FTW ,u " mmitt i am KM i H Sw3. V" di the Deschutes River in Western Part of Croojc The Townsite of BEND County, Oregon. Center of the new Irrigation Development covering 250,000 ACRES OF RICH LANP At Gateway to the Great 'i -...-. . ij . .. M ' ' I mmmmmmmmamBmmmimKmfmtmmmmmmKii' , . waaBBanaw, ff i s jLw L'a k . y n: a xx 1"Bal rtV y7V A; V -V "V "V' X A. W . -Y "S. "VCVIv. . . . A h r;v wwAv C"i-x U .X-bJw-x. X-"XX ,y"X V X X "X. W V"X. -x . X - M f --X "Vy "X. "X. X V "XiXX'XX. v-x." M M. vX "XV 9 X. " f f X -r- tfn' W-y 9 xPxQ ? if yt 1 1 Birr H X. X. Y 2VX ATaVAY Xv x. X.-V- a xv w i I I i I I I I -J if sfX A"yyXftxx K)7Ar xni j f s. j V X. "Xv X."" f J. X. X X X. ' "X . X. M - V , " 'fcw J 5 1 J r 11 i ii i ! ii i ii 1 X x. xv Xr'xy - - D-x 4 '' ' ' 1 iLJ- iWxr LnJ, Act Juut J. 17 NOTICE FOR PUBLTCATIOX. V. 6. tnd OtBct, Tit DUe. Orr$c, Mitch mJ V he ,wt.len of the t f "P.jSifSLft ItM I n Wte by net of At(vt . l. Sctl tyon. ofnend Hfctr Creek. te of Orewi. h No. HA fr h rbeiiH b!.w AsdwiUotMr pitJoMo Sw lh 0 UbjI htUertoJe it. ttatatr or e Ju cU.m l. W Und lAre tbr Colr k t rnnenHf.Orrton.ontbelJtbyofJuly. . UcBUurBiittica U.B.OUe.on-iJtaw. Orrmn. K. W Cir. I. D TufTitr and Mry B. un. Ml of d. Orrisoa. Any and all jrMn.clalIn itawlllje oUt-JcCTtbCTl land, air mjtttd to file tarlr rUim in thl office oa or ttfcre uW ltth day o jiTt".. MIOIAK&T NOUAN. RtfUter. Timber Land, Acr June j, jtiS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Of&ce, The DaUea, OfTfoa, March . tot. Notice U hereby idrea thatln complUnee wHh the prorialon oT the act of Coor.Tor Jbbcj. iS7!cBtUled -An act fee the aale of tlmbeeUBd WaahlnitoB Territory." a eateaded to an the puMlc UBd auteaby act or Anrut4, l, Arthur W. Ooatint. ofThe DaUea. county of oo. alate of Ottcoo. haathtadaynlrdinthtaofSce hla. aworn afale meat No. .f-e the purchaae of the aw V of ec 14. tp W a, r to e, w m. And will offer proof to ahow that the Und aoufhtl.niore raloahle fcjr U tfanber or atjae thaafirarTicultaral party, and toe. tabHah hi claim to aald land befire the KefiMer aodKtcef-ratTbeDaUc,Oreton.on the mh day oT Auc(. ! He BBe a wilneaae Frank K. RoatiBE. vrilltamO. Maaon. Michael O'Connor, aad 1. U leVoU". allofThe Italic. Orejon Any and all penon cUlmlnr adrerjely the abovr-deicribcd Unda arc requcted to file their claunatnthUotncroo or txfureaaid ihdayol Aurutt. lygo jVaio MICUAUL r. NOLAN. Recirter. Timber Land, Act of June J. 1S7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. C 8, Lad Office, Lakeriew. Oretou. MaysS, luo. Notice I hereby f iren lhal In compliance with theirorirfouoflleactor Confieja of June 1. isya. cuUtlcd " Au act for the aale of limber land; In tbe.Ulra of California, litcjon. Neeada and Waihlustoa territory ," a eatended to all the puUiclaudaUleabyact of Auua 4. 'V,ne fjltowinx pern lave filed ia thi offlce their aworu autcmenta, to wit. Gcofce V Couch, of Mldlaw. county oi Crook, atate of Oregon. woruaxatcmeutNo. jwi, for the jwrchaw of lhewje.ecs.tpna,rt6e w m. Othorne Kdward, oTHcnd, county of Crook, atate ofOregon, .worn Hatriuent No. Jioi. for thewrha of the awjj uw4 eii.arfneK.c54'BwX aeoo, tp , r 'Vital tlhey will oflf r proof to how that the Uad wight U more -alaalJe for It timber "atone than for agricultural P"yoa, nJ -mi" i? iheir claim to aaid land before II. C Mil. U . ComoiJo..er. at hl.officUl place oTIjane.t HBd, Crook county. Oregon, on Wcdncaoay, Aujrual 15. lo o.. it M.rion. ?