I When the Hair Falls Then it's time to net! No time to study, to read, to experi ment! You want to save your hair, and save It quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that If your hnlr ever comes out you will use Aycr's Hnlr Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays In. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. Tha bait kind of a taitlmontal "olit lor oyer alxty year." A Ut iiU, Ajmt Uo.. I.OWJII, MM. Ai.w Mananaiavara i lAMAPAUlU. PILLS. CSUUtr PtCT0il. yers Nrll )innrlantlla, ' Mr. Klili'itcr lind made hi tint pub 5llc itiM-ch. Ill eublrct wm eood- the lulijiiltlr of ludmitrlal economy mid he hoped hi trontmotit had been ade quate. Hi wa nut otiro. Ho waited for III wlfo'a verdict, but alio wo itrnngi'ly silent. Kite linil listened to Mm from the gal- ilrry of tlm town Unit, anil lie bail Jintf- frxHn.lnl her to inert blm nt the door afterward, nnit to injr, a aoon a they were out of hearing, "Ob, It wa simply great, Kddyl" Hut they were half-way Ifiinc, nu J alio bnd aald nothing of the kind. "Well," be began, awkwardly, wbrn he could Ix-nr It no longer, "wbnt did Pyou think of my etochr "What you inlil wn all r Ik lit," the answered, with guarded enthusiasm. E'llut It seeinod to me ynu didn't make the inoit of your opportunllle," "Opiwrlutilllc!" rrpcted Mr. Hide- iner. "What ao you mean, Mnej- "Why." Mr. Hldener replied, "you hnd ever mnny chance to alt down before you did." Unkind. Mr, lllondlne My late husband wa gjcahnis to the last. Mr. Neighbor Indeed I Mr. lllondlne-j-Yes. Juit before he died be rnjurstsd m not to wear itiotirnlng for htm and be knew I look- fid better la black than anything elae. Dalatllir Ka ?. Tbe author had been dragged faint- ftng from a crowd of eboppere. "Almost Ilk my last book," he aour- Inured, recovering bla muii, Tb llateners, being of delicate per eviitloa. knew then that tha hook hart 'fallen dead from tbe pre, Philadel phia Public Ledger. 'H(IWAIII) r. lllinoN -A.uf.r nd I1..ml.l. tl l.uillr, ColorMu Hpwlm.a ilr OoM. mi.r. Wad. II i (laid. hll. r.Iiei (laid. Mei XI no of OiirMI lr.Bld.lo.li. Mllln ..lp 4 Alll prim II. I mbi ud niffWIlfl MMICII.O. Woaal luok. ll.fir.ac.l lulxnili Na TkcGmiitTOWERS POMMEL SLICKER HAS MEN ADVfRtlicD AND JOLD f OU A QUAWHopAamusr. LIKE ALL i3&,WAlHW00f '' ClOIHINC. It It midc or Die but rtatcmk in fclKkorjtlow. fullr oiAJMtc4, ui o(4 j r ciiUt Jc!cr cicneKcrc. SIICK TO lift SIGN OF Tilt FISH. "oioClStAI COUiXfei, A J.TpWTI n co. iiirui ku GLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Cortland Trade Directory jJNimti and Addrc.Mi In I'txlland el Uk MKlallv llutln.it rirmt, las ? - rilOII) MLI'l'I.IKM) Ko,t., rt..lo.n ndllnl 11Idi will rur pclr.a. Woudard, I'larka A Va. MAIIO I.ANTKIINH- Wltl.r7,a,l,oHI"oi nlwt prlwt ou Ijinl.ipi and Mlld.a. KLAMT1U IIDKlKllVlNuriporiart, llrc.. Knllto Illl fit. lii.Mui.ui.al Ll.iikai Woodard, Clalka, .UUIIHKH of all kind, far ! at T.ir rtawualila tmptWti. luqulr HI Kruui HL TMUHHKH tul on approval! wa (uarantaa 01 la qBMMldiaicultcat.ai Woodanl.Clarka AUo. AHTiril'lAI, KYKH rrjr .had. and thapai aa- aorlm.nl ..ot tu appro all Woodard, Cltika Vo VMKAM NKI'AllATOItM-w'i tutranlM tha U.K. lali.paralor Iota Ilia batt. Wrlla lor rM catalog. fliUnlweod Co., rmh and Oak, MKN'aCIA)TUINUlluBuia A r.ail.toa. aal s tall AIIT.d Dtaiamia A to.', coiract clotuaa jlhlng la m.a'a rurnlihlaji Marrlton and itMtt. oppo.ii. potiomo. MUI.TUY rooi)-ir roa want aur htni lo la; Boraakkawrlt.ua ror fraa itart loraagka writ. for Itm particular! about I' MINA 1-OUI.TltY VKKDu-Aciut Mill. Co, ttortlaBd,trtoa, Tf'lll t IB! w C Ml row it flANOH A OIKIANH Oltfttt plaao konaa oa ! 