The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 13, 1906, Image 7

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    Is Yo u r
Hair Sick?
That's too bad I Wc had no
ticed it was looking pretty
thin and faded of late, but
naturally did not like to speak
of It. By the way, Aycr's
Hair Vigor Is a rcjjular hair g
Krowcr, a perfect hair re
storer. It keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
A Mad r J. U rerO.l,well,Mss.
I Alt f I
A. JLLi&i O tnuiiv pcctoral I
. Myelei-y C All.
"H pea kins of strange nml unnrcoiinta
til rHrlrnrrn," remarked lh man with
lli bulbous now, "I mm reminded of on
lint hnijM-iifl In friend of mln In th
summer of I'.T, while h tae at III Co
lumbian (hoii. II In III Tin
Art building, luuklnc t Ih picture they
railed 'Hnaklnr; lluuin Tie,' when In
lirurd voir behind III in jr distinctly,
'Tlml' whnt I Impjiriiliic at your Iioiim,
over (in lli west IJr.' It lurried snd
looked to see who It win Hint apoke, toil
there nobody near lilru,"
"le that alir asked (U nun with lb
fishy ey.
"No; lb strangest part U to rome.
When he wnt hunt In th evening In
found lhal hi youngest brother hail elop.
ril with lb hired girl ami gun to Ht.
loul. It Lad lakn place, loo, at th eg.
art miimrnt whrn h heard III vqlfe. How
On you riilaln that, IM Ilk lo know)
Wn It Ilpaihy7 Or what mi ID"
"H'limpM Who tlli thai story V
Th wan himself -Ik Htrlnghsm."
"(), Htringham lell It. doe lit) Why,
you getinlhfftd, tbat'a tha eiptanatlon."
Chicago Trltmne.
In iimmrr garb, nml with new traw hat,
Th eiimnttiHT fared forth from lilt flat,
A rhlir a 7011 plea,
Hwlflly th "dummy" lor him lo town
liut enlfler ilropwi ibt mercury Jown
Hum 23 degrees.
Hurl Alleu.
"My boy," counseled Unci Allen
Sparks, "It I a mighty serious thine to b
a young man lliftt day, and lo hat lo
make your rholc between Opportunity
ami Itespmnlblllty. Tlial'a where a lot
of yon g wrong."
nlirdillnar Mum lufnrrawtlon.
Mr. Chugwaler Jotlab, what I
Mr. Chugnatrr Pronouncing amn to
anything you want to Imlor. I ahouM
think yon could tall thai by looking at
lb Horfi 1 1 or f .
III Iilrit ( a Jake.
"Jnnre haa a queer eene of humor."
"II married hit dead wlfe'a slater, yon
know. Ami now h refer to Ih defeased
aa hi eleter-ln-law." Clevelnnd Leader.
The Itome unsi.era comment faor
lily oil th srliem for the erection In
that city of a monument to Htinktpear.
Th dowager Pitches of Abercorn, seed
P2, baa ISO deseenilalita.
Ton aiiiir,
fllr John franklin hml innila up I1I1
lillrnl In ilWrnver th tiorlliwrnt pittniKf.
"I nui't wait forvier for the l'Aiinma
rniml," lis anlil,
(IniicliiK nt lhr Intent illtpntrliM from
WiuliltiKtmi nml naivrlAlnliiK. to liU ill
Kiul, Hint lliir wn nnntlicr ilrnillork n
to Hi (iicllnii of h )xt of 1 mini lo ht
niliipli'il, nml thnt Krimtnr Mnricnn wn
alioiit to mnkn mmtlirr uprrcli, ho enva
onlrr for tho liniintdlnto fltllnj out of llio
In III NiTcrl Niilxriinrnl.
Ilrii'irlcr It'a to l A gulct weilillns,
lir.'t It?
l'roprtlv Ilrlilrcroom (promliifiit
nl hlr) Y, air; il wiMln' 'II
lit iUlel i-ikiiikIi, but we're (ln' to have
ile xol whiplnpt ahlrarr Uat ever ho
pulldl off In tip prreln't I"
NIiihI TIiuiiicIiI.
"I tlilnk," rctnnrkcil Orowrlla the
other iiKiriilni; nt brcakfnat, "I'll wet a
"(ioodt" riclnlmrd Mr. O, "nml I
wlili ynu would cut 0110 for mu trlillo
)uu nro nt It."
The now ailrnlnllratlon and JohbliiK
liouan bulldlnK erected by tlio W. L.
