The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 22, 1906, Image 4

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" a square dcnl, no
less and no 'more."
One year
HIk month!..
Three month..
(Invariably In advance.)
JT Reitilt uy UmU draft, postal money
Virtler on"fteutl; express money onlcr, or
roistered letter1.' Mnkc nil remittances
payable to The Bend Bulletin.
J, Stage and mall Schedule, jf
Akmvb at Bmd.
Prom Shanlkorla ITlnevllle.. .7 1. m. dally
vm... t avvl. ami Silver Laktk .... J
I . in. dally tacept Tue.J
vroi lumaio iue., iiihii. m 1-
J-romljiKlUw dally except .Sunday P- nl
..6 a. m. dally
, Lkavk
1'orShanlVo vt rrlnevtUe....
Wbi LaktlewamJ silver Ukc.
t . -V-jap. m dally except Sun.
Vor rwnalo Tuti., Thur. nl8t s. m
Vor taldlaw dally except Sunday .J p. ni
four Omen Hoo Week day; Sa. m. toRn
m Sunday, from 11 a. m. to 11 m., and hall
liour after arrival of all mails from railroad
reaching Head before 8 p. ra.
Tiari-itoKR OKyicr. llooas Week day, from
joa.ut to 9oo p in. Sundaji and holidays,
from Svo a. m. to it noon, and from j-00 p. m. to
00 p. ra.
Lfeet its iorgct these ..matters mid
labor together for the common good.
"In union there is strength."
The success that so happily
attended Bend's efforts to make last
Tuesday n plcnsaut and profitable
day to the, visitors within her gates
was due largely to the hard work
of a few public spirited men nud
women; and the hardest worked of
nil of these was our genial "Dad"
West. If all of Bend's citizens dis
played the same interest in public
affairs as does J. I. West, the town
could count itself fortunate indeed.
Two such workers as J. I. West
and Thomas Tweet will do much to
make any move successful.
PklDAY, JUNE 22, 1906
Plre Destroys Dr. Coons House and
Nearly All the Contents.
Last Saturday evening the house
of Dr. Coons on his ditcliMaud one
mile cast of Bend caucht fire and
The one who halts and ' was completely destroyed, together
wiiu practically me enure contents
All the family's clothing, the fur
niture with .the exception of five
clinirs, all the pictures, bric-a-brac,
etc. that help to make n home
cheerful, together with all the doc
tor s books and instruments were
burned. The only articles saved
were the five chairs and a little bed
clothing. No insurance was carried.
It is supposed that the fire started
from the kitchen stove. A wood
box bitting close behind the stove
had beer, filled with wood and the
supposition is that this caught fire
rrom the stove, the flames spread
ing to the walls. No one was in
the house at the time and the build
ing was a mass of flames before dis
covered by Dr. and Mrs. Coons
who were standing near the barn
some distance from the house.
The doctor will rebuild at once.
"Where there's a will, there's a
way." The mail with a stiff back
bone and a determined spirit gen
erally accomplishes what he sets
Ut to do.
hesitates, doubts and trembles, with
a lack of faith either in himself or
the undertaking, never accom
plishes anything of lasting worth to
himself or the community in which
lie lives. Whcie the one wTll tackle
a-task that presents real and impor
tant difficulties, and accomplish it
by the very ardor of his spirit, the
other will faint and fail at an un
dertaking that requires not half
as much determination and skill.;
The one inspires confidence by the
faith he possesses; the other insures
defeat by the lack of it. Half of
life's battle is iu the attitude one
This truth is seldom more forci
bly illustrated than it was in the in
auguration and carrying to comple
tion of the tasks connected with
Tuesday's program. When the
work of raising funds for the day's
expenses and the maping of plans'
was first attempted, there were
those who, in a dismal sort of a
way, prophesied failure. Their
very attitude gave thr undertaking
a chill. Happily they were in the
minority. On the other baud a
number of Bend's citizens were full
of enthusiasm. They saw the splen
did opportunity that was presented
in the presence of the governor and
his party to furnish a pleasant and
profitable day for the people of the
upper Deschutes valley. By the en
thusiasm they possessed, they soon
inspired the weak-kneed and faint
hearted and had them enlisted in
the work. Faith and enthusiasm
again overcame doubt aud hesita
tion. And what was the result? Bend's
visitor's returned to their homes
pleased with the day's exercises and
complimenting the town for the en
tertainment afforded them. Gov
ernor Chamberlain aud the other
state officials were pleased with the
reception tendered them by the set
tlers, were impressed and surprised
by the development of Bend and
surrounding country, and will al
ways speak a good word for the
Deschutes valley. There has been
but one opinion expressed regarding
the day that it was a great success.
