, On the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook County, Oregon. Center of the new Irrigation Development covering 250,000 ACRES OF RICH LAND The Townsite of BEND j 1 Fl R M."" " ' TJH ul , , - Iff C 4 5 -Jm Cs' vxj. M A. r C. XX , X V '.Xj. .X yJes. .xx.x x raw I w I W 8. svvX'7 XrfCv XXtf'vVA " X. CWNJ:r Nf,7A - iaiaaaMMaaBaaaaaaBaaaau-. i i -T . Tlmbtr Lii1. Act June i Notice for publication. V. S. r.nd Oilier, The Ille, Oregon, Mirch Jnd. i?6. Votice i1ierebr BiTCf tht In com.lin wilh . ,x prcvUkmt orthe rt oT Cmrr of June . entute.1 " An ct for Ihe le or Umber UimJ ,'the hute of CallfurBWi. Oreon. Na. and WatbiREton Territory.'' a ertenJwl to all the lublic 1ihI Mate by at of Act 4. . SpenwrH. Lyon, . fBeiid.awntyorCrouV-. Mate of Oreon. In; itmday filetlliilhU office bU aworn atatrweiil iJt, furthepurchivofthcH Have ,ivr( i and nw K olaec Jl, tp l. r it e. w m. And will offer proof to how that the Ud ought i more raluaMr for it timber or aMnr than for agricultural purpoe. niid to wJabtUh hi cUra I aald Und before the Couaty Clerk at frinewlle. Oregon, ou the Irth day or July, lo6. Henaranaawllneuc: 1'. B.CUeJofr-aldlaw, Oregon. K. W.Ollea.1. II. Turner and Mary 1. Olle. ail of Bend, Oregon. Auyaud all peront claiming adreracly the alrc-ttcnbed land are rejueted to file their claim In thi orfice on or before aald lrth day o July. vr&. MIC1IA1U.T. NOLAN, XegUtcr. n4'jlyo Timber Land, Act June j. t;S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Iind omcc. The Dallea, Oregon, March 6, VA. Kotlce la herely glreu that In compliance with the nrorlaioua of the act of ttongreM of June t, bj. entitled "An art fur the aole of timber land. (wtheSUteaof California, Oregon, Ncradaanu ttaihlngton Territory,'' ealended to all the public And rtatca by act of Augu.t 4, s&9, Arthur W. Oontliig, f The Dalle, couuty of Wco, mate of Oregon ,. ihi. Haw filnt In iltioffier hi aworn itate meut No 9, for Ihe pwrebaae of the awjf of Rrc 14. tp 9 r io e. w ra. inH will offer nroof to .how that the land Bought I more valuable for Ha timber or (tone than lor agricultural pwrjJoe, .nu icv.uitn hi claim to aid land before the KegUtcr and Keceirer at The Ilatlca, Oregwti, on the i;th day of Augutt, !4. lie uamt a witneuea: Trank H. Cottlng, William G. Maun. Micliael O'Connor, and 1,. . DtH'olf. all of The Dalle., Oregon. Any and all peraont claiming adreraely the alKive-uecrtiea ianua arc iwuen w m nvu cUira.lii thl.omcron or before Mid ihdayol Augutt, iouo JS-aio MICH Alii. T. NOLAN, RegUter. Tiiulcr Laud, Act of June 3. s7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. B. Laud Office, LaVerievr, Oregon. May 28, 1906. Notice i hereby n I veil that III coiupllance with theprovliiouioftheactof CougieM of June J, 1S78. entitled "An act for the aale of timber land, in Ihe tate of California, Oregon, Nevada and H'o.hlngtoii territory," a extcuded to all the uuunciauuaiaiet uy an ui nusu 4, 'v '" following Krou have filed in thl ofllce their aworu iiaiemeiu. 