The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 22, 1906, Image 7

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    Buy Hair
at Auction?
S full niil ,
"'.W ''Vtef't.'
IM Jtftftff. M
PI M Li HI KMJkStA'' tUZdfJSVBM 1 .KUiiJI' , rW3m3Zr9 ImAZZA
aBBaaaN!a'i''--''t---'-' ll1.' I't aa a
v Baasaatarr t
uLvM 7;, ,
At any rate, you eccm to bo
Retting rid of it on auction-sale
principles: "going, going,
g-o-n-cl" Stop the auction
with Aycr'o Hair Vigor. It
cliccksfalllng hair, and always
restores color to gray hair. A
splendid dressing also. Sold
for over sixty years.
. Mr lijr feme out i badly I nestle loitlt
II. I had lii to mudi afil Aral's Hair
VIof I tliotighl t would (! lrl(. I lA
a ami II r.iinll.l; elOit the talljni, end
liudaiu; liatrjiiua tali iepl4lr."-MAMV II.
flll.H, fVoMlirfald, Mali,
jM Made by J.O.AyerOa., Lowell, Maaa
m er
lit llnml th Nlifii.
Olio iiKiniliiK two yotinic women rtv
tired tint Hiiltvlllt itrmvry, ml nfter
onto 1IcumIiii txiiiKtit n pound of
tin ton, two txiiinilit of Kluuurtiiiiim and
two ikmiiiiIn of cfnvkiTK.
"HlnppliiK at Miss (Jray'sT" Inquired
tint clerk, an liu tied lit) tho timidlt.
"Yen," ald ono of ttiu youtitf women,
wllh evident nurprliu.
"Caino ntHiut yesterday fonmootiT"
aid the clerk.
"Ilnw did you know)" aitked tlio oth
er youiiif woiiihii, curiously,
"Utn. Well, 1 con mom generally
toll," said tlm clerk, without glancing
nt tho otijret of lit iiitttd-rvailliijc. a
tut twltclutl it knot In the utrltitr. "You
are, It'ri pretty ilrlnly and muddy to
dny, nnd I know there wouldn't Imj any
lMly'a hoarder Init Mlaa. (Jray' feel
tint need of cuinlng out here such weath
er; niul lung n n you tlMii't comn till to
dny, I knew for uru you couldn't Imro
tieeii Ihto iiiore'n one dny. Three meal
I about tlio average."
lly drover Cleveland,
No people cnn low liopo while thulr
court and Jurle remain uuhlvmlniil
and nduilulNter Jimtku fearlessly nnd
unrelentingly, t 'nlted Htnle Heint
tom mid ItopreM'iitiitlvi who, rely
lux on tho lixwo IdenH of hoiiciity per
vndliiK their eiivlruuiiieul, Imvu Ik
trnyed tho tniHt of tho jwople llud
tlmt no H.rtcrted Keutlineut nnd no
illhuulM) or diiKzIo of IiIkIi immiHIoii
ouorn ciJ-ui-nn tivallM to mivo them from tli fato of
common iiiiilefiictorn. Tim eimy koIiik iIIhumw of Hlltlnil
prlvllcKm hy lioneat cltlwim fallM fur tihort of n wIIIImk
ueM on their inrt to overlook or tolernto n vile trnlllc In
voted or mi nlmmlnnhle liiirtvrlnic nwiiy of tlm poopiu'n
luterentii In jilnce" of trunt. An iinny of tenchem In our
nohooU nnd rollee nro hy their II vw of w;lf MicrlllcliiK
nnd ruiinepiitloiin devotion to the cnui-o of tilucntion
iniiklii tiiiremlttlue protent ntcuhiHt pntviilllnn mHUIiiiiiih
nnd nvnrlcit. From ninny thounnndn of pulplu throiiBh
out the Inml In cenBelermly onfort-iil tho lnNplrd nuiiur
nneo "letter n n little with rlKhteoUHuenn tliiiu erent ruvo
mien without right"
It limy he tlmt director of ori;nulratlotm wIkj hnvc In-vlti-d
the roiilldPtice of tho eoplu nnd, who hnvc ik-kII-rMitly
or lolonMy hotrnyed thulr trut will not thorchy
lono ennto nmonu tholr-fellow In tlm guild of rlclitfi; hut
there nro million of their countrymen who will ponds!
