The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 27, 1906, Image 3

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Jn a Conilfiiiscil Form for Our
Busy Renders,
A Rosumo of Itio Loto Important but
Not Lom lntorostloc Event!
of tho Pflit Weak.
It la bsllovcd tlio czar will dissolve
tliu tlotitnn.
Hupprrsalnii of nnwspnpnra caused n
riot In Ht. Peteraburg.
Peace haa brnn signed among tlio
Central Aiunrlrnii republics.
Tim last nf the ladrone chief In the
Philippine haa aurrendnrnd.
Germany proposes to rxcludo Amorl
van canned meat ol every description.
A revolution In Mexico la threat.
Miwl. Inspired by hostility to Amu I
Tlio Ntttlount Livestock txehango do
nuunces the reports recently made on
tho tncAt pncklng Industry.
John I). Kocsofnllur will he arrested
Immediately on hla arrival In tlio
( n lit I Htatcs. Ilo has sailed (or thin
Thu whole city n( H)ran. RiisjIs,
liaa been drstroyrd hy Urn. Tlio con.
tlagratlon haa rendered 36,000 persona
homnlrsa, who are alao without food.
Meager reporta have Iwen recolvrd of
it fierce tire In Yokohama, Japan. More
than a thousand houses were dtstroyed
unit aoino life la known to have Iwen
The capital of Alaaka haa been moved
from Hltka to Juneau.
Kcotlanil will tiy to Induce parlla.
incut to grant homo ruin.
Hanto Domingo will borrow $20,000,.
000 ami pay all outstanding clalma.
(Inrmany and Austria will help the
czar It another rt volution brraka out.
A forest fire In Calaveras county
thrrntui dratructlon to Callfornla'a IiIk
The blahop of Xululand accuses the
llrltiah troopa of wantonly killing many
Kantoa Dnmont haa a new alrahlp
which hn believe an Improvement over
anything yet built.
The mayor of Hocorro, Tox., eaya re.
poita of the recent earthquake were
greatly overdrawn.
The Kngllah parliament will appro
priate $1,060,000 for tto relief of the
unemployed this winters
The National Pure Food convention
endorsed the atand taken by I'realdent
Itooaevelt ou the pure food law.
General Htoeaaal, commander of Tort
Arthur, during the Russo-Japanese
war, haa been aontenced to death by a
military commlaalon for surrendering
to the Japaneae.
Mlaaourl la after the Ico truit.
Kvldenco la being aecured agalnat
the tobacco truat.
A French dirigible balloon recently
remained In tlio air eight houra.
The government la preparing to gauge
many Oregon and Washington atrcama.
Kansas packing houses tmvo been
kIvkii flvo days to clean up or cloaa up,
The Virginia S-cent-a-mllo railroad
rnta law haa boon declared unconatltu
A trump steamer bumped Into the
now battleahlp Rhode laland, aprlnglng
tier armour plate badly.
Tlio executors of tlio ratate of the
late Marshall Field estimate thn value
of thu property left at $1:5,000,000.
Canada lint received nn address from
King Kdwnrd In which ho rays It will
bo Impotalble for him to make tlio
much deal rod visit.
Thu Gloveland, Ohio, grand jury ad
journud without Indicting any Standard
Oil men, Proaecutlona of tlio company
la to be resumed In othor cities,
All express companloa operating on
the Nortliorn Paclflo and Great North
im roada liavo conaolidatud and horo
after will bo known na tlio Nortliorn
Kxpreaa compan. Tlio deal nlao in
eludes tlio Adama Kxpreaa company on
tlio Ilurllugton.
A atriko of Portland atreet car men
eeoma imminent.
81am haa atarted a movemont for tlio
abolishment of gambling.
Plana are bolng prepared for a new
lightship off tho Columbia bar.
Major Dreyfus has been assigned to
command nf tho ornck French regiment.
Alfrod Dolt, who controlled the void
and diamond output of Africa, la dead.
A poace conforonco botweon Central
American republlca may be hold on a
United Btatos warship.
Hundroda of Carloada Dumped
From San Francisco,
Hn F-nnclacn, July 17. Certain via
Itora to Han Frnnclsco havo given loud
voice to tlirlr disappointment ot arolng
tho city debris atrown throu montha
after thu disaster. "It la an Imposal.
bin task that Han Franclaco hai under
taken," they write homo, and their la
mentations coino hack by wlru to this
It la true that almost throe montha
have elapsed, and It la also truu that
acrea and acres of debris lie In the
heart of tho city. Moreover, It la high
ly possible that much nf the debris
will remain for several montha.
