The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 15, 1906, Image 5

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    - V" n -
LStrnwbcrricH, cherries mid new
jtntocs nt Grunt h. rati
GlmlHtonc Smith hikmU the week
itli hto coitiin, Mnrlon Hunter.
RVJ)r. 'Kdtvnnls of Prineville wiih a
btuiiicHU culler in Ilciul the of
the week. He cnnie to mnke finnl
proof on it tllhlter claim,
iTIie enulo will Hcrcnin in Ilcnd,
No doubt of t when the patriotic
Ivputlis kcI hold of Unit line line of
fireworks to be hurt nt Grtmt'H. utf
H.iiHt week the post office nt Dm-
chtiteK was discontinued, nnd the
one nt I.uva Iiiih been out of com
mission for some time. Tlim ex
tends the territory of the lleud
office considerably, the nearest kihI-
Jflice to the .south bciiiK Koslniid
XfrtJ. V.'i A. Steele nnd Miss
Ivmiuii Troy left Sunday niornlni
for J',.isUni poiulri. Mrs. Steele
Swill ricud the Htiminer in
MlcliiKiiu Miss Iroy received
ford of the serious illness of no
punt, which hastened her return
to her home in St. 1'aul.
ISnturdav Mr. and Mrs, I. O.
Minor nnd sou Kenneth, Miss
Grace Jones nnd A. L. Goodwillic
Ffflovcd a campiiii! outfit onto the
LTtiiniilo cicck near the bridge
RTlilch Kpnus that creek west of
Bend. The ladies will Mttnd many
weeks camping in the woods.
Messrs. Minor nnd Goodwillic arc
jllvidlun the time Ik twee n their
in lie, in town and the pleasures of
Ramp life.
Ivo new comers who hnvc re
sntly Arrived in llond with a view
Eh rcmnluiiic permanently are John
IC. Wilson and John II. wennndv,
both of riiillipsburn, Moot. Tltee
kcntlcmcn arc old time ncmtnlnt
nces of IIukIi O'Knuc, Messrs
iWilson and O'Kaue daliuj; their
Ujcudship for 1 8 years or more.
Roth Messrs. Wilson and Wcnaudy
kwjll invest tn projcrty in the vicin
ity 01 uciui.
The fishermen nrc nlrcndy busy
with their hooks nnd lines tempt
intr the wary trout to bite nod pro
IJEfiriiiK n Nupply for that trout bar
Ruccuc next Tuesday. Tom nnd
Curlyle Triplctt, C. M. Weymouth
ua Ralph .Sheldon went tip to
Dillon Fulls last Monday nnd Tues
foUay. Ihcv fished eight hours mid 3o trout. The number
Swns Homcwhnt reduced leforc
jKJncliuiK town, however, ns Shel
Tdon had it very healthful iippctitc
4ji?B Central Ore
gon canning uu
l Trust Company
INCnaitiRATMi lv4
j. Uflpiini i?Z,UUU.UU
My Trnnsncts a (lencrnl Hnnk-
, Ing; ISMSlnessl
i vAra n Ailiulrtlutrnfnr. I't-
Sl ;- t .....-..., ..
, ccttor or Truutcc of Estates
M Isstieh Drafts and Unnk
' Motley Orders on nil Foreign
Vntcicst on Time Deposits,
Snfc Deposit Boxes.
Plre Insurance.
A, M. Drake, A, I.. C.onilwlllle,
l'rcnltlent. Vice t'rcn.
J. M, Lawrence, Secretory.
I. 0. Minor, Cnnliler.
For Sale
Oil itt&ount of moving to
liariicstpdu nut compelled to
dispose of
Hotel and Restaurant
completely furnished and do
ing n good paying business.
?cj IfotiSe filled, nnd the only
Ice Crcnm nnd Confectionery
Stnrtd liit town. Will sell nt
invoice ir rent if not sold in
30 dnyg. . located in the new
xKrawiiijV town of Redmond,
qrppic entity, QrfRQi.
, ..., jlQJES
PrvnchliiK service in the church
Sunday morning nt n.
Dr. I. L. Scofield, dentist, will
Uc nt the Pilot Unite Inn until and
including June 20.
A. L. 'Ooodwllllc will len've for
Chicago Wednesday where lie will
undergo no operation for appendi
citis. Ikhioatui) Land I hnvc n few
choice tracts from 40 to 160 nercs
each Hint can be bought nt n bar
gain. 1. L. Tompkins, Unnk
Iluildiug. 43tf
The Priiievlllc-Shnniko stnge
turned over on Grlzzlcy butte
yesterday mid Ira J. Wilkinson's
shoulder was injured and the stage
was urokcu.
