re wkWNMM . -ry?rr?r D f LOCAL BITS. I, Jackie Urock left Ucml Tuesday for Mitchell, i I). V. Lakin left Saturday morn- lii; fur n bii.sInc.4H trip to Portland. Joe Tani;nit watt in from hi.t . homestead nl Roslnnd last Wctlncm day. Mr. nud Mrrt. George O'N'ell of Forest were llciul callera during the week. Mrs. nntl Mrs. Tom Kynn were callcr.s in llend Sunday from their Vip-rlvcr ranch. i Mrs. Iluyh O'Kane returned .last week from Portland, where .she1 had been visiting n sitttur. i Mr. and Mm. A. C Lticau ijnvc nnothur pleammt dnncin', parly at The Pilot Unite Inn last Saturday evening. A reward of $50 will be giveu by me for any information as to the persons putting out poison for dogs. W.M. II. HltOCK. 20-31 Ilert Powell has naiu rotitimud his duties as ditch rider after his vacation, citusud by iujiirlM re ceived in his recent accident with the bucking horse. Ralph Sjwncer pasuvd tlirouigli llend TuwKluy on his way to Silver Lake, where liu goes to lake the iimnnjjeuunt of the Central Ore KOnian published at that place. During the weak there 1ms lcn on exhibition in the Ktol!kc store window, h Jnanee lily, grown by Mrs. I,. D. Wkart. The plant has two Urge ilowets ill blosoom and is very bemitiful. Mrs. John Ryan, who left Bend during the first of July for Port land slid Salem, lis len very ill at the latter place. For a time it was doubted if she would recover, but she Is improving now. Miss Nellie Dwjrer of MiuncapoiU, a longtime frisud of Mis. Ryan, i-ninu West to nurse her. The Pacific Northwest, the Port laud agricultural publiculiqu for which Mia Kthel ComrHttau is taking subscriptions in a contest, has in its July istttie picture of Itend'sniew school house and the old log building. The two views make a marked contrast and allow very clearly Bend's rapid school development in the last few years. Another sample of this year's crop was brought to The Hulletin office this week by U. V. llutten a fine sheaf of oats. The outs had tuade a very strong, rank growth, Blood six feet high and the kernels of grain were filling out nicely. Mr. Halted has two lots on Hast iron wood avenue which he seeded to oats nud alfalfa this spring, April .12, ami fiom which this sample was token. The alfalfa is also do ing nicety, standing about three Tect high. The oats were the Slip.delaud Wonder variety. Iho Central Ore gon Banking ( Trust Company . Capital 523,000.00 Transacts 11 (ienernl I in lik ing IJusliicss. Acta us Administrator, IJx ccutor or Trustee of Hstatcs Issues Drafts and Dank Money Orders on all Foreign Countries. Interest on Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Doxcs, Fire Insurance. DIRHCTORSl A. M. Drake, A. I., C.otfclwlllIe, I'lut.ment, t Yicc,rreti. J. M. Ijnwrtucc, bucietnry. 1'. 0. Minor, Cnsliicr. -lU'.NI), - ORHGON -fi "ii 1 Tom Rutherford of Inidlnw was in Ilcud Monday. iC. S. Ray was ft cnllcr in Bend Tuesday from Laitllaw. , , Ovid Riley was in town vcdncs day attending to business, malters. All the magazines and the Sntur. day Ivcninfj Pont at the postofficc uews-staud. 1 i9-tf. Alderman J. I. West is having telephone No, 33 put iu his resi dence this week. Tom Parmcnter has returned to llend from Redmond, where he has been working with the I). I. & P. construction crews, Mr. and Mrs. Rene West came to town from the llaswell-Cucriu ranch this week and are moving on to their homestead near I.aidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Drake left for Madras last Sunday evening, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Max Lueddenuinn for a few days. Mrs. W. S. Nicliol received this week a handsome new Lndwig piano which she recently pur chased. It is nu elegant instru ment nud has a fine tone. R. C. Vaughn and family left for the valley yusterday, where they will procure n load ol apples nud pcrhajH other fruit. They will telail tiie fruit on their return to iluml. Mr. nud Mrs. C. II. Hrickson, their sou and his wife wili leave