The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 20, 1906, Image 8

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The Townsite of BEND
v-' - . Ul - " . I .
On the Deschutes River in Western Part, of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the neV Irrigation Development covurliig
. i .
250,000 ACRES OF
-. -
tefessyW AW'X AW
1 . " X)y v 7)x
Tlmhr Lacd, AH June J, 5;.
V. S. tand Office, Tbe Dllt, Ortgon.
MrcU and, 19015.
Notice Ii hereby ciren that In compliance with
th;;HTUkn( otitic act of Concrci of June J.
iS entitled "An act for the sale of timber land.
In the State, of California. Oregon. Ncvmda. and
Washington Territory' at extended to all the
1'aMtc Land State by act of August 4. )'
Spencer II. Lyons,
of Bend, county of Crook, ttatc of Oregon, hai
1U day Bled lu thl. office hi. .worn Matemcnt
'u j. ftr the purchase of the a H nw K .)
Kandnw Jf swol sec. 11. e.wm,
And will offer proof to show that the land
fcMiiht it more valuable for lu timber or atone
Dun lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
kUctaitn. la laid land before the County Clerirat
rrtnerlJJe. Oregon, on the IMh day of July, VfA.
llenanetaiwitneuet: r"B. CllrtofljlJUw,
nrtgea.J! W.r.Uet.J. 1). Turner and Jlary K
GHet. all of Ilend, Orcxon.
A-iy and all percent dalmlnj: adrcrxly the
abe1ecrlbedlanditrerewvrlr'd to Me their
cMmain this olfieeoaor beitre Mid utli day o
July. Rpr. MICHAHLf. NOlW, Ktgi.ttr.
TlrnJer Land, AM June 3, iSjS,
U. S. Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon.
Notice It hereby given'tliar in ccaplian te with
the provisions oTlhe A-t of CoagrtM of June 1.
1I7C, efitltled, "An act lor the sale of llmb-ir land
In thestateaofCaUfurtiU, Olegon, Nerada. and
WaibUigtonTerrkory," at cxtcuded to all the
rMttKc land state by Act' of August 4. lfi?,
Oattwood T. Callihan
atdUaid, couuly ofCrook',1 state of Orejon. hat
UvUdsy filed in thU offlre. hit tworiiitatement
toi9U. Ibr the purchucoftlio )( atsciw(
gfxce No : ip is 1, r ii e, t m
And will offer proof to show it hat trie land
nought It more valuable for lu timt .t or stone
than for agricultural purpova, and t 3 establish
hit claim to said land before II. C. Kills. V. 6.
Commissioner, at his office In Jlcnd, Oregon, on
the utli day of September . i'5.
He name at witness John 1'erfnison. Jamet
VergHfon, Willlani I McCtllvray ud William
AruoSo, au of JUcud, Orcgou
ny and all persons claiming adversely the
aUivvlescribt: land are request' ri to file their
claim In this orfce on or before tbe s-U nth
day of September, 1906.
J ul-t7 JIICIIAI5L. T. NOVAN, Kegitttr.
Timber Land, Act J'jnej, 1878.
V. S, Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
May 28, 116.
Notice I hereby given t'jat la compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 1.
1878, cutitled, "An act fo t the tale of timber lauds
In the .talcs of, orcgn. Nevada, and
Washington Territory exunded to all the
pubjip UpdsUtqsby Act of Ausut4, l69i
SalllM WhiUrd
V, IicncJ, couuty 'A
'yis (his day filed In I
this office her tworn state-
incut Ho N. for the uurcliate of the K of the
uej 01 ec j4, p 17 , r 11 e, w ra.
Aud will oftjer proof to show that the land
.ought I mor valuable for It timber or stoue
than for agricultural purpotet, and to establish
her claim ,o said laud liefore II. C. Kills,
V. H. Cotr.inlttioner, at hi office In bend,
Oregon, 01 j the nth day of September, i'jot.
She narjes as witueuct: William II. Str-att
of Dctcli tc, Oregon; Thoraa W. Triplet! of
iieuu, I'rcgoil, I'railK i.iata 01 ncaraouu, uiegou,
and Koiicrl A. I'uett ofTumato, Orrgon.
