catrxi kr H. KllaVa nr ai
IkaakMar. thaaat farrRKK lllraal bafH'axa
IK. IU II.KIlH.,M. M Arhli.,l1iUa..l'.
(Jiiiiiidr CntlT tttt t Imvo Mirti
an wHtrMlnff Ifon-a ImimIi.
(Jj)nr It Imn all eiMHetNl hIikv Im
txiu:lit nn MUtiKHodllt'.
(lumiiir ll'm ! Now, I ufMHu, lie
tin tliti "luirtuliaM laucli."
MathfMwIll fln.1 Mr. UlaiVaw'i 8ofltMnr
RrrHptha Ul leatolf utHMfiK lhlr ebltitrsu
durldf tin UrthlHK faM.
.No CliMlirr,
Slranjfr If jh Iblnk a mtUvr liw
wub lit a coaxl iblHK for tbr Iiiwh why
dmi'l yM Mai lb manor up Ufuru th
city fatbrraT
Natlvv 'llMt'a lr triMibb.. Wt UaMi't
any etty fathrra. .Hm i.( 'rni am ubl
ImpboUira, nml lb rMt of 'out live la
atwrlmMit hmiH.
HOWAlin K, IlltHTON -Amrw awt CIimkIM.
l4Hll.(k htwiNMR prl.KI Kul.l.
Wllaf. I.1J.II1 llald. MIVaar.tK . ItnUt. ao.' I XlM r
Ihmi,, 0anU la4. Uinal-aii4
MllfUNallil awituuaiinlaMtMi. iVulful l l'H
HrriHufkavllollvtl. llafalvum CmImIuW bar
Ilwal Hank
GASOLCNC tNGINtS i (0 . ha,...
l-owar fully warrantwl, II. All alma au.l
I) If t at lawcat llra. VU fur aulalotf.
I'orlUnJ, OrcioA,
Young MEN, Old MEN, Mlddle.Aged MEN
HiiihI for fri-o jinniplilft in ululn wivur.
TcIIm nlioiit nn uiiliiinru tluit limnroa
Impl'liii'M, luallli nml mu-i'ids In lifo.
1'riu himiiI lodnv,
P. O. lion 25 I'otiliini'. 0;e.
TIK JIA1HV l'I,Y Klf I I'll ilalror; all Ilia
. . Illi ami afliinli
c 111 .rilonvrry
liumt In ilininir
ruuiu, aUriiiif
riaim ami all
iaci wnara
III. aarKlionbl-
oilia, t' I Hi
r kul Will
noi toll or !
lnr anwlllllltf.
"""'"" Try llivni one I
and yuu will lirrlawllioulllirm, lfnotkiibir I
dtatii.taittir(p.uiror lie. Harold flomara, I
wmamsi&EFmna, i
ToiirlNtN Ki'iicrnlly wiy tint 1 l'lnrciii-u
In tlio liumt n 1 1 null v city In tliu world,
not KxrcntliiK Itiiini' nr I'nrlH. LVrtnln
ly It dim amiui ri'iiiiirknhli) xiliitH of In
tiTit. It la Iiitii Unit olio Hilda tliu
llnrxi'llii, or old tower of the (loviTimr
of tlio tlly, In iinu "liini mill, nml Urn
M'oiio ut ninny allrrliiK di-cilfi. On tlio
xiiniii Hltii't, iiromiil tlio corniT, Dmito
win horn In 11!HA In a lionao wlilcli
"till alniiiN. '1'nrnliiK from Iuto piiNt
Hid I'litlii-ilrnl, tlio trnvullur w tlio
lioiino wIiith CiihIiki ill) Miillcl WIIM
iHirn, wlili'h ixrniilim tlio hKo of tlic
Iioiinii whoro lli'iitrlco llvrd, wliom
DiiiiIo lovitl, Kvcrywliori' In thlx vi
cinity tlio brethren of tlic .MIncrlcorillii
nrn to Im met, nrrnyit! In (duck rnliim
with hob for tlio y, ninl cnrryliiK
torchcH. ThU lirotherhiMMl iliilen from
l-ll. IIh iiii'IiiImtm cmi'o for tho nick
nmoiiK the xnir. nml lumr the deml for
them. 'I'hey come from nil nuika of
WM'lety tliHinmheK, In (be obi dnya
iMimellim) h Krniiil iliiko whs a mem
her. A iitIhIii iiiiiiiImt of them ninny
urn renily to ntwenililii In tlielr hull nt
tho atnihe of the cHtlitilrnl hell, mill,
inillliiK on robe hihI IiimhI, to k where
they nre iii'ihIihI. 'i'hey never iIImcIomo
their bleiillty, never tube either fmiil
or Hiiy ilrlnk exivnt n kIiihi of w.iter.
