The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 20, 1906, Image 4

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"For every ninu a
Icssnnd no more."
snunrc ileal, no
Oocj'Jor .-. liJ
lx monlh - -
'Thta mentht - - i
tiitarlaMy In adranc.)
Remit by tmnk draft, 'tl money
order on ifetid, cxprww money order, or
revioU'rerf letter. Make nil remittance
fmynble to The Vend Mllctiu.
Stns-c and flail Schedule.
mm Sfcauiko Ha 'Prliwrltte
. 7 p. tn. dally
.i..U.nw- Li"' I" -"" -"
t (ft Ml lUI
From rtnoaio lun , ip". mi m....a p. m.
Trow UMi lHy except Sunday .... a. m.
lr Shasit. j.. rWrttte a. tn. dally
lMiLj&at.7 a 1 Silver Lakr.-.
"w VumTSTufc. Tl4H. and Sal S a. t
Kor LftMMr JUv except Sunday....... ! a. ra
1XT OrrtCR Hock WeL dy;Sa.m.tSp
m. Sttiiy. from ii a. m la ti m., ami hall
horn-utter antral of all mail (rem railroad
reaching Uend bforc S p. ra.
TfittsriioMrOFFiCB Hocaa-Wetk day. row
ra. m. to am p. m. Sunday and holidays,
from !i, ra. to li noon, and frtra Jim p tu. to
-oxp. 1U.
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1906
lu the days when Oregon was
occupied jointly by the Americans
and the British much was heard of
the phrase "Fifty-four forty or
fight," the mcauiug befog that the
American boundary should go up to
the parallel of .54 40' or there
would be war.
In these militant days we hear
much of another fifty-four forty
and it means a real fight in
every case not with the British
but with home-grown greed in
trenched in slimy politics. This
fifty-four forty is section 5440 of the
revised statutes of the United States,
under which most of the land-fraud
indictments are brought. It is a
conspiracy statute.
It provides that if two or more
persons conspire "to commit any
offense against the United States or
defraud the United States in
any manner or for any purpose, and
one or more of said parties do any
act to effect the object of conspir
acy" all shall be liable to a penalty
of "not less than $1,000 and not
more than $10,000, and to imprison
ment not more than two years."
' The fencing of public domain,
procuring and "expediting" unlaw
ful laud entries and other ofiences
fall under this statute in Oregon
because of the peculiar political con
dition that prevailed here for a long
time, in which there was "safety
in numbers" and the many links
made a chain of great strength and
smoothness. But the "numbers"
that made fraud a "safe" business in
Oregon failed to find security when
there was no response from Wash
ington. The Washington govern
ment is more disposed to enforce
thefifty-fourforty of this day than it
was the far-off cry of a past gener
ation, and the dreams of many
"influential" citizens are thereby
muchly disturbed.
It is now announced that dissolu
tion of the great Standard Oil trust
may be the result of the prosecu
tions soon to be inaugurated against
tlial company by the government
The government claims to have ob
tained evidence of such a nature
that it will be able to dissolve thh
greatest oi trusts and dispose of it
in the same manner as was the
Northern Securities Company. The
charge against the Stundard Oil
-will be conspiracy in restraint of
trade in violation of the Sherman
auti-trust law. 1 he effective dis
solution ot this company, it is said,
will be the climax of Piesident
Koosevelt's fight agaitist the trusts,
and all the power of the govern
ment will be exerted to win this
The Department of the Interior
has just transferred 1,000,000 from
the reclamation fund to the Klam
ath project with the statemeut that
an additional $2,joo,oqo will be
available by the time the engineers
are ready for it. This order raises
the amount available for immediate
construction to $a,ooo,ooo. It is
announced that work on this project
will be carried diligently forward,
and that there is no trouble to get
people to settle on the reclaimed
laud. This is another irrigation
project in .south central Oregon that
will provide homes for a multitude
of people and will vastly increase
Oregon's wealth. It has been truly
said that blessed is the man who
makes two blades of grass grow
in place of one and Jhricc blessed
should be he who makes grass nud
grain grow where heretofore there
had been none. Such is the work
of the man who reclaims the desert.
