The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 20, 1906, Image 6

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Hill Says North Bank Road Is
Rest Ever Built.
A Road With Low Grades and Easy
Curves Is the Main Object
Sought by Bullcer.
Fortland, July 14. James J. Mill,
president o! the Great Northern, and
one o( tho most dominant figures in the
railroad world, reached Portland last
evening by the steamer Capital City
from The Dalles. With him are Louis
W. Mill, Tlce president of the Great
Northern; Howard Elliott, president of
the Northern Pacific; W. L. Darling,
chief engineer of the Northern Pacific;
A. M. Mogeland, chief engineer of the
Great Northern; nil of St. Paul; 0. M.
Levey, president of the Portland A
Seattle railway, and B. E. Palmer,
assistant general superintendent of the
Northern Pacific, of Tacoma, and Cory
T. Hutchinson, an electric engineer
from New York. In the party are four
stenographers and Mr. J. J. Mill's ser
In speaking of the new road down
the north bank, Mr. Hill said:
"It is likely the Portland & Seattle
will be extended to Spokane. We can
not say definitely, but there are survey
ors in the field, and it we can get a
low grade, we will no doubt build.
We could use the Northern Pacific line
from Pacco, but it is expected that the
line will extend from Portland to Sp
kane. The Portland & Seattle railway
will be the best new road that was ever
built In the United Btates. It will be
a road of low grades and few curves,
and it will be very expensive, but when
it is built it will be the beet construc
tion ever undertaken in this country.
"Low grades ate equivalent to deep
water in the harbor. Portland can
overcome the lack of deep water by
easy grades. The Columbia river
offers great opportunities in low grades,
but construction is fearfully expensive.
There are miles where the cost of build
ing the road will run over 1100,000 to
the mile. And this is exclusive of the
coat of tunnels, of which there are sev
eral to the mile in many places.'"
Mr. Mill said that he does not need
to look over bis terminals in the city,
as bo knows already what they are.
Work will be begun soon, he said, on
the required buildings to care for the
business bandied by the new Mill road
in this city.
Brutal Treatment of Sealers Cap
tured by Russians.
Victoria, B. 0., July 14. Captain
T. II. Thompson and Joe Knapp, Amer
ican citizens; Edward McNeill, George
McCamish, Canadians; Jose Villoa, a
Spaniard, who reached Kobe after be
ing released from prison in Siberia af
ter serving two years, were cruelly
treated, according to letters received
here. The prisoners were seal hunters
employed on the Japanese sealer Kyo
icbl Mara, formerly the Diana, of San
Francioco, and were captured by the
cruiser Gromobol in August, 1904, and
taken to Nicolaiefsk, and thence to
Captain Thompson, navigating officer
of the sealer, whose home is in San
Francisco, was suspected of being a spy
because of some drawings found in a
notebook. ' He was loaded with chains
welded on bis arms and legs by black,
smiths, and confined for six months in
small, unlit cell, built of wood and
swarming with vermin. When brought
out for trial be was unable to walk,
and was practically dragged to the
court along the snow. The trial bad
been concluded when the prisoners
were brought in, and each had been
sentenced to 10 months' imprisonment.
Forest Flri Near Sandpolnt.
Butte, Mont., July 14. A Sandpoint
special says: Owing to a bad forest
fire burning for the second tipe this
ceaion, the Spokpane International
Railroad company has suffered losses
near Col burn. Several hundred ties,
poles and piling, which belonged to the
company, went up in smoke, caug'qt In
the path of the fire, which is thought
to be undor control this morning. The
tire drovo out Contractor Purvis, the
men and horses being hurried to Col
burn for safety. The railway company
lost two culverts.
New Outbreak In Santo Domingo.
Washington, July 14. Broken tele
graph wires between Monte Ohrlati and
Cape Haytien, the cable terminus in
Santo Domingo, are reported to the
Navy department today by Commander
Soutberland, an almost jnvanaoio sign
of revolutionary trouble there.
Slayer of Holy Roller CroiTiotd Mur
dered In Seattlo.