DoukIki Hhoo Co. aa a part ol It mam
moth iiinu(actiirltiKalanl In Urockton,
Man., wai dixllcateVl Juno 10, Tlio
proxram Included open homo (torn 11
In the morning until B in the evening.
There wai a Mimical program and re
fieihmenti were aorved all day. Fif
teen thouiand Invitation! were ent out
Including over 11,000 retail dealer! in
the United HUtei who handled the W.
I.. Douglai iliof, Mr. Douglai aayi
that hla three large factories, alio the
new building juit dedicated, will al
wayi he open to Inipectlun and viiitori
from everjrwhire will bo welcome.
The new Jobbing home jail dedicat
ed will enable hurry ordeu fur Douglai
hoes to 1 ibljpd tho aarne day tltey
are received. The new building la 200
feet long, 00 feet wide and two itorlei
high. The Jobbing department occu
pies the entire lower floor and the new
ofllcci of the Douglai Shoe company oc
cupy the entire eecond floor. In the
new building thero will be ipeclal ofllcea
occupied by the Western Union and
I'oatal Telegraph companion; alio by
the telephone companlei and there it
an elalwratc mailing department. The
completion ot tills new adnilnlitratlon
building marka the eatabllihmenl of a
modern, up to-date wholesale Jobbing
home and office building.
Mr. Douglai has long considered the
advisability of a Jobbing house, not
only for the purpose of supplying his
own retail stores more readily, but that
the 11,000 dealers throughout the
United fiUtss handling tho W. L.
Douglas shoes might be able to obtain
shoes for Immediate use with greater
The new building is said to be tbs
most complete and convenient of any
ever built for a commercial house In
the United States, so were tho expres
sion! of appreciation by tho many per
oons who visited it for Inspection sin.
cere and of a highly congratulatory na
ture. Archltertural beauty aa well as
adaptability to the usee to which it is
to be put has been the aim in construe
tlon, and the result Is most satisfactory,
to the visitor as well aa tho firm.
Jlmttinnlilit ItitoiiKh.
"And what Are you coins lo do whrn
you're a iiinul" noknl the visitor.
"I've bent thinking," replied the bright
boy, "of atartlng an elephant farm In
"An elephant form?"
"Certainly, Why not? They rnle pea
nuts there." l'hllnilelphla Ledger.
An UlKlilreii-Klorf .-y VnrU Hlrni'-Inri-
nil n ttUn'M) Vrrl.
On (In int iaK'iihu plm of Inmt
In tin1 uorlil 11 Hiiliiic HkjHrniiMT Ih
Ih-Iiik built nt No. 1 Wnll direct, Ww
York City. Tin) nr
clilti-clH In whom
llinluillilliig wmhIii
triiKUil lima n pux
r.lo priwcntcd tn
them, Tim plot of
ground on which
they were to plnu
wiih only ,'llt feet
10 luclifK ilci'ii nml
-!! feet 10 IiicIicm
wide, hut It liml
Cot f 1, 100,000. or
nboiitf OfXl n iwHinru
foot, mid It wna
iiecery to place
It the wonderful rahtnf powder of the
Wave Circle. Thouundi of women are
bilntlng ciciter health and better food
into their homes by wing K C Dakinf
1'owder. CojIi Jutt one-tliltd what you
alwa)s pay. II you have never uicd It
ynu don't know what youVc misted.
Don'luaitl Alleioceti.
25 ounces for 25 cents
Th artltllo " Hook of l'rMnU "
DJl. W. A. W1HK
Wlin HUM JuM rliltit and tatltrkctory lo
tli i"cr In tvrry wy. la a llilnir ny
ilrnlUl onn roniiifttu to Uon. Il'a
on 1 1 Hi iiriHliiil nr iwenttftli orniury
di-mlil'X IVilmi you'ro dill uilng on
oflli OKI nnet, Huo you Ut ui tliow
yuuai'illutuil plaUT
WISE BROS., Dentists
t'allliiK llulldlir. Ildril ami Whliiiton
I A, M. lo I'. M. Hubdayt lo II
Mala SUM
umu this tiny plot a building which
would return In rent n fair lutercat on
till nat auiu.
All thi'se problems tiinde the work
of the architects iK-cullnrly dlttlcult.
