The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 22, 1906, Image 8

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    i i T" ii im' nr" '. ' ' "g.- ' - '- - - -i r-raicj "--rttevur r.
Ur I. T Tie""
On the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
1 The Townsite of BEND
u ,n,r-'i .1
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Aw 7
A4r ,?6v Ks- J Li
s. Ik,, li I In .Ov y v n. X vr . ycii "I ' ' ''''' '
!l X y7VX v)x 7M " V73rn
Ttrattr Utn1. Art Joe 5. ir
V. 6. tAtti Office. Tb Dllc. OTff.
Mirth mi. f?cA
Nottcc H my pn il in cwnpltance wiih
l,f MwMkwioflktKIM .ftr-i Uf JK 1
v rtilHtfd Kn tl far lh lr ot mr tawt
1 . tb utrur CalMwma timi. NcI. d
U.lilatnTCTTorr." to a the
lt.Mc Iwl hUM br iKt of AHUM 4. .
SpcoctT M LjNMtt,
,fBH.wH of Crook. Mat of Orecvn. h
'MttlayfiMtntM. Acr hi .worn rtiunwt
So jj.felwHlofib HK.!l
nor Kn4nrKrl i,iil.ruc,w.
ud W irr hm( to khow tht the WnJ
worbl U mrr nW Umbrr r Whk
in forcrkJtiu nuyo. tu4 to wuHH.b
liictalntUutabtlbcAnlkCiMip4y ClcrV. at
jTtBcr.OiTSo.onlhiiijr6rjiiy. 190.
UcumrwHBrur r B. UcoljUlw.
Orrxoo. K- W.Oc. L D. Ti ao-i Mry K.
i.ttes. U of Bead. Omon
Any and S ptfwo cUimax aiTer4y the
aUTcwcTttrd Utul. kre ifwtrttvd to file their
(.iroitHttti.otficr OTordtWrUKliKh day a
Jaly. . MICIIAKI. T NOIAN. KejUter.
Timber Land. Act June j. Jtfi.
U. S. Laal OScc. fix IaH. Oreton,
Marti . VfM
Xolice l hereby lircn that to penit4Unce with
the uroviiten the art of CaacrcM T Jane v
7. entitled "An art for the at of timber land,
in the htalea of CaHbrnia. Oregon. Nevada and
WaiMngtm Territory. " a eun4e4 to aK the
public land atatea by art of AiMjurt 4, lev,
ArtlHir W t-rtmii,
of The rntlea. eounty et Waton. nate of Orecon.
i.itLiia Aut la ibU nirr M iireeB alate-
meul No. . for the ptHvoue of the K f
arc 14. tp a. r 10 e. w in
nd wHI offer fwooT to how tbat theUnd
uotbtianarc nluaUc for Ht timber or alone
than for crtouUri nreoM. aod to etUbibb
hi cUhu to M ld befotc the e(tater
awl Krcefrer at The Iallr. Oregmi, on the IJth
lUy of AUfuat. lM
He name a wHne Frank K aottinr.
WitlMiuC, Maun. MKhad oVonnor. and 1,
. UeWotf. HofTbeDolbf.Heo
Any aad all persuoa cUimhic adrertely the
abx-decrited Unda arc irauntrd to file thrtr
ctaim in thia oOur on or before aid IJth day ot
ugnit, iojo
k aio MICIIANL T. NOLAN. Retitter.
TlmUr Land. Act ofjuuc J. rfj.
U. &. Land Ofliee. Lakevicw, Oregon.
May A W.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
I he provision ofthc act of CeugicM of June X.
i7S. entitled "An act for the l oftlraber land;
m the Utc of California, Oroson. Nevada ami
Vahiuston territory-" "tended to all the
l ibllc U ud atatc by act of Augu.i 4, fa. the
fjllonins pero have filed in thi oftlce their
auorn ttatenieut. to wit
George V Couch,
of Laldlaw, county ol Crook, atate of Oregon,
woru talement No. ii. for the purchaae of
lhewKe5i.eC5,lpji,ri4e w ra
Otorne Kdwardt.
u llrnd. county of CntuL t-te ufotrgiui, aworii
rtalfiueiit Nit uoj. for the uihac of the H
,iU ai.),iiWlVw: 'P " '
That they will ofler proof to ahow that the land
aought t more valuable for ita timber or alone
than for agricultural pumor. ? ?5,uJ4'h
their claim to a Id land before II. C. Kill. U S.