the first of the week for valley point. During their absence, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Carter will have charge of their Hear Creek ranch. II. D. Turney and family left the first of the week for a camping and fishing outing of several days on Spring river. They were nccom jKiuittd by George Stanley, sou of F. S. Stanley of Portland. Christian Kudonvor services iu the church next Sunday evening at 7:30. (CoiiB'crntion meeting) Sub ject: Gardiner and Missions to Latin America. Text: Cor. n: 28 30. Loader, Miss Ilnel Caldwell. R, J. McCanu and W. R. Wilkin son, who, in connection with other cruisers, had 'been cruising iu the Paulina mountains, walked from Paulina lake to Iknd last Saturday. They desired to inspect the country between the Kike and llend and took this means to do it. Tile Rend iosto(Tice issued 308 domestic money prdcrs during July amounting to $5,040..) 1, fees 2 1.6 1, and 32 international orders, amounting to Si to, fees 58 cents. The office paid 34 orders aggrega ting $363.62, This is the largest btiflines ever douu by the office during any one month. F. O. Minor, local representative for the Norwich Union Fire In surance Society, received n draft for 1,000.00 Tuesday evening, payment of Dr. Merrill's insurance on his house which burned June 38. Tliis is very prompt settlement, considering the unsettled condition of the insurance world due to the losses incurred by the Sau Fran cisco disaster. The committee that inspected the childicu's flower beds last Saturday, entered iu competition for the Mrs. A. M. Drake prizes, report that the children have done very well with their flowers, considering the dis advantages under which some have labored. The committee report that on this, the first, inspection Harry Johnson's (lowers made the Iwst showing, with Albert Kste beliefs a close second. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMillan returned to Rend last w?ek after several weeks' visit atakeview nud other Southern Oregon points. Mr, McMillan spent the Fourth at Klamath Falls nud reports thnt everything is booming Were. He prophesies that Klnn'mth Fnfls will some dnV make 'n cftV, in fact Mr, McMillan .lY?,, very ,$Yprnbly I impressed wnn inui (,-pure set-you of the stqje nud says it will make n great And prosperous ddthUry when properly developed. F. S. Stnnlcy nud Boil George, C. A. Chapman and Tom -Triplet! drove to the fish trap on the Upper Deschutes last Sunday for a few days' outing, returning Tuesday. They report great sport. Three ex tra large Dolly Vardcns were caught, each measuring nbout 36 inches long nud weighing 20 lbs. npicce. hi all 12 Dolly Vardcns were captured weighing 100 pounds, lc sides several redsides. Mr, Stunley took the larger fish to Portland with him, nud expects to treat his friends to n dinner at which Dcs cnutcs trout will be one of the daintiest dishes served. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Weymouth, Mrs. Krd mati and daughter I'! m 111:1, Mrs. Rrosterhous, J. II. Uarncy, Creed Triplctt, Harry Hill nud John Stiles, accompanied by cruisers F. II, Mnrion and Elmer Nyswongcr, spent several days last week in the timlr between here nud Silver Lake looking for claims. Most of them secured satisfactory claims. After considerable exciting exper ience with n balky horse that also o.sscsKcd the kicking accomplish ment, they arrived safely in Iknd last Tuesday afternoon. Last Tuesday while IJstellc Sntch wcll, Mary Guerin and Margaret Wiest were plnying nlong the river front on the Drake lawn, Ustellc slipped and fell over the onibnnk meut onto the rocks below, n dis tance of 1 s or 20 feet. The other little girls ran. for help and Andrew Johnson carried the injured girl into the Drake house where her bruises were dressed. One limb was badly bruised, and a small cut on the head, but no bones were broken. She will be out again iu n day or two. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Satchwell. A peculiar leak was found this week iu one of the water company's mains recently put iu near the new school house. Evidence of n leak wns seen on the surface and on digging down to the main a hole about two inches iu diameter was found iu the wooden pipe. These wooden pipes are wrapped with wire and at the end of each section the wire is stapled down. This hole wns cut right around one of the staples, and whatever cut the hole also ground iu two, two of the wires encircling the main. The cutting of the hole through Hie wood is very smooth, and the wires are severed as neatly as could be done by a mechanic. IS. F. Ratten, sueriutendcut of the company, is of the opinion that the staple penetrated to the interior of the pipe, thnt the pressure of wntcr caused n leal: around the stnple, that the escaping water took a swirling motion, and the constant whirling of small particles of gravel gradually cut the hole iu the wood and severed the wires. Kicked In the Moutli. I'. D. I,utz, who has more or less handled horses all his life, met witli the worst accident thai ever happened to him last Thursday. He had hitched n colt to the mower nud iu turning a corner the colt got Ids leg over the tug. Mr. Lutz caught the animal by the bits nud wns trying to get him into the proper position, which the colt did. not take kindly to, but reared nud plunged causing Klmcr to lose his foothold on the slippery stubble. The broncho kicked himsquarely iu the moutli, knocking him nbout n rod, Although this kick would have almost killed some men Mr. LuU immediately arose and spat out 14 of his teeth, five of which remained intact upon n portion of the superior maxillary. After the buggy horse was hitched up he came to toyvo'. and Dr. Thorn attended his wounds, taking several stitches in his upper lip. . At pres ent he does not; seem to be, much worse for the accident except the loss of his teeth.Ceutral Oregon inn, 'i I II. ir .i.ivijv.v Read TUB BULLETIN. BUCKWHEAT DOBS Wfefefo Fine Specimens of This Oram "flf'o'w In: at Tuntalo. TUMAM), Aug. 1. Oeorge WltrfcV lux a flue ipeclman of Imclcwheat rarf- tug ill' Kin gnnli'ii which promise to lnnkc n heavy jiehl. Another new In dustry for the Deftchiitcn 'country imckwiieat nmi ic. The wcntlicr Tian turned cooler mid Uic cool, frevh nlr ncems f;ood agnlu. Wc don't hear any more of the new Kcliool district. What ha hapjicncd to the people? They imrcly haven't given it Up KcportA from nil Kctloim My that a good yield of grain will he harvcMed here thin year. The people will not lime to depend on Muyttnck for wed grain another year. J. II. O'Kcllcy of Haycrcek writes that lie will lc up here with his new steam thresher this fall to thresh every ouu, of courw; he iiiancoryonc'sgrain. Mr. O'Kcllcy is an old threshing ma chine man and will do justice to his work. All who want threshing clone will do ell to write to Sir. O'Kcllcy. MIm l'carl mhtowLTBiid Vera Mao key visited at the I'ullfnm fiome over Sunday and Monday this week. Till country is a promising alfalfa one. If you don't think so, ask J, N. Ill Gerkla of Laldlaw, J If can tell you how it grows. Redmond Notes. The new drug store is about complete, ami the balance of the stock will be hare shortly. TIm I). I, & V. Co. have suspended all construction work until further notice. 1'. C. Kowkie pttrclMMNl from the I). I. & 1. Co. 61 lisnd of horws, 30 seta of lMrna and 10 wngons, which he in tends to sell At imbllc auction on Aug. 3 and 4. A dance was g'veu on August 1 iu lMMiorof the iliten boys. Rood music and a good floor wm enjoyed. The funeral of Mr. Hly's child was held Sunday afternoon. Service Has Ik-Id in the hall ami there was a large attendant, after which m many as pos sible went to the cemetery, which is at forked Horn butte. Mr. ami Mrs. ltly Imvc the heartfelt sympathy of the whole comuuity. P. MeCaflery Ium left for The Dalles on n businesa trip. Rosland Items. We have been having