In moniiurluK their conduct hy tho plitln, simple ntnndnnl
of moral rti-tltude. Tho American character hnn n-t.t'lved
no dUnliltiik' wound or hurt. It cnn bo relied Uku to
wive our limtltutlonft. If lt innrnl flher In not further
wenkened hy tho creeping corrosion of gutA of wicked
neulect And theo cannot occur If tho innitra of tho
American xoplo are wntchful, futthful to their srent
truiit nnd In nl thine patriotic.
Dtalnoa Cannot lie Cured
br lixal illrtntii u tliejr rannot rcMh tho
aiMawi ixifllunul llio ear. limit! li onljr nn
jr lu cuioiUanirii. ami lhatli tir euiiitltu
llunal rinrllri Ixalnnili caun-.l l,y an In.
flanml euiilltlnn ot tlio iiiiicxjui IIuIuk ot ilia
KmurhUii 1 ul. S hrn ihlt tut li Innamta
Toll liato tumlilltiK louiul or I intellect hear.
in, aim wnt-n mcuuir cioif.i, itaainrii
llio raault, and tinloia the Inllainmaliuii can I
nl when Ilia oullialr clinf.f, Ixalnrii li
Ull. anil tinioia Ilia inllainmaliuii ran 1
taiatl till! ami ttila tul ia.tma.1 lu lla iwinnal
coinlllluii, lieaMnir will lx il.ilrnrrc lotaiari
ulna ratal oil l ut ten ara raiiitit lir Calarrb.
willed la nutMntf tiut an liiflaund condlltoii ol
llitrinuroui lUtlar.a.
Wawlllla Olio lluiidr.! Pollari tor anr
caiaol H.atiinilrauiKl tir catarrh) that ran
not I curnl by llall't Calanh Curo. haud lor
Circular!, frra.
u , , , , r 1 CIIINKY A CO, Tolado, O.
Kitittir Druuta.i&e.
Jlall'a Fauillr I'llU ara tho Ull.
lly ProfeMtor Felix Adler.
Tho HtroiiKhold of tho homo lie In tho
thought of It i'rmnncnry, nnd cury divorce
uriintiil weaken tho cxHetBtlon of till tfilill.
ty. Tho Itten of mnrrluKe n u grcnt noclnl end
I gradually kIvIiik way to thoughts for one'
aelf, Tho medlauval coiicepllon of marriage wan
to conncno tho family unmo and tho faintly
lutereitt. In Japan ono ground for divorce lies
In too great an attachment hetweeu man and
wife. It I there recognluHl that n wlfo owe n certain
nlleglnnco to tho family a a whole. In one plinw tlio
change In modern time Is to Ih commended, for tho
woman ncrt her Independence, nnd shows that her
heart muni ho consulted, yet there I an Impiety In thin
attitude, llinniniich a n coupltt will withdraw from It k
clety mid prtK'lalm Ita right to enter Into hotid of imitrl
iiiony regardlecH of any wK'lal ilemand.
Tlio divorce movement I tho effect of till Individual'
liim. When a couple marrlc nolely for their own hnppl
iickh one will (IIhw)Ivc the leiud iih hxiii a thl end full
of realization. The hertt and truet marriage riult when
tho parties enter Into them not for iwrnoiml happlu'.'wt,
but with u desire to roncli the nk'IiiI end.
I'arents should remnlu together If only for the snke of
their children. In strained parental relation, why would
It not Im feaslhlt) to divorce a sou from a father, a
daughter from u mother A father cannot cast off a
profligate sou ; there I no such thing as disowning him,
for wu hear of that only lu novels. Likewise, there I
no such thing a disowning n wife, however grave her
offense might he. She may lie exiled for life, hut tho
mental relation should never cease, even when the Inti
mate doe.
lly Prot. D. T. Mlnnlch.
It would be hard to forget III health now.v
days, however well one might bo oneself. Tho
newspajier are full of discussion.! resjtcctlng ev
ery variety of It As one walkydown a street
ono sees on tho wall tho advertisement of
pill, nerve fortifier, tonics, nnd cure for ail
ment of every klutL Tho aflllctlon of men
and women are kept vigorously before our
eyes. We could not forget them even If wo
never had a day's Illness.
