Scrofula taw arn nntlrnly frrn frimi II. Ulnar ilnroloiiaoalowly t cAiiaa Utile If anr tllatiirlianeo ittirlnif tlio wliolo orlod of tlillillioud, It may thru iirixturit tlraprpala, eatarrli, mill inarkml tumlr-nry lrmiamiitlin, lirfura rnaiilfrialliiir H"lf In much eulaneoua crup' Um or ulaiulular awtllliiir. It a liimt lo lie sliro tint you ara quite free Yum II, iiil rmi run ri'lr on Hood's Sarsaparilla to rlit you of It rllrllr ami ptirmmirnlly. Accept no s'lliatlttilii, but lualat on bavins' liuixl'a. Miiilil or UdUla, 100 Uoaas II. "Dii.l DpvIU" of Nil Vnllr Travelers In tlm n'lelirnlrri Dentil Volley nf ('iillforiilti liavo rttcrllKtl tlm wonderful contortions of tlm aninl pll litr t tut t Rimill ulilrhvlnil sometime nciitl niliiiiliiit ncniM tlio hot plain, Kvon moro rcmnrknlilit nrn "dust tier- IU" seen by nu explorer, In tlio vnllcy of tint White. Nile. KllllltlllH-N two of tlu-io whirling column, gyrntliiK In op mm1(d direction", iiici't. "nmt If tliey do tvell-liintchcd tlio collision stops tlirm nmt n struggle- ensue nu to wlilcli wny they slmll twist. Orndtinly ono gain tlio iimHtcry, mnl tint two combined ruali on together." Homo of tlieao wlilrhvlmli will strip tlio riollit frimi nn Arntt'a linrk, or semi n gont spinning round ml round like n top. lloUv n llftarna. Dwellera In npnrtuioiit humes torn time seem to forget tlmt coiircrsntlon In tlio ciitrniicti hnH niny I hi overheard hy other tcurtiil. This tvn tlio greet lug which n belated Inialiniid received at tho door of hla npnrtuit'iit recently! "Don't talk In urn! I know rrry well wlmt you would any I Hut I know you hnvo Ikcu off playing iokcr and lout nil your money!" "No, I didn't, my denrj I won twen ty dollar," was tho conciliating an swer. The other voice uddenly modulated. "Well, pcrhitp nflrr nil wo women sr a little too severe n ninti should hnvo llttlo rvrrentlon now nmt then." yVrnnmlf llaparlad. Tommy Wrott Did you ttll a frltnd of inln the otbtr dsy that I wu the blggr-at fool In town) l,ott fluon Nrrarl All I aald waa that you wtrt Ilia bltiat fool for tbt op. porlunltlta you'd bid. TWICE-TOLD TE8TIMONY. A Wuinan Who Haa SurTril Telia How la rinil ll.ll.r. Tho thouisnds ol women who suffer backache, languor, urinary disorders and other kidney ills, i will find comfort In tlie wordi o( St re. Jane Farrell, of COO Ocean Ave., Jortey City, N. J who aye: "I reiterate r Mil I liavo taltl before In pralie o( Doan'a Kidney I'llli. I had Wen bavins hrary backacho and my general health waa affected when I began using thetn. My feat wero awollen, my eyes puffed, ami dltsy spoils wero frequent. Kidney action ss irregular and the lecretloni highly colored, Today, however, I am a well woman, and I am confident that Doan'a Kidney I'llli liavo made me 10, and aro keeping mo well." Bold by all denier. CO cents a bos. Foeter-Mllburn Co,, Iluffato, N. Y. urn teg? More Converts Every Every UowctsM priced ftlfrttnrf KC WJS5Ka .vrfftt"!i wl quality, and makes ucaitniui oaKing. Scud poatal for "Hook of rrtacnti.1 JAQUES Chicago, HI. SILVER riLINGS Olttnllinraa allrtr nillrif la mora adfl'ablt than fid. Out lome ilantlala ute Iba matailal allowluR the meat lroflt to thtroitlvrt. Yauhavttolaav thla lo lha Juflfinfnt ol the danllit. Why not go to dan. ttala who Lava built and main, lain a rojiulalton lor rallablll ty? Kxamlnatlom (rtt, WISE BROTHERS DENTISTS Cor. Third and WawMnttonSti. UK. W. A. WliC I'nrniee mnl dm I'nrlr AVI re. When tho Independent tvlvphoim corn pnnlcH first begun to como together In convention to excluiligo tixitcrlencc, ono flirt wiih nlwnyM commented tixiu with grout ctirlontly by tho iiiniingars of town or city plmitH, unyn Kuccohm. ThU wiih tlmt thvy Invnrlnhly met with fnlliirn In their undenvorN to Imliico fiiriiiera to put In wlmt uro known na "lockout" devkcd, hy iiienna of which every telephone on n pnrty llnu bectiiuea prnctlcnlly n prlvnto wire. In rlllcN, the pnrty Hun la ronaldercd n great