The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 03, 1906, Image 8

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The Townsite of BEND
isyi0 CNavNvx vN?v 0y sS&X
ii X' xrs. xv v v xx vvx v v xxx x w -y
a v XX X. joX x'fi'XAw V-X X . Xs. X... . A o
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n x. . xx Xsr v-x x xx'xv, J' x'-'x r
Timb- Und. Ajl June 3. 17.
V. &. JAai Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
Jlmch n J, 1906.
Vollee i Her tiy gtren that In comptMBce with
he proviloB ofthe ct ot CcngrcM vT June 1,
- V entitled An t r the iuil oftlmber nd
! ihe hute oTOiUtoriiU. Ottgom, Ncvd. d
Wnhiueton Territory," exlendeil to all the
I ubh IDd &Ul bjr net oT AgM 4. iif,
Spencer It Lou,
of Bend, county of Croak, Ute of Orejron. h
'htttiiy filed In thh office M (worn tatement
So S,!oMhepurcUeofthc HnwIf,iX
And will offer proof to .how lht the Und
"iazhl ii more raluablc for In timber or atone
(tun for aertcultutat purrKMe. iihI to cittMUh
.in ctalm to aawl land before the Count OerV at
frmexille. Oregon, on the 1Mb day of July, I'A.
He names a witneuei. I' n. GllcofIjiii!Uw,
Oregon, K W.Gllea, 1. 1 Turuf und Mary V.
t.ilcs, all of Ilend. Ortxou.
Any and all person dalmins adrenely the
aboTc-riewnbed laud, are reaueol U file their tW olftee on or before nld nth day o
July. 10A M1CIIA1II.T. NOfc.N, KegiUcr.
Timber Land, Act June , iJ.
V. 6. Land Office, The Daltco, Oregon.
Jcne4, 1906.
Notice h hereby giren that in ccmpllauce w)th
t lie prorislons of the Act of Congreu of Juue ,
iije. entitled, "Anact for the aaleof timber Unci
in thettattsof California, Ortgoa, Nevada, and
W a.hlngton Territory," at extendel to alt the
public land atatea by Act of Augu.t 4, ifc,
Gatenreod T. Callilnn
,r Ilend. county of Crook atate of Oregon, Jva
1 'ii day filed iu thta office hia aworn Matenicnt
Nu jv. for the purchase ofthe swK oCihe swtf
,1 an No j, tp i i.rnt.wm
ud will offer proof to how that the land
ought l more valuable for IU timber or atone
than for agricultural purpotoa, awl to establish
h claim to said land before II C Kllia, I' K
Lommissioner, at tils office iu Bend, Oregon, oil
i 'ie will day of hepteraber, i(u6-
He names as witnesses John ferguson, fame
1 .rguton. William I MeOilWrsy and WWiaw
raold, all of Ilend, Orjou
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
lxc4ecribd Unas arc requested to file their
laima in thU office 011 or before the s-IJ Itth
ay of Bptemler, l$"6.
j 11I6-S7 MICH AHI. T. NOLAN, KegWer.
Timber Land, Act June j, 1878-
0. S. Laud Office, The Dulles, Ortgou,
May , ty&.
Notice I hereby given that Iu compliance with
rie precisions ofthe Act of Congress of June 1.
.7S, cutitled, "An act for the tale oftiibr lauds
in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," at extended to all the
public land states by Act of Augu.t 4, 1697,
Gallic M. Whittcd
or Mend, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
lia this day filed in this office hersworn ttatc
incut No ). for the purchase of the tX ofthe
uetf of sec J4, tp 17 , r 11 1, w m
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought it more valuable fur its timber or ttoue
i ha 11 for agricultural purposes', and to establish
her Claim to aaid land before 11 C Kills,
V S. Coiuiuliiloucr. at hit oftice In Iieud,
Oregon, on the uthilay ofbeptembef, ijoo
Shenanletn wituetseti William II. htaatt
rUeschutet, Orcguu) TJiomat W, Trlplctt of
Ilend, Otegon; Prank plats of Redrooud, Oregon,
nid KobertA 1'ilctl of Tumnlo. Orrgon,
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
aboe-decribetl lauds ore reouetted to file their
claims iu this office ou or before the lath day
of September, 1906,
J u!6-t; MICUABL T. NOLAN, Register.
