The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 27, 1906, Image 5

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C.corKo Mym f Prineville whn
hi licntl Sunday.
Ice cream wxlmi can now tic oh
tallied nt llits jioitoflicc jit6ru. i-tf
C2eorK HunimerH of Prlnuvillc
whs ii Inulumciilluriu Ham! jcitur
tiny. J. I,. McCiuWi hint wife of
Prineville wciu In Heml 't Snltir.
A. P. IJoiiolnie of I.nidlnw wn n
lmliiei caller In llunil Saturday
Mr. Cook, hindlndy of the Roi
land liotel, wmt a ciilhsr in lieud
Frank Glut of Italiuoml win nt
tending to htuduwM ninltur in Ileud
Mo'udny mid TitoMlny.
The city do tax for the year
1900 in now duo mid jxiyfchle to
City Trenmuur V. O. Minor at the
Iwiik building.
W. It. Cuerln, jr., and II. C.
Iillis will o to Luidluw Saturday
to look nftur telephone and other
IjuhIiiow mutter.
J. O. Johimton mid H. I). Turney
drove to Redmond Thursday morn
iiiR to meet K. S. Stanley who had
arrived there from Portland.
Mm. S. A. Vouiijf Arrival in
Ileud Thtiridiiv eveiiitijf to remain
with her husband who w draughts
innn for liuKliteer Wngxeuer of the
Oregon Eastern crews.
A falling party compoeed of C.
A. Chapman, Arthur Clothier, Dr.
Van Ceatner mid Charter Howe
drove to the fuih Imp Saturday for
a few daya' outing, returning Mou
day. The Oregon Iiaitarn .surveyors
under Chief Slinw art now cuuiM!d
on the C. H. Alien ranch nt I.avu.
Their survey run next to the lava
How on the soutlteast skin of the
The committee that has in charge
the inspection of the children's
flower beds, entered in the eoutei t
for prize offered by Mrs. A. M.
Drake, will make the first Inepec
tiou next Saturday morning.
Arthur Clothier of Portland has
been iti Mend this wvck writing in
surance for the Maaaachusetttf Mu
tual Life itiNUiauce Co. lie wa
necoinjwided hy Dr. Van Centner
of l'riuevilte, Who made the physi
cian's examination for the appli
cant for insurance.
A permanent exhibit of the.
gruiu, vegetables, etc. grown in the
Ileud country is to he established
hoou. It is therefore important, in
asmuch as the harvest is uon us,
that the farmers save sample of
their crops, with the roots attached,
until such time as u room for the
exhibit can be procured. It is urged
that everyone take an interest in
this imiwitant matter and save
TiTo Central Ore
gon Banking (Sb
Trust Company
IMoMloMAll II 1404
Cnpltnl $25,000.00
Transact " (Icncrnl Hank
ing IJuslness. 1
Acts ns Administrator, 1:n
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts and Hank
Money Orders on nil Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits,
Safe Deposit Boxes,
l-lro Insurance.
I) I It I! CT OK St
A. M. Drake, A. h. OooiUvllllc,
i'rwiltlent. vice J'lcs.
J. SI. I,awrunco, Secretary.
1'. 0. Minor, Cashier.
r,lHJN,w .,.-.., . fOKKaGN-
All the magazines and the Satur
day Kvculnji 1'ost nt the txntolficc
iiewS'Staud, jo-tf.
Mr. nud Mrs. I'ticttworc in Ileud
Wednesday from their ranch on
the Ttuiiiilo.
Kcv. O. V. I'inkham will prcrtch
in the church next Sunday morning
at ti o'clock.
W. Jv. Gucrln, Jr., wife and
daughter Mary and servant arrived
in Ileud Tuesday.
Dr. I. I.. Scofield left Wednes
day for the Ilaldwin ranch at Hay
Creek on n professional visit.
A. M. Drake returned from a
business trip to Tlie Dalles, Portland
and Salem Wednesday evening.
The I.nidlnw jKJstoflice is now a
money order office, the necessary
blanks having arrived this week.
Dr. I. I,. Scofield will be in his
office all next week where those
desiring dental work may find him.