Evidence has been secured by the
government that "will bring the
Standard Oil officials to their
knees." That's a very reverent
position for anyone to occupy.
Perhaps the government would do
well to keep the Standard Oil men
on their knees for quite a time.
Letters Received by The Bulletin
Praise Its Irrigation Department.
Prof. Elias Xelscn, well known
in Bend as the young man who had
charge of the irrigation work on
the D. I. & P. Co's experiment
farm last year, is now located at
Twin Falls, Idaho, where he is
employed by the U. S. government
as expert in charge of irrigation in
vestigations in Idaho and irrigation
ist of the Idaho experiment station.
Writing to The Bulletin he com
mends its new department and says:
Twin Palls. Ida., Jnlv 11, 1906.
The Uend Bulletin, Ilcnd, Oregon.
Gentlemen: I note in the last issue of
your paper that vou have started a
scries of articles on irrigation topics a
most commendable thing. If at any
time I can assUt you feel free to call up
on me. cry iruiv vours.
Klias Nklson
Bucking Horse Turns Somersault, and
Scverly Injures Rider.
Bert Powell met with quite a
serious accident last Saturday. He
had ridden to the Pilot Butte Inn.
where he stopped for a few minutes
and then started down Wall street.
The horse he was riding began to
buck and run and when in front of
the Inplett barbershop stumbled
and turned a complete somersault.
Powell fortunately fell a trifle to
c nc ?idc, the horse as it rolled over
striking him only alone his left
side. As it was, he was so severelv
injured that he had to be carried
onto the sidewalk, where he soon
recovered sufficiently to be able to
walk around. That nieht he
suffered considerable pain and has
oeen very sore ana lame during the
week, at times spitting blood. How
ever, he is now able to be about
aim icw nays wm probauly see
him as sound and well as usual.
In the fracas, the horse received
a deep gash between its fore legs,
supposed to have been cut by the
liit as the animal turned the somer
sault. It is severe enough to lay
the horse up for some time.
Bend's June Weather.
Following is the climatoloeical
data for Bend for June as reported
iy Observer Grant:
Temperature, mean 54.3
iJephrture from normal US
Highest on the ajtli 81.00
i.oweai on me Mini vr.w
wrnini uauy rauu 5?. 00
Precipitation for mouth (malum! . . 1.61
Greatest In 34 hours 70
;. mill' tiny , (,
o. ciear days
No. partly cloudy days ,
No. cloudy days
y lay 1
Prevailing wind for mouth, northweat.
A. II. Okant, Observer,
Timber Claims.
Parties having timber claims for
sale please address, Neil "Smith,
Bend, Or. State amount of timber
estimated and price asked for
claim. 13-aopd
Take Notice.
Small 2-year old heifer, branded
with Z on left shoulder came to my
ranch at Powell Buttes last No
vember. Owner can have same by
paying charges and for this notice.
14-20 W. T. Casky.
Subscribe fer THE. BULLETIN
and study its irrigation department.
Problems That Confront The Irrigator.
NoTK The article tin week In by Prof, lllim NcNon, who had clmrn of ex
periment work oil the 1). I. & P. Cun experiment farm nonr lleiid Lint year. At
present he is employed at Twin I'tUN, Idaho, at a government exiwriiueiit station
a expert in charge of Irrigation iuveatlKatioui In Idaho and irriKt.uulat of the
Idaho experiment station.
The variations in climate and
soils in the arid bolt is such that
funning requires a close study of
local conditions and the adoption ot
methods- to suit. A few general
recommendations which arc of wide
application can, howevar, be made
and some notes of warning sounded.
SKltlUNC. '
The land in its tiatuml state gen
erally throughout the arid region
has a dry subsoil. New land
should therefore be irrigated
thoroughly mid enough water ap
plied to moisten the soil to a depth
of several feet before any crop is
planted. Such a deep jtorcoliitioii
of water is an advantage lor the
roots of wheat, oats, potatoes and
other crops penetrating to a depth
of three to four feet. A more uni
form supply of moisture may thus
be insured fcr the subsoil acts as a
storage reservoir upon which grow
ing crops may draw. The first ir
rigation on new hind takes consid
erable time as n dry subsoil takes
up water more slowly.