A pleasing realization where failure
was prophesied.
Is there a moral? To The Bulle
tin one appears easily to be seen. If
the town and couutry are to exper
ience that degree of growth and de-'
velopmeut that they deserve, there,
must be a united stand in every ef
fort that tends to the general good.
Personal likes and dislikes, spites
and crudges are always the marks
of Jhe small calibre man, They
One of the best indications of
the general business done in a town
is the receipts nt the postofiicc. The
number of money orders issued at
the Bend office during this month
is double what it was at the
same time last year and the cancel
lations nnd sale of stamps have in
creased in the same proportion.
" i
William Urock Unjrs a. .Brown nnd n
Black Ono Last Monday.
Last week news reached Bend
that bear tracks bful been seen iu
the Spring river couutry, and "Bill"
Brock stnrt(aftcV them with his
turee Dear nountis, tue tamous old
Nip and Tuck and a pup hound.
Bright and early Monday morn
ing the dogs tool; the trail of some
animal and after a run of about live
miles, treed a black bear. "Hill"
shot the animal aud then started
for camp intending to cut a road
through which he could take the
bear, carcass and all. He had only
gone a short distance when the dogs
struck another scent and followed it
n short distance into the woods
When Brock came up with them lie
foui'd the dogs had treed a second
bear, this time a brown one. It
soon met the same fate ns its black
Mr. Brock desired to get the two
animals to Bend and exhibit them
at the celebration as a sample of
Deschutes valley game, but the sun
got onto the carcasses before he
could take care of them and all he
was able to save was the hides and
a ham or two.
Quite frequently the carcass of n
calf or a yearling beef has been
found iu the Spring river country
anil it is supposed these bears have
been the cause of this mischief.
Director and Clerk Chosen and
nual Reports Made.
At the annual school meeting
held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
in the U. M. hall, John Steidl was
elected director to .succeed A. H.
Grant and C. S. Benson, clerk, to
succeed L. D. Wicst. There were
no other candidates iu the field and
the unanimous ballot of the meet
ing was cast iu favor of these gen
tlemen. Clerk Wiest read the yearly re-
"Hill" HowcllTrentsTucsday's Crowd
to Exhibition of llroncho Uitstlnfc,
The most cxcititie feature of
Tuesday's sports and one that was
not scheduled on the regular pro
gram, was n feat of "broncho
busting" in Which "Bill" Howell
aud a handsome sorrel horse were
the star actors. Hugh O'Knne
had within his corral, a handsome
and spirited animal which had just
been driven iu from the range by
"Billy" Koblson. This beast had
never felt the insulting grip of the
saddle girth nor the bit Iwtwecn its
teeth, nud consequently it was de
termined to give Hi'iid's visitors n
treat in the way of a genuine exhi
bition ol old-time, "wild nnd wooly
west" broncho busting. "Bill"
Howell agreed ta ride the animal
for the edification and sport of the
About 7 o'clock p. m. the fun
began iu the street before the Hotel
Hend. The horse was roped,
thrown, saddled aud bridled nud
then the fracas began. When "Bill"
trtuk the saddle the eruption tcok
place, and for many minutes there
was a rearing, bucking, plunging
jumble of horse flesh and rider
The animal was "onto" nil the
tricks of the range horse. With a
jump straight into the nir it would
strike the earth again with all four
legs stiff ns pokers, head low and
back iKiwcd like a hoop. No
sooner would it .strike terra firma,
than it would give n mighty spring
forward. But that was play lor
Once the miimal iu its frantic
plunges bolted onto the sidewalk
and straight for the door of the
hotel. Stating that there was
scramble anil scattering of the
people aud a hurried shutting ol
the door only tells lialf the story.
