!l For The Term ofjSis Natural Life j By MARCUS CLARICE j CHAPTER XXlV.-Contlnucd. Between Kaglchnwk nml Signal II 111 were, for the absconders, other danger. Alone the Indented const of Tort Huncho were constables' station, anil to avoid them It would t necessary to mntce a circuit Into tho scrub. Unwilling a he was to low time, John Hex saw that to attempt to run the gauntlet of these four station, would be destruction, lie ranged his men In single file: and, quit ting the road near Norfolk Hay, made ntratght for the Neck. After nearly two hours of4ialnftiI progress, Jemmy Vetch stopped and whispered them to approach. They were on a sandy rise. To the let was a black object a constable's hut to the right wns a dim white line the ocean; in front was a row of lamps and between every two lamps leaped r.nd ran a dusky, Indistinct body. Jem my Vetch pointed with hU lean fore finger. "The dogs!" Distinctively they crouch down, lest ereu at that distance the two sentries. so plainly risible lu the red light of tho guard house fire, should see them. "Well," said Oabbett, "what's to be dono now J" As he spoke, a long, low howl broke from one of the chalued hounds, nnd the whole kennel burst Into hideous outcry. John Hex, who perhaps was the. brav est of the party, shuddered. "They have smelled us," he said. "We must go on. Make for the right-hand side of tic Jetty. I think I see a boat there. It Is our only chance now. Wo can never break through the station. Are we ready? Now! All together." Oabbett was fast outstripping the oth ers by some three feet of distance. There were eleven dogs, two of which were placed on stages set out in the water, and they were so chalued that their mu ul os nearly touched. The giant leaped Into the line, and with a blow of his ax split the skull of the beast on his right. This action unluckily took him within reach of the other dog, which seized him by the thigh. "Fire!" cried McNab, from the other side of the lamps. The giant uttered a cry of rage and pain, and fell with the dog under hint. It was, however, the dog that had pulled Mm down, and the musket ball Intended for him struck Travers in the Jaw. The unhappy villain fell. (tabbett clutched the mastiff's throat with Iron hand, nnd forced him to loose Ms hold: then bellowing with fury, seiz ed his ax, and sprang forward, mangled as he was, upon the nearest soldier. Jemmy Vetch had been beforehand with Mm. Uttering a low snarl of hate, he fired, and shot the sentry through the breast. The others rtthcd through the now broken cordon and made headlong for the boat. "Fools'" cried Hex, behln.l them. "Ton have wasted a shot! I.ook to your left!" Ilnrgets hurried down the tram-road by his men, had tarried at Signal Hill only long enough to loose the surprised guard from their bonds, and taking the Woody Island boat, was pulling with a fresh crew to the Neck. The re-enforcement was not ten yards from the Jetty. The Crow saw tho danger, and, flinging himself Into the water, desperately seiz ed McXab'a boat. "In with you for your Uvea!" he cried. Another volley from the guard spat tered the water around the fugitives, but In the darkness the lll-almed bullets fell harmless. Uabbett swung himself over the sheets and seized an oar. "Cox, Ilodenham. Oreenblll! Now, push her off! Jump, Tom. Jump!" an J rs Burgess leapl to land, Cornelius was dragged over the stern, and the whale lioat floated Into deep water. McNab. seeing this, ran down to the water side to aid the commandant. "Lift her over the 1m r. men!" he shouted. "With a will so!" And. rais ed In twelve strong arms, the pursuing craft slid across the Isthmus. Then, for the firm time, the six pris oners, fairly In the net again, became aware that John Hex was not among them. At 8 o'clock the next morning the Pretty Mary stood out to sea with ev ery stitch of canvas set alow and aloft. Tho skipper's fishing had come to an end. He had caught a shipwrecked sea man, who had been brought on board at daylight and was then at breakfast In the cabin. The crew winked at each other when the haggard mariner, attired In garments that seemed remarkably well