V5 r "T5T I. ,i ' k- itggaEaggggggiBi A'utiwjgamnjiaai! iiu .a ntSBcs IP V '. X The Townsite of BEND I 4rSb FFF WN. "V N. "X Ax SVAX': V X.v Y X -V.X. Va 7 A'XrX: .X'V W t X VS. . Jhf. . 1 C -X. N7-N. TS Jv X.XXS.X Xl'l t XXOV XN$XOv7 yVMx-.'AAA is. x 2s X xvvSv xy zk Xxx vv r w u xy Xvisny y yjz yr I X AXjtcXH XXsw L IX XXrJ&CXX c i- y Timber Lut. Act June J, iSj NOTICE. FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Lnd Office, The lUe, Ortjou, Mttcijnd. 190A Notice l hereby tiren tht lu comptUnce with t . prortlan4oflhectof Centre, of June 1. n-! T entitled " An ct fur the ! f limber tnd . :hc htatrt of CllfrriU. Oregon, el. ' VmhlugtouTerrltofy. extended to I1 the 1 j'iIIc Mnd 8Ute by Ct of Aujuit 4. !. Spencer II. t.yon, or Bend, county of Croak, itate of Orecon, h t!indyfitedlnthU office hl iworn utcment S. ri. forthepurthn;oflhenSnwX.T'Ji i ndnwMwX' u.tpi.rne, win. ud will offer proof to thow tht the Und anight U more vluUe fur it timber or tone i au for agricultural purpoe.. -Jud to cjuWUh !n ctilm t ttd Und Iwfore the County Oerk t f- ncrille, Oregon, on the nth day of July, 1906. JIenameiwitiiee r n.OUeofljldUw. Or. eon, B W ClletI. U. Turnrr und Mary . (.ilea, all of llend, Orexon. Any and all peraona claiming adeeraely the aboeHleacnlx-dUiKlarereqneted to file their . ilma In thU office 011 or llu-e aaid nth day o jMly, 1906. MiatAKL T. NOlN, KegUtcr. uMJIyi Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Ofllce, The Dallea, Oregon. 1 Jcae4i tfH Notice la hereby glrcn that in compliance with llieprovUionaofthe Art of Congrcu of June , 1 7t,TUtilIcd, "An act for the aaleof timber U111.1 hi the atate of California, Oregon, Ncrada, and U'athlngton Territory," at extended to all the paWlc Und atatra by Act of Augutt 4. I Si. Oaten owl T Callilian rlleud, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, ha 1 hi day filed In thla office hit aworu talcmcnt vi'. forthepurehaaeoftheaw oflheawj 1 ec No i, tp in a, r J e, w 111. And will offer proof to ahow that the land vjght la more valuable fur iu timber or atone ttian for agricultural purpoaea, and to eaUhlUli lua claim to aaid land before!! C Itllla V. H. L oiumlaalouer, at hia office lu lleud, Oregon, on the uthdayofheptcmbcr. iou6. lie namea an witueaKa Job 11 1'crguMii, lamca 1 rgtiton William I McOUlrray and William -. aold, all of lleud, Orcgou Anv and alt oeraona cUlmiue adreracly the bo CHleacrlbed land are rniuted to file their .lamia lu thla offlce oporuerore the al ihIi 'ay ofKcptember, 1906. il6-i' MICIIAIII. T. NOLAN, Keglnter. Timber IjihI, Act June, 178. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. a S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May 8, lyvS. Notice Is hereby given that lu compliance with ie provLiouaofthc Act of Cougre.s of June J, - entitled, "All act for the aale of limberlaitdt the atatea of California, Ottgou. Nevada, and ..hlugtou Territory," as extended to all the juIic land states by Act of August 4, 189J, bailie M. Whltted ( Dend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, is this day filed in tint office hrr sworn state tut No jk, for the purchase of thesufthe '! of sec i4, tp 17. r 11 1, win ad will offer proof to show that the land 4gltt Is more valuable for Its timber or stone iau fur agricultural purposes, and to establish cr claim to aaid laud Iwfore II. C. Kllis, S Commissioner, at his office in llend, regon, on the lith day of beptembcr, 1906. ihe names as witucssest William II. Stoats Deschutes, Oregon) Thomas W. Triplet! of end, Oregon Frank Glass of Kedmoud, Uitgou, 1 Kolitrl A 1'liett of Tuiiialu, Ortgou. tiiymid all person, cluiiiiliig uiUcrselV the to- cHlescrilieil lauds arc rc.iiuc.ttd to file their iluis in tills uliioe uu or ueiurc me mil aay 'September! 