The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 15, 1906, Image 7

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    A. Hair
Nearly every one likes a fine
fiinlr dressing. Something to
ffimko tlio luilr more managc
mblu; to keep It from being
loo rough, or from splitting
fat the ends. Something, too,
glint will feed the hair nt the
pine time, n regular hair-food.
will remain where it belongs
jpn the head, not on the comb
- Tli linit Mini ol h tllmorill
I "Hold fur ovor alxty yimra."
Hi,lrJ O AfrO,lwl,Hu:
Alt Mtiuuuoiurer er
t MRSmttlLLA.
A Farmer's Irrigation.
Under abovo caption In a recent Is
olrlia furrow, tlio following mil
c iitriHl:
."Inure Is at least 0110 man In tliu
ln Itolt rrttl'in ol tltn United Htati-s
yliu Iim sohetl llio drouth jirolilntn,
Mil In ovorcoiultiK hli tlrotith nlnlit
MMrn li Iim somnwliat uutix octMlly
yftrovtrtxl tlmt tivary your In lug a
tilOiltli, to it Ktftnr or less eltnlit. 'I
riive put In, a you re,' lin nadl to me,
fa simple iUu ol lrrlKtliiK lonia of my
liuiil from little stream running Ilia jilsco which I tliotwlil
won lil giro mo crop Insurance durliiR
dry years; hut It lis taught mo that
navrr a year it'" I'T t Iim t llirre Is tint
vomn period or perlixltol gri-ster or lrs
strut that a wmttrlnir ilocs not greatly
incrt-aio tlio crop. I run observe seeu.
rjftnly, Imthuio I hnvn my irrigated
crops growing practically alongside
UTonn which got only rainfall for their
"This larmor'a discovery of tho rill
fcifiiry anil raeo of Irrigating was In a
Hiramro arriuemai. a iiuio iiirnui
Jhlch showed a capacity In July qI
aliotit ilx cubic fret par teconil, or ssy,
StC0O gallons a minute, which la a
much uiallor strram than tho ilguie
would Indicate to tho unwary, runr
Rltlt a Until fall through piece of
rwn iKiitotn lanu ami ai ono oini near
Itc lower end had been dammed by the
toys to form a bathing pool, Savers)
jjnjars ago, while In the nililit of a tie-
t mAnii I v .l.milt. tilfli Iifinlni. .11
miibturiiiu ...,.. n ..,-
Dm cropa even on tlili uaually molit
laottniii land, tho farmer raleml tlila
!(6fctn by throwing In earth with the
help of a plow and icoopa, and crudely
; flooded several acres of cabbages, meU
jroei and some recently planted late
'corn. Tho result was ao aatlafactory
anil the Idea of overcoming natum ao
(fascinating, that tho unit year, after
Mile spring IiIkIi water season, a mure
alstantlal dam wai put In nt the head
of ft he Held which enabled the flooding
of the entlro bottom, with a little
rot) nil surveying to And tho level. Thu
yield la stated to havo been ouorinoua,
nU whlln the farmer's tendency has
been to over-Irrigate, ho Is learning
wore than hn ever know before about
Ow fircat productive capacity of land
jvhlch has enough water nt the right
time, and also tho gri'ttt response which
etimea from heavily manured soil when
well supplloil with water. Ills dntn Is
n cheap nlfiilr, built entirely by labor
oil tho farm, mid largely reconstructed
each year. It 1ms no storage capacity,
the Irrigation dimonillng entirely upon
the regular How.'
With the loss of no time or lslxirmid
nt considerably less expense could this
farmer have seiurod the same, nud even
better, results hr the hydraulic mm.
It works automatically alter onco bolng
started, both nights mid Hnndays, too,
Just tho snmo ns Interest and Just as
safely. It requires no attention what
ever, nud need not ho rebuilt every
year as does the dam. It dors moru
than merely to furnish water for Irri
gating purport's, l'ure water for tho
lioiuo ami barn la also supplied
Kvery enterprising farmer should in
vestigate this ram subject If It Is only
with the view of supplying water to the
house to make it cnaler for hi wlfo.