What theao visitors have neglected to
obiervo Is that the debris la bolng cart
ed away at the rate of 240 carloada a
day. Tho dirt la carried In wagona to
tho bunkers ou Flrat atreet, and from
there trains convoy It to tho Protoro
swamps, wheru it la doing reclamation
Throughout the old business section
of tho city dangerous walls still atand,
hut the board of worka haa taken steps
to havu them torn down. This board
haa also called upon property owners to
clear away the sidewalks on which
thulr building front. When tills la
done many of the streets still blocked
will be opened. Huch important atreo.s
aa Htockton and Pino aru not passable
their entire length. Tho city la not
waiting Idly for thn disappearance of
tho debris, hut reconstruction and
cleaning are going on simultaneously.
Country la Full of Schemea to Obtain
Money of Gullible.
Washington, July 17. Consul Gen
eral Qeorge K. Anderson, In a report to
the bureau of manufacturers from Itlo
Janeiro, charge that while noma bona
Ode Hrazlllnn diamond mines may re
sult protltably, that country la full of
schemed which are either out-and-out
frauds or are based on clalma and facta
eo alight aa to make them little leea
than fratida.
The rcivort inya the United States
and Great llrltaln, especially New
l ork, Chicago and London, aru the
chief financial baso of operations for n
number of promoters, who havn never
dono any mining, and that thorn are a
number of so-called mining companies
now soliciting stock aubictlptlona In
the United State whoso olllcera nre not
even cortaln where the land they claim
as property Ilea.
The report atatea that experienced
men In Ilratlllan mining fields cay that
not a single mining company operating
In the gold and diamond fields of liraiil
haa paid a dividend. The consul gen
oral adda that it la a lamentable fact
that a large proportion ot the liraxllian
mining enterprlsea are fratida and' that
there are now men of thn United Stales
with entorprlaea which represent noth
ing more than the money thoy can got
from the American public.
Congreai Will Know What la the Ef
fect of Ago.
Washington, July 17, The bureau
of chemistry, Agricultural department,
la to carry on n aerlea of toata this sum
mer to ascertain definitely whether
canned meata deteriorate. Ono of the
bitter contontlona over tho meat In
epectlon amendment to tho agricultural
appropriation bill hinged on the senate
requirement that pnekora should placo
thu datu of manufacture on each can of
Tho packora, however, Insisted that
this wan unwarranted, becauso they
claimed that meat, once put up In air
tight cans, would last forever. They
declared that canned meat wna aa good
In ten yeara na It was in ten daya, ami
thoy brought to bear testimony of an
official of thu department to corroborate
their statements. Homo membora of
congress had their doubta about this,
however, no It haa been decided to make
a thorough invoatlgntlon and find out
whether the packers woro correct or
OfTlcors Preach Revolution.
St. Petersburg, July 17. At a meet
ing hold today at Gutcliina, SO miles
from St. I'otorsburg, attended by three
of tho Guard reglmonta, an ufilcor ad
dressed tho men on tho aubjoct of tho
soldiers' union, which la being organic
od. Ho pointed put that tho loaguo
was democratic and was being organis
ed for the purpose of guarding tho con
etltutlon and establishing constitution
al institutions and to prepare tu& army
to come ovor to tlio people when they
were ready and armed for reaietanco.
The speech was recolvod with applaueo,
Thousands Without Homes.
Nishnl, Novgorod, July 17. -A fire
which broko out here today raged, for
six hours before it was checked. Whon
It was finally extinguished 276 houses
had boen deatroyod and moro than 3,000
families had been ronderod homeless,
Tho lots li placed at $400,000.
Government Will Prove Guilt of
Heads ol Monopoly,
Testimony To On Used for Indict
ment of Standard Oil Officers
Who Extort Rebates.
Cleveland, July 17. Tho Plain-Deal
or this morning aaya:
llaslng hla opinion upon tho testi
mony already submitted to tho Federal
grand jury In this district, Attorney
General Moody believes that the gov
ernment haa at last secured tho evi
dence which will bring tho Standard
Oil company to Its knees. The return
of District Attorney Sullivan this morn
ing from nn nil day conforenco with the
attorney general a Now York yesterday
will make n complete change ol tlio
government's policy in connection with
tho fight to stamp out trado discrimin
ations in favor of giant corporations.
