for The Term of His Natural Life By MARCUS CLARKB CIIAl'TKH XIX. (Continued.! "Well, you upc. thiit Is tlio reason why I am nnsry with myself for not loving you as I ought. 1 want you to like the thinks I like, ami to lovo tho books ml tho music and the pictures ami tho the world I love; ami I forget that you are a man, you know, ami that I am only a girl; ami I forgot how nobly you be haved, Maurice, and how unselfishly you risked your llfo for mlno. Why, what la the matter, dear?" He had nut her away from him sud denly, nnd gone to tho window, yailng ncross the sloping garden at the bay below, sleeping In the soft evening llirht. Tho- schooner which had brought tho 'witnesses from l'ort Arthur lay off the hare, nnd the yellow llsg at her matt fluttereil gently In the cool evening hrcesc. The night of thl (lag appeared to anger him, for, a his eyes fell on It he uttered an Impatient exclamation, nnd turned round bra in. Some sudden, desperate whm caused him to exclaim, "Suinoe I had net done all you think, woull you not love me still?" Her eyes raised to his face with anx ious tenderness for the piln ohe had be lieved herself to have Inflicted, fell nt this speech. "What a question! I don't know. I suppose 1 should: yet but what Is the ue. Maurice, of supposing? I know you hive done It. ami thit it enough. How can I nay what I might have dune If something else had happened) Why, yttu mtgat nt have luyej me." If toere had leii for a moment any sentiment of remorse in hit selfish heart, the hesitation of her answer went far te dispel It. With the hyimcrisy of self Uttne which deceive even Itself, he liM the little head HpoH kit heart with n sensible glow of virtue. "God bless yott, darling! You are my Feed angeL" The girl sted. "I will be your good nngol, dear, if you will lot met" CHAlTKIt XX. Hex toW Mr. Meekin, who, the next day, dkl him the honor te visit him, that, "under Providence, he owed kit escape from death to the kind manner In which Captain Krcre had spoken of hlm." "I hope your escape will !k n warning to yoB, my man," at Id Mr. Meekln, "and that you will endeavor to make tho rest of your life an atonement for your early errors." "Indeed I will, sir." said John Her, who had taken Mr. Meekln' measure very accurately, "and It Is very kind of you to condescend to speak so to a wretch like me. Ah! sir, I wish I had attended to the gospel's teachings when I was younger. I might have been saved from all this." "You might. Indeed, -oor man; but the Divine Mercy Is infinite quite infinite, nnd will be extended to all of us to you as well as to me." (This with the air of saying, "What do you think of that?") "Heniember the penitent thief, Hex the penitent thief." "Indeed I do", sir." "I will speak to the authorities .about n change in your dietary scale," return ed Meekin, patronizingly. "In the meantime, just collect together In your tnlnd those particulars of your adven tures of which you spoke. Such a re markable history ought not to be lost." "Thank you kindly, sir. I will, sir. Ah I I little thought, when I occupied the position of a gentleman, Mr. Meek ln. that I should be reduced to this. Hut It is only just, sir. Good morning, and heaven bless you, sir!" said Hex, with his tongue In his cheek for the benefit of bis yard mates; and so Mr. Meekin tripped gracefully away, con vinced that he was laboring mast suc cessfully in the vineyard, and that the convict Hex was really a superior per ion. , "I will send bis narrntlve .to the bishop," said he to himself. "It wilt amuse him. There must be many strange histories here, if one could but find twera out." As the thought passed through his brain his eyo fell upon the "notorious Dawes," .who, white waiting for the schooner to take him back to Tort Ar thur, had been permitted to amuse him self by breaking atones. A fanciful visitor, seeing the Irregular ly rising hammers along thu tine; might have likened