In the lioiiaert where they k
A noteil f-jMit n the mIoiio rnlletl Hau
te'", where that jwet uil to hrlnc IiIh
clmlr hihI alt In coiitemplntloii of the
mlheilrHl. l'roiii here there la u (imhI
view of the I'miiiikiiiIIr. It N himl for
ii AtnerlcHii to iimleralnnil how h
IxilblliiK which wna Hlartiil over (Kni
yenra hkh nIhiiiIiI nt II I lie llliciHiiiletiHl.
Near by la tlm Obt I'ntHce. 'I'he foilH
lain In the wiiHre nmrka the Kit when)
MHiiHwndH hnn lmnel to iIomIIi. On
each ISM of May llw ieojile eiiliM hihI
alrew Dm imveiiH'tit wltti vlaiMx for
ttHtwtry of tlm nmriynliHii Ih itiirfeteil
nut of hue for their (tear city mim! Um
N'ile. In proximity la tlie I'mite Vec-
bio. Ilk obi lirlilire lineal toilay with
Jeweler'a hImiJH, whlrli extetril nIoiiic
laitli hiIm exctil In Hie mblille, ivliefe
n Dri'Mk eilHhliM i view or tho Ixmiltl
fnl, kIimmiIi; Anm.
TrHtcraliik; n fertile ilUtrlct. where
llilMhit Hre iHirple In the yellow xrnln.
tho tonrlat rorichcM the wntemlieil of the
AilrlHthr, -,C". fii-t nhove km level, nml
follow a n roml full of tunnel, cti(tliih'
nml thitliii't until IIoIokiiii la nsichetl.
Thla la nn milin jijiy -lntk liit; city, with
Ita clne, ilnrk atrceta ninl tl ill 1 nr
cmlea, The obi ItcliiilmiiiRii pnlncea nre
Imllt of brick. The plmt' U fmnona
for Ita fllm;e. Ita liiHilironl, Ita niuii
Mini Ita nmi. Then ciinieH l'lirnm wild
Ita iMitcil vlolela nml rhiiwe, nml I'lu
cHiue la rwchiil, on the win I II branch
of tho I'o, which la rroMacil both hy
tho Iron rallwny hrhlKo mid hy nn In
tenmtliiK hrhlKo of Iwnita. Tho country
nhoilt hna been the hcciiu of lilimoroilH
hiittlca, 'l'o tho rlKlit, In the 1'rovlnco
of llruaclii, Im the hnttk'Kroiiml of Hoi
ferlno, wlioao bloody HcIiIn of lHTi'J khvo
their niiino to a riibllah hIiiiiIl of pur
ple, which heciinio fiiNhloiitihlo the fol
lowlin; year, na dhl nlao MnKuntn, A
Ionic day of Imiit trnvelliiK brliiK tho
tonrlat to .Milin, the city of tho Krcnt
I'titliedrnl 4'lly of aciilpture; Mllnii,
"the Krciit;" .Milan, the hcniitlful, mill
nfler that to Vermin, which mimt hnto
Ih-cii miiKiiltlieiit when It wna nllvc
with nil of Ita old time vitality. Peo
ple ko to Veroim to view Juliet' tomb,
iih In duty bound na HhnkiwpcHrcan pll
Krlma. The totirh of rnre rmiiniice la
tho miiKuet of thla city.
