The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 22, 1906, Image 3

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Friday, Juno 10.
Washington, Jiinn 15, When tlio
inmate look up thn Klltredgu sea level
canal bill today, Senator 'Icllnr spoke
In aupport u( Hint plan. Unargued
that in this Kovcriiincnt had practically
prohibited tin) French government, ami
Inter had declined to nllow private cor
porn t loin toetnbaik In tho canal enter
prise, tlm U ii I tod Htntoa cnu not Afford
to hesltnto on account of tlio cost In
money nr tlmo Tlio (act tlmt n en
level cnnal would cont moio tlmn n
lock caiimI iliould not deter till" country
iroui giving to tlia world tlio beat poa
nllilo waterway between tlio oceans,
which mint urcenssrlly bo on tlio tide
luvol, llu mprt-tl tint opinion tlmt II
u sea level canal could bo built lor the
ainn prlrn an n lock canal, all the en
Klnera would favor It ni Iho Iwat porsl
Ida cnnnl. Hence ha contended that In
ntatidlug tor a lock cmml Chief Knxl
ni'or Stevens discredits himself as an
Washington, June in, Thn homo to
tiny by n voto of 110 to .'10 voted In
favor of a lock canal across tlio Isthmus
of I'nnaiua, tlm amendment to tlio mm
dry civil bill to this effoct being pre
edited by I.ltlnuor, of New York.
With meinlMira of colore" sitting on
tlio short steps In the aisles of tlio
homo, around the apace In groups, the
imllerlra filled, nnd with Ilurlon, of
Ohio, pointer In hand, discussing charta
to aliow tlio difference between tlio sea
level nnd lock canal, the home present
ed every appearance of a data room,
Tburaday, June 14.
Washington, Juno 14. Tho senate to
lay drcldod to voto neit Thursday on
the Panama era-lavel canal bill; ac
copted the coufeiencn reports on the
diplomatic anJ naval appropriation
lillli, the former complete and the
latter partial; pained a bill llmtlliiK
the liability that may be assumed by
Indlvldiiala to national banka; adopted
.Morgan's resolution relative to the con
trol of tlio Panama railroad; admitted
A. W. Ilenson aa the successor of Ilur
ton, of Kansas; received the credentials
of Senator elect I)iiK)nt, ol Delaware;
listened to a aimed! by Drydoti In aup
port nf a lock canal acroaa tint lithium
of Panama, and also passed aoveral
acini-private tl 1 1 .
WaahlnKton, Juno H. After ellinl
natlng the appropriation of fl00,000
for the further gauging of thn waters of
the United States under tlio direction
of tlio geological -uivey, the homo to
day grow weary of economy and In--creased
the appioprlotlona for further
teita of structural materials, llgnltea
nnd other coala, although thn appropri
ations committee laltored zealously to
toUlu them at their original figure.
Thu conference report on the omnl
Inn lighthouse hill waa adopted.
The report of thn conferees of tho
Agricultural appropriation bill waa
Wednesday, June 13,
Washington, June 13. Tho aeuato
adopted without division the conference
rcKirl on the atatehood hill At 1:20
o'clock this oveulng.
Tho rKirt waa debated by Forakor,
llalley, Patterson, Monoy, Dubola,
iMorgsn, Stone, McCumbor und ottiera.
Dubola Announced Ma Intention to
voto against the acceptance of the re
port, beenme of the omlialon ol the
nutl-polygamy provision inserted by
tho auunto, nnd In doing to he took oc
raalon to rovlow hla own polltlrsl ex
perience in dealing with tho Mormone,
eaylng that lio know hla stand on the
(juration would ri-ault in hla enforced
rctltimoiit from tho senate. Tho son
nto nlao listened during the day to an
nrguinunt by Millard In opposition to
tt(o sea level Panama cnunl bllal.
Washington, Juno 13. There was a
round of applause from both aldra of
thochnmbur whon Hamilton, of Michi
gan, reported to tho homo today that
the conferees on Htatuhood had agreed
reached nil agreement nnd naked that
It bo printed In tho Itucord.
Tho tiny waa spent on tho sundry
civil Appropriation bill, and, with tho
exception of nn hour occupied in con
sidering tlio proposed abolition of re
colveta of tnnd ofllcca, which measuro
tho homo refused to function, tho on
tiro day was taken up with tho consid
eration of appropriation for tho United
Mates QtH)loglcal survey, members of
thn Appropriations committee being in
eovero criticism of tho ofllclals of tlio
Tuesday, Juno 12,
Washington, Juno 12. Hy a voto of
For Early Adjournment.