Higher wage, better food, better houses, and ath
letic hnvo Increased the chance of longer existence You
would not get If 'ou tried n bad bread to-tlay as was tho
ordinary bread of twenty year ago, and you would havo
considerable dlfllculty In finding a Iwusc which was so un
healthy as a bouse of ttiat ierlod ot tho ame rent Tho
law ngalnst ndulterntlon passed In 1870 havo abolished
the first and tho lawa with regard to liouslng havo ex
tinguished the latter. Tljo authorities have discovered
that It I cheaix-r not to havo smallpox, cholera, and ty
phoid than to have them, nnd they have taken stejta that
havo mado these afflictions a hundred times rarer than
they were.
Many iiconlo nro firmly convinced that no exercise
can really do you good unless It Is exjHMilve. Most of tho
enthusiastic golf players I meet would, I mil convinced,
lose an Immense part of their faith In the healthy Influ
enco of tho game If they could not manage to spend ?5 a
day over It Walking Is too cheap for many people. I
Micro In games, but for n healthy exerclso walking Is
equal to any. Hut ono must havo something. No exerclso
la fearful wnate. You cannot afford It
Intalllajant Critic.
"Ila I ha I That was a funny Jok
you wrote about tho fallow who didn't
know a 'bunker' from a 'itymla,' " sold
thu golfer.
"Made a hit with you golfora, ehV
replied the funny man.
"Yes. Kueh Ignorance Is laughahlo."
"I supiKuu so. Hay, what aru 'hunk.
era' and 'stymie,' anyway' Phila
delphia Ledger.
Wotrirrawlll ami Mr. Vflnilow'a Hootatni
Kirup tho bait remclr touio (or thalr ehtlilran
during tho tat IbliiK rrlod.
A Cuiitliiiia I'liinnrtrr.
"Do you favor government owner
hlji of railways)"
"I don't know," nnswercd Tanner
Cornltntsel. "It 'ud bo nil right If wo
could nllus Ik suru of sharln' profits,
but I've got trouble enough with taxe
without tllggln' down to pay dellclta."
Washington Ktar.
CITO ' Vllua' l'ana and all Nrrrnut Mjm4
fl O "rmaiianllr irl br "r. Itlina'a tlrrat
fthrrm lli aim.r. Hand rur KIII.K II trial IhIIU and
traatUa, llr. It JI.UIlu , UL.ail Arclt Hu, l'Uiia.,1'.
Indlannpolla Transportation Facilities.
Indianapolis hits 18 rallrouils, reach
Ing nil the Important cities ol tho Ceil
tral West, and 14 Intoriirlmn electric
lines and counectlona exteutlluK 'rom
25 to 75 mllea in every direction.
TIicho bring Into Indianapolis an
enormous trading population. From a
radius ol 60 inllca more than 25,C00
inaiiufiicturofs And dealers coma to In
(llauapolla for their Biippllea. IMitora
nnd publishers will visit Indianapolis
In Juno, tho occasion being tho annual
convention ol tho National Kdltorial
Fnllncr About Jntralara.
Jowolera, whwu watches nro with
them for repaint, nro frotmuutly Insult
d with tho rcmak :
, "I trust thoro Is no dangor of crys
tals being substituted for tho Jowols lu
tho worka of my watch."
for a great many persona think thoro
nro dishonest Jewelers who make a
Iirnctlco, with "full-Jowoled" wntchoa,
of auhstltutlng cryatnls for tlio Jewels
nt mi enormous profit
Ah a matter of fact, thoro la no truth
lu this suspicion, A Jowelor, no matter
how dishonest, could not atoal tho Jew
el In a watch, for they nro vuluolosa;
tlwy only cost 10 ccnta apleco.
In antique wntchoa tho Jgwols worn
often costly. In modern wntchos they
aru uover worth more than (15 a Bross,
A noon a tin) flro burnt red and low,
And th Iioum uintalra la atlll,
She slnjra in a guor little atrepy sonjt
Of sheep that go ortr too hllL
The good llttlo ihwp run quick and soft,
llielr colon ara gray and white:
They fellow their Under noao to tall,
l'or they muat U lioiue by night
And one ljp over and ono come next,
And ona runs nftor behind,
Tho gray ona' now at th white one's
Tho top of the hill they find.
And when they get to tho top ot tlio hill
They quietly slip away;
Hut ono runs over and one come next
Tlnlr color are whlto and gray.
And over they go, and over they go,
And over the top of tlm hill,
The good lllllo sheep run thick and fast,
Ami tlio bouao upstairs Is still,
And ono slip over and ono conies next,
Tho good little, gray llltlo sheep,
1 watch how tho llro burns red nnd low,
And alio says tlmt 1 fall aalrcp.