Percolation is more rapid at the
second irrigation for water attracts
water. A thorough irrigation in
advance of seeding will therefore
make later irrigations easier. It
may delay planting in spring some
what, especially on heavy soils, yet
it is better to apply the water and
wait till the soil has dried sufficient
ly to be worked safely than to plant
on land with a dry subsoil.
Early irrigation in spring while
the weather is yet cold is to be
avoided and no crop should be irri
gated during its early stages of
growth. Such irrigation lowers the
temperature of the soil, excludes
the air, retards nitrification and by
compacting the soil destroys that
tilth which is o necessary in (he
seedbed in spring. To have .suffi
cient moisture in the soil at the
time of planting for the needs of the
crop until settled warm wenther has
come is by far the most satisfactory
arrangement. If the soil is too dry,
irrigate belorc seeding. The irri
gation of alfalfa too early in the
spring, or or grain just out of the
ground, retards the growth and us
ually gives the crop t sickly yellow
ish appearance. At times it may be
necessary to resort to irrigation to
bring crops up. Such an applica
tion of water, however, should be
an emergency shift; never a part of
the regular plans.
The furrow system comes as near
being an ideal system as any i use.
It conveys water to the roots with
out compacting the surface soil to
any great extent, thus leaving it in
fairly good condition to retain the
moisture. It docs not tend to bring
the alkali to the surface quite as
much as flooding does. When once
installed on a field and "spouts" or
lath tubes placed in the ditch banks
it requires little attention, and the
cost of irrigation- is small.
Keeping the soil saturated with
water to the exclusion of air for
any length of time is injurious, so
it is best to irrigate as quickly &
possible, which may lw done by
making the furrows of a reasonable
length. Three hundred feet is gen
erally long enough. Where the fur
rows are very long, the upper part
01 tne uem lias received too much
moisture by the time the lower is
done. When a furrow is run length
wise of a sIojkj there is much trou
ble in keeping them from breaking.
Wherever practicable they should
lie run straight down the slope, no
matter how steep it may be. It is
desirable to have the furrows at
right angles to the head ditches and
the ditches "square with theworld"
wherever the conformation of the
ground permits it.
The furrow system may be used
for all crops. Alfalfa, however, is
well adapted to free flooding where
well established, but it is adviwible
to use furrows the first year. These
will facilitate an even distribution
of the water, though floodinc be
practiced after the stand has been
The chief objection to flooding is
The Bulletin and semi
both for one year only $2,00r '
the greater cost of irrigation and the
difficulty of irrigating well at night.
m(, 11 cuiupnnx me surma: sou
mid favors excessive evairation
and the rise of itlkuli, though the
shading of the ground by cropw to
some extent offsets this.
There are two stages in the
growth of wheat and outs when tin
abundance of water is required:
namely, at time of jointing, or send
ing up of stems and just bufote
blooming. Large amounts of wat
er tend to increase the starch con
tents of wheat, while as the amount
of water is decreased, theie is a
larger percentage of pntciu.
Irrigation water is warmest in the
nfteriioou and does not become cold
until several hours afte" sundown.
The subsoil, or that part of the soil
where most of the roots nre, In
comes warm towards evening nud
retains its heat pretty welt into the
night. In fact it is coldest at noon
and warmest at midnight. In view
of these facts it is best in iriigatiug
tender things to turn on the water
late in the afternoon and allow it to
run during the fote part of the
It is claimed by some that night
irrigation gives better results even
with field crojw. The difference, if
any, can be but slight. In practice,
when water is turned on a field of
grain or alfalfa, it is kept running
dav and night, and shifted frem one
section of the field to another until
the whole has been irrigated. That
is the most expeditious way of irri
gating ordinary field crojw. Day
irrigation permits of a better regit
latiou and distribution of water.
The evaporation is less at night nud
water crcolntes to a slight degree
faster when the soil is cold than
when it is warm.
We are learning to make the wat
er go farther, and farmers nowa
days secure as large yields with one
half or even one-third .is much as
was formerly used. The tendency
is to restrict the allowance of water
to such an amount as will suffice
for ordinary farm crops when used
economically. As the duty of water
ts thus lowered, larger tracts of laud
may be supplied with water, which
means more homes, a larger popu
lation, and a greater agricultural
wealth throughout the arid belt,
now TO PLOW.