the shed to the Interior of some vast piano, whose notes an unseen band was erratically fingering. Hufus Dawes was seated last of tho line. This was the place nearest the watching con stable, and was allotted on that account to the most Ill-favored. "Well, Dawes." says .Mr. Meekin, measuring with his eye the distance be tween the prisoner and himself, as one might measure tho chain of some fero cious dog. "How are you this morning. Dawes' Dawes, scowling In a parenthesis be tween tho cracking of two stones, was understood to say that he was very well. "I am afraid, Dawes," says Jfr. Meekin, reproachfully, "that you have dono yourself no good by your outburst lu court ou Monday, I understand that public, opinion is quite Incensed against you." Dawes, slowly arranging Que largo fragment of bluestono In a comfortable basin of smaller fragments, made no reply. "I am afraid you lack patience, Dawes. You do not repent of your of fenses agalust the law, I fear." The only answer vouchsafed by the Ironed wan was aarage blow, which plit the stone Into sudden fragments, and made tho clergyman skip a step backward. "You are a hardeued ruffian, sir! Do you not hear me speak to you? I camn to console you, man. I wanted to give you some good advice!" "I beg your pardon, sir. Prny go on." "I was going to suy, my good fellow, that you have dime yourself a great deal of Injury by your ill-advised accusation of Captain 1'rere, and tho use you mado of MI11 Vlckers' name." A frown, as of pain, contracted tho prisoner's brows, nnd he seemed with dlttlculty to put a rostra In t upon his speech. "Is there to bo no Inquiry, Mr. Meekin?" he asked, at length. "What I stated was the truth. Are thev not going to ask her for her story? They told me that sho was to be asked. Sure ly they will ask her." "I am not. perhaps, at liberty," said Meekin, placidly, unconscious of the ag ony of despair and rage that made tho voice of the strong tnBn before him quiver, "to state tho Intentions of tho authorities, but I can tell you that Miss Vlckers will not be asked nnything about you. You nre to go back to l'ort Ar thur on the aith, and to remain there." A groan burls from Itufus Dawes: a groan so full of torture that even the comfortable Meekin was thrilled by It. "Come." says Meekin. "you can't com plain. You have broken tho law, nnd you mut suffer. Clvlllied sitclctr svs you sha'n't do certain things, and If you do them you must suffer the penalty clvllited society Imposes. You are not wanting in Intelligence. Dawes, more's tho pity and you can't deny the Justice of that." Hufus Dawes, as If disdaining to an swer In words, cast his eyes round tho yanl with a glance that seemed to ask, grimly, If civilized society was progress ing qulto In accordance with Justice, when Its civilization created such place as that atoac-wallod. carbine-guarded prison shed, ami filled It with such crea tures as those forty human beasts, doom ed to spend the best years of their man hood cracking pebbles In It. Meditating that night In tho solitude of his cell, he almost wept to think of the cruel deception that had doubtless been practiced on her. "They have told her that I was dead. In order that she might learn to forget me; but she could not do that. I have thought of her so often during these weary years that she must sometimes hnvc thought of me. Five years! She must be a woman now. My little child a woman! Yet. she Is sure to be child-like, sweet ami gentle. How she will grieve when she hears of my sufferings; Oh! my darling, my darl ing, you are not dead!" And then, look ing hastily about him In the darkness, as though fearful even there of being seen, ho pulled from out his breast n lit tle packet, and felt It lovingly with his coarse, toll-worn fingers, reverently rais ing It to his lips, and dreaming over It, with a smile on hU face, as though It were a sacred talisman that should open to him the doors of