The handsome sorrel had lots of
spirit nud put up a game fight but
was finally conquered by the in
trepid and skillful "Dill" It is said
to have been one of the very bent
nnrl Mllivirn nn tl... nITnir nf tl...
district, the main features of which "xh$u,ou? ,cvcr f e" by tho" vcr'
nr. n fnllmvc- ' familiar With SUCll SCO HISS.
At the close a purse of 10
Tcnchers' salaries
Rent for .school room
carpentering 17.6$
Miscellaneous ' 165..W1
Settlers Can Sec Plat of New Forest
Reicrve at I. B. D. Co's Office.
$enatdr Kulton has sent to A. M.
Drake a plafof the l'remont For
est Reserve, which is about to be
established in these parts by the
government. The senator suggests
that those who are thoroughly
acquainted with thia land examiue
the boundaries and propose any
changes which they consider would
be wise The plat is open to the
inspection of the public at the P. B.
D. Co 's office.
The boundaries as now proposed
are very irregular. In two or three
places narrow strips comprising
many acres are not included, al
though they lie iu the heart of the
reserve. Any roads leading into
uiese strips will have to
through the reserve, Which
cause more or less trouble.
The nearest place where the
reserve approaches Bend is in the
vicinity of Horse Buttca. Starting
on the uorth line of township 19,
range 13, the line runs irregularly
south and then west in Id range 1 r
and due south through range 1 1 to
north line of township 25; then
west to range S; south on east line
of range 8 to south Hue of township
28; then east to range 12; thence
southeast in a very irregular man
ner to south line of townships 33,
through, ranges 14, t5, iG, 17 and
18. From the south lirJe "of town
ship 33 range 18 it runs in a north
erly direction to place of beginning,
leaving out an irregular patch of 8
or 10 townships Uorth and west of
Silver Lake. , The boundaries as
here given arc'.- bhly' approximate,
being too irregular for a minute
Italance on lmntl .wglnniiig
iwcal year , . t
Cotiaty treasurers' ami super
intendents' eertlfltJata
Tuition 50.75
DaIaiicc i,jo.Hj
This balance will be reduced
somewhat as there arc several bills
still to be paid.
collected from the crowd
scuted to Howell.
Specimens of Growing (trains.
Mailtna Houctr
G. U. Gtnhniu, who liven it few
miles southwest of Madras, brought
iu some fine specimens of this year's
giaiu last Friday morning. Among
them was a Hechitctt of Ijltlle Club
wheat on which theie were over a
hundred stalks to one stool, and all
headed out finely. A specimen of
rye stood over six feet In height,
aud there were also fine specimen
of ben rd less barley and other grain.
They were all grown on Mr.
Graham's homestead.
All llm Vme! In Ono Wnril.
Tlicni tu-i) lint Mx wimU In (IK HuA
lUh InnuuitKii which contain nil Urn
vowoIh In lYtfUlur order vis, nimeinl
ouh, nrsculmii, nmmtmiR, fnuctlourf, uin
turluiii nnd trnKcdloim. Tim 10 l hut
0110 word Milled conliilny tlicni In roi(ii
Inr reverse- order, nnd Hint word l tluo-
literal. HttdilM (lie nlmro there rtrti 1 IU
KukIUIi woitU ulilch contain nil tlio
vowels In lrroKUlnr order, l'wi'lro of
thww IwkIii with tho letter n. aovpii
with h, tweiitydhrvo with c, sixteen
with d, fourteen with . four with f,
seven with g, ono with h, six with .
two Willi J, two with 111, two wllh 11,
two with o, tlil.ttiMi with p, ono with
l, live wllh r, nluo wllh h, two with t,
fifteen with 11 nud six with v.
(lolf .MHtilnr.
I Imvo Iu my time llrcd on Intimate
terniH with tli" oilleers of inoit untloin
In i:uro My experience of Hrlttrii
otllceri (aiuoiik whom I now linvo the
honor to count ninny friend') Is Hint
they nre seemul to itouo In lutell-tH't urn!
