DRAWN BY PACKERS New Meat Inspection Dill Was Their Suggestion, REPRESENTATIVE WAS IN CHICAGO Member of Commltteo Submitted Sub stitute to Packers Changes Ac cepted In Full. Washington, Juno 16. President Itooeevolt has yot to play his trump card against the men in congress who are endeavoring to render ineffective) the Beveridge meat Inspection amend mont to the agricultural bill. It bo came known today that the house com mittee substitute tor the Beveridge Amendment was actually drawn by the Chicago packers and was reported by the committee exactly as requested by the men whom the president proposes to place under government inspection. The houo commltteo last Saturday morning reached an agreement to ro port its substitute and immedlatly Rep resentative Lorimer left for Chicago with a copy of the committee bill, lie spent hall a day Sunday in conference with the leading packers of his home city, submitting to them the substi tute drawn by himself and Chairman Wain worth and accepted by the major ity of the honse committee. The pack era went over this proposed legislation very carefully, wrote in many changes which they desired, and asked Mr. Lor imer to do his best to have their ideas carried out. Mr. Lorimer hastened back to Wash ington, submitted the packers' Ideas to the committee, and the majority of the committee actually adopted every sug gestion that was made to Mr. Lorimer, reporting a substitute for the Beveridge amendment identical with that which was endorsed by representatives of the packers in Chicago on Sunday. These facts are vouched for by two members of the house committee, and they have reported them to the president. Such evidence as this is the strongest kind of a club fjr the president, and will do more than anything else to de feat the committee proposition and force the house to accept something very similar to the original Beveridge amendment; to do otnerwlse, the house would have to acknowledge that it was legislating at tbe direction of the beef trust ana few congressmen care to go Into tbe campaign this fall with any such record to their credit. WANT APPEAL TO COURTS. Victims of Postal Fraud Orders Want Cortelyou Curbed. IS Washington, June 10.- Effort is be Ingjcnade to curb tbe power exercised by the Poatoffice department in issuing fraud orders against mall. The house committee on Judiciary has reported favorably a measure granting appeal from department fraud orders to the courts, w lere the petitioner shall be insured tbe right to a full Judicial hearing on the facta and Judicial Judg ment as to whether the postal laws and regulations are being violated. Department rulings on use of the mails, especially on the point whether fraud is being committed, have been tbe subject of many sharp controversies. The plenary powers of the executive officials have been as frequently es tablished. Accumulated disappoint ment of those denied access to the malls Is offered in explanation of tbe present movement. Since the removal of Tyner, there havo been no charges of wilful abuse of tbe powers of the de partment, but the purity of purpose conceded to officials has not removed tbe sting entirely for those who have suffered. There is little prospect that the mesaure will be passed by the bouse this session, but assurance is had that a serious effort will be made to put it on the statute books before the close of the Fifty-ninth congress. Ready to Reduce Navy. Rome, June 10. In the chamber of -deputies today, Signor Brunialti Inter rogated the government relative to the proposal of the British government at The Hague conference for reduction of armament. Foreign Minister Tlttoni replied that he was glad of the oppor tunity to publicly express Italy's ad hesion to the humanitarian proposal of Great Britain, adding that Italy always was ready to co-operato sincerely with initiatives aiming at tbe simultaneous reduction 'of armament to avert the dangers and disasters of war. Denied to the Women. Helena, Mont., Juno 10. Holding that upon constitutional grounds wo men cannot hold notarial commissions In this state, Governor Toole today re voked all outstanding commissions held by women, seven In all, and denied an many applications. DRIVE THEM FROM STATE. California Dcclaros War on Dlshonost Insuranco Companies. Sun Francisco, Juno 16. -The olllclal of California nre agreed, It is said, that the Insurance companies which refuse to meet their obligations and pay