& . Daytoa. aad C,or W Fickle of SaS'SSTOtVtrEM. ail orScnd-Oreio- Abv irnd Ml perUn cUimlag adverjeiy aay of the abore land are reiueted to Blclhclr claim uthUoo7orefore the aald 15th day ol Augtuu, fjoo, AyATSQK.Ktalaler A Afchi Ay s,L yf TvL - , :- Mr S5sJ -Ji 4lj " f"j " i , '" it iM Xr t X. X. X 'AsJC X -vX.jbJ3. ! r1,. I .. .. .-. ' 1 .. j i . m .1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IHrfmn,t q(the Inttriqf. t. S. Land Q(lce. The Dalle. Ortjon. , May it. lo6. Natiee it herrtiy girta that the Mlowinc aansed xttler hai filed Bottee oi-hn Intention to nuVe fisal tnoof In uppt of hlcUir. and that aaid K oof will be nade txfore te County Clerk, at tactile, Orcrwv, a Jane if, ijc, nl; DH4I V. 1'atthlne. torMara.Orrrao,ou H. K. No. 4M. fw the w.S r X aad w S bw K.aecil. tpija. T lae, w i. He Bant the tellowinr wilaeueato erere hla cm'tiBBeaa ftttjeaee upon aod cultlrMJon ot aak! taad. Ha. Saawel uiekl. it V Winter. HetbrrtOUtier Bad Thoaua ArnaM.aH otSllft. Ocrjc. Wll-jonell MICHABI.T. NOLANi KegUter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tV Vilcriot. V- S. Land Of&ce, The Dalles, Ocetoa. May it, A. Na(lce li hereby aim that the foUowinr-named settler ha filed notice of hi, intention to make final proof la auprxut ofjbfvcaiB. and that aaid Woof will be made before the County Clerk, at tlTincvflle, Orrrou. on Jane 9, yo6, tu Jeaae V. Winter, ol Sifter. Orerea, oa II K No &04, far the Lot I. Be X n X and a ) bc X, arc !. tp 1 a, r 11 e, w m. He name the foHowiar wilncMe to crore hi csbUbuoui reklcncc upon and cultlntleo of aaid toad. rU. D. W. Harthlnc. Samuel Wieht. Deaa Cyru aad Harrey Cyrua, all bfMtter. Orrgua. mnly ij MICHAHLT. NOLAN. Kctf.er Desert Laud Viaal Proof. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I' S. Land OfHcc. The Dalle, OregoB, May 4.i". Notice U hereby gtren that Reorge W Mlmer, uififf at lmtrv Crssirr of Tumalo. Oreeoa. ha hied aoliceef intmlkuj to make proof oa hit draert-laad claim No. jar, lor the aMaw.awJi new aadBwUMC.aecn. tp6a, r It e. w m, befcre the County Clerk, at iTinerilte. Oregon, en the I :th day of July, tyui. He man the roUowiag wltueaaesto prore the cotxnlttr irriratioa and reclamation of aaid land laseph N Hunter, of Bead. Oregoa, Charles, 11. iipaue a. Taernwafcl icoaoa, anu cnarteai.. 1mer. all of Tumalo, Oregon. l-uW MICHAHLT. NOLAN. Kegiater, Timber Land, Act Jane J. tl;. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land OSce, The Dalle. Oregon, April 11, 190& Notice U hereby giren lhal la compliance with the proriioo olthe Act of Cougreaa of June 1, iStS, entitled. "An act for the aale ol timber land in the atate of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a eatended to alt the public Und state by Act or Augutt 4. l9, Kirk Whitcd, of Redmond, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has thl uay Bicn in inia omce ais .worn siiie meut No. i6. for the purchase or the e.Siwy audwhsc)iofstciv, Iptja, nje, w in. And wltl offer proof to show that the Und sought is more valuable for it limber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to nishlUh hi claim to aatd land before the Count Clerk at rriuenUc, Oregon, on the loth day of August, 1000. He name a witaesse. Henry K. Tlnttey, Kugene C rark. Meade K. Landr. Frank ft. Morrill and Frank GUM, all of Kedmcnd, Ore gon. Any and aU persona claiming adversely the above-described Und arc relocated to tie their claim in thU office oa or before the said 10th day of August, igoi. h-m U1C1LUU. T. NOLAN. RrtfHcr I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. PrprUncnt,of,tlir Intetjor, V 8. Land Office. The