'fine coaal. Urgaat and 1'lanoa on taaf pantnla. 1 'Wrlta Air lltu Itua quota you prloa. All. a A jjillbtrMlainaktr Co., rorlland, Ot.ioo. TKI.KOUAl'ltY TAUGHT FltKK. Com Ut court, and potlilnn taourtd wh.u iraduatad till. nlT.r kowt onljr for tliort Ulna. Wrlla for par ticular.. rACmOTKI.KWllAJ'H 1NUTITUTK , 0nd Thralra llulldlng, Portland, Or.goo. p jBjat im t r. N. U. No. 32-t 'H HKH wrltlaa- to dvertlaer plau wautiaa iui paper. THE THnirrYYANKKK MIHD. Illplomaer' nf Ha-Sf Inlaler IS, J, I'halua with Veriuunl Parmer, 13. J, I'holpa, fonncr United Hlnte Minister to Kngtand, wn building n now tnblo on hi homo plnce nt llur HngUm, Vt IIu wnntod to put It on tho linn of bin property, mid In doing o toro down part of n atono wall which marked tlm boundary mid which stood hnlf on hi Innil nnd half on tho land adjoining. Tim workmen, luteail of otherwise disposing nf tho atone, n thoy had been ordered to do, throw It over thn line, nnd Mr. I'hnlp fen red trouble, with till neighbor, who wa a clono-flstml per son, nf a temper noun too aweet nnd rory Jnnloua of hi right. An Mr. I'lielpn wn nliRerrlng tlm progress of thn work on bin stable) onn lny ho aw hi tielghlmr looking rnthwr cmwi nt him, it hn thought, and went over to lilm prepared to liniko hln penco nn twist hn might, baring It In mind to any that hn would haul nwny the Mono at hi own rout, which would burn Imsui qtiltn an eijKuidlvo tindertnklng. Hut hn did not propose that nt once. Ho went nt It another way, "(m1 morning, neighbor," aald ho, "I barn Ikvii meaning to spoak to you about that atonn for omo time. I sup lon It Isn't worth anything" Thn uggetlon of pollii rnlun had It Immediate rffect on tho thrifty Vntikeo nilml. ae, perhaiMa, tho diploma tint bnd thought It might "Vnl, yaa. Mr, rholj, I ih'd think that thar atun might Im wuth Quito n good donl fer bulldln' puppoaon." "I'm glad to know that," aald I'hclpa, "but I can't ue It n woll a you cnn. You aru entirely welcome to my half of It," Bo the ronult of that Interview wn pence, and not war. HnvIm guide havo a way of flatter lug trnvelera, n beguiling habit much npprtclntil until olio learun tha ino tho of It. Mm. K. T. Cook aaya. In her lok of travel, called "From n Holiday Journal," thnt Hlinotid, her guide, uiprvftevd gn-nt ndmlratlon for Iter power of walking. "Madame climb like n cluimoln'imlil ht. Hlio wa delighted, until bo rvinein-U-nnl thnt till inlglit li tho ciutoin of tlm proftwilun. Mkn the chlldrun In Heine' ballad, guide had probalby Mad tb very Mil aptvebra To many an old rat alnce. One day Mm. Cook nnd bur huaband tnrteil on another expedition, till time nccumpanletl by two guide, Hlmond and Hertrand. The latter a tall, allent young fellow, alao prutrnd ed to !x loat In amaaetnent at inadam'a walking. "Moualuurnndmadnmo ought certain ly to aacimd Mont Hlnnc," aald Bltuotid. "Mndamu would do It capitally," "Mint would, liidevl,H aald Hertrand. "Mndamo would be. very proud of nmmdlng Mont Hlane," contlnuil Hlmoiut. "Would ho not Hcrtrnnd)" Hertrnud ioko grnvely: "Tivo good guide can Mfely take nny oneany old gentleiunii or Indy up Mont Hhiiic." Thl wn not ko flattering, but Hl mond continued: "It I n inert nothtiig of nn expel. tlou. It limy nffect mndnmo unplenn nntly nt tint ; Mho may Ut n llttlo Hick with mouutnlti elckuewi, thnt I nil. Hhu may turn n llttlo black In tho