Read The Bulletin's new irriga
tion depsataxut.
jt ify
If ' V
Mm wyy-1 ' a '
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187$.
U. S, Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
April 23, .
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the proviiloni ofthe Act of Congress of June J.
178, entitled. ' An an for the sale ol timber lamb
In the states of California, Orcgea. Nevada, and
Washington Territory." as extended to alt the
public land Mates by Act of August 4, !
Kirk Whited.
of Redmond, couBty of Crook, stale of Oregon,
hat this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. kS. for the purchase of the eX"K
and )(!( of see 19, tpij t, rlje, w hi.
Aud will unci proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for its timber or .tone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish hit claim to said land before the
Countv Clerk at I'llucville, Oregon, en the loth
day 01 Augu.t, 1906.
He names at witnesses Henry I'. Timley,
Hugene C. Iark. Meade It Landes. I'ranL H
Morrill aud I'rank Gliii, all of Redmond, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely
'.lie aboreiltscrlbcJ lands are requested to
file their claims In this office on or before the said
ith day of August, 1906.
Il-a MICHAKL T. NOLAN Regltter
Timber Land, Act ofjune , 1878,
U, S. Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon.
Mayit, 1906.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the provision, ofthe act of Congress of June 1.
una, cnuueu -An aex lor ine saie 01 umner lawis
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington territory," at eiitnueil to all IHe
public laud states by act of August 4, 1S9J, the
following persdnt have filed lu thlt office their
sworn statements, to wit
George W Couch.
of LahlUw, county ol Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No iwi. for the purchase of
the wKeM, sec 5, tp JJ 1, r it e w ra.
Oaborne Kdwardt,
of lit nil, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
stalrmeBt No jiot, for the purchase ofthe sw
aY, stcii,tH ne!f,teXuwf sec w, tp n t, r
16 e, w ra.
That they will offer proof to .how that the laud
sought it more valuable for lit timber or stout
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claim to sall laud before 11 C ltllta, U Is
CommiMiOBer, at his official place ofbusinast at
Ilend, Crook county, Oregon, ou Wednesday,
August 13, VA.
They name as witnesses I'rancie II Marion
I'rank 1! Dayton, and Gtorge W. lfcklc, of
Laidlaw, Oregon, Joseph N. Hunter, Alfred T.
Yoakum and Hugh O'Kaiie, alt of Ilend, Oregon
Any and all persona claiming adversely any ol
the above lands are requested to file their claim,
in thlt office on or before the said ijtlnday ol
August, iJ,
j8-aio J. N WATSON, Register
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
March 6, 1906.
Notice It hereby given that lu compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congrrttof June 3,
1678. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lanilt
lu the htafet of California, Oregon, Nevada aud
Washington Territory," at extended to all the
public laud states by act of August 4, 1891,
Arthur W, (Jotting,
of The Dalits, county ol Wasco, state of Oregon,
has this day filed iu thlt office hit tworn state
ment No. 2919, for the purchase of the tw of
sec 14, tp 19 , r 10 e, w ui.
And will offer proof to show that the laud
sought It more, valuable for its timber or ttoue
than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said laud before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles. Orcgou, on tlic 17II1
day of August, A.
He names as wituesseti I'rank , Costing,
William G. Mason. Michael O'Connor, aud I,.
G. DcWolf, all of The Dalles, Oregon,
Any aud all persons claiming, adversely the
above-described lands ore reouetted to file their
claims In thlt office on or before tald i)th day ol
August, 1906,
Timber Land, Act of June j, 1878,
U S. Land Office The Dalles, Oregon,
May 11, 1900
Notice it hereby given that In compliance with
ie provisions ofthe Act of Concrest of tunc 1.