10 wii: George W Couch, or Laldlaw, county 01 trooK, aiaie oi urcguu, anoriiatatementNo. tui. for the purchaK of Osborue Kdwarda, of Jlcud. county of Crook, atate of Oregon, aworu .tatrineut No ,tloj, for the purchaae ofthewf iiw) hccji, H iief,eUiiwi aecao, tp 3 a, r That they will offer proof to ahow that the land sought la more valuable for lla timber or aloue tbau for agricultural purpoae, and 1 to eaUUiah their claim to aald laud before, II. C. Kill;. U. 5. CommlMloner, at hi official place of bujiiieaat lleud. Crook couuty, Oregou, 011 Wcdiicaday, Tliey '" a Mrilueaaca. l'raucl II. Marlon, 1'rauk K. liayton, aua i.torgc w. ""ic u Ijildla w, Oregon) loaeph N. Hunter. Alfred T. Yoakum and Hugh O'Kauc, all of Dend. Oregon. Any ad all person claiming adversely any ol the above land are requeued To tit lllelr claim In thi ofice on or before the aald IJtu day ol :. i:S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, V. S. Land OfBce, The Dalle, Oregon. May 11, 1906. NV.IU- I. hrrrfav riven that the fallow I lie named littler ha filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in upport of M claim , and that uld proor win tie mane oeiorr ine loumy .ierK, m I'rlnertlle. Oregon, oil June to, 1906, vl. Daulel V. I'arthlug, of hi.tar. Oregon, on II. !. No. J4J. for the w w K and w J nw H, see J4. ip i s, r 10 e, w ra. Ilr nimn the fallowlnr witnew to prove his continuous rrWtucc upon rl cultivation ol saM land, vt Samuel Wiehl. Iec V. Winter. Herbert GUf ler and Thomat Arnold, all offtUtera, Oregon. niiljuue MICIIAKI. T. NOlJw, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S, Mud Office, The Dalle., Oregon, May 11, 1904. Notice I hereby riven that the followlnS'tiamnl edlrr has filed notice of hi intention to raske .final nrool In support ol hi claim, and that said f Tool win ie mane ieiore me kouniy ncra, at Ttiierllle, Oregon, on June 9, 1906, vii. Jesse V. Wiuter, ol Sitters, Oregon, on II. I. No. S44. far Ihe Lot 1, ne i uw if ana njincx, sec is, tp is s, r it c, w ra. He names the following witnesses to Drove liU eoutfnuoua residence upon and cultivation of said land, VU: I). W. Farthing, Samuel Wiehl. Dean Cyrus and llartey Cyrus, all ,f rtl.ters. Oregon. mil-July ij MICHAKLT. NOLAN, Krgi.er. Desert Land final I'roof. NOTICE FOR PUBLICAa'ION. V. H. Ijnd Office, The Dalle, Oregon, May XS, I'A Notice I hereby given that Oeorge W. Wimer, assignee of Jerry Cramer, of Tumalo, Oregon, has hied notice of Intcnllon to make proof oil his uesert-lsna claim ml 311, lur me aMnwjf,w( ne and nw;se,sec l, tp lis, r 11 e, win, ixiorr inetouuiybierK, ai rnncviiie, uregou. 011 the nth day of July, 1906. He names the following witnesses to Drove the complete Irrigation and reclamation of said laud: lOKph N Hunter, of lleud, Oregon, Charles II. Spaugh, Thoruwald Jensou, and Charles!,. Wimer, all of Tumalo, Oregon, IHulS MICIIAI'.LT, NOLAN, Register, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. B. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, April 29, 1900. Notice I hereby given that In compliance with leurovisiousofibc Act of Congress of luue t. .OV, .Ml., 1UIU MIV.lfc UI .ilMWM ,.111,. In the state of California. Oregon. Nevada, and IB78, cutitled, "An act for the sale ol timber laud Washington Territory," as extended to alt the public land atate by Act of August 4, 1891, Kirk Whited, of Redmond, county of Crook, date of Oregon, ha thi day filed In thl office hi sworn state ment No. aA for the purchase of the eK"K and wJ of sec 19, tp 13 a, r 13 c, w 111. And will unci oroof to show that the land sought I more valuable for it timber or stone than for arrieultural uuruossa. and lu establish hi claim to aald land before Ihe Couuty Clerk at I'rlueville, Oregon, ou the 10th day ol August, 1900, He names a witnesses; Henry I'. Tiusler. Kugcne C. fork, Meade )'.. Landcs. Prank l. Morrill and 1'rauk Glass, alt of Kcdinoud, Ore gon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to ile their claims In tola office on or before Ibe said Itth day of August, 1906, Ii-pj MICUAUL T, K0LAN. Register I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, I'. 