fnev. Hut wo will get her to tho top." "Ye," Hertrand courludcl, iiennlvo ly, "two g'xl Kilde could do It' ll Chit Itvcn. A waiter, with pnrtH of two KjunHli plea pIiiHteretl over bin fmv, clmcisl w limit v!m wiin reHimiiMllilo for hla np lenrnnco out of tho roNtnuniut nml down (lurk utreot tho other night, much to tho tillllcutlon of tlm pitHKem hy. Tho mini wuh hulled by n patrol linn, nnd nccompmiled by tho Irnto wnllur, wuh letl buck to tho reHttitirnut to oxpliiliu It r-eeuiH hn wUhetl to buy two iKjunnh plea for in cent, tint wnH lufonned they worn 10 centH atrnlght Tho cimtomur grow IndlKiiitiit HeUlug n pto lit each bund, "Hero gov 'M ceitta' worth," ho abouted nml chpetl it pto to each of tho wnlter'n cheeka. Tho man wna reloitrKHl with n lecturo, nfter ho pntd for tho plea. Chicago Inter Ocoaiu Her Sole Ohjeet, Twin Yc, I'm cngagwl to Mr, Horn ley. Jeaa Orncloual I don't think you'd want to innrry him. Teas I don't but 1 want to ahow thnt I cnn If I want to. l'hllndelphla rrwa. ltorr a lleputMtton la Maide, "Tliey toll mo," anld Thomjaon, "that you npponred nt tho fitnry tlress bnll na u full flt'dgwl hlghlniidor," "Not kilty," replied Illllltuni, who la eateemed it grent wit Clovelund I'luln Denier, Kxporlonco tuny 1h n Kront touchor, but n mnn'a experience with a woman dootfit't teach him acnao. ; WITH A MOTTVZ. : Attain! Her natter Judgment, "Ain't you rather young to be left In charge of a drug store?" "Perhaps ao, ma'ams what can I do for you 1" "Don't your employer know It' dan grrou to leave a mere boy like you In charge of inch a place)" "I nm competent to sorvo you, mndam, If you will make known your want." "Don't they know you might poUon come omit" "Them I no danger of that, madam ; what can I do for youT" "I think I better go to tho atom down tho street." "I can aerre you Juit as well ae they can and a cheaply." "Well, you can giro inn a 2-ccnt atnmp, but It don't look right," Hous ton Post. Our Teadraer TVnrhlp Iteroea. The name of many heroes bare been prcaerred for poitcrlty In tho nomen clnturo of place In tbe United Ktnte, erldouco of our tendency to Indulge In hero worahlp to quite an extent We have pontofllcc bvnrlug tbe name of every I'reddent down to and Including Itooret Only two of hi predecei nor aro lacking In tha Hit of count leu. Naturally, the favorite In tho naming of town and couutle 1 Wiuhlngtou, and he I tb only President for wboui a Btate ha been named. Hut other thnn l'reiildent enjoy thco honor. Huccenful aoldler, allor, tateraen, editor, uutbor, Inventor, the heroe of ancient hlitory and mythology, and even popular actor and athlete tharu a like dlitlnctlcm. Our Hit of poit olllce I long one and ocntaln name from almoit every language, living and dead, and cboaen on almoet every con- labl principle or Impul.e. Two countle In Kama preeent a curtoui awoclatlon of Idea. Oreelry County ha for It capital a town called Tri bune, and Ulyaira t the county teat of Urant Dealnti Cannot De Cured br total application, u lhajr eanoot nach the dlataMj puiilouullba.tr. lane U only one Mar lu cuiart.aiu.M. and that I. br eouttllu. tlonal raraadjat. ialnia It caut.il by an In. nain! eondltlnnollti luuruat lining ot the Kutlachlaa TuU. Vibtn thlt tuU It iDllaiorJ toll have a rum Mini aound or imcerfact ti.ar. Inr.and nh.n lilt nllrdr elottd, Daainut It tha rat ult, and unltit the Inflammation can be laktn out and thlt tub reitoitd to IU normal roudlllon, li.arlur will be d.tlroad loretar) nliicaioutol ttn ara cau..il by Calarth, which