Frank II. Hwevt
ca UKSSINQ herself nil In white, na
Jj)lwiiB her custom almost every nf-c-
tenioon, Molly Whlto went to alt
III tho hummock to road nnd wait tho
return of her husbiind who had gone
to tlm next town on buslues.t, Slio had
been reading mimw time, when sudden
ly slio heard hoofhenta. Peering through
tho vlnea alio buw n yoiiuu Koout, ono of
her hiiHhniid'a frleiida, coino gnlloplng
iil tho road tuwnnl tho houoo very
much excited, Bho thought of her lnm-
.buyd Imuieillntely and suspected that
no wiih in dangor,
"Whnt'a tho uinttcrV alio exclaimed,
Bculug him hy thu arm.
"It's It'a Will," ho answered, quite
"la ho hurtt" sho cried, excitedly.
"No, but ho'a going to lie," ho nil
Hwcrotl aoftly, nt tho unmo tlnio
Klmiclng around nlwut to seo whether
or not ho was telling thla to more
than ono ierMii. -
"When? Whero?'1 alio crletl, nlmost
"Ybr know whero Illnclc Hock Is,
nbout ten mllea from hero, don't yor?
Well, that's whero they're, going' to wait
for hliu. Yor 6eo, thoy found out that
ho'4 gorjQ to O nud wna golntf to
bring back somo cash and thought
they'd glvo htm n lift Heard It from
an old friend and thought "
Hut Molly cnretl nothing for what
ho thought Just then, and hailing the
stable man who waa passing, sho said
In a low voice: "Jim. aaddlo King.
mount four men and bo ready to follow
mo In five minute. Do suru the men
ara well nnnetl." Jim hastened to exe
cute Ida orders, and In flvo minutes he
ami Ida men wvro ready for further
"Yor ain't goln to try to head him
off, are yer" tho scout nsketl Molly,
anil not receiving an answer, continued,
"It's too late, he'll bo thero beforo you
ken ketch him."
"We'll see," said Molly, shortly.
Hcldiix her revolver from tho table
sho hurried out to whoro her men woro
waiting, nnd bidding them follow her
an rapidly aa itowtlble, she sprang Into
tho saddle mid waa out In tho road be
fore auyono could remonstrate with
her. Tho others mounted quickly nnd
wero soon following tholr mlsti-eas, but
she was more than n match for them.
Her homo was n thoroughbred, tho
fastest on tho ranch, and Molly thought
that by urging hliu on to n quick run,
sho might ye lm nhlo to reach her hus
band lu tlmo to warn hliu of his dan
ger. On, on sho rode, now and then
bending over Klng'a neck, to whisper
In his ear, nnd tho good, steed, seeming
to understand, went faster and faster,
until thoso who followed wero Just
niMNO rAit m auyancc
nhlo to discern n whlto speck disappear
ing In front of them.
Hut not until tho sound of horao's
hoofbents had becomo Indistinct, did
Molly renllxo tho danger to which sho
had subjected herself lu riding no far In
advance of tho others. Blio know that
If tho hlghwayimm wero nt Black Rock
llrst nnd thoy probably would, bo, thoy
would not let hor, his wlfo, pass j but Tho woman who cnn nrgua should, bo
thla thought did not causo her to losoj'man-llkq enough not to cry,
courago nor to slacken speed. Sho turn
ed around one more, and could Just see
four figure following at somo distance,
and hoped earnestly tlmt they might
not bo far off when sho should roach
Hlack Hock.
Hy this tlmo tho moon had risen,
fighting up tho wholo plain, nnd not a
half mllo off, sho could seo tho huge
rock loom up beforo her. Rho strained
her eyea, nnd looked beyond, to seo If
thero waa n lone rider coming from
that direction ; but no one was In sight,
and sho know then that her husband
had not yet reached tho spot
Aa sho camo to within 100 yards of
tho place, n masked man stepped out
from behind tho rock, nnd shouted
"Halt," at tho name tlmo leveling a ro
rolver nt her. Hut sho had no thought
of halting, mid raising her own revol
ver, sho fired. Tho man fell, nnd sho
galloped past him, but not beforo ono
of tho wounded man's companions had
fired mid hit her with n bullet Bho
felt faint, nnd slipping tho revolver Into
Its holster, sho placed her hand to her
side. Tho palm nt onco grow warm
with blood. Sho was now so weak that
sho could no longer manago the reins,
so King of his own nccord slowed down
to n trot Thero was no need of has
tening now, for her own men had come
upon tho desperadoes, and after a sharp
scuttle tho latter wero mado prisoners.