Ihe provi.ions oflhe Act of Congress of June 3.
it-?, entitled "An art for Ihe sale of limber UmM
I?., entitled "An act for Ihe sale of limber Urnls
in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," at extended la all Ihe
fmhtlc Und states by act of August 4, ttyl, Ihe
ttUewini-named Persons have, on April X,
9otf, filed In this office their tworn atatetneut.,
Wallers Nkhot,
of Bend. County of Crook, State of Oregon, tworn
statement No s, for the prcHac of Ihe n H
nw f, sec 31. t H swj. tec . tpiy t, r we, wm.
Dora A Ntcfcol,
of Bend, County of Ctoek, State of Oregon, sworn
statement No. ifiM. for the purchase oflhe ne U
tec 31, tp 19s, r lie, wm.
That they will cfler proof, to show that the
lands sought are more valuable for the timber or
ttene thereon than for agricultural purpose,
and to establish their ctalmt to said land, before
II. C IRIlt. V. ti. Commissioner, at hit afficc In
Ilend, Orrgon, oil July 17, I'A
They name the following wilnrssei John
Illoss, of blstcrt, Oregou, Joseph N. Hunter,
I'rank Ilutterworth, Waller H. Nkliol. Dora A.
Nlehol and R. II. Mutilg, of Ilend, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely any o.
thcaoove-dcsctlbed lands are requested to Ale
their ctalmt In this office on or beforr the said
17th day ol July, iou6
mil-July 13 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Art June 3, 17.
V. K. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
June 11, lurA.
Notice It hereby given that Ih compliance with
the p'oviskmi oflhe Act of Caiigros. of Jnne 3
17, entitled "An act for Ihe sale oftlmber lands
in the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," at extended to alt Ihe
public laud stales by act of August 4, lb?,
Cart Theodor Johansoii
of North Yakima, county of Yakima, slate o
Washington, has thlt day filed iu this office hit
tworn statement No. K. for Ihe porelwse ofthe
swK of sec u, 1 1' 'St, r 11 e, wm.
tin! will offer troof lo show that Ihe land
sought is more valuable for its timber or ttene
than for agricultural pur)oW, and lo cMabli.h
his claim 10 said land before II. C. littis, U. b.
Commissioner, at his office iu Ilend, Oregou,
on the IMll day of heptember, 't-
He names ot witnesses Ami Aune, Theodore
Auue, Anton Aune ami John hiscmorc, all of
neiHi, wrcguu.
Any aud all persona claiming adversely the
above-described larnlt are requested to file their
claims In Him office 011 or before said nth day ol
September, iyt.
I11I6-S7 MICHAKLT. NOLAN. Register.
Timtjer Land, Act Juue j, 1878.
V. S. Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon.
April 24, 190C.
Notice it hereby given that Incompliance with
the provision, ol the act of Congress ofjune 3,
1878, cutitled "An act fur the sale oftlmber lauds
in the ttatet of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," at extended to all the
public laud ttatet by act of August 4, 1697.
Albert W.DeKolt,
of Coulee Ctty, county of Douglai, atateof Wath
Ingtoii, hat this day filed lu this office hit tworn
statement No JW. for the purchase of the H
twjf aud neswtf, t(c 11, tp 19 1, r 11 e, w m
And will oOer riroof to show that the laud
sought It more valuable fur lis timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes and to establish
his claim to said laud before H. C Wilt, U. H,
Coinmlttloiicr, at hit office In Ilend, Orcgou, oil
the ijth day of August, 1906,
sic names as witnesses; cnariei J, tottor,
Richard Xlnr. Albert Oatea and (Itarire Cales.
all of Ilend, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe
above-described Mjatidt arc rcuMetfed fo file their
claims In thil office ou or before said Klh dav ol
August, 1906.
On the Deschutes River in Western
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Devclopincnt covering
yS , FIR
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1 r
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.
I'. 8. Land Office, ThtDtltet, Oregon,
May 8. v,t
Notice I hereby given that in compliance with
Ihe prevision of Ine art of Congress of jHHej.
i7. entitled "An act for the sale of timber land.
In Ihe stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," a. extended to all the
public land states by act of August 4, 194.