preserved, mounted the side. Hut they, none of them, were lu a position to controvert the skipper's statement. "Where are we bound for?" asked John Hex. "I'm entirely in your hands, my worthy Illunt." ' "My orders are to cruise about tho whaling grounds until I meet my con sort," returned Illunt, "and put you aboard her. She'll take you back to Sydney. I'm victualed for a twelve month's trip." "Hight!" cried Rex, clapping bis pre server on the back. "I'm bound to get to Sydney somehow; but, as the Philis tines are abroad, I may as well tarry lu Jericho till my beard be grown. Don't stare at my scriptural quotation," he nddid, Inspirited by creature comforts, aud secure amidst bis purchased friends. "I assure you that I've bad the Tory best religious Instruction. Indeed, It U chiefly owing to my worthy spiritual pastor and master that I am enabled to smoke this very villainous tobacco of yours at the present moment," OHAPTKH XXV. Tho lost son of Sir Hlchard Devine hail returned to England and made claim to his name and fortune, lu other words, John Hex had successfully car ried out the scheme by which ho bad usurped the rights of his old convict comrade. John Hex often wondered at the strange ease with which he had carried, out so monstrous and seemingly difficult an Imposture, After he was landed h Sydney by tho vessel which Sarah Pur foy had sent to save him, ho found him self a slave to a bondage oarcelr less galling than that from which he had escaped the bondage of enforced com panionship with an unloved woman. Tho opportune death of one of her assigned servants enabled Sarth Purfoy to In stall the escaped convict In his room. In the strange state of society which pre vailed of necessity In Now South Wales at that period, It was not unusual for assigned servants to marry among the free settlers, and when It was hoard that Mrs. Purfoy, the widow of a whal ing captain, had married John Carr, her storekeeper, transported for embezzle meut. and with two years of his sen tence yet to run, no one expressed sur prise. Indeed, when, the year after. John Carr blossomed as an "expiree," master of n fine wife and a tine fortune, there were many about him who would have mad his existence In Australia pleasant enough. Hut John Hox bad no notion of remaining longer than he could help, and ceaselessly sought menu of escape from his second prison house. For a long time hi search wns unsuccess ful. Much a she loved the scoundrel, barah Purfoy did not scruple to tell him that she had Iwught him. ami regarded urn as her property. He knew that If he made any attempt to escape from nJ, marrlago bonds, the woman who had risked so much to save him would not hesitate to deliver him over to the au thorities. t "J no.w r" ,Wt care for m now. John, she said, with grim complacen cy; "but your life is In my hands, and ir you desert mo I will bring you to the gallows." In vain. In his secret eagerness to be rid of her. he raged and chafed. He was tied hand and foot. She held his money, and her shrewd wit had moru man iiouoicil It. She was all-powerful, and he could but wait until her death or some lucky accident should rid him i uer. ami leave nlui free to follow out tho scheme he had matured. "Once rid of her," he thought. In hi solitary ride over the station of which fan was thn nominal owner, "the rest Is eay. I shall return to England with a plausible story of shipwreck, and shall doubtless be re ceived with open arms by the dear mother from whom I have been so long parted. Hlchard Devine shall have bit own again." One day the chance came to him, His wife was III. and the ungratefuj scoundrel stole five hundred pounds, and. taking two horses, reached Sydney, and obtained passage lu a vessel bound for Hio. Having escaped from thralldom. John Hex proceeded to play for the great stake of his life with the utmost caution This was the tale he hit upon: He had been saved from the burning Ilydsspes by a vessel bound for HIo. Ignorant of the death of Sir Hlchard, ami prompted by the pride which was known to be a leading feature of his character, he had determined not to return, until fortune should have