uuhuinre, iMrnimo thero n no prlvney In omverafitlona, mnl nil tho liolla on tho lluu nro rung encli time a Htibaorlher cnlla. Nn turn lly, tlm iiinung era of plnnta figured tlmt thin objec tion provnlliil In tho country nlra; but, nlmoat without exception, they found tlmt ono of tho grent nttrnctloua to tho fnrmer wna tlmt hi telephone did ring every time the other alxteou or twenty poople on the lino rung up, nnd tlmt ho could hunr or bo orcrlicnrd In convcr antlon. It wn n prnctlrnl domonatrn tlon of tho aoclnl hunger the fnrmer Iwia enduriil for centurion, nnd which I now ended, tlmnka to tho urrlval of telephone coinjxitltlon. CITP "' V.lua llanr n(l all lit trout IU- lllo Prmimill)r rurnl hr Dr. Klii'a Orrai htir. Ilxmrtr. rft1 f"f VllKK llliUI l.,HUhO iiaauacitr. ii. u.Kiin ,ii.,aii AititnL,i-bii.,r& Rnalanll'a Oldral Vrr, Tho only living H'or who wn n mem her of tho houao of lord nt tho tlmo of Queen Vlctorln'a ncreaalon la Ixird Notion. IIo iiiccccded to tho earldom In 18.T5. Iord Nelnoii la not n direct dricrndnnt of tho hero of Trnfnlgnr, hut I only collMernlly ileireinlnl from llnrntlo Nclaon'a atater, Mr. Iloltnn. IIo enjoy n pMxt eatnto nnd n x-iilon of tn.OOO grnuted to tho drat Iird Nub on nnd lit heir. now' ThliT We olTar On llundrtd I)olra lleward fol any cot t'atanti thai eaunol be euted by llall'f Catairb i urt. r, i. LIIKNKY A CO., IVora., Toledo, a W. lha undaiilaoad. hita known r. J. Chaner lor lha lui l&yaua, and Ullava htm I'arlaclly honotatla In all bualnaia tianaao (lona and nnandallr abla lo tarry out any ob III allona made br tbalr firm. Waar ATaUn.wh.ilaaaUlirufflila.TolKlo.O'. Wauiiau, KlKaAM AUiarix, Wbultaala liruf aim. Tola4o, U. llall'a Catarrh Cura la taitn InUrnally, act ln( directly upon Iba blood and rauraua aur lacaa ol lha aialaia, 1'flee Tie. lr bolUa. Hold by all trruga lata. Taatlmoolala fra. Jlall'a raially 1'llla are lha baau Jim Traabl. "nat li tbe maanlnf of 'alter ipT aaked lb tacbr of tba Urlnnara' claaa la ftlln. "Tba otbar I," aald tbt boy wltb lb curly balr. "Gift a aantinc eonUlolog tba pbraaa." "'II. wloktd bit otbtr I.,M Molbtrtwtll And Mr. Tfinalow'a Poothlnf Kyrup the Uat rtmtdy touaa lor tbalr ahtldrtn durluf tbt tttlblnf rrlod. A (Inllaat Mar. A Itoatonlnn waa talking about the lain Henry llnrland. "Ilnrlnnd waa a grnccful, gnllnnt iouI," ha anld. "Even In hi toyhood bo turned tho prcttleit compliment. "In hi boyhood he atudled Latin under a chnmtlng young womnn. "Tbl young lady, ending bun up In clna ono morning, aald: "'Henry, name iomo of the chief bonutlc of education.' "Tho boy, emlllng Into hi teacher pretty eye, nniweretl: " 'flchoolmlitrciic.' " X'hlladelphla Ilullotla. Year dav in cverv venr that comes, more housewives arc giving up their exorbitant Baking Powders and 4f T f 41A hJ reliable, which has stood so well the test of years. They are find ing out that BAKING POWDER costs one-third the price of powder anvwhere near K C better, purer, more us ounces for 25c. MFG. CO. HaMIll m. aJySTaaaW adaaaaBfHEaaaaaikatel DR.T.P. WIJC. ODD WATfn WHEELO. lomn Klnrtt on Hlreitma HtiK" Onna Mnkn at lllvar I.lfl llaolf. Tlm peoplo of Kyrln nnd Till I a mnko their HtreniiiH do thlugH that Ainvrl cnim do not aeein to hnvo lennied tho lutml .if ,u.i.ii.ii1I,ii Hi., urnfi.r vnimiMl of thl country to jwrforiii, anyn tho New York Tribune. At TIM tho nntlvcM hnvo lennied how to titlllzo tho iwwer of tho nir rent of tlm Itlver Ktir without hulld lug ilniiiH. What they hnvo iiecompllNh (il iMiaalhly might Iki dono by nn Amerl ciin fnriuer living on tlm ImiikH of u rnphlly moving Hlrenm nnd desiring n aiiinll, elii'iip power. Tlm CnuciiHliuiH build llontM on the mirfneo of tho river. Into them urn M't witter wIiimjIn. Tlm wholo ntTiilr Ix fiiHteiied to tho bank In Nile!) a way tlmt It will rUo and fall with any clmngo In tho level of tho mir fact) of tho river, n tlmt tlm jniwer I nlxmt eonatnut all tho time. In I tniiiit the niielent "entering In