Hmma C Troy,
of St laul. county of Ramsey, stale ef Minn
esota, has this day filed In thlt iilftce her iwn
statement No jj, for the purchase of the )(
HwK.seci3,tHnelf and nese) sec 14. I is .
r 10 e, wm
Ami will ofler proof to thow that Hie land
sought is marc valuable for Itt Umber or slime
than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish
her claim to Midland lielorell. C lOllt, V, H
Commissioner, at his office In Ilend, Otrgou, i
Ihe 13th day of August, iv5-
She names as witnesses Joseph N. Hunter and
William II Hlaalt, ul llcud. Oregon, John Illoss,
of Misters, Oregon, and Nellie It. Dwyer of
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Any and all iersout claiming adversely the
above-described lends are requested In file Ihelr
claims III thlt office uu or txfore said ijth day ef
August, i'A.
itats MICH.MII.T. NOLAN. RcgUlcr.
Timber Ijnd, Act Juue 3 1878,
U. H. Laud Office, The Datlct, Oregon,
May j, 1,.
Nellee I hereby given that lu compliance vlth
the proeMoui oflhe Act of Congress of June 3,
178, etilllll "An act for the tale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," at extended to wit Ihe
public land ttalM by Act of August 4, 1891, the
following named wriuius, oil April jril aud May
.and, itA, filed In this office Ihelr sworn stale
nteiitt, lo-wlt.
Grace A. Jones
el Ilend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, snoru
statement No aM8, for. the iwrehase of the teK
HeSf.tec y,H iiwifandswifneif , ucit, Ipiys,
r 111, w m.
Cora A Jane
ef Ilend. county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
siaieiiit 111 .10 , lor me piircnase 01 ine 1174
awK, sec 29, and cM tetf, c 30, tp 19 a, r u c,
w m.
That they will offer proofs to show that the
la mis sought arc more valuable fur the timber or
stone tliercun than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish their claims to said lauds Wore II
C Kills, V. Commissioner, at hit office In
Ilend, Oregon, on the 17U) dayof July, 1906.
They name at wlluesset: 1'iauk O. Minor,
Grace A. Jones, Cora A Jonet, tlrlliig C. Coe,
John Illoss, alt of llcud, Oregon.
Any aud all pcraont claiming adversely the
above-described (audi are requested to file their
claim, iu thlt office 011 or before the aaid 1 Jlhduy
of July, 1906.
imS-jlyl3 MICHAlif, T. NOLAN, Register.
Desert Laud, I'iual I'roof.
V, H. Ijind Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
June 11,1906.
Notice It hereby given that Ira K. Winter
of Tmualu, Oregou, hat filed notice of In
tention to make proof on hit drterMiiud claim
No, jt, for the cK tU sec 8, and "i awlf, sec
ih tp 16 a, r 11 e, w 111, before II. C. I'.llls, V. H.
Commls.loiier, at hit office Ih Ilend, Oregon, 011
the 161I1 day of July, 1906.
He names the following wltuttect to prove
the complete Irrigation and rcclainalluu of said
laud 1
Thor A, Jcnson, Jrstik ), Ground, I'rank V,
Swisher, aad Charles 11, Hpaugb, all of Tunitlo,
" i i i i i i
t l J 4 S 6
w ri"pf 1 1
'Z ' 1 t i
A V E.
z J 4 J i
'i " 'o 1 t 7
P The
'f it te t t 7
h AVE.
i i J 4 o- t
1 . 1 lf..l I
I I ' I I '
' " 10 f fi 7
a v r
Timber Land, Act June 1 l-,
V S, Land Office. The Dalles. Oregon
Match It twKi
Notice It heirby given that lu (wmtvliancc with
IheptsivisfoniortheactnresHigtessorjune 3. 1I74
enlhled "An act for the sate of Umber lands (h
SR".1?1" " -Harns. tlirgtm. Nevada and
UashlHgtoji Tefrilsny." as extended lu all Ihe
MtMk land states by sit of August 4. ilsst
Archie I'allte,
of Hen.1. CfHtJrty tsfCfsisjk. Male of Ore gsm hat
thitday filed In Ibis office bis sworn .tslew.Hl
No 4j forlhepuichsseoflheseK ofse .. u
it t, r is e, w m.
And will offer proof t show Ihal the Uu-1
sought is mote valuable lor lit limber or ttottc
than foi agtiesitlutal purposes, ami to establish
his ctalm lu aaid laud before II. C IQIIs, f. H.