V,5" Oregon. May 11, 1906, Notice U hereby riven that the Coltewlne-nanm! ettlcr ha lied notice of hi intention to make final proof in aupporl of hi claim, and that said prooCwIH be tsaJe beVre the County Clerk, at rrinenne. uregoa, on June w 17 hi Samwel Wkal. f Sitters, Orrgea. on. II. K. No. lofA tor the iw X arc s tp J a, r ! e. w a. He namesthc inUowlnr wltnessc to prove hi eantinaouit residence upon and cultivation of uiu una. na. lir0eri i.iawr. i. u. r.itn.u. jvu vjihi nd Harvey C)tua. all of miners, Oregon, mi-juncij MICHAF.L T- NOLAN, KegUtrr. Herbert Rbsrr. I. W. Fstthlnr. Dean Cyru and m Timber Land. Aof Jane 3, l. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. t?4 QSee The Dalle, Oregon, May 11. 1 too. Notice I hereby given that In rempUance with the provisions olthe AM ol Congtesa of Jane 1. ilrs, entitled "An set for Ibe sale o) timber Und in the stale of California, Oregon. Nctada and Washington Territory," as eatended 10 all the public Und Mates by act or August 4, u. the following-named person hare, an Apnl 14. too, filed In thi office their wm rir)pcBU, to-wit. Walters. Nlchot, of Bead. County of Crook, Slalr of Oregon, iwom Utrmenl No. v9, for the purchase of the a K nw Jf.secjt, H w y.ec9, lpi. r He, wm. Dora A. NUhot, of Mend, County of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn statement No. iM, for the purchase of the Be V sec ji, tp is s, r 11 c, w m, Thst they will offer proof to show that the Unds sought arc mere valuable for the tlmlier or tone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and to etlabllth their cUimsro aaid land before II C Hill. V. A. Ceromtwioncr. al hU efnee in Uend, Oregon, on July 17, un6. They name the following witnesses John Mow. of bitter. Oregon. Joseph N. Hunter, Frank ilutlerworth. Walter S. Nicbol, Dora A. Nichol and K. II. Mutilg, ftfUend, Oregon. Any and aU iirrsonsdalmlnc adversely any o. the abovc-dcKtihcd Und arc requeued to file their claims In IhU office on or before the said Ijth day o July, 1906. mil-July ij MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, KegUler. CONTEST NOTICE. DHI'ARTMKNT OF T1IK INTHRIOR, I'nlted Slate Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May it , 1006. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In thU office by Oliver Thorbjornson contestant, agairut homestead entry No. 11545. made Oc tober 6, loot, for seSi.w, arc i. nc) UWJ4. wliuetf, secJ7. tp 17s.no e, w m. by Carl AaelFrtt'nun.contrslre.in which il I alleged that said Carl Axel elterson bss wholly aband oned said tract, lhal he has changed hi resi dence therefrom for more than six month Ut putt, that said tract Is not settled upou aad cultivated by aald party a required by Uw; that said alleged absence was not due to hU employment in the army, navy or marine curpaoflhc I'ntted Mate In lime or war. said bsnles srr hrrrli notified to aDDear. rrsuond and offer evidence touching said allegation at ! 10 ociocK a m ou juiy 7, igoo. ncuic 11 . Kills al' H Comiuissioaer. at hit office In llead, Oregoa. and that final hearing will be held at la o clock am on July 14, Iyu6,lforc Ibe Keg Uler aud Receiver at the United Mates Lnd Office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contesUnl having. In a proper affida vit, filed May It, loufi, act forth fart which bow that alter due diligence persons! service of this aotlce cannot be made. It U hereby ordered and directed that aach notice be xivca by due aad proper publication. jlliua Buimiii, a m.v.