MondavH. W. Morrill sold his
team of gray horses to C. S. Knton
for the' lltildwiu ranch, sale price
St 50.
The next meeting of the Crook
County Medical Association will be
held in Prineville on Thursday,
August 2.
This week Nick Welder has
jMiuted the George HroMurhotis
residence 011 Hawthorne avenue. It
is painted brown with white trim
mings. ltd HfclvorMHi last Monday
brought to the liulleliu office a fine
sample of rye grown on the P. U.
D. Co's land this season. It meas
ured just an even seven feel high.
A crew of Oregon Hastcru sur
veyors under C. W. Huck went to
llaxeldell evcral weeks ago and
has been running a line eastward
through the mountains. The crew
will soon be working In the vicin
ity of Koslaml.
Mrs. Win, I.ahmeu, a niece of
W. P. Vaudevert, is visiting at the
Vaudevert home nt Lava. In a
few days, Dr. Lnhrneu will also
si rive for a of several weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. I.uhmen's hbtue is at
Itrowutvillu, Oregon.
Someone scattered poison around
town for the dogs the first of the
week and several were killed by
getting it. Will llrock lost his
youtig bear hound, nud the dogs
iKilougiug to J. O. lfry, John I..
Kuver, and W. II. White were alto
A meeting of the Settlers' Asso
ciation under the Columbia South
ern Co's segregation wilt be held in
I.uidlaw next Saturday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. In the evening a
meeting of the I.aidlaw Develop
ment League will also be held. V.
K. Otieriii, jr. will speak at both
Mrs. It. II. Muiicy and daughter
Kthel, who have been spending the
last two weeks in lieud with Mr.
Muiisy. will leave tomorrow lor
Seattle, where the .have purchased
a io-acre tract of laud near thu'eity
and UK)ii which they will make
their home. Mr. Muncy, in the
meantime, will continue his work
cruising in the timber in this region.
Mrs. A. W. DeUolt nud son, J.
W., of Coulee City, Wash., arrived
in Bend this week to look over
laud in this vicinity with a view to
buying. Mr. DeUolt will join them
in n few weeks. Iti the meantime
Mrs. Duliolt nud ion and little
daughter have rented the George
Whit sett house nud will engage in
tight housekeeping until the ar
rival of Mr. Dfcllolt.
During the week quite nu exten
sive fire has been burning in the
timber on the mountain side west of
the river njid also about "due west
of W. P. VundeyertM- nVd' Court
Allen's ranches in The Meadows.
The fire" was'Stjiftod by lightning,
fortunately &y"j;his sidtf of the
Cascade luomiWirs-a 4o'rc9t' fife
does practically no damage, burn
ing only the dead needles and down
John Atkinson, the local game
and fiih warden, destroyed the
famous fish trap on the upper Des
chutes river west of Roslnnd last
week. Man, assisted by. nature,
had contrived a Iran at tlie foot of
a fall where annually a large mini'
lcr of fish were entrapped in a pool
and captured. Mr. Atkinson
destroyed the slats at the tdp of the
falls nud enlarged it somewhat so
that it carries a greater volume of
water, which will furnish an easier
ascent to the fish.
The dance in the n. M. hall last,
Saturday evening uiveu in honor
of Nick Welder and bride by the
lieud Social Club was a very pleas
ant affair. A large number of peo
ple were in attendance and every
thing was as "merry as wedding
bells." During the evening the
Modern Woodmen and Itoyal
Neighbors served dainty refresh
ments to the guests. A reception
at which a few intimate friends
were present was also given Mr.
nud Mrs. Wciderlast week Wednes
day evening in the parlors at the
Hotel lieud.
A. A. Anthony is doing some
very fine cabinet work for llend
people theiw days. He has just
finished an elegant barber's mirror
case for the Hotel ileud barbershop
which will contain two large French
plate mirrors when finished. The
base for the mirror case, containing
the towel receptacles, is also a fine
piece of work. He has also
just finished a large refrigerator
for the Pilot Iluttc Inn. Mr. An
thony is a cabinet maker by trade
and has worked with Minnesota
and Wisconsin lumber nud with
lumber from all parts of the coast.