i nothing but an Indaned coodlllun ot tha-inuroui auriatfi. Wa will lira Una Hundred Dollar! for anr rata ol D.afnfti (tautad by catarrh) that ran. not t cured by llall'a Catarrh Cure. Band tor llrculart.liM. V 1. CMIXir A COHToltdo,0. Holdbf t)ruk.lil..7K. llall'a family I'lllt are the Uik Waalad Is Ua.w, "I had a tramp for dinner to-day." "la thl med of hlmr aiked ber buiband, poking hi fork Into tbe meat rather autplclouily, Ilouiton 1'o.t The DITr?a. A. II. Klrkland of Hoaton I conduct ing a fight agalnit the moth. He haa Imported from Zurich great quantity of moth parailtea, and with tbe help of the llttlo creature ho and tbe peo ple of Maitachuactta hope to obliter ate the moth completely. "Our work may lc"ecd,, aald Mr, Klrkland recently, "or we may err omewherc, and It may fait. It rauit uccccd If wo make no mistake but then, you know, mlitnke aro common. "MUtuke are common everywhere. I heard a lawyer and n doctor taunt ing otio another thl afternoon about them. '"You make a good many mis take, I MipiKxc,' tha lawyer ald. "'You too, no doubt,' ald tbo doc tor. "'Hut doctor' mltake are often burled deep under ground,' aald tbe lawyer. "Vc. aald the doctor, 'and law ycr' mlntakc often awing six feet In thonlrl'" MotneriwIU And M". VNmlow't Boothlng Pjrrup tha bait remedy touia lor thilr children during tb tttthlng rHo.l. HprnktnuT In All Candor, MIm 1'encliley Mr, Sxonnmore, hnv I ever given you good rcaion to think 1 preferred you to other young men and wauled to marry you? Mr. Mpoonamore No, to tell the truth, you nover have. I learn from the other fellow that you kit. them good night when they go away, tho innio a you do me. IN CONSTANT AGONY. A AVett VlrclnlMii'a Awful Illitroti Through Kldnvjr Troublai, W. L. Jackaon, merchant, ot Park eraburg, V. Va., rayai "Driving about In bad weather brought kidney trou ble on me, and 1 anffered twenty yean with iharp, cramp ing palni in tbe back and urinary dlaor den, I often bad to get up a doaen tltnea at night to urinate. Rttantion let in, and I wa obliged to use the catheter. I took to my bed, and the doctors falling to help, began using Doan'a Kidney Fills, The urine aoon came freely again, nnd the pain grad ually disappeared. I have been cured eight yoats, and though over 70, am as active as a boy." Sold by all dealers, DO cents a box. Fp.Ur.MUburn Co,, Buffalo, N. Y. HI CITY HEAPS THE PROFIT. entile to llnlld Cllr Kali Without Coal to Tax purer, Kenttln pinna to build n new city bnll without n bond lanuo or n dollar of coxt In tho taxpayer, according to tho New York Tribune. It I proponed to do thin from tho proceed of tbo defalcation of a former city olllclnl nnd, Incident ally, tbo great appreciation In value of bind which nt present Ho twenty feet under water, Tho acheme I probably without parallel In the hlntory of west ern cltle. Hlxteen year ago Henry Krug, the city treasurer, defrauded for a um ap proximating $2.V),(XX), nnd nn the hard time hnd ntriirk Kent tie many of Krug' hondfiiiicn were unnblo to make good their Indorsement. In the reunit ing Milt to enforce payment mnny of the IkiiiiI signer turned over to the city piece of procrty thnt at tho time were cotinldered of llttlo value. The city had no clwlce and took what It could get At the time It wn ttcllcvcd that the city had recovered only about one-tenth of the money lot To-day thl property rcpreacnta value of over $1,000,000, and aevernl week ngo one block of tide land lying under water wa wild to tbo Union Tactile Kallroad for