A PRETTY MILKMAID Thinks J'e-ru i It a WeiuUrful MtiUdue, a i iffy. IhMrii ifci aaK. raa"",,w"s JkaaH2? TTU.OT .J i MIB3 ANNIK HKNDP.CM. ' .Mia A mint inuiilrmi, Itocklyn. ,Wiiih write t '"I fool butter tban 1 b.vo (or over (our yean. I havo taken several bot tin ol Torun and aim bottle oi Man lln. "I on now do all ol tnjr work In His fiottre, milk the rawi, lkn cure ol the milk, anil in (nrlli. I think I'rruna It a mutt wonderful medicine. "I believe 1 would Imj In Iwd toUjr II I had not wrlltan to you (or advice. I had taken all klndi o( medicine, but iioiih dlil inn any Kod, "f'rruna lias made me awetl and Iwp. py girl. I can never tay too much lor 1'euriia." Not only women o( rank and leliure liraloe I'rruna, but the wholesome), tuo (til women ciik,1 In Imnrat toll would not be without Dr. Ilartman'i world renowned remmly. The doctor Iim tucfcrlbrd It (or many Umiiinnil women every year and lie never falls to receive a multitude o( lettera like the above, thanking him (or hli advice, and especially (or the wonderful benefit! received from I'e run a. .Muiialrur llrtr. MM. JninoN 1 1) dr." any the Paris I'lcnro. "the (smilingly rich American who appertain to thu most lilitli code ly of New York. cuinr from coiiiiimnillng nt Pari n carriage electric. It Is to the French Imliixt rjr Hint M. James llydo I nddri'Kxitl hluiai'lf for to Imvo the inot iiiiiifortnblr. the moot chiiiiiio illtiti mid tlu mot tlc:niit of tin vchl clc of the city."-Translated by Har rier Week I v. aiiin i.litiit iiuinrr. The I!m lam at Trenton had mrrtn Arrn. "Ah. well," tlify "Id. "think Uir mil eh more tllMatrotta It mlslit hare hn If we liml liml to nmke a hurried retreat I" Iwiler, a If to verify their worda, cam tie lleialin lljr. TERRIDLE TO RECALL. Five Week In Ded With Intensely Painful Kldnoy Trouble. Mr. Mary Wagner, of 1107 Ko.iutli Ave., llriilitcpott, Conn., ertyn: "I wai bo weakened auu ttonurally rundown with kldnoy dl aio that (or a Iodk time Iciuldnot do my work and wa live week In bed. Thero wan cintln ual boarliiK down prttn, terrible, back ac'irs, licadachei and t time dliiy spells when every tlihik' was n blur .v. before mo. The par-Banes of thu kidney secretions wore irregular and painful, and there wat considerable pediment and odor. I don't know what I would have dono but (or Doau'a Kidney 1'llls. I could ecu n Improvement (rotn tho II ret lox, and flvo boxes brought a final euro." Hold by all denier. 60 ronl n box. FoaterOIilbuni Co., Iluffulo, N. Y. Cnrl Hptiiir. No other mini of forelirn htrth ever showed micli tlmi commniid of tho lime lUh liiiiBUiik'o or used It bo felicitously. A mint who objected strongly to Id politic but admired his tnleuta n n wrltor onco mild: "I wUh Mr. Scliurs couldn't wrlto ho well; I could hnt him better." In 1877 Curl Hchuns vis Itcd lloston to miiko a upecch agiiliiHt liuiijnmlii V. ltutler, who wu running for Governor of Muwmclimietbi. Whllo arguing on tho question of tho rcsuuip tlou of tpoclo piiymeutH, nil Isms that wri paramount nt thnt time, Mr. Hehurss likened "Inllatlon" to n balloon filled thnt bad carried tho American nation off Its feet. At thnt tlnid h ninila use of thu followliiK expression, which brought the immense uudleuco thnt erected blin to IU feet ; "Wo have placed our foot on solid ground again and wa proDQus io Uceu thorn ther.w jsj f rititlr Triir, Ml Hotii Thoy any m1ii'k