Seattle, July 13. Esther Mitchell
shot and killed her brother George, tho
slayer of Frans Edmund Creflleld, In
the Union depot at 4:!0 o'clock yes
terday afternoon, as Utotgo nud his
brother Perry were on their wnv to
take a Northern Farlflc train for Port
land. Miss Mitchell was walking behind
tho two brothers, in company with a
third brother, Fred. 8he had gono to
tho depot for the purpoeo of killing Her
brother, and though eho greeted him
with n smilo and a hearty handshake,
alio loitered behind to get her opportu
nity. A revolver purchased the day
beforo by Mrs. Creflleld for the assassi
nation was carried concealed under a
capo thrown carelessly over Esther
Mitchell's left arm.
Fred Mitchell offered to carry tho
cape, and as she handed it to him, the
sitter raised Iter revolver and nreu.
The bullet struck young Mitchell be
hind the left ear and he died instantly.
As the gun was brought up Fred
Mitchell leaped to seise the weapon
but he was too late. Mo grabbed Es
ther's arm just after she fired and the
girl collapsed in his arms. Bho stayed
there until depot policemen hurried up
and placed her under arrest.
Both Esther .Mitchell and .Mrs, lirei
field, who was arrested at 7 o'clock
last nleht whllo on her way back from
the cemetery where "Joshua" Creflleld
Is buried, acknowledged in statements
taken before Chief Wappenstein that
they had conspired to kill George. Had
it been necessary Either Mitchell was
prepared to follow her brother to Port
land. It was this Insane demand for
vengeance that prompted ber to refute
to accompany her father on his return
to Illinois.
"I killed George becaueo he had
killed an innocent man, and becauso he
had rrined my reputation by saying
that Creflleld teductd me," Esther
Mitchell declared, but both her state
ment and that of Mis. Creflleld indi
cate that tho two had conspired to as
sassinate. Mrs. Creflleld prompted the shooting
and she bought the gun with which It
was done. It bad been agreed between
them that the first one seeing George
should slay him.
General Toledo Routs Government
Forces With Great Loss.
Mexico City, July 13. According to
advices received here, General Toledo,
the Guatemalan revolutionist, who has
been rtcrulting his forces and has now
some gocd artillery, offered battlo yes
terday to Guatemalan regular troops In
the department of Jutinpa, at a point
about four miles from the Salvadorean
border, inflicting decisive defeat on
Guatemalan forces. There was heavy
loss on both sides. The revolutionists
are jubilant over their succets.
Regalado, former president of Salva
dor, and the leader of the Balvadnean
troops in tho present conflict with
Guatemala, was killed in the battle.
Guatemala Claims Victory.
Panama, July 13. Senor Parrlos,
foreign minister of Guatemala, cabled
to the Panama government this after
noon as follows:
"Guatemala, July 12. The Salva
dorean government has invadnl Guate
malan territory, compelling us to
make an energetic defense. Wa ob
tained a complete victory yesterday at
Jicardo, where General Tomai Regala
do, tho chief commander of the Salva
dorean army, wan killed."
Plans to Suppress Revolt.
St. Petersburg, July 12. The pre
parations which the War office has
been making at all principal cities to
meet an armed revolutionary movement
prove to have been very elaborate. The
plans for the defense of Riga have
fallen Into the hands of the revolu
tionary paper Misla, which this morn
ing publishes the entire plans of de
fense. The garrisoij Is divided into three
divisions of two battalions of infantry,
half a company of Cossacks and three
machine guns each, to prevent the in
vasion of the city from three open
sides, namely, the canal, the dam and
the rive; Dana.
Asks Root to Give Help.
San Juan Porto Rico, July 13. The
lower house of the insular legislature
adopted a resolution asking Secretary
Hoot to use his good officea in behalf of
Porto Rlcan citizenship and an elective
insular senate. The Republicans, who
constitute the minority in the legisla
ture, opposed the resolution, holding
that Mr. Root was the island's guest
and that the time and place were inop
portune. It is reported that the docu
ment was not presented before the sail
ing of Mr. Root, tho authorities not de
siring to interfere with his visit.
Trade With Britain Killed.
London, July 13. In June of last
year there arrived at the Albert docks
from Boston and New Orleans 27,000
cases ot tinned meats; In June of this
year the receipts were only 4,000 cases.
Iu July. 1005. 24,000 cases were re
ceived, but thus far this month none
have arrived from the United States.
San Francisco's Business Resum
ing Normal Condition.
When Insurance Compnnloi Pay Up
Reconstruction of Metropolis
Will Proceed In Rush.
