The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 08, 1906, Image 6

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    'I, 7
t a-massammaamawe-ammmaaMaaasmmmaa
for The Term of His Natural Life j
chapter xix.
Th mutineer of th. Osprey hud been
long slue given up a dead, and the
tory of their desperate eocap hJ be
wo Indistinct to the central public
tnlnd. Now that they haJ been capture
In a remarkable manner, popular belief
Invested thetn with all sort of tranc
surrounding. They had been accord
ing to report kmr over mt( Island
era, chief of lawless and ferocious pi
rate, respectable married men In Java,
merchants In Sin r pore, and swindler
In Hongkong. Their adventure had
been draraatiied at a theater, and the
popular novelist of that day was engar
ed la a work descriptive of their won
drous fortune.
John Ilex, the ringleader, was related.
It was said, to a noble family. He had
every prospect of being satisfactorily
ha need. howeTcr, for va the most out
poken admirer of hi skill and courar
couM not but admit that he had com
mitted an offense which was death by
the law. The already crowded prison
was recraaimed with half a deiea Hfe
sentence men, broach t op from Port
'Arthur to Identify the prisoner. Among
this number was stated to be the "no
torious Dawe."
This statement rare fresh food for
recoHectloa and Invention. It was re
membered that "the notorious Dawe"
waa the absconder who had been brought
way by Captain Frere, and who owed
each fettered life as he poead te the
fact that he had assisted Caput frere
to make the wonderful boat la which
the marooned party escaped. It was
remembered, also, how sallea and morose
he had beea oa hi trial Are year before,
and how he had laurhed whea the com
mutation ef his death seateac was aa
aoaaced to him.
Ml Sylvia Vkker alw recelred an
additional share of public attention. Her
romantic recu by the herote Frere, whe
was shortly to reap the reward ef his de
rotloa la the good eU fashion, made her
almost aa famous as the villain Da we,
or hi confederate monster, John Rex.
It was reported that she was te giv evi
dence oa the trial, together with her
a danced hashmd. they beta; the oaly
two Hrtor witaee whe ceald speak
to the fact e-f the mutiny. It wis re
ported, also, that her lover was. aat
waRy. soar aaxhsas that she should sot
arte evidrac. a he wa aSected deep
ly by the Woes ceavQacat en the af
ferine he had undergone, and in a
late of pitiable meatal eoafatlea as to
the whole batmesi. The reports cass
d the court, aa the day ef the trial,
to be crowded with spectator, aad as
the nriea pirtkulir ef the aurreloai
bittery of this doable evipe were de
tailed, the excitement grew mere lot ease.
The aspect ef the fear hearlty irea pris
oaer caused a eeatatiea which, la that
cky of the Iroaed. was 15 alt t novel, and
Wto were offered aad takea a to the
Mae of defease which they waM adopt.
Mr. MeeUn, sJttiag la the holy ef the
court, felt his retictea prejudice sadly
shocked hy a sicat ef Joha Rex. "A per
fect wM beast, say dear Mia VWksrs,"
he Mht, reCarabxg. la a pass daring the
mmlaitioa of the convict whe had
beea brought to identify the prrsoeer. te
the Httie raorn where Sylvia aad her
father were waking. "He his e,a4u a
tigerish leek aheat hb."
"Poac man!" laid Syrrii, with a shad
ier. The BMJer tapped his Safer kapa
tkatiy. "Oaaae here, Peapet." he sahi.
"aad hk threap this dear. Yea caa
eve them from here, aad if yea da net
recafa aaiy of then. I eaat see what
Is the ue ef patriae you la the box."
The rai4 dWs was Jst eaeoUne re
the ef the rea la which they wr
ltr aad the fear Mied asea, h
with aa arated watvler hehmd Visa, wnee
TtssWe aWre the heads ef th ecrewa.
"Na. pasta. she said, wkh a irh of
refiaf: "I eat recataiae theea at an."
A she w taraia; freea the u. a
Tahte fee the wttave hax hthiad her
saade her sawaeaty . aad aastse ta
Vsok acaaa. The eeart Hf aaffer.d. at
that wnn riT. affected, far a aaaraaar raa
throaxh K. aasl eeaae eJacaU cried. l
letteer The aetecieat fhwleil, Rafas Dawe.
the deefeeada at Part Arthar. the
beist whaa the aewaper had JadfeJ
not Sc ta hVrc, had yast eatared the
cea box. He was a ana ef thirty, km
the pr" We
maecalar fraadear not erea the HJ-4-tlat
yeew jackK cad atoerether ca
a; wth atreax. eaahcewmed aad err
sci haada. aad arrifht carriage, aad a
pair f ierce hak eye that reamed
orwr the cvt haarrly.