Washington, Juno 12. In an effort
to bring an adjournment of congrosa by
July 1 or earlier, Senator Allison,
chairman of tho sennto Republican
nteerlng commltteo, will call tho com
mitteo together Thursday to consider a
program for the remainder of tho ses
sion. With the statehood question out
of the way, It is now bollovod that tho
railroad rnto conferonco report and the
moat Inspection hill are practically tho
only obstructions, It is not likely
there can bo any ngreoment this ses
sion on tlio typo of tho canal.
54 to 0 tho senate today decided to con
sider tho hill extending from 28 to III)
hours tho tlmn that livestock may bo
kept In cam without unloading. The
passage of thn bill wan advocated by
Witrion, who said that tinder Its ttrnia
tho tlmn can only bo extended on the
written Application of tho owners of the
tock, and that olten unloading is
more harmful to thn slock than to ox
lend for a few hours tho tlmo of their
After a lengthy discussion the hill
was passed.
YAningion, Juno iz. with a very
large proportion of the members pres
ent, dun to the activity of thn Republi
can and Democratic whlpi, the houao
today passed a rule sending tho railroad
ratn bllTback to conferonco as aaked
for hy the tvnato, without even an ex
pression of lis wishes at to any of the
amendments, The rulo wni debated
for 40 minutes. Tho leadsra jmrtlcl
pa ted In thn dlncuaalon, the Democrats
taking tho poiltlon that tho tlmo was
opportune to concur In the aieeplng car
amendment and Instruct tho ocuferecs
lui to the antl-pasa amendment. Al
though the Democrat a were aided hy
eight Republicans, they could not com
mand votes enough to defeat the rule,
which wa. adopted, 184 to 00.
Representative Sherman, of Now
York, Introduced a bill today providing
a pasaenger rate on tall railroads In tho
United States doing Interstate bualnesa
ahall bo 2 conta a mllo, effective Janua
ry 1 next,
Monday, June II.
Washington, June 11. The sonato
this evening passed the Mondell bill
amending the national irrigation taw
so aa to permit tho secretary of the In
terior tc reduce tlio minimum Area of
farm units In government projecta from
ill acres to su acres. Tlm Mil was
amended In the senate by prescribing
regulations for granting an extension
ol time to sottlors under Irrigation pro
jects (or completing entries when delay
la caused hy failure of the government
to complete tho project and furnish tho
water In tlmo to complete entries In
tho time specified by thn land laws.
It was Amended alao by tho Insertion
of a provision authorising tho sreretan
of the Interior to appraise lota In I ley.
burn and Rupert towniltes And soil
them to occupants whp have erected
permanent buildlnga thereon not read
ily removable.
Washington, June 11. After near
ly four hours spent in tho considera
tion of legislation affecting tho Inte
rests of the District of Columbia, tho
bouso today resumed consldaration of
the sundry civil bill, and, after An
hour And a half spent In Its considera
tion, adjourned. An amendment was
passed, permitting the Appointment of
retired ofllcers of the United States
corpa of engineers, U. 8. A., as mem
liera of tho International Waterways
commission, as provided for in the
river and harbor bill creating this com
mUslon. The house In commltteo of the wholo
refined to make an additional appro
priation for marking tho places where
American aoldlera foil and wero tern
polarity Interred In Cuba And China,
on tho ground that It was a bad prece
dent. Saturday, Juno O.
Washngton, Juno 0. The bill pro
hlhltng corporations from making cam
paign contributions was passed by tho
senate without debata this afternoon.
It makes it unlawful for any national
bank or any "orporatiou under a gov
ernment charter to mako n contribution
in connection with any election and also
unlAwful fur any corporation whntovor
to mnku a contribution to Any presi
dential, senatorial or congressional
election Vhatovcr.
A lino not exceeding $5,000 Is tho
penalty for offending corporations, and
a fine of not exceeding $1,000 for every
olllcer or director who shall consent to
thu granting of Any contribution,
Washington, Juno 0. Tho item in
thn sundry civil Appropriation hill ap
propriating $25,000 for tho prcslJont
wont out In tho house of representatives
on a point made by Williams, of Mis
sissippi, Tho decision, howover, tlmt
tho matter was now legislation came
aftor a freo discussion, Democrats nnd
Republicans genorally expressing them
slvcs in sympathy with tho Idea of giv
ing the president a (und for railroad
Statehood Compromise.