of Iliimnth," tlm Hyrlnn hnvo nccom- PIInIhhJ u font that make one think of lifting one' aelf over ii fetico by tug glug nt ouii'it hoot atrnpa. They hnvo hnrnearwd tlm bUtorlc Orontot, or Nnhr el Aal, iim tho Kyrlann call It, Into tho work of lifting Itxelf many feet to wnrd tho renltli and trnlned It thua to water their fruitful gnrdctm nnd orch nrd. Aa for alio the water wheol which do thl work nro ni to other water wheel what Niagara la to other water fall. Aa ono atainU by ono of these great wixxleii frame revolving uimiii Iim wcmmIcii nxlo nnd looka up nt tin iM-rlmeter forty fwt nUive ono think It Inrgennd 1 natonlshed when ho tunia hi gazu utn'iun to aeo that relatively It la not n great wheel, for In tho dlatancfl loom tip ono alxty feet In height Kven then he I not prepared for tho ajN-ctaelo of ono ninety feet In diameter, grunting n round on 10t cum Iktwiiiio nxlo Juat outaldo tho town. I.lfe In llnmn for miiiio people In like tho liking of other for olive, nn nc rpilrod tnate, tn-cnuao of theae very wit ter wheel. Acconllng n ono feli nlxiut It, It I n mimical city or ono till itl with nervc-rncklug groan. Day and night without cvaalng theno tun- alvti alow revolving itnicttirv titter jhhcIi. For thoo wlo hnvo noiulreil a taatn for their compaulouahlp the never-cti n tone nm oothlng, r' M-iublliiit io ooenn ronr or a low fugue plnyetl on wmic cycloenn orgnn. Tho dlnitnnou tone nro deeper nnd Imidet thnu tho deepeat organ atop. Now they nro In uulaon, now repeating tho theme, one nfler nnnther, now for n brief moment In n atibllme harmony never to Ih forgotten, nccordlug to one traveler, then oticu moro together In n tn-mendouN chuni. Tho aouud nro deacrllK-it it a alow movement up tho ncnle, followed with n henry dro to the keynote n: Do ml sol, do do do; do mil In, do do do. Thl uncenatng Htxyplioin iiiiikIc. It In aald, has been going on for a evntury at leaat. ACTRESS HALF A CENTURY. Hlleu Tero I 'till tho Idol of tho Itrltlali plnygoliig public, which rivent ly celebrated her fiftieth nrtlntlc nnnl- veranry with n Iiuko Itnnquct to hor. Tlio urvut nctnN' llrht ni)iH?nrnnco on tlio atiiRO took plneo on April S8, 1850, wliou hIio jiluyod tho llttlo MnmlllliiK In Tho Winter's Tulo" nt tho Prlncetw Theater, Ixndoii. fiiio was then 8 yours old. Tho fnct that sho U now u Rrniuliiiothor lifts not nffected her iopu lurlty, nor hor rviunrknMo vivacity nor her poptilur title of "Miss." A Flat Sort of Batateno. "I hiiiim8o j-ou nro getting thorough ly 'city broke now that youvo moved to town nud nre living In n flatl" "Ten, wo'ro getting city broke fast enough and Henry says It's only a mention of time until he'll be flat broke, Wo," Kansas CltyThnes, riunnrlat. , Mrs. Wntkytm ITenry, I want a Col lar thU luomlng. Mr. Watkyns Grent Cncsnr, woman I Do you think I am nindo of money T When you wnut lnrgo ninounta, you ought to lot mo know twcuty-four hours In ndvnnco." Somorvlllo Journal, After n womnn passes forty, ull-tho coinnllmciita nho Kla about hor looks nro from women who don't mean them, mid from drunken nion. Y.UXX TIHttV. Don't Poison Baby. pOETY TEAES AGO almost ovory mother thought hor child must liavo PAEEGOEIO or laudanum to mako it sloop, Thcso drugs will produco sloop, and A PEW DEOPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP PEOM WHIOH THEEE IS NO WAKING. Many aro tho childron who havo hoon ldllod or whoso health haa boon ruined for lifo by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotitf product of opium. Druggists aro prohibited from soiling oithor of tho narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them " poison." Tho definition of " narcotio " is : "A medicine which relieves -pain and produces sleep, hut which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul sions and death. " Tho tasto and smoll of medicines containing opium aro diBguised, and soldundor tho names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," eto. You should not permit any medicine to bo given to your children without you or your physioian know of what it is composed. OASTOEIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NAEOOTIOS, if it boars tho signature of Chas. H. Hotoher. uiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiin;:c i m 1 1 1 i n m 1 1 1 . : i . 