San Francisco, Jul) 12. Although
tho city's building laws were In a
chaotic stato during the month o Juno,
building permits wero Issued to the
value of 11,000,000, and in this sum
are not included thoeo one story tem
porary structures which may bo erected
for a tlmo without special permit.
Now that tho building law has boon
promulgated, reconstruction wilt tako
its real start. It Is hampered solely by
the slowness of tho foturanco com
panies. Up to the present timo but $15,000,
000 has been paid out in insi mice.
Wero tho various companies to loosen
their purse strings as the situation de
mands, San Francisco would at once
enter upon a building boom such as
has never been known before. As it
Is, plana at this transitory stage are be
ing drawn for a doien tall buildings to
be erected in the heart of the burned
An Oakland department store, ob
serving that it was unable to meet its
augmented trade by the small order
system, determined to place an order
for a train load of goods in the East.
A few days before the goods arrived,
the proprietor of the Oakland store be
came alarmed, fearing he had placed
an order beyond his capacity to handle.
Ho telephoned to a large department
store in San Francisco, asking to be re
lieved ot half of the consignment. The
San Francisco firm contented.
When the goods arrived, the San
Franciscan dlspoeed of them before he
had fairly placed the goods on the
shelves, telephoned to his Oakland
friend, purchased the resv of the con
signment and distoeed of it with the
same alacrity as he had done tho first
part. This simply illustrates that San
Francisco Is not to bo displaced as the
main trade center.
The bridging of the bay, which was
a pet scheme of some of the earlier
railroad magnates, is now to be put
through. President Marriman has or
dered that work begin immediately.
By this improvement freight will not
be brought across by boat from Oak
land, but all freight trains can bo de
flected south around the lonp and
brought direct into San Francirco. In
connection with this work the railroad
is also building a cut-off into San Fran
cisco for its coast trains.
Chouknln, Suppressor of Black Sea
Mutiny, is Wounded.
St. Petersburg, July 12. An attempt
was made at 1 o'clock this afternoon at
Sevastopol to assassinate Admiral
Cbouknin, commander of the Black sea
fleet. The admiral was wounded and
taken to a hospital.
The would-be-assassin is a sailor,
who hid in tho hushes and shot at the
admiral ai he was walking in tho gar
den of his villa. The culprit has not
been apprehended.
Admiral Chouknln's condition is ex
tremely serious. The bullet lodged in
his lungs, making breathing difficult.
The doctors hold out no hope of his re
covery. The admiral's assailant Is thought to
be one of the sailors of the battleship
Otchakoff and his act Is supposed to be
In revenge for the execution of Lieuten
ant Schmidt, the revolutionary leader.
Admiral Chouknln was unlvercally hat
ed by his sailors and at the time of the
execution of Schmidt the revolutionists
condemned him to daath, 100 of their
number pledging themselves to carry
out the sentence.
Rebate Inquiry at Jamestown.
Jamestown, N. V., July 12 Inves
tigations Into the charges of violations
of the Interstate commorce laws by the
Standard Oil company and the Penn
sylvania railroad ro'ative to rebates at
Olean began yesterday afternoon before
Judge Hazel and a jury in the First
district court. According to the find
ings of the commissioner of labor and
commerce, the Standard company raved
$116,000 In 1004 by its rebates from
the Pennsylvania railroad for oil ship
ned from the refineries at Olcan to
Alaska Gold Is Stolen.
Seattle, July 21. Over $100,000
consigned to the Alakaa-Paciflc Express
company here has been stolen from
aboard the steamer Ida May and no
clew hai been obtained to the robbers.
The shipment was sent from Fairbanks
and was transferred at Nenana. The
Ida May was to transfer it to the Sarah
"t Fort Gibson and it was there that
the loss was discovered,
Disgusting Conditions In Sautago and
dam Factories.
London, July 11. Tho Britishers,
who havo ,hitii so virtuous recently
over tho Chicago mrat packing revela
tions, wero today confronted with tho
annual report of tho Inspector of fac
tories and workshops, which shows
that tho conditions here are 'quite a
revolting as anything alleged ot tho
Western packing cento s.