freedom. The usual clanking ami hammering were prevalent Hpon the stone Jetty at l'ort Arthur when the schooner bearing the returned convict, Hufus Dawea, ran alongside. He sat with his head bowed down ami his hands clasped about his knees, disdaining to look until they routed him. "Hallo. Dawes!" ssya Warder Troko, halting his train of Ironed yellow-Jackots. "So you've come back again! Olad to see yer, Dawes! It seems an age since we had the pleasure of your romtany. Dawes!" At this pleasantry the 'train laughed, so that their irons clanked more titan ever. They found It often Incon venient not to laugh at Mr. Troke'a mor. "Step down here, Da we, and let me Introduce yer to your hold friends. They'll bo glad to see yer, won't yer, boys? Why, bless me, Dawes, we thort we'd lost yerl Wo thort yer'd given 111 the slip altogether, Dawes. They didn't take care of yer In Hobart Town, I ex pect, eh, boys? We'll look after yer here, Dawes, though. You won't bolt any mere." "Take onre, Mr. Troke," said a warn ing voice, "you're nt It again! Let the man alone!' Ily virtue of an order transmitted from Hnbart Town, they had begun to attach the dnngerouft prisoner to the last man of the King, riveting the leg Irons of the pair by means of an extra link, which could be removed when nec essary; but Dawes had given no sign of consciousness. At tho sound of the friendly tones, however, he looked up, and saw a tall, gaunt man, dressed In a shabby pepper ,and salt ralmont, nnd wearing a black: handkerchief knotted round bis throat. He was a stranger to him. - "I beg your pardon, Mr. North." said Troke, sinking at once tho bully In the' sneak. "I didn't see yer reverence." "A parsonl" thought Dawes, with dis appointment, and dropped Us eyea. "I kuow that," returned Mr. North, coolly. "If you had, you would have been all butter and honey. Don't you troublo youself to tell a lie; It's quite unnecessary. What's your name, my man?" Itufus Dawes had Intended to scowl, but the tone, sharply authoritative, rous ed his automatic convict second nature) and he answered, almost despite himself, "Hufus Dawes." "Oh," said Mr. North, eying him with a curious air of expectation that had something pitying la It "This is the man, Is It? I thought he wo to go to the coal mine," ',, "So he Is," r.nld Troke, "but we hnlu't n-golng to send there for a fortnlt, and lu the meantime I'm to work him on the , chain." "Oh," snld Mr. North again. "Lend . mo your knife, Troke." And then, before them all, this curious pnrsuu jook a piece of tobacco out of 1 his rngged pocket, and cut off n "chaw" I with Mr. Troke'a knife. Hufus Dawes j ..1. ...1 .. .' ....... .. . . en wiiih m nun not leu lor mrro nay au Interest lu something. Ho stared at the parson In unaffected astonish ment. Mr. North perhaps mistook tho moaning of his fixed stare, for ho held out the remnant of tobacco to him. Tho chain-line vibrated nt this, and bent forward to enjoy tho vicarious de light of seeing nnether mail chew to bacco. Tmkn grinned with n silent mirth that betokeued retribution for the favor jd convict. "Here." said Mr. North, holding out tho dainty morsel upon which so many eyes were fixed. Hufus Dawes took tho tobacco, looked nt It hungrily for nn Instant, and then to the nstoitltthmcut of everybody flung It away. From convict mouths went out a re spectful roar of amasement, and Mr. Truke'a eyes snnpped with pride of out raged Janltorshlp. "Yon ungrateful dog!" he cried, raising his stick. Mr. North put up a hand. "That will do, Troke," ho said; 'I know your re spect for tho cloth. Move tlfe men on again." "(let on!" and Dawes felt his newly riveted chain tug. It was somo time since he had Itcoti lu a chain gang, and the sudden Jerk narly over balanced him. Do caught nt his neighbor, and looking up, met a pnlr of black eyes which gleamed recognition. His neigh bor was John Hex. Mr. North, watch ing them, was struck by the resemblance the two men bore to each other. Their height, eyes, hair and complexion were similar. Despite tho dlffrrsnco In name, they might be related. "They might 1 brother," thought he. "Poor fellows! 