The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 10, 1906, Image 5

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Joint C. fllile of r.nidlnw was a
buxiiieM culler lit llciul Tluirstlny.
II. 1). Tnrney Mini family luft for
their home In the Hnnt lam Mon
day. All lilt itlHgHxliitnutml thu Sntttr
ly livening l'ojii hi the iknIoIIIcc
tiw-lud. IO-tf.
Air. H,il Mm. J. 0. Jolumton
flutletl lunl Saturday for thdr home
l Columbus. Ohio.
1'rtMhiHR StimUy morn In by
Ktv. George und Smirtny evening
by Rev. Jenuiu.
'I. W. Zlmtnernwmi, who it now
located nl Howard, Oregon, won m
huiitvi caller in Beml tint latter
wrt of last weak.
A reward of $50 will be given by
me fur any information a to the
ncroon putting out ihwn for dogs.
V4. II. ItROCK. 203! I
This work L. II. McCartn nit
and sturkwl his hay crop on Ilia
homestead iu 19-13. lie leporla a
good crop, conaidering thai it 1mm
had uo water except from rnina.
Wettntttlay evening as Mr ft.
Chriatine Welder waa coming home
from I.vtle ahc fell, striking on a
rock and cutting her limb so se
verely that ahe will he laid up for
some time.
Those dealt ing anything in the
itie of cabinet work, such as busi
ness desks, ice boxes, fancy vtauda,
shelves, etc., etc. should call on A.
A. Anthony. Ilia prkea are
reasonable and bis work speaks for
itself. a i it
The Kev. J. Anthony Mitchell
lias this week distributed copies of
The Merchant of Venice, to
thiMW who ai to take part in the
presentation of that play some time
later in the season. ThU produc
tion will be given by local talent
and work in preparation therefor
h ill be commenced soon.
Saturday's Portland Telegram
had a whole page of view of the
scenery along the Deschutes river
at Heud and vicinity. Across the
top of the page was the heading,
"Delightful fftota for Oregon
camper on the little know upper
Deschutes." The views made a
line showing. The Telegram in
one of Us issues spoke of the l)es
chutes as Oregon's most curious
Much complaint is heiud thu
season regarding the damage done
to crops by chipmunks. They arc
very numerous this year and in n
short time cau do great damage to
the potato and grain fields. I..
1). Wieat i using poison to destroy
them and seports that "Rough on
Kats" mixed with bran brings the
Ivst results This is much cheaper
thau strychnine and proves more
i-flective. Settlers rejxirt tl'at they
are more tinnier litis season
tlinii they hnvi- been for years.
Ihn Central Ore
gon Banking &
Trust Company
iNiiimnkAU H'
Cnnitni $
TrniiSHcts m Mencrnl Unnk
inIliifcliiowf. Acts as Administrator, Ux
ecutor or Trustee of ttstnlcs
Issues Drnfts und Hank
Money Orders on nil Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits.
Safe Deposit
Hire Insurance.
1) I U I! C r 0 R S:
A. l. Dnikc, A. I.. Goodwills,
Vice 1'ron.
J. M. I.nwrunco, Sccrutnry.
1', 0. Minor. Cushion
I'rank Glass of, Redmond was in
liuud .Sunday.
Guy lludhon of Redmond was a
llettd visitor Tuesduy.
J. I,. McCulloch mid wife of
I'rlituvitlc were in Hand Sunday.
A. I'. Donahue of Lnhllnw was
in Heud Thursday attuuding to
husluess matturs.
Charles and John Winter of
TiiiiimIo were business callers in
Ileud Wednesday.
A fine io-poiti)d Imly? girl was
lyntn to Mr. and Mts. John Morris
last 1'tMlay, Aug. 3,
The MitfM-Joues camp mi the
Tumalo was abandoned Monday
ami the occunm thereof have
moved back to llettd after n very
pleasant outing of several weeks.
Mrs. Mike Morrison has so far
recoveted from the effects of the
operation that she underwent in
Portland recently, that she will
stall soon for a visit at the old
home in Minnesota.
WANTKl), a young man who
wishes to learn the newspaper
business sud type setting. Small
wages to begin. Call at once or
write, giving age and rcfetunce.