IHrtn'l Write lu Her.
I.ltth) Dorothy niino hurrying homo
from ncIkmiI to tell In glowing terms
iihout her new teitrher, snys thu New
York World.
"Whnl'a her nniiier
"I don't know," Dorothy.
"Why, then, hmv do you address
"Why," nnswprril Dorotny, "wo do
not write to her." New Orleans I'lca.
Ucalntia Cannot lis Cured
I tir lo at pi'tlratloni Ihay rannut renth tha
niKutu luiiiiui 01 iur cr. imm iiuiiijriina
wjr tucuinitfir, amllhat ! tiy nnnlllu.
tlutiat raiuMllei. Ixalnna It fUM-l ly an In.
ltinr.leii'lUliiii olllm niueuui Iltilliat ul Ida
KiuUelilmiTuI VWirii lliltluto lilliltKinMl
juu liro a itimbllns touiul or Imiiloct dear.
Ins;, ami wbtn t la ulltaly olutMl, Uttliiritli
tlio tea ull, nt uiiUtu llio f tin Ainiri alloti rau
lakcii out and tlili lul tatoifil to Ita nvrmat
rotnlltlon, liearltis will ilrdrujetl (urrer
lilmrufKiui (i ten are cautixt bjr I'atarrb,
which la nullilna lut an InDaiiieJ ruodltlun ef
thviuurout luilirn.
Wawlllslra One lltimlrxt PnlUii (or an
rata ol tlnii lratiir.1 l.y tatarrhi that ean.
twt lcurrt bf lUll'ilaurili Cut. Nioit lor
Cltculatf, Ira.
Y J CIIK.NKY A CO., ToU.)o,0.
rVi.1.1 ty PiuaiUli.lar.
tlalla tanUr I'llli ala tha UiU
Indianapolis Danklnr; Facilities.
There are In Indianapolis, where tho
National Kdltnrlsl association convenes
In June, seven national hanks with a
total capital of $6,000,000 and total de
posits of 3:i, -100,000. Tho total stir
plus and undivided profits are -."-ft,-000.
In addition thero are six trust
companies with a total capital of I-.-475,000;
tho surplus and undivided
profits, 11,210,000, and total depoiits,
110,1100,000. All the bank, of Indian
apolia are In excellent condition, earn
ing fair dividends and entirely worthy
of all confidence.
Quern Taller than Kin.
Thcro Is hnrdly n king In Christen
dom to-day whoso wife doca not over
top lilui by n head.
King Kdward Is tjulte six Inches
aborter than Queen Alcxaudrn.
, Tho Ctar Is overtopiK-d n full head
by tho CwrlDa.
Knlscr Wlllielm Is of tho medium
height, hut tho (Icrinnn Itintircas la
tall, and Hint Is why tho proud Knlscr
will never content to tm tihotogrnptiiil
beside Ids wlfo, unliHW alio alts whllo hv
Tho King or Italy, short nud squnt,
hnrdly conies up to tho shoulders of
tlio tail, athletic Queen Helena.
Tho King of l'ortugnl, though fat
ter. Is less tall than his Queen.
Kvcn tho l'rliico of WhIiii Is sliorter
a good four Inches thnn tho I'rluccNS.
Tho young King of Spain Is several
Inches shorter thnn his now bride.
The Queou of Denmark towers nbovu
her roynl siwuse.
Prove It
By the Oven Fire
Tut xhc wonderful KC Dak-
inU l'owdcr to the test. Get a
can ot approval. Your money
will be returned If you don't
nflrcc t'tat all we claim is true.
You'll be delighted with the de
licious, wholesome things that
will brinu to life in your oven.