Nat the welch t at the deaMe Irea
wiTt&r frea the lvithera thu areasd
hi siasslre teia. ceaM aaar that ele-
rasce ef ardrad whloh eoeaee aacy freac
perfect aUr Aereeeemeat. Net aB
the, trowaaar Uw h a ham ceaM
frowa aa acceat af respect the oa
ceaeptaoas toae ha whteh he answered
ta hi aaaae, "Bafs Dawe. pnaoaer f
the crows.
Ohm away sx dxrhmc." U Ylth
r. aUramed at hi daajhter'a hiaarhed
faro aad rer T- .
Walt." h taapatieMly. tea
Ur for the t4c whde wer ah ceah!
M . "Rate Dawe! Oh, I hare
heirJ that rum heforer
-Ya are prisr f tie crn at
th petal eettiesseat of Port Artharr
SylTta taraed te her father with
fcth5 hwry la her eye. -Oh,
papa, h U that This-ll I k the
kIsm I hajw the rolrer
"That U tha rh traa with r
j In th boat, dear," ay Vlckers, irraTe
I ly. "The prisoner."
The eecer llcht died out of her eye.
and In Its place cam a look of dlap
pointment aad pain. "I thought It was
a rood man." she said, hohllnr by the
edce ef th doorway. "It sounded Itk
a rood toIco."
Ami then shep reeI her hands orer
her eye and huddere,t "There, there."
says Vlcker, soothlncly, "don't be
afraid. IVppet: he can't hurt you now."
The colloquy la the court went on.
"Do you know th prUoner In th
"Vh are theyr
"John Ret. John Shier. Jame Ily
and. aad I'm net sure about the last
"Yon are not sure about the last man.
Will you swesr to the three others?"
"I was In the chain ranr at Macqua
rle Harbor with them for three years."
Sylrla. hearlar thl hideous reaon for
actjualntanre. rave a low cry, aad fell
Into her father's arms.
"Oh, papa, take m away! I feel as If
I was rotnf to remember soatethtac ter
Amkttt the deep sileace that preraBed
the cry of th poor rirl wa distinctly
audible la the court, aad att heads turn
ed to the door. la the reecral woader
so on noticed the chaac that passed
orer ttuftv Dawe. His face Cashed
scarlet, rreat drop ef sweat stood ea
hi forehead, aad his Maek eye flared
la the dlrrv'Ueo froat wheace the soaad
came, as thoach they wtd pierce th
esTtous wood that separated hits froea
th weaua whoe roice he had heard.
Maartce Krere spraac ap aad pahed his
way throuch th crowd aader th beach.
"What thlr he said ta Vlcker. al
most brataUy. "What did yea briar her
her forT She Is not wanted. I toM
yaa that."
"I coasUerrl It aty daty, sir," aay
Vlcker with ttately rebuke.
"That ra9aa Dawe frichtfBel her,"
said Mceklo. "A rah ef recotlectloa.
poor chili. There, there, calm yoar
self. MI 1cker. He U jalt safe."
"Frlrttene-l her. eh?"
"Yes." aM Sylria. faiatly. "he frlcht
eaed me. Maarlce. I aeedat step aay
learer, dear, need I-
"No." iy Frere. the dead passtec
from his face. "Major. I bt year
pxrdea. bat I was haty. Take her hose
at once. ThU sort of thmr Is too much
for her." Aad so he west back arsla
t his place, wlplar his bnsw, aad breath
lar hard, aa 00 who had Jast escaped
from seme nesr perU.
Rafa Dawe had rrsaalaed la th
aim attitude aatll the 5 rare ef Frere.
passiar throarh the doorway, roased
htm. "Who U eher he said, la a low.
hearse rohre, te the roasuhle behiad
-Miss Vkker," M th aaaa. shortly.
Ciactac the tafarautjaa ax htan a oae
aairht Ctac a bea t a daarereas def.
"Mhs Vkkersr repeated th cavlct.
tilt stiriac la a sort of bewildered
apaay. "They teed as h wa dead."