Washington, June 12. The Carter
compromise on tho statehood bill was
agreed upon today by Republican lead
ers of tho homo And senate. Nothing
now stands In the way ot Admission of
Oklahoma And Indian Territory as a
stato, And a chnlco by Arlxona And New
Mexico ns to whether thoy deslro to
come In as Another stato. It is oxpoct
od that tho pending conference report
will bo recommitted or withdrawn when
It com os up tomorrow and An amondod
report returned to both houses embody.
Ing tho compromise,
Mining, Irrigation nnd Lgmbor Inter
ests Will Fe;l Effect of Economy.
Washington, Juno 12. House repre
sentatives struck a severe blow to tho
imllro West In cnttlng down tho all
Important appropriation for tho geo
logical survey carried hy tho sundry
ulvll bill, nnd unless the senate in
creases theso items, mining, Irrigation
and lumbar Interests will feel the effect
of tho homo legislation. In nil $f)40,
000 has been cut off tho geological sur
vey appropriation.
Tlio government was about to begin
the testing of mineral fuels of tho
West, Including tho coals and lignites
of tho Pacific coast. Little work of this
character can be done, for the appro
priation was only $100,000, when twice
that amount hat been annually appro
priated lor similar work in tho hast.
Instead of 1100,000 to carry on the
investigation of mineral resources, In
eluding black sand experiments at Port
land, tho homo grants but $50,000.
This will shut off the black sand work
entirely, when tha preeent special fund
is expended.
Tho appropriation for forest reserve
stirvoys is cut from $130,000 to $100,
000 and a cat of $00,000 Is made in
tho appropriation for topographic sur
veys, which form the basis of all the
geological survey work. Congress has
been Appropriating $200,000 annually
to gange streams preliminary to under
taking actual Irrigation work. This Is
cut to $100,000 and mesne material In
terference with irrigation surveys in lo
calities where new projects are contem
plated. Another cnt that will bo felt Is in
tho appropriation for the Annual report
on mineral resources of tho United
Mates. This will cut down the sub
ject matter of tho valuable government
document and will restrict tho Issue to
the Inconvenience ol the mining Inter
ests of tha country.
Secret Service Men Secure Startling
Testimony at Chicago.
Washington, June 12. Secret service
mea are repotted to be on their way
here with sensational information In
their possession as to uso of preserva
tives by the beef trnat. They were
aent to Chicago by order of the presi
dent aa aoon ai ho had been advised
verbally of tho results of the investi
gation of Labor Commissioner Nelll
and Jamec Reynolds. It la said that
thoy havo concluded an exhaustive in
quiry which will not only bring tho
packers to their knees but will remove
the powerful Influences that are being
exerted against congress and tie great
cattle Interests with a vlow ot forcing
tho president to capitulate
This preosure has become gigantic.
hvery business, political and financial
ramification of the great trust is being
utilized directly and Indirectly to havo
a halt called on tbo government ex
posure, and, if possible, get an official
declaration thst the portrayal of condi
tions In the packing houses baa been
exaggerated. Cattln Interests ot the
great West and Bouthwest, which for
years havo been clamoring Mn congresa
and outside of it for protection against
the trust, have even been persuaded
that a continuation of government hos
tility will rn'.n them.
The cry of panic has been raised.
Not only bankers handling trust funds,
but their employes, friends and Ac
quaintances in tbeb usineaa, social and
political world, havo been enlisted to
use their efforts In tho gigantic struggle
that Is now In progress, to stem tho
tldo against tho packers.
Caught With tho Bombs.
New York, Juno 12. An attempt
was mado tonight to explode a bomb In
a manholo of tho Interborough Rapid
Transit company in front of tho power
house, at Hast Seventy-fourth street,
which furulshoos current to the sub
way. Ono man, Joseph liartky, 22
years old, was arrested, tho police ray,
as he was About to light the fuse of
tho bomb as it lay on tho manholo
cover. Two companions who wore with
him escapod. On liartky was found
threa other bombs, all being of uni
form slxe, the shape of a baseball, but
n llttlo larger.
Relnke Given Five Years.
