.,, .,... 'iwitrfK " tw ' ' M ' . -y " ", j-1 - LOCAL I'il'I'S. , Nell .Smllli wns in Hend from liis ' up-river ranch lnt Wudnujtdiiy. V. II. Abels of MudniH was a 'Uend caller the first of the week. ., Ice cream sodas can now be ob tained at the jxwloffice store. i.-tf u C. S. Wilnon of Ketlmoml has , bum i vUltltiK in Iluud during the weuk. J. II. I Inner of Irltivllle wan HttondiiiK to Inndim-M in Hend Momluy . , Mr. John Wetiundy joined her , ''lUuilmntl in Hend ImnI TuemUy from her former home in Montana J. C. Lewis nd ItirUvvodiiiiRlilei left for Redmond Tlnnwlity after hii outing on the river above Hend. The temiieralnre this wink vie a follows: Stimlny 90, Monday M, Ttiuwlny 00, Wediief-dny 90, Tliiirn liny 05. The Uend Livery : Trmmfer Co. UbttildiiiK n new otore 1 00m for luqtl noitli ul their barn, dituennion 2..Co. ., Mb Kthcl Chapman went out to the Mlnor-Jone camp on the Turn hIo yetUerrlay afternoon for two day' outing. Mia IUImI ltd ward., Miw Scott mid John Itdward drove to Iknd 'from Sintem Tueliy, returiiitiK home Wedneday night. Dr. ('.nil New-toni f KtNltuotMl, J. V. Rutherford and Chawtcy , Ray of I.hhIIhw were catling 011 Iteuil friendN Iwttl .Saturduy. Mrs. it. U. Muncy and dauih tur Hthcl ate exiectejd to arrived in Hend tomorrow. They come from Mfnnetrota to join Mr. Muncy, who is now located here. 1 1 At the, Minor-Jones camp on the Ttimnlo they have n family of pet chipmunk. The littte minimis are . so tnmc that they will run up to a jn:t.ion mid wit out of their hand. 1 Kcv. Father Ilickcy wns in Hend last .Sunday and Monday minister ins to the wants of'the Catholic congregation. There is some talk of , procuring the old school house as a place of worship for this congre Ration. A party cotusoned of T. Sharp, jr., J. N. Coghlan, and I)rs. K. T. Tucker and W. S. Brewster of .'Portland have been spending the pnjj week enjoying an outing at up-river point. Part of the week, they were accompanied by J. C. Lewis of the I). I. & V. Co. and his two daughters. J. O. Johnston and family, II. I). Turney nml several others in all 11 pnrty of nine. will arrive in Ilpuil next Sunday for a May of beveral '1 weeks. The club houses have been renovated and made ready for their coming. A I). I. & 1. Co's man left with C. A. Chapman's team Thursday to meet the party nt Shauikn. TiTo Central Ore gon Banking Trust Company INtoHrOHATM) lo Capital 523,000 00 Transacts a (leileral Umik InKiUiiblness. Acts as Administrator,' lix ccutor or Trustee of Estates Issues Drafts and Hank Money Orders on all Purely" Countries. Interest on Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Boxes. Fire Insurance. DIKUCTORSi A. M, Drnke, A. I,, (iootlwlllle President, Vice l'ren, J. M. I.Awrcnce, Secretary. I'. O. Minor. LVhIiIoi-. C ' s .S?iM r' During July, AtiKtist and Sep teuiher, the Central Oregon Dnnk lujc & Trust Company will close at 2 o'clock each Saturday after noon, ifitf Ovid Riley was in Uend from his river ranch Monday. Mrs. John Ryan is spending n few days in Portland. Ora Hunter of Redmond is visit iiiK in Hend for 11 few days. Mr. and Mrs. IJ. W. I.nkiu ar rived in Hend Monday evening. Karl Wright returned from hi ttip to Portland Itiht Monday ovon-iK- 1. Myers, editor of the Lnid- law Chronicle, wna traiiwictin bus ideas in Hend Weduuftday muriiitig. Have you seen the "CreetiiiKS from Hend" johtHl curds at the pout oflice store? If not secure some for your friends IJast. i.-jtf On Monday seven cowa got into Mrs. C. A. Jones' Harden and ate iverythiiiK in sight, even to the onioni. It is needles to say that Mr. Jones is heartily in favor of the herd law. A. M. Drake left for The Dalle Sunday morning to he preaeut when the arguments aro made be forejudge Uradidinw in the court Iioum iujuuotiou cane. Later he' will go to Portland. Last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lucas gave a very pleasant little 6 o'clock dinner jxirty at their pop ular hostelry, the Pilot Hutte Inn, in honor of the home-coming of Mr. I.akiu and his bride. T. W. Zimiiicrmnnn left last Sun day for Howard, Oregon, where he will take charge of the Gatcwood Mining Co.'s store at that place. The mines arc located about 30 miles east of