Dirty factories and disgusting in tV
oda seem to bo the rule, instead of tho
exception. Jam lactone", bakeilea and
sausage makers are all censured ai bo
ing equally filthy, and tho description
of una fits most of tho others. Hera Is
the report ot n typtral Jam factory;
"Tho lulling factory lay between tho
yard and tho stable, and tho horses
reached tho latter through the. boiling
room. The sanitary accommodation
was hardly separated from tho rooms
where tho freah trutt and uncovered
Jam were kept, and the floors wero dir
ty and undralned."
Another factory Inspector found Jam
pots being washed In "liquid like dark
soup, which sinelltd Mbomlnably."
The inanafer Informed tho inspector
that tho water was changed "about
onco a week." When flsned ' out of
these evll-amelllng tanks tin pots were
allowed to stand until dry, when they
wore considered ready to refll'.
Inspectors of bakeries found that it
was a frcauont custom to hatho the
'children In them after the close of work
on Saturdays, and the .family's weekly
collection of dirty clothing was sorted
In the bakeries for dispatch to the
The sausage factories, rays the ro
port, are mostly owned by Germans,
are small, dilapidated and poorly III,
and are Infested with rata."
Roosevelt Offers It for Government
Inspected Canned Meat.
Sheffield, England, July 11. Tim
Grocers' federation, whose annual con
ference is proceeding here, has received
a communication from Ambassador
Whltelaw Reld, enclosing a message
from President Kooaevelt, at follows:
"Vou are at liberty to Inform the
Grocers' federation that under the new
law we can and willguarsutco the fit
ness in all respects ot tinned meats
bearing tho government stamp. It any
trouble aritea therewith, protest can at
once be mule not moroly to the sellers
of the goods, but to the United States
government itself."
The secretary of the federation -tated
that Mr. Roosevelt's mewa was Iu
reply to one sent by him on ehall of
the federation, saying trade was almost
paralyzed and that dealers must bo as
sured of the wholesome character ot
tinned goods, or otherwise they would
have to stop stocking np with Ameri
can brands. The speakor hoped the
publication of the president's meeaage
would lead to a revival of the trade.
He said the loss to tho members of the
federation in the canned meat trade
bad been very heavy.
Drastic resolutions were referred to
committees, one of which pledged thel
grocei-s not to stock with American can
ned meals until the packers have initi
ated an inspection system guaranteeing
the wholesomenesa of their output.
Slayer of Holy Roller Leader is Ac
quitted by Jury.
Seattle, Wash., July 11. George II.
Mitchell, who shot Franz Edmnnd
Creflleld, leader of the Holy Rollers,
on First avenue, May 7, was acquit
ted late yesterday afternoon. After
nearly an hour and a halt in the Jury
room the 12 men who have listened to
the testimony in Mitchell's trial filed
bark and announced their verdict:
"Not guilty."
Deaplto the advanwi warning ot the
court that no demonstration would be
permitted, Irrespective of tho verdict,
i roar of applause groeted thu an
nouncement and the court officers were
powerless to still it. The courtroom
was crowded, but aside from thote who
sat in the front row, directly under the
eye ot the presiding Judge, the spectat
ors applauded almost unaulmoulsy
when the clerk had read the words that
freed GreHlold'r alayer.
Turrmll Grows In Strength.
Odessa. Russia. July 11. Agrarian
outrages and politico-Industrial strikes
occur dally, and are alarmingly rpread
ing in me noumern provinces, me re
vnltlnu nonannliv urn nnw evidently nr.
ganlzed and led by profesleonal propa
gandists, in an interview wuay a mar
shal of tho nobility of Kherson ex
pressed the firm conviction that the
situation is inevitably and rapidly
drifting to a colossal and calamitous
uprising of tho peasants against the
landowners and that tho movement
will be supported by the soldiers,
Blar.'c Sea Fleet Mutinies.
Sevastopol, July 11. It ia reported
that the ironclads Pantelemon and
Three Saints have Joined tho garrison
of the Batoum forces, which has been
In mutiny. Ue Three Saints hoisted
tho red flag and the mutineers are) forc
ibly detaining two other ironclads
which had refused to Join them.
barred mam
No American Canned Meats Al
lowed On Their Warships.
Admiralty YUlds and Will Foed Them
On Australian and Argentine
Canned Goods.