Instruction, but tlil. hlen euteudu, only
until Kolf links nnd n olf IkiII become
visible. Then they nro innithtes. 1 try
to talk to them of scenery, literature,
nrt, iwlltlex, etc. they nro Mllte, of
cou rut, the KhkIMi nlwnys sre-liut I
can see Instinctively Hint (hero it only
one Mibjeet to Interest tbeoi, le nacre
white bnll. A Korean VklMr In Civil
nud Military Onzette, Lnhore.
ucverreap anything but failure, j Building.
Tchdhers Elected.
At a meetttfg off the school board
last evening the following teachers
were elected for the coming year:
Miss Ruth L. Reid, principal; Miss
Marion Wiest, intermediate: and
Mrs. F. F. Smith, of Laidlaw,
pdtnary. .
iRKfCATi'D liAS-iI have a few
choice tracts frbra'40 to jfio acres
irtft lint frl lin'tkAa'ai.1ll' .t. 1
"i iuuj. wu ti wuguk in u .oar-
gaw.-rftf. Ln
Tumalo Items.
(Too late for Utt wrck )
Timber ami land locators are making
the roads hot in tlie parts lately and
judging from the amount of inquiry
made for titnlier aud othoV lauds there
must le a land looin near at hand.
George Oottleih uwilc final proof on a
valuable piece of timber near Tuiimlo
hut week.
John It. nud Clwrlps I, Winner went to
Ileud inst week on bus! new, Thuy in
formed us tlwt Ileud is flourishing.
C. If. Spamd! mas in Tuumlo
1'. I'. Smith has uoffe to I'ortluud on
buines iu connection with some limlxir
land that he bought of the Columbia
Southern Irrigation Company some time
Andy Hunter and Miss MaUl Hunter
pawed through Tumalo last k.
Crops arc looking fine iu those parts
and grass wai never better Hnd stock of
all kinds is sleek nud fat.
The Tumalo Trading Co. informs
your correspondent that they are build
ing up a nice trade at Tumalo. They
have a stock of goods in connection with
the Tumalo postofjice and sell goods
reasonably. They have no rent or clerk
hire, which is a groat saving to them.
Mr. and Mrs. V. t Miditower and
also Miss Mary idwhev nre exH-ctcd
home from Sheridan, wash., Saturday
We welcome them Ixick as they are
worthy people aud the couutry needs
many such good people
Geo. Winter and W. 1 Downing sent
to California and Itnd expressed to them
100 Indian Jtttuiier duck eggs. They hope
to get a start of these noted ducks.
They are great layers l. easily caret!
for. Their record is hiidi an 320
eggs per year.
Take Notice.
Small heifer branded
with Z 011 lefi'-blioulder caEfc to ray
ranch at Powell, Buttes last No
vember. ( Owner cairJiaVe'same by
paying cltargea and'foV tliis notice.
14-20 V. y.CAsitv,
T6MPKiK8,"fank ' Strawberries? cherries atfdS'neW
43" potatoes at Grant's. i2tj i
That May Creek Coal.
Mt4r 1-iutmr.
Will Kaithert brought over a
small load of Haycrcek coal for F.
J. Brooks, lust week, mid with
which Mr, Brooks exacts to make
n number of experiments to test its
value for use in the forge. The
coal has boon reported to be first
class blacksmith coal, and if this
should be found to be true it would
mean quite a saving to the black
smiths of thissection of the country,
who must now pay about $.0 per
ton lor blacksmiths coal lam down
here. The coal which has been
urougut nere was taken irom near
the surface, and there will naturally
be some deterioration in value
owing to the action of the elements.
The preparation of opper!nliit Is es
pecially nn Auterlcsn Industry. The
liepperiulut Is cut when In bloom, like
lmy, dried, placed Iu close wooden vat
and steamed. The oil cells hurst and
the oil pastes upward with lite steam,
which Is condensed and conducted Into
n receiver, where thu oil rises nivd Is
piped on. It taken about .TM poundi
of dry peppermint to produce one
pound of oil. An ncre of laud yields
from six to ten pounds of oil, often
more, oven ns hljjh ns fifty pounds.
I.nokril Muailrliu.