ComiuUioner. t hi oftictol place of bjnliie at
It ud. Crook count) Origou. ou MTr.Iuia.lay
Tlicyuauie a MfiUce lrucy 1 II. Mariou.
l'rank K. Uajtoo, and Gtoree M . rlckle, of
LaldUw, Oregon, loacpn it. nayiwi "V"
Yoakum audllugh O'Kane. aU of end. Oregon.
Any and all peraoat cUlming dvctwjy any of
the above land nre requeued to BleWeir cUima
la tola otnee ou or ociorc iac hn i;ih ; -
kiiTutt, !.
y x:v " u
.v V NTV v "4y. v- XV. jt
Department of the Intrrior.
V S. Land Office. The Dalle. Oregon,
May 11. r9nS.
Notice t hereby siren that the Wlowinc named
aeltler hat filed nolKr of hit intretlen to male
) (Ml woof in aupport of lW claim, and that aaid
rrincvttte. Orrron. on June la. tooo, m
Daniel W J'arthttn.
of SUtora. Oregon, on I! K. No bus. for the rbj
w and wH " K.Ki4,lp tji.rix, w m
He nantca the foHowinc witneav to proe hU
caoltoooiH rndnrec upon and ntMiration ol
Midland, vh
saaaoet Wlchl. Jec V. Winter. Herbert OUiief
and Tbomo Arnold, all of Hitter. OreEou.
mnne is MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN. KrUlrr.
Department efthe Interior.
V S. Land orscc. The Dalle, Oreton,
May 11. ioj&.
Notice ii hereby riren that the foltowinr.named
aeltler ha filed notice of hU intention to make
inal proof in auppott ot hw daim, and that uW
truof wilt be maidc before the Camnty CletL. ai
WiarriUc. Otcjon. ira June 9, yA !
Je V. Winter.
orSiUrr, Orrton. on II K No 1414, for the Lot
1. ne if, pw ii and ahactf.KC It. rp 11 a. r II
fr mbh the following witneurs to prove hU
cuntinnou rnidence upon and cntlivitionof aid
land, via.
D.U VnrtMnc. Samnel VtM. Dean Cyru
and Haney Cyru, all of hidrrt, Orrgun.
Deert Land Hinal IToof.
V S.LandOMce. The Dalle, Oregon.
May j6, ivu
Notice i hereby given that Oeorge W nmer.
aulgnecof Jerry Cramer, of Tumalo, Oregon,
ha nlrd notice of intention to make proof en hia
deert4and claim No. ill, for the )n)f i'S
ne and n!kU, tc a, Ip 16, r 11 r. w in,
brforr the County Clerk, at I'rinewHc, Oregon
on the 1 .lb day of Jul) , ivu6.
He name the following witneue to prove the
complete irrigation and reclamation of Mid land
loteph N Hauler, of He ml. Oregon, Charle
II. hpaugh, Therowald Jrnon, and Charle L.
Wtmer. all of Tumalo, Oregon.
ll-tubS MICHAHLT NOLAN. KrgUtcr.
Tiaaber Land. Act June 1, llt.
U. . LiUd Oftce. The Dalle. Oregon,
April 33, igoS.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
!hcproviMouofibc Act of CongreM of Junes,
tafS. entitled. "Au act for the Mlc ot timber land
iu the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waihlugtou Territory," at extended to all the
public laud alalc by Act of August 4. 191,
Kirk WhUed,
of Redmond, county of Crook, atate of Oregon
ha thi day flint in thl office hi woru Mate
ineut No rA- for the nirclac of the cHw);
audwMe!4 ofacciy, tpija, rile, w in.
And will offei proof to ahow that the land
ought I more valuable fur it timber or atone
than for agricultural purpose, and to
ettablUh hi daim to Mid land before the
County Clerk at Prineville, Orrgou, on the tatb
dayolAtfguM, 1904,
He name a wituee Henry 1' Tliile.