8. Land Office, The Dalle., Oregon. May 11, 191. Notice Is hereby given that the followlng-namrtl settler hs. filed notice of his Intention to make filial proof In support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made before the County Clerk, at rrinevtrte, Oregon, 011 June 10, iyA vis. Samuel Wiehl, orststers, Oregon, on II. It. No. ftojn, for the aw ',( tccift, tp IJ, r 10 e, win. He namesthefnllowlngwitnet.es to Drove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaiuiana, tis: Herbert Glaaer, 1). W. Varthlng, Dean Cyrus and Harvey Cyrus, all of Histtrs, Oregon, nuijuncii MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act of June 3, 187S, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S, Land office The Dalles, Oregon, May 11, 19US. Notice it hereby given that In compliance with the provision of the Act of Congress of June 3, 1117s, entitled "An act fur the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Net ads and Washington Territory," as extended to all the nubile laud stales by act of August 4, 1891, the loiiowing-iiauieu tiersons nave, on April 14, 9u6, filed In this office their sworn statements, lo-wit: Walter 8. Nlehol, of Dend, County of Crook, Mate of Oregon, sworn statement No. hfcj, for the purchase of Ihe 11 H uvt i;,seC3i, H K.ec V. tpi9. r lie, wm, Dora A. Nichol, of Ilcnd, County of Crook, Htate of Oregon, aworn statement No. iMA. for the purchase of the ne )( scc3, tpiv, r lie, w 111, That they will offer proofs to show that Ihe lands sought are more valuable for Ihe timber or stone thereon than fur agricultural purposes, and to eslsbllth their claims to said lauds Ixfore II. C. Hills, I'. H. Commissioner, at his office III llend, Oregon, ou July 17, irA They name the IoIIowIiik witucsscs: John lllost, of rilsters, Oregon, Joseph N. Hunter, 1'rauk Jlutterworth, Walter H, Nichol, Dora A. Nichol and K. II, Mutslg, of llend, Oregou, Any and all peraont claiming adversely any o, the anove-dcsetlbed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before the said 17th day ol July, I9u6. rail-July ij MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. DHi'ARTMHNT Ol' Till! INTl'.KIOK, United Btatea Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May 18 , 191, A sufficient conteat affidavit having been filed In this office by OllvcrThorbJornsoii contestant, against homestead entry No. 1134, made Oc tober 6, 1901, for scKswJf, cc 31, ucK nwjf , wjjnejf, sec 17, tp 17 , r 10 e, w in, by Carl Axell'ctt-roii,coiitelec,ln which It Is alleged that said Carl Axel I'eltersou has wholly aband oned said tract) that he ha changed his resi dence therefrom for more than six month last pHst: that said tract I 1101 settled upon and cultivated by said parly as (quired by law, that said alleged absence wa not due to his employment In the army, navy or marine corp of the United States lu time of war, said parties Are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a in ou July 7, I906, before II, C. Kills, a U, H Coinniissioiicr, at his office in Dend, Oregou, and that Dual bearing wilt be held at iAorctockam ou July 14, lvA.be fore the Reg ister d Receiver at the United Hlates Ltud Office In The Dalles, Oregon, The aald contestant havlug. In a proper afida. vlt, filed May il, ia, act forth facts which ihow that alter due dlllrence Dcfaoual service of thl notice cannot be mate, It U hereby ordered and directed thai Such