Chtouicle l'ub. Co., UUllaw, Or.
Christian Kudeavor services in
the church next Sunday evening at prom 1 t. Subject; "My Fa
vorite Parable, and I low it Helps
Me." Text, Matt. 13:10-17; Ps.
119: 9710.1. Leader, Miss I vs.
W. It. Sellers returned to Itend
Saturday from a business trip to
Portland and other points. He
was accompanied by his wife and
little son, who came from Chippe
wa l'nlls, Wis., to join Mr. Sellers
here. They are stepping at the
Pilot Ilutte Inn.
J. T. Young and his nephew, C.
P. Illumeurader, of Stratford,
Wash., were in Pond the first of
the week looking alter business
matters here. These gentlemen
own laud about five miles cast of
Heud and it is their intention to
move onto it next spring. Mr.
Voting and his brother, I.. C, are
engaged iu tlte general merchan
dise business at Stratford, but
desire to disoc of the business,
move with their families onto their
laud near Heud and develop it
The brother, I.. C, also owns
land in the same vicinity. Mr.
Young is very favorably impressed
with the land in this region.
The Heud Livery it Transter
Coni'Miiy's new grain mid hay
warehouse is just about completed
and will'soou be in. use. A plat
form runs the whole length of one
side und is raised to about the
height of a wagon box. This will
help very materially in loading and
unloading feed. A fine new Victor
liny scale, made by the Fairbanks
-ttiple, is also being installed and
will prove a great convenience to
rancher in this vicinity. The
scales are so delicately poised that
an ordinary iocket knife will
throw them ofT balance. Messrs.
Stroud & Seals also expect to put
in a harness stock In the near
The Investor's Guide, a new pub
lication issued at Portland, has oil
interesting article in its last issue
regarding the Deschutes Irrigation
& Power Company's nront work in
Crook county. In part, the Guide
says: "Chemical analyses show
that this soil contains all the ele
ments of fertile soil. Experiments
bear witness to these tests, for the
crops that grow when water has
been used are almost marvelous.
The climate is such that hardy
fruit and urnius can be srown.
The summers" are of sufficient
length to harvest successfully as
much as four crops of alfalfa during-one
season, each crop running
from one and one-half to three tons
per acre.''
C. M. KcilficM of Redmond wn nt
tutulhiK t lJbus' matters In Ilond
"Dml" Went left for I'rhievllle this
tnoriiiiiK- lieK. to plnsler the new
alone hotel there.
The weather haa ln gelling ""''
what warmer during the wast week,
with the following tnnpeptttirus: Satur
day, An. ., B,,.iuiily &, Monday H7,
Tuesday 9 Wsdnesday , Thursday 88.
II. C. Rills hat Iteen exhibiting n "am
ple of rape and millet that bad grown this
iwaaoH with very little care. Tho oll
had received very ll'ttle cultivation, no
fertilize, sad tad not even been leveUnl.
The seed we wwh btoadcaat. The
rape measured abot 15 inches high ami
the millet sIkmH a.).
rieorge W. HtteV and wi(e tmetit aever
al days last week In Bend. Mr. Huck U
chief of one of the Oregon Haatern sur
veying crews work log in the mountain
trow Natron. Unlike moat engitteer'a
wives, Mrs. Beck has braved the hard
aliipe lltal aceonip-Mty lite life of aur
veylng crew In the mountain and has
lieen with her hnsband for the at
eight month.
tturveyor coming to Heml from
working In Odell wm report that the
crew under Miller fouttil a waterfall on
Spring rrcek a short, distance west of
the tummll in Olcll )mm that fall lo
fret. The water in dropping that illa
tanre luma l pry ami reaenihle very
clMwly n eolumn of amoke. It ia ail
to lie a very twat-lifut sight. The sur
veyor ineawne'l the fall by drop-ting a
lone and timing ita descent.
Charles I'rcncli nnd Miss Anrtn Rns
nio.nnon United In Marriage.
KXUMONli, Aug. B. Charle French
and Miae Anna Kaamoeaen were married
at 1'Mneville last HrhUy. Charlie mmiI a
bos of cigar for the boy to smoke to
his good health.