bestowed upon him wealth at least equal to the Inheritance from which he had been ousted. lit Spsulsh America he had striven to accumulate that wealth In vain. As traveler, specu lator, sailor, he had tolled for fourteen years, and had failed. Worn out end penitent, he had returned home (o Hud a corner of Kngllsh earth In which to lay his wnary bones. The tale was plausible enough, and In tho telling of it he was armed at all points. There was little tMT that the navigator of tho captured Osprey. the man who had lived In Chill, and "cut out" cattle on the Carnim Plain, would prove lacking In knowl edge of riding, seamanship, or Spanish customs. Moreover, he had determined upon a course of action which showed his knowledge of human nature. The will under which Hlchard Devine Inherited had been made when the tes tator was In the first hopeful glow of paternity. Hy Its term I.ady Devine was to receive a life Interest of three thousand a year In her husband's prop erty which was placed In the hands of two trustees until her eldest sou died, or attained the age of twenty-five years, When either of these events should oc cur, the property was to be realized, Lady Devine receiving a sum of a hun dred thousand pounds, the remainder go ing absolutely to the son, If living. The trustees appointed were Lady Devlne's father, Col. .Wotton Wade, and Mr, Si las Kuald, Sir Hlchard' solicitor. Col. Wade, before bis death, had appointed bis own son, Mr. Francis Wade, to act In his stead. When Mr. Quald died Francis Wade continued alone In hU trust. Sir Richard's sister and her hus band, Anthony Frere, of Ilrlstol, were long ago dead, and their representative, Maurice Frere, content at last In the lot that fortune bad sent him, had given up all thought of meddling with his un cle's boslnsss. John Her, therefore, In the person of the returned Hlchard, had but two psraons to satisfy Mr. Fran cis Wad and Lady Devine. This a found to be the easiest task possible, ' Francis Wade was an Invalid virtuoso, who detested business, nnd whoso ambition was to bo known n. it man of tnsto. The possessor of it small Independent Income, ho hud resided ut North Knd over slnco his father's death. When, nt his Mister's urgent wish, ho assumed tho solo responsibility of tho ostnte, no put all tiio floating capital Into three per cents, nml was content to seo tho Interest accumulate. Lady Do vino had never recovered tho shock of th circumstances attending Sir Hlchard' death, and clinging to the belief In her sous existence, regarded herself a the mere guardian of his Interests, to bo displaced at any moment by his sudden return. Tho retired pair lived thus to gether, and spent In charity nnd brle-n-brao about n fourth of their mutual In come. Hy both of them the return of the wanderer was hailed with delight. To Lady Devine It meant the realization of a lifelong hope. To Francis Wade It meant relief from tho responsibility of looking after another person's money. "I shall not think of Interfering with the arrangements which you have made, my dear uncle," said Mr. John Hex, on tho first night of his reception. "It would be most ungrateful of mo to do so. My wants aro very few, and can easily bo supplied. I will seo your lawyers spine day, and settle It." "See them at once. Hlchard: see I hem nt once. I am no man of business, you know, but I think you will find nil right." Hlchard, however, put off tho visit from day to day. He desired to have as little to do with lawyer n possible. Ho had resolved upon his course of ac tion. Ho would get money from bis mother for Immediate needs, and when that mother died he would assort his rights. "Mr rough life has unfitted me for drawing room, dear mother," he said. "Do not let there be n display about my return, (live the a corner to smoke my pipe nnd I am happy." tady t'cvme, wun a loving, tender pity, for which John Hex could not altogether account, consented, and "Mr. Hlchard" soon came to be regarded ns n martyr 10 circumstances, a man conscious of hi own Imperfections, ami one whose Imper fection. were, therefore, to lie lightly dwelt upon. So the returned prodigal