They plnnnetl an etghtevn-atory build
ing. It foiindntlou rcatlug on IxHl-rock,
rlliig 10 feet nhovo the ahk-wnlk,
Tho Mrt'hltccta iilnnuiil one ofllco for
eiifh floor, nnd In order that thwe of
tlci might not I "polled by pHlnra and
ill tiling wnlln omlttisl all lutonuil cul
tiiiuia, reljlng uKu n stel frame, net
eiitlllenlly brnnil. to wltliKtnuit the
wind or tho eflrthuke, tor nil aup
jHirt. Thla friiuio will be coieml with
n akin of Mone.
It required mime Ingenuity to titlllre
every Inch of apnee, hut thla wna ex
seiitlnl, for land nt $(KX) n t"iunre foot
tuny not lie waatctl. On ench floor nre
to Ik toilet nxim for meu and woineu.
telegrnph. tek-iloiM) nnd electric light
wire. mvr, tleker service, meaaetiger
nml polliv rails. Knelt floor la to U'
ventilated with n seclal!y dwlgncil np
liarntua, which ketin the air pure and
cool without opening window, for In
such a building draughts would bo In
evitable were the widow alone to be
rolled uon for ventilation.
The plot on which thla building Is to
atnnd la nlxitit the most raluahle bit
of land In the world. The orlglunl
owner held It for n long time, nnd
ninny yenra ngo n wotild-bo huyt-r offer
iil to Mtvt the plot with allrer dollars
nnd give them na ta price. The owner
wna at tint Inclined to nrcept this
offer, but on figuring on It n while
ti Id ho would not aell for lcs money
tluui would nave It with gold dollnni.
This proNiitlou wna rejectwl. Mnny
offerH have been mnde nil ice, but none
of them came up to the owner's Idea of
It vnlue until mime. Ht. Ixurla rapltnl
Uta. who now own It, nindo tlw offer
of fl, 100,000, which wna ncivptetl. So
fnr nt can lie lenrned, no other piece of
bind eer brought no high n price.
Tho tntnl lineatment will Im $3,100,
000. Owiiitk of ollk-o buildings exjieot
to get 10 ier cent n yenr In tvnta,
which, nfter pnylng Interest nnd ex
peiiHvs of ninuiigeiiieut, leaves them
only nliotit four jkt cent. Therefore,
the ownera tiiUHt get &10,000 a year
for the eighteen floors, or more than
J'JS.OOO a floor. This menns that for
Iom tlinn 1,200 mjunr feet of ofllco
room ii tenant must pay more thnu fl!3
n mjuaro foot
I111 I ' !f '
pih efm pm f
l- - . ;.m&
-w-'TW n Bv' Ku3
I le l"jL$r. , ZJ
The Ingredients that enter into S. S. S. and the method of com
binincf and preparing them so that they build up and strengthen
every part of the body, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is nature's
remedy PURELY VEGETABLE and while it is restoring the lost appe
tite, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which
warn us that it is necessary- to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste
matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it
in perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow.
opnng is me season wiicn most, every
one needs a tonic. It is nature's time for
renewing nnd changing; and as everything
puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation,
the earth thaws out from its winter freezes,
and all respond to Spring's call to purge
and purify thcmscl'-cs, there is a great
change also takes p'acc in our bodies. The
blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and
accumulations which have formed in the
system, and been absorbed by it, from the
inactive winter life, and calls upon every
member to assist in the elimination. The
system is often unequal to the struggle, the
appetite grows fickle, the energies give way,
the spirits are depressed, and a general run
down condition is the result.
Then the body must have assistance-
it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic,
and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Beincr made
entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it docs m
not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on the market,
which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and
digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S- S. tones up
the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids thesystcm of that
always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re
establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms
the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S.
gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use wc can find our
selves with as hearty, hungTy an appetite in Spring as at any other season.
It acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy,
and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili
tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of
the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing thek trouble, as well as
for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do not
experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one
endorsed by the best people all over the country 5. 5. S THE GREATEST OF ALL
TONIOS. It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every
point, that the right remedy be used one that is especially adapted to the condition, and
S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign
of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of
the season will not be felt as wanner weather comes on.
I have used 8. 8. 8. quito extensively and unhesitatingly
recommend it as tho beat blood purifier nnd tonlo mad.
I am a machinist by trade and at one time my system was
bo run down that by 10 o'clock every day 1 would be com
pletely exhausted, and It was with tho greatest effort that
1 could pull through the balance of the day. Since taking
8. 8 8., however, all thla has disappeared. I am a strong,
vigorous man, abundantly ablo to rib my day's work, my
appetite has been whetted cp so fat I can eat anything,
my sleep Is sweet and refreshing, and. I know further that
It has purified my blood and put It In good condition. I
oannot apeak too highly of your great remedy, 8. 8. 8.