Mrs, Jytues-I hnd tinexpectel twod
luck yesterdny In lookluK for n lint. I
found nn npnrtiuent house where the
rooms nro clo-nut. the rent rensonablo
nnd the nftent doesn't object to chil
dren. Mrs. Illykely Mercyl I hope you
didn't ucreo to tnku It. There must he
something wron with the neli;hbor
fiootl,ChlcnKo Tribune,
June Crop Report.
The department of agriculture nt
Washington has scut out the fol
lowing bulletin giving the condi
tion of this year's crop for June:
Winter whertt, average con-
diiiou 13.7
Spring wheat, nereoge eom-
pared with last spring 100,2
Spring wheat, overage condi
tion 01.1
Oats, ncreagc couiMred with
UstsprliiK oJ,7
....- .... jt
-mis avrreue condition hc.
Jlarley .acrenge compared with
Mil spring 10J.7
Itarley, nientvc onuditlou..,. 03,5
Winter rye, average condition 80,9
Hpritig iiasture, nverage con
dition Wi.o
S-9 9-V.
A tjuirr lllnl.
Nnttiral history Hlwnys Interests chil
dren, who ustmlly reenll explsiistlows
of the phenometm In their own wsy.
An nceount of the hnhlts of the eiukoo,
for Instance, wits npiwreutty nlMorhsi
nt tho time, but was reproduced tlnn n
few days Inter: "Tlie iMirktMir Oh,
tbnt'n (ho bird Hint doesn't Iny IH own
llrlnht AiiNtrrra.
"Noah's wife," wndo n Inty In mi ox.
ntnlnntlon, "wits railed .Iohii of Are."
"Wuter," wrote nnother, "Is iHiiupodeil
of two piHus, oxyuvii nud ramlK-lnen."
"Lava," twld a llilnl, "Is what the bar
ber puu on your fneo." ".V UllsMnl."
iloolnrcd another child, "Is the lushlo of
a fowl."
U. 8. Mud Offi. The Dalits, Orcifon,
lune 7, igag.
A tuflitlriit coutut atriilavlt bating Weil filtil
In thU alike ly Ctrliarit IlorKtu, roulrataiit.
Kaiuai iiuiiiiitaneiiiry no. Iiyij. lululc (JcUlxr
1, iui, lur twu. trcjj, ip 19 a, r IJ c, w ill,
ujf jHviwr wyiwini, urtruavtl. cvjlliraiec, IU WHICH
il U allrKl lliat talit cutryiiiaii clk.l iMjwnnU of
ancyraratO' llmt jirliirlo lilt ilralli kc wholly
that hc 11 utt cAttlvAlcil ur luinrottO ulil Irnct
uruimollhe Mine lo io liuirvi that alucc hit
iirain nit iitut nave latlcu u cultivate or Improve
aid tract or caute the uiue tu le clout
that the known litlra of aalil ciilrymaii are
MarkH KeyboM. Hurlniilltld, Mo. IWwnnl Hcy
lill. Ho 44, Denver, Col . Aluot Hcybolil, Ml.
Talior, Orrgou, hclhKeylmlil, l'ortlanj, Oregon,
i,eon neyiwdu, roiiiami, turgoil. inat II lucre
areany other helia of mIi! entryiiiau tliey are
or M lielrt, Iu thearhiy, uavyor murine cornt
inikiiowii to affiant; that aalil allrceit nbicuce
wu uui uue iu ine rmnuiyiueiil ol the
ynicnt ol the entryiiiau
Ha Id parties lire hrrrlr iitil
of the liilltd Mates lutlie time of war.
until toapricarj
auuuii aim uuer eviueiicc ioiiciiimi taut allrira
tlltl (it tn J'1Wt tl tat a l.iln .d .. J t i
a aa aw avswsa, aa fit, Ull
IlllV l4. Ibi. Itliin
,, , ..i. ,. .. ..::..."' - .- ,r' ---
11. v Jinn, i.n, uuiniiuiorier, at nit o nice In
Ilcuii.Orcgoii, ami Ihvt (Imit leirlnir will be held
At in o'clock s. III. Ajisuat 4, ion6 before the
KtjtUtcr and licrclter fttheUiilltd Mate land
limce III Tli Ilalla. Drlntn
" " " r- -- I
The tab! conlcMailt btvlii
1 "
Hilt notice cannot Le luade, It It hticbordcrcUi
v. lu-a Hmtir afflrla.
tit. filed Mn7 i: ny6.. ttL. folih.'raHa wi.iH.
how that after lieilllli;ciicepr9niVaVrvlce of
SJid Uirected.that tuclt notlfqi; jfl.f1' by due
ana jiruj'cr muiicaitop. . - .'