The ejiange of plans Includes a com
plote rovursal regarding C.J. Grammar,
vice provident of tho Lako Shore &
Michigan Southorn railway.. Gram
mar will not be Indicted In this or any
othor Federal district. Instead, ho
will be asked to assist the government
In forging a chain of evidence about
thu neck of some of the biggest Stand
ard Oil officials In the country.
It la known that the government offi
cials aro fger to obtain one more link
In the evidence already secured against
the Standard Oil company. A moat
determined effort will be made to com
plete the chain through Grammar and
Clark. What thn government ofilclala
particularly want la thn namea of tho
Standard Oil officials through whom, It
Is alleg.-d, rebating arrangements were
made with the Lake Shorn and other
ra 1 oada. With these names In their
possession the government attorneys
will be ready to strike.
Railroad Men Cannot Agree At To
Meaning of RatoLaw.
Chicago, July 17. Executive ofilclala
and general counsel of every railroad
west of Chicago had a conference today
with a view to determining the mean
ing of all of tho provisions of the new
rate law. J. O. Etubba, traffic director
of the Harriman lines, presided and
outlined the purposes of the gathering.
It developed, however, that there
were almoat as many viewa regarding
the interpretation of the atatute aa
there were lawyers and traffic men
present. It was decided, therefore, to
appoint two committees, ono of traffic
men and one of legal men. The traffic
men are to meet and arrange tbelr
plans for rarrying the law luto effect,
and whenever they encounter a provis
ion that they are unable to solve they
are to call on tho committee (or
opinions. In tho ineantlmo the com
mittee of lawyers is to hold meetings
and determine what it considers the
statute requires.
Shortage Is Accentuated by Recent
Flro In San Francisco.
San Francisco, July 17. It is esti
mated that 0,000,000 grain bags were
destroyed by tho recent fire and In con
sequence tho market la paralyzed. New
orders cannot bo filled and brokers on
'Chango aro In n quandary nn to the
fnturu. Tho price for bags has jumped
nearly 60 per cent and at that the com
modlty Is not to be had. Formerly
sacks cold for 0a to fl$ cents and to
day the prico of 10U cents prevails.
The prospective supply reaches In
round figures to -10,760,000 sacke, and
agnlnat this must bo chalked tho needs
ot California, computed nt 23,600,000
racks, and for tho north 27,000,000
sacks, leaving n deficit of 0,760,000,
with no possible output to cover the
Czar May Keep Goremykln.
St. Petersburg, July 17. Thero aro
no developments In the cabinet situa
tion. Tho murder of Genoral Koslov
Is reported to havo made an exceeding
ly bad impression on tho emperor and
tho Novoe Vremyn denies that tho cab
inet has resigned. The hesitation at
Poterhof haa raised hopes in the minds
of somo of Promier Goremykln's col
leagues that ho can hold on, even in
tho face of the adverse vote In the up
per house of parliament on Saturday.
Russia will bo represented nt the Inter
parliamentary union in London,
Put Rojostvonsky to Work,
St. Petersburg, July 17. It la under
stood that Admiral Rojostvensky, who
was acquitted by court martial of the
charge of cowardice In surrendering to
the enemy after the battle of the sea of
Japan, will be rostorod to the actlvo
list of thu navy and assigned to a prom
inent position on the technical commit
tee of the navy.
Ilrnih IlrliiK Altaut m Knr-ltrnrlilnM
Denth hn brought nbotit n chnngo In
tho OoriTiiornlilp of Ohio, which not
nloih) nnYcbt Individual but pnrtl.
In the ('lection hist
November John M
I'nttlxon, former
(Vmgrcfismnn, wna
elet-ted Governor
ou-r Myron T. Her
rlrk mid wn the
only Democrat cho
hoii. Hut hi vie
tory wna enough to
bring large benefit
to hi party both hi
the war of appoint
xmmtw u luimiH. I110uU ,, tlm vet0
ivnver hy which purely Republican leg
islation could bo thwarted. Tho stren
uoiw cnuipulgu, however, wn too much
for Mr. l'attlsou. Ho broko down and
when tho tlmu for hi Inauguration
mum ho hnd to review the parade In a
Kin hi igo ii'Hx'Ially provided. Ho grad
ually recovered find wo filling III of
fice when a relnpno enme.