Nolanly Id'Heven i-erlimily III the nil
theutlcity of the medlevnl anrcophaKiia
known na .lullet'H tomh. which, by the
way, look like nil ugly old water
trough, hihI which I kept tu an limit
trnctlre chi'l of a aiipproitacd rmn
cImwii iii(in)ery. The totirlat, when ho
iwya a fee wt the nil Kte of the tear
deu, and another nt the. cIihk'I dimr,
feela tlmt liila able allow, la. In United
Htnliw teriiHi'iihir, "a fake."
Am for the reputed lmue of Juliet on
tire Via t'aHllo, which aome iliH'liire to
In) the real thltiK becaiMc of the prtn
euco of cup cnniil In Mnlic Jut
alnive the Inalde of the bh; door-r-nnd
which' other iwtert to Im a fraud tho
tonrlat would, In hi heart of heart",
hale to believe tliat thla ahalihy iHllld
Inii, hy wIhim' entrance the tramcar
I'lamc liMiinmiitly. waa really the place
wliere Itoiteii inaile love m ilnimntlcHl
ly. ami Juliet Maternal with ietlc rap
ture, tlreael In auch exipilatte and ex
HrMlve falaTrra aa ont la aeiMiatnuHal
to mIuic Iter wear iiKn the iiHalem
On tire river bauka an1 mill mil
old There la the lnlcri"tlii
imlare of Hie SrallHera. and the Pl.i. I
tlelle Krle, ihht a fonun. and now uv d
aa a fruit ami viKetahle market U ith
Ita old HlatiHM and Ita hoiiM-a fnxihil
on their fact In I'hiIiihii at. vie. It dc
aervea the reputation of helliK the lie at
plcliinupie piihlle fupiHre In Italy, Ad
Jnreiit Im the "houxe of Juliet," mid the
(lothlc cluinli of St. AunatiiNla, that
Im a atatiie of Paul Veronese In front
of It, and aueleiit imlncea all around.
Then there are hniidiHimo tomh, red
mid white trlnil church faendea, mid
many remlndera of tho lone mid quur
relHome xairleiicii of tho city. Yet
the traveller fil that ho came to Ve
rmin to k'M a thrill In the hlMorlc Iwt-
th'Kniund of Itouieo ami Juliet.
No. I TImiii ahalt not k away fniiu home to ibi any traldltiic. nor
thy mhi, iMir tli damchtur.
No. 2. TImiii tlialt M4troul7e Uy Ihmiic niercliant, for thy home
printer doth pread far and wide tho atory of nHMlirt and the great
ifeaa of Hit lie place of liahltnllou and In mutual traldliiK Hlmlt thee Unit
the profit to tli- i leal re.
No. TImiii nlialt (Hiiplny thy Iminc people, and they shull not Im
ilrheii from their iHiine lo Hud bread for their little onerf
No. -I TIhmi ahalt not aak for credit, a good cot imicli mid the
hrmhaiit'a brain la burdened with hill.
No. ' TIhhi alialt not aak for nliiced price on thine "liitlunnco."
for Ktiltt la In thine heart ami tho uierrlmut rcadeth It like mi nnm
iKNik. lie lamtlH'th thee to Hcorn, mid atatuteth to hi clerka, "Ila ! I In !"
No. il TImiii ulialt do whateer Until lu tit' air to iHicimrnKe mid
pronmte the welfare of thine own town aid thluo own people.
No. 7 Thou ahalt beware of enticement and If ether cltlo coax thru,
(HiiiMint tlaiu not, for thou iunwt Im) devolved.