K C Uakinj Towdcr is two-
t hires cheaper and JuaKcs purer,
better, more healthful food than
otlicr powders anywhere near
KC Quality. 25 ounces for
25 cents. Cjct it to-day 1
htaA iilfor
el Pi
m la lh .lt.l a ail
i iing i ccui ,;, i "a. ,.u
nellilljil ILM niiolrrii lUull'trr huanum
iIIIk it. l- uVtatrr thnn, vitiacilng In til
wlll.llnl (ill. . We li)' II Tiatu' np.rl
nc Ilk (tylosis iiW.i'iili lionmlly rilnct
a ion IwolU Kllbmil huillus'ymi. Dr.
Hiunltvaiit, 4tJIUl yu ch-iiltvtra li
ana ri'tfuiaiuia.
Falling Bullilliir, Third and Waattlngfon
H.Utoll'.M, hundayittulL
Mala Sua.
I , i.i H.t.
Core of Hie l(efrlrriilor.
If u dish containing n goHl-slisl
lump of tiiiNlii"kitl Hum Is plHtwl on
u shelf In tho refrigerator It will lib
sorh tho moisture Hint so IhIji pri'vont
mold mid keep tho food frofii HHlllng.
If through ruroUiMuiwi butter,
greiiMO, etc, Iihm niine hi conflict tltli
thu zinc lining of tin- rcfrlgerutor ninl
thvri) In ii musty smell which ciinuot
bo removed with wiishlng wnlii, mix u
quart of tjiilck limit nntl npply with n
pnlut brush to every purl of the r.lric
lining tot us well ns IniUoiii mid shlex,
washing It on thick llko pnlut. If tho
trays riimiot ho mndu steet by thu uu
of strong mmIii water nud dr)'lng In tho
hot sun, pnlut them nlso with thu thick
Unto wash. Mleir.
Kit lean chopx, put Into n imiicepaii
with two onions nud n teiispoonful of
butter, nud iiilckly browned. Add ouu
pint of cohl water; skim on fat; ndd
n tinisMM)iiful of suit, one-third of op
pcr; simmer very gently one nud one
half Ikiuts; skim; ndd n l(iiNoiiful
Worivstershlri' sauce, one-half doreu
ixitiitoes; cover dune; simmer unother
Ono hutvl chupiMMl iiiiiit various
cold pieces will do ouu chii toiuatuiH,
one onion, elkvil due, butter size of un
egg, one egg, heAtoti, one cupful sweet
milk, a pinch of salt, ntiiMjuiirtcr of n
green MtpMtr or pinch of ouyeiino.
Cook llflivii minutes iH'fori' ndillng egg
nnd milk; stir It In unit wlnm It bolls
serve with or wltlwut crackers or do'
I'riilt U'nfrr.,
Mix well together u cup of cliopiHtl
lg, n cup of Misleil raisins, u cui of
uiliKtil iIhIox, ii nip of chopitetl nut
luistts. Put nil through the meat chip
Jut twliv In make tine, Ktrvw Douftv
tloiicrV sugar on the pHNiry hoard, put
the fruit on this, ndd vnullhi or lemon
Julcu umi kiiiHid until wultbloutleil.
Itoll out umi cut, or niiiku Into llttlo
m Qwnrx'Q
' 11 - -!" srtL
A (load I.rtOvrr" lllih.
Cut thu corn from thrcu or four earn
left from dinner nud add to It six or
eight i.otntiH.ii, cut Into pieces. Put
Into n spider enough milk to almost
cover the vegetables and when hot stir
them In. Honeon with suit, ix-piicr nnd
butter, titlr constantly to prevent
burning. Cook nhout twenty inlnukw,
or until tlflj milk Is thick nud creamy.
'Wlnilp.Vt'lirnt Jtuinn..
Sift with n ipiart of whole whent
flour n timspH)uful of suit nud two
timsjiooufula of linking stwdr. Add
thnv ctiii of rlco milk Into which
linvu lceii stlrreil two well-lKiiten eggs.
Iteut lit n tnbhiMsuful of molted short
oiling nud for five minutes before
(touring Into greased ami warm inuf
lln tins. Ilnko lu u quick oven.