I'ugeitc C. Park, Meade K. Landr. frank li.
Morrill and l'ruk CUu, all of Jtcduitud, Ore
gon. Any and all peraona ctalmlng adversely
the aboreleacribed land are. reqdetcd to
file their claim In thi ofice on or before the aaid
loth day of Augut, itni.
(1 aj . MieUAUL T. NOLAN. atgUttr
Department ofthc Interior.
V S. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon.
May it. 190&
Notice I hereby given thai the fottowlng-namnl
ettler ha filed notice of hi intention Ul make
final proof in aunnort of hi claim, and that uM
proof will be made before the Cnnnly Clerk, at
ntoeviHe, Otrgon, en June to, lyA, 4i
Samuel Wlehl,
of Mt. Oregon, on II. K. No-oA for tax aw
HeiMmetthe foHowing wttneto prove hi
eantlnuou realdeiMe upon ami ealtlrattoa of
W land, vii
Heibert OUter, D. W. farthing. Dean Cyru
and Harvey Ciru. aM of tvicr, urrgon.
miljanei) MICIIAHL T. NOUN, KegUter.
Timber Land. Act of June j. S,
(7. S. Land Office The Dalle. Oregon,
May 11. iy$.
Notice it hereby given that In compliance with
the provituw of the Art of Congre. uf June J.
lf), entitled "An act for the ale of tlmlier land
in the Malt of California, Oregon, Nevada and
WathlHgton Territory." a eiteuded to all the
public land Mate by act of August 4. iM. the
Mlowinc-namcd pmom have, on April 14.
iou6. tied In thi office their .worn atatemesti,
Walter K. Nkhel,
of Bend, County ofCrook, Slate of Oregon, aworn
ttatenieut Ne. iffvy, for the purchase 01 the n M
nw if, sec ji, a H wtf. ec. Ipsa, r ue, wm.
Dora A. Niehot,
of IVeiwl, County of Crook, Mate of Or r ion. warn
tatemenl Ne. iMM, for the purchase ofthc ne )f
tec l, tp If a, r l e, w m.
That they will i.fTer proof to show that the
lands sought aic mere valuable for the tlmlier or
lone thereon than for agricultural purpose,
and to establish their daim to Mid lands before
II. C )t!ll. V 8 Ceninilssieorr. at hia sfllce in
fiend, Orrgou, on July 17, 190$
They name the loltowinK Jehu
Mas, of Mster. Oregon Jeteph N. Hunter,
l'rank !kitterorth. Walter K. Nlchol. Dora A. Mend, Ofegon
Any and all persoiit claiming adversely any a.
the anovcHlescribed land aic requested to file
their daim in thia office on or before the Mid
ijth day ol July. 1906.
mil-July is MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN, Register.
I'nlled 6Ute Mnd Office, The Dallr. Oregon,
May 18 , 1906.
A .ufflcieut contest affidavit having been fllnl
in thi office by OliierTborbjorntoncontrstant,
against homestead entry Ne IIJIJ. made Oc
tober 6, I9, for seX"!V. tec 11, nelf n(,
wjineif seen, tp 17 . r 10 c.w m, by Carl
Axctt'rttrsou,coutctrc,ln which it i alleged
that said Carl Aitl Petterson ha wholly aband
oned Mid tract, that he hat changed hit rni
dence therefrom for more than six month last
pHst, that said tract I not Killed upau awl
cultivated by Mid party aa required bylaw
that aaid alleged absence was not due to hit
employment in the army, uavy or marine
corp ofthc United btatestu time of war, uid
partie are hereby notified to appear, rend
and offer evidence touching Mid allegation at
10 o'clock a ra on July 7, 106, before II. C
Kill, a I. Commissioner, at his office In Ilend,
Orrgou. and that dual bearing will be held at
AAl.wl HI ft, lul. ., ...-A tim .lib Ha-
iacraud Receiver at the I'uUtd Male Ltud
Office in The Dallra, Oregon.