19W. 16 s; UICUASL T. NOLAN, Register. V -. ,...- .. 1 a-aaaaassiMtaaaaiaaaiaaaaaa-aiiia s 11 .. , . Read The Bulletin's new irriga d,u dcJjiattuieut. , Timber Land, Act June j, 187a. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Oftce, The Dalles, Oregon, Aprit J5, tfo6. Notice la hereby giren that In compliance with the prortalona oflhe Act of Cotigreaa of June J, 1878. entitled, "An act for the aale ol timber Undi in the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," at extended to all the public Und atatei by Act of Augutt 4. 1891, Kirk Whlted, of Redmond, cointy of Crook, atate of Oregon, haa thla day filed In thia office hi. aworn Mate ment No. jS for the purchaae of the ch"!f and w)c)4 of aec 19, tp I J , 1 13 e, w in. And wilt oflVi proof to ahow that the land aought la more valuable for ita timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to etubliah hla claim to aaid land before the County Clerk at l'rinevllle, Oregon, on the loth day of Augutt, 1906, lie namea aa wllneaaea Henry !'. Tintley, Kugenc C. I'ark. Meade K tudca, Frank K Morrill and Frank GUu, all of Kedmcnd, Ore gon Any and alt peraona claiming adveraely the aboveKleacribed land are rruettd to file their dalma in thla oftce on or before the aaid loth day of Augutt, 190$. i-aj MICIIAKLT. NOLAN, Kegitter Timber Land, Act of June j, rorg, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. ti. Land Office, Mkerlew, Oregon, MayiS, I9t. Notice ! hereby given that In compliance with w Drovialoni ofthe act of Conairaa of June t. iftrg, entitled "An act for the aale of timber land. in the sUtra of California, Oregon, Nevada and wathlugton territory," as extrnded to all the fmMicUud states by act of August 4, 189, the ollowlng persons have filed lu this office their sworn statements, to wit: George V Couch, of LaldUw, county ol Crook, state of Oregon, swof 11 statement No. jioi, for the purchase of inc wjtcrt. sec 3, ip s, r to e. w m. Osborne Udwards, of llend, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn sutrmeut No. lioj, for the purchase ofthe sw aw); sec ji.sH iic,'(,seJnw'V sec x, tp 31 s, r 16 e. w ni. Thatthey will ofier proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to establish incirctaim losaiaiauu ueiore 11. v. luus, v n CommlMloner, at his official place of business at llend. Crook county, Oregon, on Wednesday, Augutt 13, I9u5 They name as wilnesws. Francis II Marion, I'rauL K Dayton, and Gtorec W, Fickle, of Laidlaw, Oregon, Joseph N. Ilunter, Alfred T Yoakum and llugii O'Kanc, all ofllcud, Oregon. Any and all pcrcout claluilng adversely any ol the above lands are requested to file their claims In this office ou or before the said ijlb day ol August. 1006, J-aio J. N WATbON, Register. Timber Ijind, Act June 3, 1(78, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Laud Office, The Dallea, Oregon, March 6, 1906. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juuej, 1S78, entitled "An act for Ihe sale of timber lands in the Mates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the puuuc laua siatea Dy an oi August 4, isyi, Arthur W. Ousting, of The Dalles, county ol Wasco, state of Oregon, has this dav filed iu (Ills office his sworll state ment No. 1919, for the purchase of the ; cf sec 14. ipios, r 10 e, wni, Aud will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Ha timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish Ills claim lu said laud before the Register uml Receiver nl The Dalles, Oregon, 011 Inc. 171I1 day of Augutt, 1906. lie names as witnesses: Frank It. Gostingi Willlainil..Ma6ii.. Michael O'Connor, and L. G. DeWolf. all of The Dallea. Orecon. ..iv.rrOTileC'Ven7ffl claim. In this offlci or Ufore aalU lib day ol August, 1900. 