Any aud alt pertou claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are j-eauested to file their
clt'.ms in this office on or before tbe nth day
of September, loo.
J ul67 MICUABL T.NOLAN. Register,
Read The Bulletin's new irriga
tion department.
A W X J. Xx. i. m s. -V
T ruber Land, Act June j, tS;&
V. S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of tire Act of Corurrct of Jiftie t,
iSr, entitled, "An sftl for the tare ot timber" find,
in the slate of California, Oregon. Nevada', and
Washington Territory," t extended to alt the
public land Ute by Act of August 4, 1(9?,
Kirk White.!,
of Redmond, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
.hat thlfrlty (kl in thl office hit sworn state
mrnt'No. . tor the purchaK of the cMsw
11MWHK i oj.tect9,tpi3a, rije. w in.
And will unci proof to thojr that the land
ought tt more valuable for It timber or ttone
than lor agricultural purpotet, and to
establish hit claim to said land before the
County Clerk at rrlnevlllc, Oregon, on the lth
day of Augut. 1006,
He name as witueuer: Hefiii'l,.,Tlnslfy,
Kiigene C. Park. Meade If Landea. I'rank H
Morrill and I'rank C.Um, alt of l(r.dmMid, Ore
gon. Auy and all person claiming adversely
the aboveletcribed Unfit are rcqucrfed to
file their claim lu thl office on or before the said
ith day of August, 1906.
Tlmlcr Land, Act of June 3, I7S,
U. S. Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon.
Maya, yJS.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthc act of Ceugiej of June 1,
17 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington territory," as extended to all the
public land state, by act of August 4, 1691. the
following pcron htve filed in this office their
swjru ttatemeiiu, to wit:
George W. Couch,
of Laldlaw, county ol Crook, state of Oreiron
sworn statement No. iwi, for the purchase of
iuc wTtcn, .ec 3, ip j s, r 10 e. w m.
Osborne Kdwarda,
of Mend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No. 3101, for the purchase ofthc sw
iwK tec at, McKici"wK eca, tp it t, r
16 e. w m.
That they will offer proof to thow that the land
sought la more valuable for Ita timber or atone
than for agricultural purposes, and .to establish
their claim to said land bel jre II. C Kills, U h.
ConimlMloner, at his official place ofbiulneAat
Ilend, Crook county, Oregon, on Wednesday.
August IJ, 1906.
They name at witnesses: J'rancit II. Marlou,
Frank 1. Uayton, and George W, llckle, of
Laldlaw, Oregon, Joseph N. Hunter, Alfred T
Yoakum and Hugh Q'Kane, all of Ilend. Oregon.
Any and alt PerKni daluiing adversely any ot
the above lands are requested to file their claims
InthltofficeonorbeWre the said jjth day ol
Auvust. 1006.
JS-aio J. N WAiO.V, Register.
Timber Land, Act June, 1878.
u, d. wina urncc, J ne Dalits, Oregon,
March i, vrf.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with
the provision of the act of Congress of June 3.
173, entitled "An act for the tabs of timber lands
In the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and
V'ashlngton Territory," at extended to all the
puuiic tana tuicauyaci 01 August 4, ivji,
Arthur W, Gostlnif,
of The Dalle, county ol Wasco, state of Oregon,
has thi day fried in this office hi (worn state
ment No. aor, for the purchase of the iw) of
see 14, iji iy, rive, w in.
And will offer proof to thow that the land
sought it more valuable for It timber or ttone
than for agriculture! purposes, and to establish
hi claim to aid Jand before the RegUter
aud Receiver at The Dillei, Oregon, on the 17th
day of August, 1906.
He name at witnesses: I'rank K Cotting,
William O. Mason, Michael O'Connor, and I,.
G. DeWolf, all of The Dalle, Oregon.
Auy and all person claiming, adversely the
above-described laud are requested to file their
claims in thl office ou on befoto told i?th dav bl
I August, 1906,
' jJ-aio MJCUAUXfc. WOLAN. JtegUter.
Timber Land, Act cf June J, iS;S,
17. S, Land Office The Dalles, Oregon,
May ti,iyo4.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthc Act of CongrrM of June 1.
