The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 29, 1906, Image 5

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'l)r. I. L. Scofield will licrcnftcr
'iiiukc tcKtitur viilH to lleud from
'the 15th to 20th of ench nioiilli.i.ttf
t','l,tfJJt Wedncmlny tlic lleud jwst
'ollicc lind the licnvicHt cnuccllittioiiH
'in the lilstpry of tlic office, amount-
HiK to 5 '34
'Hnvc you '.seen the "GreeUui:
from Henri." 'poiiUil cnrtlfliit the post
office fltdi.e? v If not Hcctire some for
your friends Jtnst. i5tf
Tlic j;ovrhor 011 the Inrj:e
eURlne at the P. II. wtw mill broke
Tuowlny, which will nccortsiliile 11
shut-down for Home time.
Mr. nuri Mrs. P. I,. Tompkins
were no.ti niii iioiichi hi n very
jiloiih'iiiit ft o'clock dinner ;ivcu to a
few Of their friends lam .Saturday.
Kcv. Walton Skipworth, ptesid
liii: elder of The Dulles district of
the M. K. church, will preach in
lleud on Monday evening. July 2.
The 1906-07 school year will le
Kin September 3, 1906, and hut till
l)ccomi)cr 31, 1906; and from
January 7, 1907, to June 1 1, 1907.
The usual holidayiiwill lie observed,
nlno Tlitirwlny and Friday of the
second week in March, 1907.
A poster put out by Madras
pco'ptc htlverliiiui: their Fourth of
July celebration .fays that a ball
Kiinfe will be played hctwauii the
J'Mndrn and Warnmpriu Itidinii
Teams." How long has it ken
since the Madras boys have turned
Indian and adopted the ways of the
red, face?
.'Vyiftlc Tletitl 'was enjoying that
ilCliKhtful !hocr Monday after
I10011, east of town a few miles a
heavy halt storm won in progies
Tlic Burdens on the Willi innou
pliiccs were pretty well detioyed
and unite a little ilstnnKc was done.
The fall was lieavy that for a
'few minute the ground looked as
tlio'tih there had beet) a nlij-lit
show storm.
' II. V. Ilattcu presented Tlie Htil
letin with home very choice radishes
Wednesday. They were a Inrc
white variuty, the Ixxlies of which
011 nu avcrnRc would mooHure live
inches long by Ave ami a half in
ches jn circumference. They were
very" firm, crisp and had m excel
lent flavor. Mr, Halted Is an At
Khrdaitcr and takes much pride in
his fine Kirdcu 011 Iron wood ave
nue. On the evening of July 0 the
Christian Endeavor Society will
give a social in the li. M. hull. A
pleasant musical and literary pro
j'.ram will 'be given, and several
lunusiuif conteit', alimlovv pictures,
etc. will help1 to pass the evening
pleasantly. 'Ice cream and cake
will lw served. Everything con
nected with this social will be free
and it is hoped a large crowd will
Ik. In attendance.
Rather discouraging news comes
roKardiiitr the condition' of Mrs.
Mike Morrison, who recently had
nu! operation performed at a Port
land hospital. , Tha wojlnd from
the operation to lealluK as well as
Would be expected but some
li oublc Itnw lately ricvclo'cd in her
eyes and there is much dauber that
site may go blind. Neither do the
hdspltnl doctors seem able to re
lit! ye her from the severe pains
With which she has been afllicted
nt intervals for many mouths.
TiTo Central Ore-'
gai Banking (8b
Trust Company
Capital $25,000 00
Tninsncts n (leiiernl Unnk
Ing Husliicss.
Acts s iSlinlulsti'tM'i Ex
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues drafts niul Dank
Money Orders cut nil Foreign
Interest jn Time Deposits.
dnfo Deposit Boxes.
plro Insurance.
A. M. UntUc, A. L. Oooilwlllle,
l'resiilcnt. Vice 1'rcs.
J. M. I.nwruncc, Secretary.
"" 4'i 0. Minor, Cnsliler.
attlWIgJV .",' ORKGON
T. A. Rutherford nnri C. S. Kay
of I.nldlaw were in Bend last Sntur
day, Mrs. IIukIi O'Kane left Saturday
morning fur Portland where she
will visit a sister for about a month.
Theodore Tweet has just recently
finished a new biiru for John Steidl
on his place in Lytic, dimensions
30x30 with 1 8 foot iosts.
The calc will scream in lleud.
No doubt of it when the patriotic
youths net hold of that fine Hue of
fireworks to be lind nt Grant's. i2tf
Karl Wright left Wednesday
morning for Portland, where he
will make an indefinite stay. He
may return to Henri about July 20.
Miss Mabel Hunter and Mrs.