The eeatUhle sailed oMteasptaeasly
at this prpotera coactashsa. a whe
iheaU uy. "If yea kaow all aboat k,
iaha.lL. why did yea askr Aad thea.
feeMar that the tied rate f hi later
rerater deauadel ae reply, added:
"Yea thart she was. Fre deaht. Yea
did yaac Vet ta asike her ss. Pre
The caarVt raised Wth hi haads with
saddea actlea ef wrathfal despair, as
thaarh he wyl selxe the ether, despite
the hud! ataskets. hat. checkiax hhs
setf with saddea hmpakse. wheeled reaod
ta the cwart. "Year haac. Geade
asea! I want te pec."
Th chaavre la the tea i Us t.
ae Vm thvi the sathiea Infant af teh
exeataaatiea. aaade the tiee. hhhert
beat apea the Vr threarh which Mr
Free had pA tare naat axahv Te
avaay there It maul that the "asterseai
Dawes" was ate Uaper ha the hex. for la
stec a the aprirht aad Vhtac rflhvia
wW aad there aa taetaat ha: was a
wate-lAred. aerreas. aciaated erettar.
headtar forward a aa atxsrade liaint ef
iaMithv. ase haatd" crac the raJL,
a thesuh ta Mr hoaseaf fresa fihaag.
th ether atstreeched ward th heaca.
"Year heater, thee has beea seeae drssvl
fal atistahe aaaie. I wit ta expiala
aheat aysa. I expliUed before. hi
hrst I wa seat te Pert Arthar. hex th
setter were mwTec farwanleJ hy th eeas
aaaadeat. Of osarse. that' the rat, aad
I eta't raaaaiila Pee heea seat ther
aajattty. yaar hsar. I made that boat,
year hsair. I sared the asar' wife
aad daarhter. I wa the mat; I did k
all atyseif. aad aay rty w wrs
away hy a rtaUie whe hall mt. I
thaarht aadt aew that aa kaew the
trath. for ther teed as that she wit
dead." Hit rapid atteru teak the
eeart m aaaeh hy sarprtM that a e
iaterrptel hiav. "I was sestteaced t
death for hiMac. sir. aad thy repriered
a beeaase I helped theaa he th -t.
Helped theea! Why. I aaade k! Sh
w teX ye s. I arl her. X earried
her la aay arm. 1 starred aarself fr
hr. She w faad af at, sir. Sh wxt.
kvlei. Sh caBed ate "Good Mr.
At this a car laarh brake aot.
which wa lastxatty cheeked. The Jvdr
best tc t tak. "D he aacta MU
Vlekr7" asl ha this hMerral Rafaa
Dtwea. leoUar dawa law the coart.
saw Maarir Frero Uria ep at hbo
with terror la hi y.
-I ae yvs. CaptaJa Frrt. coward aaJ
Barl Pst hta la th lt, ratla.
and stah hia t3 his ator. Shall es
tradiol Mm, nerer fc-sir. Oh, and 1
theurht sh was tlead all thl while!"
The Judre hd rot hi atxwer from
the clerk by thU time. "Ml Vlcker
had beon eriHly III. had fainted Jnt
now in the court. Her only memorie
of the conrlct who had bee with her In
the boat were those of terror. Th sight
of htm Just now had most norWMjr at'
fectexl her. Th convkt himself w an
lareterat liar ami schemer, and hi
story hd beea already illinTeI by
Captala Frere. Hutu Iawe, still eu
dearorlnr to apoafc, wa clanVetl away
with amMst a buaa of remark and sur
mise. Th trial prtCTved without fnrther
lneMent. Th defense set up by Ilex
wa mojt InceafcMi. He was rullty ct
abscondlne. but Ms moderation micht
plead an excue fer that. Ill only ob
ject wa hi freeilom. and, haTlnr Rain
e.1 It. he had llred hetly for nearly
three year, a he couM prare. He was
charred with piratically selilnr the O
prey, and he urred that the brlr 0prey,
haTinr been built by conTkt at Mac
quarl Harbor, and never entered la
aay shlppiac list, coM not be sahl to
be "piratically selted," la the strkt
meanlar of the term. The court admit
ted the force of this objection, and, In
fluenced doubtleu by Captain Frere's
evidence, th fact that At years had
passed since the mutiny. anl that th
tw men most rulky had been executed
la Enrland. senteaceil Rex and his three
companleas te transportation for Hf to
th peBl settlement of th colony.