1I78. entitled "An act for the sale of timlier lands
In the state of Califmila. Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Terrlletr,' at extended te all the
nubile land Male tiy act of August 4, M. tae
fbllnwina nsmrd persons have, on April 14,
men in init oiie ineir tworn siseraenis,
Waller B. Ntcbo), , 9
of'fl'iid. CeVnty oYcrbok. Slate of Oregon, sworn
sutrrnent No. v,, for the purchase of the n H
nw g, seeji, S w -X, sec 19, tp 19 1, r lae, wm.
DotaA Nlchol.
of Kead County of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn
statement No. rtM, for the purchaw of tile ne Jf
jc ;. tp l a, r u e, w ru,
That they will oflcr proofs lo show that the
land sought are more valuable for the Umber or
ttone thereon than for agricultural purposes,
ml loeablih their claims to said lands before
II. C. KIHs. I' S. Commluloiier, at III office In
Ilend, Oregon, on July 17. t'u6 '
They name the lotlowina wuiet'ses John
lllots, of Sisters, Oregon, jWp N. Huiitet',
Frank Ilutlerworth. Walter H, Nlchol, Dot A. Mutilg, of Ilend, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely any o.
Ihcauove-dcsCTibcd lands arc requested to file
urcir culm, in inisoiuce ou or uciorc ine taxi
Ttnaay 01
th day el July, 190A.
il-July ij MICIIAIiL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Art June, t8fS.
V. 8. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
June it, tyi.
Notice it hereby given that In compliance with
the p-ovislous ofthc Act of Congren of Jnne 3.
17. entitled "An act for the aule of llml-er tauda
iu the states of California, Oregon, Nevi da, and
Washington Terrify," at extended to all the
public land state by act of August 4, jtyj,
. Carl Theoilor Johanson
of Noth Vakjirta, county of Vaklma, slate o
WashMgTon, ha tin. day fllesl In ltd office hi
sworn statement No. ajfc fir the purehane of the
tX o'ihj . tp 1 , r 11 e,w 111,
And will offer proof to show Hut tl.e la ml
sought it more valuable for It tlnrber 01 stone
than for agricultural pur;xrtc. and 10 rtUbUah
hi eialmlosakl laiHtlwfore II C. lillb, U. S,
CommUvstoiicr. at bit office In liaid, Oregon,
on the uth day of September, 1'.
Ilenametai witiKe. Arm Aim, rii.n.lnr.
Auuj, Anton Amte aud John HUemorc, all of
Aiiyaiulall persant claiming adversely Die
abovelescrlhed land. .r. r,nuuii n ai
claim In thi office on or before said nth day ot
Septemlicr. lyk.
Iul7 MKIIAKLT. NOLAN. Rer iter!
Timber Mud, Act June J, U78.
17. S. Laud Office, The Dalles, O.enou,
' April aiW
Notice iherly ghcfciliat In compliance itU
the provUlout ol the1 act of CongressoOJuHoB,
lrttJitfHftofCaliJoriiit, Oregon, Nevada, aud Territory, ' at extended to alt the
pulllclr.ndltatrtuynrt ofAtiguiti, i)i.i 1
4 Albert W, DellOlt, ".
of Coulee Cjjy, county of Dougllt, stale fef Wath.
Iiigtou, ha thi day filed in tbit office hit iworn
statement No. aM7, for the pi'rcliatei'uf (he J
wKudnFXwf,ccai,tpi9e,rtie, w m.
Aud will offer proof lo show that t'ae land
ought 1 more valuable for ita limber or stone
1 i 1 1 ,i. PuJoea ami to establish
Committioncr, at hit office lu Ilend,
the IJtli dayofAugutt, 1006.
..vwMiiii, iu miu laini iteiore ll 1.