JlJ-Juti; MICIIAUr, T. NOJ.Ajr, l'cjllter.
Dcit IiihI. I'fiial 1'rtwf.
Uuileil litalt ;.amt Office, The lyllrt, Dr..
, .Jei6, ibuS.
..?f',t,t'i.,' rt,V " 'hst 1 rk I' Avtry. of
Mil, WuhiiiKtou.SMlBiittjorotlo Hit.ulr.,.
jdljwreof Walltl II. llieifcatfllMHoUwof".
Itiilloii to Mke ioof mi kit dWrl laud claim
Mu. .m. for the lirKawJi-. eKliw!( and wHtwtT
oT)t"U. ' 0" Hie jm iUy
lie iiimh the faewlH)( witntaaet lo tirote the
.uiiltle Irrigation and iKUiiiallou ofaVidlaMd.
wtorge w. wnaar, ti y HiMilti. Chtrltt
Oru. 'W A" """"' "" ' TU'silS;
JM-fMlry MICIIAI,T. NOI.AN. Mrgl.ltr.
ii,iiJj"iec n 0T "c"'1 l'rc"ct f o. 4-H. c
J. I'rouk btroiul amt'Albttt Health
1 idiiiiuia,
H. M. Jtimey, Dtfciidant.
To . M. Jouiicy, Dcfeuilaut -
Hum iioN.
ou are hereby rrulred lo appear and autwt
he coiuplalnt filed aoalu.t vou fu Ihr ki rf,
!'!' "f uVieVun ain.V!;
" iim uiwii comrart 1
payment of
or tti ,fl,Mrt
1'iir the balance of
uionrv. hi
1111 account for the care arid feeding ol u m'o
.: ,: r:: " " " rv- ""c?m l- day f
Jin nay 01 March. iwxl.
n, ili-fde
ixceiuber. iock.iiu
nliiniitilhti, I,. .m tn
.T, ""'.' v '
miiuiiinoiii Upaidlihed by oil
Dial tlKllnan tl. h t- . t fl
Milled for iIk w.cAJy4 aeWi
Kills Ju. Iceof t" ';V'
wo. 1, Crook Cbtiuly, llreftoi
ri.V. Vi '" '.""rvU Vl..O'SI I
10V1 Is'.snd fiy 1,
tvA, S5w,l,ri."''.lVllr1llieil III
'tVP-'eBflll, flic date .0V1 lit rlru
Slid eiltercil.
e nuh.
illlUaheil In
.'lit nrtt
Tlmlwr flam!, Ail June J, i.
U, H. I,iit onkr, TIwIMUm. Orrjou
NtMkr l littcliv Kl'til Ul Ih nrttipllimr vtui.
lilt (Hllttt HI lilt (l HI l'oHr- I'f Jlllit 1
inr1, rillHiril "rtn ni 1 mi mv "wr iiiuiiri UMil
mint mmm 01 miiiiiii, on-"", nv
tl mil
WntlilHilim fritllufy," rlihlnl In all 11, r
(mlilk Unit ttntM liy Ml f AHHt
lllHHM c lmy,
I'f SI I'umI, roMMly ut Mmr
ml, roMMly f M !'. tlalr f Minn
nt lliUilny nltil Ih iVifa nOW hn .. n
nt No nnj ntf lh tiurcbiiM f thr 11.
11. HHrU smI HrHW 11, Iimj
rrti, imt
t lor, ww
,Ht lll nn Xwf Ih thow Hint
Ihr Uint
mwkIiI H hhm vIimM
IU UWhf IK Mull.