had hi own suite of rooms, his own servants, his own bank account, nnd was merry. Thu taken upon trust, Mr. Hlchard Devine mixed In tho very best of bad so clety, and had no lack of agreeable friends to help him to spend hi money. So admirably did he spend It, that Fran cis Wade became at last alarmed at the frequent drafts, and urged his nephew to bring bis affairs to a final settlement. Hlchard Devine In Paris, or Hnmbiirg, or I.oudon, or elsewhere could never be got to nttack business, ami Mr. Francis Wnde grew more ami more anxious. The jKJor gentleman positively became III through the anxiety consequent upon his nephew's dissipations. "I wish, my dear Hlchard, that you would let me know what to do," ho wrote. "I wish, my dear uncle, that you would do what you think best," was the nephew's reply. Mr. Wade began to repent of his too easy taking of matters In the beginning. Not that he had a suspicion of Ilex, but that he remembered that Dick was al ways a loose fish. He grew pale anil hollow eyed. His digestion was Impair ed. He ceased to take the Interest In china which tho importance of that arti cle demanded. In n word, he grew de spondent ns to hi fitness for his mission in life. Lady Hllluor saw a change lu her brother. She wrote a long letter to Mr. Hlchard, who was at Paris, anil begged him to come over at once. Mr. Hlchard replied that some horse racing matter of great Importance occupied his attention, but that he would be at his town house on the 14th, and would "go Into matters." "I have lost a good deal of money istely, my dear mother," said Mr. Hlchard, "and the present will be a good opportunity to make a final settle ment." The fact was that John Hex, now three year In undisturbed posses sion, considered that the moment had arrived for the carrying off at one swoop of the whole of the fortune he had gam bled for. Tho town house of Mr. Hlchard De vine was decorated In conformity with the tastes of Its owner. The picture were pictures of horse; the book were records of race, or novels purporting to. describe sporting life. Mr. Friuiol Wade, waiting for the coming of his nephew, sighed ns he thought of the cul tured quiet of North Km) House. Mr. Hleliard appeared In his dressing gown. Three years of good living had deprived his figure of It athletic beauty. He was past forty years of age, and the sudden cessation from severe bodily toll had Increased Hex's natural prom-ties to fat, ami Instead of being portly ho had become gross, HI cheek were Inflamed with the frequent application of hot and rebellious liquors to his blood. HI hands were swollen, and not so steady ns of yore, ni whiskers were streaked with unhealthy gray. Ills eyes, bright nml black as ever, lurked In n thicket of crow's feet. He had beeomo premature ly bald. He spoke with nssumed heart iness, In a boisterous tone of affected ease, "Ha, ha! My dear uncle, sit down. Delighted to seo you. Have you break fasted? of course you have. I was up rather lato Inst night. Quite sure you won't have anything? No then sit down nnd tell mo all the news of Hamp stead." , "Thank you, Hlchard," said (he old gentleman, a little stlllly, "but I want some serious talk with you. What do you intend to do with the property? This Indecision worries me. Kltber re lieve me of my trust, or be guided by my advice," "Well, the fact Is," said nichard, with a very ugly look on bis face, "I am much pushed for money. Th fact Is, that that I am tbluking of selling every thing." Te fee eectlastsU ssag$Ek lrnnrr with Hlevator. Hero's a plan of ttraiiury to hold il.iKMl buahols of grain ; tho walls aro of stone, mid mi elevator Is arranged to work by horso Mvir. A granary to liuld B.UOO bushel will require to l 'i foot by 8 ftvl lualdo. Till wUI Klvo six bins, size 15 foot by 7 foot, mid 11 foot high. This will ulmt allow for it pus siigo uoro tin tiilibllo of tho building 8 foot wide, which will give neve to nil uf tho bin uihI en it lie tics I for cleaning gtaltt, n well us storing Mtimll Imple ments. Tlio Hour idiotiM Ih rnbtod four foot from the ground to make It lr mid convenient for loading grain, ns well us tti provide for ttio elevator, mid lolling below the tloor. Tho wnlU be hg of Mono, should ho 111 feet IiIkIi; this will provide for I foot below the floor, oiiii ftsit for floor, tliou s foot to the plate; this will glc one foot dear over the bin. Tih'tv should Im a (done center wall IetHCtlrvK under the floor to curry the floor Joists, -which will be l'J foot long ami match on middle wall To gHc head noun over the top Joll the nif ahmtld bo n third pitch. Following I the required material l.