LetnmMsUHwr. at hitfficelu Itend, Oregoti, on
Ihe 17th day of July, lynA.
He names at witnesses' tiamuel 11 Clatk,
Jllchel Morrison, Chatles li.jd and John IHeMI.
all of Ilend. Oregon.
Any and all wrsiu siaimlug adversely (he
al.ove-deseril.ed lands are requested w U
their ctalmt In Ihit afficc an 01 bifwe saW i)th
day ol July, 19.
mtvi.ij MICHAKLT. NOLAN Itrgltlir,
TlmUr Und, Act June 3, 1878.
U. H. Laml Office, The Dalles, Oregon.
March is, k4.
NotUe It herelnr given that In mmpliaiife with
the provisions ufihe Act of Congtess ul Juue j.
187a, entitle.) "ah act lor Ihe sale urtlmber Umft
In the stales i.rCallfornls. Otegntt, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as exltmled to all the
public Und state by act of August 4, layi,
twmuet II. CUrk,
of llesHl, County urciuuk. Stale of Otegon, lust
thltiUy filed In Ihlsolhce his tworn statement
No 151, for Ihe purchase ofthe aw U aw W, sec Kteif.teciliandiiwif nw Wufsscaa, n
19 1, r 13 e, w w.
And will offer pif lu show that Ihe laud
souuhl I. more valuaMe for itt liuilr or .iuiu-
thau foragtitullurul (Hiriios, and Is establish
hiteUlm lasaldUud before II C. Kilts, V. H
Commissioner, at hi office In Ilend, Otegssu, on
ihc 17111 .say i July, I9.
.It wm. IU as-tl aftat "-" A aLLs fflsttll f ll..l
Motrsi)ii,ChailssIK)dHiid J0I111 hteWlsll 0
Ilend. Oregon.
Any and all persoiis cUlinlug adeertly Ihe
iMMfsMlesctiliesI llandt ate rniiiafirsl to llu'ihelr
lalms In thil ufnes) oil or Ufort sM 1 jth tUy of
llu Intj.
July. 1906,
limy jij
Titular Land, Act ol June 3, 1878,
U. S. Laud Office, The DjIIcs, Oregon,
May 19, 1'Vi
Notice Is hcicl.y given that lu cumplliiiir with
the provisions ol the Act of Congress of juue 1,
1678, entitled "An net fur the sale of timber lauds
In the ttatet of California, orrgon, Ncvailr, pud
Washington Territory," at extruded lu all Ihe
public laud Hate by act of August 4, ityi,
George A llowaou,
ofllend, County or Crmik, stale of Oregon, hat
thitday filed in Hilt office his sworn statement
No ryt, for lliepiirrhose ofthe Lot 3, te!f nwtf
aud ejjtw(, of sec 1, tp 19 , r 11 ej w ui.
And will offer prool lo thow Hint the laud
sought It mure valuable for Itt tliulwj or
ttoue ihuu for ngrlcnlliirnl purposes, ami lu
establish hi clniiu to tuld luiid lfurc II c
I'.llls. U. H. Coiiiuiiuouer. at hit ufilrr In 10-n.i
Orcguu, 011 the Ijth day of August, 1906,
Hciitfiiieiatwitnettei J N. Hunter, and
A.C. Liicai. of Ilend, Oteguiil J. S. Hnillli, of
l'rluevllle. Orrirou. and W 11. uinni. ,,r fi,u.
chutes, Oregou.
Alivandall liersoua rlaltnlntf Mi1b,ul.. ,t..
abovc-detcrlbtd Uudt are requested to file Ihelr
claim In thlt office on or before aaid 131I1 day of
iivsut) MiaaJu;i,woLJsf,xkU4,
Part of Crook
At Gateway to
the Great
Town has Grown
almost entirely in the jm"t yenr, the k
office lntltitt only from April K, 19.