nxtremo' ly hiniKhty. Ml Tour I ahould ny w! Tho hint tlniit 1 mtw her hIio wii hiiIIIiij,' down thi htrcet In Minn lloHtoii-I'iiriloti me; vthr do you iiko that HiMi"le ixprwloii Mow could ln K" "iiIIIk" down thu Mrt? Ml Toiiik-Kiiny enoilKli. I miiw her IiihI In Veiilco. Thu Catholic Mtund a rd mid TIiiiom. onir iii rromtap. A IiIk turtle w irnivllnc nrniim) In the i mill lii front f IN rMriauranr. "I.imk, pitp I" r-irltllmeil tho lllll Ihijt. "I.i-i'h In aiiiI Imte 'iihhi rl xtrtn turtle Miiipt" ".V-t )l, (tnr," tld Ike flhir. "Walt llll 'ini ilny wliru il ee llilt lank emiity." H', V Ih ruif nun nil Wrrrwn III nrrmhiitlr tirl lir Itr. Klin la-rmxoiillr nirril lir Dr. liliitVn (if. i t iiraiMtr. t'irr i-iiiimiiiiuiiiaiii !.... hltit tmw 1'IIlllKAni.lal I.. II iktiri lttll.is lir. It II. kiln ,M..nll4rlifll.,l'l4ila..lU prri1 II nn llr, Anyttnt-. MUtrean (liidlipoanl) Wlnt I It ou wUh to uiy lii ill. Ilrids!? I lii toa III to nit II i. Dommtlr Wll, mum, ft ran lake no lle mIiIuiiI nIIIIii' up. I Uvr ) ulxt Batli'nUy, mum. Wnalnl nffnrl. "It tkc time, trouble mil Infinite tv tlenr-, of roiirae, lo U n oo' Kuiiilsy erliool irailirr, hut you ht the MlU furl Ion of kuoMliiK that ,-'ni Hi lielpln to liintil llio rhirnrlrr of lb rltlng gen mtloii." "Vet, hut It nn ken me ml lo think how quickly a year' work U unJoue when rrii iile lime rouitt." MoTBerawlll flmt M. Wlnilow'ii floothtng Rjitip tha bil teinKljr touia (or lUlr clilldren during lb Uelblng rlo"l. Slur I.Ik II. "Ornphtcr I In llnaiiclal ttrnlt. I hrnr." "Imn't tx-lli've It. 111 Ix-t they're finnui'lnl crooked." I'bllndelpbla Iilger. Ilril I'unlvmpl, Girl with the (1II...HI (llrl Neck Can't you r MMHelhlnc fnmlhar In the far of lhat man killing oh the enroll altla of lh ear? (llrl wllh the Julia Mir'ene Dimple Yet; ll'a liU ee. I mUIi Im-'J l a little leu fmiilllnr with them. BrTi ortluio, citt or tsuio, l.mia I IIUNTT. FriKK J I 1111.11 inkkee oath that tie le Mtilnr (varlnar nl the tlrmol K 1. CnickKVik Co , ilulii Itu.lnwaln ttio TtrotTiilolii. l"min tr ami Male atmrtalil, aiid thai aalit firm will r Iha.umotOSK lltI.SDUr.il IMIM.AUH lor ah ami reryeaat t'tTARkil thatranoot b cuied by Ibaueeot HitL'('ATn t'l'KC ritANK J. CIIKNKY. flwnrn to telnte roe ami eubarrltrd In inr prtMtic, thliStbilar cl lerpmtr, A Il,kMl, A. W. UI.KAHON. Notary labile. n Haifa Tatarrh Our la taken Internally. ar4 acta dlrrclly ou thu blowl ami niumua auriarei ol lb irilem. Hiiil lur Uillmonlali. free. r. J CIIBSKY A CO., Tulcdo.O. Potil by llruiilala, He Haifa 1-araUr I'llla art the brat. An Apprrrlntlnii. "Have you eer seen lliimtet plyr-d precisely n you thought It ah'juld tc7" "No," nnawered Mr. KtormliiKton Ha men. "I lime often win bed I inlclit lw n aiHftntor nt olio of my own ier forumtice." WnnhliiL'ton 8tnr. Ill Itriiulntlon, Ml MtMlleiM (nUter of the new vil la Kti doctor) llavo you hourd of Dr. Mcillcitu nbout beie? Nutho Ititthur, iiiumiI Do you sco thnt lieoro and rnrrhiKo Roln' by over thero? Thnt' ono of hi funurnls. Ilnrtier' Wccklv. To Ilrrak In cw Shoe. Alwaya aliake In Allru'a Fool-KaM, powiler. Iteurea hot, awealliig. aching, awollrli feet. Curra corna, llinrowlnit iiatla ami bmilona At all ilrii(tala ami atnie Hurra, l)nn't areept anyaululltiite Hampto niallwl KIIKK. Adilrau Allen H. (JliiuuM, fVltoy, N. Y I'aunl llnh ol t'olil Wnlrr. Horn I've lieen nearly dead for lee during the Innt week. I could aenrcelj keep nnnke while I wit writing that itorj thnt wn prlntril yeaterdny. Naggu I wn eaally lelleve It. It af fected mo tho anmo way whllo I wa read ing It from ympthy, I nippoae. For that Dandruff Thero is ono thine that will cure it Ayer's Hair Vicor. It is a regular scnip-medlclne. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. Tho dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you healthy hair, no dan drulT,no pimples, no eruptions. The bt kind ol a testimonial "S-i! for over sixty yoara." A iltAt br J. 0. A7r Co.. Low.U, il: aii luaamaoiurara o SARSAPaBILU. DLLS. cacuv rotom, yers T 1 1 NOT HIS LINE. M 4'-H-M'J-tV44HH-H4444 Not nil men nro lilted for nil thltiK. Tho fact that an Individual hIiIiii In ono profi-swlou In no proof that he may adopt any career with eitial tictea. Hob, whoso ad venturer nru recorded In Mr. WhllmniHir "The World') Itouuh Hand," wa a K'Kid fellow, and doubt le played hi part In the world with eredlt to hliiiKtdf, hut he wa not limi lo ho u diver, a Id experience show. (Jue of the Kroutiwt daiiKer In (living I that of panic. Tin quality u direr need moro IIihii any other U prniiuee of mind. A )ouuu Kiiitehman, six feet tall, by tho iimiiiu of Hob, applied to mu for u poMllloii n diver. He had u HWuthonrt nt home, anil, templeil by the high waK" anxluti to learn tho huslues. One lime, when work wa slack, 1 let him Ko down, I told htm minutely how to manage, screw eil ou hi face kIiimh and sent him under. I felt him laud ou the Uittom and signal that all wn rlghL Then ho wnlkeil away from the boat, paying out most of tho Hue Alter a little ho sloping. I Imagined him resting, and thought ho wa ilolt; remarkably well. All at once I noticed u dark, bladder like object lloatlug nt some illMiiucu from the Unit. At first I thought It wn n turtle. Houiethlng mailo me look nt It more carefully, and then I bcgim to haul tho Hue In. The "turtle" wa I tub, A he drew nearer wo could bear him screaming hi loiidext Inside the swollen dres. 1 got him nlougtdde, mi screwed thu ccaM- valte, and baiik-d him ou deck. All the time he wns cry lug, "Ia'I me out!' When Itoli mine to hi m'Um-h, wo learned Hint he unit Iwouio frightened lest hi dress should burst, mid had screwed tho ceHpe vhIvc the wrong way, .keeping In thu air Instttid of let ting It ccm'. He lout his prexemv of mind nltogether. and fell down. The confined nlr neeumiiUliil In the hulk lent mrt of the dress and lloaleil him. The siitind HtlHiipt Itoh made as a dlier tieMrly eot him hi life. He made the wry Minn mistake with the vahe Then, erririNl by fear, he liegmt to uu screw hi fail' gins. KorltiiiHlely for hi sweetheart, he lost ennitclousiHi before he got It off. lie was delirious for Nime hour after we had hauled him up. We decided lie wns not lit for n diver, and that hi road to for tune hiy In some other direction, H0U8E KEPT ON PR0DATI0N. flrr m W'rrk'. Trial Wtiliiir anil Wlilimrr Art llulr Mnrrlril. Iunnr I'otinly furnishes a case of marriage nfter probation thnt I unhiuo and suggestlte. A widower fnrmer desiring a wife wn Introduced by n mutual friend to n widow with children temsjrnrlly abld .tug In a charity lustltutton. Until wero favorably Impressed nt tlrst nitjiialntaiKv. but the woiiihii sug gimtiil thnt he keep house'for the farm er for a week and nt the end of thnt time each could more Intelligently de termine the grae question of ft union for life. Accordingly she went with her children mid whn duly lintnlled a hotiekevMr. 