The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 22, 1906, Image 5

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    w f . .
Ico crcnm ho1iih can now l
'tallied nttlic')osloflicc store, t.j-lf
V.. A. Smith of Redmond vtoltcd
fricndH in Bend on Tuesday lnnt.
Dr. V. S. Nleliol returned from
n trip to Portland Saturday even
in u:.
Grovur Caldwell of Roslnnd came'
to llend Tuesday to enjoy tlic oxer
clsttrt of Hie day.
II. V. Lokln left Monday for a
'busiiiuM tiip of two or three weeks
at Portland mid other point.
Dr. I. L. Scofield returned to
Redmond Tliuihdny after a pro
fofwloual visit of heveral days in
A full report of thu tnoneyH ic-
ceived and in n-hnt manner ex
pended for the Mlcbrr.tlon Tuwdny
will appear in next week's Issue.
Next Saturday V. S. Nicliola
will iwceive a supply of new and
old (Kitiitoes, new dry onions, new
cabljiu'.e.s, bauauai, oratiKas and
lemon. i tf
Mi'sn Jr.ckie Itrock arrived in
llend Tuesiluy to seiid t lice sunt
jucr Ht home. She has lcii in
'Portland for the last three or four
I,. H. McCntui built a three
wire fence around the Droke-Mc-Cauti
garden Monday and Tuesdny
a two-wire fence around his home
stead in 19-13?
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. I.ucns kv
a very pleasant dnueiiiK party in
.the dining room of the Pilot Unite
Inn last Saturday evening. It wan
a vary plenttnnt affair.
Tint Bulletin RckuowledKcti a fine
lot of lettuce pretwuted by 1. L
Tompkins. The lettuce .showed a
Rood growth, the leaven mcNuriuK
from five to six inches in length nud
were very crisp ami tender.
Mr. and Mrs. Max I.uddemaun
arrived in lleud last Friday after
noon. Mr. LucddciiiHiiu returned
to Mudrab the next morning but
Mrs. I.ueddcmatiu remained for a
visit of .several das with Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Drake.
- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Stiles, Mr.
nud Mrs. W. P. Myers, Mr. and
Mrs. H. 11 James and daughter,
Miss N'nllie. and Miss lCimim Sten
IxsrK were among the I.nldlaw dele
gation who joined in the celebration
at llend hint Tuenlny.
Among the large number of Red
mond -woplc who met the governor
in llend Tuesday were Mr. mid
Mrs. C. M. Redfield, Mr. Hiid Mis.
,1'. C. Kowlee. Mr. and Mr It. N.
Elirtt, II I'. Jones, Mr. and Mr
McCnflry and Mrs. Vic O'Conuur.
Those who have not received
thoir dishes loaned by them for uie
at the dinner Tuesday can get tht-ui
by calling at the H. M. The com
mittee also desires tlios who,
through an error, have any dlshcti
Miot belonging to them to return
them to the II. M. store.
The contest cases of Martin V
Turlcy vs. Guv C. MeCallNter and
Martin V. Turley vs. Willis
W. Houefield and Matilda Mc
Callister heard before Mm. C. A
Jones as referee about n mouth ago,
have been decided in favor of the
defendants by the laud office officials
at The Dalies.
liTo Central Ore-
l gem Banking (k
Trust Company
Cnpltnl $25,000.00
Transacts n General Hank
ing1 Ihislness.
Acts ns Administrator, Ex
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts and Hank
Aoney Orders on nil Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits'. )J
Snfe Deposit Boxes.
Piro Insurance.
A. 51. Drake, A. h. OooUwll'te,
President. Vice l'rpx
J, M, Lawrence, Secretary.
1'. O. Minor, Cnshior.
J. J. Smith of Prineville was in
llend Tuesday.
J. W. Usher of Redmond was a
llend visitor Wednesday.
C. M. and C. II, Mudd of I,nld
law were llend visitors last Tuesday.
1'red Wallace and wife of Laidiaw
helped Uend to celebrate last Tues
day. O. S. Crocker returned last even
ing from a two week's visit in
Charles nud
Tumnlo were in
Jack Winter of
Ileild to meet tlid
governor. ;
(.rover (. Gcrking and Miss
l'oy Gcrking of Ttimalo visited in
llend Tuesday.