At thU happy coaclaloa of his la
bor. Frere went down te comfort th
rlrl for whe sake h had suffered Rex
to cape the rattewn. He found Vkk
er la th rardea. ami at once becred
him not to talk about the "bile to
his diurhter.
"You saw how bad she was to-ilay,
Vkker. For roodae sake, doa't aak
her 111 anlnT
-My dear lr." say pwr Vkker. "I
won't refer t the sahject. She's beeej
Tery uawU rr store, NecToas aad
uastraar. ( la aad see her."
S Frere weat la. aad thed th
excited rlrl. with rel sorrow at her
safferlar. "If all rht aow. Peppet."
h ald ta hr. Doa't thlak of H aay
more. Pat It eat ef year mtod. dear."
"It was foolish ef me. Maarlce. I
knew, bat I ceaM net help It. Th
oaad ef of that maa's Toir aeeeaed
to briar back t as soas rreet pity for
somethler r some oae. I doa't expiala
what I wean. I kaow; hat 1 felt that I
wa jast oa th rerre af remeasberiar
a tery of raar. jast aboat
te hear dreedfal rerelatlea that
shoaM make me tarn froa aH the peepl
whom I oarht aaoet ta Vt. Do ya aa
derstandr "I thlak 1 know what yen taeaa." say
Frer. with aTer.ed face. "Hat that'
all oneae, yoa know."
"Of coarse." retaraed she. with a
toach of her M chlhlith rnaaaer ef
dlpolar ef le-tloa eat ef hand.
"Krerybody kaews It's alt a.ea.
Rat thea w do think saeh thlar. It
seems ta me that I am doable, that I
hare Mred where before, aad bar
had another life a dream-life."
"What a roasaatk rlrl ya arr sail
the other, dhmly coaprheadlar her
meanlar. "How coatd yea hare a
"Of cear. net really. Rat la thearht.
y knew. I dream saeh straar thtar
now and tha. I am always falBar
dewa pteeiaeVe aad lata cataract, and
belar poshed lata treat earera la
eaermeat rockv HerriWe dreams! Aad
la the dreams." eoatmaed Syhla,
"there 1 ea traar thiar. Yea are
Isray there. Maarko."
"Come, that' aH rlcht." says Mau
rice. -Ah. bat aot klad aad rd a y
are. CapUla Rrahv hat seowHar. a.l
threaitatar. aad aacry. that I am
afraid ef yaa."
"Bat that Is eedr la a dream, darlmr."
"Bat yaa Vseked )at s t4ay fca th
oeart. Maarlce. aad I thmk that' wkat
made me 6fj."
"My aarttar! There! Hash doa't
Rat she had hsarst mta a aii ef
set aad tears that shaek her sttrht if
are ta his arm.
-Oh. Maariea. I am a wirhea cari! I
eVm't kasew my ewa mfead. I thaak seaae
tms I Vea't hee yaa a I emssM yea
whe he t4 m amt Bavsesl aaa."
Thece. awrer miad ah-at thac" mat
tered MaarW Pra. f. art ef
tmekmc h hit thraet.
FW rrw mar tsme.n-1 areeeatly.
aad slid, after a watt. BfrJar her face:
-Tea me. Maarir. dU yaa eeer. ka
thse day af which yaa hare spekea ta
mi whm ya ahd me a a lartl
cssihl m year arms, aad fed me. amt
starred far m ltd ya er thaak wa
UeoU be marrkdr
-I demt kmw." mp Maarhr. "Vhyr
"I thfcak yea msxt hav thearht -.
WtMr-fi aat riakr. dear ya
waahl aat hare heea Uad aad
natt aad deeaied.
"Naasease. Peapetr he uU. wkh his
j-f. n.i stalely aTened.
"No. hat yaa hare Veea: aad I am
Ttry peoith. esmKime. Papa has
HiMrt m. Yaa are always ae-
taeaaie. aad the warrymr ways ex
years, which I ret aacry .
from hrr fer m. doa't theyT
"I hap ta." sahl Miartce. wkh aa
sweated meiitar ka hit ryes.
IT W eaattaeoll
A Ksstk.