London, July 10. As tho result of
the refusal of one uf tho ships ot the
Brit sh attacking fleet to take on Amer
ican tinned meats during the recent
naval maneuvers, the Admiralty directs
that ships' companies bo supplied with
Australian or Argentine brands In lieu
at American. The remainder of Amer
ican tinned meats now on hand la being
returned to tho victualing yards and
will b no longer a compulsory ration
(or the navy.
Winston Chnrchlll Spencer, under
secretary of tho colonies, In an official
communication to William Redmond,
Nationalist member of parliament, says
ho it Informed that special care Is ex
ercised by the New South Wales gov
ernment that only absolutely healthy
beeves are slaughteroi tor food and
that every precaution Is taken at the
(reeling and canning worka to Insure a
cleanly method. Whorci any breach of
the regulations regarding cleanliness Is
proved, licenses aro Immediately with
drawn. Persons slaughtering a dtseas.
ed beet are liable to Imprisonment for
two years and the seller ol dlreased
meal ia liable to imprisonment for a
longer term. Government Inspectors
report weekly. Twelve hours notice
must bo given of Intention to slaughter,
and where no such notice Is given a
penalty ol $26 a head may be Imposed.
Congress Will Be Asked to Enlarge
President's Powers.
Washington, July 10. Tariff reci
procity a the beginning cf tariff revi
sion may be made the chief Issue ol the
short session of the 60th congrees. It
Is more than likely after the elec
tion In November steps will be taken In
the direction of the passage of a general
reciprocity law. Whatever reciprocity
there is must be by a new Uw, because
the reciprocity feature ot the Dlngley
act expired two years alter Its passage,
and none of tho treaties negotiated un
der Its provisions succeeded in securing
ratlcflation by the senate.
The reciprocity of the future must lie
statutory, that la to say, the president
must be authorized In some way, either
by the separation of a maximum and
minimum tariff or by a horizontal re
duction, to promote trade relations
with tohrn countries This would not
mean revlslon,of tho tariff If reciprocity
could bo accomplished on a percentage
basis, that Is to say, by the application
of a morn general principle of the pres
ent law without disturbing tho rates
themselves, thus provoking a general
tariff dlecusslori.
Speaks at Banquet at San Juan With
Diplomatic Reserve.'
San Juan, Porto Rico, July 10 Ell
hti Root, the American secretary of
state, who arrived here on the cruiser
Charleston on his voyage to Rio Ja
neiro as the representative of the
American government at the Pan-
American congress, was entertained at
luncheon tonight by Georgo C. Ward,
at the I'nlon club.
Auditor Hyde, of Porto Rico, pro
posed a toast to President Rooievelt
In responding Mr. Boot tald he fully
appreciated tho difficulties attending
the island's adjustment to the new con
ditions resulting from Its separation
from Spain and the severance of rela
tions between church and state. The
United States, Mr. Root raid, was
greatly interested In tho welfare of tho
Island and In holding Its friendship,
and atrongly desired for Porto Rico the
utmost prosperity and happiness.
Mr. Root avoided all reference to in
sular problems, such as the question of
citizenship, the coffeo growing Industry
and tho presence ot troopa.
Sealers Put In Chains.
Victoria, B. C, July 10, Advices
from Japan state that three Americana,
one Britisher and one Japanoiu sealer,
who were Imprisoned for 10 months at
Vladivostok, have returned to Japan
after being released. One ol tho Amor
leans waa loaded with chains, while In
confinement. Tho Americans and the
Britisher, who aro distressed, are being
maintained at tho Seaman's Institute
at Yokahoma, They were mmifliorn of
the crew of the Japancso sealing
ichooner Kyolchl Marti, which was
aunk by Russian cruisers In 1003.
Castro Again Supplants Gomez.
Caracas Venezuela July 10, Vice
President Gomez yesterday transferred
'o President Castro the presidential
ifllce, which the latter temporarily re
dgntd In April last.
Spoaker of House Blocked Diversion
of Reclamation Fund.
Washington, July 10. Thanks to
Speaker Cannon, tho Itanniirough hill
diverting $1,000,000 from the reclama
tion fund to drain prlvatn awamp !amU
In North Dakolu. was not allowed to
come lioforo the house at the recent sea
hlon. Had the bill been given coualil
oraMou It would almost certainly liavn
become a law, for It had already pasted
the senate, Mas Indorsed by a majority
ot tho house committee on public lands,
and only a handful of Western mem.
bera were In a mood to oppose thu bill
In debate,
Speaker Cannon was tint man who
defeated this onslaught on tho noun too
large reclamation fund, and Ida mh.
lion was altogether unexpected, too,
When congress was framing the recla
mation law, and Iu thn years previous.