J. C. Lewis "left for Portland last Sat
urday. Unite a number of men, are employed
iu clearing the laud which" is to be uswl
for the fairground. Tlte juuiper 1m
been cleared off of alxMit five acres and
aliout 75 remain yet U be cleared.
The auction sale which wa hld here
but Priday ami Saturday w fairly well
attend e-l, but the sale -ere few, there
being mdy about to head ohl. They all
brought a good price.
Mrs. K. H. Carman has been very ill
for the past few ttaya.
About 70 head of horse belonging to
the I). I. A P. Co.. which were not Mid
at the auction sal were taken to The
Dalle on Tuesday morn lug ami will be
hipped from there to PortUnd to be
hojt Line
and union Pacific
Salt Lake
Kansas City
St. Louis
New York
Ocoati Steamers between Portland
and San Krniictsco every five days.
Tickots to and from nil parts of
the United States, Canada and
Por particulars, call 011 or address
The Dalles, Or.
Trade Markb
CopvntanTS &c.
Anton Miming ktrli nucripiion mj
IiivimiiImi (ir bblr )'''
iiiflkiv ui(niim our iihiu.vk nw "
ion it ir iiuir 1
roo. illlit unoiic
ii.nlentiMo. Coniiuunlc
;ll, HANDBOOK on I'tuutt
bt blilB
int Iroo. llUltit upoucr
icr lornacuruiapitivn'f.
.,H,!L:. wllliOutciir(ii. Iivtka
...b inl.n .lirmiirl
Munn , ia. 1
ilunn ,V Cu, lecttT
m In tkn
, "- - f. mv : r
Scientific fln.ericnih
. i..u.AM.i 111... ,...! WAAklr.
TraA.l rlr.
cilllloH of Hf clnlBo Jou'UJ'i
Ttrmi, U
& Co.38,Brotd-"- New York
lOttct, hi V eUYfuBUitiD.l.Cj.
nJo ilSfeyO il i0
(Contlrt'icd from page 1,)
be olherwUelf greed and fgnoraiire are
allowed to govern, ami wr Ignore the
exerience of older countries than onrs,
there will remain to nS only a gloomy
forcMt of legal, economic, and oslhly,
civic trife."
Mr. fead also touches on one of
the vital points of ally good irriga
tion law, namely, uniting with the
soil the rlghl to the water that re
claims it. Under the Carey act,
the measure under which the com
panies in the vicinity of Heud
are otwratiiig, this provision is
made and to every acre of land re
claimed is attached the right to use
the water that reclaims it. Mr.
Mead says:
'The hUtory of a'll Irrigslcd countries
how the iieceMity of uniting with tin?
oil the right to the water which reclaim
It. I'nder our land ytem tBe ownership
of thrae joint agent of production i di
vorced at the oulaet. Title to bind come
from the fnited State. Title to water
come from each of the everal atates.
No right to water goe with a land
patent. Itarh arid Ute ha different
lawa governing water r'ghU, and in only
two ia there, legislation which favors
the attachment of these right to the toil.
"In arid countrie water rights are of
more importance than bind titles.
Without water, the land ha little value.
Wherever water and hnd are owned
apart from each other, there i a
tendencv to create monoplie i) water,
ami to place the tiller of the mm
St the mercy of the owner of the atream.
The natural, If mil inevitable, reeult of the
t'.S.bmd ytem i to create such tenarsle
ownership and uch pecutalive abuses.
No industrial ttroblem of the West
eouals this in importance. The inti-
utiott now beintf created will, in time
effect a population greater than that of
the e.itire nation. The cuatom. which
are the outcome of urimttive condition.
will harden into lawa, and abutes will
become vested rtehtt. No adequate
aystem of irrigation law or any enduring
nroatieritv lor tlte rteatuc v. no uu ini-
oil, can lie built oh separate ownership
ami divided control ot land ami water.
The fundamental conditiona of uciet
i that these two joint agent of pro
duction should be disposed of together,
and that with every title to irrigated
Und should go an interest in the stream
which give It value."