Milwaukee, Wis., June 12, Arthur
Georgo Relnko, formerly rocolvlng tol
ler of tho Marshall & Haley bank, was
sentenced to five years In tho state re
formatory at Green Ray on charges ot
embezzlement of $14,000, by Judge
Ornzee this morning. He had entered
a plea of guilty to the complaint, which
charged him with having converted to
his own use $3,000 on May 22, 1005,
and $11,000 on Novomber 22, 1005.
The charge was brought under the law
of 1003, relating to embezzlomont by
bank ofllcers and employes.
Benson To Ba Senator.
Ottawa, Kan., June 12. Judge Al
fred Watson Uomon, of this city, who
yesterday was offered tho Appointment
of United States senator to succeed
Joseph R, Button, stated today that ho
would iccent ttio position. He will
ofllclally notifly Governor Hoch tomor
row ot his acceptance Judge Benson
expects to start for Washington tomor
In h
Condensed Form for
Busy Readers.
flesumo of tho Lest Important but
Not Leas Interesting Events '
of the Past Week.
A movement has started to dopose
tho ineano king of Uavarla.
Peasants aro rioting and killing land
owners in Southern Russia.
Many Oregon And Washington post
maiters havo received an increase in
Mayor Scbmltx, of Ban Francisco,
has decided that saloons mar open
Light earthquake shocks are fait fre
quently At San Francisco, but no dam
age is done.
Rioting has been resumed at Btaly-
stok, Russia, and parliament has sent a
commltteo to Investigate.
Leaders In congress agreo to loan
$10,000,000 to San Francisco banks for
use In rebuilding the city.
Tho Japaneso Red Cross nas given a
total ot $110,000 to the relief of earth
quake sufferers of California.
Insurance companies contemplate a
raise of 25 per cent In rates in Waih
Ington as well as Oregon and Idaho.
The naval bill provides $05,000 with
which to establish wireless telegraph
stations along the cotsts of Oregon,
Washington and California.
There is a general feeling throughout
Russia that a revolution cannot help
but come soon.
Thirty-two Insurance companies have
refused to cut payment of San Francisco
losses 25 per cent and will pay In full.
Roosevelt condemns the meat inspec
tion bill And threatns to call an extra
session If action is not taken on the
A meeting of Illinois farmers at Chi
cago decided to form an organization to
dghl the commission men who are now
robbing them.
The government has secured evidence
at Cleveland, Ohio, of rebating to
Standard Oil and will prosecute the oil
company And tho railroad.
A committee from th National Asso
ciation of Manufacturers, after an in
vestigation ol Chicago packing house
conditions, says it can find nothing
State Insurance Commissioner Davit,
of Nevada, has notified Insurance com
panies to pay 100 cents on tho dollar of
their Ban Francisco losses or quit busi
ness In Nevada.
Germany says America is not the
only country where bad meat origin
ates. The kaiser's inspectors refuse
admittance to shipments from several
other countries.
The president and senate contlnuo at
loggerheads on important measurs.
A storm Is brewing in tho Russian
parliament about duplicity regarding
All shipping on San Francisco bay
continues tied up on account ot a strike
of the freight handlers.
The homo has voted to allow no
money to soldiers' homes for mainten
ance which havo canteens.
Chicago courts are trying to dostde
who Is tho head of Zlon City at the
present tlmo. Dowlu is tho star wit
ness. The Longworths are receiving splen
did entertainment in London. Mrs.
Longworth dlnod wiht the king a few
days ago.
A New York Federal grand Jury has
asked that several ofllcers of tho tobacco
trust bo adjudged In contempt and sent
to Jail for failure to produce certain
books wanted by tho Jury In an Inves
tigation of the business methods of the
A million dollar fire at Baltimore
wiped out ttie big Savannah docks, to
gether with all the freight stored there;
totally destroyed the steamer fessex and
a number of scows loaded with cotton
and realn. Two lives are believed to
have been lost.
A new moderate party has been or
ganized In Russia,
An entire regiment at Poltava, South
Russia, has mutinied.
The senate commlttoe has reported
that Smoot is not entitled to a seat in
tho senate.
Republican leaders in both houses
have agreed to a conpromlsa on the
statehood bill,
General Toledo, leader ot the Guate
malan revolutionists, claims to be win
ning his fight.
Clinnifler of "Unlte-HUn" Apppnt
nncr, lint flluirp n Wlilprnrd.