The mI4 con tests nt having, In a proper affida.
rit. filed May II, 1006, set forth facta which
how that after due diligence personal service of
thl notice cannot be made, it i hereby ordered
and directed that auch notice be given by dac
and proper publication.
ATTln Jt
?j in 4 j
''''''''' J ' ' ' ' ' ' J Li
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H it. M te t t
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i as a h - t t
wm . a p m h
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h ?-1-4-
i i i i i i i i ii ii l" "i r"
Tlmlier Land, Act June J, it;,
V 8 Land Office, The tiallei, Oregon
March 11. (
Notice It hereby given that In compliance wflh
the prorfsiont efthe Act of Cengrr ol June t,
17. entitled "An art lor the sale of timber land
In the state of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Wthlagten Territory," as extended to all the
pnblK land stale by act of August 4, iter.
Samuel II Clark,
of Bend, County of Crook, Mate of Oregon, ha
this day filed in thi. office hia .worn statement
No 141. for the purchase of thetw If aw v. m-
17. te ft te V. ec 11 and nw nw Jof sec . tp
V r 1 i e, w m.
And wilt offer proof te snow that the Itnd
sought it more valnaMe for it timber or ttene
than for agricultural burpo. and In etabti.h
bltdalmte uid Itnd Iwforc If C. KHit. V. K.
Commlsalonrr, at hi office III fiend, Oregon, en
the 17th day of July, lous.
.! UH.l m. Mrlltt.. l.,til. Lm SIIaI.1
Morrison. Charle lioyd and John Mridl, all of
iienu, uregon.
Any ami all person claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc rmuctlrd te file their
daimt In this office en or before hM 17th day of
wayjij MICIIAKI. T NOUN KegUter,
Timber Land, Act June J, 17,
t'.K Land Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
March tb. ie4.
Notice it hereby siren that In com.lUic with
the provident uf the Ad of CongteM of June 1,
17. entitled VAn art for the Mlc efllinbcT lands
in the Mates of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory." a extended to all the
1'uMk I-tiH-i Main by act of August 4, ityr,
I'taek Ol.,
of Ktdmond. rtMiHty of Cteek, state of Oregon,
ha this da v filed In this office hit tnorii stale,
ment Ne jMi, for the iwrcliase of the e W a
sec M3, Ip m t, r 1 J e, w m,
And will offer proof to thaw thai the land
ought it wore valuable for lit limler or atone
than for agricultural purt-Mr, and to establish
bit daim to uH land before the County Clerk al
I'rincville, Oregon, en the lltbiliy of July, lyat
He uam.M a witnesses John IHoh, of MMers,
Orrgou, and W. II. hIMta, o W II RUry ami
Charle Ma u borough, all of Vend, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested te file their
elslmt in this office on or before Mid nth day ol
jj r- ,ii.iiaiii, . . ,iiifA,i, negisirr.
V. 6. Land. Office The Dalle, Oregon,
May iu , ivoi,
A .uttklent conlest affidavit havlug lieeu filed
in thi office by Wlnfield C Oliffiii. conteiUnt,
agaiul hoiurstrad entry No. IJJJv, made l'eu
rutry rj. IVH. for the wHnwJf , .eSfiiw; , twlf
neV. see ii, Ip it t, r lie, w m, by John H
hhendtn. Cotileslee. in which it it alleged that
sanlJohiiK hhertd.u hat wholly alvudourd
Mid tract for more lhan alx moutha la.t past
that lie ha. not cultivated or improved atkl tiact
..required b law thai he list, not settled upon
Mid tract that Mid allrvrd iWn nnl
due t hi employment in the army, navy or
marine corps of the Uultcdtdalcain the time of
war. Mid i tie are hereby notified to appear,
respond and offer evidence touching Mid alle-
fstloq at 10 o'clock a in. on. June J5, .
forr II C Kills, a 1 ti Coniiiilssiouer. al hit
ufhee In Itcud, Orrgou, aud that final hearing
will be held al 10 o'clock a. m. oil Juue
M, 1906. before the Register and Receiver al the
United Matetland office at The Dallet, Oregon
The Mid contestant baring, in a proper alfi.
davit, filed May J..I906, set forth fact, which
show after due diligence personal service ofthls
notice can not be made, it it hereby .ordered and
directed that such notice be gittn by due aud
proper publication.
fiuHu mm a hi r. holan, jutum.
