The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 06, 1906, Image 5

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Mr. mid MrH. John Rynn celc
lirntvtt tlic Fourth nt rrlncvlllc.
Icu crciun mnIhs can now be ob
tained nt the K)Hlonicc store. i.-tf
A hnby i;lrl citme to the home of
Mr. uml Mr. R. H. Mutltf yoMcr
diiy tuornliiK'
JiiiniM McCoy left yesterday for
I.tiltltuw. I.ntor he will y, to Red.
itiond and Minima.
During Ihe week 10 frclnliUtiK
outfit have pimutl through Hand
ctuoitte to Silver Luke,
Dr. I. L. Scolloid will horeiiftcr
make regular vlnlt.4 to Jlcud from
the 15th to sotlt of each month. i.ttf
A. )I. Grnul'st government tlicr
momuter rc;istcrd 03 decrees Mon
day, 08 Tuuuday, 96 Wednesday
and 97 Tl'iirwlay.
Arranj;ctnuiit.H are about com
pleted for n series of three unities to
m played between lleud and 1'rine
vilie bnll tennis, the first name to
Im! pluycxl on the lleud diamond a
week from next Sunday.
Mr. R. II. Mtiucy and daughter
Ktlicl are expected to nriive in
Mend from Minnctiota in about a
week. Mr. Mttttcy has been here
for twine time working for a
Mimiutiota lumber company.
Philip I'rnuciu ha.i had the mhV
fortune to lose to Rood horncs from
hi freighting team during the
lat three week Doth hnmeit were
tnkeu kick while going tlrnugh
Cow Canon and died few dny
P. I,. Tompkins mid C. S. Ileu
son wore in I'riueville the flrt of
the week. From tltore Mr. Jieitsoti
wtut on to The Duties to I prenent
when the tgiiniciiW In the court
liotthe injunction ante nre madu be
forejudge Ilradohnw.
The Fourth wah a peitcufnl day
- in lleud. Axidu ftoin the occunioiml
Ixyom of the ghtnt flre-cracker and
the jtop of the amnller artillery no
unitMint noieeti ditlurlMMl the seren
ity of the town. The boys flted
the crackers, burned their fingers
and Meemetl to have a good time.
Do not fail to uttuud the Chrte-
tiitii Endeavor aociftl on A. II.
Cirant' lawn tonight. Thin was
hrt advertised to be held in the
11. M. hall, but owing to the hot
weather and beautiful moonlight
nights, n clinugu wns decided on.
Ice cream and coke nnd many
things for ntiitiseinent will be pro
vided. The Bend Water, Light & Power
Company installed a new pump at
their pumping station yesterday.
During this hot weather there is
it large amount of water used,
chiefly for lawn sprinkling, and it
hits been hard work for the one
pump to keep the tank on the tower
jilled. The new pump has a one
mid a half inch discharge and will
help materially in pumping.
1 -
The Central Ore
gon Banking (5
Trust Company
Cnpltnl SS.OPO.QQ
Transacts n Ociiernl Hank
ing HiisIiicsh,
Acts ns Admlnlstrntor, Ux
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts nnd Hxink
Money Orders on nil Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits,
tiflfc DcpotiR Hoses,
Pirc Insurance,
A. M. Drake, A. I,. Oooilwlllle,
President. Vice l'res.
J. M. Lawrence, Secretary,
l'i Q. Wliwr, Cwhler.
Frank Class of Redmond was a
business caller in Ilcmt Wednesday.
E. A. Smith of Redmond was
calling on Rend friends on the
II. W. Morril was n caller in
Hend Monday from his homestead
in 19-12.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Anderson, last week Wednesday,
an eight ouud baby girl.
J.J. Jloytl of Unite, Mont., came
to Ucnd Sntuiday for a few days'
visit with his brother, Charles
Miss I va West, who has been
attending the Willamette university
at Salem for the pnst 10 mouths,
returned home liiht niht.
Miss Ethel IM wards, who has
been employed as waiter at the
Pilot Unite Inn, left Tuesday even-
iug for her home near Sisters.