notice be given by due and proper publication. fl-JUt WAH14 , MVMfUliaiSHm, .GREENWOOD,' .AVE.. I i J 4 S t J 1 I Uv I ' T I !! I F" M is a t t I I i ii I 4 ft 14 J u o ANAT HORN J 4 S 4 7 14 IS A a to t t ' UUU I V w 14 J ' IRONWOOD AVE.. Z u H 13 Af JU NIPER 4 IK i) ' KOA Timber Land, Act June j, 1I78, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L'.H. Land OIBce, The Dalles, Oregou. Msrch ij, xyA, Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions otitic Act of Congrest ol June I. l7, entitled "All act lor the sale of limber lands In the Hates of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," as extended to all the puUtcland state by act of Augutt 4, Idyl, Samuel 11. Clark, , of llend. County of Crook, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn stslement No, jAji.for the purchase of lhew if sw l, see 17, se U e Jl.aec 18 and uw J nw Jf ofsecw, tp 191 r 13 e, w in, And will offer proof to show that Ihe land sought It more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to ettabliih hit claim to said land Ufore It. C. Kills, U. S. CommlMloner, at his office In lleud, Oregon, on the 17th day of July, 1904. He namrs as witnestet Archie Patllr, Michel Morrison, Charles lloyd and John Kleldl, all of llend, Oregon: Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described land are renur.teil to file their dalma in this office on or before said i;fh day of July, 1900. mayi-Jij MICHAKLT, NOLAN. Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 118, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U, K, Mud Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Starch nth, t'tt. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provi.iona of the Actor Congress of June t, 1878, entitled "All act for the aale of timber Ian. I. in the Mates of Csliforula, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the I'ubllc Mud Males by act of August 4, 1891, 1'rauk Glass, of Redmond, couuly of Crook, slate of Oregon, has this day filed In thl. office his sworn slate meut No. m, lor the purchase of the se K o sec. Vi, Ip. to s, r 13 e, w in, And will offer nroof to show Dial the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone man mr agricultural puriKwcs, aim to rsianiiaii his claim to said laud before the County Clerk at I'rluevlUc, Oregon, ou the nth day of July, b. Ile names as witnesses: John Moss, of Slaters, Oregon, and W II. hlaats, o. W. II. Itlley and Charles Stanborough,alt of llend, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to, file their claims In this office oil or before said Dili day ol July, ifA, M 1CIIAKL T. NOLAN, RegUter. 7'J CONTEST NOTICE. DKI'ATMI'.NT OF TIIK INTl'.KIOK, U, ii. Laud Office The Dalles, Oregon, May 10 , 1906, A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Wlnfjeld C. Griffin, contestant, agaiut homestead entry No. 13139. made Feb ruary J7, 1904, for the wMnwIf, efiiw(, sw nejf, tec 31, tp 18 a, r 13 c, w m, by Joliu K, Sheridan, Couteslee. In which It Is alleged that said John K, Sheridan has wholly abandoned said tract for more than six mouths last past 1 that he has not cultivated or Improved auld liact asrequlred by law) that he haa not settled upon said iroctl that said altered absence was not due to hi employment Til the army, navy or marine corp or the I nlled States In the time or war, said parties arc hereby notified to apiiear, respond and offer evidence touching aaidallc ration at 10 o'clock a. m, ou June 35, 1906, before II. C. Kill! a U. S, Commissioner, at