No. H TIhhi alwlt pond thy eHruluttx ut home that they mayost
return fnnn whence they came ami hknIii give iiourlahmuiit tu thev mid
tlnMH who wiiiip after theo.
No. tl Thou "Ixilt not boar fnlao wltueM acalnat tho city wherein
thou dwelleth, but ahnll mk well of It to all men.
No. 10-TImiii elmlt k(Hp thee ciimnuiinluuMit mid touch thoin to thy
ehlblroii even to the third nml fourth KoncratluiiM that thoy may ho
made to llourlah and grow In plenty when thou art luld tu root with thy
j fnthora.
!Jt.4.44"t''M,'K444't4tt',t M'Mtv iNlvH4t't'44t'4xi$
Tlio I'm n Ulln Slnliil,
Tho celebration of the Franklin bi
centenary lu Philadelphia lasted four
ilnya and wn attended by aclontlHta
and diKiiltarliM
from all over the
world. It culmin
ated on tho cliKdm;
dny In the presen
tation to the repub
lic of Kniiico of a
Kold nu'ilnl struck
by oo in in u lid of
('oiiuiec iih u token
of American Krntl-
tilth foi' the aid
Klvcn by Franco tliroiiKh Uunjiiiuln
I'liinkllu to the Ameiicaii caitro In tho
War of tlu) Uovuluthiii. Tho modal waa
ilclKued by Aimindim and I.ula St.
(Iiiudcu. and the ohvoitm shows a pro
iibi Inmt of I'rnliklln, with a branch of
pnliu on either able ami t(jtr Inscription.
"Ilenjaiuln rriitikllii-,,rluUr, Phlloso
pher, Hclmitlat, Dl.ilimiiitUt 17tj-I7lK)."
Jiuilouay boara a lot of XruU that
Bbould mt hu priwxvi'd. " ",
vVpalhiia nmoaonwa'x
irimt kaiitna y
The I'l)- to (lie Oliiliiu-nt,
"Senator, how iIimm It awui now tlmt
you linvo attained wealth and Inllti
"Woll." ropllod Soimtor Hmlor with
n fai'-nwny look In his oyos, "it's re
lieved inn of a lot. of worry, hut It's
Kettlui; nilchty tiresome trylm; to nmko
n fork take the place of a knife." Mil
wtuikoe Soittlnol.
UniiMililiilile Dvlii)-,
"Tho cnomy la In Kioat confusion ami
this Is tits Instant to attack, nlr!" the
dusty mid breathless aide reported.
"I can't help It." tho grout general
replied. "I Intro Just received u mes
sago from tho iomitors and moving
iilcturo men atatlng that thev had been
delayed and wouWu't arrlre for two
I. ,.l,l -., fl
lliniin jv, .-.wBBBBBaja i
Illi-il mill
After 1h1iik tw'eflj
Jo .Siiriiiune,
K, years lu tho ser-
rco.i)f fninlljr irt SalTixiii Wableii,
lOiwaiid, as housekeeper a woman died
nmW.tas found that no vno knew her
aiiruSina. ,
The very name, Contagious Blood Poison, suggests contamination and dread. It is tlio
worst disease the world has ever known; responsible for more unhappincss and sorrow than
all others combined. Nobody knows anything about the origin of this loathsome trouble,
but as far back as history goes it has been regarded the greatest curse of mankind.
No part of the body is beyond the reach of this powerful poison. No matter how pure
the blood may be, when the virus of Contagious Blood Poison enters, the entire circulation
becomes corrupted, the humiliating symptoms begin to appear, and the sufferer finds himself
diseased from head to foot with the vilest and most destructive of all poisons. Usually
the first symptom is a small sore or ulcer, so iusignificaut that it rarely ever excites
suspicion, but in a short while tlic skin
breaks out in a red rash, the glands of the
groin swell, the throat and mouth ulcerate,
the hair and eye-brows come out, and often
the body is covered with copper-colored
spots, pustular eruptions and sores.