817 W. Broad St., Columbus, O. A. B. MONTGOMERY.
On two oooaslons I have used S. 8. 8. in the spring with
fine results. I can heartily recommend It as a tonlo and
blood, purifier. I was troubled with headache. Indigestion
and liver troubles, which all disappeared undor the use of
8. 8. 8. My appetite, whloh was poor, was greatly
helped. I can eat anything I want now without fear of in
digestion, and my blood haa been thoroughly oleansed of
all Impurities and made rloh and strong again. As a tonlo
and blood purifier It la aU you olaim for It.
71 E. Main St., Springfield, O. MR8. O. WIEOEL.
"I would Ilka you to meet my young
friend, Mr. Ooogerly."
"I would lovo to meet him."
"He would mnke you a husband of
whom you need never Ik? Jealous,"
"(Iraclous, Is ho that ugly." Houston
no rtraeinainnrr.
' The Young Msn (at the otfctr end of
the aofn) Ur It lin't true, I hope, Mla
1'lrtle, that you told Mia Uaw-slp I was
a a sardine.
The Younc Woman If I did, Mr.
Falntart, I take It back. You're not the
least bit In the world like a sardine. You
seem to bo terribly afraid you are crowd
ing aomtbody. Chleaso Tribune.
A Nluiplr I.llirnrjr l'Mate.
Having noticed tunny recipes for
milking "library atnrch" for ecrnp
IkjoUb. etc., 1 wnnt to glvo your render
n very almplo one, nnd tho very boot
I ever liennl of. I Imvo several
very valuable sernpliookn, smooth, dur
able nnd artistic In nppenrauce, and
Iiiiio had much experleneo with differ
ent kinds of paste. Use common laun
dry atnrch, prepared by tho same proe
exs ns for lnundry ue, only very thick.
It will keep Indefinitely and grows bet
ter with nge. Kxclmnge.
I'oelry . I'roae,
"If you lovo me, darling, tell mo with
your eyes."
Tlmt'a tlio way tho old non goes,
Hut, wo 11 ml, tho darlings, -when Uiey
uinko replica,
Very often niwwer with their "noea."
Tho Cnthollo Standard nnd Tlmra.
Unthtriwlll And Ur-. Yflnilow'i Poolhlnr
Fyrup the txit remedy touie for their children
during in ueiauif riM-
An Advantage.
"You claim that your (lying machine
Is superior to tho automobile"
"But It has never left terra flrma
as yet."
"That's the point; It doesn't kill
anybody nor violate tho. speed regula
tions." Washington Star.
Cremation establishments, under the
control of the government, nre to be
found In the chief cities of Japan.
2TATorOiiio.Crrror toudo, I ..
Lccta i'ocktt. I "
FaiXK i. CHKKKV makes oath that b I
Mnlor partner ot the Arm of K. J. ChenitA
Co.,doliit builutMln the City of Toledo, Coun
ty and Stale aforc.aid, and that ild Arm will
pay the.uraotONE lll'.SDKKD DOLLAKS for
each and every case ol Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use ol lUlL'a Catarrh Ci-rc.
Sworn to before me and subtcrtted In ray
prtience, thUCthdayol Drremter, A P., ISM.
wr fully warranted. 113ft. All ! ni
it) ! at lowest price. Writ for catalog.
Portland, Orcgftiu
lltnv Nlio Kuevr,
Lady (to now nuild) You'll hnvo to
wnlt n little longer for your wages,
Maid 1 thought ns much Inst night
when you didn't dlschnrgo mo. Trona
lnted for Tales from Meggendorfcr
Soiuo. peoplQ.ha.vo. a. good tlmo do
uuiiidliig their rights.
Since Using Doan's Kidney Pills Not
n Single Stone Has Formed.
Capt. 8. L. Crute, Adjt. Win. Watts
wmp, U. C. V., Itonnoke, Va., saya:
"i euitoreu a long,
long time with my
back, nnd felt Crag
gy and listleB and
tirod all Uio time.
I lost from my us
ual weight, 225 to
170. Urniary pas
sages wore too fre
quent and I had to
get up olteu at
night. I had head
aches and diazy
spoils also, but my i
worst Buffering was f.otn renal chollc.
Alter I began using Doan'a Kidney Pills
i paBBou a graven atone as Dig aa a
bean. Biuce then I have never had an
attack of gravel, and have picked up to
my former health and weight. I am a
well man, and give Doau'b Kidney Pills
credit for It."