Molly had not ridden far when on
looking up sho saw a man riding on n
whlto horso, whom sho knew to bo hor
husband. Sho gavo n high of relief, nnd
tried to call out to htm, but tho sound
was only n moan.
King, being no longer guided, stopped
suddenly. Tho Jolt caused Molly to reel
In her seat, but instead of falling to tho
ground, sho fell Into n stroug pair of
arms. A voice waa snyliur things sho
liked hut could not hear, hut alio know
that voice only too well. Sho smiled, as
sho whispered, so low that ho could
scarcely hear, "Just Just In time,
"In tlmo? In tlmo for whnt, dear?"
ho asked gently, wondering what sho
could mean.
Hut thero was no nnswer. no turned
her faco to tho moonlight Tho quiet
lips smiled Btlll, ami tho beautiful faco
waa almost ns whlto as tho dress sho
"Molly," ho cried, "Molly."
But only n coyoto barked from n
knoll near by, Boston Post.
Animated lied Warmer,
Strnngo bed warmers nro used by
Chilean women. In cold weather, when
In bed, they keop their feet warm by
placing them on a dog.
'Alio Jtiiiu You iiuvo AltvnjrH Hoiifrht ima borno tho Ienn
turo of ClutH. II. FIctclicr, nnd lias been iniulo under IiIm
iicrxonal HiipcrvJMoii for over tfO yenr8. Allow no ono
to deceive you Jit tlilx. CoimtorieltH, Imitations nnd
" JuHt-aH-frood " nro hut Experiment;, nnd rmlnngor tho
health of Children Experleneo airuliiHt Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castorhi l u hnrmlcMH Mtilistltuto for Castor Oil, Paro
Rorlc, Drop nnd Soothlnir Syrups. It lu I'lcosnnt. It
contuIiiH neither Opium, Jforplifiio nor other .Nnrcotlo
substance IIh auo Is lt giiurnntcc. It destroys "Worm
nnd allays Fcvcrlslincis. It cures Dlnrrhwn, mid "Wind
Colic. It relieves Tcetlilnjr Troublcs.eures Constipation
nnd Ilatulcucy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd JJowcIh, Kivinir healthy and natural alccp.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Hears tho Signaturo of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TwcatifTau eoatpaitT. tt atuaaar aratrr. hi roan crrr.
Grandfather's Cure for
REAT medicine, tho Saw
buck. Two hours a day sawing
wood will keep anyone's
Boweb regular.
No need of pills. Cathartics, Castor
Oil nor "Physic," If you'll only work tho
Sawbuck regularly.
Exercise Is Nature's Cure for Consti
pation and, Ten-Mile walk will do, l( you
haven't got a wood pile.
But, If you will take your Exercise In
an Easy Chair, there's only ono way to
do thai, and make a Success of It.
Because, there's only ono kind of
Artificial Exerclso for the Bowels and Its
name is "CASCARETS."
Cascarets are tho only means to exer
cise the Bowel Muscles, without work.
They don't Purge, Gripe, nor "upset
your Stomach," because they don't act
like Cathartics.
They don't flush ou your Bowels and
Intestines with a costly waste of DIgesMva
Juice, as Salts, Castor Oil, Calomel,
Jalap, or Aperient Waters, always do.
No, Cascarels -strengthen and stimu
late tho Bowel Muscles Instead.
These are the Muscles that line the
Food passages and that tighten up when
Food touches them, thus driving that
Food on to Its finish.
They are the Muscles that turn Food
Into Strength through Nutrition.
Well, a Cascaret acts on your Bowel
Muscles as If you had Just Sawed a cord
of wood, or walked ten miles.
That's why Cascarets are safo to take
ontlnuously In health; and out of health.
Because they move the Food Naturally,
digesting It without waste of tomorrow's
Gastric Juice.
They thus work all the Nutrition out of
It before It decays.
The thin, flat, Ten Cent box Is mado
to fit your Vest Pocket, er "My Lady's"
Carry It constant! with you and taka
a Cascaret whenever you suspect you
need one.