his uii.ivm jciiu, wivguii. .1114 lii.l hhui jishi iiijc will be held at 10 o'clock a. in, 011 June S 1, 1900, oeiore ine negisicr ana ncceiver at uie nited State laud offlc at The Dalles, Oregon, The Said rolils.taut hsvltiir. lu a uroflr ant. davit, filed May 3, I906, set forth fact which how after due diligence .persons! service of this notice can not be made, It J hereby ordered and directed that auch notice be given by due and proper publication. . . . . , wtu? uiouhU t, ioUN, Hcguur. :JP 1 I I I I i. J, 4 -ft w IS it 1 t 7 A V E. . 2 J y J" J U h io 1 $ ? )l ' I .jr 4 X J Ul it il to t t 7 POR AVE. J 4 rf i 44ttt: ii it t f 7 Timber Laul, Act June 3, !;. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, February j, . Notice la hereby given that In Compliance vriUi the provlaluiisurthr Act or Congress of June t. I7. entitled "An act fur Ihe MleortlmUr lamia In Ihe states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as ratcrutol to ail Hie public land Hates by Act of August 4, ilyt, Jes iiurrlt, of llend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, lias Hilt day flint In thl uffiee his aworn statement No, nj, fur the purchase of Ihe wHM of see 14, tp lis, r le. w ill. And wilt offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its limber or atone than rui agricultural purposes, and loeatabtl.h hi. claim Io said laud before Ihe County Clerk, at I'rlncvllle, Oiegon, on the 13th day f July, lA. lis names as witnesses. Caleb C. Iletiiirtt. John It. Hdwarda, John N. Ijdwarda, and William lid wauls, all of Mains, Oiegon. Any and all iwisous claiming adversely the apovc described laudt arerrqucalcd to file their elaims In this office ou or before Ihe said 13th dayof July, ty,, mu-julyo MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register, Timber Mnd, Act June 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8, Mud Office, The Iallce, Oregon, March M. 190A. Notice is hereby given that in rompllauec with theprovialoiisoftlieactofcuiigreMolJuuej. iSM entitled "An act for Ihe sale of tlmlier lands lu the state of Csliforula, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory ," as extended load the public land stale by act of Augu.t 4. ityt. Archie I'attle, of lleud, Couuty of Crook, Slate of Oregon, ha this day filed lu thl office hi sworn statement No, jIjj. for the purchsse of these of sec 3, tp 18 , r lor, wm, And wilt offer proof la show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or .tone than foi agricultural pitrixMes, and to establish hit claim to said laud liefure II. C. Kills, I'. S. Commissioner, at his pfflce lu llend, Oregon, 011 the 17th day of July, VfA, Ile names as witnesses; Samuel II. Clark, Mlchol Morrison, Charles ll.yd and John hlcldl. all of lleud, Oregon. Any and all nersou etsiiiilnir .ilvfttrlv llt above-described lauds are rciicstcd io file their claims lu this office on or before said 17II1 11.7 ui juijr, iv, nsv4., MICIIAKI.T. NOLAN Krul.ler, Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. H, Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon, April 3, 1906. Notice Is hereby given that lu compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale oMImbcr lands In Ihe state of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wellington Territory." a e tended to all the public laud atate by Act of Augu.t 4, Iboj, Hairy l. Northup, of Portland, couuty of Multnomah, stale of Olc gou, hat this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. sto;, for the purchase oflhcLoM 