-ViO feet roniliK. '"'I' Inch. 1.07(1 feet flooring, Inch, to ho laid double. N) JoUM for floor, 1 Inches by 1-' Inchon. 12 feet long, 1.11 feet. 1! Joist over head, '2 Incite by 'J IM-Ixss, IM foot long, nil) foot. tXV) feet lumber for bill, olio Inch. "i I studs, -I Indie by -I Invite, S foot long. lit squuro shingle. l.'iO feet Inch lumber for door. 40 rafters, 1! Inches by 0 Inches', HI foot long. Tu arrange fill elevator for horse power, ii l)v(er that will hold at least ,i0 bushel tJ u m hi lie eillik In ttie floor dose to the door and at olio side to einjty grain I'or the wagon. The ele vator t an ordinary built elevator with buckets itauillug upright and In the rear corner of center bin. The lox at Ixittoui of elevator must l close on the ground to ho connected with tho dollv try lioiNr by a iout, with suillclent slope that the grain will run freely. The elevator will discharge well atxive the upjor Joist Into u ln-er In the center of the building, to which a fun-uel-HliHeil Hmt U attached, Hint can Ur shifted to deliver Into nuy of tho bins. The horse wer slwaild ! plac ed nt the end of the granary, and driv en hy n holt or abaft, utlnit through nn opening lu the wall left for tho pur- 'ST3K7-rij GKAXAIir WITH fflHCII KLKVATOR. pow. Tim details can bo nil worked out by n intvhnnlc, one essential Is to UnvH plenty of alopo for the delivery hopper to Ikjx nt foot of elevator, oven If it tfhoutii ho sunk Into tlio ground a little. Montreal Star. I'or t'nllouaeil Hhnulilrr, A farmer lu North Dakota gives hi method of treatment nnd cure of cal loused shoulder of work homed lu the Dakota Farmer, which ho says ho has used with uniform hiicccnh, iih follows: "I cut a silt lu thu front part of the collar opioslte tho' callous, then cut another silt ut right angles iiitons thu llrst one, I then take out enough of' thu tilling to allow for callous. After soaking fnit) of collar in wurtu water I lay thu front part, where cuta have been mude, on a plunk or something olid, nml ouud fnco of collar whom It presses on callous, with round-faced hnmmor, till n mifllolcut hollow has been made. This plan will work whether collar him hecu used with or wltltout pnd. Then when tho horso Pinion In from work I hatho tho callous In water iih hot as cnu las hornu nnd paint with Idolne. You will find this plan worth trying, and I will Kuurunteo tho collar wll not bo Injured." Alfalfa Heed, The oorurtnntly Increasing acrengo of alfalfa and 4110 high prlco of seed mnke purity and gcrnilnahlllty of tho latter of tho highest Importance, HullWIn No. 1H.1, Just Issued by rho agricultural experiment station, Manhattan, Kan., treati of alfalfa seed and tho various Impurities and dofoots to which It Is liable. Tlio methods of testing availa ble to fanners and seedsmen and more elaborate ones practiced at tfoe station aro described In detail. Tho bullntln U lavishly Illustrated and mix be oi taia4 fret on ftpptioatlon. im-MHH AVnleli for Heeil tiliillernlloii. The work of different experiment stn tlims has shown that a largo number of foreign seeds aro contained In clover mid alfalfa seed, Including tho thai tier, which are so tlcstruiilvn to alfal fa, and u huge number of had weed IkMtM like the narrow plantain, wild mustard mid a Inmt of new weed. One Impure sample of last j ear's cup lily contained thirty two iocle of for elgu seeds, Including both specie of dodder, the plantains, many common weeds, three specie of Western wtod that are new lu Ohio and as many Kumpoan weed that have been here tofore unknown In this State. Atjoast a doreii new wood hate lavn Intro duced Into Ohio lu alfalfa seed during half as ninny years. While this I unacceptable It I still more ho to got only black mcdli-k (yel low trefoil) iilaul a many have done, where (supposed alfalfa seed was sown, lu these time of hlgh-prlccd seed there I temptation to mlultornto with cheap sen Is like the black luedh'k, etc.. which have .cry slight value n foingo plant with us; there Is like dlsHisl tlon to offer weed with ninny weed soiils, at low price. 