Kills, U. H,
u fegon, ou
," "" a wltiietset Charlea J. CoUar
Klch.rd King, Allrt Gate aud Ccr.rge 0H,
ail of Ilend, Oregon. ' " , j, "
Any and all person claiming drcrrcly the
above-described lauds are rcyuesle J ttfile thtlr
claims In this office on or before ss Jd Ijth day ol
18-aio ' MICHAJ.LTNOLaJI. RegUter.
jyf r t J t s i 7
Ltta.a. a stixtitJLtw I I I Ltat.alaa.t-J ill' I 111 w-Jh--h.
j i J t 7
r- I , I i,q! I I
I i fDi i ii
-1 i i i I
I -t
7 J J J" ? H
v ,. j
ll I I
i i
Timber Unit, Act June 3. .
V. 8 Llnd 6M:e. Thellalles, Oregon,
1 ,V, -4 May. 1010.
Notice k'nereVr Jivn lllal in cftmWtance with
the provttMtoT'tho'act of Congress of JuueJ.
ir,entttted An act or the sale ot timber lands
in the states ol Calliornla, Oregon, Nevada aud
Washington Territory," as etlewttd to til the
ptibMc land statrs by act of AUgttst 4, itt.
Ilmma C Troy. ,
of SI. I'aul. county of Hamtey, state
a Minn.
ewta, has this day fifed I
III INIt i.t
hr liuretti
frir Wr .worn
statement No. u, fur the ixirebtw at the swi
nwj(,selj, aMneM aHd iicf kK c H. Ui9t.
r 1. e. w hi.
And wilt otter proof to thow that the land
ought It more valuable (bf lit timber or stone
than for agricultural parpoaes. awl to establish
her claim to said land bqfbtc II. C MIK V. S.
Commissioner,! hlsafnec lu Ilewl, Oregon, wi
ine 13111 uy 01 AHgusi, 190T.
She name a witness Joph N. Iluutrr ml
M'llllaMt II ft.ll. nl tlM.I f1,.i lAl... lhf,..
of Sister. Oregon, awl Nellie It. Dwyer of
Mtuiieapolli, llniieola.
Any and all persons dalntiag ailrerly the
abovcMlescribeil lands are IkiIihIiiI lu Air l)ilr
claims III this on or beMtr sahl IJtli day of
lugusi, lyjn. .
i-ato MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Register,
Tlnilier Land, Acfuiie It?1,
U. n Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
May , ly.
Notice I hereby eiveii that id compliance with
e tirevisiont ofthe AM nl CoiiirrBU of tune t.
irr. entllleil "An act Utt the talrof timber tarida
In the Malts of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
WashlriKlon TerritorvV'as xt.tidl to all the
twMic land state by Art of Augul 4. I, the
fsHowiNg named p.rnowc cf April wd and May
and. ivui. filed In this nffSc their suoni ttatc
mentt, to'wlt;
Ortee A Jours
el Ilend, couhly of CpxA, state f Oregon, sworn
ttatcmenl No.'fcr), fur the jmrelwse of the H
iie, sec 30, M nw)aiidsw);iie;, cc?y Ipiys,
I f. r. w nl.
Cora A )tntt
of Ilend, coiluly of C00W1 tate of Oregon, sworn
statement No iv, lor the purchase of the 11M
awK.tccao, and cM tej, sec 30, p 19 , r n c,
Thai Ihey will ofler proof to show that the
lauds tough! are more valitalile for (he tlmUr or
stone thereon than fur agricultural purposes, and
to establish their claims to said lands Wmc II.
C Hills, U. s. Coiiimiitlilucr, at hit office in
Ilend, Oregon, oil the 17II1 day of July, !.
They name a wlliicsics' I'lnuk O. Minor,
Grace A. Johet, Cora A. Jbnrt, Urllng C. Coe,
John blots, all of ilend, Oretou.
Any and all tiertout cltjinlng adversely the
above-described laud are requested to file their
claim in this office on or before the said Dili day
Of July, yu,
litilS-Jlyij MtCltAIil, T. NOLAN, Reglr'lcr.
Desert Land, i iitl I'roor.
V, S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
June 11, 1900,
Notice It hereby given that Ira K. Wimcr
of Tumalo, Oregon, hat filed notice of In
tention toinake proof 011 hit desert. land claim
No. Jjr, fur the cH rll' ec aS, and wji swlf , tec
.7, tp 16 , r 11 e, w 111. before II. Criilllt. V. S,
Comuiluloiier, at hit office in Ilend, Oregon, 011
the tuth day of July, tort. ' r
He name the following witnesses to prove
tjie complete Irrigation and rcclamallgil of said
Thor A. Jenson, I'rank I'. Ground, I'rank V.