Cannon was one of the strongest oppnn
unls uf the proposed legislation, l
believed It would deplete the trrasuiy
and Interfere, with other government
work; furthermore, he coiitemlnl thai
Irrigation of arid lands could he carried
on by prlvatn enterprise under the Car
ey act, and therefore raw no necessity
for utilizing public land receipts In lids
great work.
Hlnre that law was written on thn
salute hooka and has !een put Into op
eration, Speaker Cannon has traveled
through the West, has observed the
vast benefits that are resulting from It,
and today he la as staunch a friend ol
the law as any man from thn arid West,
lie has proved himself a better friend
of the law than many men whu lieljed
to frame It,
In the closing days of thn session an
effort waa made to rush Ihrutigh thn
senate a bill to tako a part of the reels
matlon fund for draining thn Dismal
awamp, but the bill waa refused con
sideration, a number of Western senat
ors having been aroused to a reallzatlnu
of the danger that lurks Milnd hills of
this character, and notice waa served
by Senator Fulton thai no morn distri
butions would I mi made from thn recla
mation fund for tho benefit of states
that do not contribute to that In ml.
The senators liehlnd thn bills provid
ing for the dralnagn ot the Dismal
awamp, the Florida Evrrgladra and thn
big awamps along the Mlsslstippl river,
on the other hand, are determined to
forcn through tlulr respective bills,
and It Is to be expected that they will
unite at the next session.
The West 'a not strong enough In
numbers to outvote the Boil In, which It
sure to stand together on these drain
age propositions, and the only hope, so
far aa the senate Is concerned, Is in
arousing adverse sentiment among men
from the Northern and Eastern state.
On a fair presentation of the rase,
the men from the West ought to W
ablu to win out, but they ran only win
by standing together, and thoan who In
the recent session voted for the llant
brongh bill will have to renounce their
former votn and declare Ihemtelret
against all legislation that will deplete
the national reclamation fund.
Crooks Become Torrents
Much Damage Is Done.
Denver, July 10. Cloudbursts and
lightning did considerable damage In
this section ol the atato today. In
Denver a wall ot water 10 feet hints
came down Dry creek In tho western
part of tho city, carrying awa,y foot
hrldirea and damaging tho bridge of
the Denver A Internationa', railroad.
Two hoys were fishing under thn bridge
nud wero rescued with difficulty.
In Boulder a wall of water air fret
high camo out of Hunshlno canyon and
spread Itself over Pearl street and
other streets In that city. A mile of
the Sunshine railroad waa destroyed.
Considerable damage waa done in the
At Florence lata this ufternoon n
cloudburst in Oak creek undermined a
big bridge at Rockvale, A heavy storm
destroyed telephone communication be
tween Florence and I'unblo.
Fay Powers, aged 17, waa killed by
.lightning near Colorado Springs.
Tho Carnegie library In this city waa
truck by a bolt ot lightning during the
storm, but no other damago resulted.
Root at San Juan.
San Juan, P. R., July 10. The
cruiser Charleston, with Secretary
Boot and party on board, arrived hero
tills atteruoon. Tho Charleston estab
lished a record run between Now York
and Han Juan, making tho distance in
!) days and 10 hours. As thu Charles
ton uearod tho harbor sho received sa
lutes from Moro cnstlu and thn Italian
cruiser Umbrla, Governor Wlnthrop
and his secretary wont on board tho
cruiser and aftor an uxlondlug of greet
ings tho secretary's party came ashoro
In naval launched.
No Yellow Fever In Now Orleans,
Now Orleans, July 10. Dr. James A.
White, eurgoon in charge of the marlno
hospital hero, Issued a statement to-
lllullt llini. an fur na tin ( ..un... .m.ia nl
',. -.- wh .aw ..nuiu HUH" "
tho marlno hospital surgeons at New
Orleans had given out any statement
that there ia yellow fever in Now Or
leans, and neither la thore nor has
Ultra been auv fever nxlatlnir In this