The best jxmible use should be
made ot all moisture, whether it
conies from the clouds or is divert
ed from streams, and this cannot be
done except by adopting methods of
soil culture which tend to conserve
the soil moisture. In plowing, the
soil ought not to be dry, nor on the
other hand wet, but should 1ms mod
erately moist. When just right it
crumbles nud become a loose, frag
able mass. Often farmers plow
large fields in spring and let them
lie for a week or two or longer, thus
allowing moisture to cscae very
rapidly. Laud should be harrowed
immediately after plowing, and not
let lie for a day as the p!ov leaves
it. In spring, seeding may well
follow the plowing without any de
lay in order that the seeds may
germinate while moisture is yet
Fall-plowed land may lose much
moisture, if not stirred, should dry
ing weather prevail in spring, Shal
low cultivation oi such laud in
spring will retain the moisture,
warm the soil and start nitrification,
thus preparing a congenial seedbed
for crojw that should be sewn early.
cririVATie. OlTUN.
In summer, cultivation- should
follow irrigation with nil crops that
may be so handled, and this Jiad
better be done as soon as the '.soil
may be safely worked. Such culti
vation not only checks evaporation
but increases the supply of available
nitrogen. On Irrigated farms it is
important to keep the soil at work,
always moist and in crop every
year. In arid climutes wherever
the soil lies bare and dry in sum
mer there is a considerable Joss of
humus, which is the source of nit
rogen, the most expensive of plant
- weekly Oregon Journal.
I lie Cow fNjul.iniice.
The cow nuisance is growing
mote exasperating than ever. There
are a few people lit uni( who per
sist in letting their liuliiiul.s run
loose at night and they generally
spend the night snooping into yards
nud destroying gardens. I lie last
reported damage was (one Wednes
day night when a iiiiiuradlng cow
found her way through several
gates into a garden and lield her
self to 40 nice cabbage plants that
would have been heading nicely in
about two weeks, besides cropping
olT a lot of iKitatocs The cabbage
had but recently been treated to a
copious sprinkling of Paris Orceu
to destroy some worms. It proved
very effective for the worm est
but did not appear to liother the
cow. Those who have worked dil
igently during the spring and sum
mer in their gardens have Iteeu
very much exasperated and disgust
ed iix)ii getting up in the morning
and finding their gardens practical
ly destroyed bv cows which, they
maintain, should have lieeu cor
ralled at night. The nuisance has
grown so exasperating that it will
undoubtedly result in quite strin
gent measures being taken against
the owners of such stock if the nui
sance is not abated. An ordinance
to that effect is now pending before
the citv council.
npitifttd Tlh InUttof,
Laud ONtcr at Tt(f ItoHen, Otrgtm.
Hoikt thtitby glmi Ota I Npfcrtl J Mkrllnn
orcllHc 1'all. (fM, ha ld Hulk uf hM In
tcnltoti In make bHal rommulatlox ptnftn Hip
ptwtafhl4 rlalM. ti llom4d Unity .No
IM4 mad av M. iwj. far ta hKK. ii.
MHnwl( and kKhwH, M7CM. lp 11 iiliwin,
and thai m d proof will ft mad twftwr Ihr
raHHly rlrfV al ITIHrvill, Of rMI, oh AumvI 11.
II want Um MfamlHir "It
lo wow hit
coMilnnou irdn upon and mllWatlun ul th
land, vlt
lUrl McLauykllH of I'rliitvUt. Oion. Jw
T Trlhow, John Trtnrtww and Jobh K. Man
nl. all afCIInc t'alt. Otgo
I Ml I 10 MICIIAHI. T. N),AN. HtKtMrr
Ttmtwf I .J ml, AM jHKt i. t1
V. S Land om, Tn Pallrt, OircM.
iy n.