T. I,. Waggoner, chief engineer
of the Oregon Short Line, arrived
in llend Wednesday. ,
IS. W. Roberts. John Hdwards'
and Dr. Turley and wife of Sisters
were Ueud visitors Tuesday.
T. A. Rutherford of Laidiaw
and Di. G. S. Newsom of Red
mond visited in llend Tuesday.
Dr. I. I,. Scofield will heteafter
make regular visits to Ueud from
the 15th to 2oth of each mouth. i.tlf
The Minor and Jones families
came in from camp on Monday to
attend the picnic, and returned
Mrs. Vic O'Connor of Redmond
spent Monday and 1 ucsiluy in
Ueud, the guest of Miss l'.tltcl
Mrs. Dan R. Smith siient Mon
day in Ueud at the Hotel llend.
coining in from their much at
Powell Unties.
C. 1. Decker, returning to Laid
law from an up-river fishing trip,
topel in Rend to meet thu gov
ernor last Tuesday.
Rank Kdgcr, an old-lime friend
of John Siscmorc, stopped in Ueud
this week to visit with him on his
way to Grant's Pass.
W. II. WiUon, wife and bnby son
came in from the Haswell-Gueriu
ranch Monday and spent Tuesday
with friends in town.
Philip I,. Capcls, traveling sales
man for the Honey man Hardware
Co. of Pottlaud, visited Ueud
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Drown lias this
week purchased a fine new Claren
don piano of II. I. Scott, the Hiler
piano man of Portland.
A. M. JSevely and sou Robert
were in Ueud Saturday, returning
from Klamath Palls where they
had delivered a bunch of cattle.
Sum Rupert of Priucville came to
Bend Sunday. He returned with
a load of lumber for the I.ipmnu
Purniturc Company of Priucville.
The Christian Kudeavor is plan
ning to give an ice cream social in
the 11. M. hall on July 6. Portlier
(Mirftculars will Ix given next week.
IV II. and I,. G. West of Clatsop,
Or. ,vcre in Uend during the week
buying horses. They made a visit
to Milligau's ranch forthat purpose.
Mrs. D. I. Pease, Mrs. G. Kel
sam and Mrs. IS. L. Wise of Ros
tand were pleasant callers in Ueud
Tuesday at the institute celebration.
The barber shops of llend will
hereafter be closed on Sunday. The
barlcrs announce that positively no
work will be done by them on that
It is dcklrcd dint all numbers ol
the former Ueud baud meet nt the
Triptelt barber shop next Monday
evening to take steps for reorgan
ising. The topic for Christian Kn
deavoY next Sunday is "John Kliot
and Missions Among the Indians."
2 Tin 3: i-i3. Leader, Miss Nola
Mrs. W. R. and Miss Uossie
Wilkinson were in from their home
steads Tuesday to attend the cele
bration returning thereto Thurs
day morning.
C. iS. Smith and T. A. Jenson of
Tuiualo, with their ladies, the
Misses Vura Machey and Pearl
nightou-cr, were among the many
to Visit Uend Tuesday.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
M. IS. church wijl meet with Mrs.
S. C Caldwell next Wednesday
afternoon. Come early as there is
much work to be done.
The forty-fifth annual state fair
will be held'at Salem on September
10 to' 1 5 Inclusive. The slVui of
10,000 will be snetit In .pn-MuidhM
on -Hv6stbcV agricultural dud'
The eagle will scream in Ueud.
No doubt of it when the patriotic
youths get hold of that fine line of
fireworks to be had at Grant's, I2tf
There will be preaching in the
church Sunday morning and even
ing. Rev. Pitikham will bold
services in the morning at it
o'clock and Rev. George in the
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
W. C. Ilinton, C. L. Gilliam,
and M. C. Mescrvey were in Uend-
Tuesday and registered Irom New"
Orleans. They came into Utnit
from the south nud left Thursday
morning lor Klamath Palls.
h. R. Allen, formerly in the em
ploy of the 'D. I. &. P company,
was with the state engineer Tues
day 011 his visit to lleud. He re
mained here a few days to attend
to some work connected with the
office of state engineer.
Tliose who desire pictures of the
crowd at the trout barbecue, cf the
grain exhibit, of the new school'
house and the Drake lawn as de
corated for the reception should
leave orders with P. L. Tompkins.