Kva Poiudexter were visitors at
I.aidlaw last Saturday evening,
where they went to attend a public
This morning a camping party
coiiiOHcri of Mr. and Mrs. P. I..
Tompkins and Mrs. E. P. Hattcu,
took a camping outfit and went up
the river about six miles for a few
Oh the morning of June 19 n fine
bouncing baby boy, 10J4 pounds,
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Tweet. Ilolh mother and baby are
getting along nicely.
Ralph Sheldon hasbecii hobbling
around by the aid of crutches the
Kisl week, due to a kick received
from a horse which he was shoeing.
He was kicked on the right leg
below the knee.
W. II. Staals has recently re
ceived patent to the 8o-acrc tract
of laud adjoining Ifcticl oil the
ftouth. Title to this land has been
in litigation for about three years,
Mr. Stunts finally winning.
Christian Kudenvor services in
the church next Sunday evening at
730. Topic: ''Humility, the
1'ouudnlion Virtue." Text,
Matt. 30: 2038; 1 Pet. 5: 5.
Lender, Mrs. Kalph Sheldon.
Commencing July 1, the mail
schedule lctwccu Henri and Laid-
law will lw changed as follows;
Leaves Laid law 7 a. in., arrive at
Henri 9:30 a, m ; leaves Henri 10 a.
m., arrive at I.airilaw 12:30 p. m.
George MiUiaii, owner of the
big Milligau horse ranch alout 30
miles southeast of Henri, recently
sold 50 Head of horses to California
buyers at $75 a head. They were
a fine bunch of animals, averaging
close to 1500 pounds.
"!)ari" West and Millard Triplctt
have been bracgiug of the first native
strawberries of the season this week.
Dad" picked his first dish last
Saturday nnri Millard last Monday.
The berries were grown on plants
that were set out iu the spring of
Allcrt Seals and sou Emmet,
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stroud
look a trip into the limber Monday,
returning Thursday. They went
to look at timber claims and all
have now filed oil claims, except
Mr. Stroud. F. 1 1. Marion located
II- F. Scott, who is representing
the Filer Piano House of Portland
iu this region, recently sold a new
piano to parties in Sisters to be
placed iu a new public hall at that
place. Mrs. A. H. Grant has also
ordpjed a ptauoln from this same
Hcnd friends of Nick Weidcr
this week received invita
tions to his wedding which took
place at St. Paul, Minn., on last
Wednesday evening, the 37th, to
Miss Kffie Louise Deichcn. Mr.
and Mrs. Weidcr arc expected iu
Henri in a few weeks.
A camping party composed of
Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Drake, Miss
Huth Kciri, Mrs. Max Lueddcmauu
and R. D, Wickham and "Dad"
West loaded UuU camping nnd
fishing utensils ami "grub stake"
into a wairou Tuesday morning
nnd left for a week's outing at
lllue Lake.
At n baseball tournament held
nt Atitciohc last Friday, Saturday
nnd Sunday, the Antelope team
come oft' victor over the team from
Prass Valley. Three games were
played, iu the first Grass Valley
defeating Antelope 15 to 7, but
Antelope won. out in tlic last two
games. They scored 8 to 7 in the
second nnri 8 to 5 iu the third.
Miss. M.abel Hunter will leave
the first'ofnext week for-points in
tlje valley where she will uiuke nn
extended visiof tyo Wlty n9P
more, nuriug her absence, James
li, Iloueyiuan will assist Post
master Grant at the poslofficc.
Miss Hunter has been a most ob
liging and efficient help iu Uncle
Sam's local business and she will,
be greatly missed.
D. O. Davis, of The Dalles, ac
companied by his dauglitcr and her
husband, Mr. and 'Mrs'. Johliion,
returned to their home the latter
pari of last week after a visit with
friends and relatives fn Henri. Mr.
Davis is the father df Mrs. Theo
dore Tweet. lie was favorably
impressed with the country around
Henri nnri will invest iu properly ill'
this vicinity iu the near fnttfrc.
Redmond N6tcs.
The I). I. & I. Co. moved camps No. 3
niul 5 lout week,
I,. McConl hml one of hi liornc
revcrcly cut by n hurhcri wfrc lnl
Mr. McCnffcry of Cllne I'alU luu
moved to town niul will 1lou clinte o(
the Hotel Kdlmoml.
A clmicc 1 to ,lc k'vcii In tlfie Kcd
iiioikI Imll on l'ridny evening, June V).
It in being well uihcrtiMMi niul targe
crowd' U expected.
The revival norvlcc we're btouuhl to a
clow: Tuwdny evening There hat lecn
n good nttciulnncc nnd they were very
ucccuful meetings.