A number of the Oregon Eastern
surveying crew working toward
Hend from the southeast were in
town the Fourth. The crew is now
working in the vicinity of the ice
James McCoy returned to Uend
Saturday evening after an absence
of two or three mouths, He has
been shearing sheep at Hay Creek,
in the Hlue mountains nitd else
where. "Hilly" RobUou was in town sev
eral days this week. He is riding
the range for horse nnd came to
town to attend to hushies and for a
a little respite from the monotonies
of the range.
Max I.ueddemnuu enmc to Heud
Monday troin Madras to attend to
biikiue matters here. Mrs. Ltted
demnuu,who has heou visiting for
the last two weeks with Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. M. Drake, relumed with
John II. Wenoudy, a racent comer
to Hend from Philijwburg, Mont.,
who has been expecting his wife to
join him here, received news last
Saturday that she had been sud
denly tukeu sick and was too ill to
II. C. Ellis wilt leave tomorrow
for Madras, where he goes in his
official capacity as United States
commissioner to hear final proofs
in the Madras laud office in the
absence of the local commissioner,
Don P. Rca.
Mrs. Philip Francis is expected
to arrive in Hend accompanied by
her three children, abotil August 1.
She has dispoied of their property
in Michigan and will join Mr.
Francis on his homestead n few
miles south of Hend.
II. R. Satchwcll reached Heud
Monday evening with a load of
freight. He had on about 1,400
pounds for Caldwell & Satchwcll
ami something over 2,000 for W.
S. Niehol. While here he sold one
of his teams to A. C. I,ncas.
The carrier pigeon which flew
into a rancher's house near Sum
mer I.ake recently apparently ex
hausted from n long flight and
which was set upon by the cat and
injured, died of the wounds received.
It was planned to free the bird and
let it continue on its journey when
it had rested, but the cat spoiled
the plans,
An indication oT how rapidly
Central Oregon to fllling up with
settlers is shown in' the fact that.
Madras people have nnnliecl for
another rural free delivery route
from the Madras oflico. The 'pro
posed rou'(6 will be ot m'oYc than
35 miles fong, nu'd yet will supply
moic than 30 families with their
daily mnj. '
t Heud p'copV who celebrated, nt
Priueville report large crowds in
ft'ttendauce at (he three-day base
ball tournament, and Fourtli of July
celebration". ' They iilso report; that
(tip county seat furnished" a very
pleasing day on tluFourth to her
visitors)" ( Every n'vailabje: sleeping
place wns occupied, many private
homes being opened to the visitors,
and many men were compelled (0
sleep on the floors of the halls aiid
offices of the hotels.
The hot sweltering days of sum
mer arc again upon us, when a
shady nook by n babbling brook is
a thing of beauty and n Joy forever.
Hend's citizens arc therefore wan
dering into the woods in parties of
greater or less size and -camping at
the side of the river or on the shores
of the many beautiful lakes to be
found in the mountains near Heud.
Nuturc has been very kind in sup
plying un abundance of such re
treats at Ucnd and vicinity.
Richard King handed The bul
letin a copy of the Grantsburg,
(Wis.) Journal, in which appears a
write-up of a very destructive
cyclone that passed through the
northern part of Huructt county on
the evening ol June 6. A strip of
country extending nearly north
and south through the eastern
part of HIaiue township and
a little distance into Jackson
township lay in the path of .twister.
Many dwellings and farm buildings
were destroyed, much fine timber
blown down, but fortunately no
lives lost. There arc several liviog
in Heud and vicinity who came
from Uurnett county and they will
undoubtedly be interested in know
ing that none of their friends were
At the baseball tournament at
Priueville, Antelope and Ucnd were
the only visiting teams. Hend's
team was barred from the contest.
The smallest purse was given to
Hend and Priueville and Antelope
fought it out for the big money.