"He ana me ta bay hit ctatm." said
th &ercmer ha AUsll ; -4y Sfa Ua
tst ha thU aasOict."'
-Hathr taaru! OsHtoot Ctarise.
-he trjias t thraw catd-4t ta yaa
ji- PhAidejJia Pr.
Tl ropl tr CX aremt
Good! Theyr aa gocJ trjey wociSal
bar asjthl&c ta tielr bxu Uat aa
cyctrtt frltax" PtW-v-r ArirrVan
I?" Jj ' ITN jBf -""TT Z&CV'
rmlo Cutttna Table.
When one ha a larjtc area to plant
to putatoc the work of cuttlnr the
vl tutcri In the ordinary way I not
Imvnslilcralilc One who la handy can
rvaillly thc the ced cutter hero de
scribe! and re considerable time In
prevrlnT the evl for plantlnr- Hull
a table about thrtv feet deep nnd U
feet wide, st-ttlnc on It Irs so It will
stand alwut twenty-five luebca from
ttw flir. Just lilch rnourh so the av
crarv wan can ret hl knr untler It
comfortably when slttlBg down. Hare
a back to the table a foot hleh, with
able cut ) that at the front rnd thejr
roa cvrn.fa poTATota.
will be not mare thaH six laebo Wsh.
A similar larl la rua Oowh the ceti
tcr. thu Maklas a taWe at whkh twa
can work. In the snle piccv. about
three incbo frwH the ewl that I evo.
the froat cad. cut a hole eight lachex
lour. A basket I set wider this bole,
oa the floor, and the cut tuber are
panned throuch the bale lute the b
ieL Thl I iIobo so that Wy a move
ment of the hl the cut piece may
be dropped Into the basket, rather than
hare the cutter reach over r around
to drop the jJecw. whka wauW be
neevwtary If the taketn were twdslml
him or at thei aide. Tall baskets are
used renerally. attbourh the onllMry
peach Usket will aaswer the pun"1
A shelf la placel at the top of the cut
tier bench at the back, on whkta knlvr-t
and aay other tool amlrd In the work
may be hopt. The Wea I plainly abowa
la the Illustration. IndlanapuM
C-olomr lloa tar rl.
Rmall hoasca built after the follow,
lax dcecrlptlan may U readily moved
to aay dolrrd location en the farm.
The boose l very Inexpensively con
struetrd. reasUtlnx of two Urve dry
(rood boxes; the ends of the bote are
removed, the top cut off aa a Unt
md the rdre af the end are fastened
teerther with small cleat of wood or
trap of Iran; tbeee latter are bettor
from the point of strength. A cleat of
hard wd cover the ranch end af
the beads af the floor six Inehe wide.
All smalt are clinched oa the lnde
and aH crack between board are bat
uavxatx Rootc raa noa.
Msed. The door I cut hi the end aad
ale, eight iaefee ka diameter arc est
t th utxr front for veaUUU.
malt earcr af wcod may be fajteacd
w kh scrrsrs ao that they can be dosed
over the opealac whea the weather is
Tery or stormy.
There are many differrat kind af
reed, aad taaae of theaa start 3 early
a the rprtax. almost befar th fnat
teatv th graaait. It 1 tho early
wexda that civ the farmer the aaatt
traaM. If the trad waa plowed Uit
fatt. cni-jiw It the coming spriax.
asd thea harrow or caltlrate It aa
flea aa raa be dec aalll time to pat
ta tie eed. Cvcry tttse the Usd la
rsMrated aaare weed wtH reraataaU
to k krtted. aad th sr weed that
can t deatroyed before the rctrslar
crop etaxt ta f wr tira will ha to
eccitat later or
B sssssflsssssT
3,w" - iVfi
Uteri the- I'la HUM.
The limit who Urt off hU pic 'i
the corn ration alKmt a soon a he can
after they are weaned l InyliiK In a
store of trouble for himself later. Thurw
Is a trouble known ti vlue rnlra ae
cvntractHl atomnrh, which result from
an Improper ration. The animal l at
imrcntly "off It fwd," lut Uu tact K
the ration hna U-en o ix)rly ha la need
ttmt the stomach tins not srown with
he growth of the rest of tho Uxly. if
the young pic are tn te nlhiwed ft
ranre they will do imiro or leaa root
ing, eating of sot I and mmI; a thl I
their nature. It will not hurt them, but
If they are placed where one tloca not
wish tho sod uprooted, then the ani
mal must ! ringed. If tnlildlluc
and olltnenl aro IntnNluoHl with tho
corn ration there will le considerably
lewi trouble. 8nie of the Ux!k footl
on the market have their grentrsr value
to the swine raiser who doea not feed
a balanced ration and If thre tock
food can lw olitnlneil prnrtlcally free
from drug or condiments, they aro
very valuable tn such case.