'I'he exs'rlment wn eminently satis factory to both iwrlliH nud at the end of the week they were married. Perhaps It will shock thu seiitlmentnl nud the romantic, but the Incident con tain tho wise suggiHtlou that folk de siring to iHH-ome huibaud and wife should lie sure of kmiwlug eucli other In their common clothe and under workaday condition. IMrlor inaniiers ou the mrt of tho woman and picnic gallantry on tho part of the man are not conclmho Indexes' of character, nor la the yuniyutn ocstnsy of Infatuation sulllcleiit evidence of compatibility. Keeping cotnimny nowmlnyx runs tri much to IniiiIhiu nud emlHi(sl station ery. Of course, there I abundant op IKirtiinlty to get nequalutel after the engagement, but It I before the avowal that tho pair ought to put each other through the practical pace. It would save many a heartache, though It tuny piny the dlcken with the tiuslne of thu divorce lawyers. fort Worth Iteeord. A (loml TIiIhk. "This Is nn Intorostlng clock, MUs." said tho salesman, "you renlly Nhoulil Imvo one, especially If you're bothered with tlrtwoino willers." "It's merely n cuckoo clock, isn't It?" asked Miss May I'echlH. "Yes, but beginning at 10 p. m. In stead of saying 'cuck-koo every quar ter hour It ytilK '(Jo homol (3o home!'" l'hlladelphla Tress. .Not Ilia. "I don't seo why Peckliam ahould make a lsxir mouth all the time. Ho cominnnd u good salary every week of bis life." "lie may command It, hut Ida wlfo demand It every week." Philadelphia Ixnlger. Ural TtidiH- to lln. Croinults White I'd do anything in tho world for art. J; Caustic- Well, wliy'dou't you'milt Valntlug? Judjjo, The oomber of timber sleeper on tb railways of tlm world Is calculated to l shout l.-JUI.OOO.OW, Save the Babies. NFMT MORTALITY is somotliing frightful. Wo can hardly realize that of all tho childroii horn in civilized countries, twentytwo -per cont,, or nearly ono-quartor, dio hoforo thoy roach ono year; thirtysoven por cont,, or moro I than ono-third, bofouo thoy aro five, and ono-half hoforo thoy aro fifteen I Wo do not hositato to say that a timely uco of Castoria would savo a ma jority of theso precious lives, lieithor do wo hositato to say that many of thoso infantilo deaths aro occasioned by tho uso of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro or less opium, or morphine. They aro, in considorablo quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity thoy stupefy, retard circulation and load to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operates exactly tho rovorso, but you must sco that it hears tho Bignaturo of Chas. H. Plotchor. Castoria causes tho blood to circulate properly, opens tho pores of tho skin and allays fovor. RTl I I.PlMV-al LtAiJtMJ1 zxrrazzc iii:iiviiii,iiiiii;i:!rnTtii'!i;r.mnri ANtCclablcPrcparationforAs- slmilallntS tbcFoodandneotila ting the Stomachs oisJ Dowels of Promotes Di6csUort.C!eriul ncss and Rcsl.Con tains neither Opnitn.Morpumc nor Mineral. Not NAitc otic. (nitvHarouDrS.wvnnraaa JML.IUSJ- ttnutJl l3trirpiiVJnr ,Aoofccl nemedv for Cons IIm- Hon, Sour Stonuch.Diorrhoca. Worms .Convulsions .tcvcnsn rvess ondLoss of Sleep. MMHIIMaMMaHaMaM TacSimite Sigrmturc at kew vonic. ixAci"copy or wrapper. How Good Turn to fTv ECAY Is not dlgesllon. you Pkm know, even