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 ; ; 1 1 ; . ; . 1 1 1 fTrrn XSfcgclable PrcparalionforAs slmilatlng ibcroodandRecuia ting the Slomadis and Bowels of Promolcs DigcsUorLCIieeTful nessandRcsLContalnsncithzr Opnim.Morphine norMincxaL NOTHAltCOTIC. jBv tfouDrSMvaraxMS Aoafecf Remedy forCoRsOna- tlon. Sour Slonvich.Diantoca. norms AXinvuisiorts.fcvcrisn nws and LOSS OF SLEEP. XaeSunk Signature eg new vomc. txACT copy or vrappeh. A builnrai In Auitralta 1 that of CASTORli tendlns ensacetuent rings and wedding conildereJ by artists to b more btautl trouaitaur. I fi th.n the rlcht. For a Good OR Clear Eyes h Sweet Breath Clean Toncuo Calm Nerves Cood Temper and PoUo Eat a Csscaret whenever you suspect you need It. Carry a llttlo lOo Emer gency box constantly with you, In your Pur so or Pocket. When do you need one? WhenyourToncuelscosted i When you have Heart burn, Belching, Add Risings In Throst. When Pimples begjn to peep out. When your stomach Gnaws and Burns. That's the time to check coming Con stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. That's tho time to tske a Csscaret. a One candy tablet night and morning, taken regularly for a short tlms, Is war ranted to cure the worst case of Consti pation or Indigestion that walks the earth. One tsplot taken whenever you suspect you need it will Insure you against 90 per cent of all other Ills likely to attack you. Because 90 per cent of theso Ills begin In the Bowels, or exist through poor Nutri tion. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. They don't act like "Physio" that flush out the Bowels with a waste of precious Digestive Juice needed for tomorrow's Bawel-woik. No, they act like Exercise, on tho Bowels, Instead, ; 2'c vv J y Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas0 H. Fletcher. Dr. J. W. Dlncdalo, of Chicago, 111., tajn: "I uo jour Castorla and adrlso ItJ tus In all families whero tbcro aro children." Dr. Alexander II Mlntlo, of Cleveland, Ohio, Bays: "I hare freqacntlr prescribed your Caxtorla and havo found It a rcllablo and pleasant rem e-dr for children." Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., ears: "A mcdlclno so valuable and beneficial for children as jour Castorla la, deserves tho highest pralso. t bod It In uso everywhere." Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Duffalo, N. T., says: "l havo frequently prescribed your Castorla for children and always got eood results. In fact I uh Castorla for my own children." Dr. J. W. Allen, of EL Louis, Ho., says: "I heartily endorso your Cas torla. I havo frequently prescribed It in my medical practice, and havo always found it to do all that Is claimed for it." Dr. C. IL Glldden, of EL Paul, Minn., says: "My experience as a prac titioner with your Castorla has been highly satisfactory, and I consider It an excellent remedy for tho young." Dr. II. D. Dcnncr, of Philadelphia, Pa says: "I havo used your Cas torla as a purgatlvo In the cases of children for years past with tho most happy effect, and fully endorso It as a safo remedy." Dr. J. A. Doarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castorla is a splen did remedy for children, known the world over. I use it in my practic and havo no hesitancy In recommending It for tho complaints of Infanta and children." Dr. J. J. Mackcy, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I consider your Castorla aa excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliablo medicines and pleasant to tho taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of ths dlgestlvo organs." GENUINE Soars the jft Boari the finrnfttnrfl nf afa1 