The dint Monti which Vliltcri thli
town on TueiMltty wai tlm wohd have
had thin mmuoii,
Iu Recti was tnkcil quite filt'k last
(Too Ule (at ll wctk.J
Hcvlvttl iiicctlngH were comincuced
hcic lnt Saturday nUdit by the WtH.
Jliiuctt mid Craig. The iittcudance U
improving mid gool lilectiugs arc the
Mr, VomU received M;otnl load of
furniture for his new store this week.
Mr. Itdward and family left for their
ranch, near Sitters, on Saturday, whei-c
thev will rctldc icrtnnneiitly.
V. C. Kowlec has taken tilinrgc ol the
hotel again.
The crops in thin vicinity arc looking
splendid. The rye hay is exceptionally
fine and will yield nltout A ton to the
acre. The tmnll gardens are nlw look
ing fine.
The Orecon State Iind IloSnl, were
guoftisni liic- H0111101111 noici auiumy
atid Monday.
Quite n nniidwr of people tvent to
Ilend on Tuesday to participnte iu the
celebration. Kvery tarc rig. anil team
was prcttcd into service ilnd otlicru
would hae gone could they have found
conveyance. Hvcrylxjdy reports lnviiiK
a niont enjoyable time.
Tumalo Items.
Tumai.0, June 35. A nice tcirtsliinR
thunder shower vis'led our couiltty to
day, which was welcome.
A goodly number of our 10 pie Visited
lleud lint Tuesday to sec tlie governor.
Knnk Hdgar, an old timer of
Squaw- Crvck but now of Grant's Paw,
ittopiHMl In Tumalo last Wednesday, Mr.
lhlgar was highly impiested with the
activity hIiowii by ;h? xrd)lb II ere in the
developing of the country.,
J. II. Kdwanls and famllV hAvc moved
Uick to their ranch front ltcdiiotid.
Mm. 1', P. Stpith is visiting friends at
Sodro Woollci-, Wasli, ,
Mrs. William linker, vho has been
seriously ill for some time, Is again able
to lie out.
I. H. Wimcr left tills ' morning for
Priucville where he took hi, mother,
who KOesto Douglriii Coiiuty io visit
1'. V. Swisher niadctiiii burg a pleas
nnt call Sunday.
Ccorgc Oottllctj was out from lleud
P. P. Ground irs his residence com
pleted ready for oocJipWy-
Mr. ltrnnton of Sinter passed through
Tumalo one day last week.
Don't forget that the Tumalo Trading
Company sells jjoods at fair prices.
Carrier Pljeoh Lands.
A remarknbld incident occurred
nt L. P. Klippel's rapch iu Summer
Lnkc last Thursday qvening., A
carrier pigcoiiiflew inlo the, house
and lit. It was. tired nuri worii out
from ,n long flight. A silver. band
encircled each of its legs. On one
of the bauds was "No. 115. 1905,"
and on the other wns "M. D. C.
M." 1 The pigeon was left to rest
iu the house, the cat spied it and
attempted to make, niiueal on the
bird. Someone, of tthe household
happened to discoyenthecat in time
to save the pigeon nnd, filthoitgh it
was injured som'cwh.rit,) the bird is
stilL alive nnd will be, nil right iu n
short 'time. Tjc pigeon will be
given its freedom Jo. travel whenever
it is nblc to fly, in order that it may
finish its journey. ; There is no tell
ing from whence, U came nud where
it is going, but undoubtedly it benrs
important news to .someone, vtriio
can make out tlie, meaning' of the
figures nud letters. '
Summer School .lu.r,. Teachers.
w,Jn order.ta givcour home tench,
ers and tliose expecting to teach an
opportuuity to receive the beuefiW
of a short normnl course, I have ar
ranged for a four weeks' normal in
stitute. The normal school work will em
brace all the branches rcauircd for
a teacher's certificate. The work
...Ml 1 Z I !.. 1 ..., ..,!
win ixarraiiKcu 111 uvuvuisra u
of lx)tli courses. ArrangCmclils will
be made wlicrcoy tnc urm worx
cfau be dpnc during thelast Ho min-
iiiou nf t1tr lnncfr tvriodl. thus PlW
abling those who wish to do so tQ
take drill work in all those stuutcs.
The Inst week of the normal in
stitute1 will bp conducted along the
f P J-l ll.l:l.a aaa1s
line 01 regular 111.111 lum wuix., uuu
will be conducted by Prof L. R.