There is hardly any limit to thc rava
ges of Contagious Bloocf Poison ; if it is not
driven from the blood it affects the nerves,
attacks the bones, and in extreme cases
causes tumors to form on the brain, pro
ducing insanity and death. No other dis
ease is so highly contagious; many an inno
cent person lias become infected by using the
same toilet articles, handling the clothing, by
a fricudlv handshake or the kiss of affection
from one afflicted. But no matter how the disease is contracted, the sufferer feels the
humiliation and degradation that accompany the vile disolcr.
Mercury and Potash are commonly used in the treatment of Contagious Blood Poison,
but these minerals cannot cure the disease they merely mask it in the system. All ex
ternal evidences may disappear for awhile, but the treacherous poison is at work on the iutcrnal
members and tissues, ana when these minerals arc left off the disease returns worse than
before, because the entire system has been weakened and damaged by the strong action of the
Mercury and Potash. There is but one certain, reliable cure for Contagious Blood Poison,
and that is S. S. S., the great vegetable blood purifier. It attacks the disease in the right
way by going down into the blood, neutralizing and forcing out every particle of the poison.
It makes the blood pure and rich, strengthens the different parts of the body, tones up the
system, and cures this humiliating and destructive disorder permanently.
The improvement commences as soon as the patient gets under the influence of S. S. S.
and continues until every vestige of the poison is driven from the Hood and the sufferer
is completely restored to health. S. S. b. is not
an cxperitnent ; it is a success. It has cured
thousands of cases of Contagious Blood Poison,
many of which had given the Mercury and
Potash treatment, Hot Springs, etc., a thor
ough trial, and had almost despaired of ever
being well again. S. S. S. is made entirely
of roots, herbs and barks, and doc's not in
jure the system in the least. We offer a
reward of $i,oco for proof that it contains a particle of mineral of any kind. If you
arc suffering -with this despicable and debasing disease, get it out of your blood with S. S. S.
before it docs further damage. Wc will gladly send our book with instructions for self
treatment and any medical advice, without charge, to all who write.
Dsar Sirs : I had a friend who had a bad cans of Con
tagious Blood Poison and was In a terrlblo condition. H
tried all the medicines ho conld hear of, but nothing did
him any good. He went to Hot Springs but It was Ilka
tho other treatments ho had used, and ha waa In despair
of a cure when ho hoard of S. S. S. After taking It for
awhUo the sores alt healed, his hair stopped falling out,
and, continuing with it, he soon found himself oared en
tirely of this hideous disease. JOHN LESLIE,
Kookford, III. 710 W. State St.
I was afllloted with Blood Poison, and the' best doc
tors did me no good, though I took: their treatment faith
fully. In fact I seemed to get worse aU tho while. I took:
almost every so-oolled blood remedy, bnt they did not
soem to reach the disease, and had no of?sot whatever, I
was disheartened, for it seemed that I would never bo
cared. At tho advice of a friend I then took 8. 8. S. and
began to Improve. I contlnnod the medlolno. and it cared
me completely. W. R. NEWMAN.
y. Hamlet, N. O.
Modrrn Lore Ktory Ilotlcd Dorrs.
"MIm Jon, allow m to present Mr.
"Dcllshtfd to mcrt you, Mln Jones.
Will you marry cieV"
Wiira limn nn InaaM.
"DM be offer you tho 'n.ult ot a bribe?"
naked tit new Alderman.
"Catch bl in offerlnc anybodr a bribe!"
exclaimed the Alderman from the 'Stevnth
ward. "The dirty tightwad wtntcd me
to do It for nothing!"
SoItciI Again. j
"You think you will have n cook .
next week, sure?" naked tho caller after
n prolonged discussion of tho servant ,
problem. I
"I shall, If the girl has any regard '
whaterer for the amenities of life," re
plied tho bostons.