I'riueville. Mrs. Minor, Miss Jones and Ken neth Minor came to town on Satur day from their camp on the Turn alo. Miss Jones went out on Tues day to look over her timber claim preparatory to making final proof. The jmrty returned to camp Tues day. Last Friday morning Klmcr Mer rill drove with Miss Mabel Hunter and Andy Hunter over the mount ains to Cascadia. Miss Hunter will sjieud about two months visiting friends and relatives in the valley. Mr. Merrill returned to Hend Tues day. Hend jxioplc are jlistly proud of what they can grow in their gar dens. This week P. L. Tompkins brought to The Bulletin office n head of lettuce that measured 16 inches aafoss when the leaves were stretched out. It was a fine speci men, W. 1 Vandevcrt during the past week, shot and killed a .oo pound brown bear up at Crain Prairie. The animal was 0 very old one, Mr. Viuulevert judging it to be about 25 years old. John Elder says that 22 year ago he notched the oar of a brown Iwnr. This old fellow carried a similar notch in hih ear and it in believed it is the same animal. The fatuous Hood River straw berries have met their equal and that at Hend. Last Sunday "Dad" West presented The Hulletiu with n (juart of native grown strawberries that for size, color and flavor can not be excelled anywhere, When ever strawberry plants have been set out by Hend people, the owners report n fine growth aild a good yield for young plants, The Columbia Southern Irriga tion company filed its rules in the court hdtise 011 June 14, They have not been approved by the state laud -board, however, and J,he points at i&sue between the Uu board and this company are still unsettled 'This company's libltf. I. .no nrn x.. Illn ...ni.fr ...!& C Aim !Ujh una - w viiw i-3iamcui lilt iivci and haye Ubthing in ootutnon iVmu titer tompajty. operating at .tfetul and Redmond. MrK. C. II, Krickson was in from their Hear Creek ranch Tuesday. C. M. Redfield and V. J. O'Con nor of Rcdmotld came up to Hend this morning on business. T. A. Hudson of The Dalles, accompanied by his son T. R.., was in Hend Thursday. He came to adjust the insurance due on the Merrill residence, caused by the burning thereof. Chridtiatt Ktulcuvot services next Sunday evening in the church. Subject-"How Can I be a True Kriend." Text: Pro v. 17: 17; 18; 21-. 'Leader Mrs. IS. Ivhtelle Kllis. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Weymouth went out to Hie Tttmalo Saturday and have IWeu occupying the Mill-or-Joww camp during the absence of those familie. They returned Tucwlny and Mr. Weymouth brought in a fine string of small mountain trout. Word reached Hend the first of the week that W. IS. Client! , Jr., would leave fo- the West about July to. After a stop in Port land Mr. Cucriu and family will come to Hend to spend the sum mer. Their home on the river here is being prepared for their coming. Ifor a few ditys this week Hend wai threatened with an ice famine. Itotli A. It. Hsteleuet and Hugh O'Kane had a supply in, their ice houses but had none for sale as they would need it all for their own use. The supply put up last winter by "Dad" Wcht was exhausted. Nature has lcen very lavish in furnishing an ice supply near Hend at the ice caves, hut the expense of hauling the commodity from there was prohibitive. Consequently the person with a longing for ice cream and sodas, with an unsatisfied thirst for something cool and re freshing, carried a bitter disappoint uicnt deep in his heart. Hut later it was discovered that Charles lioyd had a supply of ice stored away, enough to last about two mouths, and the thirsty man is again satisfied. ROAD TROUBLES. Attempt to Alter tho Present Bend Prlnevlllo Road Meets Defeat. Some tittle ago a petition was quite freely signed and presented to the county court asking that the present road between Uend and I'riueville be altered in some re spects a few miles east of Hend. The old road, laid out before there was much attention paid to section lines, runs diagonally across several farms, Some of these owners arc attempting to have it changed so as to follow the lines of the legal division?. As the road now is it runs across land owned by II. C. ISIlis, A. A. Hurris, Dr. C. IS. Coons, and