NtMk la krb)r g(tn thai Ih rww(4l with
Ih provlwoM oflh Art m( Cmur nf Jan 1.
l7. (Htlllrd, "Ah act fur III Mlef llmbrlaHdi
Ih lit ttalr of CallRw hm. (Knott. Nrrada. hmI
WahlH(tixi Trtrllmy," a rlnild tu all Ih
IMblw land Halt ky Art Hf AHtimt 4. )
Ih IbllowiMg namrd ! h nlrd in thU
offlcr tltrlr twrii4almHl to-wll
IMxanI Mwrtdty,
of Tltr Dall. ciwitty of tt'amt, Mat uf Orraon.
worn lalmrnl No iyM, ftl! Ih Ihltoffk May
11 lyA for lhrHiirba f lit c)ntf. nr'fiw
K, IM' and J, jo, li iji. r 10, w m
TlltH C. Mnrtdiy,
of Th IMI. roMHly uf Waxo.Malr of OttMin
worn tatmet No iji fill May t. .tur
Ih uicaof lite w if A, l u , r lor,
w m
Thai thry will olfrr proof lo ahow that Ih
taHdanvuiint air murr vatoald for Ih llmWr
or Mon InrriruH than fur am IrMllMfal tntiiMM,
ltd to rtabHti ttwlr claim lo Mild laud (
for th KitMit and Krtr l the land ufntv Ih
Th IKtll. (HrRon n Augim 11M, iu
Thry nam th following wllttwr M lefts I
O'Connor. I A Mcltooald. Mward Mttriih).
Tcllrim C Murphy. I, It ItaWitlfaMd William
O. Mawn. of The Pall, ihvrom
Any and all !' cUlmiNg adrrlir any
of lh abov daacrllted land at rtU4rd lo al
lhlr rtatmt in Ihla oifcc on orhffor Mid lid
tlay ol Awkuw. iva.
!kMft Laml. I'lnal t'lool.
United Wain Land OfR. The Ihillra, Or..
Jhh 6. loia
Notkr k liwahy &H that I'rank '. Awry, of
Mile. WathingtoN, awlKH of Olio HiUUlf, M
lKH'f Walti II. IhttlR. haa Atd Hoik of Ih
UhIUhi lo hmL proof on hi dtt.aHd claim
k.. u.. fitf llu. lulmwl ulubrl u.1 HfkuiU
nc au. tu itl.lllr.wa. Ufof th lMrr ami
Ircelver al The ImUm. ()(ftHi,mi tit ml day
ofjoly l
ft name the followlHic wIh In pr"r IS
romplrte liflnalloti and rrciamaUon of aald land
Durg W Wittier, I'rnl I' Smith, Chailea
Winter, TltoiwaM A. JHH, all of Tumalo,
MICIIAI'l. T Hill. AN. KMer
Ureryons ohould nibocribo for
his homo paper, In order to get all
the local news, but to koep in touch
with tho world's dally ovonta
ohould alio read
The Evening; Teloram,
Portland, Oregon,
Tho leading evening nowopaper of
tho Paclfio Coast, which hui com
plete Aoaoclatod Frosa roporta and
npocial leaned -wlro servlco, with
correapondenta in important news
content and in all tho cities and
principal towns of tho Northwest,
Portland and suburbs are covered
hy a bright staff of roportors, and
editorial, dramatic, uocloty and
special writora. flaturday's edi
tion consists of 20 to 28 pages, and
han colored comic pages, aa woll as
n department for children, colorod
fashion page, an interesting serial
story and othor attractlvo foaturos
In addition to all the nowa of tho
Subccription Rates: Ono month,
CO conto; throo months, $1,35; six
months, 2.50; twclvo months, $0.
Bamplo copies mailed froo.
)0 I'ltirllina lunim" tin Our Culua,
AceoulliiK to the railed HtntON mint
ollU'luk tlm WlllllH, "K I'IiiiIIhk
Uniiiii," iih tlu-y iiiipisir tin nut euiii,
me IIiimo wltlmiit llio hiiiicIIoii uf law.