1 never knew a prisoner refuse tobacco before." And he hulked on the ground for tho despised portion. Hut In vain. John Hex, oppressed by no foolish senti ment, hnd picked It up and put It In hit mouth. So Hufus Dawes was relegated to his old life again, and came back to his prison with tho hatred of hit kind, that his prison had bred In him, Increased a hundred-fold. It seemed to hlm that the sudden awakening had dazed hlm. that the flood of light so suddenly let In upon hit slumbering soul had blinded his eyes, used so long to the sttveetly cheat ing twilight. He wns at first unable to apprehend the details of his misery. Ho knew only that his dream-child was atlve and shuddered at him; that the only thing he loved and trusted had betrayed him; that all hope of Justice and mercy had gone from him forever; that tho beauty had gone from earth, the bright ness from heaven; and that ho was doom ed still to live. He went about his work, unhcedful of tho Jests of Troke. utigatled by his Irons, unmindful of the groans and laughter about him. Ills magnificent muscles saved him from tho lash, for the amiable Troke tried to break hlm down In vain. He did not complain, tin did not laugh, he did not weep. Ills "mate" Hex tried to converse with him, but did not succeed. In the midst of one of Ilex's excellent tales Hufus Dawes would sigh wearily. "There's something on that fellow's mind," thought Hex, prone to watch the signs by which tho soul la read. "He has some secret which weighs upon him." Then Hex came to a conclusion. His mate was plotting an escape. He hlm"- self cherished a notion of that kind, as did (Jabbett and Vetch, but by common distrust no one ever gave utteranco to thoughts of this nature. It would lie too dangerous. "He would bo a good com rade for a ruth," thought Hex, ami re solved more firmly than ever to ally himself to this dangerous and silent com panion. One question Dawes had asked which Hex had been able to answer, "Who is that North?" "A chaplain. Ho I only here for a week or so. There Is a new one com ing. North goes to Sidney. Ho Is not In favor with the bishop." "Sllenee there!" cries the overseer. "Do you want me to report yer?" Amidst such diversions the days rolled on, and Hufus Dawes almost longed for the coal mines. To be sent from the settlement to the coal mines, and from the coal mines to tho settlement, was to these unhappy men a "trip." (Tp b continued.) fejfe ;k --d5SS0 A Hutiie-Mnile llrootlrr. The brooder fold by iniiniifnctiitvrt' tiro iiiiMunlly nil Unit are claimed fur belli, but w licit one desire to economise. a lioinc-uinilH HfTrtlr can Ik constructed by iiiiyono Willi 11 little Ingenuity which will work nicely. Titko twu Inuo of convenient Mae, threo feet sqimrt ll f eon or eighteen luclica high Is 11 good size, nnd cot one on top of the other, cutting 11 hole through wicli directly In tho middle. Tho bole In the bottom or lloor of the tipor Imx I on oris." i ITXHk. - J mm-' &1 HOME ilAPR IIM'KH'IM. with an Inverted tin (mil, or cnu, nlitch It jwrfurattsl nt Inter alt of two luetic, using 11 wire nail fr the work tout punching In. Kit thl can siiincly over the ImiIc mid place the regular brooder lump utHleriunsth It, noting im lloor of the lower lt. A llttl door I liinito In the able of tlw lower (mix ho Hint the lump inn) he ninnrly "t tended to. The roof of ttw liHer box I lined with CHiiton Hhiiih). as are aK tho nldiH, except the front, whlrli I left open and ncnt It, thrc luche from the edge. Is nailed n strip ( dou ble! ) of canton HhmioI, which I cut lu trln an inch wble. A walkway I built from the ground to thl otilii( through w-hlcli the chicks ism. Im. tlrtl U'litllNtkui limy he liad by liHwg n few tiny IkiIos In