01 cl . it Ja-tv JUC1UW..X. UQLaX, ttctUlcx Timber Land. Act of June J. 1S78, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 3. Land Offlce The Dalles, Oregon, May II, l9o. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of June f. ill, entitled "An art for the sale of timber Und. in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," a .extended lo all Ihe public land states by act of August 4. 191. the following-named persons have, on April 24. 1900. filed In this office their sworn statements, to-wit. Walter rt. Nkhol, of Bend, County of Crook, Mate of Oregon, aworn statement No JW9, for the purchase of the n H 11 w '(.kcjj, s S swjj. se29, tpi9S, r lie, wm. Dora A Nkhol, of Dend, County of Crook, Htate ofOregon, sworn statement No. Jw, for the purchase ofthe ne M sec yt, tp 19 s, r w e. w m. That they will ofler proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for Ihe timber nr stone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land, tieferc II. C JUIls. I . Commissioner, al hla office lu llend, Oregon, on July 17, 19.16, They name the followlne witnesses. John tlloss, of Sisters, Oregon; Joseph N. Hunter. Frank llutterworth, Wallrr H. Nlchol, Dora A. Nlchot and K. II. Mutslg, of lleud, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely any o. the aoove-dewlbed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before the said 17th day ol July, 1906. mil-July ij MICHAULT NOLAN, Register, Timber Land, Act June 3, iftyS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I' 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, June 11, f. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the p'ovlsious of the Act of Congress of Jnue 3 17. entitled An set fur the sale of timber Uml. in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory, ' as extended to alt the puonc laua suits uy act ot August 4, ityi, Carl Thcodor Johansoii of North Yakima, county of Yakima, state o Wathlugton, has this dav filed in this office his sworn statement No. MJ6. for the purchase ofthe wtf cf see it, tp i s, r u e, w m. ud wilt offer proof to show that the Uud sought Is more valuable fur Its timber nr stone than for agricultural purpura, and lo establish his claim to said land Jxforc II. C. Kills, f H. Commissioner, at Ills office lu lleud, Oregon, on the nth day of September, 1906. He names as witiies.es Arnt Aune, Theodore Auue, Anton Aunc aud John Slscmore, ull of llend, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the atxc-deCTihIiaiidt are requested to file Ihelr claims in this office on or before said 11th day ot September, 19". uKH7 MICIIAKLT. NOLAN, Register. TlmUr Land, Act June j, 187S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, , Aprit 4, I90u. Notice is hereby given that lu compliance with the provision! 0! the act of Congress of June, 1678, entitled "An act for Ihe sale of timber lauds In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory. ' as extended lo all the public land states by act of August 4, i6.;j. AlUrtW. Delloll, of Coulee City, county of Douglas, state of Wash ington, has this day filed In Uls office his sworu statement No. 3M7, for the purchase of the sW swjf aud netf wf , stc at, Ip 19 s, r 11 e, w in. And will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone thnu lor agricultural purposes and to establish ill. claim to said land before II. C. Kills;, U. n. Commissioner, at his office In llend, Oregon, 011 Ihe ijlh day of Augutt, 1906, He names as .witnesses. Charles J, Coltor, Hichsrd