Christian Kudenvor .services next
Sunday evening nt 7:30. Topic:
"The Glorified Life." Text: John
17; 1-10; 3i2), Lender, Miss
Violet Heed. ,
All record in the inOnev order'
busiueS'i in the Ilcnd postofficeverc
broken yesterday when order'
nniouutlng to 12.10.80 were issued,
with fees of $1.03,
K. D. Wickhain appeared before
the state supreme court nt Salem
Inst week and was ndmittcd to prac
tice law before the Oregon bar.
Attorney Wickham has opened
offices in the bank building.
Dr. U. C. Coc had the honor to
lc elected president of the Orcuon
Stntc Hclcctic Medical Association
nt its meeting Inst week In Port
land. I he doctor reports n very
profitable meeting, the Inrgcst in
the history of the association.
The boys of the town who worked
so earnestly in preparing the
grounds for the picnic dinner did
excellent service in a public move
ment. They carried rock, rnked
rubbish and worked like I'rojnns.
TIlPl' llnvp r1lfirtirtrtuttra X'nnt
make progressive citizens
Charles Marvin, the man who
wns injured nt the Johnston ranch
last week by the sweep of tht
uruhberstrikiut him in the stomach.
(lied Saturday from the effects of
the injuries, lie wns buried Sun
dny In the Prineville cemetery. He
wan a brother of Mrs. Knrl, living
a mile and a half from Prineville
Nick Welder went to Prineville
Sunday nnd played back-stop for
1 lie Kcumoud boys in the Redmond
Prineville game. Prom there he
started for St. Pntil, Minn,, where
lie will remain lor several weeks.
There are very well founded rumors
that Nick will enter the ranks of
the IkjilhI lets while gone nnd will
bring back a bride to lleud with
The school board last week em.
ployed R, I). Wickham to bring
action 011 behalf of School district
No. 12 at?ainst I. D. TnrvU. nrlnri.
pal, and John Sisemorc and Duncan
McMillan, sureties, lor tlie recovery
of money which the district has
been compelled to ivivout hv rensnn
of Mr. Jarvis' failure to complete
the new school house within the
contract price.
It is requested that all the Indies
of llend, whether members ol a
committee or not, be on hand Tues
day morning to help prepare the
tables tor the dinner. Committees
have been appointed to facilitate
matters, but 'the success of the
dinner will depend upon the co
operation of all. Conic a early as
10 o'clock, nnd le uurc to come as
there will be plenty of work for all.
In order to properly illuminate
the A. M. Drake lawn for the kov
ernor's reception n large number of
lanterns will be needed. Everyone
having a lantern of any dcscrintlon
should fill it with oil, clean it so it
will burn well, and leave it at the
P. U. 1). office early Monday morn
ing, ns the ladies nrc plnuiiitnr to
cover the lanterns with diUereut
colored paper. A large number of
Japanese lanterns will also be used.
C. A. nimnmnn rMilvHmt Cm...
Slinillkn Kntiirrtnv. M-IIKrii In. l.n.l
driven with Mrs. Carl ,Chaimau on
iter way 10 uratigcMle, .Idaho".
wane hi ounniKO ,wr. unnpmnn
wns called tri I'ntltttilil mi
Weducsdny, whcii o only a few
miles from Shnnlko, one of his
horses took sick and for several
hours Mr. Chanmnn hnd rmlir n
serious time For a while U was
tenred that the an!mn.l would die,
but it filially (TOt: hflttPF mill fin
nlile to djrJvQ oh, to Iknd.
Miss taitrn Bandel left; Saturday
r Salem where she "Wilr visit a
week. She wllltheil be jbliKU ly
4rs; 15.AV GVl?at place
hud Htfc wo Iwliea will travel east
together, Miss Handel to New York,
and Mrs Griffin to Wadena, Minn.
Mr. Griffin will drive with Mrs.
Griffin to Sisters Monday, from
which place Mrs. Griffin will take
the stage across the inountniifs.
She will visit in Minnesota Tdr
three months and will brink , he
mother with her when she returns
Neil Smit nnd son were in Ilcnd
Tuesday from their up-rlvcr ranch,
atteiidiug't6 business matters. Mr.j
Smith is n recent comer from
Superior, Wis., and upon his nr
rivnl here expressed hfs iutdhflon'
to start nu experiment farm 011 his
ranch. This he has done nnd now
has n great variety of vegetables
planted, ranging all the way from,
radishes to water and iniiskmclOus.
The growth of these has been so
promising that Mr. Smith is figur
ing 011 11 bountiful harvest in the
fall. He has faith in the Deschutes
Alius lithel Chapman Will Work for
Free Trip to Jamestown IIx position.