3 and 4, sec 18, Lot 1, 3, 3 and 4, sec 19, and Lots I and j, sec 30, tp 19, rue, wm. And will offer proof to ahow that Ihe laud sought I more vslualJc fur It timber or slone than for arrieultural uuriMitraAml 1,1 .iaI.. Il.li his claim In Midland licforclhc Krglater nml Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, ou the JSth day of June, ijo. He name as witnesstsi Homer Angel, For. rest H, Fisher, and Herman Clsu.enlu., Jr., all ori'orlland,)regodA. C. Luca and Sadie A. I,uc, ol llend, tlregonl Michael O'Couiior and L, G. DeWolf, ofThc Dalle, Oregon. , Any and all persona claiming . adversely Ihe above Und are requested , toflle their dalius lu Ihi office ou or before the ikld 38th day of luur. fnoo. ' tt UlOUHiiXOUMttLuklH. 1 , -, 1 At Gateway to the Great DESCHUTES PINE Timber LCl L. The Town has Grown nlmost entirely in the jmt yenr. tlic it office dating only fioni April A, ifc.. Ilcnd lmN cxcfllvnt public sdiooU nud complete ptiMic wnttr workn. INFORMATION INQUIRI: OF. The Pilot Butte Development Co. Proprietor Townsite Timber Land. ,,t June 11 NOTICE FOR ITBLICATION. V H Mnd office Mketlen Orrgon. April I- 1 Notlee Is hereby gvH that In enmplin,x wuh Ihe ptuttMuu.uflltr A.I arfi.MitrrM ( ,UM , l CHlllled "An .-t t the sale . Umbrt la'l 'I11 ""CaUMiHa Ofegus", Nrrsda sai Ua.hiMgkmTrirHMy. at e.UwUt to sll lay MjjMJe Und state by art ..I Auust 4. the r4lMgHHM4petush.riSb4tN laM oK their swoch stattmeHts. tu-wtt Ommo W pkkel. ofMkllaw.CoHHljr of 1'iuuW, Male f Ofsiruu swetn stateiWHI No wi. for Ihe puithaJ ..( .l'tJLH "5 H. . nw if nw J sec n w W sw e 14, tp ii.. r ije. m m Allitsl T VcMlum of lleml. CwtMly of Cloak. Male nfOteaoH. tMt. Ualeiiient No y. foe the Mtebsv T he new ru'eVwt K ,w ' " K (. If 11 ., That Ihev will ofler rof. to show that h i?m. J iT.''1 VI ""e" "'""J '' " l'Ur or stone Ihefniit than for agiKulluialpuipo.M.aii I C Klllt, t H CommlMUMcer.athttoBleUl ida of bu.luest at lied. Crook County, iMrgoii 011 Tuesday-, Ihe 17II1 dsy of July, (,,(" "'"" " They name as wlliiesm v Msiluu au.l H.IMrti,rfyaMlaw.j v Wrolil and All. au l'.r I'liV0"1 T ilum- Itend.Oiegun theto mnjufyij J N WATSOM, Hcglttcr "1'iiUr Land, .t J, j. . s NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. H, Mn. Olfiee, TkelHlW. oieg m, Juae 1, l,. Nollrr I. Ii,l.u .!... ,1... ..... !teSSSS Inlfieststesof cahfnl. o, ?7 MX 'd.'nd w"lVa",." Tri'llory." as ealeii.e.l to alt ihe public land stales by Act or AugMsl V "a," Frs.1T lliiri.t. of I'rlueville, county of Citok. alale nrn,uo. haa III t dsv filr.1 1 ll.l. ..inT'i.i. ,"0.'"'0."' me.it No Ts for the m.tl' f the "v.! w if' and Ihe s),se!f orsec 14! tp 11 , r ,a J. ,wt And will offer proof to show that the laud .Vuin-.ovlMlTTh, S'T'l ;n..evie. oregou. on the mu d.y of Augun He iinmrtat witnettes v a luxiih 11 . l3 ' MICHAKLT. NOLAN H.al. Timber Mnd, Act June 1, i;S "" ' ' NOTICE VOK PUBLICATION U.8. Mnd omce, The Dalles. Oregon' ' f.orenW Vrtriiia... Waahlnrtpu, iX tMUy llle'd'i I "Mu-l'uil sworn stuteuieul No. 3'ji for ih. ... .'1 "'J the U of Sec. 31, li,. ,0 ., f,r4 $, " ' aoMT.,,,,"i! ' !SB.. '?. ?.l..i the land limn for .iik-tiliiiral pi.r.c.; iX "'J".? hit claim to aald land before the lii.u. ''" ' Receiver at The Dalles. 7.,?...... ' ".'"u'cr and of June, 190S. "' "" ' 7lh d.iy He name a wltuessen Max Km.. . 1 . Inlej. Frank Campbell and Frank K, fc' J,?"r ranlte Falls, Wasl.lngtoii. k K,u, " of .liVSLfJatft" tf-W"! claliulng .dv,rwlv ,,,e cl.li.ut full,., Torino , V 'l elTe ".Jid'?,,!1,1 V,,f'r t 4A 7J V