The EM You Me Always Bought In Uso For I The left aide of the face la u.uallr Complexion They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contrsct and propel the Food naturally past the little valves that mix Dlgestlvo Juices with Food. They strengthen theso Bowel-Muscles by exercising them. This stronger action, producing greater nutrition from food, brings back to tho Bowol-Muscles greater strength for self operation. The Bowel-Muscles can thus. In a short time, dlspenso with any Drug asslstsnco whatever, Cascarets are safe to take as often aa you need them, while pleasant to est as Candy. a a a Then carry the little ten-cent box con stantly with you in your purse, and take a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need It. One Cascaret at a tlmo will promptly cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue- All druggists sell them over ten mil lion boxes a year, for six years past. Bo very careful to get tho genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC.,," OT TREK TO OUR. rRIKNDS! We want to tend to oor friends a bcaetifol Frcnch-deilrned. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX. hard-enameled In colors. It Is a beauty, for h creulnr, table. Ten cents la stamp ti asked as a meuare ol good faith, sad to cover cost o. Cascarets, WlutwhtfATHlaTilnty trinket Is loaded. 711 Send to-day. tnenUoalns this paper. Address StetUnc Remedy Ccotsny, Cbiuce or Ittw Yuk. CASTORIA ALWAYS Signature Over 30 Years. CLASSI FIE D AD VERTISI NG Portland Trode Directory Names and Addrcaaca In Portland l Rcpr aanlatlvc Oualacaa firm. rilOTO nUrrUKfl: KaUk drloilnf aad petal mj writ tor prUw. Wudnl. Unto X Vo. IlAUIL- LANTKII.NH VH.lT Co. rUaad. Lowaat prlc on Lntarnand Wtldra. KUAHT1U llOMEUYi Bopportara, llraerai Koltto 11l Irta mtaanMinaolblauHa: Woodard. CUrt. IIOllHKHoraJt ktnda for aala at tt tf rtaaooa&U prlcra. Inulra TSl 'nu bt. TIIUH8K8 aantoo apprarali wa vnarantta Bt lai moat dlfflrult raara: Woodard. Vluka .t Co. AUTIflCIAl. KVEiti ayrrraliadaandabapaia aortmanl ant ou approTkl; Woodard, ttarka Co CllKAM BKPAllATOllH-W. cnarantM Iba U.B. Kaparator loba lha beat WrlM lor tn calaio. ll.i.lwoodCo.. KinUandOalc MEN'BCLOTHINU Iluffum A l'an.llKoo. aole Mao'a Alirtd llai-laula A l'o.'a rorrtct cloloab Kvarythloc la nitn'a rurnlihlnga. Marrlaon and Blilhmaia. Oppoalla ioaiomc; FoULTIlY rOOD If jou want your bana lo lar mora tara writ ua Tor fn parilculara about Pu HI.NA Vol'I.THY ILKUa-Acu UI1U Co, l'ortlaad, Urrsoa. I'lANOH A OltllANH-Oldral piano houaaoo I'a rino roaal. Urisana and 1'lanoa on aaa payuauta. Wrlta Sir list. Lai ua quota you a print AUaa Mllbrrt-ltaiuakar Co., PortUod, Oracon. TKI.KOUAl-llY XAUtlllT VHKK. Com 4t co una and oalt on M-oured wli-u iriaduatai 1 hla oflr rood ouljr for abort tlnia. Writa for tar. Iltulara. I'Al l IC TKU-:illtA I'll INSTITUTK tlraud Tbaatia llulldlor, l'ortlaod, Oragoo. GASOLCNE ENGINES s to i hor... power (ully warranted, 131. All iliea anJ t) lea at loweat prices. Wrlta for catalog. RCICRSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland, Or ton. Dr. G. Gea Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Tbla wondtrfut Cnl rata Doctor la callrd Sraat bacauaa ba curaa paopla without opara lion tbal ara glvau up to dl. lla ruita with tboaa woudarrul Cbh dim barba, roota, buds, barks aud vagatablaa that ara antlralr un known to madlcal ad- tnca la thla oonuiry. Throuja tba uu or tboaa baruilaaa raruadlaa tbU fiuuu doctor knowa lhaaclloucfoar WO dlffarDt ramllaa wblcrt nasuccaaarullr uica In dirttraat dlaaaaaa. Ua (uarautraa to cura calarrb.aaluru a, lung-, throat, rbauiuailaiu, narrouaotas, atomacli, llrtn k d aaya, fir. haa uundrada of taallinoolala, Charraa modarata. Call and tea 1'alleoU out oftha city wrlta lor blankr and circular.. baDdatanip. CONaULTATlON VHKU. address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 163i rirat St., S. C, Cor. Morrison Mention papar. rORTtANO. (HtCGON.