tin- upjr lx nt a Kiit furthest nwny fnm the Inmti. Hxchnnge. A I'mfllnMf. Implement. On soli that I Inclined to lump up aome Implement must lc iicd whlo'i will level the soil readily, mid at tl nmo time crush u cbds. Sih-li an implement can readily Ik? umile at hmi illld bo quite na cfTecthe a thtwe which must Iw bought for the piir-Ns, If otto hn n limning townnl uiHiiufHcturitl .' tide. Thl lionio-mmlo chhl crusher mid mill Icvelcr enn me made of h Ug of hnnl wood by splitting It lu half. Tho loi; should bo hImhU two feet In dlnmetcr to work to the hwit advan tage. Ijiy the two halve of the log fldo by sldo with the rounding part down mid tit either end, nhotit n f.w.t from the end, splko n two-by-fnur strlti, letting them project out stifllclently far nt 0110 chic so that nu Iron atrip or hoop nmy Ik set over the iitd. Into which to hook the whimetrec chains. Thl liuptomoiit can bo mado nt amnll cost, nud tinlews the logs nre too honvy n good team of Iwrso enn Hoed ('reps ' "' Orchard. The beat oiclmrdl-lH lire itero to grnwIiiK iinjtliliuJ lu on-hard but the tice even when tho latter nre young. They iincite, mid imipeHy. that the growlUK " neitl nil tin victim tbeio H in the will and that If !' b pie emHt In future )enr me to I hi of mi) value they must be provided for during the earlier jejir of the tree. There nre fruit grower, on th other Imud, who Insist tlmt a howl wop will be of Iwuellt to the tres, awl thl" nmy l oouslredcl "'''' eertnlu condition hiiiI up to certain limit. If the soil In the orchard I kept up to the highest state of fertility o that the tree will not suffer the want of the Nirtloii of the fertlllaer taken by the hoed crop, then the latter can tin no harm. Indeed. It will be of value because the soil will receive n certain amount of cultivation which, perhaps would not Iti given It If It were wit for the iMied cnp. Work the hetsl crop lu the orchard chuHou")', ami w'Mtch the effect on the tree. CnrlMK t'lileks, When chick are rewoted frwi the Inculattor to the brooder great wr slHiuld he taken tlmt they tbi not be come chilled. The ibmc ef the br"d er should te cm ere 1 with Mne, clean chaff. I'lne sand and rlettn water should lie III the hreodwr 'row the be ginning. All the Due, dry Mead a-ruinlM they will pbk up eiery two hour should cintlltlte the feetl for Mteral day, gradually adding rolled at, hardhulletl em, cracked wHertt. Johnny cake, millet wml, etc. .Milk ami water shell hi always I kept In the fountain. When three weed old make mashes of bran. meal, middling, beef scrap, table refn all sailed to eN and ml ted timet her with i"Mttt milk. Alfalfa leans may also l thrown Into the brooder In the place of straw or chaff. 11m tuah In the mnrnlng, wheat at nonn ami cracked rem or kattir corn at nlabt mtHltute the main feed to keep the chicks grow- line. Holder for llr IUel. I ttisl a (Mir oft be JolnUal bntre to n commoopUce lop Iwmry. wrllts a rorre'mdent. 'lit- HUM rat km ex piaUx the ixwltton of brace om rack whett standard I np ! down. .' fi 1 I DAHLIA ron THE OUMMEt,; llortlotilliirlal .tlnUf. .M( . cif-set Hunt, 'I ...III. I.U.... I lllllllllt" blooinlllK prm tic iy Tj llier, HCvoiilluK to the Washiiuital SI Tho llcpMrliuelit of .grl.iirBtt"Tl i) tuuini ui iiHiiint rutin n U.i (lower to n slimmer M.i.nrr, . wore or I of nu mi-ideni, m J the oxplorera of tlm tleimrtiiHtht t ilowil lu Mexico rwentl) niu fruj llltle. InslgulllcHiii ibmer nm7!lt wild, n HMMtl How era and mut-Tt that country. It mm a 14141; II ilttwor wn titslgiiiti. snt sjL. le jelhiw ndor Tb ..n; t.' Ily alsiut It wa that it stsriJT lux lu the curly spring ami Ui Tl ull sinuiUHr. "T The lltllo dahlia was gstUti t.i iilmig with 11 lot of oilier IhutOHjl stmt to Washington 'lliere w, a 1 mm inn'iin'i nnjiiiiiig tit m ,.r nu "i it, nut .nr tinier. b Ojj Juggler of Hie ureenhuiiM-, tttWk work with It, Hitd by Uiksn. amount of cnen.i,g NM tm(it(lt. natural pnM-Mvlllos