He says none of it can compare
with our native pine in point of
finish and polish.
Wednesday morning Depute
Sheriff lirown sold at auction a
lumber wagon, n John Deere riding
plow and a harrow to satisfy judg
ment and cokts in the case of J.
Prank Stroud nud Albert Seals vs.
S. M. Jauuey. The wagon was
purchased by W. 11. Wilson for the
I Ins well Guerin ranch for $37.50,
J . Frank Stroud got the plow for
$10 and II . C. Ullis the harrow for
$12. .50. A three-horse evcucr went
for 75 cents. The bill claimed by
Strotid ntid Seals was for the feed
and enre of horses owned by plain
tiff. Several similar - cases have
been brought against Janney within
the last few mouths, but he has
always redeemed the attached goods
at the last moment. This time,
however, he allowed the case to go
to judgment. He is a very wealthy
broker doing business on Wall
street, New York, who purchased
the Gueriu-Itedfield ranch, machin
ery ami stock oast of lieud about a
year ago. Hills for the enre of the
stock have accumulated, which
have been the cause of the cases
brought against Janney,
Drakc-I). I. & I, Controversy Will
tlo before Interior Department.
At n recent meeting the state
land board took under consideration
the application of the Doschutes
Irrigation & Power Company for a
certificate of reclamation of 5,300
acres. A. M. Drake, in behalf of
himself and the Pilot Hutte De
vclomneut Company, appeared in
opposition and Messrs. Stanley and
Stearns of the D. I. c. I'. Co. in
support of the certification.
Mr. Drake! called attention of the
board to the pending litigation and
contended Uiat the ditch vcompany
had no valid vater right for these
lauds nor (he right to maintain
the ditch where constructed on his
property, iiu'd consequently that
reclamation,., as, required by the
Upttcd.States,was not accomplished
until 'foerpe.'tual right to vise the
water arid inantaiu the ditch was
ncriu'ifed''bi the comnativ and ner-
pctwn'i vdte right became appurie-nUht-toe-ilch'trhctrWlalUt6d:v
Alter cousiucrauuu me uuuru
determined to certify as to c6fi
structiou of ditches sufficient lo re
claim 2,400 acres instead of the
53,000 applied for, and to leave to
the determination of the govern
ment the question as to whether
the company had or had not com
plied with requirements as to right
to the water. Further action in
the controversy will have, to be
carried on before the interior de
partment nud in the courts..
Additional testimony w.ik recent
ly taken in the trespass now
landing, , Tlie nrgumenta will be
made !cfore Judge Uradshaw in
tlie near future
Some 'Delayed Fourth of Jufy News
and Other Notes.
The rnlii Mittlwl the llit in lli after
noon of July 4.
The farmer nruuml Uo1aiiil arc get
tine tliuir machinery ready to thakc
A fine time was reported here the
fourth. A hard shower came up in the
afternoon nml drove the twople from the
groumlM to the hotel for vhcltcr. A fine
dinner wa herved jimt Ixiforc the rain.
The dance commenced in the evening
ahout 5 o'clock. The mulc wm furnish
ed hy John Atkhrsou's phonograph. The
dntice ended with a iiht, hut we are
glad to My that it wnMi't any of our
rfdidenters who started it. No one wot
nerloiudy hurt.
Dr. Scofield, the dentist of Kodmond,
wo in Hofttand last Meek.
Th Hucnelor OirU here HtrcrMd a
new Comfort range recently.
A party of young folk took a trip lo
the ice caves to procure ice for the
Quite a large school at RoIainl now.
lieu I'atterfcoM is one of the Uge
driven from Rowland to l'rineville.
There was a runaway a few miles up
the river the day after the fourth. No
one wan hurt. One rear wlteel wm badly
Mr. Holliukheail and family returned
from thu valley the 13th.
A crew of 11 people, with 50 lion
and a herd of'cattlc, paed through
Rutland the 15th 011 their way to Klam
ath, l'nll.