Swisher, aud Charles 11. Spat'Iffi, all of Tumalo,
Oregon. 1
ji)-ull MICIIAIiL T, JIOLAN, KegUlcr
j v
V j ;
' A V EL .
t J y :
'. f t 7
A V C .
I z s t
. Ly .-
i. it ' 1 $ 7
a I mot,
OP AVE. t oIliccdatliiK only from Atirll 8. itjo.j.
ii I i i I I I h
I ' I ljy j- 4
4 ' f $ 7
h AVE..
3 J tf 4
' ' rfl (lif II
i i i A. J. I
it n to f g 7
Timber Land, Act June j i
I" S Mmt Office Thclxlllet Oirtmt.
V March 1 vi
Notice is berebf givu that In rompluiK with
the trtuMrtoMs ot the actofcHgrMMirjHU V 17
entitled, "An act lor tbr tale Si limber liid fM
the'tUitF of OallforHl tHfgun. Nrv4a and
a.bliiglHi Tetrllwy. as n tended to ail the
puHIC land statrs hy act f August 4. ii
Aretde rattle,
of Heiul. Counry tfLCioak. Male of OtegoM ha
this day file.1 In IhV. office hk iwhth Wtlemrnl
No. 114 ferine j. lit
i . rioe. wm '
And wilt oiler Proof la show that the Und
ought I. wore valuable lr Ms limber or ttie
lhan f agricultural purtwM. and tooMabtUh
l.,MHmi,J""; bis office III Ilend. Orgi. i
.. tfn Mmj VIJHiy, lyj.
He name a wltuest. Samuel H Clark,
Mkhel Morrison. Charlet li.yd ami John Metal,
allnflknd. Oregon, ,
AHyti(l all tcitM cUimmg adseisely the
ivsttd all pcisoi
e-iUKiibrd UihJ
r cwlmt in this l
lfire en w beJtrc immI 17th
Mir ITOU!". iu m
day ol fnly, iv.
Timber Jraitil, Act June , lr,
H. A. t.and Office, The Dalles, Orrgon.
March i.. it.
Notice I hereby giren that In aowiilUHce with
the provUstmt ofthc Act 0 Congress t June 1,
i. .entitled "Ah aet lor the fe of timber lautl.
In ttte state of Call for l. Oregon, Nrvad. awl
WaAliiglufi Terriluty," as iteudrd la all the
public land slate, by act of August 4, lAoi,
Samuel 11 rlarb
ohleml. County ofCrook, State of Orrgii. hat
IhU day filtd !h this oilier his smtrti Halemrnt
N!,!!, for the purchase of lliesw.l sw tt. sre
17, te.R e If, ift ami 11 w j' nw In
19 . f. II e, wih, .,' f
Aik( will o;r proof to show thai' the land
sought is more Uliwhle Cut II llmtier or ilwiir
hi daim to aabl land beloie II C Ittlw f n.
ConimlMloner. at hU office ill Ilend, Oregon, oil
it,, (.iliil.vikrlutu tsj.
.te utntt at wltnettcti Arhle ptllk. MicM
Morrison, Charles Iloyd and Jehu Mcidi, all ul
lleud, Oregon:
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
claim In this olficc nil or before said I Jill day or
niayi-Jii MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Register
Timber Land, Act ol June 3. 1I7K,
If. S. Land Office, The Dallas, Oregon,
May jo, ii.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provision ol the Act of Coiigrott, or June 1,
187, entitled "An act for the najobflluiber In mis
in the slate of California, Oregon, Ncnulc, and
Washington Territory," ns extended to all the
public land states by art of August 4, ify),
George A. Ilowsoii,
of Ilend, Couuty of Crook, stale of Oregon, hat
till day filed lu this office his swum statement
No 4..a fir ill,, ftnrrlin... fiTl li f nl Mall
..7.1 it?''.;t; v.r. :.:;...: ::."":' :v" ""
... v.n ?, w, pv I, t ,y ., I l tj, .. Ml
Anil will filfr-r tirrwil In rnhnut llinl .Hi 1....I
,..l.l 1 ..!.. kl.l. A., i. .I.V.I -
.vi.ani, I. niw.s .uiu.uii; iui II. 111111m;, qj
Hone than lor agrlcutltirat tiuriHjsrt, and to
establish hit claim lo .aid laud .Jieforc II. C.