their losses In full will not only bo driven from the state, but ruined beforo the world, If the widest publication of their methods can accomplish that end. In surance Commissioner 13. Marlon Wolf Is backed by Attorney Oenoral Webb. The attornoy general expressed himself forcefully today regarding tno proposi tion made by 00 companies at a meet ing in Oakland Tuesday to pay only 76 per cent of adjusted losses. "Under the law of California," ho said, "tho stato Insurance commission er can rtvoko tho license of any Insur ance company for the state when there Is causo. Certainly tho payment of only 75 por cent of losses would bo cause. And not only would It bo proof of unsoundness and unfitness to do business, but it will bo tho plainest evidence of dishonesty. It would bo cause for the commissioner to revoke the state license of any company stand ing for such a proposition, and I know that Mr. Wolf, whoso heart Is in the situation, will Uke such action toward companies that enter such an agree ment. "This is tho limit of his power of punishment under the Calflornla law, but he can go much further. The in surance commissioners of all tho states stand together. Through them, Com missioner Wolf can advertise to all the world the dishonesty of the companies that refuse to meet their obligations. I am certain that he will use that pow er against those that give him cause." There was no chango today in the alignment of insurance companies on the proposition to mako a general 25 per cent cut, but the companies that voted for full payment still hope to win over many of thoeo that took the stand for a percentage settlement. LIFE DISGUSTS DOWIE. Aged Prophet Lay Down to Die Once, Out Could Not. Chicago, June 16. John Alexander Dowie, on tbe witness stand in Judgo Londis court today, tremblingly beggod for death to relieve him of his sorrows and his defeats, lie declared also that should be die he would come back to earth again as Elijah tho Restorer. Dowie, in the course of his testi mony, gave the following rules to guide a man who is about to die: "Do things in order even when you go to die. Don't make a splash and meea of it. Go to your death couch and await triih Atirl In llYi " Tbe occasion for the discussion death camo when Dowie, fighting tho ownership of Zlon City and claiming possession, which Is now of for re in tho bands of Wilbur U. Vollva, was telling of his first serious Illness as part of the testimony on his present competency to rule the city which he built. iAwie made tbe amazing asser tion that after bo was first stricken he lay down to die, but awoke two hours later, alive. "I was never so disgusted 89 when I awoke two hours later alive," he said, "and I am still alive and disgusted." MASSACRE AND PILLAGE. Bomb Flung at Christian Parade In Russia Provokes Riot. Blalystok, Russia, June 15. A Jew ish anarchist threw a bomb among the Corpns Christ! procession, which was in progress hero today, and killed or wonnded hnnd-eds of persons. In con sequence the Christians attacked and massacred the Jews and demolished their shops. The bomb was thrown from the bal cony of a house in Alexandrov street A Russian clergyman named Federoff was among those killed. Immediately a'ter the explosion Jews began to fire from the windows of tho house. Soldiers surrounded it and fired two volleys. Meanwhile the enraged Christians attacked the Jewish stores in Alexandrov and Hurax streets, demol ishing1 the fixtures and windows, throw ing the goods into the gutters, and beating and murdering tiie Jews. Many Jews fled to the railroad station, pur sued by the mob, which killed several there. Hold-Up Must Stop. Washington, Juno 16. Judge James Wlckeraham, of Alaska, will be con firmed by the senate before adjornment. Notice was served on Senators Kelson and McCumber today by the steering committee that the senate will not per mit them to continue their hold-up of this nomination which it is apparent to practically the entire senate that Wlck eraham has been unjustly accused and that the fight against him is not being made in good faitb. It is unusual for the senate to tako such drastic meas ures with its own members. Major Scott To Bo Superintendent, Waehiugton, Juno 16. Major Hugh L. Bcott, Fourteenth cavalry, now in the Philippines, has been selected by Secretary Taft to succeed Brigadier General A. L. Mills, as superintendent of the military academy, who is to be given charge of an army department, probably in the Philippines. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST TURNS DOWN WOOL GROWERS. Pinchot Says They Must Pay for All Range In Resorves. Washington Glfford Pinchot, chlof of tho Forestry service, has overruled tho protest of tho Umatilla County Woolgrowora' association In tho matter of charging a erasing feo for tho Bltto mountain forest reserve tango this sea son. Tho woolgrowcrs also protested that they wero not assigned Individual ranges. Tho department explained that It was not customary to assign particular tracts to Individual stockmon when reserves were first created, and it Is not yet determined what plan will bo followed In tho liluo mountains.' Tho association also called attentton to recent decisions by the California and Washington conrto to the effect that tho secretary of agrlculturo Is without authority to lmposo a tax for tho uso of forest reserve range, and without authority arbitrarily to regu lato its uso. The forest ofllclals inter nret these decisions to hold that the secretary of agrlculturo bad not been empowered to enforce any penal code, but did have the right to keep tho ro sorves clear ol stock or lease them on such reasonable conditions as he should prescribe. No appeal has been prose cuted to a final hearing In either case but the ofllclals believe their right In the sphere Indicated is beyond all pos slble question, and say that court deci sions will have no Influence upon the rules adopted for control of reserves. Bands Want To Go To Salem. Salem Almost every organized band In the state has applied to the Salem Fourth of July commltteo for an en gagement. When the committee began making arrangements to celebrate tho Fourth it was rnnounced that a largo number of bands, probably 20, would be employed If possiblo for tbe occa blon. The responses came thick and fast. Several days ago tho committee had engaged all the bands that could be paid from tho fund available. If thero were a few thousand more dollars in tho treasury tho committee would be willing to work ovortlme engaging bands. As it la the commltteo is satis fied .hat there will be more brass band music in Salem on the Fourth of July than was ever heard at one placo in Oregon before. State Fair To Bo the Greatest. Salem Now that the election la over President Downing of the state fair board, who is also chairman of tho Democratic county committee, expects to devote his entiro timo and attention to perfecting arrangements for the stato fair, which opens in September. Mr. Downing says that the fair this year will bo the groatest ever held on the state fair grounds. The attractions will bo better and more numerous and the exhibits in every department will ex col all other showings. He says tho people In eveif county are taking an interest this year, which is dne, he thinks, to the interest awakened by the Lewis and Clark fair. Fleeces In Prime Condition. Baker City Shearing of sheep In Baker county has begn by electric machinery at tho plant of Lp Bros., near here, who will first shear their own sheep and then those of Ayro and other large owuera in tho county. Shearing was delayed by the long con tinued wet weather, but it Is said that on account of the molsturo tho quality of tho Baker wool will this year far exceed that of previous years, as It is clean from duet and of fine texture. It is expectod the tonnago will bo largo and that most of it will go into storage. Many Seeking Timber Land. Baker City Many people are com ing into the Eastern Oregon timber halt in search of tlmbor. Locators from Chicago, Milwaukee, Western Wash ington and Idaho wero included In two parties which have passed through Ba ker City on their way Into the John Day country. Ono of these parties, with II. J. Bundy, started for the Bu sanvllle district; the other party, 15 people In all, 14 women and ono boy, which was under tho direction of G. W. Bhaw, started for Burns. Fruit Injured In Valley, Salem The continned damp weath er which has prevailed for the past three weeks In the Willamette valley has been very injurious to tho fruit crop, Strawberries in eomo localities have been almost ruined. Cherries, too, havo boon injured for want of dry weather and sunshine. Growing grain has had all the rain necessary for this season. La Grande Offers Free Site. La Grando The La Grande Com mercial club 1b attempting to raise $8, 000 for the purchase of a site to be offered to the Palmea