Tlio Republican Lieutenant Governor,
Andrew Llntner Jlnrrli, bun now bo
como acting Governor mid will ncrvo
until WO, enjoying all thu emoluments
of the office, but being deprhed of tho
full title, Governor. He took the placo
ii'mhi the ticket last year In reiiwnrw
to tho united call of both Republican
faction. Ho I a civil war veteran and
wn Lieutenant Governor under Gov
ernor MrKluley.
Governor I'nttlHon wan born on n
farm In Claremunt County, Ohio, In
1K-J7, whero hU home wa until re
cently. At the age of 10 year ho di
luted and served during thn last dny-i
of thn civil wnr. Ho taught achool for
fund with which to attend tho Ohio
Wetileynn t'nU entity and he continued
teaching whllo n Mudeut to pay bin col
lege exieu-teM. After be was graduated.
In 1HRI, bo went west to write Innur
nncv for tlm anme company of which
hu wn later elected Pn-rddent Whllo
writing liiiturniKv ho studied law and
wa admitted to thu Qblo bar In 187"
At the end of ten year' practice ho wn
Invited to enter hi old Insurance com
panythe t'nlon Mutual Life m Vie
President and General Mnnager. He
wiih elected President In 185)1, and held
thu office at tho time of bis death.
An ii young lawyer ho wn put ou
the Hiimtltou Count- (Ohio) ticket for
tho State Legislature and hu won, al
though thnt wns n bad year for tho
Democratic party. In IKK) Judg Ah
iHirn, rvprerientlng tho Clermont-Brown
dlNtrlct In the Btato Senate, died, aud
Mr. Pnttlon wns elected to till thu va
cancy. HI work In thu Somite sent
him to Congrws when Cleveland wns
President. Hy tho time hi term wn
out a Republican Legislature had re
dlstrlcted Ohio and his now district had
a normal Republican plurality of aev
eml thouiaud. Ho then took up his
work In tho lnsuranco busluesv.
For many yearn ho lived nt Mllford,
Ohio, n fow mlleu from Cincinnati. Ho
married n MIm Wllltnms, n daughter
of Prof. Williams, who hold tho chair
of Greek In tho Ohio Wenleyan Uni
versity for ninny yours. Governor Pat
tkm leaves u wife, a son, who haa Junt
been graduated from college, and two
Altered In Itcpaliiuir.
rfA man In Chicago, says n writer in
Judge, found himself In tho chair of a
strango barber, to whom his features,
although unfamiliar, seemed to carry
some reminiscent suggestion,
"Havo you been hero boforol" nskod
thu hair-cutter.
"Once," snld the man.
"Strango I do not recogulso your
"Not at all," natil Uio runn. "It
changed n good deal ns It heulod.'
A Orvnt llnnrnlu.
"Gwendolyn Porkpncker certainly cot
her title cheap. Slio made that Italian
couut tnko only ono hundred thousand
dollars for marrying her."
"Aneellna Ollgusher did better even
than thnt. Shu got an Austrian prlnco
to mark down Ills coronet to ninety-nine
thousnnd dollars nud ninety-eight
cents." Haltlinoro American.
Thero Is at least ono thing to be said
to the credit of tho men; They do not
visit their kin much.
l(&r ta aaa.
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KrEwlU ytLS J&4 frf SMtPw M H i 5pja?rt9JHaT "J? W V jasBFaW bbbbb M jfjJESKwJm
Kfcr. --j 4 JBBrB-BBBBE f-J "-B-rBK BBnBaMli t zL -rlWsBBWlT SBBBBfc
The military tournament held In Kngland this year lias for Its mot
pleturenquo feature n representation of a Tudor tourney. The pageant be
gin with n procession of men, mounted and dismounted. In armor of the
fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, splendid costume of the period, or ornata
uniform. Tho chargers of the mounted aro richly equipped and wear full
armor. A prominent figure Is the lord of tho tournament, suitably attended
nnd followed by tho knight herald, tho chief marshal, squire nnd pages,
trumpeter nnd standard-bearer-!. Then como the challengers, four knlgbt
In armor, followed by men-nt-anns, pursuivant and pages. Tbo Jousting
conclude tho pageant, the breaking of n lance being the signal for a fanfare.
Vein-ana at Tbreo Ilrcent War to
Wear .New Iladae.