when It takes lace in the storruoh. Food decayed In the bdy after being eaten Is as dangerous to health as feed decayed before being esten. Food nourishes, or poUena, Just accord ing to how long It remains In the Bowels undl6itad. Casearets are the simplest and surest safeguard against Delayed Digestion yet discovered. s s s Sold in a thin Enamel Box, half as thick as your watch, whloh (Its Into tha vest peoket or lady's purso as If It grew there. In this round-edged Enamel Box aro found six small Candy Tablets. Ono of these toothsome tablets works wonders for digestion. Soon as placed In the mouth It starts the Saliva flowing, which at once gets to work dissolving It. The Saliva becomes blended with the Candy Cascaret tablet, and from tho rnoment they start going down your throat together they start working to gether. Now, what do they work at? Bowel work, of course Digestion. Most of the Digestion occurs In tho thirty feet of Intestines that connect with the Stomach. They are lined with a set of little mouths, that squeeze Digestive Juices Into the Food eaten. The Dlgestlvo Juices thus mix with the food, Just as Saliva mixes with Cas caret tablets, dissolving and changing w that food into nourishment, as it passes along tho channel. About 00,000 Italians and a many Auatro-IIungnrlan have settled In New England In the last three years. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher. Dr. A. F. Pooler, of St Louis, Mo., snya: "I bnvo prescribed your Castoria la ioai J" cases and havo always found it an efficient and itpcedy remedy." Dr. C. Down, of Philadelphia, Fa says: "I bavo prescribed your Cas toria 1 1 xny practlco for many years with great satisfaction to myself and benefit to my patients." , Dr. Edward Parrlsh, of Brooklyn, N. 7 Bays: "I bavo used your Cas torla In my own household with good results, and have advised several patients to uso it for its mild laxatlvo effect and freedom from harm." Dr. J. B. Elliott, of New York City, says: "Having during the past six years prescribed your Castoria for Infantilo stomach disorders, I most heartily commend its use. The formula contains nothing deleterious to the most delicate of children." Dr. C. G. Spraguo, of Omaha, Neb., says: 'Tour Castoria Is an Ideal mcdlcino for children, and I frequently prcscrlbo it 'Whllo I do not advo cate tho Indiscriminate uso of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria is an exception for conditions which arise In the caro of children." Dr. J. A. rarkcr, of Kansas City, Mo., rays: "Your Castoria holds the esteem of tho medical profession in a manner held by no other proprie tary preparation. It Is a sure and reliable mcdlcino for Infants and chil dren. In fact, it is tho universal household remedy for infantilo ailments." Dr. II. F. Merrill, of Aususta, Me., cays: "Castoria is ono of tho very finest nnd raott rcmarkablo remedies for infants and children. In my opinion your Castoria has saved thousands from an early grave. I can furnish hundreds of testimonials from this locality as to its cfSclcncy and merits." Dr. Norman M. Gcer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During tho last twelve years I havo frequently recommended your Cactoria as one of the best preparations of tho kind, being safe In the hands of parents and very ef fective In relieving children's disorders, vrhlle tho caso vrlth which such. n