Proofs ol these pictures can be
seen nt his office for examination.
The party of 21 timber seekers
who (Kissed throui'h Ueud on their
way to Silver Lake last winter
during the time of the deep snow,
arrived in Ueud last Saturday even
ing with the same destination in
view. Tills time they will make
final proof 011 the. claims filed on
last winter.
C. S. Reed and wife registered
Saturday night at the Pilot Uuttc
Inn. Monday evening they left
for their future home a few miles
this side of Silver Lake. Mr. Reed
and his brother-in-law, C. W. Km
Ixxly, have purchased a saw null
there and Mr. Reed goes to take
charge of it.
W. T. Casey was in town from
his Powell Unites ranch Tuesday.
Mr. Cniey reports his grain in first
clnss condition and says the farmers
will reap better than an avctagc
crop. His winter barley is head
ing out nicely, and the spring
barley has n and is do
ini; very well.
II. Kaiser, lJrcd W. Kroger,
George A. Stephens and I'M.
Palmer are spending the week in
lleud. These gentlemen arc prom
inent business men of Phillipsburg,
Mont., and came here to secure
timber claims if ossiblc. They
are old-time friends of Charles
Iloyd and Hugh O'Kauc.
The Willamette Valley Chau
tauqua Association will hold their
thirteenth annual program at Ore
gon City on July 10 to 22. A fine
program will be presented in winch
poets, orators, musicians, athletes,
teachers, artists, men of science and
men of skill will take leading parts.
Captain Jack Crawford, the poet
scout; Leon Harrison, a very jopu
lar Jewish rabbi; Prof. Uaumgardt,
the interesting astronomer, nud
many othci famous men n'i)d women'
will aid in presenting an interesting
nnd instructive progratu. ,
J. K. Wcathcrford of Albany and
G. W. Talbot of Portland arrived
in Ueud yesterday, having come 011
hoiscback from the valley through
Minto Pass. Mr. Weatherford was
a former law partner of Governor
Chamberlain. He wus on his way
to Uurns to attend to business mat
ters. He nnd his partner were the
attorneys for Miller, who was re
cently tried for murder at I'rincville
and acquitted, a. change of venue
having been taken from ISurns.
Messrs. Weatherford and Tnlbo.t
arc combining pleasure and business
in this trip, making something of
an outing of the journey over the
mountains. Mr. Weatherford is art'
old acquaintance of C. A. Chap-,
man, the two gcntlcitteil having met
frequently in political conventions.
He nud T. W. Ziuimermauu were
nlso old acquaintances when both
lived in Albany.
.Horses Strayed.'
range horses,1 both iron
grays. Mare bramlcil with, anchor
on left shoulder and romul top "a"
011 left stifle; the horse has round
top "a'1 on left stifle. Both had
halters on, Reward of $5 a piece
delivered at O'Neil, Or., or nuy
corral. It. A. MonVgomhkv.
13.I4 O'Neil, Or.
Tirnbor1 Claims.
Parties havilifc limber claims' for
salt! please : address, Neil Smith,
Beiid,tbr. "State amount of timber,
esfluiaWil aiiil price iskerf ,or-
Continued from pac 1.
booths wcrccrcctcd where lemdhade
and cake were served. Mr and
Mrs. Drake's pleasant home wan
also opened to the people. A very
large number of Uend and out-of-i
town people met the governor ami
other members of the paityon
this very plcasaift occasion.
drain nnd Vegetable Ilxhlblt.
The exhibit of grains and vege
tables grown in this region nud on'
display at P, h. Tompkins' office,
attracted much attention and mndca
very favorable impression. Samples1
of wheat, oats, barley nud millet
standing as liip.h as a man's
shoulder, this year's rye more than
six feet tall, and fine samples ol
timothy, blue grass, red and white
clover, alfalfa, vetch, etc., surprised
many by their size. They showed
how well this country can grow
grain, bay nnd forage plants. In
the line of vegetables, there was
a fine showing of radishes, onions,
lettuce, potatoes, carrots, peas, etc.
UIW1 lie luin wiujn nt.w 1111 1111 i.,
firm nnd well developed, as fine
specimens as can be grotvu in any.
V. C. Kowlcc's exhibit of graini"
nnd vegetables made a fine show
ing. They were nil grown on his
much about n mile cast of Ueud.
l4. D. Wiest bad several fine sam
ples of grasses, as did also P. I,.