The first game topk 10 innings to
decide, Antelope winning with the
score 5 to 6. The other two games
ended 5 to 1 1 and 7 to 8 in l'riite
ville's favor. Hend's back-stop,
Voting, cuught the last two games
for Priueville uud played a star
game. Out of five times to bat he
made four safe hits and three runs
and during the game was respon
sible for three other runs. Follow
ing arc the batteries for the three
gomes: Priueville, firat game, Bail
ey and Zeek; second, O'Neil and
Young; third, Haiicy and Young.
Antelope, first, Rooper and Rhodes;
second, Vaiihouteu and Rhodes;
third, King and Rhodes.
Three People Severely Shaken Up and
Wg Damaged.
Kwimono, July j.A serious runaway
occurred Saturday iiljjht about nine
o'clock. Ieny Covert was tlrivinu with
two laily friends when (he horse sud
denly lccnmc frightened ut Muitstliing
nnd got Itcyoud control. -The occuiiauts
were thrown out at the rear of Jackhon's
store, but beyoiul a severe shaking up,
wore not injured. The rig was badly
Unite number of people went to
Priueville Sunday to remain until the
5th. Hverythiug in the ohape of a team
and rig was prowicd into tervicc.
- Mrn. Hurt has returned to Redmond
and is now waitress at the hotel.
lthret Uro. arc building an addition
to the rear end of their More to be, ud
as n store room. It.will Ik 31x35.
The dance which was given l'rlday
night was one of the mqst successful of
the Mjasou, There was a large attendance
and good mubie; hupper was scned at
the hotel after which the dance con
tinued until about 3 a. in. Clitic Palls
was especially well represented.
Mr, and Mrs. P, Lehuuu moved to
I'riueville last week.
J. Circle hits sold his house and lot to
C. tthret.
J. A. Yassburgt brought to. town some
fine samples of timothy, clover anil
strawberries front his ranch near Red
ittoftd, 1
Mr, Jones has quit the hotel business
ami has moved .to his much wct of
town, . . , , .
1), U. I.(uuljrb.ick has sold his interest
in the new store? bu'lUing to Mr. Woods.
Mr. Lauderback and Kay Gibson have
startcd.otva' tour of Oregon and Idaho
on their wheels ,
- Mr. aiul. Mrs. Q. M. Rcdfiel) have
gone to Portland to tee hjs mother, who
Is seriously ill.
RdE'and Items.
fteo tule for Ut wttk )
Den tattcimu hm Ixrcn on the ilck
list thin nxek.
Sherman Mo flit passed through Hop
land Monday on his way to their suin
tner range with n bunch of cattle.
Quite a jKtrty of young folks headed
by William Dorrell and Ooorge Jlogtic
contemplate visiting the lets cave Sun
day to procure Ice for the fourth for ice
Quite a crowd of singers gathered at
the home of Mrs. J. S. lloguc to practice
11 lew selections to ic renuerca me
Mrs. Sarah Bly's sister, Mr. Edmonds,
and family of The Dalle are expected to
arrive here in a few days. They arc ex
pectcil to locate near Koslaud.
Mr. Taggart f M having Mine carpenter
work done 011 his homestead six miles
from Itotlsud, J. A. Trobee is the car
jcntqr. This looks suspicious as it is
rumored he lis purchased a coffee mill.
We don't hear very much lately about
going fishing. Probably their taste for
fish is spoiled,
George Sly has been driving the Odcll
stage recently.
John ,Kuox was a business visitor
Wednesday on his way o I'dnevillc. He
expects to bring his sheep up in a few
The annual school meeting was hold
at the Holland school, June 18. There
was a large attendance.
A party of young folks look a fishing
trip liwt butulay. It took lour wagons
to haul home all the fish they caught.
Win. Taylor has gone to I'riueville to
work near Crooked river.
W. II. Howard intends to drive the
stage front Koslaud to Silver Lake for a
short time while Mr. Howard, the regit
tar stage driver, goes to Priueville to
have some dental work done.
Mr. Hawthorn is making fiut- roads
around Koslaud.
J. S. Ilogue has his town alt survived
now. The town will be booming before
Stran barrios are eeltitii: ripe around
A dmitiftt from Priueville is expected
at Kosland Wore long.