Thus you will ward off Appendicitis
Constipation, Indigestion, and other
things besides.
Druggists 10 Cents a Box.
Be very careful to get tho genuine.
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sole1 In bulk. Every tab
let stamped " CCC." "
We want to tral te oar friends a beautiful
Frtoch-Cesirstd. GOlD-rLATED fcOMBOH BOX.
bard-enameled In colors. It Is a beautr for tha
creuiac table. Ten cetts la sumps li asked as a
measue of rood blth and to cover cost of Catcarets,
WiUiwtleatHsTIIity trinket loaded. ' 713
Send totUr. mentioning tnis paper. Address
Sterling Kemedy Company, Calcago cr Hew York.
War ot th World.
Deacon Hardesty I'm sorry to hear
that you are dissatisfied with your preach
r. He is a most excellent man.
Brother McQInnli (ot another congre
gation) Ob, yes, and he's a good preach
cr; but he doesn't draw well. We have
a chance now to get a man who baa just
been tried for heresy.
You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Eaac FREB.
Write Alien 8, Olnuted, Lo Itoy.N. Y., for a
free aami'Ie ot Allen's Foot-Kase. It cure
iweatlnr, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes,
new or tight ihoei easy. A certain cure for 1
coma, tngrowlngnalli and bunions. Alldrug
gtiUselut, 23c. Don't accept any substitute.
Ulda nnd I'rupuaala,
"Has Count Fucash mado a nronnnni
for your daughter's hand)"
"Not exactly." answered Mr. Cudimt.
"Ho Is waiting for pio to put In bids
for a title." 'Washington Star.
The House of Ueprrnentatires costs J3,.
000,000 a year and the Senate J t, 4 00,000.
MUWAitD K. milTON -Aauyrr and Chemist. '
a KadvUIr, lolnrada bpccimau prlcea: olJ.
mir. brad, 1 , llold. 8ltv,r,TJc, tlof.1, too ; Zlno or i'raokla trala. Mailing envelope and
run prliii list arm on applirallou. Control and 17 in
pica work aollcllrd. lWltrHc- Cartwuata Na.
tloual Hank.
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses In Portland of Rcpre
sentatlt Dullness firm.
UAUIC LA.NTK11N8-W.UIr Co, 1'olUand,
Lowest price on Lanterns and BMUia.
Forty yeora co and after irww years
of az on the eastern coast. Tower 'i
Waterproof Oiled Coats Vivre Introduced
in the West Nvi were called Sliders by
the pioneers ervd cowboys. This orapNc
nune has cone into such general xuz that
it to frequentr thoojh woefully applied
w nwy suMTjiuiea. you wait the oeraaw.
look tor the oign or the ruh.ancj
tiw,tineT0wer a the buttons
1IOHMK3 or all kinds for sal at Try reasonable
prices. Inijutra tli Front Bu
CKKAM HI'.l-AllATtlltS-Wa (oarantea lha V.9,
Hnuialn. I.tulhahut l'.l. .a .Was . i
I llawlwoud (.'a, Unhand Oak.
I MK.VBCLOTIUNO- IluHuni ,t randlalon, sola
antois Alfred lianlamla A fa's eorrrct tlotbe.
Kvrrytblo la men's rumUhlnc. Morrison and
I blyilisutau. Opposite poalonlca.
, fOULTUV OOU-If you want your hens to lay
more ficrciwrltouo for frra particulars about l'U.
I 1'orll and, Oregon.
, riANOH A OHOAN8-Oldest piano housa on Tv
I fJ.fl?.co,:.0,,.n, ' Tlanos ou easy payments.
' ,V,.,ufo.',,,,vL'u0.oieyouaprtce. AlleaA
Ulllxn-ltamakerCo., J'cnland, Oragou.
j WANTED- Meu and Women to learn llarber trade
InvlKbt weaasi Ktaduates earu Irom tlJ lo ia
weakly i exix-rtlia ructora; catalotffrrai Molar
BystunotColletea. U N. Fourth at., lWand.
I TKI.i:mtAlIIY TAUdHT lltKK. Oom
Pleta couis and loall ou secured when Kraduated
InUofler (tood only rorahort time. Write rur par.
Uruud theatre llulldlug, I'vrllaud, Oregon,
P. H.U.
No. 24-08
HTM wrltlno; taadTortlooraileaao
miuuuu mis paper.