Tompkins of grasses and garden
truck. H. C. ISllis cjisplaycd a
handsome loquet of pnnsies, and
W. P. Vandevcrt a larne and beau
tiful boquet of water lillies.
During the cvenintr a display of
fireworks was set ofi" and the (lay's
program closed with a grand dance
at the U. M. hall at which an un
usually large crowd was present
Governor Chamberlain and the
other state officials were eager for
all the good things of the day and
joined heartily in the pleasures of
the dance.
The state officials visited Laidlaw
Monday evening and conferred
with the scltlcra living on the Col
umbia Southern segregation. They
examined that part of the D. I. & P.
segregation contiguous to Redmond
and after their day at Uend started
on the return trip to Shaniko via'
The Association Is Oratcful.
As the success of our recent in
stitute was largely due to the hearty
co-operation of the neighboring
j associations and the people of Uend
and vicinity, we wish at tins time
to thank one and all for their cor-
Mini support and most liberal con
tributions of all kinds.
We wish especially to thank the,
ladies of the Deschutes valley for
their help and support which"
carried our efforts to such a happy"
completion. To those thut took an
active part in entertaining and par
ticipated in the program we are in-.
debted to such an extent tliat our
sincere gratitude is all that we can
ever hope to tender.
TlIK DltStniTltS SUTTTMR.S Ass'n,
P. I, Tompkinsecrttary.
this $60 Machine for $25
11 I
1 lilgb-ktm, drop
LU lxtln. lock-
tlli'b, double I red, !(.'!
tlirvtillDC hutllet bai
automnto bobbin vtluOot
and other l&lntltnnrorr-
UK nil. Thu lth ANTI.
llll-iT MAtlllSK. Mil
ttmMn c iniuimiaisfnti I
ureMUncrnuMfor All
ltrliumulrinii fich I
midline- KM lor only '
l eith unit II monthly, i
Write ICD1T forlrff rtiMNK "iw "?'"
tleEtnl liouichoM goods we will DtP(F(tlgM
rrtpildion tin rimnU-our new tlHIl pln.
Govurtx Furnlturo Oompanf
1 7a. 175 Ilrt St- POUTLAND. OU.
HOTEL REDAOND Call and see
''lie uudetaigned will
'puy $10.00 for the
detection and convic
tion of any person
who in anv way will
fully injures or de
stroys its'" lines in
Crook Couuty.
i , ; w
Pilot butte inn
'A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with all the delicacies df thescason
Kirat-class Equipment Fine Rboirts and Beds
All 'stages stop at
General Blacksmlthing and Wagon Repairing
(Jtf Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church.
Qbmission an3 forwarding
Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited
' Prompt attention yaUl to tlwse who
favor me with their patronage
sorjTimouND ,
I,cave Shaniko -6p. in.
Arrive Prineville . 7a. a.
Leave Prineville 12:30 p. -in.
Arrive Bend 7:00 p. in.
First-class equipments
Bend Livery &
Houses Boakdbd dy thb Day, Wkkk or Month
First-Clflss, Livery Rigs
BoudUctt,btwtn MltinctoUiud Oregon,
-y EAT
THE finest stoc. of FRJBSH
MEATS in Crook County.
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a FirstClass
Market. Everything; new and
of the best:. WHITE & HILL.
No mattef how hlg lie bird, no mutter how hoA'4 its plumage or
awJft its IllghtJ -yoiL xan binilff'wMiatf l0v ft onp, strong,
straight shooting WUictaailBr Repeatirg Shptguq Resulta'fi're what
,cpuntv They Swjyrs givo tho tieut results In field, fowl or trap
'shooting', and iircH 3dM within reach of everybody'a pocLetbook.
FliEt! Stnl atuni ami aiitlit on a uoifj'I card tor oar Utt IKattrtLd cataloeui.
the hotel door
Leave Bend 6:002..
Arrive Prineville 12:00
Leave Prineville 1 p.
. 1
Arrive Shaniko
1 a. in.
for- travelling ruBLic
Transfer Co,
'for Rent.
'Phone No. 15.
Bend, Oregon.
Oppodtr n
M Co.
- Xiib; MirHXOgMrcdriid
r f t.
manufactured products,
. . .- "