No other remedj has given such perfect satisfaction asa
blood purifier and tonic or is so reliable m the cure of blood dis
eases of every character as S. S. S. It is known as "The
King of Blood Purifiers," and the secret of its success and
its right to this title is because "IT CURES DISEASE."
It is an honest medicine, made entirely of purifying, healing
roots, herbs and barks, which arc acknowledged to be specifics for
diseases arising from an impure or poisoned condition of the blood
nnd possessing tonic properties that act geutly and admirably in the up-building of a run
down, weakened or disordered condition of the system.
One of the greatest points in favor of S. S. S. is that it is the only blood remedy on the
market which does not contain a mineral ingredient of some kind to derange or damage the
system. It is the one medicine that can be taken with absolute safety by the youngest child
or the oldest member of the family, and persons who have allowed their systems to get in
such condition that most medicines arc repulsive to the stomach will find that S. S. S.,
while thorough, is gentle and pleasant in its action, and has none of the nauseating effects
of the different mineral mixtures and concoctions offered as blood purifiers.
As every part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and strength, it is
necessary that this vital fluid be kept free from germs and poisons. So long as it remains
uncontaminatcd we are fortified against dis
case, and health is assured jbut any impurity, htfK!rWh.
humor or poiSOll acts injuriously OU the SyS- olalmod to be. It thoroughly cleanses tho system of lm-
tcm nnd affects the general health. Pus- 'iJjnTKlntJSPR'ijn; ,mipiSr"-tih",d,i?,.u?i
, . . , , I.. nnd builds up tho genoral health. I have given It to my
tlllar eruptions, pimples, rashes and the ohUdren with fine results. It promptly restores tho appe-
diffcrcnt skin affections show that the blood iVSlnVhhwH1!,08.11!1 V8ry flne
.. . . , ii 1 1- blood tonic and has tny hearty endorsement.
is in a feverish and diseased condition as a um s. otu St., Lebanon, Pa. p. h. Thompson.
result of too much acid or the presence oi
some irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the
blood, aud Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison etc., are all deep-seated
blood disorders that continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains.
But all blood diseases are not acquired; some persons arc born with an hereditary taint
in the blood and we sec this great affliction manifested in many ways. The skin has a
waxy, pallid appearance, the eyes arc often weak, glands of the neck enlarged, and as the
taint has been in the blood since birth the entire health is usually affected.
In all blood troubles S. S. S. has proved itself a perfect remedy and has well earned the
title of "KING OF BLOOD PURIFIERS." It goes down into the circulation and removes
all poisons, humors, waste or foreign matter, and makes this stream of life pure and health-
sustaining. Nothing reaches inherited blood
troubles like S. S. S.; it removes every particle
of the taint, purifies and strengthens the weak,
deteriorated blood, and supplies it with the
healthful properties it needs and establishes the
foundation for good health. As a tonic this
rrroor tn1ir1itf line nn fwiiiol onrl it- will ta fmirifl
PURELY VEGETABLE esPecay bracing to weak, anaemic persons.
is-ucumausui, vaiarm, oorcs aim uiccrs, qkiu
Diseases, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all other blood troubles are cured perma
nently by S. S. S., and so thorough is the clcausing of the blood that no trace of the dis
ease is left to break out in future years or to be transmitted to offspring. If you are in
need of a blood purifier get "THE KING" of them aU, S. S. S- and good results are
assured. Book on the blood aud any medical advice desired furnished without charge to
all wltn writ
I'rull Conarrvea.
One quart of rhuhnrh: one pint of
currants: one (tint of riiHpUirrkw; one
pound of Kngllsh walnuts; tho Juice
umi rind of two lemons; the Julco nud
rind of two ornuges; ono isnuid of
Mvdcil raisins; six nud it half ihiuiuIh
of gruiiulnted sugar. Cook ull together
until thick. This Is u good uivom
iwtiluieiit for incuts.
llrrf lllolr..
Mlnco nntl hKHMiu (Mid hoof, lliwor
It with mushroom or walnut ketchup.