1 tut Ii these dan ger are real. Intending purchasers of such seed will do well to be assured of their quality. Onllel fur llrsln. One of the most common ns well ns most elllclont irotivlloii for the outlet of a main drain I a plonk box with wire bar placed vertically iicrtMS tho f l'l'lr' l'tl.l'llltl'Mrl JtVlsWnSBBBBllSsaBBBr 4 " J 'KHbHsKIBbMbbHI lUIAlK OITIJ.T. end alxnit two Inches apart. Such a lx should be made of 'Jlui-h plank, II.' feet long nml largo enough to admit of the liiMirtlou of tho tlio Into the iilstT etui. A protection of till kind serviw a double puno. It prevent small nirfmnls rrotu entering the drain nml will not bo damaged by fro-d. NI.I.iliiU llr to Drxlrrs, During the last two year n number or rogue lu different section of the country have boon offering a oiiHldora lie nilvainv on the market price of liny and thousand of ton have been ship' pod to thmo (Mstple for which the pro dutvr received little or no return. With hay, ii with other artldiw of farm produce, It Is usually tot to Ml It a near home as xnnlo. in every farm leg ivntor there are reliable dealers who will pay n fair price for such pro ducts nml pay (qt ennh for them. True, they sell tllein at nil advance, hut It Is almost liiivdhlo for tho grower to reach theo outelde source of demand, hence he can Isitter afford to let the local dealer make a dollar or two tlmn Ihi can to take any chancer! In nhlpplug himself, nnd mpcclnlly to jxsrplo of whom ho know nothing. Tho writer yonrly sell hi sui-phi Iny to a hx-nl liveryman and g.i the cash mi deliv er'. Opportuultttt offer to I wile It mid ship to the city nt an advance, on the lonil price, hut wo have figured that our Inlsir, time and element of risk lu the latter projsodtlou I not warranted by tho higher price, mi tic "let well enough nloue," and It generally pays to do thf. IndlanaiMilU News. I'revriilliiir Cnlnr llual. The iIImcrho called rdar rut, which eprcad to aqiln tree from wlar np pica, commonly curried nu cislar tree, nnd pasture savins, has been Invisdt gated at the Nebraska station with the conclusion that upraylng with bordeaux mixture will keep the disease In chirk, making the ni,illtilloii when tho cedar njidci on etslar tree hIhiw tho orange color, followed with another Hjirayliuj ten days or two weeks later. It Is aUo lecouunenilisl to diwtroy cislar tret or at least to get out the cedar iiplcH for i considerable distance around the or chard. Wlairo Hpraylng is carried on for n(p!o Hnh, etc., the kiiiiio spraying would aiwwer for tho nut Thunder Ntorins nml Hour MIIV, The primary cause of sour milk la tho growth of certain bac-terlii that nru always very numerou.. In tho nlr and rnunot !? kept out of tho milk. Theso nro tnot nhundunt during damp, heavy weather, which usually nccomnnnlcM thunder storms; ns hiicIi weather Is par ticularly favorable to their develop ment. Hence, the popular notion that thunder storm make milk Hour. (Irubn lu cattle nro caused by tho gadfly depositing Its eggs on tho backs of cattle, and tho young larvuo, after Issuing from the egg, boron Its way through tho nnlmnl'n skin nnd romului lodged In tho cellular tissue until It attains maturity. Tho grub may bo de tected by a Bwolllng of tlio skin of tho animal. The swelling should lm squeezed, which will cause Uio larvae to bo ejected. If It is not easily ro moved, a small opening should be made In tho skin with a ahnrp-polnted knlfo, and tho larvae may then be sxtrnctod with a curved needle. V js4MrQH iWasssssiPMPlk If AssP lluleli Allele (sits. Two cupful of flour, one egg, otto scant cupful of sweet milk, one half teasiNioiiful of salt, three tcasiiooufui of Imklng Mwder, one fourth of a cup ful of butter, two tablespooufuls of sugar, one-fourth