-ittnmci. CREENWOOO t J 4 4 i 7 9 14 ta of HAWTHORN j ; ( At IX t f t rJRONWOOD AVE.. M ft' ' ft1" t I mi 1 1 i I JUNIPER 4 tt 1 " Timber Land, Act June J, il?t, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon March I J. i'i. Notice I hereby giren that In tentplMKce with the provi.km of the Act of Cengrc.. ol June J. i7, entitled "An art lor the sale of tlmlvr UaU In the state of CallforaM, Orrgon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ' ai eatrndnl to all the puMk Uad atate by act of August 4. i, fUmuel L Clark, ofltend. County of Crook, Kufc or Oregon, ha thUday fed In tkUufBt-e M swoch statrment No. 14.1. for the purchase of the w U w y, sec 17. se ft se Jf. ec ll and nw X bw ofsec. tp 19 a, r ije, w m, Ami will offer proof to thew that the Und sought is more valuable for Its Urn tier or itsne than for agricultural purpose, and Is estsbUih his eUlm to said land before II. C. MtU, U. h. Cemmluloner.at hi office In liend, Oregon, on the 17th day of July, 1906, le name a witnesses Archie Faille, Michel Morrison, Charles Iloyd and John Meld), all of Bend, Oregon Any and all person 1 claiming adversely the above-described land are requested to file I heir clalmi in thl office on or before said 17th day of July. 1006. roarHu MICHAHLT. NOLAN. RrgUter. Timber Ijnd, Act June J, it?, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 17. 8. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, March tth, lyri. Notice it hereby given that In compliance with the prevision efltic Actof Congress of June y it. entilled ''An act for the sale of llmUr Und In thrStse of California, Oregon. NcvaU. aud WMhlagtan Territory," a rilemted to all the l'ubitc Land Mate by act of August 4, itai, Frank Class, of Redmond, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has this day filed In thi office hU sworn state ment No mi. for the purchase of the ae I4 o sec. 10. tp m a, r 1) e, w ra. And will offer proof to show that the Is ml sought I more valuable ftw Ita timber or Menr than for agricultural purpose, and to otaltllih hU eUlm 10 aald land before the County Clerk at ITIuevflle, Oregon, oa the nth day of July. lyA He name a wilnese: John Mom. of fvlMrrs, Oregon, aud W II. Maati, t. w II HHey and Charie btanborougb.alt of Mend, Oregon. An v .nit all firwina rf.lmlMw .Hn.ulu II,. above-dcscrlled land are rrquoted to file their eUlm in thi office on or before aaid nth. day ol July, vrA. MICIIAHI, T. NOLAN, KegiUcr. a7-J CONTEST NOTICE. DHFATMHNT OF T1IH INTHRIOR. I' 8. Land Office The Dalle, Oregoa, May 10 , 1906, A officleut contest affidavit having been filed in thi office by Wtnficld C. Griffin, contestant, agaiut homestead entry No. IJJja. made Feb ruary rj. lyi, for the wJnwK, clt'iiwif. awf ntii, sec ii, tp It , r lie. w m, by J oil u II Kheridan. Contestee. in which It is alleged that aaid John H hhertdan ha wholly abandoned aald tract for more than six month last past that he ha not cultivated or Improved atd tiact required by Uw lht he ha not settled upon said tract, thai said alleged absence was not due to hl employment in the army, navy or marine corps olthe lulled Mate iu Ibe lime of war, aald parties are hereby notified to apiear, respond and offer evidence touch log aaidalle- Einon ai 10 ocioca a m. ou juuc 15. lux, efore II C Hllii, al" S Cornmlwlonrr. al hi officrln Beud. Oregon, aud that Dual bearing will lie held al 10 o'clock a. m. ou June u, ioj6. before the RrgUter and Hecclrerat the United Matealand office at The Dalle. Oregon The aaid contesUnt having, in a proper affi davit, filed .May 1, Iyu6, forth facta which show after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, il it hereby ordered and directed lhal aoch notice be gtveu by dac aad proper publication. ISUHU MiCiLUtt, X. VOlMt, EteJaUx. , VE.l - . I I J f J f t w I 1 If it i t t 7 r A V C. Z J 4 S i i. 9 1 t 7 1 ' ' Hw F TSj TT7j7f7 i J ui t a t t 7 H AVE. I Z i t ' j f T 7 I 111 t: Timber Lacd, Art June j, ll?t. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. B. Land Office. The Dalle, Otegon. Ftbfuary , 10.4. Netke I hereby given thai In cempUaHCc with the provision, olthe Aft of Cengrrs of June j. lT, entitled "An act for the aak of timber UmU In the states of CaHfornta. Orvgen. Nevada, aud Washington Territory," at rttesuted 1st ail I he public land sUt by Alt of August 4, lr. Jesse Iturtlf, of llend. county or Cffok, Mate of Orrgoa has IhU day filed la thi office hi sworn statement No. stay, for the purchase af the KkK of sec 14, tp tsi, r e, w m And will offer proof ta show that the Und suught 1 mere valuable for It timber or stone than fot agrMultnral purpfes, ami to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk, at ITincvtllr, Otegon, on the lyth day or July. ij6. He name at witnesses Gtlcb C. MeaMlt. Jahn II. IMwards, Jahn N litlwaids, aud WflHam )W wardi. allsf htstrrs. Orrgon. Any and alt person claiming adversely the aMve described lands are requested to Ale their UliHi In this office en or before the aald iih dayofjuly.iyaa. iniHulvfi MICIIAHI. T. NOLAN, Register. Tlmlier Land, Art June J, lift, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Office, The Italic, Orrgon, March It. 1900. Notice Uherelivvivrs Ihst In cnMitJuttM. teiib the pruvtsloH ol Ihe act of congress ol June J. M vniiifn. ah set 1st inr sie oi limner laniii in the state of CaHfornU, Oregon, Nctada and Washington Territory." as extended la all Ibe public laud state by act of August 4, isyl Archie rattle, ernend. County of Crook. Slate of Orrgon. ha thl day filed In thl office hi Hern statement No. jijj. for the purchase of the se V of s j, p II t. r 1 e, w ru. r And will offer proof to show that the land sought U more valuable for 111 timber or slime than foi agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to aald Und before II C 1011s, V. 8. Commissioner, at hit office In liend, Oregon, au Ihe 17th 4y of July, iyn6. He name a witnesses. Kauiurl II. cUik. Mkhel Morrison. Charlra Usyd and JohH Mrtdl all of neiid, Orrgon. Any and all person claiming adversely the abovr-descrlbcd land are requested iu 4l their claim in Ihls office sri or Ufoic said Ulli day ol July, iuo. niavi.(ii HICIIAULT. NOLAN Kcglsltr. Timber It-dJ, Act June j, iljS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Laud Office, The Dalle, (iiegon, April t, louo. VyJ Iaa I at tiarakii alsia, L4 I u . . . . . , . . .-..... ........ a,,,i iii.i in cwnipiianrc wiwi Ihe provision of the Act of Congress of June 1 lift . entitled. "An iac for thesale of llmberlanu. In Hi. .1.1. aII-HI...1. ,, ... . ;r. i . . X. , ' '" "'vgwii, ,-tcvaiia, anil Usihlli.lnn T.rrlfiirw . .... Il .. -,. .. public Und stales by Act of August 4, ityi. Harry It. Northup, f Portland, cuunly or Multnomah, .tale orOie gon, hat thl day filed in Ihls office hlttnorii ralaltatnaoi Vrt BiU- fTnas Ilia. a... ..a. .. . 3Dj4, ci5. I.oui, 1, jtinij, jvee 19, ihJ UH 1 at tilt tVa-a v- - a n - . a, . ... " " Allll avlll AtVara. Vta-Aisf ,. t. al .. . ---- " w..i t"i w -iiww in 1 mc lattiil BUallgfht In Innra B-.tita.t.ta. f..m ta .....a nl!l-j . . ,.?NU 10""" negistel aad Receiver, at The Dalle. Oregon, ou the iMh liah Is I at tains n al.l U.l 1 ar ... ... ,!e-D?mla ?: Homer Augel, For. orrortUnd.Urtson; A. C r,uc miU Mit A 7r";";,r',T'.i; "?i n u tonnor and L.C DcWoir, of The Dalle, Orrgou. In. .nd .11 ..sau ..1. l . ..