Muko of beef dripping n thin pnsto;
ndl It out In thin piece ulmut four
luetic Huniv, put Mime of the Itccf In
the center of wtuli, fold tlio edges neat
ly ovor It and fry them In drippings to
it light brown. Thu paste can hardly
Ik) rolled too thin.
Hotter St'iituli,
Wet n pound of brown sugar with
a half pint of water and two tahlo
spoonfuls of vinegar. Put Into a (wrcc
luln -lined Hnuccpnii ami boll for ten
minutes. Add four tnblespooufuls of
butter nud cook until n llttlo hnt-ducna
when dropped Into cold water. Pour
Into buttered tins, nud, ns It hardens,
mark off Into squares.
C'utlela of Colli Mutton.
Cut tlio remains of cold loin or neck
of mutton Into small cutlets, trim off
some of tho fat, mason nud dip thorn
In a beaten egg, roll In breadcrumbs
and fry In lulling lard to a nlco brown.
Arraugo them neatly on a platter and
pour nround them a good gravy or
hot tomato fcaueo.
l'enuiit Miilnil.
Shell nud skin roasted peanuts nnd
soak for uu hour In salad oil. Drain,
chop lino with half us many pitted
olives, nud us much celery. Reason
with snlt and pepper, nnd writ tor over
leaves of crisp lettuce. Servo with a
Color mora toodi brlfhlar and fitter colors than any other d. One 10c palt color aRL, ool and cotton equally well ami Is
guaranteed to site perfect rruili. Ak dealer, orwc Mill tend pott paid at 10c a package Write for free booklet how lo de
leach and mil colors. MONKOC DRUG CO.. Unlomille. MlttourU
Hint. I Of Cuurae.
We show tho duke nhout Now York. I "Poodrllf. you rouitn't forset to attend
This." wo explain. "Is Wull street" th official mating this afternoon."
Ills grace yawns. I "What's It forV
Er where Is llrad street, dontye-1 C.B SU,UB ,a ,ruu" lu" """
.l. - iL. M. ....... t
knowrhensks , -tc doublo n," Grst Bcottl
ine mines 01 wic ariy nru mucu nK-. i, tht mon, to Mme from?"
Itntcd; It Is the first hint our dlstln
culsheil cuest baa let fall. Puck.
CITO ' v l"" Paneo and alt Nrrroua Dla-aen
lllu prnniianlljr currd br Dr. Kilo' tlrral
Kerv llniimr. hnd fur rilHK tltrttl bottU .nd
trrallte. Dr. Ik 1 1. Kiln .11.. Ml Arch rik, l'lu.,l'.
Sllitlile Life.
Aunt Mnry The Idea of you marry
ing young Wiggins I Why, ho can't
raise enough money to buy a square
Pretty Niece Oh, that doesn't mat
ter ; wo are going to visit among our
From the public, of court.
did you suppose!"
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of QCt&ffl&c&X
Mothers will find Hr; VUnilow'a Boot him
Fj-rtij) the belt remedy touio lor their children
durlu j tho teething ferlCKt,
Itrtd No Kirk Cotulnar.
"I supjKMie," said tlio young widow,
coyly, "that you have been unfortunate
lu your lovo nffalrs."
"On the contrary," rejoined tho mid-dlo-nged
bachelor, "I have boen exceed
ingly fortunate. I never fell In love
with a woman who would have mo."
Keep the Klilneya Wall and the Kldneja
Will Keeii You Well.
Blck, suffering, languid women re
learning the true cause ot bad backs
and now to cure
them. Mrs. W. G.
Davis, ot Grooabeck,
Texas, says: "Buck
aches hurt me bo I
could hardly stand.
Spells ol dlxilness
and sick headache
wore fteqaont and
the notion of the kid
neys was Irregular.
Boon after I tegan taking Doan's Kid
ney Pills I passed eevoial gravel stones,
I got well aud the trouble has not re
turned. My back la good and strong
and my general health better."
Bold by aU dealers. CO cents a box,
Foiter-Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
rarcntnl .Solicitude,
"Maria, who la that younz chap tbat'a
coming to see Hassle?"