Another subscription netting
contest will soon be started in Ore
goti, nnd Miss Hthcl Chapman of
Ilcnd will enter the list .of contest
nuts. This contest is bcimr man
nuedby Philip S. Dates, publish
cr of agricultural tnontlily,.,thc Pa-
cific Northwest. The proposition;
is nothing less than the taking ol
33 young ladies, one front tacit
county of the stale, to the 'James-,
town Exposition which will opetii
May 15, 1907, at Jamestown, Vir-,
gitiia. The exposition is to com'
incinerate the first settlement of the
English in the United States which
took place in 1607. One farmers'
daughter from each county in Ore
gon will be taken by Mr. Hates.
She will carry a large amount of
advertising literature for general
distribution along the lines of travel.
The young lady in each county
who secures the largest number of
subscriptions will be one of the
party to go to the exposition. Miss
Chapman will enter the contest
with the determination to represent
Crook county.
Redmond Items.
W. Kohiriroil, "tlic automobile fciri,"
left on Wcilncwlny moniiiig for Seattle.
The I). I. & 1'. Co' cmun No. I iiiqvcd
0.1 huiKUy nml are 110 tr located nlout
three miles nortlmcut of town,
The fitt of thH ncavm'a ImV wan cut
thU neck ott Mr. lol'niMm' nlacc alraut I
a ItlllC K)UIII 0,1 IOWH, II 1J 111 lUC DCHtJ
. .... .... . ... - .. . .
quaiiiy ami K" n npiciuuu yiciil.
Klicrt llron, arc erecting n Imtliling
next to their place of ImmIiicm to te ummI
nt n drug ttore. Dr. O. Ncwmiii will
put in the stock ivpil make Uetliiioiul hu
iicu(itnrtcm in the future.
Mr. WoixU rcccictl two loads t
furuittUe tilt week for lit new itorc.
The work pu the huilriing U Jrting
ruihed iiiiicll n poisjble. ami they will
te rendy for limine lit nlout two or
three wftka.
A lively runaway occurred here Sun
day titornhi);'. Mr. hrnon's team was
left ill fidilt of Jones' hotel nnd they
suddenly Uecilme, frightened nnd started,
off. They Had thing nil theimwit way
fornlotlt U inlnntcs, hut. were finally
stopcd and tlie only dainat;c done was
a w:crc cut 011 one hort over the "eye.
Itcv. K Sweet hrouullt some straw
Itcrrlcs to town on Tiiesday. They were
of flue quality.
Unite a mitniwr or people went to
Prineville Sunday, with the tint hall;
nine to witucM the girlie; Thl' score
was 11 to s tu lavor of Prineville. Rather
hunt tuck loys hut cheer tip;
Hnppcnlrlgi at rtdslttild.
Too Ute for Ur't week., June 6. The Hoslaud farm
er were nurprUcd to find the ground
covered with snow Turwlay inoniVug.
l'lne weather for fishing nrouml llos
Oeonre lloisue wan a llrml vUltilt-
rllCHl.T llnlllnlln1 tit I 111., Cllll.l....
for the vnllcy. CllesCer will ildl ntny
. U 'r. "" ' . . ' !.
.. - .(.. 1. w,j Wu,v.UIII VI
nroiulueut liusluess men, Mr. tflchol,
me uruKKisi,
, Mr,.rfiwlcU lot I'iIik.xHIc ..tiiesday to
deliver the election a'turus of thi pre
l . . .. l.O'll
n 1 iic peopic 01 uostiami nrc iimKiut;
I'reat preparations for the Fourth of
Mr. Tngjjurt nud Mr, Clatlsou are re
tired atajjc driver now,
Mr. and Mr, l'rnnk llojue and daugh
ter arc thiukiiiK of lcuvhi)' for the valley
soon. Thev Intenil la rlMii-nti nt Unsi..
. Will
'IlllJorrelllsclerkliiH In J. 8. Hogue'a
u ut present!'
Mn and Mrs, (5, W. lloivtty 'received
their new cream scpara tor recently and
arc very iiiitcll pleased With It.
,Leb Caldwell, a prdsderous farmer,
has been elected to the lilu,h office of
coiulnlile. Look out, Itoys and !rU,
Walk pretty strslflht.
The rallronA surveyors paed through
Koslaud Monday on their way to Crcs
cent nnd Waldo Inkcu.
, A vcrv social evening was sjciit nt the
tyoalnmf hotel Thursday evening. Itcv.
Mitchell df Prineville led the meeting,
Grover Calihvell made it business frir
to Koslanil. '
(5corc Hewitt made h flying dip to
Odell recently.
The Ilachelor (J iris were 'recently seeiu
picking straw tarries to illlike a pic lot
Hiiuday dinner.
Mr. nnd Mr. Clauson have moved to
their new homestead,
A certain youlig, nutr! ha Ijccii plan
ning to go flshing for the lot three Sun
day but the rain bhilTed him out.
Mr. Mury Cook 'recently received five
new records 'for tli.c puonograph.
The Ilachelor Girls were seen coasting
down the hill on the Mayflower slcigii
during the laht snow.