Former Senator Cfmndlor linn not a
very preiKMiWMlng personality nnd lm
would novor bo picked out In a crowd
of men ns ono pos
aoMcd of either
strong mentality or
grent pbyalcal en
durance. Ho wears
a scraggy chin
whisker something
llko Undo Hntn U
pictured as wear
ing, except tlmt It
hia tbo appenrnnce
w. r. ciiAiTDixn. of Mnjj neglected.
Ho la hardly more Uian flvo feet high
nnd wenra oroglnaacs with a black silk
string that tlea them to his cont Inpol.
In summer time ho Iff much given U
tho wearing of Ill-fitting, baggy linen
ult nnd "Rube-like" straw hat.
Let no one think that hla stature In
dicate intellectual dry rot. Ho Is as
sharp ns n whipcord and few men ever
ant In tho Hen nto who had tho gift nt
repartee that he posscnacs. Only In
Kalis of Knnaair over succctwfully coped
with him, nnd Ingnlls never rollahed a
pttaangc-at-nrma with tlio Now Hamp
shire man. Mcnt people call him tho
"Wasp of tho Senate," nnd Senator
Vest of Missouri, who waa not -wanting
In picturesque language when tbo occa
alou demanded It, once referred to him
as tho "Moaqulto of tbe Senate
Chandler ha been In public life so
long that ho has a hardened exterior
for tlio ordlnnry sensations In which
hla name becomes Involved. Ho loves n
fight nnd la nlwnj-s looking for It Ho
fights for the aake of lighting. Ho
fought with Senator Forakor about tbe
rn 11 road rntcn and Ohio politics when
It was no more hla bualnesa than It was
to regulato tho affairs of the man In tho
moon. An far back as the Hayes ad
ministration ho bad prominent admin
istration connection!, and. after long
nnd close naaoclatlon with President
Hare, broke with htm In n serlc of
let ten nud ncrlmonlous correspondence
that equals anything that has developed
In connection with tho Tillman-Roosevelt
Tho other day he said that ho had
first como to Washington In tho Tierce
ndmlnlrtratlon nnd had known every
President more or les Intimately allien
that time. He U engnged In govern
mental work. L'tlcn Globe.
A felon or whitlow la an Inflamma
tion of tbo bnnd or finger, usually of
tho last Joint of tbo finger. Its Import
ance varies with tho seat of It; that Is
to acy, with tlio portion of tbo finger
Involved. It may affect tho skin only,
tho tendons or sinews, or tbe fibrous
coverings of tbo bone tho periosteum.
A superficial whitlow, where tho In
flammation Is confined to tho skin, may
bo extremely painful, but otherwise It
Is not n very serious matter; but this
cannot bo said ot tho other two forma.
In tho tendinous whitlow pus forms
In tho fibrous sheath surrounding tho
tendon; nnd unless tho Inflammation
quickly subsides, or the matter la let
out by tho surgeon's knife, tho pus may
burrow down through tho sheath Into
tho palm of tho hand, and result lu a
pommnent crippling of tbo member.
Ttie third varloty called by physicians
tho sub-perlostenl Is that In which mat
ter forms beneath the membrane which
covers tho bone, Aa this membruno Is
tough nnd Inelastic, tbo tension duo to
tho increasing volumo of matter bo
comes very grent, nnd gives rise to a
throbbing, mnddcnlng pain. Tho relief
afforded by a deep cut Into this In
flamed linger, right down to tbo bone,
Is mnglcnl, although tho cut hurts. This
Is tbo only treatment for this form of
felon, nud tho Incision should bo made
early, for If It Is too long delayed tho
bono will bo killed, nnd a discharging
soro will remain which will later neces
sitate n surgical operation, even If It
does not result lu tha loss of tho last
Joint of tho linger.
Tho superficial whitlow does not ush-
ally call for Buclt radical treatment,
A clay poultice ofton affords great ro
llof. This may bo mado by making a
pasto of clay previously sterilized by
bnklng In a very hot oven and adding
glycerin to provent too rapid drying;
or tho clay may bo obtnluod ready pre
pared In tho drug store. This protects
tho finger from Injury, keeps It cool,
aud If applied early enough, may pro
vent tho formation of mattor. When
ouce pus has formed, howover, no mat
tor what tho variety of tho felon, tho
safest plan of treatment Is to cut Into
tho Inflamed finger, and glvo exit to tho
confined matter nnd rollovo tho tension
of tho parts. Youth's Companion.
Our lightest pain tho window pane.
Indian Carry.