K J S (
4t I ' 1 t 7
t J 4
l 1 I 7
h -J
' f r 7
" AV E..
C J rf 4
" H ? 7
' & .
Timber titd, Act June i, ihji
V . Und Office. The Dalle, Oregon.
I'ibruary , lyo
Notice It hertly given that in com4tance wHh
theprevtrtenseflhe Act of Congress of June 1.
ir. entHU-. "An act for the Mleof timUr landt
la the stale of California, fHegon, Nevada, ami
Washington TetrHory," at extended to ail the
pubtk land states by Ad of Aug 4. ityt,
Jesse IhhH.
f Bend, county of CrwoW, stale of Orecon. hat
I kit iUy filed In Ihit office hU aworn sistement
Ne. iW for the (HMchsseof the wHseK of s
M, Ip lit, r toe, w m
And will offer prr totbow Ihsllhr land
toughl Is more valuable for lit limber or stone
than foi agricultural orpe. and to establish
his claim to uM land before the Count r Clerk,
at Prlneville. Orrgen, on the islh day of July.
I la .. ... sa .bIm-.. ,..... .. .. .. a .
li. Hdwsr.N, tehn N. rtdwarda, ami William IM
watdt, allofMsteft, Oregan.
Any aud .all i-rrxins dalmlng adversely the
kMve deserllied lauds ale iiwiwtnl to file their
alll. In Ihl. afliM ,lu t !..,.. !.- &.,.! ..,..
dsyef July, t'ii. r
ran tots MICIIAKI. T. NOI.AN. Hithtrr.
Tlmlier Land, Ad June s. 17.
U. B Land Office, The DaHet, Oregon.
March IS. lynrt.
Notice ! hereby given that In romidianec with
lh protitloiit oflhe td f (tmgreM of June i, iM
entitled "An ad forlhe Mle of timber land in
the stale, of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Uaahlngtoii Territory." at r tended lo ill the
puMK land atatea by ad of August 4. iwl
Archie l'attlc.
f.Bend, County of Crook, Mate of Oregon, bat
thl. day filed his sworn statement
No. Hr. for Ihe purchase of the se K of tec j. u
Is, rite, win.
Anil will offer proof to show that the land
sought it Merc valuaMe for lit or .lone
than foi agrienlluial purios, and toMblish
nit claim to Mid land I fore . c. lUtii, If. H.
Commissioner, at hla office iu Heml, Ottgou, on
the 171I1 day of July, ly
He lit met at witnesses. Hamuol B. Clark.
Michel MorrtH. Chst4. II....1 .uJ lAku .j.
all of Und, Oregon.
Any and alt iierson elatminv iiua.i. n..
above-decribl laud aic itsiuvstcd 10 nli
thtlrdalmt In thit office an ot bcfoie Mid irih
day el July, iojo. '
"tav..ij MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN Knrt.lrr
Timber Land, Ad June j, it.76.
0. H. Land Office. The Dalle. Oregon,
April j, 19"
Notice I hereby given thai In compliance with
the provision of ihe Ad of Cuugtes uf June k
Itj. entitled. "An act for Ihe sale of Umber lamlt
nln'tUtcaofCaliruiiiU, Oregon, Nevada, and
l a.l.liigtou Territory," a extn.ll to all the
public land atatet by Act of Angu.t 4, isi.
Harry If. Notlhup,
ofportland. county of Multiiomah, tlateofOic
goii.ha.thltday fill In hi oluveliUa.urn
statement No. 16.;, for the purchase oflhe l.ol.
1 and s, sec y, tp 19 1, r 11 e, w iu.
Altil tavlll nfTmW oswru a .1 ..... ..
laud sought It nioic valuable for lit tlmlier or
neniiiieiai wlluetses Homer Aimel IW.
rest B Pl.her. aud Herman Cl.usse,.u".V r'a
t0:'".',1' 'irr" A C...'-'c? '' ftadle A.