Allan Trolxe is wjIuk to leave for
I'riueville, where he will work through
Fine prospects for crops around Kos
land this year.
MIm Jensie Andrew is thinking of
going to the valley soon.
Tumalo Items.
W. H. Stoats ami J. N Hunter and
families aMd through Tumaio Tuesday.
Tltey were no doubt ilseing into the
mountains in order to avoid the extreme
warm weather. Well, this warm spell of
weather is hard on man lwt good on
vogctatiun. Crops are looking fine
around Tumalo since the warm spelt
Tumalo is coming to the front M a
farming country. 1'aiscrs-hy seem to
I surprised to sec such garden tnick as
is growing fit 0. W. Winter & Sous'
gardens. They have i;ardcu truck
Mr. Hiutott passed through Tumalo
Wednesday with three bands of sheep,
They have 9,500 sheep which they
pasture 011 the Cascade rcsert'e, They
arc taxed eight contf per Head for
pasture by tho e.ovurumeut pretty
heavy tax well Jamos Hiutott knows
how to handle sheep in order to make
them pay. Then, too, lie has a good lot
of herders with them, -,
P. V. Smith is cpxifted lie'me from
Portland the last of this week.
People report a grand time at Sisters
the Fourth. The old men cot aw'ay
with the pulling match. Boys tiro not In
it with the oldstilTs anyway now -a-d'a ,s
Bect-$ugnr Factory at Bend.
A dispatch from Waihington, D.
C, to the Oregoniau, dated July r,
discusses the probability of the
growth of the bect-sifgar industry in
the West. It mentions Bend as one
of the places where the sugar-beet
con be grown profitably, and says:
"Capitalists nave turned their utteu.
tion to the country nroimil lleud, and al
ready experiments have licen inmle to
determine with what sttccess beets can
be grown on the laud irrigated by the
UCM.-I1UICS jmKuuou cc rower v.ouipauy,
"About 8,000 acres of this laud has
been temporarily secured for beet mis-
tug, ami u satisfactory arrangements can
be made, it is belletcd d factory will he
established at lleud in the not distant
Timber Claims.
Parties having timber. clauus for
sale please -address jNeil .Smith,
Bendy Or. State tiratfttnt 'of (iih'ber
estimated and price asked . for
claim, i3-20pd
A. C. I.UCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season
First-class Equipment Pine Rooms and Beds
All stages stop
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing
jw uui anup- 19 i'juucu
Commission and forwarding
Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited
Trompt attention pan! to those who
. -. . ., favor me with their patronage
Leave Shanikd. 6 p.m.
Arrive Priueville .. 7 a. in:
Leave Priueville 12:30 p. m.
Arrive Bend 7:00 p. m.
Bend Livery &
First-Class Livery Rigs for. Rant. 'Phone No. 15 -
ionilttrcct.Utwccn MluncMtaamlOrrsoii. . Bend Orezofl
- "V
XfAU, STRt-KT sOppoe B. M. Ca
TpHE finest stdtk of FRESH
A JYiEATS in'" Grook County.
Cured M'eats and Lnrd ;ind aU
the Accessories
sMarket. Everything new and
of the best. WHITE tS: HILL.
No matter how big the bird, no matter bow heavy its plumage or
swift, its flight, you can bring it to bag with a long, strong,
straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are what
count. They always give the best results in field, fowl or trap
shooting, tind are sold within reach of everybody's pocketbook.
?R.iKlU0lt pp&llUttie -$tl&i'tar2 haar U.IU&aiiu4 nftkrwJ'
vyiNuncoicn ntrcAUNi
at the hotel door
up-jjusiic ijujuisi vnurcn.
Leave Bend '. 6:00 a. nt. J
Arrive Prineville 12100 m.
j Leave Prineville 1 p. m.
1 Arrive Shaniko
1 a. m. i
Transfer Co.
of a FirstCIass 1
ahms uu., mew -iAyEN. conn.