terminal purjww for $.141,000. lor year thn municipal building of Kenttlo havo been a dlxgrniv, the mnln ncc-tlon being a collection of rnmbncklo wooden building thrown together n the demand of tho odlct-M required. They nm a fire trap nnd frequently threaten to fall down. Hut now, with Homethlng like $100,000 In tbo general fund, obtained from the "Me of city pnirtr, the plan ha been rmggcMtcd of eelltng atlll more land nnd liking tho money to erect an olllco building for tbe uo of tho various city depart ment. Ho popular I the propoacd plan that aeveral men hnvo offeretl the city utn ranging from $7W),000 to $1,000,000 for It Stoldlng of tide Innd nnd hill prop erty, while other hnvo offered to nell It on amnll commlMlou, all with the uuderntnndlng that tho money goc Into n mmlem fireproof building. In like manner tho county mny obtain n new building, for It own much Innd obtained on Judgment ngalnat banks that held county deidt nnd which fnlletl In the hnrd time. Tbo preKent county building atnnd on a hill 400 feet above tho city, the alto being worth $100,000, while n alto purchancd flvo year ngo for that aamo sum nnd now valued nt $4r0.000. He In the heart of the city nnd within cany reach. Thu n defalcation and bank upcnlon have done a good turn for Kenttlo nnd wilt result In new public buildings for tbe city and county. BIRD CITIES OF THE ATLANTIC. Srcludrd Spota en the Sea Given to tha Untll.N of the Air. Scattered along the Atlantic const aro bird cities, great capital, of Ulrd land where tho nen birds congregate In countletut numbers, anys tbe Four Trnck News. On Gardiner's Island, nt the end of I.Hig Inland, la tho flh hnwk city, where, under tho protection of tbo fam ily owning the Island tho ospreys have learned to neat uiwi tho ground, in ntead of upon tho highest trees, na on tho tnnlulund. Tellcnn lulnnd. In tbo Indian lllvcr, riorldn, Is tho metropolis of tho peli can folk. Fur down ou n rvmoto Islet of the Went Indies, containing only four white InhnbltnntH, tho wary flamingo tribe hn hidden Its. capital. On Cobb's Island, off tho Virginia const, la tho tern metropolis, where tbo birds of that family "most do cungre gnto," TIicm birds wero so fiercely sought for millinery puriHwcti for some years thnt several sjuvIch were exter minated, but they arc again multiply ing on C'oM i'm Inland, where their nests nnd downy llttlo aniid-colorcd chicks cover tbo ttcncli. At tbo mouth of the St. Luwrcnco Is Hlnl rock, tho greatest bird tenement house In tho world. In tho clefts of Its precipitous Blden nest thousands iiK)ii thousnnds of enormous, snowy gnnnets, stnlnte, Kremullerllko putllns nnd eliln crowning atonny ietrels, "Mother Carey's chickens." Tho nxk Is absolutely lienchless, nnd tbo visitor Is drawn In n crate to tho top by tlm lighthouse keeper, who dwells thereon; tho birds surveying tho whirling as cent with motionless calm. All theso bird cities nnd others In tho Kverglndes of Florida, mid along tho Malno const, are protected by tho American Ornithological Union. The union secured laws and paid wardens to protect tho birds In their cities at the breeding season, confident that dur ing tho rest of tho year tbo feathered folk will preservo themselves from ex tinction. Though tho gun is forbidden, one may hunt them with tho camera, a far mora skilled and dlltlcult sport The lSdltorlal Oplnlou, "Don't you think thnt n (school for tho purpose of teaching peoplo to wrlto pootry would till a loug-felt wnuti" "I think u school for tho purpose, of teaching tliem not to wrlto poetry would till n longer felt wuut'! llous-. tn I'ost - ft- wM'-Fl'c .t??