State Engineer IVcwis, while at
Heud with the governor's party in
June, suggested that the settlers in
this region organize for tlte study
of irrigation laws iu other states,
that they send delegates to the
Portland meeting, and throw all
their Influence to securing the pas
sage of the contemplated law. Mr.
Lewis gives, as the fundamental
principles of a good irrigation law,
the following points:
l. That all unappropriated water in the
projwrty of the state a trustee for the
future water user.
a. That the state should administer
this great public trust iu tlte in
terest of the people.
3. That beneficial use should be the
Wis, the measure and the limit of right
tn the use of water.
t That for irrigation the amount
urd should not exceed a certain fixed
amount per acre.
5. That this right sltoukl be appurte
nant to the lamt irrigated and none
other: that the transfer of the land
curries with it the right, and apart
from the land the right cannot be
transferred except by due proee of
6. Tltat when a diteh witters land not
tlie property of the ditch owner, the
water attache to the land mi which the
water is used and not to the ditch. Tlie
owner of the lauds irrignted making
the proof ef appropriation and the cer
tlrlcatc being issued to him. No certifi
cate of appropriation diouM lie issued to
a ditch ow iter for the watering of land
not his own. The ditch owner under
our present laws is a common currier
ud Is subject to regulation as such.
7. That the date of lieviuuiug con
struction should lie specitled iu the per
mit, depending upon tlie magnitude of
the work, and compliance therewith
defined as, due diligence without n-
a aril to intent. Where due diligence is
lowii, the date of priority to relate
back to the date of application. Where
diligence is lacking the priority to date
from the time of use.
8. That a system be provided where
by the present vested rights may even
tually le determined and recorded in
ordur of priority. Tliat provision be
made for distribution iu times of scarcity
in accordance with these rights.
g. Tltat the state refuse permit to
the use of water where it is clunrly ap
parent that the limit of the beneficial
ue to which each stream can be put, is
Dinner at Hotel llend.
Sunday, Aug, 13, 1906. 13 to 2 p. in.
sop I'.
Cream of Tomato.
Vegetable 11 la Hotel Heud,
Boiled HorrhiR with Lemon llutter.
Pried Spring Chicken with African Sauce
Prime Ribs of Ueef, nu jus.
Mutton with Jelly,
ljagle Ilrown Potatoes.
Green yeas. Sugar Corn.
Strawberry Ice Cream with Cake.,
- - , -
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tablet supplied with all the delicacies of tlte season
,. ...
Pirat-claw Kquiprciant
All stages stop
General Blacfsmithing and Wagon Reparring
fjT Our shop is located opposite Baptist Chv.rch.
Z. F.
CiOnimission and forwarding
Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention paid to thoe who
favor me with their patronage
Lcare Shaniko 6 p. m.
Arrive Prineville 7 a. ra.
Leave Priueville 12:30 p. in.
Arrive Bead 7:00 p.m.
Bend Livery
J. FRANK SrROUD, Manager
First-CIass Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Phone No. 15
BJ ttrctt, IwtnN- MlaniMta n J Oroa,
THE finest stock of FRESH
MEATS in Crook County.
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a First-Class
Market. Everything new and
of the best. WHITE & HILL.
No matter how big the bird, no matter how heavy Its. plumage or
awift ita flight, you can bring it to bag with a. U"5, si-mg.
straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun Rrwlu are wnar
count. They always give the best results It -edt fowl or trap
shooting, and are sold within reach of evary-fjfy's poiAetbooii.
FREE l -J nam ai tiintt oa
- - - 1 -a.
v x
Fine Rooms and Beds
at the liotcl door
MOODYs - -
Leave Bend 6:00 a. m.
' Arrive Princville 12:00 m.
' Leave Prineville 1 p. m.
Arrive Shaniko 1 a. ra.
& Transfer Co.
Dend, Oregon.
Oppoit. B. M. Co.
. I
bag uMh a, Uny. st-oni
Shotgun Rrmlu are wa.
esulta Ih -eld, fowl or t.-a
of evsrybsrify's po.8tboo
for ou'Mrtllu)tritti talatepi
puttal ear J for carrcrlliuUriUJ catalogue.