Lumber company as an Inducement for the locatloa'of its new mill here. About $0,000 has been subscribed, A eito of 73 acres on the river northwest of town has been secured by option, i I SAYS CONTRACTORS WILL LOSE Did Not Know Nature of Rock Along Rout of Colllo Canal. Portland Tho government canal nt Colllo will coat $ 10,000,000, Instead of $4,000,000, according to I. 11. TafTe, who has been operating fish wheels near thero (or 'JO years, "Tho contractors, Smith A Jones, who aro digging tho first half mllo at tho Colllo end, will loso $100,000 on tho Job," he said. "They took It at too low a figure, evidently not knowing tho naturo of tho rock they havo to blast out. Their bid waa L2i,000. They havo about 100 men at work pre paring a foundation for tho rock work on the upper end of tho canal." Mr. Taffo says thoro Is nothing in the flshwheol business this season because "thoeo follows on tho lower river won't lot a single salmon got past thrin." He gats a good price, 7 cents a pound, for all he trans, his market being In the East. His cold storago works aro, however, devoid of salmon this season, and he does not anticipate any great improvement in the run. Calapoola Company Is Sued. Albany Claiming tho Calapoola Lumber company, of Grawfordavllle, has cut and logged moro than 750,000 feet of timber off land belonging to him, Aimer O. Wllhee has filed anlt for $4,600 damages In tho State Circuit court for Linn county, through Attor ney W. Lair Thompson. The timber alleged to have been cut by tho defend ant company la valued at $1,600, and tho Oregon atatutea provide that whete timber Is cut unlawfully the owner may recover three times Its value. Wlthee Is an Eastern capitalist who has largo timber holdings In Llnn county, and is represented in tho Weat by Thompson A Hardy, of Kngono. Water Soon to Flow. Baker City Wator will How through the 12-mlle ditch of tho lUkor Irrlga tlon company within tho next few days. This statement waa mado by J. A. Smith, head of the company. The wnter will bo sent down In a small vol ume, at first being used for sluicing In the banks of the big reservoir which la to bo built this innroor. Mho reservoir ia'to 'cover 240 acres and have a capa city of 6,000-acro feet. Tho ditch will be used fo- carrying water for storage in the reservoir for the first time next spring. Road Machinery Arrives. Salem Two carloads of machinery for the government experimental road construction havo arrived in this city. There la one more car on tho road. When It arrives the work will bo start ed In earnest. The engineer In charge of the work, Mr. Loder, expects to bo employed in tho construction of this sample road at least two months. Successor to Dr. Lane. Salem Governor ChamtHsrlaln ap pointed Dr. W II. Morse, of Salem, a member of the state board of health, In place of Dr. Harry Lane, resigned, and II. G. Myer, of Halem, a member of tho barber commission. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 72073c; bluestem, 74076c; red, 70071c; valley, 72c. Oats No. 1 whito feed, $31.60; gray, $31.60 per ton. Barley Feed, $24.50 per ton; brew ing, nominal; rolled, $25020. Hay Valley timothy, No, 1. $120 13 por ton; clover, $7.60(38; cheat, $007; grain hay, $708; alfalfa, $13. Fruits Apples, $2,6003.50 per box; apricots, $1.7602.00 crate; cherries, 76c$l per box; strawberries, (1(M He per pound; gooseberries, 600c per pound. Vegetables Beans, 306c ; cabbage, $131.25 por 100; green corn, 47c dox.j onions, 8010a per dozen; peas, 6c; radishes, 10c per dozen; rhubarb 3c per pound; spinach, 00c per box; parsley, 25c; squash, $1 per crate; turnips, $101.26 por sack; carrots, 06 076c per sack; beets, 85c0$l per rack. Onions New, i02o per pound. Potatoes - Fancy graded Bnrbanks, 60000c per hundred; ordinary, nomi nal; new California, 2o per pound, Buttor Fancy creamery, 17KQ20c per pound, Egga Oregon ranch, 2O021o por dozen. Poultry Average old hens, 12013c per pound; mixed chickens, 12Q12jc; broilers, 16010a; roosters. 