Buy on Gt'eifiiF
t1irs,$60 Mathlne for $25
nwii hum.
it ! a hlib'tru. iIiod
lid, Ull bftrlar, lock
ttIMb, doublt IfM, Mil
jitxllo( hnlllt: bn
.utoinuie Lobbfn v Itider
and olbtr llllmptot.
f-nta. ThlilitiANTI
iiitrr maciiinic it u
thi m miwbln cnt
artaikloiTuufyifor. All
atlMhtatnurowllh ch
nacblnt. Hold lor onlf
u cuh tnd t mnnthlr.
WrlttTDttr tarlrrtflltllunt CirUKVf ihowlnf
lr(nt bouiehold good wUI Ulp(ffljSt
ffMld)on lur fsisils-ju ntw etltlt Jln.
Oevurtx Furniture Opmpany
I TO.t Tfl I'lrat St. POttTiaND, Olt
Columbia Southern
bound r
o a
0, 1. '.
A.M. I
. nrn'oft
II 19
II 00
10 4
10 40
10 14
10 tt
9 11
S 40
,....t..U...UIIMOI .....
... ........ .Wcu ... .
.......... jiUIDITllt ...
.. liny Canton Junction.
. Met)6nld
.....-.IX1Iom ....
.... Mora ....-.
.OrM Val.ry ....
iiourion.. MH
Ktut -....
Daily Uc6bntttIon at Slunlko for Antel
ope, r-lnrrittc, Uend, Ilurnn, Mirer Ial.c, Lakt
wlm 9Ur-t. tL.wiM. AHtonr. Athwoud. Can
yon City, John Oar City, and 1'cmiII
C. !. I.YTI.IV huperlntrndrnt,
V, andT A. shanlko. Orr.
Shoit Line
and union Pacific
Salt Lak
KhhSiasCity .,
St. Louis
New York
Ooirih Steamers between Portland
nltU SAi Francisco every five days.
Tickets to qnd from all parts of
the United States, Canada and
lvuroe. ,u ' i '
lfor particulars, call on or address
The Dalles, Oregon.
HOTEL REDMOND Call and see
The undersigned will
puy $10,00 for the
detection and convic
tion of any person
who in any way wilt
fully iniures or de
stroys its Hues in
Crook Couuty.
THE lEXiftTO'TajfMtWi'Cf
.- A.1 i -J
3 39
4 II
m psBf
1 fM'lill
A. C. LUCA, Proprietor
1. 11
TnWcs supplied wTlfi hi thc 'ddicAcrcs of the season
M j. . (4i(
First-class Efuipmeht Pine Rooms andBetl
All stages stop at the liotcl door
General Blacksraithing and Wagon Repairing
..OMUllQai' located
L. F.
Comniission and forwarding
SJHANIKOr , .v- OfcoaON.
Large, Commd'ms Warehouse. Consijiinients Solicited
Prompt attention
favor me wit
iui tneir
Leave Shatiflcff?. ... 6p. m.
Arrive Prineville !.".. "''h. ia.
Leave Prineville 12:30 p. in.
Arrive Bend 7:00 p. m.
BeniXiwy &
- -- 'J. FRANK STROUDk Jjlrjnacr
Horsbs Boarded bV xip. i-Qay,, Jekk or Mon.ti -First-Class
Livery ftigs for Rent. 'Fhwe No. 15
Bond atrtct, between atlnnnota and Ortion,
WAtt. STRUHT, Oppotitc D. . Co. . -.
THE finest stock Of FRESH
AlE&TS in Crook County.
CurefcjUMeats and Lard, and all ;
the Accessories of a First-Clas j
inarKei. JGveryinmgf new ana
of the best. WHITE & HILL.
- rrta
jNo matef how bit; the bird, no
ir. 2. 1l.k. ,r.ti pan farina,
saw,ia ..6, j v..wai
atralchtihootins Wlncneaur Kepentipa Apotjrurv, eruna nr wnai I
courvt.v.JrlS Jwmyaj rv.tho bea le$s A field, fowl or trap I
hoptlnj jmi ,art) soWthln reach of everybody'a pocketbook, I
' ' .k .AM ... I t . t..-. 111-. I. .1.1 ....I . I
rJfcAT WPIJiVwl i-wJP-Tfara.i'J-
WiNCwniTETiTTnTA"MS c7 ""'
r fli i 'ahijr
paid to tltdtc who
- aa
Ecave Bend 6:00 a. m.
'Arrive PxineVille 12:00 m.
CeaVe Prineville 1 p. tn. j
Arrive Shaniko.
1 a. m. 4
Transfer Co.
BcbJ, 'Oregon
matter bow heavy its plumage or '
tt In iaa- Yvlth Ik lonr. atrona.
.. w . -T ----, "o.
pin 'HsMiHum ,mj... ..
.. - - a. n