Ilmil flit MlkHllMIt HIIMM, UHll lutaUMlOi
ImrUliHlitwmUwl Ufcfrll C KIHt. I' h
INmiwMHMiN. t liiher ih Html, nrKM, "
Hit ilh ilny f A. Wr
h MMM xllwrww Hph H llunlri mi 1
William II MU. l HiihI. rfluN JuI.h HIim
uf HOi. Itrvtoe, wi Ntllie II llwyrr ..1
Mikmc(miIm. MiHiiruU,
AHy H kiI Hi (Vtlmlnf wlrtftrty tr.
lt-lHI'l UihU hit tqll In hit thtir
iUih Ih lMUtlrmi trUHstuM istli tiny 1 1
AuHt, tJ
lm MICIIAKI.T. NOI.AH Hetfittf
Tlwbtf Mint. Att Jmm . 11.
Mh4 IHR4V, Ttw IShUm, lHti
AJiMl t, IV..
Notkv l lMity sl lht Isrwnpllatw wm
ir. rtiOtM "Am fef lh Mleut limbt IihI.
l l IS mtt of I W IHHr
In ll-Hlf CxItftMHU. llrtaM. Htt4, tt
Wt.hliiateH TttrHtMy." tttriMtnl U ullth.
HtMK Uwl 4l Nyad u( AS(im4 I. ISM.
u( IumIt t'llf r"Hly uf IkuiuU ttstrnT W .
Maim), H llil idy bM In Ku umVc ht ... .
MtltmtHl Nn MS;, hn Ibt imftfcw uf IKi
K HI HltH.l. II IpHI, tiir, m
An4 willtilTrr htmf ) that Iht U11 1
uHitu H more valtMbU lm H liMthvf w ttrnir
lhH In HcwliMtl putpoKt aad M tUlilin
III. t'Ulm Iu mM tawt WrW II C KIlM. I' H
fowtwUrtttorr, at bra apTM In KtnJ, ltf(mi. (i
Iht iwk iUy u( .HH. ius
llr nawr HMMn CMrtM J. Cm...
MkhkI KIh(, .MUtt IU aMd )( ixi.i
all uf Html Otrifiiti
AHy tail all immn rfotMlaf 4ty ihr
abi'dtth4 UkU tauaaataal Iu Da Ikrw
rtala In lhl oMn m m tarSjtf mii islii day .-i
if'' MpCIIAMI.T MUI.AK. HatMti
TlmbfT UimA, AM jaa 1 tT.
V. Ud oOtajt, Tkt llatta itarrm
May laS
Nollfr to Wtttrr ft thai la rMmfAlmttrr Hiih
11m Bvridaax aOkt At tt I'mtattw of Jaat 1
i'S. tainted "m act few Ika tab) of tlaakrt Ua.1.
Im liar alalaa a( CalnWala. UttMMi, -Orrada. an J
Wailnaiati Trftltarr." a talaajdtd la all Ihr
GtMIr laad ay Act af Aarad 4. . ik
km ! aaaatd aaunaji, mi Atl ttd al Mat
nut. tM. Mad In IM aret ilMir mni aial.
Mtal. ImM.
llraea A )mtr
4 Mtad. roaaly of CrxuSi, atst ftNfoj a (
atatiroatal No. M, fear lk tataSian oaf tk a. s.
"! J. X " - at ta. Hiva
. . ... -. . r ... ..
rut a
Cars A Jaat
af Htad. cmtajly isr UMaV, aiatoot titTu w
UIM Na Ifaa. fear lb atin. i at IM
"H. "i wtn . att a.. p a.
I II r
TlMt tkv wilt tdUt urooft la thaw 114 IS
Uaata auaf hi iu mm valtSaM Cur Ik I Ha art
XuMflbritoM ISaa ft at rMMlMual MMMHa. M
laralaUatklatlrrlaiMMlMaSId Ua4a Mat II
l' Kill.. I' M CataMla)f. M kta .An i
Mtad. iMrtoa. oh Hat irih day of Jaly. laai
Tkty aaai hMm Piank tl Mlnui
(War A )om. Cnr A Jatart, l'rliaj C .
Joka Mom. all of IkrMd, HtM
Aay aod all tmt-m riaiailaa adrti atly tar
Uj.-4H-aUHd4 M rttjaaataal I felt Ibtir
rlalHM In lata ufttet ao. WfeWt Ik toldiHti day
of Jaly, isaS.
Tttaotr Lrfad. Art Jauat 1. ISfS.