be MnsHr -ft)sl a pWHt tlwt iHtt only wuld bkeiM ummer, but tetre a big. rim ft,, J a Mite a any autumn iI.moIs itiM in le greestiHJSlMt. To be sllto, with the ntrvsM rtillurlst raising dhu in the may seem rather like ruling MrtsW rle at Christmas, but 11 iui s44n other tHwiMllty to tiw tstteUn k4 win tiefk the .nteriiMii gsrilea ktf4 omwter. ami It lws. t.i. tbt pi tltlntt are lading around m tke h etauH wutmi wtn; waiting of msmw to rse ahwg ami make use ef nsaJ Hpeoklog of k Uss ut lb ijiUjl iMItl! Ilnst, orwoife raising may Mtkl agriculture In the slrt. lest setneef term, hot the sewtlewi nrnlige ime of the moot lmrfant facssfi tlj the orange mariet !! . was a M np of the MHtsf sort. Hie tree ten ( nnd ttowH In llrnall. where tbssr ssm a few ssMlris orange in ifevtst asutnc on of the rltrr .uw ( Wetst ssttlt to the I'ltlleil Ml. its. eattW graftlntf, bsebllug ami t-tsrbiac a dlttary sweet oramfe st-k trs4 wa prtelwiTsI that Im am ssjimatt, a to make Ms uf a Unm nttmlter of gr..rrs In IX' Ida ami California. It mil) ibawikttt agrteultHral exphtrer sre wttrth .all the mmey Hut u sfsssi m them oh et era I lrlM where ibef (en np nothing at all. Tie-y are sseri k les like proHM-tir lu He VrL VfU they do strike thy strike It rfc. HOW NICKCL OOT ITS NAME. IIIHDt roa TIIC IMYMJUK. I'astwi hrai-e ou outaldst of standard ami otl Inshie of m ilwv. ty taking bract, ami trjlng y.m can mm tell how far hack to fasten It. Ofm fld'HIIIfll AMI I.KMIU.II. m In lUUti. Vltor I MiippiMj thcro la a hlNtory couui-ctctl with tlmt Hpnilo? Miihcuiii Attondmit Thcro It, air; It In 0110 of our ttronteat curtimltle. Tlmt apndo wna nctunlly .used to dig with nt rniinmn. I'uck. An Arliorenl Oliservnllon, "Tlmt aupcrclllous mnn Is nlwny tnlklnK about his family tree." "Yea," nuawerrd Mlsa Cayenne, "I have observed In nafuro thnt It It nl ways tho smallest twig tlmt docs, tho most rustling." Washington Stnr, Kreryliodr Seelnif lite ISrror, Traveler I hear you have had n great religious revival In this town? Westerner Yes-slrec. Why, ovou tho gamblers hnd to J I no th' church or loso their custoinera. New York Week- iy. I'OkIo In the Schoolroom. A Rocklnnd schoolboy's composition on Whlttlcr, handed In tho other day, reached tho following conclusion; "He was nevor married. Ho hated slavery," Hockland (Mo.) Star. As Lonsr H' Ilroad, A woman Is never happy until she made her husband confess all; and then she U mlserablo. ' ' hillidlo It lilrolv. Tho HlustrMtl.ui hIiowh thu IdisH clearly mid how vury sluiplo It Is. IiidhiuiiHdl Now. Nlteep Are (iuod I'erllllsrra, When 11 Hock of shecji Is kopt on a Held thu bind will bo iiiiulo furtllo lu n short tlnif, ns tho sheep not only dis tribute the immure, but pro It into thu ground by trampling, tho loss being hut little. For that reason It has been said that "tho foot of the sheep Is gold to tho hind." A flock of sheen, how ever, rmitiot add anything to tho liunl other than to prevent waste of inatcrl ills, which they naturally cousiiiuo and nre, therefore, inoro valuable when they aro fed nt a Imru at night, tho additional food rendering tho iiiauiiro valuable. Uertitun 'nrn, A few years ago there was consider nblo enthusiasm regarding (lennaii carp. A iwnd covering one aero will, It Is stated, hold 7,000 carp to growing condition, If they aro fed. Tho carp will eat anything that a hog will con sumo, even corn, and will gnln nbout thrco pounds annually until It reaches 12 or 15 pounds. Ilelouglng to tlm "suckor" family of fishes, tho carp has not becoino popular In this county, and probably never will, as It Is not very dMlrablo, compared with other varie ties of fish. slmpr i.r lilt-Ml lUIrr r,n. Whether she be a llolaleltt, a Jer-le-y or whatever she may l yu will Hud the 1 (ileal dairy cow with bony head ami stroug Jaw. tag betwu the eye ami tsee, with broad mtmale. Hue MxHild hate a bright, protruding , which mean stnmg uerte funw u.i action