"Ills name la lianklnson. lie seems to
be all rlslit."
"Do you consider him a, safe young
"Itessle does. She says he's In good clr
cumatances and has been operated on for
power fully warranted, Sltt. Alt diei and
t) lea at lovrett price. Write (or catalog.
Portland, Oregon.
Dr. G. Gee Wo
Tlila wunilrrful fhl-
Doctor U called
irtat because lie curr
t04 without opra
Ion IhHt ara nll un
to ill. II cure Uli
lliou wonderful I'm-
are herb, root, buils
barka ami vecolablva
lliat ara ntlrljr uiv
known lo nmtlcal ci
enra In ttilt couutry. Throusti ih u or llio
hrmlra rtsdl llil Umout doctor know
tli.cilouofovrtiM di(trat reiuedt wlifh
hiucctrully u lu linrr(Ol duras. It
guaranlcu to cur catarrh, ulbma.luug.tiirojit,
rheuuiatUiu, nrvouui's, tioiuncu, llveri kid
Bey. He, hai iiuudred or teallrnonlala.
Chars modrt. Call and hint. l'aUnta
out ofths city wrtle fur blankr and elroular.
163W riret St., S. f. Cor. Morrlaon
Mention venar. POBTIAND. (MlFGnN.
Around the World
Ml have ued your Flih
Drand Sticker lor years i
lo the Hawaiian UlandV
and found them tha only
article that aulted. I ara
now In thd country
i Africa) aad Ulnk a great
eal ol jour coeta."
(UHI o oucatiok)
The world-wide reputa-
tion ol Tower's Water- .WNWFD'a
proof Oiled Clothlnir yV,tjdr
urr in pujer i
tha positive worth ol
all earmenta bearing
thU Sign ol tha l-'ltb.
A. J. TOWER CO., Boston. U.S.A.
jjl Toronto, Canada.
Portland Trade Directory
Nantes and Addreatee In Portland of Repre
aentallvc Dullness rirms.
flltrro hUl'l'I.lKM. Kodak dvloplnc and rrlut
loxi wrlto fur price. Wuodurd, llatk A Cu.
MAUIU IVNTKHNH- Welsltr tu. t'orllaoJ.
LoMt price ou Laultrn and Slide.
KLAST1U HOSIKUY ; tiupporlan, llraceai Knit to
rill ft mruureuienl bUnkn woodard, Clarke.
IIOlisKet or all kind for sal at very reaiooaoie
prtcea. loqulra I7J 1'ront bt,
rilTJsSKH Mnton arprorali w tuarante CI la
uioal difUculf rai woudard, Clark A Co.
AUTIt'lCIAL KYKHi eyery liad and nr.i
orlrutnl ut on approval i Woodrd, Clark Co
CHKAM BKl'AllATOUa-W fuaranlea lb U.B.
beparalor lob lh beat. Writ lor fr calaloc
Uuelwoud CO, 1'inti and Oak.
MKN'SCI-OTHINU UuRum A PtDilltlon, ol
Mnt Alfred llenanln A fo.' correct clotb.
Kverylhlns lu mea'a rurnUblne. Morrlou aud
BUtU itiMti. Uppoelle (HMtofUca.
. -' in
1'OUI.THV FOOD ir you want you' hem lo lay
mora egci write in for free particular! about I'll.
Portland, Oregon. .
PIANOS & OHOANH Oldeat piano hout on J'a
cltlo coait. Organ and I'lanoa on eay paymeot
Writ fur llt. Ll u quoi you a prlca. AUno A
Ullbert-ltauiaker Co., Portland, Ungon.
Wfto cour.u and mII on aeoured when srarluated
IhliorTur (rood only for tbort lima. Wrta fur par.
Ilculara. IVAl'iriO IKLKUHAVll lNBTlTu'rK
Urand Tbiati Jtulldlns, t'ottlaud, Oregon.
P. N. U
Ne, 23-06
I1EN writing toailTertlserspleitaa
uoaimu auia paper. .
cream dressing.