To gratify thu prldo nnd stimulate
the ambition of tho soldiers of tbo reg
ular army thu general staff lias Issued
in order requiring vetcrnn. of thu
ipanlsh war, tho Philippine Insurrec
tion and the Peking relief expedition
to wear bronze medal a a pnrt of their
uniform on drex.i pnrado and occasions
of ceremony. This will glvo tho boy
-omethlng to bo proud of. Tho general
taff nlw provided n sjveclal badgo to
bo worn by soldier of tbo regular army
who hate been awarded what Is known
as tbo certificate of merit This certifi
cate la bestowed upon enlisted men who
bnvo distinguished themselves for good
conduct, gallantry aud soldierly quali
ties. It Is not so high an thu medal of
honor, hut la very much prlxed nnd en
titles tho bolder to ?-' n month extra
Secretary Tnft has ordered almllar
modala for veterans of the Civil Wnr
and tho Indian wars, under similar reg
ulations. These medals aro not for
volunteers, but for regulars, only.
Tho following Is n description or tne
aoveral designs :
civil War Obverse: nead of Lin
coln In clrclo composed of Inscription:
"With mallco -towonl none, with char
ity for nil." Reverse: The words,
"Tho Civil war," nnu mo antes, "iB0t
1805." In a clrclo composed of a branch
of oak and a branch of laurel.
Indian Wars Obverso : An Iudlan.
oUoX ii3S
In war bonnet brandishing a spear nnu
mounted on a pony In a circle com
jwsed of the words, "Indlnn Wan,"
and conventionalized arrow beads ar
ranged like n laurel wreath either sldn
of a buffalo skull. Reverse: A mili
tary trophy with tbo nnmo of nn Indlnn
campaign, In a clrclo of tbo words,
'L'ulted Stntes Army," and thirteen
Merit Obrcrse: Eaglo In a clrclo
comjwsed of tho words, "Vlrtutls et Au
dnelne, Monumcntum et Praemlum.'
Heverec: Tho words, 'For Merit," sur
rounded by a laurel wreath In a clrcla
composed of the words, "United States
Army," and thirteen stars.
Spanish War: Obverse: A conven
tionalized "Morro" In a circle composed
of the words, "War With Spain," and
n conventionalized branch of tbo to
bacco plant and stalks of sugar cana
on either aide, with tbo date, "1898."
Reverse: A military trophy above the
word "Cuba" or "Porto Rico," or "Phil
ippines" In a circle composed of tbi
words, 'United States Army," and thir
teen stars.
Philippine Insurrection Obverse:
Conventionalized cocoanut palm tree,
with tho Scales of Jutlce on the right
and the Lamp of Enlightenment on tbo
left, In. n clrclo composed of tbo words,
"Philippine Insurrection," nnd thu
dates "1S80-1004." Roverso: A mili
tary trophy above the word "Luzon,"
"Mindanao" or other designation of a
campaign In tho Islands in a circle com
posed of tho words. "United States
Army," and thirteen stars.
China' Relief Expedition Obverse:
The Imperlul Chlneso flve-toed dragon
In n circle composed of tbo words,
'China Relief Expedition," and tho
dates, "1000-1001." Reverse; A mili
tary trophy above tho words, "Peking
Tleutslu" or other designation of the
campaign, In a clrclo composed of the
word. "United States Army," and thir
teen stars.
The military trophy adopted for tho
reverse cousUts of an eaglo perched on
a caution, with flvo standards stguin
caut of thu flvo great campaigns In
which the United States army has been
engaged; an Indian spear, shield and
quUer, n Filipino bolo and a Malay
krlss. Tbo inorro selected for the do
sign on tbo Spanish war medal Is In
tended to bo characteristic of Cuba
rather than Spain.
Tho eaglo on tho merit medal la
taken from tbo famous marblo Roman
eagle In tho possession of Lord
Wemyss. formerly Lord Elcbo. wall
known for his great Interest In Uia
Rrltlsli volunteers.
Could Not He In Tiro PUom.
"Pn," sold little Tommy, "my Sun
day school teacher says If I'm good
I'll go to noaven."
"Welir asked hla pa.
"Well, you said If I was good I'd go
to tho circus. Now, I want to know
who's lyln you or her." Cathollo
Noxt to moving tho county seat, tin
surest way to got up a row, In a coun
try town Is to move tho postofllce.