I'ronk lltfjjue ami Wm. Dorrell have
tarted to Shaulko for suiHtlien fori
Rogue & Son' store.
A few honw race were nu tlw fourth.
Jim HUtck came out nhoad, O rover Cald
well awond, and (his liatcauie off third)
!. Caldwell fourth.
Mr. ami Mrs. Itdmondc arrived here
Ut Tuemlay. They intend making tills
their future home.
Tom Sly ha retired from the Uge
line and i attending the Koehtud school.
Wm. Mayflekl aud two mm returned
from tit valley ami cot a few Uyit ago
where they liave lietm lmying cattle.
Will Dorrell ami George Kogue, who
ueut up to the head gate to work on
the ditch, have returned.
J. T. Taggart d J. A. Trobee were
recently seen sailing uruumi Kokind in
a one "Ho hay" getting provisions
to lnt tlleilt for a few days,
George ihtwitt didn't attend the hig
dance tlie fourth iMteaufie lit hores
didn't came up.
Mr. Cook of the KoaUud Hotel made
11 btuiueaa trip to Silver take this week.
Mr. Kekttui photographed the crowd
who were congregated mound the grand
sUml July 4.
New i scarce around Roeland but the
moMpiitoe are very plentiful.
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season
Ffnft-claiB Itquipmont Fine Rooms and Beds
All stages stop at the hotel door
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing
0f Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church. '
Commission and forwarding
Large, Commodious Wareltousc. Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention pawl to those who
favor me with their patronage
I Leave Shaniko 6 p.m.
Arrive Prineville 7 a. m.
Leave Prineville i?;3o p. m.
Arrive Bend 7:00 p. m.
Leave Bend 6:oo-a. m.
Arrive Prineville 12:00 in.
Leave Prineville 1 p. m.
Arrive Shaniko 1 a. m.
Bead Livery & Transfer Co,
- '
First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Phone No. 15
BbKl ttrt, between MiHacwta aud Orveoa, Bend Orczotl
Tiimalo Items.
ler. McCall and Mtilviu of Siaurs
Iftfl throtiKh Tiimalo Monday on their
way to llend on uutinoso.
T. A. Jenon and F. V. Smith exjwst
to leave for The lllw the Wt of this
week. They k wltnwCB for Mr.
Avery of Miles, Wnihlmjlton, who will
make final proof on lti-t lort claim one
mile north of Titnudo on JUly 31.
A. Meeker, father at C. IN Pecker of
l.Hiilliuv. paned through here this week
on his way to the mountains on nu out-'
iiiK ami prospecting trip. Mr. Heckcr j
in Intel)' from the Iut nml U enjoying
tlu Dcscliitles climate.
Mr, Ilniley'8 folkn of Laitllnw vibited
nt the miditower hohe Sunday.
Mrn, V, V, Smitli is expected home
noon from Aberdeen and other Washing
ton points where she hns been vUitinK
for tlie prtst sis weeks.
V. P. Ground and wife and son re
turned to Tuinnlo today from 11 two
weeks' trip to the Willamette volley.
Mr. Ground snys.they hnve the largest
crops this yeUrlii the valley for many
1 ; t 1
WALL STKKKT, Oppose B. M. Co.
THE finest stock of FRESH
MEATS in Crook County.
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a FirstClass
Market. Everything- new and
of the best. WHITE & HILL.
During Jiitf, August and Sep
tember, the Central Oregon Bank
ing & Truft.omfcrjrfyvlll closest
2 -o'clock each Saturday o)rter
noon, i6tf
J111 1 liiiriiiiM 1 'iifn TrriiVwiT-' -?sr;:;?"'- - .-iMmmm
.v. .... t.... KI.W tk. rn mntf.! tinu hfflVV it9 nlllm!iITA rt
swift its" flight, you can brlmj it to bag mb. n lonf, strong,
tralgh shootinc Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are wha
coi)nti,. They always give tho best results, in field, fowl or tn?
ohooilnlj, and are sold wi'hin reach of cvsrybody'o pocketbooic
PliiPl tii Bun and tiduti tn & AX(a( taii for tar hrc ("uttrt.J alaiogi