across five forties owned by Adam Kotz tuau. Mr. Kotzmau seems to be the strongest advocate for a change. He says he is willing to have three forties crossed by the road but 011 the other two he desires the road to follow liie division lines. A protest to the proposed change was filed by n few of Heud's peo ple. They claimed that the change would make the road quite a little longer: that it would be soft and would take mouths to harden; that the laud was purchased knowing the road to be where it now is; that (he softened condition ofa ttew road and the added distance wotild work a hardship on the freighters; would increase the cost ot freight. There fore the petition should be refused. Kotzmau and the other petition ers claim that it is only a question of time until roads will be changed to follow bcctiou lines and inas much as the present road works a Buy on Gwdfii? this $60 Machine for $25 FREIGHT PHEPAIO. It li a lilch.KMa. ilron liv-.il, bull benrlnr. lock. Mitch, double Ifrcd, -elt-threading tbuttlei hm -.utomatlo bobbin winder iul other Ulettlmprore. metiti. TliUi-thf ANTI Tlll'Sr MACHINE, It tl the if. in in -.chin Agent aro nklnc you Kfl tprs All -.tUchinuulitow lib. each machine. Hold tfit onlr tl cnh anil M monthly. Write TOat for tree rtlimTVII CITUMUC ihowloi tl-KMU houiehold iood vre-wlll htplfftUht tl-KMU houiehold looua vre-wiu anipirreleht TfeffaTJ) on ait raim-Mi-our new MUlt flan. 173.17 yiMtHU VOkJLXMB,OSU hardship on them it ought to be changed now. The county court, after consider ing the pi o test mid after having the proposed road viewed, refused to grant the petition. Mr. Kotzmatt claims the viewing was not done in food faith mid intends to make strenuous efforts to have tL'e peti tion reconsidered. I'rnannt' Huiirmf lllona. Now nml llK'ij, nut often, uliootlr np pcaraiic'CM or ikjuihIh nro wpluliiul to U jicflKfuil'rf HftlUtf action. Tliiin In tint county of Durham "(.'nlirtcl'rf hound-." ivi'n for lout:, tiiiitc year ImiIIcvmI to nlirh'k mill howl through tlio iilr on dark iilsht- ami to fomNxlu death to him who liownl ntid hw thoin. lint PhminIc modern rtwi-nn'h tirovctl thorn to he notlilUK hut lloi-kM of wild kcchc nilxratliiK loutl.vrard on llw )pruadi of winter .nml eliooHliiK ilftrk iiIkIiM for (lii-lr Jonriicyri. Similarly Hip nUmt qt Irlijtlnli', In tho I.lucohielilro woIiIm, n Kohllit who terrlllwl truvolcn nt ulRht; Willi Us iKwrtrcudlni; crlei- mid who wh Hld to Ih a wltih wh'p had tireil worrlf-l to tli-nili hy iIok In a Ioiik' jwitt (,'(, hni bwii hIwwii to hv nothing hut un owl. On th otlutr hand, no tru( Coriilolitnmi will rvvr ! Iim1iich1 to re' llmjuMi llw belief that the xtlrlt of KIiik Arthur still lmunM Hh roln of TiutllKol 1st Lie mImM.' of a .tiltfe)l.WRllf' nml 1. lrwilj- Hm? liiony ICuaiixh fain-lllu-i wlio oiM 11 wllllf hlnl of otnoiit hucIi mm Hint which Jolili Oxeiilirim ' In "Westwnnl Ho." cIIiik firmly to the tradition If not to the brtluf In It.-' Imlon (ntililc. Tin- Will i Illo. Two or thrc' jtmrs ko. In a Ijuica r4ilro town, wbllo n fair wmt In trK-re-w, to to- jtro-irletor of a Men 111 rounitalxHit tlioru cuine a uliottktior wltotn wife wan lylm; Miiitoedly at the (mint of iIcaUi. "lliou imin stop thy ori;an.H lu Kahl. "WhyT' aktl tho other. 'Thou niun xtop It, I tell tba'. My idImiw cawn't ileo," wan the reply, a iIUIokho for which tho writer cau vouch. A clerto'inan hail placcil on record n aluillar ItwtHiice. Ylaltln- a lek w- rldlilonw, he whh tokl by Uie doctor that' the nlvkruoiu wan full of mourner, bk- ntiritn; the woiiiau thnt tho wan abouti to die. And the woman wns dyln-; from auKRestlon, UiourIi orKanlcally' thoro wns not tho leant rennon why she should. Tho clerj-yinnti entered tlw room and cleared out the doleful ones. "You'ro not roJihj to die." he snld. "WhntI Ami notdyhur. jmivon? Theu. thuiik (Jod, I won't!" Tlint woiunn wn well In next to no time and round nt the vIcaniKi" thankliiK IU nuiHtcr for buvliitr avl her life. St. James Ga zette. Stropplnir ft Ilmnr. "Tlio Idea thnt 11 razor need frequent K'riudliiK or hoiiluK I not In ta-culug with my experience." nJd a man who HhavM himself. "I hnvo n razor tlidt 1 cot ton year ago which linn never