Klnr. Albert Gates anil (Irnro- rtnlra alt of llend, Oregon, , (iTuSiSSiffVl jJPM7J ftftff, jjfif SfflSi!Sfo j0,,. Auirutt. ik5. . . rsuns claiming adversely the their cirr stflll 1(1 I .lav ,,l UgUlt, I90. . . t-alO U1UUKI. X, UQIMi. KcxilUf. On the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook County, Oregon. Center of the new Irrigation Development covering, 250,000 ACRES OF it ii M J 4 S t ! J S i 7 GREENWOOD j7 Z S S 4 7 I I I i ii I f " J o ANAT HORN ti IS ) it fo 1 t l I I I I i il Al J 5-. IRONWOOD AVE. t l" P I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I- s. sw J Hf JU NIPEn 4 ' KOA T T i Timber Land, Act June j. It;. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Office, ThelMttes. Oregon, May , 9,. Notice is hereby given that in compliance wllh the provision of the act of Congress of June J. tftpl.eiitltlrd "All att for the Mlcel limber laiuf. lu Ihe states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," at extended In all Ihe putHM land slates ky art l AMguit 4. 114 J. Km ma c Troy, of St Paul, county of Ramsey .late of Minn esota, has this day filed In IhU office her sworn statement No yoj, for the purchase nf Ihe sw) nwj;. sec 13, sSne!,' and neUKlf sec 14. Ip 19 s, r ir, wm. And will ofler proof to show that the laud sought I more valuable for Its timber, or .lime I lis 11 for agricultural purtxMea ami In establish her claim lusatd land Ufore II C Fills, f. s. Commissioner, al hit sflKe In lleud, Oregon, mi the 15th day of Augutt. She names as wituciMcs Joseph N. Hunter ami William II Staats.nl He.td. Oregon, John Diet, of Miters. Oregon, and Nellie It. Ilwycr of Minneapolis, Minnesota Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to rile their claims In this office ou or Ufore said Ijth day ef AugHtt, lA V MICIIAKLT. NOLAN. Register. Timber Land. Act June 3 l), NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S Land Offlte. The Dalles, Oregon, May 7, lyt. Notice Is heretiy given that In compliance with the provisions of the Art of Cotivrr.s or lunr 1 17. entitle! "All act for Ihe sale of tlmUr lauds 111 me states 01 California, tlregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended lo all Ihe rwMlcUudsUtesby Act of August 4, 1891, the loimwing mmw irwus, on April wil and May md, t, filssl in this office their ineru Hate meiili, lo-wi. Grace A. Jones el llend, eouuty of Creek, ttste of Oregeu, sworn statmneut No jftf. 6k the purchase of the sU uejf, sec jo, sM Hwtfaiidswiliic!;, stc. linos, rue, win. Cora A Jsnes of llend, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn statement No 24199, for the purchase of Hie 11H sw, sec x, andeK seif, sec 30, tp 19 s, r It c. wm. That they will offer proofs lo show tint the lands sought are more valuable fur Die llmUr or stone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish their claims louiid Intnl. l..fiur 11 C Kills, I' H Commissioner at hit office In llend, Oregon, ou Ihe 17II1 day nf July, ! Thevname as wltiirur. 1'iunL (1 Mlnnr Gracc A. Jones, Coru A Jones, UrlliiL' C. Coe, John lilo.s.nll of lleud, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe ahotc-dctcriUd lauds are requested to file Ihelr claims in this office 011 or before the said 17II1 day of July, 1904, mi8-lyl3 MICIIAKL T, NOLAN, Register, Desert Land, Final Proof. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. H. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, June il, 1906, Notice Is hereby given that Ira K. Wlmer of Tiimalo, Oregon, has filed) notice of In tenlloii to make proof 1111 lilj ilrsert-laiid claim No, jji, fur the H ',( sec 3. and wU swjj , sec jj, tp 16 s, r 11 e, w iu. before II C Kills, V- H, Commissioner, at his office lu lleud, Oregon, 011 the Itlhdiyof July, iv. He liauieslhe followlhir iultiirai. In n,ni the complete Itrlgstlou nd reclamation of said lanui . Thor A. Jensou, I'rant. I". Ground, Frank v. Bwlsher, aud Charles 11. rlpaugh, all cf Tumalo, w,sul' Jii-Wy UIQUXU X, tiQUkX, fttcUUf i - - 'i .FIR -J ' J AVE'. 3 I I I I I I ' J 4 f ' .' 'f '0 t t 7 A V E . i j 4 s i J 'i " 1 t 7 F TS. ' J 4 S t X j 4 f r t 7 r- AVE. I Z 3 4 U it ic 9 S 7 AVE. -1 r I 1 TlmUr Land, Act June 3, l7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, I Mirth 13, ifat. Notice Is hereby give lhal In compliance with Ihe provisions of Ihe actufrutigrrMoiJuue 3. iM entitled "An art for the sale ot IlinUrUjs In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory. as exlciidrd loall Ihe iwbllc Isnd ttates by act of August 4, lays Archie I'attlr, of Hand, County of Crek. Slate of Oregon has this day filed in this office hit sworn tttrttieut No aSsj. f the twrchase oflhe w U of sec 3, in 18 s, rise, wm, ' Ami will offer proof In show that the land tough! It utore valuable Ir Ha llmUr nr slone than foi agricultural purposes, aud In establish his claim lo M land before II. C Hills, I'. S. Commtt.ioiirr. aj hit office in llend, Oregon, mi the 17th day of July. lyiA. . He names a. wltnr... tt.itiut 11 ft.t Michel Morriton. Charles ll.id and John Steldl! all of llend, Oregon Any and all iwrsuit claiming adversely Ihe l.nlMula.jwllj.1 la..l. . a '! Ihelr claims In tills nfGcc mi or Ufwe said nth day ol July, iv. iuavs.i3 MICIIAKLT. NOLAN Register. TlmUr Land, Act June 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon. March IS. iv. Notice it hereby given that III compliance with Ihe provisions oflhe Ael of Congress ol June f, ie?", ..milieu aii ri lur me sale ui iiiiiiht isiui. 11 Ihe stales of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wathlugton Territory," at extended lo nil Ihe puouc lanu states ny acijr August 4, itot, Hkinuel II Clark, of lie ml, Con nly of Crook, Stale of Oregon, has this day filed In Ihls office hit tworti slalcmeiil No sasi, for the purchase oflhe aw If aw Jf, see 17. seff se W.sec l8auduw if nw ( of sec j, Ip 19 . ri3. w,m, Aud will offer tiroof lo show thai t. I....I sought is mure .limbic for Its tlmUr or slonr innii 11,1 hkiicuiiiitbi purtoses, aim to establish his claim lu said laud Ufore II C, Kills, ! s Couiuiltsloiier, at hit office In llend, Oregon, on the 17lh ilny of July, 1904 .! M.IVI... .S U.IIIIK.A. hrm L.til Sll.l.t Morrison, Charles ltod and John Sleidl, all of urmi, urrg(ii- Any und all tiersoiit claiming adversely the above-described lauds are reoiir.leil In rllr II. .lr Claims In Ihls office oil or Ufore said nth day of fttlu Inr J' lVI uuvo.Jl3 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Ktglsttr. TlmUr Laud, Act ol June s, 1&78, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May ;, 1906. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe provisions ot Ihe Act of Countess of lunr 1. I8;, entitled "An act fur Ihe sale of timber landi In the states of California, Oregon, Ncvnd.-, ami Washington Territory," as extended lo all the public laud states by net of August 4, IK9), George A llowson, of llend. Couiily of Crook, stale of Oregon, has Ihlsilay filed lu Ihls office his sworn statement no w'J.iur me purchase orthc Lot 3, se'f iivvjf aud e)swjf , of sec I, tp 19 a, r II e, w m. And will offer prool lo show that Ihe laud sought Is more valuable for its limber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to r.iaiiii.ii hi. iiami 10 saiu lanu Kline 11 C. Kills, U. S, Coiiniilsituucr, at hit office In lleud, Oregon, ou the ijtli ilny