Tim It'Koml Hint iiiiiuuietl upon 11 nip.
pur coin "dtrui'lc '' nt tlm NuwhiirK
(N. Y.) mint in lb" your 17HH. Tim
iriillod HtntiMi wim wry ynuiiK lit Unit
tlnio uml I'tnilil not HiTortl tin luxury of
a ml tit. wi 11 irlviU individual or llm
11111110 of Itnialinr ointnwl llm Niiwlmrg
ttiluliiK ilHlillaliiiiiuit wllli tlm' liilin
lion of turnliiK out nmiu'r of tin' ri-nlm
fur nil isniiiim, ISxnptly how ll"' woitU
"K I'lurlliiw Oiiiun" i-anm to Ih' n 11I
im n motto It not known, tint om IIhiik
In I'orlnlii tlm llrntlirr eoppor coin
liimrliik' Hint IhkisiiI Mini tli ilnto of
17S1 h tlm moat vnlimlilr iiit'inl tllk
mnr uilntisl on IliU itnitliifiit.
KtniiK tlinn nflw (tilnliiK Id" frtiiiftin
(NIplHT Willi lilt' IHllI Iditln motto IIH
nlmvn ilMiTllictl llmlitr Irliti IiIh linml
mi h Urh'H nlfitl fc-nltl iIiho, in)illlt'liiK
tlm coin known to Hi" iiumWiiititlr nn
"Itmalit'r'H twtmty" Tlm Ilmahfr
"twriitj" wiih not 11 twitnti" tlolliir itM
lltM't, litiweviir. for It iMfkttl fl ttf
woIrIiIiik t'iiouli. Iut "f lalt J"rmN it
Iimh Iptt'oiiio very WMrrr hiiiI vnliinlil
litTHiiatt of llm fuel llwl llm hiwail lit
Hfribttl upon It nxiiU 'Uiiuin M I'lurl
lum" Inatimil of "It IMiirlliu Umiin."
I'ttriirl Vtiur-l.tial llillllra.
NhmiIiiiii tlm Onnil on tinu of hla
-NIIItHlhMIH Willi" WNlkllUC HlHMIt tlm
cMinp on" nluliL iih Im mh neeiMliiiniil
to tin In dlaiHivor Imw tint Million wpw
oeiiitiloil, itmiifwl lo iNiim Umm u
Kroiip llati'iilui: to nu molttil uptiikiT.
.NiilHilwiii fitoln uonr to llntHii Mini found
Unit tin 111111 wmh rt'KHlliitf liU eoni
railoH ultli tin Htfoiinl of Imtttoa Hint
Ntipoleon Iwtl lit.
"I IihiI Hi" follow luuiKml rn a trill
tor." Nti'mlttou hnIiI. ".Moii du not win
Imttloa by Hm iiioiimry of iMllloa ItHt"'
It wiih perfectly trim A ilUUnnuMi
ihI iiillitnr- iillleor Nntrniotl llmt hflor
trooH Imil In-t'il tiontoii In a Imltlf It
took wh'Uh to K'"t Hii'in In llm iih woll
nu tkoy liflil iIimik Itoforo Hml hihtoh
ilpinnrnllroH tliom. If 0110 Ih continually
IiniLIiir (Mirk nt Hm HiIiikh oil" Iiah
iiiIhhimI lu llfrt 01m Iuwt tint power to
Krlp wlmt Ih )ot wlililu rofldi of olio"
IiiiuiIh, I.oiiiiii Hptvtnlor.
j Th llalltertl.
Tho illitlnetlvo wonpoii of tho Hwlii
wan tlm hnllmrtl, which wmh their prtn
rlpal woohhi nt Montnrtoii nint Ijiii
pen. It la rtirlouH to nolo how tho Toil
tonic nnttoliH, o rii to UiIh tiny, prvfof
tlm rut nml Hm I.ntln untloni Hm imlut
Wo liavn Int'ii tolil by (lorinnti oltloont
Hint wtmti th" (lonnnu nutl I'nMirli env
nlry mot In Hm wnr of 1S7 tho tVr
mnii awonl lilmloa nlwnyn llHalntt it
Henlly ovor tholr lioniU, whlln Hit
I'rciirh ilnrtci! In ami mil lioriiuutHlly
In 11 "ticrrMlon nf HirUHta. Krou tho
ilorninn tlornl lay In wholo rnnka with
tholr MVonU nt nrm'a li'iiefli. Ho tin
KukIUIi nt IlnHtlmrd workod hnriK
with ihHr linltlonxroi Tlm tNotlmrtnud
mori'cniirloH tiurlHl n ImwhiK wihmhi
nt IIoiiiIiiim, Tin. I1imiiIiik nt Courtrnl
uoitt llnHr RfttloiHlnKM nttotl nlllo IhiIIi
for rut nml thrtut. nutl flnnlly the
HwIhh ninilo piny wllh Hiolr lmllMirtl,
nu Itiiprovoiiioiit 011 tlm Hotlruitflir
Tlio ImllicnU hml m point for ttirtiat
Iiik, n hook whorowlih to pull inoii
from Hm hihMIo nml hIxivo nil 11 broml,
honvy lilmlo. "mrmt torriflr weapoiiH"
(vnlilo tt'rrilitllHi, to imm the wonN of
John of Wliitortlitir, 'oIoiitIiik iiipij
viiuilor llko a winlno nml rntlliiK thriti
Into amnll pIochh" ( Him chii IiiimkIiio
how ".noli h hlmlo nt tlm onil of nu
I'laht fmit nhnft ui'iat I in vo nunirlai!