What Mm Unrm for l.ssii.
Fanner often say that they do not
Boot to use lime, lecaust they uo
large quaHtltte of It In frrtlllier.
tlnHtiHl bone ami other form of ph.
phate contain lime. We cannot obtain
phosphoric acid In onltnary ferttllier
without lime. Kttch farmer mistake
the most necessary function of rime in
the solL Alr-laknl lime ha a chem
ical action widen sweeten the soil,
make It more compact or set free
other form of plant ft. Thl 1 Mltn
distinct from 1 1 Iwrer to pruritic ao
tual foiol for the plant. The lime In
the bone or phosphate may In time
serve aa plant fowl, but the air-staked
lime 1 needed for the more Important
Cam Markre.
Runner of th ern marker btaW
bo 2iA Inche by 2 feet. The Wo arm
MAiKta rua ojax
la fastene! ta sled en a swivel, and I
pulled along hy attaching a rofie to
shoe and booked to siaglctrr a bwa,
TM arm Is made lSxlS Inche and
10L, fret long, for r 31 Vi feet apart.
Of rvurse thl arm Is reversible.
fla4 Want fr Onlara.
The Oulnea fowl may yet become a
very profitable branch of farm poultry
raising. The scarcity of certain kind
of game which n Henldo In Savor the
Onlnea, espedalty the Wentrra prairie
rkkkea and grouse, ha led te a stsfe
stltutton of young (Inlneaa on hotel and
retaurant hill of far. Otthanu of
aboat the broiler am. wH chine aboat
oae I'MMsd ami a half are of an ex
eeedlatgly lino, corny flavor, aad mm to
I satisfy the anaimmef. la tM way the
reetanraau are ant ta dwhre the cans
laws In cwrtalH SjBiw and serve "nnal-
rte csdekon- an the hilt af fare at all
tM. Oamrlsawe are ying hMrh
trtro far jwang (iaiaeos, and It wuald
seeea that htrre farm migtst be devot
ed ta them pruatnldy wherever tar keys
aad pheasant scm-d.
Kr Serisal Hsrds.
The agrtcaltaral pr af the roan-
try have for year shown up the aba
af the aaaaal oMcreiosMl seed !
trihaHan. Last year the aoraprtaUaa
waa SA and ewer f(WXi0 pack
age of teed were dittrlbaled. The
poster an these s-ed If paid hy Indt
vidaalt wauld east ahaat a half million
dattar. and the llr. printing and
other eiXwatra waald swing It up ta
over a million. The seed aswaUy are
of pear aaallty and go for the most
part la sections of the eoeatry wttcre
they are aot aecMmated. to carry f
Httcal farar. It Is aa abase that
ahoatd Immediately be discontinued.
Farm. FleW aad Fireside.
The hard experieace of ut year
tcBght many of the Southern track
grower the old leesatt U dlversiaea
tioa. or la other wards, aat to pat all
their eers lata oae basket This year
many of the farmer who staked all
oa oae crap and failed last year, are
now branching out a kttle mare lat
fruit growing, etc. a well at the cul
ture of vegetable crop. The ladlca
ties art for a preeperea tcAtoe. fer
SoothfTB trockases, but It I a I way
diBceroea for a aaaa of amaH caplul
to grow Dothlnr at aH but on Uae of
j produce. Accricaa Cultivator.
Homo Wlltmut lt-l,
Four ounce of butter, two silent
nuloiM, two heniU of celery, two tt
tiKvs, a small hiiurli of pnnley, two
hnudfuU of spluavh, thrco (ilece of
bread crust, two hlailra of mace, suit
and pepper to taste, Ihe yolks of two
etfg". thrrv tcnsMM)uflll of rllirgnr, two
ipuirU of water. Melt the huttrr In a
ttnwpnn, ami put In tho onion to slew
for three or four minutes, then mid the
cliry,llnch. U'ltmv and parsley nit
small. Hllr lite lugredleubi well for
ten minute. Now put III tint water.
breatl. Mrawtiitng and mare. I toll Hontly
for one and a half hour, ami at tlm
moment of rvliig beat In the egg and
the vtnrgar, but do not let It boll, or
tlm egg h HI curdle.