of a tens-ioouful of cinnamon, and four sour apple. Mix ami sift the dry Ingredient, put lu Ilia butter, add milk mid wcll-bcittcu egg. Have the dough soft enough to spread easily on a shallow baking pan, making It one half mi Inch thick. Cut sonic ap ple Into eh-hths, reuniting skin mnl cores, and pre the section Into thu dough lu parallel rows. Mix spice with sugar and sprinkle oxer the rows of ap ple. Hake In it moderately hot ou-u for about thirty minutes. SIihiio of I'mites, Till I cieolully suitable for III valid and old -M-oplc. Htnue one mid n half iMHiinl of prune, put thorn Into a slew pan, and itor them with "ild water. l.et them IhiII for about a min ute thou strain off the water through u slow. Pour a little mid water mcr the prune, ha-io ready a Jolly made of half an ounce of gelatine, a pint of water, and three ounce of brown su gar Season with almond, and boll for the minute then strain. Arm a so M prunes lu a casserole mold, Hir Id I Ihi Jolly, mid sot It lu a cool plaiv to ! iiilile llnil, The hole III llw center of the mold may Ui tilled with whliMd cream. Klletiriirr' Soup, Take four ouneo barley, two ounce oatmeal, three onion, one tabbM-smii fill dripping, two ounces of iMcou, threa ipmrt of stock from Innie. Hnk the barley for an Ihhit or two, and put It on to Ml III 'the stock. Add Urn unions chapped up. alHl let It ImiI for two hours. Cut tho Imiihi up In small prices, nml put tho dripping In a satnv mu to get hiI. Pry Ih Imoiii In It, ami then put lu the oatmeal, ami fry It nlo till It I erli. Add some of tie. soup, ami stir till It I well mixed and smooth, mnl thou -xiur It all Into th )t. Season with salt nml Miner. nnd lot It nil simmer for half an Imur. Ilriip lllarulls, Hlght eggs, one iMiumi of sugar, twelve nunrv of lt flour ami a few caraway si-eds. If liked. Ilat tin- egg well and add the sugar. reMHt the heating Hint sift lu the flour by degree. Continue the l-oailng fur an hour with out ceasing. Flour Mime baking sheets, nml drop the mixture by sioouful on the sheet, allowing spare Im-Iwcou Ilia cakes for swelling. Put them In tho oven ns quickly as Milhe, nml when they have risen move the baking sheet to n cooler part of the iiveu until they nro of a golden color and coated (iter with a white Icing, Trl.e smilr. Two pound of trlM, on miih! of onion, some stock, a little butter, a tnhles-iooiiful of chnpNl -Htrstoy and one of vinegar, apM-r and salt. Slew the trlMt In the stock until tender, cut It In small piece, and fry them lu butler, season with icM,ier and salt. Slice tl tilon and fry I hem, ami thou simmer them In the stock lu which tin trlM was Nillcd. When cookiil add them to the irla. with the vinegar ami paraley; simmer for a minute or two, ami serve tory hut. .11 lure I'mlillntr. Half iNiutid of cold moMt (any kind) lliiely minced, two nunc- bread crumbs, lieppor mid salt to taste, two ounces of nuked rleu or macaroni cut small. I(cat up an egg, mid add with a tcm-upful of stock. Thicken with half ounce of Hour, and tin vim' with minced herb if I'kod, Llim u thickly hultcr.il basin with broad crumbs, (lit with mince, ami atrew over iiHire bread crumb, llak.i for an hour, or steam If liked better. Turn out and serve with goial gravy. I'riine MnmiMlNile, Take six Hue. huge mill; Intf mules. iare, plunge lu cold water, thou put over tho lire together with tho Juice of iwo leuinim ami a imir pound 0f sugar. Wllell StOWI'll. Mill! mill hIiiiih I.e. mnl A half iMiuudH of prunes and stew with thu apples, taking care that thero Ii lulllclent water to keep them from burn. Ing. When thoroughly cooked, heat It through it Htraluer mid turn Into Jars to keep for use. Tomnli) Nniire, Twolvo tomatoes, peeled: ono good. sized onion and three green peppers, chopped; add one toiiHixmnful each of cloves, cinnamon nnd salt, grnto In a nutmeg cover with ono teacupful of sugar and two of vinegar nnd Ml alow' ly for nu hour, keeping well ntlrrod. Mock Whipped Cream for KllllnS. Tflko 0II0 llirgn nnilt- nnnln nrw.ln.l mid grntcd, ono run white auonr. white of ono egg, Heat nil together n long time. Dinvor with vanilla. Uso Ilka whipped creum.