Bold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Fojt.r.Mllhurn Co.. Huffalo. N. Y.
.. ,. -? --( -- .
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and
act directly on th blood and mucoui surface
ol the irtem. Bend fur trsllmonlaU. Ire.
P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Pruril.n. Tie.
Uall'i Vamllr 1111s aro the beat.
It Is estimated that some f2.C00.000,
000 worth ot gold has been found during
the last ten years.
TITO Kl- Vitus Pane and all Jferrous D1.m
lllo rrmiinlljr curd by Dr. Kliiw'a
Mrr itrlorr. Send ft r KllKK 1 trUI bottL and
Irtatlsc. Ur. It. lLKIInr, I4..I4I Arch BL, l-blla.,1'.
Her Where did you ever learn
write such beautiful love letters?
Him In a correspondence school.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears tho
And Doublle AVI1I.
Hat, drink and be merry to-day," said
tha fool.
"Why sol" asked the sage.
"For to-morrow the price may go up."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
HOWAllD E. nUIlTON. Assayer and Chemist.
Leattvllle, Colorado, bpeoliutn prlcrsi Uold,
miver,lad,lt Oold, tillrvr.TSoi OoM.tOui Zlnoor CjnMa trots. MaUlnernvloM-and
full Mice list sent ou application. Control aud I'm-
1lr work solicited, lle(ervnct CubonalD Ka
loual luuk.
T1IK DAISY VJVY KIM Kit destroy; altth
niv auu anorus
home-In dining
room, leelnir
room and all
tilaoe whin
neat and will
not soil or lu
lu r anything.
Tvv thm Anr.
. . .. ".- -TT- -
and you III nevr be witnout mem, irnot kept or
dsaUrtsent prepaid for 20c. Harold Boutara,
iW VIMH K1 .'t
t i iii
Dr. G. Gee Wo
This wonderful Chi.
net Doctor Is called
trral beraus b curt
pe4 without oir
lion that ar Un up
to dl. It eurs with
lbo woudtrful Cnt
ns tiertM. roots, budj,
barks and vtblr
bat ar ntlrlr -known
to medical sci-
.nr In ibis cunutry Tliroojlj lb ih or tboss
harmlru rrmrdUs this famous doctor knows
lb cllou of ovr 100 different remrdtn which
h successfully use In dlBVrtnl dUeaMS. U
(Usrantr to cur catarrh, asthma, lunf, Ihroal.
rhtuiuallsw, iicrTousuru, stomach, liver, kid
neys, etc. i has hundreds of testimonials.
Charit moderate. I all aud f hlnu I'aUeoU
out or th city writ lor blankr and circulars,
bend sump. CU.NSULTAIION yilKU
16IH first St.. S. C. Cor. MorrUsa
Urntloa paper. PORTLAND. OREGON.
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses In Portland of RaawO
tentative Business Nrmi.
MAOIC LANTK11NS-, Wetster Co, KrtlsJk
lst price on Lanterns and Slide.
Iiolistn or all kind for aal at very rasoaaola
prices. Inquire IJ front bb
UlKAM HKI-AIIATOllS-W ruarante th U.S.
beparator lo be tb best. Writ tcr ft- cataloc.
Uaielw ood Co., t Uh and Oak.
MKM'BCt.OTllI.N'U lluffum A Peodleion. tot
aaenta Alfred llenlamln A Co.'a correct clothes,
tv.ry tiling la men' furnishings. Morrison and
blub street. Opposite postomesv
I'OULTUY OOD if you want your hen to lay
mora eftawrluu for frv particular about PIT
lll.NA lOULTHY iKtlla-Acui atlUt Co,
1-orUand, Ortgon.
1-IANOS OHOANH Oldfstplsno house on Pa.
cIDo coast. Organs and I'lanoa on easy paymeota.
Writ fur list Let us quote you a price. AUeadt
UUberl-llaiuaker Co, Peril and, Oregon.
WANTKD Men and Women to learn Iiarber trad
In eight weakst sradualea earn mm U to 1
weekly expert lutiruclorti catalog frri Moles
bystein of CoUegts, U K. fourth St., l'ortland.
plete course and iosltloii secured when graduated
1 hit oft.r good only for short tlin. Writ roe par
ticular. I'Al'lHOTKLKUltAi'U INBt'lTUTki
uraud Theatra Uulldlng, l'ortland, Otegon.
P. N. U.
No. 27-04
HEN wrltlnr to(lTertUcravle4
wiHUHu iui pfr