"What do you mean?"
"In order to be aure of her favor I
haro arranged a little dinner In hor
honor the first evening she Is with u.
Can't you come?" Judge.
Twice as Good
One Third the Cost
'lW)(Cl.iC' ,iif
Every day is barealn dav In the
Wave Circle. Come In and get ac
quainted. K C will help you cut
down the living expenses and make
doctor's bills a thing of the past. Do
you realize that you can get the best
and purest baking powder in the world
at one-third what you've been paying
for anywhere near K C quality. A 3?
ounce can costs 2c. Think of the saving!
tan you make money any easier? Get
It to-day. The grocer returns the
pnee ot can if you are not saUsfied.
Jill Grocers
Will Cleanse Every Article in Vour
Kitchen or Dining Room
And Make It bright
Alt I'alf r- t'r.a MmU Ilorax ami I orax Bo.p,
UooKIrt i d houvrtir I'lc urn , colum, rorlOranta
and J1 ia nam. i'aCIHI. IUA1' 111) RAX
Co., Oakland, lal
Dr. C. Gee Wo
JA?4 "f Q. co.
1)11. W. A. WISH
Whan you f f I dental work don.. 8ra
Um and ireclaton al ilia way tlirounU
In our ufflr. but we do int I mine
with a llltla cumuton for a nvnrout
Katleni. We Iry lo make It a paluieu
Dr tiiurderant, areclallat oo chtid
reu'a Ire ill aid reguUUu.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Filling llutlillli.-,Tblrd and Washington
a. lu. tu iv in. Sunday to IX,
Main WW.
ftjgi jar
Tn'a wondritid Cfc
tna Doctor la ratlrd
irralberaua he aim
peorae without opera
lion that ares-itm up
to die. lie rurva whiv
InoM woudai'd' C
ncee tiertM, rovla. kit '.
bark aud lr ' '
Ibat an enlireW na
known to nid til.
rnre) in thla run i rv- "!1iv tfhih. u,.nf ihA.,
barmlM rewedlra (; u fauwae doctor know
IheacUoaofakerKM a ff.r. m rtiueJlM which
heeurresarullr lure fj wua real dli.ejM. lie
('aTtTu.aa nma, lunf, ibroal,
Ihrumaltam oarv,.o,-i i nh, llvari kid
no a, tic i liai huoilrJ. ot tcellmonlaU
ChrtfuioJrrl. Call and tea blm. 1'aUeoU
outoflhecll wnU fur -larlrr and oirculara.
btndetanip. t.uW8UU'.Tio.N VUKK.
I6J riret Si., S. 1. "or. Morrlton
Ueulton rjr- ' rdRTlANO, OREGON.
and Addrf etc .I f
Portland of Repre-
Names i
entatlvc Uuelneaa rirmfi
CltKAM t)KlAHATOEu-We juaranlr. the U.H.
hrparalor to be the beat, Wrtlo lor fteo catalog
llai.lw ood Cpy Ulh aft CUIt.
UKN'HI-IJDTIIINU oftam A fendleios, aole
aiitnie Alfred JIBiWa A lo.'e eormcl elothas.
r-vo tblnc In mea'e f uroudtmia. Morrttou and
buth etreaia. 0pn'i poatonfc.
l'IANO.1 AHtUAKa-l-Miny flne Inrrutnentt re
vri to u h.i-hii a i ktii m or reoioral of buyer
Wrllo for di-cr ll if ano now on band,
terms, eta Wltta loay. Ullbetl Co., 1'vrtland
W ANTKIhrUta and wotarn tolearn liar tier trade
Ineltbl wkii,iriniair, tarn Irniu IU to Ijl
weekly rxbari (Tei-ifcrtorij ralalotf Itroi Molar
ttyat- m u( C'eaeeX yourili et. rortland.
P. N. U. , J- No. 31-06
Ii Wlai.ft iti
to dortlor plana