Hills, U. H. Couiiiilssouer, at his office In Ilend,
Oregon, 011 the IJtli day of August, y&.
lleiiameiDt wiliietteti . N. Hilnlcr. and
A. C. Lucas, of Ilend, Oregon; J. H. buiiili, of
lrh..vll. Or.L.rm. ntul w 11 h.... .,r t.
chutes, Oregon,
A it o tiit nil frtin.ifl slri I ssi l.n. n.1..u.Ji.. at
...., -,.., ... Y'"'m MiiMiiji itil'TIKI .riQ
Hivv!fviiivii muni (. iviMimm. 10 itir inrir I
l4 mClLUa X. NfjLAN, JlcgUtw, '
At Gateway to
the Great
Town has Grown
t en til uly in the iM yit, the MHt
Ik-iul ir excellent ntihlic Uhools
mul complete jmMk: water works.
The Pilot Biitte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
Timler Land, Ac! Junej, t
V S Mud Office, MVciiew Otrgen,
April r i
Notice I. Iwitb. ultrti thai In rompllanee wi-
f '.. ,",",',, Aaet'w IheMleuliimU, ,,,
,I'!.."?".I"",", ""-'. Nevada .M
iMt i5it"JrMT " "" lo all lis-tuiWk-
Um4 Utes by at ul Aug 4 iVm if.
'lisri-"-!:? "? "-" -"" " iht. '
Ibeir swutn Hslemefit.. Iu-w
Oewfge W Hlekel.
of UMUw.VtHtMlr f frouk. Male of Or...f
swotm .44UH..HI h ,uti. for the hu,cL, ,
h. e H ne W, see h. hw K hw UittWwH w
AHtwl T ruaxuu
:...T!MH! T" ?" burrlsueorihe , 1
?;'" "S " H. M e H. seen, Ip i .
U4. Mmghi .re more valutMe firibe llmtiv
M '"'!! r"". M aglK-llsiril Lis,'J!lVr.
1, and
V S"1 '"":"' lo (.! land. Uftne I
Tlh day of July. ima!
Timber IjshU. Act Iu7. .".
V. I. UHd oc. The Dalles. ()
MJI , . . '"M ' IV"
ll wwltbluVnffsfJ'r!! 'A'.1" 'l4Unce with
!ll?TiW?f .?.' ,ll Af "f Com grew of luue 1
lulke .1171? 'J r.i!S.T ' rflUMbfr Ian.
' '" " ui August 4, iv.
I'ml T 111.,..
HeiMMMaawlliteMM W. A Ibuiib u 1
.incvVll'e': Aeg,rf """ '" "' '"
alHiled.llJ.'llLl'T'r'J" -Hi advetMly lli.
2lhiTslTMf,l.,?)1r7',,,U r. 'Sl"alllnlllllieii
Ai.guJt.lJ.ij' " "' iKtti" mW ,0, ,UV uI
ll"l MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Reiil.l.r.
Timber Lund, Act June jTiBtS
U.S. Loud office. The Dalle, Oregon,
u. n . Al'r" it'll 'V
ub.ic ,:.,,d ...v; by'uc. or AVg::, .';,, ,1"
Ijlfrtl L KJa... ......
And will nffs-r t.r.u.r .. .. .. '
Ilia rial ,, To aal,l ...i1 1 'r "l.",,,l ,n e,"
lleccUe 'niT ..eSl. Sa.'SC"". h! .."'"'"rr '
of June, io6. "'. uuuie J7ii uuy
1I liaillawtl M ... !!....
Max Kriise. John
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J llivlV, ' MItl (tI' NOLAN, kcgUlir.