been out of niy potMCKiilou, never hnd unj' nther trentuient than 8trtiipluK. nml M todny the hlinrpeKt mid best of nix A -nzor can only bu Kept In thin condition without lionliiK, however, by usIiir n haul Htrop Unit U, one which In rigid Instead of flexlblo nml not the klud that ninkctt nu arc of n circle when you uho It. llili latter sort will harpru a razor for awhile, but It nlo innki the edRO round until nt Inst It ceiues to cut Why do I have nix razors? Well, thnt It to lino them In regular turn and jclve each one of them a rest. I abnvo crery day, which I lltul tho lentt troubleioiuo method, mid If I Uso tho amno btndo everj day It would aooii piny out Tho rUsce of a razor uoods rest, Just like every other ninchlm." Slavery lu Orent Ilrltaln. Slavorj- mirvlvwl In Enulniid much .Inter thnn la Kcnerolly aupiojoil. The wont "boiiibiKo" In Northumberlnud still inoniiH a fomtilo farm norvnut. Tho cool leu nml halters I. e., salt inluers of Kiut I.othlnu were actually nl.ives till 1775. If they donorted their serv ice any 0110 hnrborlm them whh liable to a penalty of 5 If be did not restore thum In twenty-four hour. Tho Inst slave lu Kuglaml wns not freed until 17liy, and In 1W2 tliure was a cooly llvlnc who, ns well an bU father and j-rtuulfnther, lmd worked as n slave In tt pit nt Musselburg. The Illaturlo Ujre, WnshhiRton wnn crosKltis tho Dela ware. Ho" stood. "Uettor nit down, sir," auj-jjwted an aid. "Bit down!" responded lustily the Fa ther of Ilia Country. "Ami, pray, what ort of a picture would tljtit mnkeV IUuhhluK under tho rebuke, tho aid resolved to monkey not more with art. Pbllndelphln l'ubllc LiHler. 1'rucooUa' Keuth-re, rcncock.featliei-H nru Hiild to brlnt? Ill luck. Tho orlttln of thN tradition la Interesting. It Is found lit l-iiluravo's work on contrnl nnd ent Arabia, where tho traveler miys that, ivceohllng to Mohammedan tradition, tho neueock opened ihb wicket of jtnj,vllsj 0 admit 'tho .dqyll pnd rocelvetr a" very amplo Bbnro of 1I16 tlevU'H own ptiulaluueut. IKKIGATIU) LAND---I have n few 'choice tracts" from 40" to ', 60 acres each that crm be-Trttrtgnt 'lot a bar- Ry.ii'.lK-P. t. TOMl'KlNSB0llk Buildine. 43tf PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season First-class Equipment Fine Rooms and Beds All stages stop at the hotel door RALPH SHELDON GeherdI BlackSmithing an'd Wagon Repairing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY t0T" Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church. eiJtt 'f rZ. F. QGNURAL Qommission MERCHANT. , , SIJANIKO, - OREdON Large. Commodious Warebousc. Consignments Solicited Prompt attention tiahl to tlto-e wlio favor m whh their ptronaj; THROUOH FROM BEND SIIANIKO-PRINEYILLE PRINEYILMiND S C HE l v . SOUTHBOUND Leave Shauiko 6,p. m. Anh-e Prinevillc....i..,M, 72 ill. Leave Princvllle .ts3o p. in. Arrive Bend 7:00 p. m. FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENTS PASSENGER AND FREIGHT-RATES RE.ASONAJLE, f Bend Livery J. FRANK STROUD, Manager LIVERY, and FEED STABLE HORSKS BOARDKD BY THE First-Clfrs, Livery Rigs (loncltrt, between MlnnMftjaudOrcgcwi, ' r BEND'S MEAT MARKET ,', WAH STKHKT, Oppo-ltel!,M.o. THE finest stockot FRESH MEATS in Crook County. Cured Meats and Lard and ajl the AecessoriQs of a FirstC!ass Market... Every thitig, new and of the best. WH if E & H I LL. tffiOfiflb ---hhc? -r xnnnjm raaaacvrii l .owi7'''Wjri---.i--------- K iir ( 5i 81 JBSi'vyW VS I 'jt!usM KLwfUYr REPEATING SHOTGUNS No -natter hov big tho b)rd, no rnater Hosf- heavy its plumage or swift its Mujhtr you can brinf it to ba-wlth a long, strong, jStrnight hoSiInB Winchester Repeating Shotguft? Results aro what count. vTKcv always trlve tho bst results in nleld. fowl or tran tthootin-fr' nd ure sold whhrn-Hich t everybody's pocketbpok. fitESt SifiJTKfitt'ani "ailittu l a poita' cri fa our 'lire Ittut'relcit ctiilevu imcKmMt-mimiwrti ttxvt HH.; : MOODYs and ftirardiifg TO SANIKO IN ONE DAY CT-AfiP T IMP J1AUC UI1C 6 U L E NORTHBOUND .. Leave Bend..c. ,6:00 a. in. Arrive rinnevillc i?:ro nt Leave Frincville iPuffl Arrive Shaniko 1 a. m Rn . FOR TRAVELLING PUBLIQ Transfer ' Co. DAY, VBEK OR MONTH for Rent. 'Phone No. 15 J Bend, Oresor ) 1.1- NEW &SCSA 1 1