-J. R?5??iJui'i fed AStfelablc Pr cporalionfor As similating the rood aiulRcSula -ling UteStomadts ondDowcls of Promotes DiiicalIonhccrrur- nessnndRest.Conlalns neither Onhim.Morpliine norXincxal. lNOXUAUCOTIC. JYtfOUJ-StMUnJW3Bl JUJmnM itfXmn Apcrfccl Remedy forConsUpa tlon , Sour Stomach,Dinrrlxca Worms .Cormilswns.Fevcrish nrss nnd Loss of Sleep. tmmwm aaaekkaa.a FarSuiile Signalure of NEW YDnK. exact copv or wsAaeot. Ho Hope of Atrrrement. "I am torry to hear that Wrlnktln and bis wife can't lire torttber In peace. Tbir Ii too much obitlnacy on both aide that' the trouble. Iin't HI" "Vci; he's a itandpatttr, and the' a atandpouter." CITO Ht- Vital Past aod all Krrmia DtaM rll O PnnaiaBllr nnd br Dr. Kllo.'a tlrrat .rr Hrlorr. tad ar KHKK tl trial botU. ami maUM.Lir.Il.lt.Klln.'.Lil.kll ArcbHt.,11Ua.,l'k. Akaeadlaar lha Declaratloa. "My frltndj," exclaimed tb candidate, in a One bunt of disinterested patriotism, "I don't want thl office if you think I axa unworthy to fill It I" Hire be (topped aod took a drink of j water. "And I mlt-bt add." be proceeded, "that my candidacy U not the result of any cor rupt political bargain." "Tea, you might," Interrupted an old farmer In tbe audience; "but If jou did you'd be lyln like Sam Hill 1" i sfmitiMfl rmSL. Elevates Water by WATER POWER THE COLUMBIA !EailaaPVh3aeannraV TSBunHsH JHJT ay U?CtOUf fe sJtSaan&'-aa "l X '' J kflsW MoaaLwLaP ?a1aSLBaaaaaaaaaaaaW Eft 'iSmmmJVtm3g - W'9W$-'"'Si' 3iV V rj$3$& :5kiaiiB QCBBWHSkiaiaK" $4jLJ ' " S- - - 'H laW SaBBauf BBIBaPC,JeaeaeaiaeaeaaaaWtin ?'dr9ptaTBBBBBlHwBLs " ' VK PUMPS AWAY UNCEASINCLY WTTHOUT ANY ATTENTION THE COLUMBIA HYDRAULIC RAM is a mP!y comtructcd and inexpensive machine that can utilize a small fall of water for the purpose of raising a portion of it to any desired height It is the farmer's friend in the "dry season" and is indispensable to those owning land high above ditches. It will furnish water for domestic purposes, even elevating pure water of the spring by means of the impure or muddy water, as found in some streams. Requires no attention. Practically no cost of maintenance, there being no parts to get out of order. A ram will pa for itself in a short time. Every ram installed is giving utmost satisfaction. We keep a large stock constantly on hand. Write to our Hydraulic Department today for illustrated literature .. Columbia Engineering Works Tenth and Johnson Streets : : PORTLAND,'! QREGO ' " GASTORIA For Infanta and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over T Mann iMMin. acw ton errr. Didn't Mind the Machine. "I hope," aald the renter of room No. 1107, "that tb rattle of tbe typewriters In my office doein't annoy you." "No, air, It doei not," reiponded the cruity capitalist whoae office wa No. 1100; "but tbelr gabble doe annoy m exceedingly." Cblcag) Tribune. To Drtak la Mew Shoes. Always ihako In Allen's root-Eje, a powder. It cure, hoi, kwealloc, aching. rwolUa feet. Com corn i. Ingrowing nalli and bunion. At alt dnif tin and inoe ilorti.Sle. Don't accept anTiubatltnu. Ham pie nailed rREE. Addrai Allen 8. Olmited, L Boy. K Y. Ill Tarn Comlnar. "Tbe boys are saying that Garmaa cleaned you out In tbe little gam you bad at tbe club tbe other evening." "He did but I've bought tbe lummer hotel at the resort over In Michigan where be always ipend hla vacation. Don't aay anything to him about It will youf HYDRAULIC RAM Aw lj w