--j- - - m"i- iwwioi aurerscly the above Unda arc requested to file their cUima . ,M- .we wh we wviorc inc aaui tn uay ol Juoe, Ijoj, S" MirMK-.T.MOlJLM.aU4ur. : DESCHUTpS PINE Timber Belt Town has Grown nlmo.it entirely in the jw.nt yMr, the jmnt office tin thin only from April 3, :o.. Haul Iims cxctllcut public Kltooln ami complete public water works. VOM INFORMATION INQUIRI3 OF The Pilot Butte Development Co. Proprietor Townsite Timber Land Art June j 17! NOTICE FOR Pl'HLICATIOsN. I'. 8 Land Office, Lakevtcw. Ofegoti, April r. lyV Notice U hereby given that In romptwnrc with ir tiiMMriiibrik s.4 ..i , ....: i:. enlliled An set fur the safe ollwlwUiJ. ,.M.,h,'0l'llfoU tMeaosi. KersiU ,! sis .. .. 1. ; - t Trtliey as fsleded ta aU Ibe jWw Utsd Male he art o I Auntst t, I as Ihe Mtowtag aasaed iwtswt have filed Iu UWs otc their urum Mtwia4t. lswK. HesKge W FHse. of I..WI.W. CouMjr s-f Crook. Male oT Oregon, warn Malesaeat t. hi. for the bW J the e H ne X. sc m. nw aw K m u. tw If sw U k M. if ms. rite, wmi v Allrnl T Vaakum. Malerueul No wA, for the purchase tiflhe ae 1 y k. . e .w m. . Tc v . .,,). iV ;, i That ther will affer proofs to mw that Ihe lands sought air mote valuable f k the llmUr or ?i,J.,tV.,r'.lJ.,f"il fr wllaf psHljKi-..mt ?lr?uW'.,'.hJh.',rrt;,H lodU2TUfore II . IBUt. I H lommlMtMrr. at his olneisl tdac ofbus4us.atHeiHl truak Csu,v. t,fg. en Ts,l.r,ih,,,hdayofJuly.iViJC' ",""' They name as Hmh F. II Msilan sti.l 5IJWngofl..blUw.J F Mioud aaVrAllVi Heal, of fiend oieriw o W Itekel. Ihitaw Oregon, ami AlftedT Voakum. Jtotioiiwl ."J '." 'r.f?"f sialmlHg a.lvrtly any a lilrri.:7;.T, sna ' isie.i t n e !r.i?-I?'i',i,'b.t?5m " M "Mr IhesaM 7th day f Jaly, raw-, mi " Ji j N WATSON. Register, Tlwbtr Ul. Act Jnn- j. 1(74 .V0TICK FOU PUBLICATION. U. 8. Mad OAVe. The lulls., Or,,., ., , !-' . tv. iVPiiili'..8r,h' A? "K CaBgreJ af June C lunr . Lkf :iBJC.f ,,W ""nimbrVlamfi IM the state. f CaBfo.01. Orvgwti. Nevada, ami Washington TeiiMary." a eaiWrsI ta all lis trnblk land stale, by Act .f AugSsl , ,Z 'M I'ladT li..i.i. af I'llnevlllr. couHly or Creuk. slalrarOrrAii ha Ihlsdav nU.1 1., Till ..T,..7. ,.r"r.",rr?!"' meat Ns. ut. for the PUIcIssm of the svflw? and the alM( ofwe M!Tp ,t ,, r ,J, J, ,w! $. ?!,.1"!T,:.WW " V ll Ihe land l1!Lfifr 'tl"l l-uria-e., ami tV est.UiS! M t" mM UihI U fore I i Twuiily ttria; al lie names as wllnesses w. A. Ifoaili. It I frtiiiiViiV. .usr b4 . & Auu amtall a. .--. a . .s-.r T "if l,v,,',, tsaiming adveise-lr the abose-descriW lands are lequ"sl"d to file Ihclr au.S.V". .' "w--wlvit MMiuthdaylf li-M MICHAHLT. NOUN. U..I.I.. Timber Land, Act Juuc J. Itjl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V 8, Mud Office. The Dalle, Oregon, N.,i. 1. i,...i. - ... ""'" '" ApHI 4lh, ie. !hi M-pi-rinV .aorCo'nsr'uV'.n." ! l7. enlltled III ttlas a. I !. . ..foiPirJ"? ,h M,e "filmier land. ffivci? " "- " "sui ni.gusi 4, Hjj, I.oiciiW Norman, ?urpvHSr Ami trill sffer pr. of 0 ,i10w iila. .1., .....i ought It mure va'luable for It. t,"ur or .','' h" .foragilcullural purHcs" , "j ,0 tallUh hUclalmtosalu Und Vt.rc the HeiUtw i5 ofTuneV.Ufi?' "" 0,rKU" lR wR u'a'y' Hr UatUa at. aa.llH.u. ti. nrVF:u..!Sa ..AnJ?l', ll rc'out ctalmlug adierwlv the iuBea.'ih" ?.?.?,r SSH J ' -IU. Vy -it r MH.UA15L T. NOLAN, ktjUttr, AH. X