of Augutt, lyufi. Ileuamciuswlliiestet I N. Hunter, and i.e. i.ucas, or llend, Oregouj J. s Smith, of ""'"e. yregou, am w. il, ntaats or Dei chiitH,Orc0ii, .Afiyahil all peraona clalihlng adversely the above-HscMUd lands arc requested to file their Clallht 111 111 s office on itr l.f..r, .ul,l .,,1, .1.... it August, yg, ' lUrW UKUUU. I. tiOUX. latUlu. RICH LAND At Gateway to the Great DESCHUTES PINE Timber Belt Town has Grown almost entirely in the (xist yenr, tlic xM office tinting only from April 8, lyoj. Homl Iiak excellent jmblic K'hools ntul complete puhlic water work.s. POR INP0RA1ATI0N INQUIRE OF The Pilot Butte Development Co. I Proprietor Townsite TimUr Land, Art June 3 iM NOTICE FOR I'UBLICATIO.N, V I.tml Offlce, Lakctlcw OregHti. April r, iu Notice Is heteliy gltrn thai lu rsmiptlauec witk IheMovtitaHtsoribeAetofCMgrrss tsfjavsic j. H7 rrttltlot "Am act foe Ihe l of tlwWr Ums. !t.lh.'r.M,",,c,"fe't Hn, Nevada ul WaihlHgttHtTrrrttufy, as r.tefde.1 lo all the IHibrM laml stsle. ,y fc ,,.,, 4- lH, (b. '"J2', " pet, have file4 In this s Ihetr swsh h stslemeHls. Uvstt Grange W Ffckel, of Lahtlaw CMinly of irook. Stale avf iWegim tWM , Malew.ni Ao ,uSi. fee Ihe pHtchasTol Ihe e H ut sec .1 kw if nw x sec q. tw tf H c 14 ip 1. r 13 e. w m " Allrsst T V oakum of Hend. t'osiHty of CrsmV, HtaletOreaati ism MalemeH! No 3. Kfite unrehsVe sffUrV uTi1 ,,"I'1H,1, "ffT pfs la show Ihat lke Undt swighl ate more valuable fr Ihe Umber m r" 'ii!r.' ' """. fof Kiwulturat rtr,t.ail 5" TSn.W,i'hJ '."!"" -MUn.I. Ufto,; h L Kills, I k iommts,i.Mier. al hit of Ada! plmit (jfbtMNrMMIwNd Lr.k toMMIV, IMrrou M Tues,Uy, the l?lh day of July, luA" """" "u H IJeblngofMidlaw J p Ktroud tnd IlUt Seal, of fi,H.I. lUeaoii. O ' rkl.u, Oiegon. ami Alfresl T YMkum, oflleml. OiVJoh' Any and all (wisons cUlmlng ad.eriw y .Hy o( 'Ultlll ' J J WATHON, Register Timber Mud. Act June 3, tM. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. If 8. Mnd Office, The Dalles. OreKai, June I, ipo. Nolle It hareby given mt tmi4laHe with 1 !"''' "f Ihe Art of Congress "f Juis, lT e h lllesl. "AH set for Ihe saff uf llw 'Jt -Utji ' . '" ft! Callfinnla, Oregon Nevada Zl WS3 'J i'""." .T!'"!M,y'" ""ii.fr.l "a, Vll X' IHiWIcUndataletbyAet of August 4, ,ai,, ,,M 1'lKlT Hlvius. lirV IIHI1IP at Wll8Ufasi II tl -.... . 8 pf l'rinevllle, eiHinly of Crook, stale of Oi .,..,., ha. this .Uy Bled inthlt ulfitc hit tvv IJi",": and the sMseff of sec 14. Ip ill s, r "J, e. w n. H Ahil Will itffrr utimf in .t.u i... .1.. . . sought Is mure valuable for IU IIihuV ir Moo! linn furagrlCHllural imniw ,, iu abfuh I1U1 eta hi to said Uml U me I csi,,"y riUk .1 I'rlnetlllr Oregon, mi the in dVj,,.,T,Jl'. . lath day of Ancu.l IV. Ilenamr-sas wlluessea W Jordan, II. A Foster and V II H.h.,1-7?. ?'.rr lUwth, K l rrliisvllte. Oiegun, Ulill. """" "MI Auyaiidoll prison cUlming adversely ll, alHive.descrlbe.1 Utidt are rniuealMl iu flff ilsVl? AuguV,",' 0,fiC' " r S MM iotWi, ll-l MICIIAKLT. NOLAN, llrd.ter. Timber Land, Ait June 3. i7f NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION V.H Uud Office, The Dalles, Oregon, April 4th, iy LoreilW Norm. 11. of Granite Falls, county of Snohomish nini- .,r Wathliigton, has Ihls day fill 1 ",u ,,lfi id! sworn slnteintnl No. iti. Si .,-".'"." '.?.f5. "il Iheaejf of Sec , i. fV, : "' "'" And will offer proof in show thai iii 1... 1 lllnu for agricultural ii KeU!.M',''D'- V.5i5Vr' "Sa .,r i.V...' . .'. ""i wiigun, 1111 trie if Hi 1U0 Oregoi mi the J71I1 day ui jn.ir, jyuo. lie nanics as witnesses ne nanics as witnesses Max Kruse i.,i... Vfil la In iM..l 1. .is g,ir.,;7Jia?or,Tn,,;,gS,r: claim, lu t),. office oil o l"c wld Mlhd a'i ?.r of