! ?. !'... ,;"i"r""i. aiicnati O'Connor and
L. Ol DcWoIf, efThe Dallet, Oregon.
Any and all prison. claiming adversely
the above lands are requeued to file their claim
In Ihit office on or before the said ifUh da, il
June, iojo. '
'Ht UIUUXbT.MOIM.Saalalar. 1
At Gateway to
the Great
Town has Grown
ntmokt cntitely in the t ytmr. the Ht
office tinting only Iroui AjkiI S, 1901.
!knl hits excellent public H'hooU
nni! complete public water work.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
Timber Land Adjunrj. ittt
V H Mnd Oflke, fkrvnw Oregon,
April 17. iy
Notice b) hereby gi.en Ihtt In rmdMne with
Ihe Mvitstou ofhe Act uf ...Higress of June 1
17. rtilllled An art for Ihe Mle of limber la iwC.
i?.1".' "'iaUfornia. uregun, Me.4a ami
Halng44M Teriitory. as v.ltSHfod to aU Use
HjWe Uml stale by ad ol Autsst 4. ift. the
fIWtociamMtwrmlwvelMlsi lbs. eemr
Ihetr .worn Malementt. towN
Oeorge W Ptekd.
of UMUw. Cotustv of Ctvak. Mate of Oreeow
twofustalement No nwi for Ihe purchase of
the e H ne K. see at. nw !( nw K s. tw X w
U secit. tpara r ise, wm n
AlffasIT VuakwM.
of Bend. County of krook. Wsle of Ofe-m, .worn
slaleiuul SI.. - - a.. .1. . .. J..V ..
-; - m iw iwhwmt n inr .r i
r l e sTl "" ,W ". K C Jf . H. p M a.
Thai thev will offer proof, to show that Ihe
:.r ZZ' .. wwr nsHwe it inc umber or
stone Iher eon than for ttifcwUursl turno aod
C KWI., v ft i-Hnmi4kMer. at Ms official place
fbusturasat Hend Crook Cosmty. iJrernVim
Tnj4sv. the 17th day of July. iV ""-
i..tSW " ' ' ,'-,, " Albert
heals id' ft .l nitjou, 1) W. Ptekel Laldlaw
tMetrwi. ami Alfrtw T Yoakum. rfed,tlitg-w:
.h.rJveiaclbTtaH,.B,. vearfi'to
toll July is- J N WAT-OK. Rt.Mer
Timber Land, Ad June j, igai.
V k Uud Office. The Italic. Of vwwn.
June 1. kmI.
ii2f!i5. """ that in ftMHHMtnae with
w..htur:."r-:. "?";. ?rui
. fc.i ""Ji mm railVfVHf! 141 till IM
IHibUc land stolea by Ad of Angnst 4, rtti.
1'isdT llHMint,
0 lrliiMlit mu.u.u e .. .. . .
and Ihe ...,. f sec it-Tr wrTi m. H
i?J?i T?l "f,r fS , the tend
l!uIf.,f,1o,.,,.,?", J1"!-", and to ..laMUh
IvVX """ ,tH' ,ik ,Uy AUfUst
llenme.wMMs W. A Heoth. K L.
Me'. &" "" ' " ,,tt""u,,w'
HH..f.0i. .wrsalr the
uTlu. ITTir" " m' 'Plwvaita iu nw Ibelr
AultwJt, 19 " m M" ,toUl U "'
TtmUr Ijiiid. Ad June J. it
UiH. Und Office. The DjIIm, Oregon.
v,.m,.,.i .... AprlU.h..u
llw ioumITJI.. T?.' "J1 '" WHUIIC0 Willi
23.,.I!Tih"??.. " u.f cungrM of June j.
In Tl.riV.'r1 ,A.? !f& h l,,r Ml f ItiMlwt lanJ
u.,l.T.M,.l"Sl c '"WiiU. Oregon. Nevada, and
.biicidnutycrofVi'T;. itV." ,h
LUaramaa V Vosm a, u
ufIVri''r J''U:.?r .?' .-h""'.'''- y-i-.
iu. .r.r. ... 1 1. ' "7" ui ,ni wine m
heUU,H?",..,!: .: f' Ihe mrca.e of
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