later on. Hoe ahonhl hate a thin nek ami retreating brisket. The tlnoa abotw ami lw must not be straight, tr she will steal fnmi ymi. 8he should he allglitlr .Lh, .1 1. hlntl the .boulder with a .bar) chine not toi straight baedbune. tike mii nave large urgaw of repnluclbn wd largo heart girth, with betsteeu fore teg, mi sharp n smmhter. whleh git, arRW iMrt grtiuH ami atrong arterial clrculallou. Ami last, but by mi me 11 least, slo must have h goo.1 ihlder, for one-half lb, value of u cow I In w.r ,fcWWi HWd BWHll)1 be long frvui front to rear. I'utillr) I'nliiter. Never refuse a fair price for n hlrn tlmt you do not want fur breeding pur Heo. At the same time notcr el n good blnl Unit oti want yminmlf. Do not fcml thu newly lmtche.1 ,.,,K. ehs too early j wait ut leant twenty, four hour. There Biiii,.t of fce.1 In the shell for the chick this length of tlnm. " !' In feeding fowls always keep In view the fact that the excess r flHI,, , niul nlMivo tlmt required for warmth of body nud egg production will bo ,.. verted Into fat Journal of Agrlcul ture. "miuii A correspondent of a form paper, who was not well snllHilcd with hi dUk harrow while It hnd tho tonguu , It, thu, tells how ho Improved If ' I Jmvo been using my disk Imrrow without a tongue, or rather, I cut to tongue off Jst nlieail of (ho eve. er 1 ,"';1 J''" h very ,m,e satisfactory than to ,,. wm, ,, tongue; In turning nil the i,neJ.V turn the harrow Instead of tho t i-i niuni-a niiviiigio pry t around i.v tho pole. In.d.lHlon'JihCT'gfcS tho weight oft of tho horses'. ,"tL when they stop. " llrrltril friim (Imw ut the AprIU Hums r Ills SnlHnle llll. AlMit SUU lent ggii, in tf M (Ihthmh cufiper mine. m. ! wsidU, cwteTMl whk-h had all the eppssssM of cupper, but etery kown pass failed to get any cojm.t fn-ui Ihhj tn. The OerHMH miner of t wef sstperstlttow lu fi . nest er are lotUl. They tialwed twf ronbl bear the krthl', the putt i4 tmt gtsome at work Hi tie- miae vm whUfh the ore was taken, and wheal smelter falleil m pneloce tsint ll the ore thuy one ami all rvfuW W Into the workings) again. samg thrfN hml been cursed by ail eH spirit. TWy mlietl thl re "kiipferni.i.ti ' or QM Nick wjiier. Coloilt, a name wbha become m familiar uf late. Is wtw1 tmtr Ikan Ibu (lurutall fur SH r MtlrtL tt.l. mHllMMm. Itfll MIIIMI llUi BHlC' st of the svleMllsta of the world tffl for rear clomilela worketl nil It Cr nlssslt. a fNHHHi derma 11 ibeinlst. k H eerlsrt of oer'meiU with this T iter ami Mln-eotled lu Isolallui a bW Unlike an thing that was mii UtU) It was not collier, It wa led lli though It look! imire like lite lat'A AltwHiHli tlm ore was prtei t 1- value, tho imwo of Ohl Nbk stuck t1 ami It I still known a nbk el Heveml year laliT anuiler ml wa dUcovorml lu this ore nud on count of lis hidden quslltle wss cal holmld, for tho rosNiii already nn That an Outarhi town should owe name to 11 (leriimu mil spirit strange, but It I 11 suitable uin on count of the million of dollar' w"t of silver cobalt found there. The 11111110 of Sir Husscy IIrlt$. Vivian, of HwitUKeii, Wales, It omonl tho earliest nsmwlnlitl Willi nlekcl. H? was successfiil In getting nh'kol fp"" Norweglnii and Hwiillsh ore, but onljf In smnll ipmntltles. Later Jwpti Wharlou startiil n factory nt C'nmdcn. N. J., to develop tho deposit, nt Un' enster, l'a. Wharlon knew nothing ' what Vivian had done, but worked on n process of his own. After yenri of lalsir bo produccil a few toim a nion of a low grado nickel, which sold fancy prices. Tho llrst sninplc nickel seen lu America were at IM rhllmlelphla exisisltlon In 1H7H. wle' sevurnl siniill nrtleles lillldo of tml metal were shown as ctirlosllle NcJf York Tribune. 1 A minister rerently "sisike" to jjj woman becnusu she did not otuy .church oftcnor. Sho told tho tru'Sj and said frankly that sho didn't rsigj to go ; nud ho thought that was bctKN than to mako n lot of sincere nnd UW truthful apologies, ,