TVnvpra nf IVndlptntl. Ore. who
comes to us highly recommended as
an Institute worker. Jivcry teacucr
in the comitv will x cxtcctcd to
attend during the last week and no
teacher can alloru to be absent uur
itmtitule fund will not be sufficient
to meet nil necessary expenses and
those who attend tnc nrst uircc
wcelcs will be asked to pay a small
1 nil inn foe. not more than three or.
four dollars, according to the num4
ber tliatqttenu, in order to meet ex-,
The institute will begin July 9 at
the Crook county high school build
ing and will continue until Aug
ust 8, the beginning of the semi
annual teachers' examination.
Co. School Supt. 1
Fort Klamath Boy Leaves ilome and
Cannot Do Found.
It was reported here last week
that Johnny Jackson, the i6-ycar-old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Jack
sou oi Fort Klamath, has been lost
for tlic last 10 days, says the Cen
tral Orcgonian. This boy, when an
infant, had a sick spell which af
fected his mind and he has been a
great care to his mother, who at
present is almost distracted. Lost
in the woods and to know not
where he may be is awful. He was
tracked from the house to the river
ami back to the cemetery where all was lost. Whether his body
.lies nt the bottom of the river or
whether he is still wandering half
starved in the woods, no one knows
but the all seeing eye. A reward of
100 has been offered for the return.
of the lost boy, but so far as we
know searching parties have been
Committee Atakes Report Regarding
Recent Institute Expenses.
The committee that had iu
charge the financial cud of the pro
gram connected with the farmer's
institute in Hcnd submits the fol
lowing report of receipts and ex
penditures: Total collections franco
Paid to
A. II. Grant , 3-3
Pine Tree Store .31.30
11. M. Co lyoo
Milk mid cream '. 8.00
Labor and other incidentals.,. 64.40
0. W. Ukln Married.
Just as The Bulletin goes to
press, word reaches Hcnd that B.W.
Lakin and Miss Eleanor Schleuesc
ner of Little Palls, Minn.i were
united iu marriage at Spokane,
Wash., on last Wednesday evening-,
June 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Lakin will return
to Bend sometime between the 5th
nnd 8th of next mouth. The Bul
letin extends its very best wishes
to. Mr. Lakin and his bride.
A liroken Jaw Bone.
Madras l'lonccr.
II. B. Sill, n member of the firm
of Sanford, Sill & Company, met
with n very painful accident Inst
Sunday while playing ball with the
Shauiko team in n match game with
Antelope at the latter place. A ball
struck him on the cheek, breaking
the jnw bone iu two places nud in
flicting a very, painiul injury.
Saloon Llcenso Notice
Bund, Or., June 29, 1906.
To the Honorable Mnvor nnd
Common Council of the City of
Gentlemen: The undersigned, A.
B. Estcbenet, hereby respectfully
applies for a license from 'the City
offend to sell Spirituous, Vinous
and rufllt liquors and fermented
cider in the building situated on
I,ot ii of Block 7 of the' City of
Bend for tty; period of three mouths
from the i6tlt -day- of July, 11996.
Repectfully, .
A. B. feSTKUKHttT.
A. C.4LUC'A'5,, proprietor
Tables Srtpplied Vf'lih'illl (Hc'dclicacica of the season
.1 ' "'
Ail stages st'dp Ht
General Blacksmithing- and Wagoh Repairing
Our shop is located
(offlraissiofi- and forwarding
HM,S 'Merchant.
- ' 'smAniko, - oRnao.N
Large, Coromodious Warehouse. , Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention paid to those who
favor me with their patronage
f ' o
Leave Shnniko 6 p. m.
Arrive PrineVille 7 n. m.
Leave Priucville 12:30 p. m.
Arrive Bend, 7:00 p. m.
Bend Livery h Transfer Co.
" N J. FRANK STROpp, Manager ,-, . ;
First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent ThoaeNo.15 -
DdnJttrett, between MlnqogttDilOircon, Bend, Oregon,
jSrlgvr market
t. , WAtLSTRUUT, OppOfteb. il. Co.
T" ME finest .fetock 'df FRESH
MEAT& rih Crook County!
Chrecl Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a FirstClass
Market. Everything new and
of the best WHITE & HILL.
No matter haw big the btrd, no matter ho.w heffvy its plumage or
swift its flight, you. can bring it .to ,bjia vHth u long, strong,
straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results ere what
count. They alwiya give the )e,st results in field, fowl or trap
shooting, and aresold within Teach of everybody's pocketbook.
v3'1" wH"W jiwi w-v sMfnantTn. Vf vy Mi(fnNifit iiwvi
Fine Rooms and Beds
in, 'i . 1 1.1'
the hotel door
Ofpposrtc Baptist Church.
Leave Bend, 6:00 a. m.
Arrive Priucville 12:00 m.
Leave Princvtlle 1 p. m.
Arrive Shaniko x a. m.
' 1,
AtMS CO.. New Haven, conn,
.1. -