10c; dress ed chickens, 13014c; turkoys. live. 16018c; turkeys, dressed, cholco, 200 22c; geese, live, 0010a; geese, dressed, old, 10c; young, 12c; ducks, old, 110 12c; young, 12013c. Hops Oregon, 1006, 100120. Wool Eastern Oregon avorago best, 18023c; valley, coarso, 22j023o; fine, 2425oj mohair, choice, 28030a por pound. Veal Dressed, 407n por pound. Beef Dressed bulls, So per pound; cows, 4!46c; country steorr, C0Oc. Mutton Dressed fancy, 70 8o pound; oruinary, ofijucj jamue, wilii pelt on 8c. Pork Dreesed, 70Doj QERMANIA TO QUIT. Strong Insuranco Company Withdraws From Cnllforola, H in Francisco, Juno 111. Tho (lor mania Insuranco company, of New York, will wrlto no moro litsmanco In tlila state, will close all Ita olllces and abandon California na an Insuranco field. Toleginphlo Instructions havo boon received from llio linutn olllco to that effect and will bo followed. Two reasons aro given for thla action. One, goiittral In its scope, la that of an ultra-consorvatlvo company not caring to risk any moro of Its capital In Cali fornia losses. Tho other la moro spe cific, and saya tho daclatou of tho com pany waa inlluenced by tho legislature nd Insuranco Commhaloner Wolf. Tho action of tho (lormanla company la tho talk ol lniurauco circles. When It was riHrtod that tho Kaglo and some oi tho other smaller companies would quit California, thoro waa little com mentIt was expected hut when a company llko tho Germaula declared Itself In tho same manner tho entire commeiclal community of tho city waa startled. Tho (lonr.anla is one of tho strong companies doing business In California, having assets of $7,000,000, and Is pay ing Its losses aa rapidly aa they aro ad justed. Among Insuranco men the (lormanla la noted for Ita conservatism. It waa thought probable that tho com pany had been frightened out of tho state by Ita recent losses, This waa not (ullr admitted at tho otilces of the company, though It waa conceded that the character of tho loss and tho man ner In which It waa Incurred may havo lud Ita effect on the directorate. There la every likelihood that a num ber ol companies will follow tho exam ple of t'io Qormanla. Hmalter com panies aeo In it a precedent under which they may claim a reasonable ex cuse for quitting the atate, and on the other I a id It may bo the ploneorjmove mont in what may develop Into con certed action to secure the repeal of tho act at tho next session. CYCLONE IN MONTANA. Lots at Havre Placed at $200,000 Rain Accompanied Wind. Havre, Mnnt., Juno 13. Havre and Foil Aaslnlbolno wero atruck by a hur ricane this afternoon that did damage estimated at $200,000. llulldliiga wero toppled over without warning when the cvclono atinck and not a structure In tho path of the terrific wind escaped damago. Several persona woro Injured, but np to a lato hour thla evening no fatalities wero reported. The fierce wind carried rain with It, which fact precluded tho possibility of damage by tire, Men and women were awept from their feet by tho hurricane and for aeveral minutes it waa courting Injury to vanturo outaldo. Later the wind aubelded somewhat and the work of rescue commenced. A report tonight states that both of tho reneivolr at Fort Aaslnlbolrio have burst and that tho quarters of tho sold lera are being Hooded. Four troops of the Second cavalry and four companies of tho Second Infantry are stationed thero, LAWYERS TO BE PAID. Graft on Colvllle Indians Patted by tho House, Washington, June 13. Choosing an opportune moment yesterday, when nobody waa looking, Chairman Sher man, of tho house Indian committee, called up and secured tho approval of the conference report on tho Indian bill, which omliodlea tho Colvllle In dian graft. It had beon tho intention of Representative Fltzxgerald, of Now York, to mako a fight on this feature of tho report, but ho was not present at the timo, Referenco to tho text of the bill dis closes the fart that It la specifically atated that $160,000 cash appropria tion, tho first payment of $1,600,000 to tho Colvilles for tho north half of their reservation, la made "for tho uso and benefit of tho Indiana," and yet Senator .McLiumuer, in defending the lawyera' graft, stated In the senate that it was understood In committee that thla first appropriation would go to tho lawyers, tho Indiana not to receive any pa-t of it. It Is now up to the president to ulth or permit this graft to go through or veto tho ontlra Indian appropriation bill. Economy tho Cry InJChlna. Pokln, Juno 13. Chirm la In ilnnn. clnl straits. Tho expenses of tho gov. ornment aro multiplying without In creased revenues. Tho pay of tho huh army is considerably in arrears, and a great percentage of desertions Is reunit ing. Tho dowager empress has Issued rf long edict, Impressing on all ofllclals the necessity for economy, Tho edict Is addre mod to tho people, and attempts to justify tho course of tho government It says that no ono appreciates so much la tho throne tho Bufferings of tho poo plo from tho taxation necessary, Trembler Cracks Dulldlngi, Nngales, Ariz., Juno 13. An earth- luako occurred at Guaymas, Mex yes- erday about noon, Boveral buildings vere cracked, but nobody was Injured, TROOPS JOIN MOBS Czar Can No Loiiyer Trust Sold iers to Resist Revolution, STRIKE THREATENED AT MOSCOW Governor of Poltaya Clamors for Froth Troops Since Mutiny Court Party Exposed. 