pleasant preparation can bo administered Is a great advantage." GENUINE Soars tho 2UtfMzk Tie Kind Ton Have Always Bought In Use Fop Over 30 Years. TMl INTUH etIIMNT. TT MUHMAT STUtlTe NIW VO CtTT Food may Poison The Intestines are also lined with mil lions of little suction pumps, that draw the Nutriment from Food, as it passes them in going through. This Nutriment Is then carried Into the Bleed, and spread over the Body as Brain, Bene and Brawn. But, when the Bowel-Muscles are weak, the Food moves too slowly to stimulate , the little Gastric Mouths and there Is no flew, or too little (low of Digestive Juice, to change the food Into nourishment. Then, the food decays In the Bowels, and In the thirty feet of Intestines. When this Decay begins the Utile suc tion pumps draw Poison from the decayed Food, Into the blood, Instead of the Nutri tion it should have drawn. Now, Cascarets contain the only com bination of drugs that Stimulates these Muscles of the Bowels and Intestines Just as a Cold Bath, or cperi-alr Exercise, stimulates a J.aiy Man, Cascarets therefore act like Exercise. They produce the same sort ol Natural result that a Six Mile walk In the country would produce, without any Injurious Chemical effect. The Vest Pocket Cascaret Box Is sold by all Druggists, at Ten Cents. Be sure you get trjo genuine, made o.ily by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." Cir-rREE TO OUR FRIENDS! We want to tend to oar friends a beautiful Frcnch-eetlrned, GULD-PLAlED BUNBUN BUX. hard-enameled In colors. It Is a beauty forithe (treating table. Ten cents in stamps Is asked as a measure of rood faith and to cover cost ot Cascarets. WitnwbtcMWcHntvtrlaketliloiiiedO Tts Send to-day. nenUftntnr this paper. Address Steiliar Remedy Company, Cslcaxo er Hew York. A Philadelphia teamster baa been ar restee for driving bl team Over a golf course. CASTORIA ALWAYS Signature of chJuhS afTTnWSTCT l-HOKSTEa Knap Young MEN, Old MEN, Mirfdle.Aged MEN bond for free pamphlet in clam cover. Tells about nn appliance that insures happiness, health and success in life. Free send today. PORTLAND APPLIANCE CO. P. O. Boa 25 Portland, Ore. muleTeam BORAX Will fwoducc Whiter, Cleaner Clothes In Your Laundry Than AnyothcrArticIcwithlessLabor AllUter Fir but! Ilorax ml l'oriui Hoap, Hooklrtk tt bouroulr I'lc ur in colore, rr 10, nt mid He-l.r-a name. I'.VCU'IU COAH1' 11011AX li., Uikland, Cut. CLASSI FIE DADVERtrSlNG Portland Trade Directory Name and Addrcaacs In Portland of Rapre acntatM Bualncaa firm. j CltKAM HKPAHATOIlrt-Wn (UuantM lh U.K. hrpuator lo b lu bni. Writ lor tt catalog lluclwood Co, inn and Oak. MKN'HCLOTlllNO ItulTum A rendition, aot Utola Alfrfil llaujamlo A t'c'a cornet clollit. fcvrry thing la rotn'a rurolahlnia. Moftlaoa and blilu air la. Uppoalla poatoCica, 1'OUI.TUY toon ir you want your liana lo la mora rgea writ uarorfrra parllculara about lU. U1NA lOULTUY HiKlJcJ-Aciu. alllla fa, 1'orllaod. Orrton. 1'lANOa A OllUANU nidral plana houaaoa 1'a. rllto coaai. Orsaua aod l'lauoa on aay paymauta. Wrlla fur Hat. Lai ua quota you a price All no A Ulltwrl-ltaiuaktrrlo.. rbriland. Utanon. WANTKIi Mcu and Women to learn llarbcr Ira. Inalchl weeaa. Kradualra ram Iroiu aiS lo I wraklyi eapart li a ruitorai catalog rr-pt Molt byatrin of Collrara, SS ft. l-uurlh iM,turlla(l. KWv7 No. 30-06 fw DEN -XTrltlnsr to Bit Yertlaer plaaaa) loantiun aula pior.