I!uml lias excellent public schools
niul complete public wntcr work.s.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
Timber Land, Act June 3 il-t
V H lml Office. Mkerltw Oregou,
April 17. lo
Nollee It heitby gKrn that In comidunre with
Ihe provisions rihe Art id t uMgfrss f June J
ist eulltld "All act foe the aau- wf lituber Umft
(Nike Males of Callfotnu. inrna, Wersda ant
Washiugto. TetfHoey. at etiended lo all the
Mbue Und stale by set ot Asurtsst 4 i Ihe
following named persotM has nied IH Ihls olUe
their twotn Malemewis, la-wit
UesKg W HcUI.
of UMUw. CtMHIy of Croak. Mala tsf Oregon,
swocn situsaestt fto sail, for the Mtuhose
the e H ne k. n hw H hw K J w sw
K sec 14, Its u 1. r it , w m.
Alfred T. YimVuw
of ItetHl.Costntrof Crswk. MaUtoreMM. tworn
statement No tots, be the Much srTlhe ne w
? y y.'sTn,! - H W H- tee ,4, i .
Tha't Ihev will offer Jteoofs to show lltal the
Undt suglii are more vslsiahic f w the Umber or
.r;.viv.r .' """ranM, i'p?.i
r."T?.nMt'.hJ'?.,r "" towMUnd Ufole II.
e Hills. V H CwmmislivHe ! i,i.nw.i a-
- ---, v n vHrnntiimff, m S
Tes..y.,-hV,-7thda;;.fJui;,7yT' """"' ""
w ousinessai iiemi. I look tounty.
u ,iLV,. """' wiiimsss v 11 Marlon ami
H IMdiig of LahlUw J p Wmd ,,( AIk.
SealtoffieiMl Oregon, o v I'lekel. MUllaw
'"a'K'L- r,llA,ft T V-knm. orikiid'oi,"'
Any ami all petMitt eUlmlng advtsly any of
lltil'.rr'Wfr0 !SM',, "'" Ic-luVTled Is, III,
shsullI!r,iL,i,W,5mw! " M ' "hcttH
Mil July 13 J N WATHON. Hreitler
Timber XavA. Act Juue 3, IBs
U. H. Und oc. The lull. ouKm,
June 1, 19b.
.1. .1 2, . ""'"rmTTn ma 1 in eompiunce hi 1
l7, cm llled, "An act for lb ssUof Umbel U
IS 'Ti m Sf Mhi. tM.gsm. Nevods, and
WasiliigtunTeiritoey." a.cxlWed l at tho
tmWIe Unit stale by Act of Augssst 4. ityi,
I'tMl 1 III., .1...
of I'llneville. eotinly of Crook, stale of Otecu
has ihls day filed Ih IhU ohV hU twmii ifai".
And will oiTee oof ,1, lhtt u ,
L, ,r,'M".M"lurlo. astil lu slablisli
pt.Tu'nrW VV ftrtrt."
Ijrlwrvill. Oregon, ml Ihe iclh day of August
llrnametwllHsa. a luolh. R I
teii!?; A.1S? w "'"' ' " ,,'""' ''
.l-"''.?i"A, t ctalmlng advertely ihe
j , , . '""I1"" "' tUlrl lo file their
Aueul'". '!i' "'"" "" 8f U,e M -" diyol
!'; MICH A III. T.NOLAN. Itrultlrr
Timber Und, Act June 1, T7
U.H. Mud Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
APHI4II1, a..
IHiblk-uiWHUleabct-ofA::. ""
ineseuorsec 31, tp Jos, r 14c, w 111,
And will ofKr proof (0 show thai ii,. ia.i
sjniglit It more ul1111hte for lit ilnilier ur ainnJ
hull for agiUultuml piir'puw". a To e.labulh
hi rhiliii (i said mf K'fore Ihe Rrtlsler ...u
Jfrfu l.,r,"ol61 "e "ttU"' . Ih. 7.n day
He iijiiim at wllucMct Max Krtise. lohu
Kw;r'.ii.,itt!!:' ss: 'o"
a,., ...... . ...
"uu mii pertoni tt 111 ur adirraelv th
alede.crlUdiand are r.uursted to fifeh.l?
calm, ,,, office on or Ufori sal I ,7ih ,Uv nf
Julie, I9, MICIIAUL T. NfJLAN. it... utf, 0f
ajsme V