81. l'ctoraburg, Juno 14, OiiiIiwih of tho government' ability to enptt with prospective agrarian disorder In tho uows from Poltava, ono of tho rich eat and most populous farming pro v luces of Russia, that tho governor In In dally receipt of requests for troopN fur the protection of estotr from tho peasants, who havo not tho slightest fear of tho niral Atlanta, The governor la tiuahlo In comply with these requests, becaiiso tho local troop, ono regiment of which muti nied Hunday, aro ao Infected by the ro volutlonary propaganda that detach ment sent to tho village Immediately fralernlio with tho peasant. Tho gov ernor tlieiefore ln-g tho Ht. Petersburg authorities to aetid him firsh troop, Two dally newspaper oigana of t!n Revolutionary Hoclallata, tho Naioduy Yeatnlk (People's Messenger) and tht levealla (Peasant Now) woro euppreta ihI today. Tho final number of thn Narodny Yeatnlk give statistic of General Trepoft'a rractlonaty party lu tho council of tho empire, which it aaya la composed of three prince, four count, three baron, 21 ex-governor general, governors and other high olll clal, and ono metroHlltan, who, to gether draw from tho government nver $600,000 in salaries, llraldra thla, all these reactionaries own Immense es tate, that of M. Polotsefl being 1,600, 000 aciea. An industrial tern post seem to bo on tlu point of breaking at Moscow, whence It may again spread over thn empire. A final conference Imtwreii the employer and printer, whosn trlko produced tho general strike of last October, la Mug held tonight. If It ahotild ho fruitless, tho result will bn. a lockout of tho printers and probably a sympathetic factory strike. INDEPENDENTS ASK FAIR PLAY. Independents tn Ohio Atk for Special Legislative 8osilon. Cleveland, Juno 14. Tho Leader to day aaya: An extra session of tho Ohio legisla ture la atkod by tho Independent oil men of tho alato, A format request fur tho Issuance of a special call la lxdngr prepared for Governor Patllvou, while, letter bearing upon thla subject aro to bo sent from Cleveland to every mem ber of the legislature. Hhoiild the apeclal session ba called, thn Independent oil men will urge the amendment of tvo lawa which they deem necessary to Insure them fair play h against thn Htandard Oil company. The first la the antl dlscrlmnatlon law now lu operation in Kanaaa and Iowa. Tho second la thn maximum freight, law, which haa enabled tho Independ ent operators In Kansas to obtain equal rights irom the railroads, thus idaclmr them on tho samo competitive basis aa tho vast combine. FORCE ISSUE ON CANAL TYPE. Amendment to Sundry Civil DM) Moy Coma In House. Washington, Juno 14, An unexpect ed snag was struck today In tho move ment for an early adjournment, and ll Is possiblo that tho typo of tho Panama canal must bo settled before congress closes Ita Missions. Hecrutary Taft was In conferenco wlt'.i Hpcakor Cannon and Chairman Hepburn, of tho commltteo nil Ittrnrsilaili Ami f.i.-t.... ........ ..... which handles tho canal legislation, and thorn la a disposition to settle tho tyjxj of canal before tho adjournment of congress, Steamer Empire Is 8old. City of MexicoJuno 14, Tho steam or Umpire, now at Corlnto, Nicaragua,, ami said to be assisting the Guatemalan rebels, bus been sold to tho Nlcaragiiait government, according to a dispatch re ceived hero from Balvudor, and cannot now ho soiled. Tapiiclmla advices) report that Ayutla, Giiatomala, has not been retaken by Guatemala regulars. Ocos la said to bo still In tho possession of tho revolutionists. Tho loaders of tho Guatemalan revolution scout tho diverse reports sent out from G uatcinalo. City. Gooso Lako Land Withdrawn. Washington, Juno 11. Tho sooro tary of iho interior today withdraw from disposition under tho public land laws a strip of, land extending around (loose lako, in Northern California, itnd Houthwcstorn Oregon, for use in con nection with tho Pitt rlvor Irrigation project. Thn area covers approximate ly 40,000 acres. "