Cap OmvUt.
All mid dish that Mill Ui found very
npMltattig for breakfast I a cup ome
let. Huttrr six custard rti and nil
Haill. ntth n'ft hreMil crumlwi and any
ulm cold nmat; clopd tine, with
plenty of vory seasoning, such a
tUi family like. Ileal three egg; add
olio cupful Hlllk, pour graually UU
tint cups, using more tnllk If rrulrtl;
st tJw cup In a pan of water ami bake
(or team) until Arm In the rvutir.
Herve In the cu, or tnrn out i a
(dattrr. The savory ciMtanl are do
Iklotts made entirely out of bread
crumb ami eeasontng. omitting tho
itla llr4.
Into a pint of cool, fresh milk stir an
equal quantity of balling water, then
stir In a tjwonfo! each salt ami
butter metled. IMswdve a quarter of
yeast rake In lukewarm water, and
when the milk has reached the same
temraturn stir Into It the dUolfd
yeast rake, one beaten egg and gluten
Hour to make a thin batter. Het aside
In a warm place t rise and. when
light, work In enough gluten Hour to
ntake a dough. Inking ear not to hat
thl at alt stiff. Knead thoroughly,
form into buret ami -t to rUe. Uvk
for a long time hh a tedy ovm.
Ortss li14lasi.
Koak one-half box of gelatine In a
cupful of eohl water. Ht the cup ta
a pan of hot water to dUsolvv It. Add
two-third of a cupful ef sugar, silr
until mrited, ami mix It with the Jalre
of six large orange. Ixt the pulp ef
the erangtw. broken vp and mlnu Mer
and senla, retaaiB te. abxt a light grat
ing of the orangt- preL If liked, sub-
tttute the dlbsted Juice of one lemen
for two of the eraage, and as soon a
It Is partly JetUrd. whip It with tb
cVS beater until It I Hte beaten egt
Turn Into a mold to hardm.
Creotaea !.lr,
I'se what cold fried Mrer aad bacoa
you have ever, not forgetting the baitio.
Chop It An aad mix with a while
sauce. Add two or three hard boiled
egg cut up In tittle piece, a Ultl
grated onion, salt, prjipcr, a dash of
nutmeg, ami letnnu Juice If w lhrL Or
stir until tlsry bubble, a tat4pooful
ef butter and one of Soar. Add a cup
ful of tomato, and when thkk add your
odd rhapfwd Mter and bacon and hard-
boiled ess. Season with salt and
I'tasnl f3rars.
This will make trxreiteMt pie for win
tor us. lvk the fruit from the stent,
ami swd It by prveaing between tb
thumb and natgor. Int the ihiIim thui
oatnlned lata a ervUln kettle ail lull
until soft. CWI and pm through a
oa land or ta separate It from the seed.
To thl yalre add the grae tknu al
a oae-thlrd lart of elderberrle U rt
picked over. 1141 until thorough!
tArd, and can In hew tin can. Keep
la the rotter.
folate fan's.
Two capful mashed putoe pat
lata a sauraoen. A0.1 ta ibis th- volkl
of two etnrs. threw tUafuif'ul of
eream. one Ublmpooitful of butter ult
and eptr ta tasto. Stir ooutuntiy
tor the are until tho ptutost are Ttry
HgM and hot.
Take from the Ore and tlr In car
fully the weM-beaten white of the ecx
Pat the utM carofully Into creased
rem pan aad bake la a qukk ovta
until brown.
LroaaaUf Polalsvea.
Crap one small onion, aad fry It "'
ly In two taWetpoonfult of buttrrl
whoa slightly colored, add about three
capful of raid jwtatiH, lcel cr ,
diced ; sprinkle over then a little mK
pepper. a Ublespoonful each of cb-oprd '
parsley and leaton Juke. Stir carcfuU
with a fork till all the potato "
buttered and bet, but net browned.
War sara Over Meal.
Take cold roast beef or mutton. chP ;
fine and put la an earthen dlth with !
little Worcestershire aauc. Cottfl
with maahed potatoca and bake.