Take ono onion, one ounco of bnttcr,
ilx or eight awcet almonda, two eggs, ona
slice of bread, half a pound of cooked
treat, one tableapoonful of curry pow
der. Slice tho onion, fry ft a nlco
brown In butter. Put tho slice of bread
In milk, and grate tho almonds Into It
Rent tho eggs In half a cup of milk,
and mix all together with tbo meat
minced fine, nnd n small lump of butter
nnd tho curry powder. Grease a pi
dUh well, nnd rub It with a llttlo lem
on juice. Put In tho mixture, nnd bale
In n alow oven. When dono turn out
end pour some good firnry round, and
servo with boiled rice. This la nn ex
cellent dlsb, nud ono highly to ba rec
ommended for a cold winter's day.
Pnmpkln l'nddlnsr.
Press- n pint of dry. cooked pumpkin
through a colander; let one-half pint
of milk get scalding hot nnd add to It
one-quarter pound each of butter and
granulated sugar; when tho butter !
melted, beat In very gradually eight
eggt which have been whipped until
very light, flavor with tho Juice of a
lemon, n grated nutmeg and a largo
teaaioonful of powdered mace and cin
namon mixed. Line i Jow pudding
dish with good paatrj pour In tho
pumpkin mixture and bake In a quick
oven. This la delicious.
French Urrtttttnlt.
Placo In a roasting Un a pleco of
tho best rump stenk; dredge with flour,
pepper nnd salt; almost cover with wa
ter, roast for twonty minutes; then
cover with sliced onions, pepper, salt;
roast thirty minutes; cover with sliced
tomatoes, roast twenty minutes; then
sprinkle over with grated chwac.
roast ngnln for ten minutes. Serve on
a hot dish, and If basted every ten
minutes previous to sprinkling on tho
cheese It will bo very tender and de
licious. Chile Con Curne.
Cut two pound of steak la to smn'.I
pieces nnd fry in dripping or butter.
seed six chiles and cover with boiling
water, sonk until tender, then Bcrnt
tho pulp Into tho water. When tho
sieaic is dono ndd flour to tho fat In
the pan and brown It. stlrrimr con-
stantly. Cover with tho chllo water.
add a llttlo garlic and thymo and sim
mer until the meat la tender and tha
gravy thick and smooth.
Cream ot Oyster Soap.
Sctild ouo quart of oysters In their
own liquor; retuovo them from tha
liquor; chop them small and rub them
through n flno slero; put two level
tablespoonfula of butter In a pan, when
melted add two tablespoonfula of flour ;
add ono cupful of oyster liquor, tha
oyster pulp, salt, pepper and paprika;
Just before nerving add ono cupful of
whipped cream, beat ug it well Into tha
lied Pepper Catnap.
Take four dozen red peppers; put
on the llro lu a quart of vinegar and
water each, with two root of horse
radish grated and six sliced onions.
Season with salt, iepper, splco nnd
mustard teed; boll ten minutes nnd
strain. Then add a teacupful of brown
sugar, two ounces of celery seed, onq
of maco nnd a pint ot strong vinegar.
Roll ono hour and bottle.
Staple Cream Fudge.
Rrcnk a pound of maplo sugar Into
bits nnd crush. Add to It n pint ol
crenm Into which you havo dropped a
pinch of soda. Put over tho flro nnd
stir until the su:ar la melted. ItolL
stirring constantly, until a llttlo drop
ped into com water Is brittle. Add a
tableapoonful of butter, nnd, whon thU
melts, pour Into greased pans and mark
off Into squares.
ChocolKto Cake Fllltuar.
Wet a half cake of grated vanilla
chocolato with three tablespooufuls of
milk, rubbing them together, a little
nt a time, that they may bo thoroughly
blended; heat tho mixture Into an egg
that has been whipped light with a cup
of powdered sugar, then cook In a
granlte-llned saucepan uutll thick, stir
ring constantly.
Sift one quart of flour; add halt a
teaspoon -of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, a
tablespoon of lard, ono beaten egg, two
teaspoons of cream tartar, ono of soda
nnd a pint of sweet milk. Mix to
thick batter, drop lu squares on a vory
hot, greased grlddlo, and bake, brown
on both sides. Servo with buttor and
Hickory- Nut Klssea.
Whites of six eggs beaten to ft stilt
froth, on pound and ono cup of. pow
dered sugar, ono cup of hickory nut
meanta chopped and ft piece of citrlQ
acid the se.of a pea. Drop In tea
spoonfuls ubuttered pans and bake,