U. k. Uaa) odtrt. Tkt Dallrt. iirtfmi.
May at. nrd,
Mo4k)r U ktrtby atrta Ikat la tMnalWMrt Ma
Ik yotakMM oflkt Art a7.'ocrraa of jaw I
isya vatUlad. "A film Ik ak of lOaWf Uwf.
'" Ik ttaua of CBlllurMW, lirrgua. Ntvadt. tHI
II tkt
IMnatd Jlwraajy,
uf Tfc , nmaty of Waaco. Stu of Ortaoa
.It M.l.iwl lo. aan. Utd la Iklt ofMct Ma
it iyA rorlk-airlovaariltt MWawW. NtUt
K. IM I Md j. c JO, Ip it , r taa. w m.
TttnrtwrC Marpky,
ufTh IktllM. CMioty of Waara.auttaf Oimum
wot h Hairattnl Mo jvi I
Nlml May M. iA. Im
iiw IM"" Ol IN twK
at at. It ij , r w r
Tbal Ikt
III otr Moofa lo afcow IImI lh
Umli aou
. -. n .. - - -T .. --
Shi aie Mtott valaaMa fur ih iluikrr
-. iw innrai iiwh lot atikalloral tmrinnt
iO . ??ta'"'i "Tr cUlata Iu aaol iKiTlar
fat Iht Hi-aWer aud Hrltr a" lb laad oAk Iu
The iMllta. (Hrg.w. om AauM Hat, tt
...Ty "? ,H WM Mkaaa Mkkatl
O'GoHHor 11 A MelNjaafd, Kdward Marpki
TwtHwC MarHky, I. (I litWotfakd WHlUw
II. MaaoM. of Tkt iValhM. (Hr(OM.
Aiy aud all HtMNM cisiMlMjr adnratly any
oflk akot dalbid la, 7intalrd to HI
their rlaiwa iu iiiiHiiMuiuiJL..u ..
.... . .,, ..i.,rH.
. J , . -T -n. m Illiai. w,
Tlmbtr MMd. Act id Juo j. iSyS,
V S Und Olket, 11, IMl.. uttkou
Hay t, Vft.
n,??!,1!. br,tbJ' glH that In combltauce with
aia,'I0!ttT.'i' of okJirea of Jhn i
M. HtftUJ "All aUl fn L.H -.Cl .J ..! I r
u.-"i,i .' tffcfkts.lMaioii. Nadr., a il
puMk Uud ttatMltv art of Auutt 4, ikai,
OtofueA llowa.ui.
ih.V!ffL'Sa".,.Ar.:"!'l''i- ' "'. '
Nn.iV., "".'"" 'J1? awofH aiaitHltlil
and e'.HrX, of m-c 1, p to t, r 11 , w in.
J!!?"1 $" vriw! st" " ' i"1"'
!C!.V)i.a.. 1 ? vsluald fr iu timber or
aauFdLA r iit ""rI ixiriiwwt, and lo
So. 11 an' cUm " w'l. I1 btfyie II. C.
JSJi.'.L.H..0""".,,';llrr.,l ' ofHee In Html,
Olreuri.oiltheflliil.iyufAiigmil, iia.
A,"i,7.UL.',ffJ'J,"i,,A"- I " H'liitar. mid
cluilr,mi,Kui nun v. 11. aitu , nr ii.
Any and "It'rVrrnni claluiluir ndverielv Ibe
AilKilat. .i. """"'" '" "uf U1
Jii-aio . MICUAlHi T. NOI.AN. Iltgl.tcr.
1'tstti ,and, final J'roof.
If. H, Laud Office, The Dallta. Orcou,
.1 . . I"1"' " IV"0'
rxotlceii hereby glvr 11 that lm 1; wimcr
?,.il.,,,.l."?to' V"5"', ' UVl 1 lice iV hi
Ho 111 for'ih'e6 ';" Uii.sii. claim
u!Fi''i!r A '.'"!?" I'rsnlc 1'. Iroinid. I'rauLV
TT"'T"f itmaory,-at tntnam la
Ik Mbmtaa-aaHMd pmaat h. ikd In
iom niara winmnii Iu w
J'5-Jllbj MICIIAUL T, NOI.AN. ,lal