fnllrvjiliii; yoiinis' fjontlcmon w ho tlioiiKliI
HioinaolvoN Inviilnoniltlf lu tlilr nnnor
Miu'inlllnu'H MhkhhIih'
"BltSlCnrT Ural,
Vlnltor Toll mo now. profiHuor, nrn
you Mirftirliu; niitnli from your hwtd
uclm? ProfiMMwr (to Ida wlfiO-Hy,
Ainulln, tlo I Niiffttr in mil from my'
lieiulnc!io?-Klltnom!e Illuttr. !
A HIkm of rrnifrlly,
Crnwfortl How an- nil your old'
frlmulH? CrnlMihnw-Tlmy iiiuhI 1j rhI-
HiiK hIoiik llwl rntv 'limy imvor coiiihi
around to nm in p. Wntaou'a Mbkziio,
It Ih mivy to lonrn HotnolliliiK nlmiit
ovurytliliiK, hut illitlcult tn Unini evory
tliliiK iilmut Hiiylliluic. -IJitiuioiH.
V it, Uutl omcr The llallea, l)icKt,n,
June 7, iija
liAhu'iii'i iet,""f.M '"l "r'" ii HI.. I
ii.i...M. il,Jfi 'r"" ". mrlaiit
aiialnil liuotaUad entry No imi iki..i
I. IUI1J. far Hlvl a .. th ...
1 IM. .tlJ" "A . ,l'a. IMUIralr. In whllll
II la alltxril tlml Mlt rlllryiil.u (lit. I i.i.,vtti,l, ..I
ItandoucoTaaM tract fir nit... ihm .1. moatl
tlml h ncvrr viiltWalcd ..1 liii.r,t-, aauitra.1
1 ttr hum lit. ut.. ... i .,...' ..' ," "T:1
1 .... " " "wr.f v " iHfiii nil alltt III.
I tlU V ' :"' ',,w '-"' ' ' ulll."' o, I mi"..-
1 Utm Heyliolil. tirltmin .,.,, ilui 1 if,, ,.
aicaiiy oilier ,ei,. f ,, Ti, ,yl ,, , , ,
I lilikliowi. In ulTlaiit llh.i ,, olHrd aoleiue
1 oVsa'Wr,: ,s.,sr.".,, ""i " ,fi - " ?
or I tlla, III th army, navy ur inaiiiie curiia
---- - ..-.- . iiMiii- mnr hi vMr
ISWffVftr"" 'K1'! ".""".' '" 1'1'rar, re
" o ',xr:t. rs.'
IIH aaltl at tin
', ivn. itciitrr
Mi I"::'" .r-'VH". ' nu oriKcin
lem I.-.::. . '....I n."7VV' "' ""'" ".
:. ' , -," : " ."".tittoi iirHiuiii win Ik livlil
nt 10 o'clovk a. 111 Aiiuoal 4 lu l, ,, ,1...
Mwal iw-,', As: "-'-'-'
vi?',nikVS'!'ll",.,JL!a0Wl,r iu . I,rl'f nflitln-
nd ro)er piit.liculloii, "'" "' ,ll,
liuli7 MlCHAljfj T, NOLAN, kt.Utrr.