very hot weather the past wvek 104 iu the shade at Mr. Hogue's. William Itogue and Georgv ltogue started ltayiiig lust Monday. Til Cald well brothers also have started lutying. They will hay the Pettgra place flrat, le forelMytag. tbeirown ranches on Paulina. Mr. Kdmond and family have moved 041 tliejr homestead a quarter of a wile from KoeJand. They are doing a lot of improving. Mios Valeria Howard, it is rumored, has taken Uie poition of Itay raker in William Hogue's hay field. Mr. ltdmouds is stage driver from It laud to Odell while Mr. Sly is at Walla Walla. J. Taggart is drilling a well on his homestead. They have drilled 10 feet and find plenty of water. Jim lllack ami Walter Vaudevort have been riding for horses the past week. The Hachelor girl have turned out to xi great walkers, luiving walked to their homes, n dUtnuce of nine milao, one evening after school. George Hewitt has got to be Lib best fisherman 011 the river, having caught 33 large fish iu Iimm than an hour one day latt week. A jwldler junked through Rowland Tuesday euroutc tq Klamath lHdls. l'orest fires arc raging iu the direction of Paulina awl Sisters. The air is filled with smoke. George Ueatty, Upward and Clausou will not start haying till noa week. Mr. Rumlmuglt is making 'a' business trip to the valley. lie will rlturn soon. The fish that is foolish enough tp bite the hook is liable touet cuui'ht..for there arc a number of export fishermen on the river now. The school has increased from five to 13 scholars the past week. Chester Ilolliushend is stage driver from Kosland to Prinevillc now. Horses for Sale. All sizes, broken nnd . unbroken. nt F,rickson's ranch, Hear Creek. 7-20 , , '." ' Don't barrow TlieUulletin fioin vour ucigipior suuscjido' ye n -J. xzt: During July,' August and Sep tembcr, the Central Oregon Untikr Ing di'lYiisitoritpany will close At 2 o'clock eacn' Saturday Wfter noon, i7tf PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor , .K . 4.11 r Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season First-class Kquiptucnt All stages stop . RALPH SHELDON Generdi Blacksmithing and' Wflgon Repairing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY fJtT Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church. ssaaesssZ. F. MOODY GENERAL Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. . SHANIKO, - OREQON Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited Prompt attention paid to those who favor me with their patronage THROUaH FROM BOND SHANIKO-PRINEVILLE PRINEYILLJH1END SCHEDULE SOUTHBOUND Leave Shaniko 6 p. m. Arrive Frincvillc 7 a. m. Leave Prineville 12:30 p. m. arrive ucnu 7:00 p. iu. FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENTS FOR TRAVELLING PUBLIC PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONALE J Bend Livery & Transfer C& J. FRANK STROUU, Manager LIVERY, and FEED STABLE HORSIIS BOARDKD BY TUB DAY, WlEK OR MONTH First-CMss Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Phone Ko. 15 r nemlttrctt.bttwccuMlanctota ami Oregon, Bend Orccoil. BENDS MEAT MARKET WAtl. STRUCT Opposite D. 11. Co. , THE finest stock of FRESH MEATS in Crook County Cured Meats and Lard and all the Accessories of a First-Class Market. Everything- new and of the best. WHITE & HILL. -Vl RFPFATINfi No matter, how 'Big llie bird, no matter how heavy its ptirnajte or awift its fllgtyou can bring it to bag with a long; Strang, straight shoorfiif Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Requite ti e Tnat count. They always glva tho best results in fitWL iotI 01 trap shooting, and are sold vithir reach of everybody's pocketbooL. FRBIlUSai i 'ft LJi fti mm 'EATJ fkkTll JJi.'X Fine Rooms and Beds at the hotel door 1 TO SJIANIKO IN ONE DAY CTAfiP TINE 01 AUG MllK NORTHBOUND Leave Bcud 6:00 a. ni.i , Arrive Princvlllc 12:00 m. if Leave Priuevillc 1 p. m.'jfl 1 vrnvc oimniico,. 1 a. m. NEW1 (a J tar tv,tar.Urgt, tllnjtetrjlfatilesttt. Krms coT.New Haven, Conn. v